Download The Ascended Masters' Perspective on the Basic Lessons of a Course in Miracles...
Introduction One of the most profound books I have ever written or studied has been the series of books called A Course in Miracles. They are a channeled series of books from the Master Jesus on the difference between Christ Consciousness and negative ego consciousness. There is a "Lesson Book", a "Teacher's Manual", and a "Text Book". These books are some of my favorite books that have ever been written. I could not recommend buying them more highly. I think they rank as one of the top three books I have ever read and they have had an unbelievably profound affect on my life. In my personal experience and in the personal experience of most of my students and people I talk to, people seem to get stuck reading them and have the tendency to put them back on their shelf for long periods of time, but always came back to them. In my humble opinion, this occurs because they are a little difficult to read. This, of course, is not a judgement, for as I have already stated they are in the top three sets of books I have ever read. They are a little difficult to read and can be confusing to the reader for they are written as the Heavenly Ideal, and if people are not careful, can get a little ungrounded if the teachings are not integrated properly. I have been guided by the Holy Sprit, and my own Mighty I Am Presence from my unique psychological background, to lend my expertise as a Spiritual Psychologist, Spiritual Teacher, and Spiritual Channel, and offer a little bit of insight, guidance, direction and some pointers so people can work with A Course in Miracles more easily. So this manual is not meant to replace A Course in Miracles but to be an adjunct to A Course in Miracles so you do not get bogged down, and so you can integrate these most profound teachings more easily. I want to say in the beginning of these lessons that I give all credit to A Course in Miracles books themselves for my humble thoughts and insights, for they are the source of my inspiration. A Course in Miracles can be obtained from any metaphysical bookstore. It is copyrighted and published by The Foundation For Inner Peace. I recommend using my humble thoughts and insights as an adjunct to these most amazing books. I recommend most highly that while working with this manual that you actually begin doing A Course in Miracles lessons in the way these books ask you to do them, which is one lesson a day every day for an entire year. If you skip a day and it takes a little longer that is fine. It is okay to read this book in advance of completing all the lessons. As a matter of fact, I think doing this will help you appreciate actually working with the lessons even more. I have spent many years studying and teaching this material, and the following manual of lessons is my humble gift to you my Beloved Brothers and Sisters and fellow Sons and Daughters of GOD.
Lesson 1 "Nothing I See In This Room [On This Street, From This Window, In This Place] Means Anything."
This is the first lesson of A Course in Miracles lessons. At first glance this lesson seems very strange and completely inaccurate. It must be understood that A Course in Miracles lessons are set up as a year long course to be done one lesson a day for an entire year. The first lessons are meant to break down the old negative ego thought system. The later lessons are meant to build up the new Christ Consciousness thought system. I will say here that no lesson in your entire Spiritual life is more important than learning to undo the negative ego thought system and to replace it with the Christ Consciousness thought system. This is because our thoughts create our reality and our thoughts create our feelings, emotions and behavior. If we do not learn to become right with self, every relationship in our life including our relationship to GOD, and the Masters, will become tainted and contaminated by negative ego thinking. I want to say here in the beginning so there is no confusion in regards to semantics, that I am calling that which A Course in Miracles calls the ego, the negative ego. This is because there are many ways the word ego is used in our society and in different Spiritual groups. To avoid confusion and so more readers can relate to what I am saying and not be bogged down by semantics, I have been guided by Spirit to use this slightly more defined term for the reasons I mentioned. A Course in Miracles books just calls the negative ego the ego. Both terms mean exactly the same thing, and neither term is better than another, but because of my training as a Psychologist, and running into people's confusion on this point, I have been guided to clarify this term. So this initial lesson is teaching a most profound teaching. The teaching is that nothing anyone sees means anything. By this course is teaching us the world is neutral and the meaning it has for us is the thoughts we extend or project onto it. For example, "is the glass of water half empty or half full?" It is not in the glass of water, it is in our minds. We do not just see with our physical eyes, in truth we see with our minds. Most people think that outside things, people, or events cause them to think or feel what they do. This is illusion the Course teaches us. This initial lesson is to begin to help us break down the old "victim consciousness" thought system of the negative ego and to show us that life is nothing more than our extending and projecting our thoughts onto the world and that we are seeing our own movie.
Lesson 2 "I Have Given Everything I See In This Room [On This Street, From This Window, In This Place] All The Meaning It Has For Me." In this second lesson we see the statement of taking responsibility that it is our interpretations, perception, and belief systems that gives meaning to everything we see. For example, do we look at things as teachings, lessons, challenges, opportunities to grow and Spiritual tests, or do we look at what happens in life as just bummers and problems? It is not in the situation, it is how we interpret every situation that will determine whether we will have love or fear in our lives. It is in our choice and interpretation whether we experience peace or conflict. It is in our interpretation of life whether we will have separation consciousness or oneness consciousness. The profound lesson A Course in Miracles teaches us is that in every moment of our lives and in every situation of life we can interpret ourselves and our world from the negative ego's interpretation or the Christ Consciousness and mind's interpretation. Does not the Bible say, "Let this Mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus." This beginning lesson is teaching us that we cause our reality by how we think. The outer world is a projection screen for our interpretations. To learn to think properly is probably the single most important lesson of life. Yet very few people in life have been trained how to think properly and how these two opposing thought systems work. This is the profound Revelation of "A Course in Miracles" books. My job here, with my background as a Psychologist, Spiritual
Teacher and Channel, is to help make these lessons just a little easier to understand and to show you that they are not just for Christians, but for people of all religions and all Spiritual paths, for the Christ Consciousness could also be called the Buddha Consciousness, Atma Consciousness, Krishna Consciousness, Moses Consciousness, I Am Consciousness, Spiritual Consciousness, or Mohammed Consciousness. The books have been written in a Christian understanding because the Master Jesus was the founder of the Christian religion. These most profound teachings apply equally to all religions and all Spiritual paths, so do not let the Christian language be a stumbling stone if that is not your background.
Lesson 3 "I Do Not Understand Anything I See In This Room [On This Street, From This Window, In This Place]." This lesson is now reverting back to a similar lesson, that of lesson number one. Not only does everything you see have no meaning, in truth people do not understand anything they see. The reason for the importance of this lesson is that most people in this world have not been trained in this Spiritual science of the difference between negative ego thinking and Christ Conscious-ness thinking. Because of this, the negative ego interpretation runs most people and is ingrained in the mass consciousness of this planet now and for over ten million years of people's history on this Earth. The problem with beginning lessons like this is that the negative ego is hence reading this book through most people's eyes. It is saying, "this is ridiculous, I know the meaning of things, I understand what is going on." Do you see the reason for this lesson my friends? We must first breakdown the negative ego's stranglehold over our conscious-ness on the subtlest level. To do this we must start from the beginning, other-wise the negative ego will be reading this book through your eyes and canceling out the positive effects it can have. A Course of Miracles lessons are a course in attitudinal healing. The first step is to break down your entire philosophy and belief system to be sure it has not been built with negative ego "stones" in its foundation. Since the negative ego is in control of most people, which I say with no judgement, just as a loving statement of fact, in the beginning to break down its' grip we must say, "I do not understand anything I see." By doing this we can let A Course in Miracles, The Holy Spirit, the Master Jesus, and hopefully my humble manual of adjunct support to these lessons, help you rebuild your psychospiritual house with "stones" (thoughts, attitudes and interpretations) made only of the Christ Consciousness. I have to say here I am an expert in the laying down of "stones" (a slight pun here given my last name). Humorous, but a true statement in fact. Your Spiritual support team here is now putting you through a master training to tear down your old house that held too many negative ego "stones", and to rebuild a new one using only Christed "stones." So I humbly suggest that you completely surrender to the profundity of this teaching in lesson three.
Lesson 4 "These Thoughts Do Not Mean Anything. They Are Like The Things I See In This Room [On This Street, From This Window, In This Place]" This next lesson is equally profound. We have learned that the outside world means nothing and we do not understand it. Now we must also let go of our attachments to our thoughts in our mind. The negative ego likes to think it is right, and likes to think it knows best. To break down the negative ego's grip on us we must let go of all our thoughts, for if we leave it to ourselves at this beginning point the negative ego will be the one doing the choosing as to what is real and what is not. What is going to happen to someone who is run by the negative ego if
you hand them a book on how to clear the negative ego? Every person will read the book from either the negative ego's eyes, the Christ Con-sciousness eyes or a combination of both. I mean this not as judgement, but most lightworkers have an enormous amount of negative ego running them, which they are not aware of. The negative ego immediately tells them they have mastered all these lessons, I do not need this book, I learned these lessons, in the spring of 72! Some of these thoughts may be going through your mind as you read this manual and as you read A Course in Miracles. I humbly suggest you do not listen to this voice and that you surrender to this teaching in the hopes that you actually might learn something and might be able to undo a little more negative ego that you may not have been aware of. The key teaching in this lesson is that we must have an open mind. We must let go of the "know it all belief of the negative ego", otherwise we will learn nothing. Let us now completely detach from the negative ego and our attachment to knowing and understanding everything, and surrender to this training. The key lesson here is that A Course in Miracles lessons cannot be understood in one day. It is a process of breaking down the old negative ego thought system and building up the new Christed thought system. To do this it is absolutely essential that you in this moment give up your attachment not only to meaning and understanding of the world, but also giving up your attachment to your own thoughts. Let us let go of them just for a moment so we can be 100% sure that the negative ego has not been programming some of your thinking in place of the Christ Conscious-ness. So lesson four is "These thoughts do not mean anything, you are projecting or extending onto the world that you see."
Lesson 5 "I Am Never Upset For The Reason I Think." My Beloved Readers, this is one of my favorite lessons. The reason for this is that this lesson has a double meaning. The first meaning is that you are never upset for the reason that you think your are upset. The second meaning of this lesson is that you are never upset because you have a mind that is under your control, and your thoughts create your feelings and emotions. In the first meaning, most people do not realize that it is their thinking that causes them to be upset, worried, angry or depressed. They think it is outside situations, other people, their physical body or the stars. This is illusion in truth. It is your think-ing that is causing this. More specifically when you think with your negative ego mind you create negative ego feelings and emotions. When you think with your Christ mind you will create positive and Spiritualized feelings and emo-tions. So in truth you are never upset because you have a mind that GOD has given you to create whatever kind of reality you want. The key is understanding these two diverse thought systems and learning to master your mind, which will allow you to master your feelings, emotions, behavior, and to a great extent what you attract and magnetize into your life.
Lesson 6 "I Am Upset Because I See Something That Is Not There" This lesson establishes the truth of the previous lesson even deeper. When you allow your self to create negative emotions you are actually seeing something that does not exist. My Beloved Readers, it is essential to understand that the negative ego and its thought system does not really exist in truth, from GOD's perspective. If you allow yourself to see through the negative ego's thought system it is like being under a negative hypnosis. It seems real, but it really isn't. When a hypnotist tells a client on stage that the glass of water they are drinking is a vodka tonic, the client actually fully believes with all his senses that that glass of water is a vodka tonic. The truth is it is not, however the mind can make you think all kinds of things that are not true. This lesson is drilling home the point that when you have negative emotions you are creating negativity that does not exist in the situation it exists because you have interpreted
yourself and the outer situation from the negative ego's perspective rather than from the perspective of the Holy Spirit and the Christ Mind. If you would interpret the same situation with your Christ Mind you would experience only unconditional love, forgiveness, Spiritual lessons, nonjudgmentalness, harmony, and inner peace. This reminds one of the biblical sayings of the Master Jesus when he said, "Don't try and take the speck out of the eye of your brother when you have a beam in your own eye." The beam in your own eye is the "negative ego thought system". When you see through the negative ego thought system you are literally seeing something that is not there. Most people of the Earth are living under the Hallucinations of the negative ego and think they are real, and have no idea that they are seeing their own movie of their own programming from past lives and this life. All of this can be easily changed in this "holy instant" by a process known as attitudinal healing. It is the process of changing your thoughts from the negative ego interpretation to the Christed interpretation. The second you do this your feelings and emotions will instantly change and you will have awakened from a dream. The power of the mind to delude is amazing. This is because whatever we think seems so real. Most people on the Earth have no idea that they have so much control potentially over how they think and feel. This is because no one has ever trained them in Spiritual psychology. This is the purpose of A Course in Miracles and this manual.
Lesson 7 "I See Only The Past" This is a most fascinating lesson. We have established that our thoughts create our reality. This is our thoughts on a conscious level but also our thoughts on a subconscious level. Most people have not done a complete inventory of all the thoughts and beliefs that they are holding consciously let alone subconsciously. Where do all our thoughts, attitudes, belief systems, interpretations and perceptions come from? They come from the past. They come from early childhood programming by parents, grandparents, family, teachers, friends, counselors, ministers, rabbis, television, radio, newspaper, magazines, the country you grew up in, the neighborhood you grew up in, your race, socioeconomic status, and religion. These have all affected your belief systems that you hold on a conscious and subconscious level. You have been programmed by all your past lives which you bring into this life within the storage banks of your subconscious mind. What this lesson is profoundly showing us is that again we just don't see with our physical eyes, we see with our minds and belief systems. When we look at our world we are seeing only past programming. What A Course in Miracles is teaching us is to see all our thoughts only as the past programming that may or may not be true from the eyes of the Holy Spirit and the Christ Consciousness. The Holy Spirit would ask that you see yourself and life through the "Holy Instant". For in truth, time and space does not really exist in the higher dimensions of reality. This does not mean that all our past thoughts are of no value. They just all must be examined to make sure that every thought you have allowed into your consciousness from the beginning of time has been of GOD and not the negative ego. This is why it is so necessary to be so vigilant over every thought that comes up from your subconscious mind and from other people. The key to proper living is to deny every thought not of GOD from entering your mind. Make sure every thought, belief, perception and interpretation is that of the Holy Spirit and Christ Consciousness, and not of the negative ego.
Lesson 8 "My Mind is Preoccupied With Past Thoughts" This lesson is reemphasizing the previous lesson and making the point that our subconscious minds are like tape recorders that keep running the same faulty beliefs over and over again. There should be classes in every grade of school on how to think properly. Instead we spend
all this time on subjects focused outside of self and nothing having to do with subjects within oneself. The key question is how do we get rid of all these past thoughts that have no value. Every time they come up ignore them and give them no energy. Deny them entrance to your consciousness. By doing so they will wither and die like a plant that gets no water or attention. Instead replace those thoughts with their opposite which is the Christ interpretations and beliefs. By continually thinking and affirming these thoughts and attitudes they will grow because they are being given water and attention. It is a psychological law that it takes 21 days to cement any new habit into the subconscious mind. The main thing is to do a massive inventory of all your thoughts and to practice self-inquiry at all times. Sai Baba says that the process of self-inquiry is 75% of the Spiritual Path. Self-inquiry is the process of examining your thoughts, feelings, and emotions on a moment to moment basis from within and without and getting rid of the negative ones and replacing them with the Spiritual ones. This is a life long process, however over time if you are diligently focused and studying spiritual books such as these, your subconscious mind will start becoming cleared out and your conscious mind as well, and it will begin to reflect the true thinking of the Holy Spirit, your Higher Self and your Mighty I Am Presence. By doing this your superconscious, conscious and subconscious mind become consistent in their belief systems and interpretation and they begin to link and merge and function as one integrated mind in service of GOD. There is never a time where vigilance will not be required. The subconscious mind will become reprogrammed over time, however one must always be vigilant for the negative ego is very tricky, deceitful, slippery and manipulative, and it will keep changing forms and trying every method to get back in without you being aware. It may be an insane thought system but never underestimate the powers of delusion, illusion, glamour, and Maya, it holds. All it takes is one moment of automatic pilot and it can slip back in no matter what level of Spiritual Initiation or Spiritual Mastery you hold. So be aware that your mind will continue to run the same past programming for eternity until you stop it and completely reprogram your conscious and subconscious thinking.
