The Best of Czech Pop Music

December 2, 2016 | Author: psykosomatik | Category: N/A
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This is about Czech culture, with regards to the music and customs over there. The Czech Republic used to be part of Cze...


The Best of Czech Pop Music, Part 2 Are you familiar with Czech music scene from the 1990s through the 2000s? published 10.01.2013 | comments (8)§ | log in to post comments§ Written by: Jan Purkrábek§

For The Best of Czech Pop Music, Part 1, click here.§ The Czech music scene saw a major revival following the fall of the communist regime in 1989. Suddenly, there were virtually no restrictions on the production of music, and many of the artists who were not favored by the communists were suddenly ready to release music freely. With this came the thirst for music from abroad and production that differed from that from the past. The rebellious 1990s Globally, the 1990s was a very hectic and revolutionary time for music. The Czech Republic was no exception, and some of today’s revered musicians originated in the decade. Let us begin with Lucie. Their hits Medvídek§ andAmerika§ are among some of the most famous tracks from the era. Lucie and its members were also linked with the unforgettable pop-rock band Wanastowi Vjecy (who will play at this year's Colours of Ostrava following their comeback), characterized by, for example, their 1996 megahit Andělé§ and a plethora of tracks over the next two decades. J.A.R. also began their funky/rap production with their albums Frtka, Mydli-to!§, Mein

Kampfunk, and others. One of their top hits at the time was the controversial track “Bulhaři§”. The energized and fresh alternative rock music of Mňága a Žďorp could be characterized by their 1991 trackHodinový hotel§. Chinaski was formed in 1995 and are still producing music to this day. One of their early hits would definitely be 1. Signální§. Much of their later production gained them success extending extending far into the new millenium. Buty would definitely belong to one of the more famous 1990s bands. Their often bizarre and unique style gained them a strong following. Mám jednu ruku dlouhou§, František§ and Nad stádem koní§ are certainly among their top hits. So far, many of the aforementioned groups featured male singers. However, the 90s saw a great amount of female singers surface as well. These would include Bára Basiková with her hit Bosa Nova§ from 1994, and most definitelyIlona Csáková, Lucie Bílá, Anna K. and others. Bílá gained widespread fame and acclaim with her many hits, including the famous pro-freedom of expression track Láska je láska and the slower and more refined Zpíváš mi requiem§. Her distinct, harsher rock voice is instantly recognizable to the general public. She is among Czech Republic’s most successful singers of all time. For those who liked rock and punk, the 1990s offered many new possibilities. BSP’s Země vzdálen᧠became an instant hit in 1994 – a track in part inspired by George Harrison’s While My Guitar Gently Weeps. Alice, headed by Dan Bárta, also had many memorable hits, including Ani náhodou§. Kabát also rose to fame during this period, and is to this day, one of the most popular hard rock bands. Some of their earliest tracks included Děvky ty to znaj§ and Piju já, já piju rád§. Tři Sestry and lead singer Lou Fanánek Hagen’s track Průša§ was one of their biggest hits of the time, and an indicator of future success. The 1990s saw the emergence of the controversial Daniel Landa, who produced hits such as Jó ulice§, Andílek§ and countless more. For fans of punk rock, Visací zámek was a synonym for punk of the time. Their track Známka punku§ is a legendary symbol of the time and is recognized for its ingenious yet simple text. On the alternative side of things, The Ecstasy of Saint Theresa was a Czech band which became quite popular during the 90s. As the name may imply, their production was not mainstream but gained a wide underground following, even making it abroad, particularly to the UK, where it was promoted by BBC presenter John Peele. As an example of their production, one could consider the 1994 track Fluidum§. Be warned: this underground experimental music will not please everyone’s ears. However, it is often energetic and interesting to listen to. The 2000s The break of the century saw an emergence of fresh talent embodied by new styles and

