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ISSN 2029-882X print / ISSN 2029-8838 online 2013 5󰀨3󰀩: 113󲀓122 doi:10.3846/2029882X.2013.869416


Žilvinas Bučmys, Gintas Šaučiuvėnas Vilnius Gediminas echnical University, Saulėtekio al. 11, 10223 Vilnius, Lithuania Received 20 August 2013; accepted 17 October 2013 Abstract. Nowadays, there is a growing tendency in the use of cold formed constructions, which may be ex-

plained by good strength to cost ratio. Tus, the goal of this paper is to review the behaviour of cold formed steel connection. Te article reviews most up to date publications on testing and description of beam-tobeam, beam-to-column and truss connections. In brief, the properties of cold formed steel connections have been found to be semi rigid, where the main factor affecting stiffness is bearing forces around the bolthole. Te article also focuses on the technique to increase stiffness of cold formed connections. Keywords: cold formed steel sections, the behaviour of connections, thin walled structures, joints, semi rigid behaviour, stiffness of cold formed connections. Reference to this paper should be made as ollows: Bučmys, Ž.; Šaučiuvėnas, G. 2013. Te behavior o cold ormed steel structure connections, Engineering Structures and echnologies 5(3): 113–122.

Introduction Tere is a growing trend o using light gouge sections in buildings. Tin-walled, cold ormed steel sections can be used as load bearing structures in industrial buildings as purlins and lightweight steel trusses. Moreover, in multi-storey buildings, cold ormed sections are used in lightweight steel-ramed wall panels or lightweight portal rames. Tere is a very wide variety o cold ormed sections, such as C-sections, Z-sections, sigma-sections, omega-sections, etc. Te thickness ranges rom 0.8 to 3.0 mm and the depth – rom 50 to 350 mm. ypically, cold ormed sections are made o higher yield stress steel (approximat (approximately ely 350 MPa). Tere is a wide variety o welded and bolted connections o cold ormed steel structures. Bolted connections are requently used on construction sites because o easier assembly. Te most common bolted connection solution has gusset plates or beam-tocolumn joints and sleeve or over-lapped systems or beam-to-beam connection connections. s.

Te main advantages o thin walled structures are light weight, easy assembly on sites and possibility o preabrication, which results in a low cost. However, there are some disadvantages, the main o which is the lack o stability that causes local buckling and low ductility. Tis means that rames with thin-walled elements cannot create plastic hinges in cold ormed steel beams. Design guides (EC 1993-1-3) suggest methods or strength calculation, but do not propose a method or the calculation o the moment– rotation relationship o connections. Te aim o this article is to review some recent progresses in cold ormed joint stiffness calculation. 1. Cold formed steel connections Tere is a growing trend o using cold ormed purlins in construction. Te main advantages o these light gouge constructions is their ability to carry heavy loads, ast and easy erection and relatively low price. raditionally, the most widely used systems or roo

Corresponding author: G. Šaučiuvėnas E-mail: gintas  gintas.sauciu .sauciuvenas@vgtu [email protected]  .lt  Copyright © 2013 Vilnius Gediminas Techn Technical ical University ( VGTU) Press Techn Technika ika TESN 



Ž. Bučmys, G. Šaučiuvėnas. Te behavior of cold formed steel structure connections

or wall constructions are C-sections and Z-sections. Purlins can be connected using over-lapped (Fig. 1), sleeve and gusset plate connections (Fig. 2). Beam-to-column connections are mainly used in cold ormed steel portal rame constructions. Beamto-column can be connected using welds, bolts or screws. In literature, there is a wide variety o experimental data o joint behaviour (Figs 3 and 4).