Lesson 9 "I See Nothing As It Is Now" This lesson is again emphasizing that all that really exists is the "Eternal Now". This is the place the Holy Spirit sees from. It is the "Holy Instant". Let the Holy Spirit and the Master Jesus teach you to perceive reality from this Holy Instant and to undo all past thinking that is not in harmony with GOD and Christ Consciousness.
Lesson 10 "My Thoughts Do Not Mean Anything" This lesson is trying to teach us to let go of our attachment to all our thoughts. Most people do not realize the enormous extent to which our con-scious and subconscious thinking is creating our reality. Part of true Spiritual Mastery is to not only learn to think with one's Christ Mind instead of one's negative ego mind, but to learn to quiet one's mind all together. If the mind is always thinking you cannot hear the "still small voice within" of the Holy Spirit and your own Mighty I Am Presence. Most people are completely run by the mind, driven by the mind, and do not know how to quiet the mind. True medita-tion is using the mind to get to a state of consciousness of no thinking at all. This is a lesson that is moving us towards lessening the influence of the mind over our reality.
Lesson 11 "My Meaningless Thoughts Are Showing Me A Meaningless World"
This lesson shows us the relationship between our thoughts and the world we see and experience. Most people have no idea that it is their thinking that is creating their world. They think it is the world they are seeing. They are not seeing the world; they are seeing negative ego thinking and past programming. They are not happy, bitter, judgmental, angry, sad, overwhelmed and impatient because of anything in the world or what is happening in their lives or on the news. It is because of how they are interpreting and perceiving these things. There is another way of interpreting and perceiving the world that will bring you love, joy, happiness, inner peace, harmony, balance, self-love, self-worth and evenmindedness at all times. To see this, however, one has to get rid of their meaninglessness, faulty thoughts which are creating the meaningless world they are living in.
Lesson 12 "I Am Upset Because I See A Meaningless World" This lesson I feel is pointing out the victim consciousness that takes place in one's consciousness when one sees life from the negative ego's thought system. We see a meaningless world, which is really caused by our thinking, and this upsets us and causes negative emotions which is also caused by our thinking. When we live in the victim consciousness of the negative ego thought system as opposed to the Master Consciousness of the Christ thought system, we think the cause of our upset is coming from the outside in. We think outside situations or people cause us to feel as we do. This lesson is also showing that thinking with a negative ego consciousness which will show us a meaningless world will bring nothing but upset. It is showing us there is no gain in truth what so ever in thinking with the negative ego mind. It will just lead to upset and negative emotions. We have met people who are atheists, for example, who do not believe in GOD and think life is a big Cosmic joke and there is no real purpose for being here except to enjoy oneself. This is an example of the meaningless world the negative ego thought system does create in many people. It will also create other motivations such as power, fame, greed and sex as the purpose for living. This is a meaningless existence and will lead to anger and upset because such a meaningless existence is governed and caused by a meaningless negative ego thought system that has no true existence in GOD's Consciousness. The negative ego thought system is a fabrication and hallucination of people's minds based on becoming over identified with matter and thinking they are a physical body and not a Son and/or Daughter of GOD incarnating in a body to realize and demonstrate GOD. Earth in truth is a Spiritual Mystery School to practice demonstrating GOD. One of the main ways we do this is to respond every moment from our Christ mind and not our negative ego mind. This is why his Holiness the Lord Sai Baba in India has said the true definition of GOD is, "GOD equals man minus ego."
Lesson 13 "A Meaningless World Engenders Fear" When we see life from the negative ego's thought system this creates a meaningless, empty and negative world. We end up seeing a world that is based on attacking others and hence fear. The Christ Consciousness believes in giving up all attack thoughts to self and others. If we believe in attack we will end up living in fear, for we are caught in the two sides of the negative ego. The only way out is to transcend the entire thought system of attack and fear and to think only with Unconditional Love. Fear comes from projected attack. If we attack ourselves and/or others then the law of the mind states we will end up project-ing our attack thoughts onto others because that is what we do. We will hence live in fear because we think others are always going to attack us. We see in the world what we see in our selves. The world we see is really a mirror of our own thinking. In truth there are only two emotions in life. There is love and fear. Fear is the essence of the negative ego thought system and love is the
essence of the Christ thought system. When we choose consciously or unconsciously to see life through the negative ego thought system we are in truth choosing to see life through the lens of fear. When you attack others or get angry with others it stems from fear. When others attack you it stems from fear. In truth when seen from the eyes of the Holy Spirit an attack is a call for Love. Hence when we see a meaningless world that is created by the illusionary negative ego thought system the only place it will lead us ultimately is back to fear. The key words that describe what the core of the negative ego thought system are fear, separa-tion, lower self, self-centered. All negative feelings and emotions come from fear. All positive feelings and emotions come from Love. This lesson is trying to let go of our attachment to the negative ego thought system, which in essence is a reality based on fear and attack, instead of a reality based on giving and receiving Love.
Lesson 14 "GOD Did Not Create A Meaningless World" Here my Beloved Readers, Salvation comes. This lesson is now showing us that there is a way out of this negative ego reality of seeing a meaningless and negative world, which is to realize that GOD did not create this meaning-less world or the negative ego thought system that created it. People did. God gave us free choice, and with our free choice we created a thought system the exact opposite of how GOD creates and would have us think. Hope now springs eternal!
Lesson 15 "My Thoughts Are Images That I Have Made" This lesson teaches us another very important lesson. It is that our thoughts are also not only thoughtforms in our conscious and subconscious mind, they are also images in our conscious and subconscious mind. We not only must clean out and get rid of all our negative ego thoughts, we also must get rid of all the negative ego images that stem from the negative ego thought system and replace them with Christ Consciousness images. This is why, for example, it is not a good idea to go see violent movies or horror movies, for they just fill our minds with negative ego images that can keep playing back like a tape recorder. This lesson teaches us that we must be as vigilant over the images we allow into our consciousness as we are of our thoughts.
Lesson 16 "I Have No Neutral Thoughts" This is another one of my favorite lessons. This lesson reminds us that there are no neutral thoughts. In other words, every thought that comes up from your subconscious mind or from the outside world that tries to enter your consciousness is either of GOD or not of GOD. Every thought that tries to enter your mind from within or without is a Christ Consciousness thought or a negative ego thought. There are no neutral thoughts. Every thought that comes from within or without is balanced or imbalanced. Is appropriate or inappropriate in that moment. This is an absolutely essential lesson to under-stand, otherwise we will fall into the false belief that we can live our lives on automatic pilot and we do not have to monitor our thoughts and we do not have to be vigilant over our thinking.
Lesson 17 "I See No Neutral Thoughts" This lesson is a practice lesson to remind us that no matter how inconsequential we may think any given thought is, it is not a neutral thought. Most people do not realize the incredible power of our minds. Each person's mind is in truth a part of GOD's Infinite Mind or Universal Mind. We are made in GOD's Image and Likeness. As Edgar Cayce said,
"Thoughts are things." This lesson is trying to remind us of the incredible importance and power of each and every thought we think. Most people in this world live on what I like to call "automatic pilot". This is a state of consciousness of just flowing with life and following the line of least resistance, or just letting the subconscious mind and its existing programming lead them. This is the pattern that leads to a meaningless world and a reality of upset and anger. The Course teaches us that we must choose every thought we think every moment of our life to make sure that every thought comes from GOD and not the illusionary, separative, imbal-anced, fearful, selfish, lower self, carnal self, negative ego. To do this we must remain conscious and aware at all times and constantly practice denial and affir-mation. This is the healthy use of the term denial. We must deny any thought not of GOD to enter our mind. The unhealthy form of denial that we are most familiar with is when the negative ego denies the truth of the Christ Conscious-ness. This form of denial should be denied by a centered consciousness that has dedicated oneself to becoming God Realized every moment of one's life. This most important lesson is showing us the incredible importance of each and every thought we think, and the need to live in the "Holy Instant" every moment, and to monitor our thoughts and "be vigilant for GOD and His Kingdom."
Lesson 18 "I Am Not Alone In Experiencing The Effects Of My Seeing" This is another very profound lesson from the Course. The negative ego thought system teaches us that we are not only separate from GOD, but also that we are separate from our Brothers and Sisters on Earth. This of course is all more illusionary thinking of the negative ego thought system. The truth is we have always been one with GOD, and will always be one with GOD. This is why the introduction to A Course in Miracles says, "Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the Peace of GOD." In truth we have always been one with GOD, are now, and always will be. The Course teaches that the Fall never really happened we just think it did. Our true identity is the Christ. It always has been and always will be. The unique thing about this is that we share this same identity with all our fellow Brothers and Sisters. Another way of saying this is that we each are the "Eternal Self". In truth each of us is an incarnation of GOD. In truth there is only one being in the Infinite Universe and that is GOD. This one infinite Being incarnates into an infinite number of forms thoughtout His infinite Omniverse. GOD incarnates into people, animals, plants and miner-als. The entire infinite Universe is GOD's physical body, which He incar-nates into in order to extend his creativity and joy. God also does this to teach these Individualized Units of Himself to create like him. The unique thing that GOD gave us is free choice. Even though we are minature Gods in truth, GOD gave us the free choice to choose to think anyway we want. With our own minds we created a thought system based on overidentification with matter to the exclusion of Spirit. This was the Fall the Bible refers to. It never really happened except in our own thinking. The Course teaches us to wake up from this dream and hallucination of separation that never really happened but most people on Earth keep living in. It is as easy as waking up from a dream at night while you sleep and realizing it is not real. Even if one has been caught in this dream for two hundred lifetimes, the moment one realizes that it all has been an illusion of the mind, it is gone. The Course teaches us that in this "Holy Instant", we can wake up from this dream and realize our eternal oneness with GOD, and our eternal oneness with our Brothers and Sisters who share the same identity as the Christ with us. So in truth GOD has one Son or Daughter, and we are all made up of this Sonship and Daughtership. We are all one with GOD, and one with our Brothers and Sisters in Truth. All the time in past lives or this lifetime that you did not believe this did not change the truth of its Eternal Reality. Whether you believe it or not, we each are the Christ and one with GOD and one with each other. All minds are one! For
they are all GOD's mind, for there is only one Being in the Infinite Universe and that is GOD. GOD is just incarnating in many different forms. The negative ego thought system has gotten caught up in the forms, rather than recognizing the essence behind all the forms. If we only look at the forms or physical bodies they appear separate from using just physical vision. The Course teaches us to not just see with our physical eyes, and the eyes of the negative ego thought system, but to see life from the "Eyes of Christ" and with " Christ Vision". In doing so we not only see a physical body but we also recognize and see others and ourselves as the Christ. This is called the "Holy Encounter", Christ meeting Christ. Every encounter with a Brother and Sister is, in truth, a "Holy Encounter". I think you will see that this lesson has laid the groundwork for releasing enormous amounts of negative ego illusionary seeing. This lesson teaches us hence that every thought we think does not just affect ourselves it also affects GOD and our Brothers and Sisters, for we are all one vast being called GOD. Now we must say here however, that there is one difference between GOD and ourselves which is not a separation but is a reality. This is what is called the "authority prob-lem". What this means is that the truth is GOD created us, we did not create GOD. So, in truth, we are not GOD with all capital letters, we are God with a Capital "G" and a small "god". Another way of saying this is that we are the Christ. The appropriate response to GOD is "Awe". The appropriate response to a fellow Brother and Sister no matter how evolved is "respect", not "Awe". Awe is only for GOD, because GOD created us. This under-standing we are still one with GOD, but GOD in truth is our FATHER/-MOTHER and we are Sons and Daughters of GOD. The authority problems are the illusion that sometimes the negative ego acts like GOD. I am remind-ed of the common expression that people make to some people some time, "Who made you GOD?" This of course is an example of this authority problem that the negative ego's delusionary thought system sometimes falls into. A Course in Miracles most definitely clears up this point with that elucidation. So my Beloved Readers, you are not alone in experiencing the effects of your seeing for you affect GOD and your fellow Brothers and Sisters in GOD by how you think, and their thinking affects you. How could this not be for we are all "One Being" in Truth. This does not mean that you are a victim of other people's thoughts but they do and can affect us. When you are helping yourself hence by cleaning up your thinking you are automatically helping GOD, and helping your fellow Sons and Daughters of GOD as they are healing you. This is why the hundredth monkey effects works and is a reality. This is the basis of Carl Jung, the famous Swiss Psychologist, who postulated the theory of the collective unconscious. Our individual subconscious mind is part of one vast Infinite Subconscious Mind of GOD. So my Beloved Readers, you are not alone in experiencing the effects of your seeing. I humbly suggest that you are now beginning to experience the profound transformation of learning to see life through the Christ Consciousness rather than the negative ego consciousness, and the meaningful world it allows us to see. It has been a world that has always been there. As long as we thought with our negative ego thoughts it was like wearing a set of dark tinted glasses. When we see with the negative ego's eyes it immediately blinds us to seeing what the Holy Spirit and the Christ Consciousness would have us see. You cannot have both. One blinds the other. When you see with the Christ Consciousness it is like turning on a light and the negative ego thought system disappears. If you allow yourself to think with the negative ego mind, however it will create blindspots, meaninglessness and negativity in whatever area you allow it in and it will prevent you from seeing through the "Vision of your Christ Consciousness". Your Salvation is not up to GOD, it is up to you by choosing to always think with your Christ Mind and not your negative ego mind. Earth is a Spiritual School to practice realizing GOD. Your already are God, however each time you choose Christ Consciousness instead of negative ego consciousness you realize this fact in that moment. One of the main purposes of life is to try and do this every moment of your life. To choose GOD instead of
negative ego in every Spiritual test, challenge, lesson and moment of your life. Then you will fulfill the Master Jesus' words as stated in the Bible, "Be ye Faithful unto death and I will give thee a Crown of Life." The Earth is a School for not only realizing that you are God and Christ and seeing this in your Brother and Sister, but also for demonstrating this. Just realizing it in the "Holy Instant" is not enough, one must also demonstrate this every moment of one's life. It is also essential to understand that it is also not enough to just see this in yourself. To fully realize God you must also see this in your Brother and Sister. A lot of people see it in themselves but do not see it outside of themselves. If you do not see your Brother and Sister as the Christ regardless of how they are behaving or what kind of physical body they have you will not realize God in yourself. Remember the world and other people are a projection screen for your own thinking. What you are seeing outside of self is a mirror of what you are thinking. Are you a love finder or a fault finder? Is the glass of water half empty or half full? Are you optimistic or pessimistic? Do you see Christ or just a physical body? Do you see just a stranger or a Brother and Sister in Christ? Do you forgive or do you hold grudges? Do you judge or have loving Spiritual observations? Do you look at life as teachings, lessons, challenges and opportunities to grow, or do you see bummers, problems and up-sets? Do you see the diamond or the mud? Do you see the light or the lamp-shade? Do you fight Life or do you work with Life and learn from Life? Are you interested in being right or having love? Do you have a win/win philo-sophy or a win /lose philosophy? Do you see everything in life as an incar-nation of GOD or do you see separate physical forms that have no relationship or connection to each other? My Beloved Readers, make sure what you see in the world and in other people is not the dark shades of your own negative ego thinking. Take off these glasses and put on the "glasses of GOD and Christ", you will see the most profound and beautiful world you can possibly imagine that has always been there, but your own negative ego thinking has blinded you from seeing it and you did not realize it. You thought it was the world you were seeing however this was illusion. You were seeing the illusion of your own negative ego thinking. There is no judgement for this for God of course forgives everything, and what you miscreated immediately is undone and disappears the second you turn on the light of your Christ Consciousness. It does not take years of therapy you can do it instantly as you read this book. You not only can, it is happening already and has already happened in reading these lessons. You are the prodigal Son and Daughter that is always welcomed home. GOD has always welcomed you home and always given you Salvation, what you are learning now is to give Salvation to yourself. It is not GOD that has kept you from GOD, it is your own negative ego thinking that has blocked you. GOD and the Holy Spirit have now guided you to this teaching to now give you the Salvation you seek. All the insights and tools to do this are now being given to you on a "Silver Platter". The only key lesson to understand is that GOD, the Holy Spirit, Jesus, and the inner plane Ascended Masters and Angels cannot do this for you because they cannot control your thinking. This is something you must do for yourself. It is not hard to do. In truth it is very easy once you have been guided how to do it. The amazing thing is that you will have instantaneous results. So be of good cheer for the peace you have sought for so long has now 100% come at last. The complete transformation of your consciousness is now 100% occurring. You are now beginning to achieve the full profundity of creating an axis shift in your mind from negative ego thinking to Christ thinking. The amazing thing is that this new world has always been there but we did not see it because of our consciousness and thinking. Once we learn these lessons it seems so easy, and we say to ourselves how come I didn't see this before, it is so obvious. Sometimes it takes a little help from the Holy Spirit, and a Brother and Sister. You are to be honored in this moment for transcending the negative ego thinking and allowing the Mighty I Am Presence and the Holy Spirit to guide you to this help. One of the traits of the negative ego is to be a know it all and
say "I don't need help" or it will say "I already know all this." Your are to be honored for not listening to the negative ego and allowing yourself to learn, grow and refine your consciousness. A great many of these lessons of course you already knew. Some however are deepening and there is also a polishing and refining of your Diamond that is now taking place. Retain your open mind and willingess to learn and we will continue this process for we are only at Lesson 18. Feel the profound transformation in your consciousness that is now taking place and the profound excitement you feel at now beginning to actualize these most profound teachings of GOD, Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Master Jesus and the clarifications and explanations in this Manual. I leave you again with the quote from A Course in Miracles in the Introduction. "Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of GOD!"
