The Best LJBF Destroyer - A PUA opener + A PUA Routine + PUA Tips

March 19, 2017 | Author: c_craig89 | Category: N/A
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(Full Version: Part 1 & 2) © (Let’s NOT Just Be friends) is the first PUA (PickUp Artist. See our "PUA Dictionary") website allowing you to avoid, prevent and DESTROY "LJBF" & much MORE. Learn innovative and efficient PUA routines, tips, techniques and methods to be a successful seducer, not just a friend.

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How to avoid, prevent and counter the «LJBF» statement? Use the HmS Method. The best LJBF detroyer thought out by for you. There’s an easy way to avoid being tagged as a friend, to stay in the ‘potential lover’ category. And with this really simple idea, she doesn’t have her say, at all. You’ll never depend on HER (their) choice again. YOU will choose when and if it doesn’t bother you to be considered as a friend. You can always decide to play the seduction card later or if you want to be seen as a potential lover (not necessarily as a boyfriend) right from the start (better solution). The other advantage of this method is that you can use it at any moment, even if she told you she wanted to just be friends already. But to steer clear of confusion and/or be seen as a bit weak not having expressed your ideas sooner. You should make this statement as soon as you decide to hit on her. So, you want to know what is it? It’s simple. You just have to make her understand, clearly and without any ambiguity, that you don’t believe TRUE man-woman friendship to be possible. . For those who That’s the « When Harry meets Sally » Method: don’t know the movie, it was starring Billy Crystal (Harry) and Meg Ryan (Sally). The main topic was men-women relationships including, of course, the (im)possibility (argued by Billy Crystal) of true friendship between members of opposite sex. It’s really an indirect and effortless way to tell her you don’t wish to be her friend… So, guess what, she won’t see you as one. She won’t be able to use it as an excuse to turn you down either. If you’re already in a situation where the girl expressed her preference for you to just be friends and only that, you can always decide to tell that it doesn’t work for you anymore. The time constraint is important because you don’t want her to think that you have been lying (implicitly or not) to her by agreeing to be friends when, in fact, you were physically attracted since day one.

You can say that you thought it was a good thing or that you tried but now it doesn’t seem right. And then you can further explain it by introducing the HmS concept. You saw the film recently or you read an article on the subject… And it got you thinking. As I said it’s clearly trickier but still a good way to (try to) express your true feelings for the first time. You have nothing to loose. Better to end a one-way (phony, imposed, unhealthy) friendship than continually being frustrated. You may believe that seeing her as a friend is better than nothing… But really, think about it, you’ll be better off when you’ll face reality and start to open yourself to the world (plenty of nice beautiful girls out there)… Instead of being locked up in a depressing and windowless box.


is a gold mine. You can also use it as a neutral, indirect opener or a deeper discussion topic. Plus we will give you advices on transitions and some routines ideas. The goal here is not to replace YOUR creativity, it’s simply to propose you some thoughts you can appropriate yourself and build on. Indeed, as one of our motto is « Be yourself », understand that all the advices, routines and tips we give you are simply indications that you can (should) make your own.

1st Phase: The (indirect/neutral) opener « Do you believe a man and a woman can be true (emphasize the ‘true’) friends? » 1. If she says yes Show your disagreement by saying something like: « There’s always one of the ’friends’ (if not both) who feels attraction for the other. It’s easy to understand. If you really like someone from the opposite sex, you are bound to feel attraction for him/her at one point or another. So, they stay close to him/her posing as a friend while secretly wanting to be boyfriendgirlfriend. They accept this role, situation in the hope that, one day, they’ll have a window of opportunity. I‘ve seen that plenty of time. I think that‘s weak, hypocritical and most of sometimes even hurtful for the one who wishes more…» If you want to go deeper or a debate has opened in the set (group of people typically composed of at least one girl, the target.) «It‘s the way our society works: on appearance and on ‘unsaid’. Everything is fine as long as it’s kept quiet. They may know that their friend is attracted to them but act as if they didn‘t. To avoid hurting them but, above all, keep them around. Because they need ’friends’ in order to have a social circle. To exist. Granted, it may hurt them if they were to hear: «I‘m not attracted to you.», but aren‘t frustration and false hopes more painful? The truth is we use people to our own benefit by making up stories that‘s for their own good… Fantastic. That‘s who we are. Selfish, social liars…»

Of course you don’t have to say all that. (Better be in a café if you want to go that deep. You’d need time… And real self-confidence to don’t come out as boring.) Coming back to the main question: 2. If she says no Make her explain why and, while agreeing with her, describe the way YOU see it. It’s always important to show that you have your own opinion, to argue it. If you don’t do that you may come across as fake, only agreeing with her to be on her good side, to get her. Women/girls know that. Plenty of men act this way. So, show some independence of thought and some backbone… As well as some intelligence in the way you present your ‘case‘.