Fig. 4. Beam to column connection with stiffeners (Sabbagh et al. 2013)


Bolts Chord

Fig. 1. Sleeve connection on the right; overlapped connection on the lef

Fig. 5. Cold ormed steel truss bolted connection (Zaharia, Dubina 2006)

Fig. 2. Details o the arrangement or the apex joint (Lim, Nethercot 2003)

Cold ormed steel trusses are commonly used in roo constructions. Mostly trusses are made rom Csections and connected using gusset plates or directly with bolts, sel-drilling screws, mechanical clinching and welds (Fig. 5). Cold ormed trusses are lightweight constructions and have satisying load capacity. 2. Components and failure modes of cold formed steel connections

Fig. 3. Beam-to-column bolted connections. From the lef: 90 degree connection using gusset plate and angles, 45 degree eave connection with gusset plate

One o the easiest ways to connect beam-to-col beam-to-column umn is using gusset plates and angles (Fig. 3). Te components o cold ormed steel beam to column connections: –  connectors (gusset plate and angles); –  sections o columns and beams; –  bolts. Te ailure modes o beam-to-column connections (Fig. 6): –  ailure o bolts (1); –  beam and column web (2), gusset plate (3) in bearing;


Engineering Structures and echnologies, 2013, 5(3): 113–122


3. Te behaviour of cold formed steel connections 3.1. Beam-to-beam connections 2 1 3


5 5

Fig. 6. Exploded view o beam-to-column connection with ailure modes marked in red

Fig. 7. Local buckling in beam and column sections (Uang et al. 2010; Wong,Chung 2002)

–  ailure o gusset plate (4); –  local buckling in beam and column sections (5). he stiness o beam-to-column connection (Fig. 7) depends o: –  the thickness, shape and geometry o the gusset plate and angles; –  the diameter and amount o bolts, the distance between bolts; –  the shape, depth, width and thickness o the column and beam section; –  the thickness o the section and the length o lap and sleeve o overlapped and sleeve connections.

Ho and Chung (2004) investigated the structural beha viour o over-lapped cold ormed multi-span purlins. In their experiment, 26 specimens o doubled back-toback Z-section were used. A single span structure o purlins was loaded using one point vertical load. Interconnections terconnectio ns provided at regular intervals were used to prevent lateral buckling. Analysis showed that every specimen ailed at the end o a lap under combined bending and shear. Moreover, the main influence to the strength and stiffness o construction was caused by both the lap length to the section depth ratio and the lap length to the test span ratio. Te moment resistances o lapped connections increased rom 80% to 140% o the moment capacities o connected sections then the length o the lap was increased rom 1.2 to 6 times section depth. In another paper, afer calibratio calibration n against test data Chung and Ho (2005) proposed analysis and design method or over-lapped cold ormed connections to calculate strength o the connection against combined bending and shear. Authors also suggested a method to calculate effective flexural rigidities (the maximum and the minimum values) o lapped connections. In the next article, Chung   et al. (2005) proposed a numerical model that demonstrated a very good agreement with the data o previous natural experiments. It is worth mentionin mentioning, g, that bolts were simulated as springs and the ormula to estimate bearing resistance was presented. Finally, Ho and Chung (2006a) continued their work and in the next paper, they offered the technique or global deormation calculation taking into account deormatio deormations ns due to applied moment or shear orce and bearing deormation in the section web around the bolthole under the applied bolt orce. Moreover, the authors proposed a method to calculate large deormations o lapped connections afer a ailure. Zhang and ong (2008) in vestigated over-l over-lapped apped col coldd ormed sin single gle span oo twospanned purlins, that was connected with bolts and sel-drilling screws at both flanges or at the top flange only (simulating the connection o roo sheet and purlin). Te results showed that screws did not have much influence neither on the strength nor on the stiffness characteristics. In addition, they proposed an empiric method or estimation o flexural rigidity o lapped connections. Dubina and Ungureanu (2010) simulated the behaviour o cold ormed steel double span purlin



Ž. Bučmys, G. Šaučiuvėnas. Te behavior of cold formed steel structure connections

system under a uniorm load using numerical analysis. Authors suggested the new approach by investigating the influence o the web crippling action at the edge o the lapped zone. Tey suggested checking web stability according to the methodology given in EN1993-1-3. Furthermore, they proposed analytical ormula to calculate initial flexural rigidity rom the bearing effect

placement. Te test results showed that there was a good agreement between both types o methods. Te number o bolts and the distance between them made the greatest influence on the rotational stiffness o the  joint. Te flexural ailure o the connected sections was the most critical. Lim and Nethercot (2004) suggested a method to calculate the rotational stiffness o