Lesson 19 "I Am Not Alone In Experiencing The Effects Of My Thoughts" This lesson is showing the relationship between one's seeing and ones thoughts. In the lesson you were not alone in the effects of your seeing. In other words, how you see the world affects others and how others see the world affects you, because we are all one being in truth. This lesson takes this one step further and says you are not alone in experiencing the effects of your thoughts as well as the effects in seeing. Now in truth they are the same, and this is what this lesson is trying to show you. Most people on the Earth do not see on a mo-ment to moment basis that it is their thoughts that are creating their seeing. This lesson is teaching the causative relationship between thoughts and seeing and how both affect other people, the world and GOD. One other point I just want to emphasize here is the importance of seeing every Brother and Sister as the Christ, and not just your self. This is important because what you see in the world in truth is stemming from your thoughts. If you do not see the Christ in every person and GOD in everything then you are seeing something that is not there, which means the negative ego is controlling your vision and/or seeing to a certain extent. It is essential to see beyond the veils of appearances and physical, mental, and emotional form to the "inno-cence" or "essence" of each person, regardless if they have an attractive or unattractive physical body, emotional body, mental body, etheric body, or even Spiritual body for that matter. Each person is the Christ even if they are not acting like it and even if they are acting like the anti-Christ. In Christ Con-sciousness we see through the veils of form to the innocence of each person. We do this as not necessarily a gift to them, but in truth as a gift and blessing to ourselves. What we see in another in truth is what we are giving to ourselves. Everything is GOD in truth whether we believe it or not. The question is whether we are going to accept GOD's vision or whether we are going to hold onto the ego's vision. The negative ego would say you are giving charity to those who you see in this manner and don't deserve it, the Course would say in truth you are giving yourself GOD and Christ, for you cannot realize Christ or be-come a full-fledged integrated Ascended Master without seeing every person as an incarnation of GOD and Christ. Our Salvation is up to us, not up to GOD. If we want GOD we must see and think only GOD. It is very easy to forget that what we see comes from our mind and not from the world. This lesson teaches us that both our seeing and our thinking affects the infinite Universe, and every being in the infinite Universe and their thinking affects us because we are all incarnations of GOD. Remember to see and think from this point of view and perspective at all times.
Lesson 20 "I Am Determined To See"
This lesson teaches us that realistically we have not always been thinking with only our Christ seeing and thinking and that it is very important to develop the "Spiritual Desire" to see properly. If you are not unbelievably determined to see properly it will not happen. As Parmahansa Yogananda said, "If you truly want to realize GOD, you must want Him like a drowning man wants air." When you are that determined to see and hence think with your Christ Con-sciousness and not your negative ego consciousness, then you will make great strides on your path to God and/or Christ realization in all areas of your life. The key is to realize that every moment of our lives we are being tested, and the way you think and see will determine in that moment whether you are realizing GOD on this psychological level or not. If you don't think and see properly in the past or present this did not and will not change you and your Brothers and Sisters true identity as the Christ. It will however be a missed opportunity to realize this truth in your own experience. If you miss an opportunity do not judge self or feel guilty for that would be another missed opportunity for you will have allowed the negative ego in again. Forgive self and realize mistakes are positive and okay and just learning experiences and choose once again. Earth is a school to practice these lessons and others. Once we master these lessons there is no reason to be here other than serve and exemplify GOD and Christ in an egoless manner, free from negative ego motives and personal agendas.
Lesson 21 "I Am Determined To See Things Differently" This lesson is again emphasizing the point that there are two ways of seeing the world, and to realize the Christ we must make a transformation from how we have seen and thought in the past to the seeing the Holy Spirit and the Master Jesus would have us perceive and think from. One must realize that the negative ego is happy with the ways it sees and thinks, and does not want you to change anything. It doesn't want to change and does not want to relinquish its power. All change to the negative ego is fearful, especially given your ultimate goal is to get rid of it completely. You as the conscious mind and chooser and creator of your life must be very motivated to do this. Never forget as Edgar Cayce said in his Universal Mind channelings, "There is no force stronger in the world than your own will." If your will, personal power and full dedication is behind making this transformation in thinking and seeing, and given that this is also what GOD wants for your as well, there is nothing in the infinite uni-verse that can stop you. You must develop however this overriding strong determination to do this, otherwise you will fall back into the line of least resistance of your nonreasoning subconscious mind and old past negative ego program-ming.
Lesson 22 "What I See Is A Form of Vengeance" My beloved readers, when one sees from the negative ego's interpre-tation of life rather than the Christ interpretation of life what you see is a form of vengeance. This is because the negative ego does not believe in uncondition-al love, forgiveness and non-judgementalness. The negative ego being in truth the essence of fear, will always attack back. The Christ Consciousness believes in giving up all attack thoughts. The negative ego lives in a reality of attack/-defense communication. The Christ Consciousness believes in defenselessness and harmlessness. To attack another would be to attack GOD and one's self. The negative ego being victim consciousness, allows oneself to be victimized and then attacks, judges and punishes to regain the illusionary power it thinks it lost. The negative ego believes very much in revenge and retribution. The Christ Consciousness believes an attack is a call for Love. The Christ Consciousness turns the other cheek when attacked. The negative ego lashes back in anger. What did the Master Jesus do on the cross when he was cruci-fied. He
said, "Forgive them Father for they know not what they do." Even under the most extreme lesson of being beaten, tortured, crucified and physical-ly killed the Master Jesus demonstrated the opposite of vengeance. This form of vengeance even occurs in our own minds, with the critical parent within ourself constantly beating up and judging our inner child for its mistakes. We also see this and often enact this in our relationships. Now I want to speak here about the saying in the Bible, "Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord." It first must be understood that GOD did not write the Bible, Man did. Secondly, it must be understood that the Bible although one of the best books ever written, is not GOD's Revelation to Man, it is Man's interpretation of GOD. There is a big difference here in these two statements. Thirdly, the Bible was not written in English, it was written originally in Hebrew, so men have projected their own negative ego onto interpreting certain inspiration, both originally when it was first channeled through, and in transla-tions from language to language. The true meaning of this passage, in my humble opinion, is that everything in GOD's Universe is governed by laws. One of the main laws is the law of karma. What you sow you reap, and what you put out comes back to you. GOD does not practice vengeance, for this is a negative egotistical concept and an improper word to describe GOD's actions. The Old Testament is filled with descriptions of GOD as being angry and punishing. This, of course, is illusion and is Man's negative ego being projected onto GOD's actions. One cannot interpret the Bible, or anything else for that matter, until one has learned to transcend negative ego thinking. This is the problem with many Fundamentalist Christians, they interpret the Bible and Christ Teachings from their negative ego and create a distorted picture of His true teachings. This is not a judgement, just a lesson that they and many others need to learn. So the saying, "Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord," really has to do with the teaching that people should not try to punish or seek revenge, for GOD's Laws automatically do this. What anyone puts out comes back to them and this laws extends over past lives. As Edgar Cayce said, "Every jot and title of the law is fulfilled." Vengeance here should be replaced with the words Divine Law, Divine Justice, Divine Order. If one attacks and seeks revenge this will come back to them, for what you put out comes back to you. If you give love you will receive love. Does not the Bible also say, "If you live by the sword you will die by the Sword." In conclusion, this lesson is pointing out to you in a loving way that how you have perceived life in the past is a form of vengeance because the negative ego thought system is very vengeful, all it cares about is itself and it has no problem hurting others. It will do anything to protect its own perceived power and nest and will be incredibly mean and vicious if crossed or messed with in the slightest. This is not the thought system or form of seeing you want to demonstrate. The first step here is to truly recognize how disturbed the negative ego is and how vengeful, hurtful, punishing, attacking, judgmental, intolerant, impatient, and negatively selfish it is. It is only if we recognize this and see the negative ego for what it truly is, that we will develop the Spiritual desire to change the way we see and think.
Lesson 23 "I Can Escape From The World I See By Giving Up My Attack Thoughts" As previously stated, one of the main principles of the Christ Conscious-ness is to give up one's attack thoughts, and to replace them with only uncondi-tional love thoughts. I will add here that anger is an attack thought. When you attack self or another you are attacking GOD. Does this make sense? God in all His forms and manifestations deserves only unconditional love. If one attacks then you will live in fear. They are two sides of the same coin. The only way to find inner peace is to find a new coin. The Christ Consciousness coin has unconditional love on both sides. If you give unconditional love in life to self and others then by the law of
karma you will expect love in return. If you give attack then by the law of karma in your own mind you will live in fear because you will be expecting others to attack you, because that is what you do. This is a very profound statement I have just made. It demonstrates how the law of karma is even working in your own mind and in the world you think you are seeing. To escape from this vengeful and attacking world you see you must give up every single attack thought. This is why Buddhists will not even hurt a flea or an ant. Every form of life is a manifestation and incarnation of GOD. If you attack you are demonstrating separation consciousness. You are literally separating yourself from GOD in your own consciousness. When we face the "Bardo" at death we are not facing the "Judgment" of GOD, for GOD has no judgement. What we are facing is how we thought, saw, felt and behaved towards ourselves, people and the world. Our consciousness is lined up against Christ Consciousness. There is no judgement, however we are shown the difference between how we demonstrated our consciousness and the consciousness of GOD and Christ. There is no judgement here, however if you do not want to have to reincarnate again on the physical, astral or mental planes to learn these lessons it is worth while to train them. GOD is infinitely forgiving and you have an eternal soul no matter what. GOD will give you a trillion incar-nations to learn these lessons or you can learn them now. GOD has lead you to the "Spiritual Gold " your soul seeks. Take advantage of this "Golden Oppor-tunity". You are the cause of your own reality. How you think, see, feel, and act determines each moment of your realizing GOD or not realizing GOD. If you have not in the past that is fine, for it is all forgiven and it has not changed your true identity as the Christ or the true nature of reality even though you have not thought that way. You have been living in a slightly negative dream of your own thought creation. You do not judge yourself when you wake up for a bad dream you had at night. So do not judge self or hold a grudge against self if you now realize you have been dreaming with your eyes wide open. Most people on the earth are dreaming the negative ego's dream, including lightworkers to a large degree, and they do not realize it. Just be happy that you are now awaken-ing and that the bad dream of a reality of attack and fear is now leaving. You have not done this before because no one has ever trained you, and not very many people on this Earth understand it themselves let alone can train others to do it. The appropriate response is to feel grateful and happy that GOD has guid-ed you to the training you need to learn these lessons and refine your conscious-ness to the crystal purity it is your purpose to realize. It must also be stated here however that to transcend one's attack thoughts one must also transcend one's fear thoughts. As I have already stated they are two sides of the same negative ego coin. The key lesson here is that every time an attack thought or fear thought tries to enter your mind push it out and replace it with an unconditional love thought. The continual process of do-ing this will cause the fear and attack thoughts to die from lack of "watering," and the unconditional love thoughts will grow from "watering". Over time this process will completely reprogram your conscious and subconscious thinking and become a habit. This is the true path and road to inner peace and Christ Consciousness seeing!
Lesson 24 "I Do Not Perceive My Own Best Interest" This lesson is still focusing on the fact that we are trying to overcome a lifetime worth off mass consciousness programming, and possibly a great many lifetimes of mass consciousness programming. This lesson reminds me of the "Twelve Step Program of Alcoholics Anonymous". First one has to admit they are an alcoholic before recovery is possible. If you do not admit the problem, the cure is not possible. The negative ego and its illusionary thought system never wants to admit a mistake and always wants to think it is the master of everything. It likes to think it has all the answers and that it is better than every-one else or
worse than everyone else. The single biggest problem in having people and lightworkers read books like these is that the negative ego runs most people, and the key question is will the person be able to prevent the negative ego from reading the book through their eyes. Will the person be able to prevent the negative ego from being a know it all and/or having a closed mind, and/or sabotaging it by telling the person it has mastered all these lessons already or that they have no value. My Beloved Readers, you must realize that the nega-tive ego is very threatened by a book like this. It has been the captain of a great many ships, and it does not want to give up this power. It will do any-thing in its power to sabotage the process, for the negative ego wants to stay in control. This lesson is an admission that there might be something you can learn from A Course in Miracles, The Holy Spirit, the Master Jesus and this Manual. This is why the whole lesson of transcending negative ego thinking is such a tricky thing to change. The negative ego is in control of most people's thinking and vision, and is not open to change and does not want to change. So GOD, Christ, The Holy Spirit and the Master Jesus are calling on you to summon all the courage, Spiritual purity and Spiritual honesty within your being, to go through this process and have an open mind and consider the possibility that this Spiritual tool might be a vehicle for you to refine and purify your con-sciousness even more than it is. For this reason it is essential to admit this insight to yourself to break the negative ego's potential stranglehold on one's consciousness. "Hence you do not perceive your own best interest."
Lesson 25 "I Do Not Know What Anything Is For" This lesson is a continuation of the last lesson. We first must admit we do not perceive things properly, which of course just means we are not always thinking properly. The second thing is we must hence admit we do not know what anything outside of ourselves is for. For example, we may see an alcoholic laying in the gutter and the negative ego tells us in our minds, "what a pitiful person." What the true meaning of this was, GOD and the Holy Spirit wanted to teach you a lesson about the pitfalls of alcohol and to have compassion. Things are always happening in our lives, which is communication from GOD and life teaching us certain lessons, and we do not always interpret these lessons prop-erly. One of the amazing spiritual observations I have made in watching both lightworkers, my students, clients, and even friends, is that their perception and what they perceive the world is for, is directly connected to their Spiritual phi-losophy or psychology. For example, they may have what I would call a slightly imbalanced Spiritual Psychology, so what happens is they might interpret a dream they had, but they do it from this slightly nonintegrated philosophy and so their interpretation of the dream always supports their slightly fragmented psychology. It is the same thing with Fundamentalist Christians who support their theory with verses from the Bible, which they have interpreted inaccurate-ly. So my Beloved Readers, do you see why it is important to first admit that you do not know what anything is for. If you don't, how can you learn anything from the Holy Spirit? Do you really believe you cannot learn anything from the Holy Spirit, to improve your Christ Vision, Christ Perception and overall Christ Consciousness? There is not one person on Earth who cannot learn from GOD, Christ and The Holy Spirit, and who can refine and purify their mental, emo-tional, etheric, physical body, and who does not need to be vigilant and remove some negative ego thoughts. Even Masters on the inner plane are still clearing remnants of negative ego thinking. If they can admit this, certainly you can. Do not let the negative ego read this book through your eyes, or you will learn nothing. Have the courage to push the negative ego aside and go through this process and training. As I said earlier the initial lessons are breaking down the old programming and the later lessons are designed to build up the new Christed Programming. If you let the negative ego convince you that you have nothing to learn and you see and know
everything perfectly, then you will learn nothing. If you are going to have an open mind and you are going to try and completely 100% release the negative ego's hold on you in every ounce of your being, then you must also be willing to admit to the possibility that "you do not know what anything is for." This allows the negative ego and its illusionary thought system to be cleared and allows The Holy Spirit and the Master Jesus in conjunction with this Manual to make sure your mental and emotional bodies are 100% clear.