2nd Phase: Direct transition (from opener to comfort with teasing). You can even use this method indifferently with a more direct approach by carrying on quickly (no deep philosophical talk here) with: You : « Because I know I couldn’t be your friend… » Her : « Why? » You : « I couldn’t bear the frustration… » Smile/wink. In this case, you can even pour in some NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming) by saying, to enrich your point: (Speak slowly but clearly and, very important, look in her eyes) « Imagine you meet (point towards you and emphasize) someone you really feel attracted to…(pause) But you don’t know if he reciprocates your feelings. (Point towards you and emphasize again) He’s attractive and may have a girlfriend or have an extensive range of choice (stop pointing at yourself)… (pause) Instead of keeping your hopes up for nothing, wouldn’t you rather know right away if he feels the same way? (Don’t give Her time to answer) Wouldn’t you feel frustrated (stress ‘frustrated‘) if he only considered you as a friend ? (Now you can let her/them answer.) » Her : « Yes of course. » You : « How would you do to try to know? » Her : « I could ask him if he has a girlfriend. » You : (Cocky-funny with a smile) « Well… What are you waiting for? Ask me. » If done well she should laugh or even ask you. And you should have reached the hookpoint by now. You may want to skip to another topic. Even if it has no apparent link with the ‘friend question’, it doesn’t matter. If you smile and are pleasant enough she’ll be listening. Try to notice something you like on her and make an observation on it. You can always gather information on clothes and accessories she wears. There’s always a reason for

her to have bought this necklace or this particular bag. For example, if she wears matching colors for her bag and shoes, you can say something like: « Fashion victim, huh? I like when a girl put some effort in the way she presents herself. And it reveals taste and creativity. » She will be happy you noticed the attempt she has made to look good (most of men don’t notice that kind of details very important for women. You’ll score points) and that you think she has taste and creativity. She’ll definitely be flattered and more open to keep on speaking with you… I think you catch my drift. The most important is that your verbal communication will flow smoothly. Keep on smiling, you can even (gently) touch her bag, necklace, earrings, ring… you’ll already be in the ‘kino zone’… So, you see, a simple good and apparently neutral opener allows you to go a long way… And with this specific one you’ll definitely, permanently and implicitly avoid the dreaded friend zone. That’s what we want, right?

3rd Phase: More game suggestions (BF or no BF? That’s the question) Going on with your potential statements depending on her reaction, her behavior and the answers she gives you. YOU can ‘ask’ HER if She has a boyfriend. Better to put it as a statement than a simple question. It shows authority and self-confidence. Instead of asking: « Do you have a boyfriend? », tell her what you want to hear. You : «Ok. So, tell me you don’t have a boyfriend.»

a) She has a boyfriend If she has, and you feel like playing, you can say, while smiling, along the way of: « I can feel the frustration coming…(pause and smile) But it‘s ok I‘m not jealous.» And you can keep on speaking as if she didn’t say she had a boyfriend. You know that she has but you will act as if she doesn’t. This, of course, if you had some IOIs (Indications of Interest), you don’t wanna be an unrespectful bully. Maybe she’ll start saying stuff like: « I don’t know him that much, I met him recently. » Or « That’s quite some time we’re together, we’re not the same than when we met. » Or « I don’t see him much .»… If so, you’ll know you’re on.

Or, depending on your (low) desire towards her and/or if you don’t want to convince her (indirectly, of course. Never try to say straight stuff like: «Forget about him.» Just don’t acknowledge him.) to forget about her boyfriend, you can say (because it’s in your ‘ethics code’) : «Too bad, maybe some other time…» Smile… and move on… You may meet her again in the future and she’ll remember you as interesting, charming AND respectful. So, you’ll already have scored points for the time she’ll be alone and more open for some action. And, worst case scenario, you would have ‘lost’ only 2 minutes of your time. Always keep in mind that the people you meet today, you can meet them tomorrow or in a month, two… It will help you have some perspective and feel less needy when you meet a girl. VERY important to don’t be seen as a beggar, ever.