(scientists claim that the main actor affecting stiffness o this type o construction are bearing orces around the bolthole). Another way o connecting purlins is using sleeve connections. Sleeve connections are easy to install and have good strength and stiffness characteristics. Gutierrez et al. (2011) examined this method by way o experiment and numerical model results. A single span sleeve system was loaded using one point load in the middle o the span. Te results showed that the numerical model can accurately predict stiffness and strength o sleeve connections. Moreover, this method does not require material resources and is less time consuming. Te experiment done by Yang and Liu (2012) included 20 specimens. All o them were single span purlins connected at the middle o the span and loaded to the connection. Te ailure mode o the lateral buckling was prevented using interconnections. Te authors divided the behaviour o stiffness into 3 phases: firstly, deormation was linear because o riction orces between elements; secondly, the stiffness decreased, because riction orces overcame and slipping occurred (it mostly depends on the hole and bolt ratio); thirdly, stiffness increased since all bolts were in contact and deormation contin continued ued until construc-

amations bolted connection, whichGalatanu evaluated only the deoro bearing bolts.   et al. (2009) also investigated single span cold ormed steel purlins that were connected using gusset plates. Te load was applied as a concentrated orce in the middle o the span. Te specimens that were used in the experiment were strengthened using stiffeners. Te stiffeners were cold ormed steel profiles that were connected using bolts. Te results showed that the stiffeners increased the bearing capacity up to 35%. Te typical ailure modes or sleeve and overlapped connections were local buckling in the outer web o purlin section, tension racture ailure in the sleeve or lap section, local buckling in the compression flange o sleeve or lap section and elongation o boltholes. Failure modes or gusset plate connections are local buckling o gusset plate and purlins, and elongation o boltholes. Increased connection size and the amount o bolts in the connections were proposed as techniques to increase load bearing. o sum up, the majority o publications agree, that cold ormed beam to beam bolted connections are always semi-rigid and partially resistant. Va Various rious techniques to calculate moment–rotational behaviour were recommended. Lim and Nethercot (2004), Dubina and Ungureanu Ungurea nu (2010), Ho and Chung (2006b) used natu-

tion ailure. ypical ypical ailure mode was local buckling in purlin sections near outer bolts. Tey also proposed an analytical method to calculate purlin end rotation in every phase. Te third phase only estimated web deormations in bearing. Te technique overestimated web-bearing deormations in order to give the conser vative results o stiffness. Apex connections o bolted cold ormed steel rame consist o two back-to-back purlins connected with an apex bracket. Tis type o construction can be used or reestanding ridge. Lim and Netherco Nethercott (2003), Elkersh (2010), Pernes and Nagy (2012) investigated apex connections using both an experiment and the finite element method. Te researchers tested the single span purlin systems connected at the middle o the span and loaded right to the connection. Specimens were laterally supported to prevent out-o-plane dis-

ral experiments to find that the bearing orces around the bolthole were the main effect influencing the rotational stiffness. Te presented methods or calculation o stiffness o connections resulted rom the tension experiments o bolted connections and evaluated e valuated only the bolthole elongation. Te biggest disadvantage is that the methods are not very accurate because they do not evaluate the deormations o purlins (web distortion, riction between component components, s, flange deormations due to shear and bending). Yang and Liu (2012) separated the behaviour o connections into three phases and proposed ormulas to calculate rotational stiffness or every phase, but the last one evaluates only stiffness due to the elongation o boltholes). Te analysis o the proposed methods shows, that all methods are insufficiently good or accurate prediction o the behaviour o connections.