Lesson 26 "My Attack Thoughts Are Attacking My Invulnerability" This my Beloved Readers is a very profound lesson, and you will all really like the reality of this lesson. The truth The Holy Spirit would like to teach you is that you are 100% invulnerable mentally and emotionally. This, my friends, is a very profound statement and should bring you great comfort. The reason you are invulnerable is that you cause your own reality. People and out-side situations do not cause you to think or feel anything, your own interpreta-tions and belief systems do. Very few people on this planet truly own their complete invulnerability. It is true that we cannot always control everything that happens to us from the outside world, but we can control our interpretation and attitude towards everything that happens to us which allows us to control our thinking and feeling response. This is why inner peace and happiness is a state of mind, an attitude, and not anything stemming or coming from outside of self. The Master Jesus demonstrated this on the cross. It is true that one's physical body is not invulnerable, but in truth this is not your true identity. Your true identity is as a Soul, and/or Son and Daughter of GOD. The Soul is invul-nerable and indestructible. The Body can be killed but the Soul cannot. Now in the highest sense of Spiritual Mastery even the physical body is invulnerable and the Master Jesus proved this, for after he was physically killed he even resurrected it and brought it back to life. If that isn't invulnerability I do not know what is. Jesus also raised Lazarus from the dead. Sai Baba the great Spiritual Master from India living in the world today has been known to do this on many occasions. Even after the person has been dead for over three days. Our minds are invulnerable because no person or outside event can make us think anything we don't want to. Our feeling and emotions are invulnerable because no person or outside event can make us feel anything we don't choose to. Our Soul is invulnerable because there is no such thing as death, there is just the translation from dimension to dimension. At the highest levels of the Ascen-sion process and Resurrection process one can learn to Dematerialize the Body into Light and back again while still living on the Earth. At the highest levels of Spiritual growth we can dematerialize the physical body into Light and take it with us when we pass on to the Spirit world if we want to. Most people in life are victims and not Masters of their consciousness and do not fully own their true "invulnerability" on all levels. The Master Jesus demonstrated this on all levels by remaining in his Christ Consciousness even though he was whipped, beaten, crucified and physically killed. He demon-strated his invulnerability on a Soul and Spiritual Level by resurrecting his physical body. He did it on the mental and emotional level by interpreting the lesson he went through from his Christ Mind and not the negative ego mind. He did not give in to anger or hold a grudge, instead he said, "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do. Through the whole ordeal he did not give in to his negative ego. He fully demonstrated his mental and emotional mastery and invulnerability even under the most extreme circumstances. If he can do it under such an extreme circumstances then certainly we can do the same amidst the lessons we are going through. The Master Jesus mastered and controlled the use of his energies on all levels, Spiritual, mental, emotional, energetic, and physical.
This lesson today teaches that our attack thoughts are attacking our invulnerability. What does this mean? This means the only way we can not be victims in life and not be vulnerable to negativity on any level is to remain out of the negative ego and its negative, victim consciousness thought system. When we attack ourselves or attack others we are attacking GOD, our fellow Sons and Daughters of GOD and ourselves, which are all one in truth. When we attack we are getting locked back into the negative ego thought system and we hence, by the laws of the mind and emotions, will get locked into fear. One cannot attack and also not live in fear. The only way out of fear is to give up attack thoughts as well. They are two sides of the same coin. When we attack it is actually demonstrating that we have already given into fear and vulnerability. Would one ever need to attack if they were demonstrating invulnerability? One of the keys to invulnerability is to own your personal power at all times. Key number two is to have unconditional self-love and self-worth from within self and from GOD, and not seek it from anyone outside of self. Key three is to always have your Golden Bubble of protection up so other people's negativity slides off your Golden Bubble like water off a duck's back. The only effect another person's attack thoughts have on you is the effect you let them have. Do not let other people be the computer programmer of your thoughts, feelings and emotions. On the mental level in the field of hypnosis when one allows themselves to be victims of thoughts, attack thoughts or any type of thoughts, this is called "hypersuggestability." Most people in this world are living in a constant state of victim consciousness and hypersuggestability, and my job is to help them get out of it and get back to owning your full self-mastery on all levels and hence own your "Invulnerability". My Beloved Readers as you can see this is a very profound lesson and I am sure there is not one of my Readers who can not benefit from the application of this lesson in some area of their life both past and present. One of the real keys to realizing the Christ Consciousness is to transcend attack/fear thinking and replace it with being the cause of your reality, unconditional love, invulnerability, defenselessness, harmlessness, humility, nonjudgementalness, and forgiveness. My Beloved Readers, it is now time to fully claim your invulnerability on all levels from a Christ Consciousness and humble perspective. This, my friends, is an incredibly profound lesson when understood and applied to its fullest extent. If you give up your attack thoughts and truly own your invulnerability on all levels, I think you will also see there is not need for fear because no one can hurt you. Hurt is a by-product of believing in attack. If you believe in hurt then you also believe in attack. Do you see why in past lessons we needed to affirm? We did not perceive and understand what things were for. The way GOD, Christ and the Holy Spirit would have us think is completely antithetical to the way the world thinks. If you do not allow your self to have attack thoughts, and you fully own that other people's attack thoughts cannot affect you because you are the cause of your reality and not a victim, then don't you also see now that you can't get hurt? This is incredibly profound. All the hurt you have ever experienced has been caused by your own thinking, not by anything outside of self. My Beloved Readers, you cannot be hurt if you are right with self and right with GOD. Hurt also comes when we get too attached to people and outside things. If these things always remain as super strong preferences and not attachments then we are assured of being happy at all times as well, no matter what happens in life. If we fully recognize and own the fact that there is no such thing as death, then what is to fear? If we fully own the fact that we have the ability to fully turn our own bodies into light and resurrect the body as the Master Jesus so clearly demonstrated and is a known fact, and understand in the Ascension Teachings then what is to fear if you or a loved one even dies? They are not dead, this is illusion. You will see them again. You will see them again on the inner plane, and/or if it is your destiny to ever have another Earth life they may even be your father, mother, brother, sister or child.
My Beloved Readers, in this Holy Instant own the profundity of this statement, you are invulnerable. You always have been and you are now and you always will be on every level. It is now time in this Holy Instant to fully own this on every level of your being. Make your decision now that you are going to develop the ability to turn your body into light, so you can attend the Council Meetings on the inner plane and return to Earth again. Fully claim now that you want to dematerialize your body into Light at death. Tell GOD, Christ, The Holy Spirit and the Masters and Angels this. They will help you. The Master Jesus demonstrated that it could be done. I tell you my Beloved Readers, it can be done and others have done it as well. It is now time to fully own your personal power in service of GOD. It is now time to fully own that you are a Master and not a Victim. It is time to now in this Holy Instant fully own that you are "invulnerable and that you cannot be hurt." Other people's attack thoughts and judgements slide off your bubble like water off a duck's back. It is now time to fully own that you are invulnerable on all levels, and that you are going to turn your body into light and resurrect it at death and achieve what is called your "Physical Ascension", which means turning the physical body into Light when you die. Since you are now fully owning your invulnerability on every level it is now time in this Holy Instant to fully own that "you not only cannot be touched by attack thoughts from within or without, but that you also cannot now and will not from now on be touched by fear." My Beloved Readers, I ask you, does GOD need to fear anything? Of course not, for GOD did not create fear, Man did by choosing to think with the negative ego's mind instead of GOD's Mind. If GOD did not create it, it is not real. We are each made in GOD's image and likeness. We each are in truth miniature copies of GOD. The microcosm is like the Macrocosm. Fear does not exist in GOD's reality and it does not exist in our reality, in the ultimate ideal. My Beloved Readers, it is now time to fully own the indisputable Spiritual fact that you are 100% invulnerable on every level, and that you cannot be hurt and fear cannot touch you as well, unless you choose to let it in. GOD did not have us incarnate into this world to be victims. He had us incarnate into this world to be Masters and Causes of our reality. It is now time for each and every person in this world to step forward into life with full Personal Power, full Invulnerability, full Transcendence of negative ego thinking and full Unconditional Love. It is also essential to understand that one can transcend fear with just the understanding of one's Invulnerability. Invulnerability must be connected with Unconditional love.. Unconditional Love is the replacement for the former attack/fear and attack/hurt illusionary negative ego thought system. So in conclusion, fully recognize the profundity of this lesson, that your attack thoughts are attacking your own invulnerability. One more thought that I would like to add to this lesson is the concept of physical immortality. The Mastery of the physical body goes far beyond what most people imagine. Not only is it possible to turn the body into light and dematerialize it at will at higher levels of initiation, it is also possible to practice "physical immortality". This means stopping the aging process and even reversing it. The negative ego thought system believes in ageing and death. The Christ Consciousness recognizes the unlimitedness of GOD. Part of removing the negative ego thought system is getting rid of all mass consciousness programming of all death thoughts and aging thoughts. They are to be replaced with thoughts of "physical immortality and youthing". Affirm every day that your physical body is invulnerable, immortal and youthing. This does not mean that you have to remain on the Earth for Eternity. It means that you can stay as long as you choose to in perfect radiant health without aging. This is not something you have to do or have to demonstrate. In my opinion, I think it is a good idea for everyone to do even if you plan on leaving the Earth soon. As Parmahansa Yogananda the Great Spiritual Saint from India said, "Even on your death bed you should be affirming you are in perfect radiant health." Having such an attitude will help to keep you healthy and strong until you choose to leave. As we all know the Master Saint Germain demonstrated such
an ability on Earth for many hundreds of years. Adopting such a philosophy allows you to serve on Earth as long as you want with excellent health and vitality. Who knows you might want to stay and serve a little longer than previously planned. Especially when such things as dematerializing the physical body is possible while still remaining on Earth. This way, one could have the best of both worlds. One could dematerialize and travel to the inner planes and attend all the Council Meetings and still be serving on Earth. This may sound far-fetched to some, however I tell you, my Beloved Readers, it is a potentiality for every Soul on Earth. Did not the Master Jesus walk on water and turn water into wine? Did not the Master Jesus create many loafs of bread from just one loaf of bread? Did not the Master Jesus say, "Anything I can do you can do and more." Was the Master Jesus not telling the truth here? I think we all know he was! We live in amazing times and the increase of Spiritual Light, Love and Power is enormous. Lightworkers are completing initiations in two years which took whole lifetimes or many lifetimes in the past. The key to the whole process is being integrated. You will not achieve or be allowed to achieve higher more advanced Ascended Master Abilities if you do not first develop the Advanced Ascended Master ability of learning to transcend negative ego thinking and learn to fully program into every ounce of your being Christ Consciousness programming. Work on releasing the negative ego death and aging programming from your consciousness and affirm and program into every ounce of your being only "physical immortality and youthing programming", even if your mission on Earth is limited in terms of time. It will make you healthier and stronger and again who knows you might even change your mind and want to remain a little longer. The key point here is, that this state of consciousness gives you a choice, and even if you 100% develop this ability you can still leave the Earth whenever your Spiritual mission is completed and you want to. Even if you choose to never use the physical immortality it will help to make you retain your present age and even become younger, vital and alive until you decide to continue your mission on the higher Spiritual Planes of existence! These three programs; of learning to dematerialize the physical body and travel to the inner planes and back, Physical Ascension also known as Resurrection, and Physical Immortality and Youthing, I feel all go together in terms of learning to ground the Love, Light and Power of GOD fully into the physical vehicle and the Earth Herself. As you can now see my Beloved Readers, much negative ego thinking is being released and many attitudes are being changed and transformed. Many attitudes and beliefs that you have already had are now becoming more deeply ingrained and programmed and cemented into your being. This again is why affirming such lessons as not perceiving your best interest, or knowing what things are for, have been important for they have allowed you to have a more "open mind" and to have the humbleness and humility of Christ that there might be a few places your Diamond might have needed a little polishing. The Holy Spirit and the Master Jesus thank you for your willingness to put the negative ego aside and for having such an open mind. Never forget the most advanced Ascended Master ability of all is learning to transcend the negative ego and its negative ego thought system. Its abilities to seduce, manipulate, sabotage and deceive people and lightworkers is extraordinary. A Course in Miracles and this Manual have been written to help lightworkers understand and have the tools to withstand the negative ego's assaults and to replace them with the Grandeur of Christ Consciousness thinking!