bands. Leoš Mareš, then a singer, surfaced to claim the throne with many teenage women with tracks such as Nejlepší nápad.§ On a more serious note, there were others who gained much greater recognition. Let us begin with Mig 21, headed by Jiří Macháček, a singer and actor. His initial fame came from him starring in numerous successful films and most definitely due to famous tracks such as Malotraktorem§ and Snadné je žít§. Other bands, such as Chinaski definitely saw and still enjoy widespread acclaim; many of their most famous hits originate from after the turn of the millennium. Dobrák od kosti§ and Možn᧠are examples of such unforgettable hits.Dan Bárta and Illustratosphere also enjoyed a golden era. Bárta is also known for his single On My Head§, from the 2004 movie Snowborďáci, as well as his solo jazz production. Wohnout entered the music scene in 1988, but gained greatest fame following their 2000 album Zlý Noty na Večeři. Their song Banány§ demonstrates a vivid style and creativity. Their work is highly varied, with some songs being rather calm while others are lively and abstract. Many bands, such as Monkey Business, became synonymous with the genre which they represented. In the case of Monkey Business, their funk production was fresh and striking and began in 2000. Matěj Ruppert’s theatrical performances and unique voice (and questionable English) have certainly gained him and the band (which also features American expat Tonya Graves) widespread fame. One of the first tracks that started off their success wasMy Friends§. Support Lesbiens formed in 1992, broke apart in 1996, and then came back together four years later, with most of their music in English. Among their earliest hits from 2001 were Bet My Soul§ and Cliche§ which were, artistically, very different from the popular production at the time. Tata Bojs also became a staple of the music produced following the turn of the millenium with hits such as Šťastnější§ from 2002. For the traditionalists, Čechomor combined modern musical elements with old regional Czech folk music, creating a substyle of its own. Some of their most famous tracks include Mezi horami§, Husičky§ and Proměny§. Some of these tracks are considered by many to be masterpieces on their own, mostly in preserving music in its local variations and modernizing it sensitively. Čechomor was also supported by quality voices, which would most definitely includeLenka Dusilová. Lenka is known well for her outstanding and distinctly clear voice; some of her hits include Pro Tebe§ and the recently released Baromantická§. One should also mention artists such as Zuzana Navarová andRadůza with hits such as Studený nohy§. Kryštof also enjoyed a golden era with hits such as Atentát§, from the film Bobule, and Plán§. Most recently, we have seen the growth of young bands such as Nightwork headed by the beloved (by females and some males) Vojta Dyk. Nightwork have emerged with comical

music and a unique style. The 2007 hitMája§ and controversial but very popular tracks Globální oteplování – Já jsem gay§ and Teplák§ have imprinted their name on the popular music scene. Although less commercial in nature, Priessnitz was and is still a successful band that has been producing music for more than a decade. There are, naturally, many more bands which have been linked with the post-2000 era of music production. Some of these would most certainly include Charlie Straight, Mandrage, Please the Trees, and others which most likely have many more hits waiting to surprise us. Why not have a look at some of their production in this article released earlier this year§. What is your most favorite Czech band or musician from the 1990s or 2000s? Czech Food Czech food is typically of the "meat and potatoes" variety. This page outlines typical Czech Republic food forbreakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert. This will give you an idea of what to expect in Czech restaurants and homes of locals. Of course, Prague has many international flavors to offer. But, this is the basic view of Czech food. You can also try our Czech recipes to bring Czech cuisine into your own home.

Czech Food - A Basic Overview This is a quick look at what Czech restaurants will offer in Prague. I mean typical Czech food. First off, typical Czech food is not diet food. So, if you're visiting Prague and traditional Czech restaurants, then consider leaving your diet at home. Traditional meals in standard Czech restaurants can be a bit heavy for some visitors. Chefs won't be watching your diet or skimping on salt when they cook. Czech food can be saucy! Meat... it's a key ingredient to nearly all meals. Pork, beef, chicken, fish and game are all very popular in

local restaurants. And, many main dishes will include a sauce of one kind or another such as: dill, mushroom or something cream based. Everything, of course, can be washed down with a good Czech beer. Vegetables... these are minimized with the emphasis on meat. Czech menus supplement meat meals with root vegetables and cabbage. They might even consider heavy pototo dumplings to be a vegetable. Green vegetables aren't very common and side salads may include a simple mixture of grated cabbage and carrot. If you want green veggies, you'll need to order a side dish such as broccoli or spinach. Bread... it's a key element of Czech food. Rye bread in particular is very good in Czech Republic and you'll find a variety of tasty baked goods as well. Restaurants commonly serve bread to compliment a meal or soup. And, all supermarkets (large and small) will have fresh good, cheap bread. And the National Dish is... Vepřo - knedlo - zelo! Czech Republic food starts with one main dish: Roast Pork - Dumplings - Sauerkraut. You will see this advertised at many restaurants in Prague. The roasted pork should be tender with a sauce dripped over it and the sauerkraut. The dumplings are of the yeast variety (see photo above.) Interview: Gregory Porter In the anticipation of Thursday's gala, we meet the Grammy Award winning jazz star to speak about his organic performances & mutual respect published 13.03.2013 | comments (2)§ | log in to post comments§ Written by: Craig Monts§