Engineering Structures and echnologies, 2013, 5(3): 113–122 3.2. Beam-to-column connections


the beam with direction toward the end o the column. Lateral supports to prevent lateral buckling o beam and column members were used. Te lateral torsional buckling o gusset plates was ound to range rom 48% to 77% and the maximum flexural ailure in the connected members was ound to be 84% o the moment capacity o the connected members. Tey showed that

Te most popular way to connect a beam to a column in portal rames is using gusset plates. Wong and Chung (2002) tested gusset plate connections. Te scientists perormed 16 beam-column sub-rame tests with different connection configurations under lateral loads. Te load was applied as a concentrated horizontal orce at the top o the column. o avoid lateral buckling, lateral supports were used. Te authors investigated investiga ted the influence o gusset plate thickness, the chamers presence and the distance between bolts on the strength and stiffness o connections. Te results showed that the difference o connection behaviour was greater when the distance between boltholes increased rom 180 mm to 240 mm than rom 150 mm to 180 mm. Connections with 10 mm thick gusset plates and 50 mm chamers showed similar behaviour to those with 16 mm thick gusset plates but without chamers. Te moment resistance was rom under 50% to over 85% o the moment capacities o connected sections. Subsequent to the analysis o the test data, Yu et al. (2005) suggested a method or semi-empirical design rule to calculate rotation stiffness o gusset plate connection. Dubina (2008) adapted EN1993-1-8 method o stiffness and strength calculation or cold ormed knee joint calculation. Sabbagh   et al. (2011) investigated cold ormed steel beam to column connections or seismic loads using finite element analysis. Pinned supports were modelled at both ends o columns and concentrated load was used at the end o beams. In numerical analysis, post-buckling behaviour o beam-to-column con-

haunched configuration had the highest rotational stiffness o over 1500 kNm/rad. Another practical way to connect a beam to a column is using steel angles. Hazlan and Mahen (2010) perormed an experiment using our different types o bolted connections. Te connections were made using different arrangement o cold ormed steel angle connectors. A beam and a column were lipped C-sections. Pinned supports were used at the ends o the column and concentrated load was used at the end o the beam. Lateral restraints were used or the beam and the column. Analysis data showed that moment capacity ranged rom 70% to 100% o the connected member capacity. an et   al. (2013) perormed a similar experiment as well as the numerical analysis o the beam to column joints, which were connected using angles. Te results differed up to 7% and 9%. Authors claimed that using nonlinear numerical analysis is very important because cold ormed steel joints rotate at large deormation deormations. s. Tere is a suitable way to connect a cold ormed steel beam to a column directly using bolts without any other components. Tis method is easier to assemble and costs less. Uang et al. (2010) presented experimental data on connection o a double channel beam to a

nection was modelled. Firstly, authors compared the behaviour o the beam with different types o flanges. Te data showed that the beams with curved flanges demonstrated higher ductility than non-curved ones. Secondly, the optimum stiffener configuration in the connection to increase moment capacity and ductility was proposed. est results showed that stiffeners could increase the moment strength by up to 35% and the ductility by up to 75%. In other papers, Sabbagh et al. (2012a, b, 2013) perormed experiments and compared their results with previous numerical analysis. Experiment results demonstrated a reasonable agreement with the finite element method. Chung and Lau (1999) investigated the structural perormance o three types o beam-to-column connections: triangular, rectangular and haunched. Hinged support was used at the end o the column and load was applied at the end o

HSS column. Pinned supports were used at the ends o the column and concentrated vertical load was used use d at the end o the beam. A lateral bracing system was used to prevent the beam rom lateral buckling. Te specimens were tested under a cyclic load. A model to calculate bolted moment connection connectionss was proposed to evaluate the riction and bearing orces around the bolthole. Another way to connect a beam to column members is using welds. Moazed   et al. (2009) perormed the finite element analysis o a -joint connection o thin-walled square tubes. In the paper, the authors presented a method to calculate joint rotational stiffness. Te method was proposed to use beam type finite elements with semi rigid joints instead o shell or solid elements that simplified the construction behaviour calculations.