Lesson 27 "Above All Else I Want To See" This next lesson is designed to now inspire you to want to see properly after all you have learned. From just reading only the first 26 lessons I know you can all feel the profound excitement and transformation that is now taking place as you are learning these lessons. You are experiencing the Science of Attitudinal Healing, which is the transformation of negative
ego thinking to Christ thinking. You are now feeling the profound results and excitement already. This is why "above all else I want to see." It is essential that this be your number one top priority and that you demonstrate the "dedication and joyous vigilance" to remain focused on learning and maintaining this process. This is a process you must maintain your entire life. If you truly want to realize GOD, this must be your number one priority at all times. You must be on Fire for GOD at all times. I am amazed to see a great many lightworkers who get all enthused about a Spiritual Workshop, Class, Seminar, Book, and then six months later they are getting sucked back into the glamours of over identifica-tion with the material world. The true Spiritual Master never loses their focus, concentration and Spiritual desire for God Realization. This is a 24 hour a day, seven day a week, 365 days a year, lifetime process. We cannot take breaks from our Spiritual Path and go on automatic pilot and expect to make true Spiritual Progress. If you want true God Realization you must want GOD like a drowning man wants air. You must not allow any false gods of the negative ego to replace the only true GOD. The reason people fall back asleep and back into the glamour, maya and illusion of the material world is because they lost their focus, joyous vigilance and unwavering desire for God Realization as their only goal and purpose in life. My Beloved Readers, can the paltry goals of the nega-tive ego and lower self bring you anything you really want? This is why this lesson is so important this day and always. "Above all else I want to see." Ask the Holy Spirit to help you undo all your negative ego thoughts and to help you completely reprogram your conscious and subconscious thinking with the Christ Consciousness. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you not forget. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you to see with its vision and clarity. Ask the Master Jesus as well. Study this Manual and read it over and over again until these lessons are indelibly ingrained in every ounce of your being. Then you will have the Golden Consciousness of the Christ. Above all else have an unquenchable thirst to desire to see with your Christ eyes and not your ego's eyes. Above all else maintain this desire every moment of your life, even after you think you have mastered these lessons. For even if this is true, that is when you are most susceptible to falling back under the illusion, glamour and maya of the negative ego. For as soon as we think we have mastered these lessons, we become less vigilant and stop the Spiritual practices that got us there. As the Bible says, "after pride cometh the fall." My Beloved Readers I have seen this happen to so many Spiritual Leaders, Spiritual Teachers, Spiritual Channels, Spiritual Scientists and Lightworkers, that it would make your head spin. I have seen this happen so many times, that I am actually incredibly surprised when it doesn't happen. I am not being negative here, I am sharing with you an absolutely essential truth. Most people and lightworkers on the earth have not been trained in Spiritual Psychology, as I am describing it, to a sufficient degree. They are much more developed in their Spiritual Bodies than they are in their Psycho-logical bodies. This I tell you, my friend, will lead to total corruption, contamination and falling from grace every single time. The world does not need more channels, it needs more trained Spiritual Counselors and Teachers who can apply these principals within self and can teach them to others. I am known in the New Age Movement for my cutting edge work in the field of Ascension. I have written 27 books on the subject. I tell you my friends, if the lessons I speak of here in this book aren't learned, then all channeling and Spiritual teaching will become corrupted by the negative ego. Trust my words here for I speak from a lifetime worth of experience as a Spiritual Psychologist, Spiritual Teacher and Spiritual Channel. If you do not learn how to transcend negative ego thinking it will completely corrupt all other Spiritual gifts and abilities over time. It is like an unseen cancer that spreads. The most absolutely astounding point is that, as I have stated, almost everyone falls under the negative ego's seduction and glamour, not one person of the 99% who do will realize it. Even though their channelings and Spiritual teachings will be filled with fragmenta-tion, corruption, self-aggrandizement, greed, thirst for power, negative ego ambition, idolatry of
fame, narcissism, self-centeredness, selfish motivations and personal agendas they will see absolutely nothing. They will have fallen from grace and become completely corrupted and contaminated by the illusion of negative ego and have no idea it will have taken place. If you would ask them if negative ego has entered in they will say, "no, of course not, I am 100% clear." Do not think I am being humorous here for I am not. I am not being overly serious either. I am just telling you the truth. Of the 99% of the people who fall under the negative ego thought system to one degree or another, hardly anyone realizes this when it is happening. I share this with you to not under-estimate the powers of delusion the negative ego holds. If it can happen to that high a percentage of your Brothers and Sisters it can happen to you. I do not say this to create fear, I share this to help you "wake up and smell the coffee," as to the importance of learning these lessons. There is no lesson more important than learning to transcend negative ego thinking and replacing it with Christ Consciousness thinking. I share this Spiritual observation and Spiritual discern-ment with you to motivate you to "Above all else to want to see," as GOD, Christ and the Holy Spirit would have you see. Most of all, retain this under-standing and your joyous vigilance this entire lifetime, for one can slip back under the veil of the negative ego by going back into automatic pilot. One can fall back into negative ego in the twinkling of an eye. The allowing of one negative ego thought can allow a whole train of negative ego thoughts and feelings to begin to manifest. Heed the Master Jesus' advice in the Bible, where he said, "Be ye Faithful unto death and I will give thee a Crown of Life." My Beloved Readers, can you maintain your determination to see only with your Christ eyes and not with your negative ego eyes this entire lifetime and hence reap the rewards of Jesus' most profound words? The choice is yours. Do not go after you Spiritual path with a 60% effort, or 75% effort, or even a 99% effort. Go after your Spiritual Path with a 100% effort. If you don't, it will be to that degree the negative ego will be allowed to slip in. Would you really want 99% GOD and 1% negative ego? Does the negative ego and lower self really hold anything you want? Is not GOD worth such an effort? I am not saying you can't enjoy yourself, or have fun, or enjoy making love to your spouse, or you can't go on vacations. I am saying do all these things, but do not let in the negative ego, and do these things in a balanced way that fits in with the totality and context of your entire Spiritual Path. Mistakes are 100% okay, and perfec-tion is not required to receive the "Crown of Life." Far from it, in truth. I am not just satisfied with achieving liberation and breaking the wheel of reincarna-tion, I want everyone to truly realize GOD on a Spiritual, mental, emotional, etheric, physical and Earthly level. Life actually becomes a lot more fun and a lot more enjoyable and easy once you learn how to transcend negative ego thinking. The biggest thing that makes life hard is the fact that the negative ego runs the world and has run our lives and we have not realized it. Once we do, and practice these lessons, we can live in a more transcendent reality that is free from pain and suffering which all stems from the negative ego in the first place. Once we master these lessons within self, we can help others to master them which is a great joy. You do not have to be a psychologist to do this, you can just do this by talking to people and helping them to admit their perspective. You can also help them by turning them onto a good book, tape or lecture in this regard. People all around the world are so hungry for these teachings. One does not need a lifetime worth of therapy to do it. It really is quite simple once you understand the process. It is just a matter of shifting attitudes. That is why I like to call these processes attitudinal healing. It is as simple as shifting from negative ego interpretations of life to Christ Consciousness interpretations of Life.
Lesson 28 "Above All Else I Want To See Things Differently" This lesson is a continuation of the last one. It is just emphasizing the point that there is a different way of seeing then the way you have seen in the past. It is emphasizing the point that
you are completely 100% motivated to see things differently from the negative ego thought system if it has any hold or grasp over you or not. This lesson is just emphasizing there is the potentiality that there are other thoughts or beliefs you might be holding onto consciously or subconsciously that the Holy Spirit can help you to undo and replace with the Christ Consciousness interpretation. Given these facts, "Above all else desire to see things differently."
Lesson 29 "GOD Is In Everything I See" This is one of the first lessons that begins the process of re-establishing the new Christed Consciousness after focusing previously much more on undo-ing the negative ego thought system. This is a most profound lesson and has many meanings. The first is that GOD is in all your thoughts when you see with Christed Vision. This is true for we have established that one's seeing is caused by one's thinking. Secondly, this is true because all that exists is GOD. In truth there is nothing but GOD. We live and move and have our being in GOD. Every person you meet is an incarnation of GOD. Every animal, plant and mineral is an incar-nation of GOD. All Physical material substance that we can physically see is literally the physical body of GOD. GOD literally created everything, and everything in the infinite physical and nonphysical Universe is made up of GOD. We literally live in a Sea of GOD. All the other dimensions of reality are manifestations of GOD. Of course all the planets, the stars, the solar systems, galaxies, universes and infinite cosmos is GOD. Every encounter with anything in life during sleep or wakefulness is God meeting God. Every situation in life is GOD's Laws in action. There is only one thing that is not GOD, and that is the belief in separa-tion or the belief that you are just a physical body rather than a Son and/or Daughter of GOD living in a physical body. It is this faulty belief which is the foundation for how the entire illusionary negative ego thought system started in the first place. In truth, everything is a manifestation and creation of GOD, no-thing is separate and all creation is one vast incarnation of GOD. GOD has created God to explore GOD,and return back to GOD. How is that for an an-swer! This is why "GOD is in everything you see."
Lesson 30 "GOD Is In Everything I See Because GOD Is In My Mind" Since GOD created us we are literally miniature copies of GOD. This is why the Bible says we are made in GOD's Image. If we want to understand GOD, we need only to look at our selves. We are the microcosm and GOD is the Macrocosm. GOD has an Infinite Universal Mind, and we as co-creators with GOD share an aspect of GOD's Infinite Mind. GOD is not only in every-thing we see outside of ourselves, GOD is literally everything inside of our-selves as well, including our mind. Our mind is not separate from GOD. Our feelings and emotions in truth are not separate from GOD. Our physical body is not separate from GOD. Our physical body is a cell in GOD's Infinite Physical Body. Our energy is GOD's energy. The images we see in our mind are GOD's images. How can anything within or without be separate if all that exists is GOD? The entire infinite physical Universe and all the Physical Universes are just the Body of GOD. We live inside GOD's Body and on top of GOD's Body. We also live inside GOD's Physical Body because our physical body is an aspect of GOD's Infinite Physical Body. If all that existed in the beginning was the void or nothingness, and out of this GOD with the Power of His Mind created all form, then everything has to be GOD, because it came from GOD. All the Dimensions of reality are Heavens or manifestations and Worlds of GOD. We have all heard the phrase, "I am in Seventh Heaven." Well in truth all Seven Heavens, which the Material Universe is one of, are Creations of GOD. All beings within them and all things
with them, be they physical or Spiritual in substance are Creations of GOD. All Creation hence lives and moves and has their being in GOD. In the "Void of Nothingness" is GOD. Even that which is formless is GOD. GOD Breathes our form and then breathes back to Himself all Creation. Whether in form or out of form all is GOD. Since God Created our minds, and our minds are in truth an aspect of His Infinite Mind, then GOD is not only in our minds because He created them, but in truth it is GOD seeing through our minds. God created us and did give us free choice and free will to create like Him. We literally are Him in the sense that He Created us. GOD Is like the infinite Cosmic Monad, or Mighty I Am Presence, and we all are miniature Mighty I Am Presences, and we all are self-conscious copies of Aspects of GOD and are creating with an aspect of GOD's mind. We have always been with GOD and one with GOD. GOD creates, plays and loves with his Infinite Cosmic Mind. We as GOD's Sons and Daughters create, play and love and continue to extend GOD's Kingdom through the use of our mind, which is in truth, His mind as well. In a sense we share this mind. We are both one with GOD and have an individuality or particular lens of focus through which we can see GOD and GOD can see Himself. Every incarnation of GOD be it person, animal, plant or mineral is a particular self-conscious sentient lens of GOD. We left GOD in the beginning as Sons and Daughters of GOD to help GOD extend GOD's Kingdom through the power of our minds, for we create in the exact same way that GOD Creates. The only difference is GOD does it on a much larger scale and GOD does not think with a negative ego mind that believes in separation. That is something we created with our free choice. GOD and we chose because we share the same mind, to incarnate into physical substance to explore the nature of GOD in physical form. In coming into physical form we were still Sons and Daughters of GOD and still one with GOD in consciousness. Separation occurred when we overidentified with matter and our physical bodies, and began to base reality on physical sight rather than Spiritual sight. Physical sight would appear to make things separate and just physical sight would appear to tell us we are just phys-ical bodies, which of course is illusion. Physical bodies are separate in a physical sense but not in a Spiritual sense. Our true identity is as Sons and Daughters of GOD. When we began to over identify with matter we fell asleep and that is when the negative ego thought system began. GOD didn't create this we created this with our free choice. Negative ego is an entire thought system and philosophy that is based on a belief that you are just your physical body and not a Son and Daughter of GOD, and on a belief in separation that does not really exist. From this faulty premise came fear, selfishness, hedonism, greed, attack, competition, jealousy, guilt, pain and suffering. All negative feelings and emotions began to develop. People actually began to believe that they were separate from their Creator, Creation and each other. This of course was all illusion, but the law of the mind is that you live in the dream creation of that which you think. All perception is a dream the Course teaches, but the purpose of life is to live in the loving, happy, dream of GOD, rather than the night-marish, hellish thoughtform dream of the negative ego. Hell is a state of con-sciousness and a place. It began in consciousness, but became a place because that is what Sons and Daughters of GOD created with their minds and where they vibrated to upon leaving their physical bodies, for they continue to live in this illusion even upon leaving the physical body. Now not everyone thinks as negatively as everyone else. Hell is just the lowest level of negative ego think-ing. This would not be a place normal negatively ego run people would go, this would be the thought form creation of mass murders and the like. Even they are helped by GOD's Angels and they, in truth, are Sons and Daughters of GOD. All is forgiven and eventually they will learn their lessons and will learn to create like GOD and return to GOD as well. As the Course says, "The fall never really happened we just think it did." This of course is a most profound state-ment. This is why the Introduction to A Course in Miracles says, "Nothing real can be threatened and nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the Peace of GOD." What this means is that all the misthinking or negative ego thinking
we have done in the past for eons of time has not changed our true identity as the Christ one bit. We always have been the Christ, we are the Christ right now and al-ways will be the Christ. We always have been one with GOD, we are one with GOD right now and always will be one with GOD. We realize this when we realize the "Holy Instant". All our miscreations of negative ego thinking are nothing more than a bad dream that does not really exist. It disappears the second you realize it was anything more than a bad dream. So in this Holy Instant you are waking up from a dream within a dream. You are waking up from a dream even though you thought you were conscious. You thought you were conscious, but you weren't really completely conscious because you were still thinking and seeing from the negative ego's eyes and thought system. In this Holy Instant, now in this moment, you are now totally aware, for you recognize your true Eternal Identity as the Christ and/or Eternal Self. You also recognize your Brothers' and Sisters' true Identity as the Christ and Eternal Self. You now recognize your complete oneness and lack of separation from GOD, and you also recognize your complete oneness and lack of separation from your Brothers and Sisters. This, my Beloved Readers, is the essence of what A Course in Miracles teaches and is the truth of your being. In this Holy Instant is Salvation achieved, and the Atonement or At-One-Ment is attained. To Atone means to undo. The Course and this manual is teaching you to undo your past negative ego thinking with help from the Holy Spirit, the Master Jesus, the inner plane Ascended Masters and the Archangels and Angels of the Light of GOD. It is the Master Jesus who brought A Course in Miracles forward from the inner planes through a channel on Earth. It truly is a Revelation of GOD, and a most practical Revelation and tool for healing your mind, feelings and emotions. All the miscreations of your mind are of course forgiven for they were nothing more than a bad dream, and that bad dream never really existed in the first place. You do not hold a grudge against yourself for having a bad dream or nightmare when you sleep at night. When you wake up you are just relieved that it was a bad dream and was not real, and you do not give it another thought. This is the way that GOD looks at our bad dreams we created while thinking we were conscious, when in truth we are under a negative dream or negative hypnosis of the negative ego. All our misthink-ing and miscreations of the negative ego in past lives or this life, all just disappear in this "Holy Instant." The night-mare of the negative ego has ended. The truth of GOD has returned at last. Do you see how silly it was now to look at your Brother and Sister as anything but the Christ? It does not matter that they are creating with their negative ego mind, and creating some negative ego feelings and emotions, or may have a sick physical body, or an unattractive physical body. This is just their bad dream. Are you going to hold their bad dream against them? Are you going to hold your bad dream against yourself? Do you want GOD to hold your bad dream and negative hypnosis against you? I think not. Give to your Brother and Sister that which GOD has given you and you have given to yourself in this "Holy Instant". For each meeting or contact with a Brother or Sister whether they are evolved or not is Christ meeting Christ, God meeting God! To see anything else is to fall back into the negative thinking and vision of the negative ego and to fall back asleep yourself. What you give to your Brother and Sister is literally what you are giving to GOD and giving to yourself for the world is a projection screen of your own movie which are the thoughts you are running in your mind. If you think with your negative ego mind you "project". If you think with your Christ mind you "Extend" GOD's Kingdom. One is illusion and the other is Truth. Seeing each Brother and Sister as the Christ is called, "Innocent Perception". Instead of seeing only the form of their physical body, the form of their feelings and emotions, and the form of the mind, and judging it. You are seeing with your Christ Vision and seeing their true identity even though they do not probably see it for themselves yet. This is called "innocent perception". You are seeing their innocence instead of their guilt. You are a "love finder instead of a fault finder." My Beloved Readers, which reality would