b) She doesn’t have a BF. If no (she doesn‘t have a boyfriend), you can go on playing with her by asking : « What would you ask him or do next? »… Or skip to another subject entirely. Tips for the possibility you decide to go for the #Close: Before to give it to you, know that you should never settle for a #Close when you feel you could have more (Kclose (Kiss) or Fclose (Full). You may regret it. Take what you can have and desire. No more BUT no less. So, use the Number Close only when she (your ’target’) has to go with her friends, when you feel you don’t have enough time or when a ‘cockblok’ is in your face and you can’t shake her/him/them off. Because sometimes you have the perfect atmosphere, something you may not have tomorrow… Above all if she flakes on you (Read the article: « Why do women flake? » by Marni in our Winggirls section.) Therefore, if you decide to go for the #Close, you should first find out something she likes to do and hadn’t done for some time (or never did). Like going to this new place or this expo… Always better to agree on doing something precise before a #Close, to minimize the possibility she flakes on you. But if she seemed into the conversation and gave you IOIs you can simply say «I’m feeling something here. You know what, give me your phone number I’ll you call you to do xxxxxx together… » You can even add:« Purely platonic of course…» with a naughty smile (or not) Now, at this point, you may think it’s counter-productive to say something like that. I can tell you it’s not. Still, you could ask: « What’s the point of using the HmS Method if it’s for suggesting a friendly ’date’? »

She knows because of your opener and the (little or deep) discussion that followed you don‘t want to be friends. You’ll simply keep the illusion of a social encounter, no more. It’s only to take some of the pressure of her and prevent a flake because she has a BF or just met you and shouldn‘t accept. It’s like saying to a girl you want to take to your place: «We’ll just have a drink, you can’t stay long, I’ve got to do something else afterwards» or «I have to wake up early tomorrow» … But you may don’t wanna add that last part. It’s up to you, your self-confidence and the behavior you adopt when trying to seduce her… Again, we give all the options we can. YOU choose the one you prefer.

Last advice: If you’re addressing more than one girl, you can keep your options open with the other girls by not focusing on one in particular AT FIRST and choose the one who is free and the most responsive to your opening. Once you choose, don’t try to change it’ll be difficult. You need some skills and/or luck to successfully switch target. (If you want to benefit of a complete, innovative and success-guaranteed method, both ones we promote, in their own domain, are TRULLY the best. Come back to our website and check them out.) Anyway, your approach wouldn’t have been perceived as direct so the friends of your target shouldn’t push too much pressure on her because she wants to meet a guy she just met in a club, in the street, or anywhere else, again.

Conclusion: The point is you would have made sure that she doesn’t see you as a potential friend because YOU don’t want it. Or you’re not looking for one (you have enough female friends already…) AND you even created attraction and frustration out of thin air, on the spot. The downside is that it’ll be trickier (but not impossible) to hide your game plan from now on to her/them. Especially if she’s not into you (that much). But at least, you’ll very quickly both know where you stand… You won’t waste your time… And it’ll still be fun.

Before you close this window… Please remember that, as much as this is a good method to avoid being in the friend zone therefore presenting yourself as a potential lover, it will never replace a complete one with the purpose to teach you or give you advices, tips on how to be a really attractive man. That’s why we are promoting the 2 best and compatible methods on the market right now (2011).

We could have promoted ANY other ones but we chose these simply because they are the best: Marni 's Wing Girls Secrets Method (For those who don’t know her yet, she is a woman PUA (also called wingwoman or winggirl) and a damn good one at that. Finally, a complete and natural method of seduction from a girl with field experience. And Vin DiCarlo’s Pandora’s Box who is the first m-PUA to create a method acknowledging that… No… Women are not all the same. Instead of proposing the same routines hoping they’ll work on all women. (Well, those who tried know it doesn’t work.) He reveals 8 different types of women and how to properly and efficiently seduce each of them… We hope they’ll help you, sincerely. Did you like this article? Give us your feedback @ [email protected] Feel free to pass it on to your friends or anyone you’d like as long as it is in its .pdf format. © 2011 (Let’s NOT Just Be friends) is the first PUA (PickUp Artist: see our "PUA Dictionary") website allowing you to avoid, prevent and DESTROY "LJBF" & much MORE. Learn innovative and efficient PUA routines, tips, techniques and methods to be a successful seducer, not just a friend.

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