Ž. Bučmys, G. Šaučiuvėnas. Te behavior of cold formed steel structure connections

Te most requent ailure mode or connections using steel angles is local buckling in the column flange. Other ailure modes may be local buckling in the beam section and elongation o boltholes. ypical ailure modes or connections using gusset plates are the same as in beam-to-beam connection connections: s: local buckling in beam, column sections and gusset plate, elon-

Pedreschi and Sinha (2008) studied mechanical clinching connection behaviour o cold ormed steel trusses. Experiment results showed, that increasing number o clinches in connections increased stiffness and changed ailure mode rom ailure o the connection to ailure o the chord section. Moreover, clinch ailure mode led to high ductility.

gation o boltholes. b oltholes. For beam-to-column connections, the most requent ailure mode is local buckling in the web, sometimes elongation o boltholes may occur. Te reviewed papers show that cold ormed steel sections can be used in moment resisting rames. Beam-to-column connections o cold ormed steel sections show sufficient amount o strength and stiffness. Moreover, data on the finite element method results showed a good agreement with experimental data. Te analysis o papers shows that the behaviour o cold ormed beam-to-column connections is usually semi rigid. Several S everal techniques to calculate the stiff-

ypical ailure mode or bolted truss connections was local buckling in sections and elongation o boltholes. Possible ailure modes using mechanical clinching connection are clinch ailure and local buckling in sections. Clinch ailure is generally ductile. o sum up, cold ormed truss connections can be made using bolts, sel-drilling screws and mechanical clinches. Experiment results show that truss systems made rom cold ormed sections are capable o taking roo loads.

ness o al. beam-to-column connections presented. an et (2013) suggested empirical were ormula or the stiffness calculation o bolted connections that were received rom the data o natural experiments using curve-fitting sofware. Yu et al. (2005) presented semiempirical ormula or flexibility prediction o the bolted moment connections. Te technique the nonlinear behaviour o connection describes as tri-linear curve. Moreover, the calculation o the bolthole elongation was not suggested and the method did not take into account the location o the bolts that connect the column and the gusset plate. Te review o papers shows the lack o accurate techniques to estimate the behaviour o cold ormed beam-to-column connections.

Dawe et al. (2010) tested steel roo trusses. C-section truss elements were connected using sel-drilling screws and steel plates. Structures were tested under a panel point loading. Various configurations o bolted  joints were made by adding stiffeners. Te stiffeners increased the load capacity by 24%. Zaharia and Dubina (2006) investigated the behaviour o bolted steel truss connections. Beams were made rom C-sections connected using bolts. Based on experimental and nu-

Te literature also provides experimental data o rames made rom cold ormed steel profiles. Tese types o experiments lead to better understanding o the influence cold ormed steel connections have on the behaviour o the whole structure. Tereore, cold ormed steel connections are usually semi-rigid. It is very important to investigate the influence o connections on stability and strength o rames.  rames. Ali  et al. (2010) investigated cold ormed steel rames. Columns and beams were ormed rom single cold ormed C-sections. Te scientists perormed 10 rame tests with different amount o bolts in the column base connections. Concentrated horizontal load at the top o the column and lateral restraints were used. Results showed that the column base with our bolts had rotational stiffness o approx. 90 kNm/rad and made a huge influence on the strength o the entire structure. Moreover, Moreover, the strength o the rame was proportional to the strength o the column base connection. In the ollowing article, Ali  et al. (2011) perormed a numerical analysis and compared the results with previous experiment data. Both data showed satisactory agreement. Dubina (2008) tested two types o cold ormed steel portal rames. Columns and beams were made rom lipped back-to-back C-sections. All

merical results, a method o joint rotational stiffness was proposed. Te method evaluated only the bearing orces, as they are the main parameter or connection stiffness.

connections were made using gusset plates. Pinned supports were used or column base connections. Te result showed that behaviour o connections was always semi rigid. It was claimed that the strength and