you rather live in? The choice is yours. In truth this is not a choice at all for it is a choice for living in Heaven or Hell. Hell is a state of mind and everyone can and will live in it, if they allow the negative ego rather than the Holy Spirit and your own Mighty I Am Presence to guide your thinking. Now my Beloved Readers, given this Revelation of GOD from the Holy Spirit, in this Holy Instant and every Holy Instant about the true nature of reality, "Peace has come at last." You know your true identity as the Christ as well as your Brothers and Sisters and you know that it cannot be taken away even if you or your brother and Sister fall asleep. You will of course not fall asleep unless you choose to for you cause your own reality by how you think. Peace has come at last for the negative ego has been undone and the nightmare and bad dream of the negative ego is now over. Praise GOD! Soak this in my Beloved Readers for this is a truth, "that truly passeth understanding." There is one more thing I must explain however that A Course in Miracles does not explain, not because the Holy Spirit or the Master Jesus did not understand this, but because it was not the purpose or the focus of the book to do so. The focus of the book was to bring you this understanding and bring you this Truth. There is, in my opinion, no Spiritual insight or understanding that could be more profound. What Peace this understanding brings. I must explain one thing that the Course does not explain to put this insight into proper perspective. One must ask, "Why is there all this talk about people needing to go through initiations or levels of Samadhi and the like in other teachings?" This is a very important teaching for everyone including long time A Course in Miracles students and teachers. Even though what the Course in Miracles says is 100% true, it is not enough just to realize this in this Holy Instant. We almost must "demonstrate this". This is why when we have this Revelation in this Holy Instant we just don't turn into light and disappear and find ourselves at the 352nd level of the Godhead with GOD. The way GOD has set up the process of Creation is that it is not just enough to just think this, we also must demonstrate and fully realize this under-standing. For example, can you demonstrate this understanding in your mar-riage, with your children, when someone judges or attacks you, on your job, with your mother-in-law, with your parents, when someone steals from you? The list is endless, however I think you get my point. The way GOD has set up creation is we must demonstrate this understanding first on a Planetary Level, then on a Solar Level, then on a Galactic Level, then on a Universal Level, then on a Multi-Universal Level, and then on a Cosmic or GOD Level. These Levels have been broken down into initiations, 352 to be exact. As we demonstrate our mastery of all the Spiritual lessons that confront us at each level, we graduate so to speak and are allowed to move on to the next level. Part of this process is also doing service and helping others in the way that GOD desired and created us to do. This is usually in accord with the Ray Type of our Monad, Mighty I Am Presence and/or Soul. As we demonstrate our ability to Master the lessons, at each level we graduate, move up an octave and dimension, and are given a higher initiatory status which means we have more Light, Love and Power of GOD running through us. Earth is a Spiritual school to practice these lessons. When we graduate we will break the wheel of reincarnation and achieve liberation and not have to return. We will continue demonstrating Godliness and serving at the next Heaven of GOD. This will continue until we not only become Planetary Ascended Masters but also ultimately Cosmic Ascended Masters as well. My Beloved readers, the proof is in the pudding. It is not enough just to think it, we also have to demonstrate our mastery under fire so to speak. Imagine what would happen if GOD let us return to the 352nd level upon having this insight and realization for the first time. We would experience the rapture and immediately return to the seventh Heaven, skipping all the other Heavens and immediately be responsible for all of creation. Most people cannot even obtain inner peace in themselves, or in a romantic relationship, or with their Mother-in-law, let alone be responsible for entire
Universes. Do you see why GOD's Plan makes good sense. At the 352nd level of GOD's reality in the Seventh Heaven if you misthink you could destroy a Galaxy! You think I am joking, but I am not. The higher you go in the initiation process the higher the Spiritual Voltage and power of your thinking. Do you think you have that much mastery over your mind where you are ready to create solar systems, galaxies, universes, and be responsible for tens of trillions of souls under your care? My Beloved Readers given this understanding I think you will agree that it was probably wise of GOD to set things up this way. So at each level you are given a new belt so to speak as they do in the Martial Arts. Instead of a black belt however, we will get a white belt, golden belt, platinum belt and eventually the colorless belt of GOD Himself, as a Cosmic Ascended Master. A Course in Miracles doesn't explain this however the Holy Spirit and the Master Jesus have asked me to fill in some of these issues so we don't get fragmented in our understanding. It was not the purpose of A Course in Miracles books to explain all knowledge in the infinite Universe in one book. Its purpose has been gloriously achieved. It is our job to properly integrate A Course in Miracles and not limit ourselves to it as the only sliver of truth. If we do so we have fallen back under the tyranny of the negative ego again. For if you think by just hav-ing this total true Revelation of GOD which will bring you total inner peace that your Spiritual work is over and you are Completely GOD Realized, this is untrue. You have become realized on the mental and emotional plane every moment you choose GOD instead of negative ego, however to fully realize this understanding in the totality of your being will take practicing and demonstra-ting it. One time thinking and realizing it is not enough. Can you become totally involved with earth life and live in the marketplace as the Master Jesus did and still do it? This is the key question. If you practice the Teaching in A Course in Miracles diligently and in a dedicated manner you will move extremely fast in your Spiritual Progression. Each level we graduate from will bring us to higher levels of initiation and much greater Spiritual voltage. Each level will also give us much more Spiritual Leadership and Spiritual responsibility for serving others. When we can master ourselves, then we must learn to master our rela-tionships. Once we have mastered this Planet we will achieve liberation and be raised in our initiatory status to be in charge of a solar system and have solar responsibilities. Then galactic responsibilities, universal responsibilities, multi-universal responsibilities and cosmic responsibilities. Eventually we may literally be in charge of Creating universes and be responsible for all the sen-tient beings in an entire Universe, as Melchizedek our Universal Logos is. Eventually we may be in charge of hundreds or thousands of universes all at once. Are you really so sure at this moment you have your negative ego and its illusionary thought system enough under your control that you are ready for such responsibility and that high a spiritual voltage of energy at your disposal. I think it might be better to begin mastering the negative ego within self and all your relationships first and then go from there! The final thing I wish to speak about here is that GOD has purposely designed creation not for us to fall into negative ego, but to come into matter to fully experience the totality of his being in all His Heavens. Including the Heaven called the Material Universe. In the beginning we were one with GOD and still had free choice, however it was a free choice and oneness based on a type of innocence, not on actual self-conscious experience. GOD's idea hence was to have us incarnate in his infinite Body, which was made up of Seven Bodies or Seven Heavens. The densest being the Infinite Material Universe. His plan was to have His Sons and Daughters with full free choice and free will go into the densest Heaven and experience GOD and have GOD Experience Himself from this perspective. GOD did not create the negative ego part, but saw its outcome once the first negative ego thought was thought. When this occurred certain adjustments had to take place within GOD's plan, however the plan has remained the same. GOD Breathed out the Infinite Universe and all Creation and all dimensions of reality, like the Big Bang, and now He is in the process of Breathing it all back
in again. This is not a negative thing, it is a wonderful thing. We have the opportunity to experience the totality of GOD, being God, living in GOD, and Returning to GOD at the 352nd Level of Divinity. The unique thing about this Divine Plan is that when we return we will do so out of full free choice, not because GOD created us like that but because we wanted to be with GOD. We will return with innocence but also Enormous Spiritual Maturity. In essence when we fully return we will have fully "Realized" GOD, not just innocently being created by GOD. In truth GOD will have Realized Himself by the most Grand Divine Experiment and Plan. We will have realized ourselves as true "Cosmic Gods", and GOD will also have realized Himself through us. So in truth, in this "Holy Instant" we are the Christ along with our Brothers and Sisters, and we are in the process of "Realizing" this truth at ever higher and higher levels as we demonstrate Spiritual Mastery of all the lessons of Earth life on every level and beyond. My Beloved Readers, is not GOD's Creation a Glorious and most Wondrous Journey and Experience? So I end this most wondrous lesson by saying, "GOD is in everything you see because GOD is in your mind."
Lesson 31 "I Am Not The Victim Of The World I See" This lesson of course speaks to some of the facts I have already mentioned. The world you see does not cause you to think or feel anything, although that is what most people think. Most people think that outside things cause their feelings or emotions. This person made me angry. This situation made me depressed or sad. The traffic jam made me impatient. This is illusion. Outside situations are not the cause of your thoughts and feelings, they are what is called the catalyst. The outside world is the projection screen like in a movie theater. We project onto this screen our thinking, and how we interpret each and every situation will govern how we think and feel. There are two projectors running in our mind that are available to us. The Negative ego projector and the Christ projector. We have been trained by the world, society, and our past lives to think with our negative ego projector for the most part. This is deeply ingrained in us. It is how all the characters on television respond. It is how all the politicians respond. It is what we are taught in school. It is for the most part how our parents respond. It is even how ministers, rabbis, psychologists and counselors respond to a large extent. For most are steeped in traditional religion and psychology which has been infiltrated and contaminated by negative ego to a large extent, and in psychology by personality level theories that are a type of victim consciousness. It is only when we understand psychology from the perspective of the Soul, Mighty I Am Presence and the Holy Spirit, that true psychology can be understood. It is only then that we understand that we cannot always control everything that happens to us from the outside world, but we can control our interpretation of everything that happens to us. Because our thoughts create our feelings and emotions, this allows us to maintain uncondi-tional love, inner peace, joy, evenmindedness, faith, trust, patience, forgiveness, non-judgementalness, and to look at everything that happens to us as Spiritual tests and lessons, rather just as upsets and problems. We do not have to go to a movie or a party to have joy. There is nothing wrong with doing these things, however they are not the cause of your happi-ness or lack thereof. The true cause is your thinking. Since the beginning of time people have been looking for inner peace and happiness. It has always been closer than their right arm. Happiness and inner peace is a state of mind, an attitude and perspective. It is really so simple. Yet if a person is not trained in this they will search their entire life and never find this answer. The negative ego would have you remain in a victim consciousness, and Christ Conscious-ness would have you understand how to live in a causative consciousness. Every time you have a negative feeling or emotion examine your interpreta-tions. Did you own your personal power? Did you have your self-love in that situation? Did you have your golden bubble of protection up? Were you joy-ously
vigilant over your thoughts? Did you look at the situation as a teaching, lesson and Spiritual test? Did you forgive or hold grudges? Did you respond from fear and attack or from unconditional love? Did you respond from separation consciousness or oneness consciousness? Were you negatively selfish in your response, or did you respond to your Brother and Sister as the Christ? Did you judge or were you nonjudgmental? Did you respond from detachment and objectivity or did you emotionally react? Did you reach or respond from the appropriate selfish/selfless balance? Were you a victim or a Master? Did you interpret the situation from your negative ego mind or from your Christ mind? Every time you have a negative feeling in truth you know that your negative ego has made a wrong interpretation. Do not make a big deal about this. Just reinterpret and attitudinally heal the situation as soon as you become aware you did this. The second you change your attitude and interpretation back to the Christ interpretation your negative ego feelings and emotions will dis-appear, and your Christed and positive feelings and emotions will reappear. GOD did not place us on this planet to be victims, he placed us on this planet to become Masters. If you keep practicing this, and possibly working with some of my other books on this subject as well to help refine your expertise, you will become quite proficient at staying in your Christ mind and Christed feelings and emotions most of the time. I say most of the time, because once in a while there are occasional little blips on the screen, so to speak, as the negative ego tries to make a comeback. Once you get good at this, however, these will only last for a few seconds or an extremely short time instead of all day or for many days as it did before. The hardest part is already over. Most people on the planet do not even understand the theory. Half the battle is won just understanding the theory and what you are supposed to do. The rest of it just takes a little practice and focused concentration on your part, and the determination to want to see things at all times from your Christ mind. Again there is no judgement if you don't, however you will feel negatively if you don't, and you will lose your inner peace and joy if you don't. You will also lose an opportunity in that moment to realize GOD on the Psychological level. So I end the lesson with the words," You are not the victim of the world you see." After completing this lesson a few more thoughts came to me that Spirit has guided me to add. It has to do with this issue of being the Christ, yet, still needing to go through the initiation process. Many who read A Course in Miracles feel their work is over once they have this profound insight that they are the Christ and always have been and always will be in this Holy Instant. This is not true however, for a number of reasons. When you realize this in this "Holy Instant", it is 100% true, however that is only one aspect of the Christ Consciousness knowing you are the Christ as is your Brothers and Sisters. There are infinite numbers of other ways the negative ego thinks as well that must be mastered. Just fully realizing you are the Christ and always have been and always will be will not automatically teach you or show you all the other ways the negative ego may be causing you to see improperly. Secondly, learning to master the negative ego must be applied in an impersonal and personal sense. Just realizing you and your Brothers and Sisters are the Christ doesn't necessarily mean you have learned how to get along with your spouse, not be impatient with your children, your Mother-in-law, parents, boss, moody fellow employee, dishonest business associate and so on. The realization that you are the Christ and your Brothers and Sisters are the Christ and the negative ego doesn't exist and never has and never will is wonderful, but this under-standing must now be demonstrated in an "integrated" manner on all levels of your being. This means personally and impersonally. This means Spiritually, mentally, emotionally, energetically, physically and in your Earth life. For example, can you apply this understanding in all your personal relationships? Can you apply this understanding in relationship to your physical body and all health lessons. Are you applying this understanding in relationship to all the different lessons of Earth life? Do you apply this understanding in relationship to money? Do you apply this
understanding in relationship to sexuality? Do you apply this understanding in relationship to the Earth Mother and nature? So what I am saying here is that you must become the Christ on three levels to fully realize GOD. This is not talked about in A Course in Miracles, however the Holy Spirit and the Master Jesus have asked me to put this in perspective for lightworkers. It is not enough to just realize you are the Christ in an impersonal sense. It must be done personally and physically as well. The three levels that must be integrated are the Spiritual, Psychological and Physical/Earthly! So what I am saying here, and this is quite profound, that it is not enough to just realize you are the Christ. This is a profound understanding and it is true, however one must also learn to be an "Integrated Christ". It is wonderful to have the first revelation that we each are the Christ and the negative ego doesn't and never has existed even though we thought it did. This is the first step so to speak. Now we must learn to apply this lesson in all situations of Earth life. If all we had to do is just have the "Holy Instant", then what would be the purpose of studying the rest of A Course Lessons. We must learn to transcend all aspects of the negative ego thought system, not just have one profound Revelation. There are infinite numbers of ways that the negative ego can distort one's thinking and vision. It is much like the AIDS virus in that it keeps changing and mutating forms in every situation, for it has infinite numbers of rationalizations as to why it should be allowed to express itself and how it can be let in. It is very slippery and seductive, and wherever there is the slightest opening or hole it will squeeze through. One must truly become a master psychologist within self to learn all its tricks. So GOD Realization is not learned in just one lesson. To fully realize the Christ we must understand and master all aspects of the negative ego in an impersonal and personal sense. We also must learn to do it on the Spiritual, Psychological and Physical/Earthly levels. We cannot say I am the Christ, my Brothers and Sisters are the Christ, the negative ego is illusion and I am now fully GOD Realized. There are some who read the Course and believe this, and with no judgement intended in the slightest, this is not true. It is not true for many reasons. One is it must be applied impersonally and personally in all relationships and situations. Secondly, it must be applied in an "Integrated Christed", manner on all three levels, Spiritually, Psychologically and Physically/Earthly. All four faces of GOD must be realized, Spiritual, mental, emotional and material. Also there are other lessons on the Spiritual Path besides just learning to transcend negative ego. The focus of this book is to transcend negative ego thinking and to change it to Christ Thinking. There is probably no better book on the planet that does this. Even though this is the case, this doesn't mean this book is the only thing one has to do in life to realize GOD. There are millions of other Spiritual lessons. Such things as learning how to pass your initiations. Learning how to build your light quotient, love quotient and power quotient. Learning how to receive activations from the inner plane Ascended Masters. Learning how to build your Light body. Learning how to anchor and activate your higher chakras. Learning to commune with the Earth Mother, Nature and the Nature Spirits, Devas and Elementals. Learning how to master money and sexuality. Finding your puzzle piece and service mission on Earth. Learning how to physically manifest your mission on earth. Learning to eat a good physical diet, and proper physical fitness. Learning to run a business and take care of all your Earthly responsibilities. Learning how to be in a romantic relationship. Learning to balance and integrate the twelve rays. Learning to properly integrate and balance your twelve major archetypes. Learning to fully activate and actualize your twelve strands of DNA. Learning to Anchor your Higher Spiritual Bodies such as the Anointed Christ Overself Body, the Zohar Body of Light, the Higher Adam Kadmon Body, the Lord's Mystical Body. Learning to merge with your Mighty I Am Presence on Earth. Learning and studying Spiritual Psychology in areas not just dealing with negative ego versus Christ thinking. Learning to develop your creativity. Learning to channel, do mantras, meditate, pray, chant, repeat the names and power words of GOD. Learning to build your