Velvet-voiced, Gregory Porter returns to Prague this week. The jazz star will be performing at this Thursday's Spring Strings Gala. Porter exploded to fame with his fantastically smooth debut album: 'Water'. The 2010 release earned the New Yorker a Grammy nomination and well-deserved praise from the Jazz world and mainstream press. The New Yorker's 'Be Good' 2012 follow up received accolades and has cemented Porter as a jazz force to be reckoned with. I had some time with the articulate jazz man to talk performance, preparation and communication before Thursday evening's gala performance. Welcome back to Prague! Thursday will mark your second performance in the Czech Republic! I'm really happy to be back! I have had the opportunity to look around a little bit this visit. Although today was a busy day with interviews and TV performances, I did manage to get to the castle and to some of the museums around the castle. A lot of walking and freezing! Busy indeed! How do you usually prepare for a performance? Generally, I don't ever write a set list before a show. I just go with a feeling, I think to myself, this audience would want to hear...this. So, it's almost like we're DJing up on stage sometimes! This [Thursday's] performance is slightly different though, we know what songs we're going to play, but there's always room for improvisation. Some songs may have a slightly different tempo or feel. There are some songs that I don't get to perform very often, so maybe we'll do some of those on Thursday. I like to mix things up! Do you enjoy performing? I do. When everything goes right it's a glorious place to be! When I can hear myself properly and the sound levels are good. When the sun is shining and the daisies are popping out of the ground![Laughs]. Seriously though, the sound quality and being able to hear myself is very important. For me there's nothing worse than not being able to communicate with the audience. If there's a problem with the microphone or speakers then something is getting in the way of you being able to communicate. Do you feel a similar breakdown in communication between the performer and their audience occurs in large venues? Do you prefer preforming in more intimate settings? I like small venues. But each individual audience has its own personality. They have a personality as a group. You have to just do your thing and not perform for the response, but perform for the sake of the music. With that attitude everyone leaves the show feeling happy, both the performers and the audience. Could you tell us a little bit about what goes into the recording process?

I like to be organic with my music. We record the tracks with all the musicians together in one room. So what you hear is what you hear. I love the unsynthesized sound when I listen to Bill Withers or Milton Nascimento. It sounds like they're right next to you. You hear the sound of their lips, the spits. It's OK, It's OK. At some point we've got to be human in the music again. I try not to over-produce my music. We don't do 800 takes! The song should have a life. When I listen back to tracks on my first album "Water" I can hear mistakes. But I like the mistakes. I can hear that I lose my breath in a certain song. Now, I could cut that part and get another part from another take and put it in there and make it sound like I didn't run out of breath. But sometimes you just run out of breath, that's OK! We're only human! I'm just following the footsteps of the people I really loved listening to. On some particular recordings they sound human. Why does jazz have to be so perfectly posed? Do you come into problems with your record label over imperfections? Surely they want a perfect product? I have had creative control for both of my albums. My label had some suggestions after I completed my current album: Be Good. The label wanted to change the sequence of the songs. They thought that I should place "Painted on a Canvas" last and that I should open the album with something upbeat. But I really felt that it was important to start with something soulful. I want to start with something that's about mutual respect. It's the same with my live show. I want to start by greeting the listener and telling them that I respect them. I used to start my shows with Nature Boy which is a song about respect. The last line of the song is: "The greatest thing you'll ever learn is to love and be loved in return". I love songs that have messages like that.

Gregory Porter will be performing at Spring Strings Gala 14.03.13§. By purchasing a ticket to this event you are making a donation to Strings of Autumn which is a non-profit organisation. Please log in to leave a comment or leave comment as guest SVATEBNÍ DEVATERO 30.12.10 | autor Ada Nějakou shodou náhod jsem teď ve svém okolí a v diskuzích narazila na několik případů, kdy žena dostala pod stromeček kromě běžných dárků také žádost o ruku od svého milého. O Vánocích jsou všichni naměkko, zářící stromeček je romantická kulisa, prostě to jde samo. A jsem si jistá, že další ruce budou žádány na Silvestra nebo na Nový rok, poněvadž to je taky takové pěkné datum. Pro všechny, které dostaly prsten a kývly, jsem porušila svou zásadu nekritizovat nevěsty a sepsala takové hezké devatero.

Šaty Krásné šaty jsou základ. Musí být dlouhé, bílé a cena půjčovného musí být taková, aby všechny holky na beremku záviděly. Není třeba zatěžovat se vymýšlením nějakých originalit. Korzet a šlehačka to jistí.

Zdroj: Dámy, mezi nimiž nevěsta stojí, by taky zasloužily za ucho. Ta vpravo hlavně kvůli vzorovému květáku - jinak je oblečená vcelku vhodně k příležitosti i svému věku. Žena vlevo si ovšem oblékla něco podobného a úspěšně se zestařila nejméně o deset let, navíc zvolila blbý odstín (paní vpravo trefila chladnější šedobéžovou) a zcela zapomněla na doplňky. Každá žena touží být princeznou. Protože v běžném životě jí být nemůže, neboť na nějaký lítání do města se hodí akorát džíny a mikina, je potřeba ve svatební den realizovat své princeznovské sny. Všechny najednou.