3.3. Connections of steel trusses

3.4. Cold formed steel frames


Engineering Structures and echnologies, 2013, 5(3): 113–122


the stiffness characteristics o the structures could be overestimated i connections were assumed rigid. an (2001) examined rames with angle connections experimentally and concluded that the section properties had a greater influence on the rame behaviour than the connection properties. Enlarging lip size rom 0 to 12 mm increased the ultimate load o the rame by 46% and modiying connection thickness rom 4.7 to 8.4 mm by 16%. an also proposed empirical ormula to calculate joint rotation what was in a good agreement with the test results. Reviewed papers prove that cold ormed steel rames can be used in construction. Tese light gauge metal rames show high strength properties to carry roo loads. Moreover, the connections o cold ormed steel sections demonstrate good stiffness properties. 4. Numerical investigation of cold formed steel beam to column gusset plate bolted connection Te literature review shows that many researchers only considered the web bearing in the calculation o the connection stiffness. Tus, a numerical analysis was made to investigate the influence o gusset plate shape and thickness on the stiffness o all connections. Te distance between bolts and the diameter o bolts were the same; thereore, bearing deormation deormationss were considered as a constant. It should be mentioned that the numerical model was calibrated using the results o Wong and Chung (2002) experiments. Te difference between the results showed satisactory agreement (ailure mode was the same, strength differed by 0.2% and the ultimate rotation differed by 16.0%). 4.1. Te geometry of models

Te numerical experiment was perormed using Ansys 14.0 sofware. Te rotation and the strength o connection were investigated. Te total o ten models were modelled. Hal o all specimens were modelled rom sections C150×40×1.5 and the other hal C150×40×2.5 (height, width and thickness o a section) were modelled. Eight specimens were with gusset plates and the other two were connected without them (using hinged connections). Te thicknesses o the gusset plate were 6 mm and 12 mm (Fig. 8). wo different types o shapes o gusset plates (Fig. 9) were modelled. Gusset plates were modelled rom S355 steel, the beam and the column were modelled rom G350 steel and bolts were modelled rom 4.6 steel. Te diameter o bolts was 16 mm.

Fig. 8. Numerical simulation models. Bolted connection with gusset plate on the lef; without gusset plate on the right (A – load point, B – hinged supports on the top and on the bottom o the columns, C and D – lateral supports) Type "A"

Type "B"

440 290

150 40



40 290

         0           4


         0           4

8°  48 1 4          0           8           1

         0           5           1

         0           4

200 20


         0           8           1

         5           1          2

         0           1          5 

         0           7

         0           4          0           8           1


         5           1          2

         0           5           1

         5           1          2

         0           4

         0           7

         0           1          5 

1      2       2       °                5           1          2

         0           4          0           8           1

         0           4

         0           4






Fig. 9. Geometry o gusset plates

4.2. Te results of numerical analysis

Te data o the analysis showed the ollowing results (Figs 10 and 11): –  Te increase in the thickness o the A type gusset plate rom 6 mm to 12 mm decreased the rotation by 34.7% and 58% or connections modelled rom C150×40×1.5 and C150×40×2.5 sections, respectively; –  Te increase in the thickness o the B type gusset plate rom 6 mm to 12 mm decreased the rotation by 52.1% and 56.9% or connections modelled rom C150×40×1.5 and C150×40×2.5 sections, respectively; –  Changing the type o 6 mm thick gusset plate rom type A to type B resulted in the rotation decrease o 3.0% and 36.0% or connections modelled rom C150×40×1.5 and C150×40×2.5 sections, respectively;


Ž. Bučmys, G. Šaučiuvėnas. Te behavior of cold formed steel structure connections

120 20

Summary and conclusions

6 mm

12 mm   12 mm

15        )        m       N       k   10        (

6 mm


5 Hinged connection 0




0.03 




Fig. 10. Results o the connections o C150×40×1.5 sections 35

12 mm


12 mm

6 mm

30 25        )        m       N       k          (       M

6 mm

20 15 10

Hinged connection

5 0 0



0.03 (rad)