Antakarana back to Source, developing Spiritual knowledge, psychological wisdom, and Earthly knowledge and skills. These are just a few lessons that one needs to learn on the Spiritual Path that are not in A Course in Miracles. I bring this up because there are some who read A Course in Miracles, which is one incredible lens and tool for Spirit-ual growth, however they fall into the trap thinking this is the only thing that has to be done to realize GOD. I wish it was that easy. I wish one book could teach everything. This is not what the Master Jesus or the Holy Spirit intended. A Course in Miracles is one specific lens and tool that is incredible. In no way am I criticizing the book for it is one, if not my favorite, set of books of all time. It is not however, the full spectrum prism consciousness of the entire Spiritual Path. There are some more fundamentalist Course in Miracles students who quite sincerely try to make it such. I lovingly, humbly and strongly suggest that is a big mistake and in truth, faulty thinking. The negative ego has infiltrated and contaminated every aspect of Earth life, including religion, psychology, the New Age Movement and the understanding of A Course in Miracles. My beloved fellow Course in Miracles students, please do not take this as a criticism, for it is not. It is just a loving Spiritual observation I have made which the Holy Spirit and the Master Jesus has asked me to attitudinally correct. So we must each not only realize we are the Christ, we must integrate this understanding into the totality of our being on all three levels, Spiritual, Psychological and Physical/Earthly. We also must learn all aspects of how the negative ego thinks not just the fact that we are the Christ and our Brother and Sister is the Christ and the Negative ego doesn't exist. Thirdly, we must also not only recognize our true identity as the Christ, integrate this Christed understanding, learn all aspects of how the negative ego thinks and transcend it with Christ thinking, we must also realize this Christ understanding fully on a "Spiritual" level. By this I mean recognizing that we and our Brothers and Sisters are the Christ in the ultimate sense of the term is true, but this does not mean we have mastered these lessons in our demonstra-tion. Just because we realize we and our Brother and Sisters are the Christ, doesn't mean we are acting like Christ in our daily lives. This is like someone who thinks they are Christ like because they go to Church every Sunday. It is not going to Church that determines your Christed nature, it is the thoughts, words and deeds that emanate from your being on a moment to moment basis. The first step is to realize who and what you are in truth. The second step is to learn to master the negative ego in all its manifestations, personal and imper-sonal, and in an integrated manner in all aspects of life including the physical Earthly level. The third step is to hence become an "Integrated Christ" not just an impersonal Christ. The next step is to manifest this integrated understanding on all three levels, Spiritual, Psychological and Physical/Earthly. The next step is to manifest your Christ Service mission on Earth once you have become this "Integrated Christ". The next step is to not just realize your are the Christ in an impersonal and personal way and in an "Integrated Christ" manner, but to also "demon-strate" this. My Beloved Readers, what does it matter if you know you are the Christ with your Brother and Sister but you don't act like one in your daily life. Are you Unconditionally loving every moment of your life? Are you always forgiving? Are you always non-judgmental? Are you always patient? Do you have inner peace and happiness most of the time? Are you the master of your feelings and emotions? Are you a master or a victim? Are you demonstrating these qualities in "all" of your relationships? Are you demonstrating these qualities on Earth in a grounded way in your physical body? Do you have poverty consciousness or prosperity consciousness? Have you mastered money? Are you the master of your Sexuality? Are you in your right puzzle piece and are you doing your service mission on Earth? Are you motivations truly all of the Christ and not of the negative ego? Are you truly humble and do you manifest humility, harmlessness and defenselessness at all times? Have you transcended all your attack thoughts? Have you transcended worry and fear? Have you released all guilt? Are you able to
stay out of your negative ego in your romantic relationships, raising kids, with your parents, mother-in-law, employees, boss, friends, moody co-workers? Are you able to control the negative ego's thirst for power, fame, greed and sex? Have you fully stepped into your Spiritual Leadership and Planetary World Service? It is not enough just to realize you and your Brothers and Sisters are the Christ in this "Holy Instant", you must also learn to demonstrate this every moment of your life under all situations. You must learn to demonstrate this under fire and stress so to speak. In essence, my Beloved Brothers and Sisters, it is not enough just to know the ultimate reality of your identity, you must learn to "demonstrate it". This is why we are on Earth and why we have come to this Spiritual School. One is not GOD realized just because they have an epiphany of the true ultimate identity in the Holy Instant. This is a wonderful experience and is the first step, but it is not the whole answer. It is the first step. That first step then must be understood on all levels of understanding the difference between nega-tive ego and Christ Thinking. It then must be fully integrated so you become an "integrated Christ". This must be done personally and impersonally. This also must be done fully on Earth in a completely grounded manner. We are meant to fully demonstrate being an "Integrated Christ" or "Integrated Mighty I Am Presence on Earth". We must fully ground our Christed nature onto Earth and into Earthly life. Realizing the Holy Instant in your mind and emotions is not enough, it must be demonstrated in an integrated manner, personally and imper-sonally, in all relationships and in a completely grounded way that fully honors and sanctifies the Material Face of GOD as well. It is when you do this that you will have fully realized Christ on a Planetary level. Notice I have said Planetary level, for this is very important as well. For realizing the Holy Instant in your mind and feeling nature and even intuitively does not mean that you have fully realized the Holy Instant Spiritually or in a Physical/Earthly sense as I have already stated. In the ultimate sense you are the Christ with your Brother and Sister, however, not only have you not fully demonstrated this understanding in an integrated way on Earth in all your relationships, you have also not fully realized this Spiritually. Let me explain what I mean here. You have learned this lesson in the Holy Instant in truth in any given moment on a "psychospiritual level," not on a fully completed Spiritual level. Another word for fully completed Spiritual level is fully "Realized" level. If just realizing GOD were having the Holy Instant experience it would immediately turn your body into Light and you would find yourself merged with GOD at the 352nd level of Divinity. The Holy Instant experience is true however one must demonstrate this fully and "Realize it" before GOD will give you the "Spiritual Light, Love and Power" that goes along with such a Realization. The key point here is that just because in any given Holy Instant you fully think, feel, intuit, comprehend, and know the truth of this Holy Instant experience doesn't mean you have "Fully Realized" this truth Spiritually yet. The key word here is "Realized". You must fully realize and "Demonstrate" this experience in an integrated and grounded way in service of your Brothers and Sisters at each level and dimension of GOD before GOD can entrust you with the Spiritual Voltage of Love, Wisdom and Power that goes along with this insight and understanding. Each level must be master-ed. So there is a difference between thinking, feeling, intuiting, comprehending and knowing and "True Demonstration and Realization" of this most profound understanding of being a Christ and an Integrated Christ. As you demonstrate your mastery of these lessons, all the other lessons I mentioned and many more, you will be allowed to pass your initiations and move to a higher level. These again are the Planetary level, the Solar level, the Galactic level, The Universal Level, the Multiuniversal level and the GOD or Cosmic Level. As you go through these levels GOD and the inner plane Ascended Masters, Angels, and Elohim will allow you to take higher and higher levels of initiation. Each initiation being a higher level of light quotient, love quotient and power quotient. At each level will come greater and greater levels of Spiritual Responsibility and
service work. As you prove yourself responsible and trustworthy at each level and master the lessons first of the planet, then of the Solar system, then of the Galaxy, then of the Universe, then of the Multi-Universe and then of the entire Cosmos, you will keep receiving more initiations until all 352 have been given for the 352 levels of GOD. Every time you receive the Rod of Initiation from the Logos of that Dimension you will receive a higher voltage of Spiritual current to work with and your thoughts will be-come that much more powerful. As I said earlier, eventually you will be able to create worlds, Solar systems, Galaxies, and even Universes potentially with the Power of your mind. Beloved Readers, do you see now why it is so important to learn to master your negative ego now. Can you imagine the mess we could create in the Omniverse of GOD if we were given total Spiritual Light, Love and Power at our present level of consciousness? Do you really think you are ready to create universes and galaxies and be in charge of trillions of souls under your Spiritual care? How can we be in charge of Universes and trillions of souls when we cannot even control our minds, emotions, lower self, lower self desire, the inner child, the subconscious mind, our negative ego, when we cannot get along with our spouse, mother-in-law, family, parents, co-workers and so on. I am being a little humorous here however, I think you will agree most people are not ready for such Spiritual Light, Love and Power even if they have read a little of A Course in Miracles, and have gotten in touch with the ultimate reality of the Holy Instant. In conclusion on this point. Thinking, feeling, intuiting, knowing and comprehending is different than truly "Demonstrating and Realizing" this understanding in an integrated and balanced manner, in a totally grounded way on each Level or Dimension of GOD that fully integrates the Spiritual, Psychological and Physical/Earthly Levels. So just because you experience very profoundly the reality of the "Holy Instant" in this moment or any other moment, does not mean you have fully realized the Holy Instant in your Spiritual Body. It cannot be emphasized enough as well that the Holy Instant must also be fully demonstrated and realized in the mental body, emotional body, etheric body, physical body and on Earth. For the purpose of Life is to bring Heaven to Earth, and to fully ground your true identity and the Christ and Mighty I Am Presence on Earth in a fully integrated and balanced manner. This, my Beloved Readers, is the roadmap to fully "Realizing" the Christ in the full totality of your Being!
Lesson 32 "I Have Invented The World I See" This lesson emphasizes the fact that the world you have been seeing, that you thought was coming from outside of your self, is really coming from within yourself. It is really coming from negative ego thinking, which you have learn-ed from mass consciousness in past lives or this life. This is an invented world that you see because it does not interpret all that is happening from the eyes of the Holy Spirit and the Christ Consciousness, therefore it is not real, and in truth does not exist. The law of the mind is that however you interpret life will seem totally real, however in truth all that is real is what GOD has created. Your mind has been filled with negative ego interpretations of life and this has caused you to see a world that is not really there. It has been a dream world of the personality and not of the Soul. It has been a dream world of the negative ego philosophy of life rather than the Christ Consciousness philosophy of life. Therefore, "you have invented the world you see."
Lesson 33 "There is Another Way Of Looking at The World" This lesson teaches us that there is the world you have invented and there is another way of looking at the world that is the complete opposite of the way you have been looking at it. For every interpretation that the negative ego makes of yourself and your world, the Holy Spirit
has an exact opposite inter-pretation and antidote if you will. The negative ego's interpretation will bring only fear, separation from GOD and your Brothers and Sisters, attack, judge-ment, anger, unhappiness, holding grudges and guilt. This other way of looking at the world will bring the exact opposite. It will bring only unconditional love, forgiveness, nonjudgmentalness, happiness, joy, guiltlessness, innocence, pa-tience, inner peace, even mindedness and equanimity. This lesson is positively hammering home the understanding that you always have a choice. The nega-tive ego's interpretation will only bring you unhappiness and negativity in the long run and most of the time in the short term as well. The Christ interpretation of self and life will bring you unceasing joy, happiness and positivity at all times in the short and long term. One will bring illusion and one will bring truth. One will bring a hellish state of consciousness and the other will bring a Heavenly state of consciousness. My Beloved Brothers and Sisters there is another way of looking at the world that will bring you the inner peace and God realization you seek!
Lesson 34 "I Could See Peace Instead of This" We must ask ourselves where war and conflict come from within our-selves and outside ourselves, between people and between nations. The answer is very simple, it comes from the negative ego and its fear based/separative/self-centered thought system. The Christ Consciousness thought system that the Holy Spirit and the Ascended Masters would have you think from creates only Love and Peace both within and without. It creates unconditional selflove and unconditional love for others. It creates inner peace, peace in all your relation-ships and peace between nations. In truth, there is only one problem in the entire world within and without and that is separation from GOD, and that is caused by the illusionary negative ego thought system. How can you have inner peace or peace in your relationships and your world if you believe you are sepa-rate from GOD and in some cases the negative ego will even tell some people GOD doesn't even exist. This is of course a classic case of projection, for in truth it is the negative ego that doesn't exist, it just thinks it does and we have believed it. Since as we stop believing it and stop letting it enter our consciousness it will disappear. It is a paper tiger in truth. My Beloved Readers, the choice is always the same, "Do you want Love and Peace or conflict, attack and fear?" The choice is yours in terms of which voice you choose to listen to. You can listen to the noisy, loud, uncouth voice of the negative ego, or you can listen to "the still small voice within" of the Holy Spirit, Your Mighty I Am Presence, The Ascended Masters, Angels, the Master Jesus and your own Christ Consciousness' ideals and understanding that are already very much present in your conscious and subconscious minds. Every moment of life this choice confronts you. Will you choose GOD or will you choose your negative ego in every moment of your life and in every situation of your life? If you have chosen wrongly in the past at times this is not a big deal for all is forgiven and the negative ego doesn't exist anyway. Ask the Holy Spirit to undo any and all negative effects of past mistakes. The Holy Spirit has the ability to do this and much more. Every moment of life allows you to "choose once again." The Prodigal Son and/or Daughter is always welcomed home. Do not delay giving Salvation to your self. It is not GOD who keeps Salvation or inner peace from you, it is you who keep it from yourself by choosing to think with your negative ego mind instead of your Christ Mind towards self and others. The negative ego's thought system can and will never bring you inner peace, however the Christ Consciousness thought system, guid-ed by the Holy Spirit and your own Mighty I Am Presence, The Ascended Masters, Angels and the Master Jesus will. My Beloved Readers, do not delay Salvation, the Peace of God and God Realization for the illusionary goals and personal agendas of the negative ego. The choice for GOD gives you in truth everything, and the choice for negative ego, in truth, will bring you illusion, nothing and
suffering. In truth, it is not even a choice. How can anyone choose illusion and nothing? How can anyone choose fear and attack for Unconditional Love? How can anyone choose inner and outer conflict and war instead of inner and outer Oneness and Peace? This is why this lesson states, "You can see peace instead of this."
Lesson 35 "My Mind is a Part of GOD's. I Am Very Holy." GOD created the Infinite Universe with his Infinite Mind. Since GOD created us as miniature copies of himself and we are made in his image and likeness, our mind is a part of GOD's Mind. The microcosm is like the Macrocosm as the Great Hermetic Law states. We are cocreators with GOD, and we create just like GOD with our minds. GOD created the all things through thought. He thought a thought and image of what he wanted to create and then breathed life into it. Sai Baba in India, who holds the Spiritual position in the Spiritual Government for this Planet of the Cosmic Christ and who is physically incarnated, can manifest things right out of the air with the wave of his hand through the power of his mind. This is no magic trick, Sai Baba does it on a smaller scale the way GOD can do it on an Infinite scale. We all have this potential and will do these things as we learn our lessons and raise our vibra-tional frequency through proper Demonstration and Realization of our Spiritual Lessons. Does not the Bible say, "Ye are Gods and know it not." Because our minds are part of GOD's, of course we are very Holy. Could that which has come from GOD not be Holy? If we are Sons and Daughters of GOD, and made in the image and likeness of GOD of course we are Holy. As A Course in Miracles states, this is not the grandiosity of the negative ego, it is the true Grandeur of our Divinity. In truth everything in GOD's Infinite Universe is Holy for GOD created it. Animals, plants, minerals and everything in GOD's Infinite Universe one could think of is Holy. This is why we learn to sanctify and honor all things that are of GOD. This is why every encounter with a Brother and Sister is a Holy Encounter. We are each Holy because we each are the Christ, whether we realize it or not. Just because we think we are a physical body and not a Spiritual Being, and just because a person believes that GOD does not exist, does not make it true. This is just the illusionary belief system of the negative ego at play which is causing that particular person to see a world that does not exist. All this faulty thinking does not change their true identity as the Christ and does not change their Holiness. It is our job to see this Holiness in ourselves and to see it in others. If we don't see it also in others we are not seeing it in ourselves because our Brothers and Sisters are not separate from us, and because what we see in our world is a reflection or mirror of our own think-ing. When we think with the negative ego mind we become blind to Christ Vision. When we think with our Christ Consciousness Mind we become blind to the negative ego, which is good. This is why Sai Baba says, "GOD equals man minus ego." To honor oneself as Holy is not false pride, unless the negative ego uses it that way. You are not owning your holiness to be better than everyone else, your are honoring your holiness in your self and others equally for we are all the Christ and Sons and Daughters of GOD in truth. GOD is Holy and we are Holy because we are created by him. This is also where our true worth comes from. How can we not be worthy if GOD created us? True worth does not come from what you do or achieve, it comes from who you are. The negative ego will tell you that you are just a physical body. GOD, Christ, the Holy Spirit and your own Mighty I Am Presence tell you that you are God! Does not the Bible say in the Psalms, "Be still, and know I am God!" It is important to Recognize the Mighty I Am Presence as GOD, and it is important to recognize that you are God and to recognize that they are one in truth. Earth life is a school to "practice the Presence of God." Earthly life is a school to recognize this truth and demonstrate and realize this in every moment and in every situation. One of the most
important Spiritual Practices of all is to Realize God, is to think only with your Christ mind and not let any negative ego mind thoughts into your consciousness. In doing this you can fully own with total peace of mind and certainty that "your mind is part of GOD's and you are very Holy."