Když už máte ty metly v ruce, našlehejte i drůžičky. Vkus je třeba budovat od útlého věku.

Zdroj: Taky pozor, že korzet to jistí jedině v případě, že sedne.


Zdroj: Hodí se korzetové šatky i pro baculky? Ale jistěěěě...


S kily navíc sice není tak jednoduché vypadat stejně dobře jako se štíhlou postavou, ale vlítnout do půjčovny, sebrat tam tu jedinou rouru v osmačtyřicítce, kterou mají, a nasoukat se do ní za nadšeného přikyvování obsluhy ("moc vám to sluší, v tom korzetu jste štíhlejší, máte krásná prsa, tak je ukažte") není zrovna dobrý nápad. Účes Aby svatba byla skutečně romantická, chce to k princeznovským šatům také princeznovský účes. Lokýnky. Hodně lokýnek. Zdroj:

Tohle je trochu lepší verze, a slečnu rozhodně chválím za to, že si nenechala učísnout "hoblinu" do obličeje. Kytičkám však neušla.

Zdroj: I když na lokýnečky, copánky a pramínky není materiál, je vhodné se o ně aspoň nějak pokusit. Pomocí sponek, tupírování a zaplétání se nakonec jistě dosáhne úspěchu. Na účesu MUSÍ být vidět, že dal práci. Jo, a vícebarevné vlasy jsou in.

Zdroj: Některé nevěsty naštěstí chápou, že nejhezčí a nejženštější je obyčejný drdol, pokud možno ne moc přeplácaný.

Zdroj: Tahle nevěsta si neodpustila červenou, ale vzhledem k tomu, že je do červena laděná celá svatba, nelze nic namítat.

Zdroj: Někdo si na tu červenou prostě potrpí. Nemusí se vám to líbit, ale mně je to milejší než bílá šlehačka z půjčovny a tisíce blonďatých kudrlinek. A ženich v žaketu? Vysekávám hlubokou poklonu!

Zdroj: Opálení Bílá nejlíp sedí k opálené pleti. V dostatečném předstihu před svatbou začněte pravidelně chodit do solárka pro nachytání zdravé barvičky. (Poznámka pro ženicha: správně uvázaná kravata by se měla dotýkat pásku kalhot. Lopatka do půlky břicha je, ehm, neelegantní.)

Zdroj: Svatebčané Není nad svatebčany, kteří se umějí obléct. Této svědkyni se podařilo nejen být zcela nesladěná s nevěstou, ale dosáhla ukázkového nesouladu i sama na sobě. Tohle není na mírné poupravení. To je na kompletní převléknutí.

Zdroj: Nehtíky Ukažte drápky, kterými jste toho svého ulovila! (*lehký smích*) Na detailech záleží a nemít v éře gelových nehtů na svatbě nějaký ten nail art na prstech prostě neexistuje.


Zdroj: Boty Svatební boty musí být špičaté. Čím delší špice, tím lepší; hranatá špice výhodou. Odvážným nevěstám doporučuji mini a k tomu špičaté krajkové kozačky. O nešpičatých botách ani nepřemýšlejte. Muži mají rádi ženy s pádly místo nohou.

screenshot z Nezapomeňte se nechat vyfotit, jak ty popelkovské střevíčky obouváte. Nazouvání bot a nandavání podvazku je taková dnešní obdoba čepení nevěsty.

Zdroj: Princ na bílém koni Já vím, Jirkovi Pomejemu to na bílém oři tak slušelo. Co na tom, že tenhle ženich v životě na koni neseděl. Prostě se půjčí kobyla i s vodičem, místo sedla se raději použije voltižní pás, protože ten má madla, jichž se lze pevně držet. Menší projížďka po Husovicích pro pobavení místních Romů a šup před oltář. Romantyka muší bejt. (Zajímalo by mě, jestli to chtěl sám mládenec, nebo to vymyslela romanticky zaslepená nevěsta?)

Zdroj: Kvalitní fotky na památku Nezapomeňte si nechat podrobně nafotit přípravy - česání, líčení a hlavně oblékání. Až budete slavit stříbrnou svatbu, můžete si udělat pěkný večer spojený se vzpomínáním na oblékání svatebního podvazku. Nezapomeňte fotky vystavit na internetu, na hezký večer nad vaším spodním prádlem máme právo i my.

Zdroj: Nejlepší na focení jsou strýčkové, bratranci a kamarádi, kteří věrně zachytí, jaká byla na svatbě prča. Třeba jak se nevěsta v sukních nevešla v hospodě Na Růžku na záchod. Opět to nezapomeňte šoupnout do veřejného alba, ať se zasmějeme taky.

Zdroj: Šunková rolka s křenem


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