According to the literature o the review and perormed numerical analysis, the ollowing conclusions are made: 1. Generally, cold ormed steel construction ailure modes are local stability loss in sections and elongation o boltholes; 2. Tere is a wide variety o techniques to connect cold ormed sections using gusset plates, rivets, sel-drilling screws, bolts, mechanical clinches or welds; 3. Te majority o authors that tested cold ormed steel connections agreed that the bearing orces around the bolthole have the greatest influence or bolted connection flexibility. Tereore, the increasing distance between bolts and amount o bolts increases the stiffness o a connection; 4. Te behaviour o cold ormed steel connections is in most cases semi-rigid and hinged. Te literature proposes various types o stiffeners to achieve


almost rigid behaviour o cold ormed steel connections; Fig. 11. Results o the connections o C150×40×2.5 sections 5. Chamers show obvious effect on gusset plate connection stiffness; –  Changing the type o 12 mm thick gusset plate 6. Suitable stiffener configuration increases the morom type A to type B resulted in the rotation ment capacity and ductility in connections; decrease o 16.4% and 34.9% or connections 7. Te data o numerical analysis presented in this modelled rom C150×40×1.5 and C150×40×2.5 paper showed that the shape and the thickness sections, respectively. have high influence on the stiffness o bolted conTe data o the results showed that the influence nections. It was demonstrated that it is not enough o the gusset plate shape and thickness is high. In case to evaluate only the elongation o boltholes calculao the gusset plate ailure due to bending and shear, ting the stiffness o cold ormed steel connections; the rotation o the A type 6 mm thick connection in- 8. Tere is no experiment wher wheree the influence o axial creased almost twice (Fig. 11). It demonstrates that it is and shear load would be investigated in terms o the not enough to evaluate only the elongation o boltholes behaviour o connection connections; s; to predict the stiffness o a gusset plate bolted connec- 9. Te literature review sho showed wed that cold ormed steel tion. Moreover, urther research o optimal shape and sections still have to be investigated. Tere is a lack thickness o gusset plate is necessary. o methods to predict the stiffness o connections. Tree ailure modes were observed during the numerical analysis: local buckling in the beam web, bearAcknowledgements ing orces in the web and gusset plate ailure due to bending and shear. All connections that were made o Tis work has been supported by the European Social C150×40×2.5 sections, except or the hinged connec- Fund as part o the project “Development and applition, ailed due to local buckling. All connections that cation o innovative research methods and solutions were made o C150×40×1.5 sections, except or the or traffic structures, vehicles and their flows”, project hinged connection and the connection with A type 6 code VP1-3.1-ŠMM-08-K-01-020. mm thick gusset plate, ailed due to local buckling. Te connection with A type 6 mm thick gusset plate ailed due to bending and shear in gusset plate. Both hinged connections ailed due to bearing orces in the web.


Engineering Structures and echnologies, 2013, 5(3): 113–122


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Ž. Bučmys, G. Šaučiuvėnas. Te behavior of cold formed steel structure connections

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ŠALAI FORMUOŲ PLIENINIŲ KONSRUKCIJŲ MAZGŲ ELGSENA Ž. Bučmys, G. Šaučiuvėnas Santrauka. Apžvelgti mokslinės literatūros šaltiniai apie šaltai ormuotų profiliuočių naudojimą ir jų jungtis. Kadangi šie Santrauka. Apžvelgti profiliuočiai gerų stiprumo savybių ir pigiau atsieina, nūdienos statyboje vis dažniau taikomi. Apibendrinami naujausi sijos su sija, sijos ir kolonos bei santvaros mazgų elgsenos tyrimai. Šaltai ormuotų elementų jungčių elgsena yra kaip pusiau standžių mazgų. Pagrindinis veiksnys, turintis įtaką mazgo standžiui yra varžtų glemžiamasis poveikis plonasienių elementų skerspjūvių sienelei. Pateikiama rekomendacijų, kaip didinti šaltai ormuotų proiliuočių jungčių standumą. Reikšminiai žodžiai: šaltai ormuoti plieniniai proiliuočiai, jungčių elgsena, plonasienės konstrukcijos, mazgai, pusiau standūs mazgai. Žilvinas BUČMYS.  BUČMYS.  PhD student at the Department of Steel and Timber Structures, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University

(VGTU), Lithuania. Žilvinas Bučmys received his Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering in 2009 and Master’s degree in Civil Engineering at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University in 2012. Research interests: behaviour of cold formed steel connections, calculation methods of cold formed steel. Gintas ŠAUČIUVĖNAS. Assoc. ŠAUČIUVĖNAS. Assoc. Prof Dr, Department of Steel and Timber Structures, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University.

Research interests: evaluation of existing steel and timber structures, evaluation of re resistance of steel and timber structures,  behaviour of the elements and structures made of steel, timber, glass and steel-concrete composite.



ISSN 2029-882X print / ISSN 2029-8838 online 2013 5󰀨3󰀩: 123󲀓133 doi:10.3846/2029882X.2013.869415


Edgaras iminskas, Rūta Jakštaitė, Viktor Gribniak, Vytautas amulėnas, Gintaris Kaklauskas Vilnius Gediminas echnical University, Saulėtekio al. 11, 10223 Vilnius, Lithuania Received 03 June 2013; accepted 05 November 2013 Abstract.  raditional steel reinforcement does not resist corrosion and its resources are limited; therefore,

carbon, glass, aramid and basalt fibre reinforced polymer bars were developed. Te composite reinforcement has a high tensile strength and resistance to electromagnetic fields. Different kinds of materials and application of various surface coatings are used in the production of the composite bars. Tis results in different adhesion to concrete and mechanical properties of composite bars. In comparison with steel reinforcement, glass, aramid and basalt fibre reinforced polymer bars have a lower modulus of elasticity. Tus, structural rigidity provided by these bars is smaller in respect to reinforced concrete elements. Current reinforced concrete design codes and recommendations are based on empirical and simplified methods of strain evaluation, which may be inadequate for design of structures with composite bars. In this paper, an adequacy of the empirical models was checked against the experimental data of concrete beams reinforced with composite bars. Te moment-curvature data of 52 beams reported in the literature and conducted by the authors were used for assessment of accuracy of design methods. In order to perform the analysis, different different methods from design codes (European (LS 2007), American (ACI Committee 318 2011) and Russian (NIIZhB 2006)) and recommendations (Italian (CNR 2007) and American (ACI Committee 440 2006)) have been selected. Te results of the investigation will provide engineers with more information on design of concrete beams with fibre reinforced polymer bars. Tis will encourage an extensive use of these innovative materials in different types of structures. Keywords: fibre reinforced polymer bars, FRP, design codes, experimental data, deflection, reinforced concrete, accuracy analysis, short-term loading. Reference to this paper should be made as follows: iminskas, E.; Jakštaitė, R.; Gribniak, V.; amulėnas, V.; Kaklauskas, G. 2013. Accuracy analysis of design methods for concrete beams reinforced with fiber reinforced polymer bars, Engineering Structures and echnologies 5(3): 123–133.

Introduction Concrete is a composite material highly resistant to compression; however, it is brittle and has low tensile strength. Tereore, reinorcement bars are used to take over the tensile stresses. Generally, steel reinorcement bars are used or the production o structural elements. Properly designed and built concrete structures could be used or centuries. Unortunately, due to the low cracking resistance o concrete, unaccept-

able cracks ofen appear in the structures. Tis leads to intensive corrosion o steel reinorcement while the resultant products o the corrosion process continue to erode the concrete. Without the protection and strengthening actions, the structure quickly loses its operational characteristics. Currently, almost hal o the budget o the construction industry is spent on the reconstruction and repair o already existing buildings (Cigna et al. 2003). It is not surprising that huge finan-

Corresponding author: E. iminskas E-mail: [email protected]  Copyright © 2013 Vilnius Gediminas Techn Technical ical University ( VGTU) Press Techn Technika ika TESN 

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