Lesson 36 "My Holiness Envelops Everything I See" This next lesson is a very interesting one. It is interesting because it has many meanings. First off, it means your Holy thinking of your Christ Con-sciousness is now being applied to everything you see. It also means your true identity as the Christ is not limited to just the physical body. The negative ego will tell you that your identity ends at the surface of the skin of your physical body. The negative ego sees this as a type of fence, and everything inside of it is you and everything outside of it is separate from you. In truth this is complete illusion, for you are not your physical body, you just are living in this physical body for this incarnation to gain experience in one of GOD's Heavens. Your true identity is as an incarnating Soul, and Son and Daughter of GOD, or as the Christ. As the Christ or Eternal Self incarnated into your physical body, your identity does not end at your skin. This is illusion. Your true identity is infinite because you are God. GOD in truth says you are and have "everything". Instead you listen to the negative ego who tells you that all you are is the infinitesimal speck of creation. It is almost comical. GOD has given us everything and we claim for ourselves almost nothing. This, my Beloved Readers, is how delusion-al the negative thought system is. The negative ego will defend that little speck of creation with a vengeance, because it believes even that will be taken away because the negative ego believes in death, which is another illusion. The negative ego thought system is literally insane. GOD has given us everything because we are everything in truth. This is the ultimate true reality, which we are now in the process of fully realizing through proper demonstration at each level as we go through our Initiation Process. My Beloved Readers, our true identity is limitless, because GOD is limitless. The microcosm is like the Macrocosm. All of Creation is a part of us, and we are a part of all Creation. In truth all Creation lives within us and we live within all Creation in the ultimate ideal and truth of things. We have not fully realized this truth yet, however it is still the truth. Eventually we do realize it, this is why we will be in charge of Planets, Solar Systems, Galaxies, Uni-verses and even Multi-Universes. Melchizedek is in charge of our Universe and we all live and move and have our being in him. His physical body is the entire Universe and more in truth. In the ultimate sense everyone's identity is all of Creation. Eventually we will fully realize this understanding and the Infinite Cosmos will be our body. This is already the truth of our being, however we are in the process of realizing it on all levels in an integrated manner. So my Beloved Readers, when A Course in Miracles states that your Holiness envelops everything it is literally true in the ultimate sense and will be even more true as you continue to expand in your Demonstration and Realiza-tion process. You are God, and your Holiness envelops everything you see. Because everything in Infinity is literally inside of you as it is inside of GOD. Your Brothers' and Sisters' Holiness is in everything they see as well. They live inside of you and you live inside of them. We are all one with each other and one with GOD. Is not the Creation of GOD most sublime! Another meaning of this lesson is that your Holiness envelops everything you see because your thoughts are not separate from Creation. This is another enormous illusion of the negative ego. It thinks that its thinking does not affect that which it thinks about. It thinks that its thoughts remain stuck somehow behind the illusion fence of the physical body. This is complete illusion again. Our thoughts extend throughout all of Creation because our identity as Sons and Daughters of GOD does as well. When we think a thought about someone it goes
right to them. That is why people end up calling us just when we were thinking about them. This is called telepathy. Telepathy is a normal and natural way of communicating when we are out of our physical bodies. Every thought you think affects that which you are thinking about. This is a very profound statement my Beloved Readers if you really think about it. Every angry thought and feeling about someone affects that person like darts and arrows zooming towards them. If they have a weak aura or weak Spiritual and Psychological immune system this can in truth affect them adversely. Remember the higher you go in your initiation process the more powerful your thoughts become. Every negative thought and feeling you have ever had about anyone has affect-ed that person even if they have physically died. Every sexual fantasy you have had has affected the person you were focusing it upon whether you personally knew them or not. My Beloved Readers, I think this now makes the process of learning to think with your Christ Mind, instead of your negative ego mind even more important. Do you see why it has been so necessary to break down the negative ego thought system in the beginning of these lessons. I know you are having many insights and revelations about how you have thought and how you have seen the world that you did not see before. This is the profundity of seeing life through the eyes of the Holy Spirit and the Mighty I Am Presence rather than the negative ego. There is so much programming we have taken in from mass consciousness that we take for granted and don't even realize. This is why it has been so essential for you to be open minded to learning and that you need to not let the negative ego read this book through your physical eyes. The nega-tive ego being the "know it all" that it is, and ego maniac it is, never wants to admit it has anything to ever learn. The negative ego thinks it is God. We joke about this in our society about how doctors play God. This is because the nega-tive ego has taken over the doctor's consciousness. This, of course, is not just doctors, it is everyone, because this is what the negative ego does. It either tells you you are better than everyone else or worse than everyone else. It either puts you on a trip of selfaggrandizement or self-deprecation. So my Beloved Readers, our thoughts affect everything. Do not feel guilty for the negative thoughts you have created or of the miscreations or misqualifications of your mind, for they are all forgiven by GOD and of your-self if you will listen to your Christ mind. Also, listen to this very closely, the Holy Spirit will undo the negative affects of all your past negative thoughts in past lives and this life if you ask the Holy Spirit to do this. This my Beloved Readers, is one of the most profound things I have stated in this entire Manual. The Holy Spirit speaks for the Atonement or for the At-one-ment. This is the process of undoing the negative ego. The Holy Spirit is the Voice of GOD. For every one negative thought and interpretation of the negative ego the Holy Spirit and your own Mighty I Am Presence has an Answer. There is no under-standing or problem that the Holy Spirit cannot answer. It is the Voice of GOD. Very few people take advantage of its incredible power. It undoes the negative ego through teaching, and can undo it in Mystical ways behind the scenes that we cannot even fathom. It can help you to do this in your own consciousness if you ask it to do so, and it can undo all the negative repercussions of all your past mistakes since the beginning of time. Ask the Holy Spirit to do this. The Holy Spirit has only one restriction and that is it is not allowed to help unless you ask it to. This is because GOD gave us free choice and GOD, Christ and the Holy Spirit do not interfere unless we ask. If we do ask, the Infinite Powers of GOD, Christ and the Holy Spirit are at our disposal as long as the things we ask for are motivated by our Christ Consciousness and not our negative ego consciousness. Now it is also important to say here that all our Christed thoughts and feelings also affect all of Creation as well. So every Christed, positive thought you think uplifts Creation, and every negative thought you think affects Creation. Do you see now why, my Beloved Readers, GOD has now given us all Light, Love and Power right now? Do you see why we are given all Light, Love and Power gradually as we prove our selves responsible? I bet you are glad you didn't
have all Light, Love and Power at some earlier stages of your life. Each Initiation you go up the Spiritual Voltage and your thinking rises another notch. This is an enormous responsibility. We remember in the Bible how even Lucifer, who was an Archangel, fell from Grace and misthoughts. Even Archangels and inner plane Ascended Masters can still fall from grace and fall under the illusionary spell of the negative ego. This is why even they are in a state of evolution as well. Every Christed thought you think helps all your fellow Sons and Daughters of GOD. Every negative ego thought you think hurts them. I hope this understanding which has always been true will make you even more motivated to be "joyously vigilant" over your thinking. As you can see now your vision of the world is now transforming in a most wonderful way. Some of these things you have already known, some you are learning and some of these lessons you are now taking in at a much deeper level. Your courage to have an open mind and to be willing to be open to the possibility that you might have something to learn is to honored here. Most people being run by the negative ego would not even allow themselves to read such a book for the negative ego thinks it knows everything. Plus it does not want to lose its power and control over the personality. For in truth its very life is at stake. It will hence do every-thing in its power to sabotage the process and to find excuses and rationaliza-tions for not doing so. Do not listen to such idle banter and faulty thinking and continue to be joyously vigilant for GOD and His Kingdom. Never forget that not only do your thoughts affect all your Brothers and Sisters and all of Creation, but their thoughts affect you as well. This is why it is essential to develop a strong Spiritual, Psychological, and Physical immune system and to be a Master in life and not a victim. If you are not a Master, you will be brought down by the negative ego thinking, speaking and actions of others. Your true purpose is to be a master and cause and set a better example, and not catch their psychological diseases which are all caused by the negative ego. Your true purpose is to be Invulnerable to the negativity of others on all levels. It is also essential to remain invulnerable to the mass consciousness, not only in the outer media but all from the inner media or inner negative thinking and feeling that covers our world like an inner smog, or inner mental, emotional and astral pollution. Your Spiritual Mission is to raise yourself and others, which cannot be separated, and to be raised by other's Christed thoughts and feelings, but not be brought down by others negative ego thoughts and feelings. Too many people have weak Psychospiritual immune systems and allow the negative thoughts and feelings of others to bring them down. This is not compassion, this is negative empathy and victim consciousness. The best thing your can do for others is to stay strong and remain in inner peace, happiness and joy. Catching their psychological disease does not help them, it actually adds to their illusion. Have compassion not negative empathy. Compassion is where you feel for another person's suffering because they are your Brother and Sister in Christ, however you do not take this suffering on. In conclusion, My Beloved Readers, I think you can now more clearly see "that your Holiness envelops everything you see in a most profound and sublime way and manner!"
Lesson 37 "My Holiness Blesses The World" This lesson of course is a continuation of the previous one. Your Holi-ness not only envelops the world it blesses the world. When you own your Holiness this not only helps yourself, it also helps other, for all minds are joined. When you own your Holiness, the entire infinite Universe becomes a little Holier. Another cell of GOD has returned home so to speak. Your can feel the blessing of self in owning this, and since you are one with all your Brothers and Sisters and they are one with you, then all are made a little more Holy. Everyone is Holy already, however, your claiming and owning this truth makes it more of a realization among the infinite numbers of Sons and Daughters of GOD.
Another thing that owning your Holiness does is stimulate the Hundredth Monkey effect on a subtle level. The Hundredth Monkey effect is where one monkey on one island started washing his potatoes and then pretty soon all the monkeys on the island were. Then all the other monkeys on other islands started doing the same thing even though they had no physical contact. Owning your Holiness causes other Sons and Daughters to wake up to their Holiness on many levels through telepathy. When you own your Holiness this creates a much greater Christ vibration in your aura and energy fields and this Christed vibra-tion then blesses everyone you contact and all the people you are connected with personally and the infinite Universe as well. When you own your Holiness it blesses everyone you meet in a Conscious sense because owning your Holi-ness is felt in your thoughts, words and deeds. It is also felt when you are not in physical contact with people, and is even felt when you are physically sleeping. When you own your Holiness this consciousness is held within your aura and is felt even if you never say a word. When you own your Holiness this means you are also seeing the Holiness in others regardless of their level of development, for if you are not seeing it in your Brother and Sister then you are not truly owning it within yourself. For never forget what you see in the world is really what you are thinking in yourself. If you truly want Holiness within self then you must see Holiness in your Brothers and Sisters, for you can not have it fully within self if you don't see it outside of self as well. This is where the illusion of the negative ego truly distorts reality. The negative ego thinks it can own good things within itself and not see them in others so it can be better than, and it doesn't realize that by not seeing it in their Brother and Sister they have actually lost it within themselves. The negative ego does not realize the outer world is a mirror of one's own thinking. I mentioned in the previous lesson that the Holy Spirit can help you to remove the negative ego if you ask. What I also want to mention is that the Ascended Masters can as well. What I am going to share here is not in A Course In Miracles, however it is so profound that I would be amiss to not mention it. The inner plane Ascended Masters have a process called the "Core Fear Matrix Removal Program". This Process can be called forth from the inner plane Ascended Masters and it is a process that allows these Masters to pull all the negative ego/fear based programming out of your conscious and subconscious mind like pulling weeds from a garden. The negative ego fear based program-ming clairvoyantly looks like black weeds or black and grey strands of energy running through your four body system. The inner plane Ascended Masters actually have the ability to pull these strands of negative ego programming out of energy fields. This does not mean that you can stop reading and studying, and all the lessons will be learned, for if you don't do your own conscious work of learning these lessons the Masters can pull all the strands out and they will build right back up again. The Combination of having the Holy Spirit do its magic, along with your Conscious work of Denial and Affirmation and the inner plane Ascended Masters doing their part is the three fold ticket to the greatest and most effective success, in my humble opinion. Having all the core fear programming removed from your field will allow you to see much better. It will clear away what could be described as an astral and mental fog or smog that will make learning these lessons even easier. To have this process done for you just ask the favorite Ascended Masters of your choice and they will be happy to do this for you. If you would like more information on this process I would recommend reading my book Beyond Ascension. There is a very good chapter where I discuss this. For our purposes here however, just ask for this. They are not allowed to do this unless you ask. "Ask and you shall receive, knock and the door shall be opened." I also want to explain here what I meant by saying the conscious work you will be doing is involved with denial and affirmation. Your job is to deny any thought not of GOD to enter your mind. Your second job is to replace all negative ego thoughts and attitudes with Christed thoughts and attitudes. By denying the negative ego and not giving it attention, it withers and
dies. By giving attention, focus and affirming the Christed attitudes and interpretation of life it expands and grows. This is why I called this conscious process denial and affirmation. Your Holiness blesses the world because by doing so every thought you think is holy, every feeling you create becomes holy, every piece of energy you emanate becomes Holy, and your physical actions become Holy. These aspects of Self end up touching people and things in infinite numbers of ways which we could not even count or list. Also, given the fact that as the Christ, in truth, your energy body is infinite and embraces everything, your Holiness ends up bless-ing everything. The entire octave of GOD's Infinite Body has been raised a little more. You have blessed yourself and you have blessed your Brothers and Sisters and all of Creation. You have not done this from the negative ego's version of holiness, which is holier than thou; you have manifested and demon-strated a Christed understanding of Holiness that recognizes it within self and sees it in all others as well. One of the most interesting studies of the negative ego is how it has infiltrated religion and the New Age Movement. I am not saying here that the New Age Movement is all bad by any means, or religion for that matter. What I am saying is it is fascinating to see the distortions and glamours that the nega-tive ego has made and is making in this arena. Again it is almost comical to watch. This would make a fantastic book. The negative ego's interpretation of the Bible. The negative ego's use of channeling and New Age concepts. There is nothing in life that the negative ego does not infiltrate and contaminate with illusion, glamour and maya. Every Spiritual principle you can come up with, the negative ego will distort and use for its own advantage. With no judgement intended, I sometimes think that religious and spiritual people create more negative ego than other groups. This would seem paradoxical, however looking at what is going on in religion and the New Age Movement these days, there is an enormous amount of corruption, fragmentation, disintegration and glamour taking place. People are developing Spiritually, but they are not developing psychologically nearly at the same rate. This is what is causing the corruption, and most do not realize it. Learning to master the negative ego is not an easy task. In truth it is a life long lesson and it is not ever truly Mastered completely, for the moment one goes back on automatic pilot; it can come back again no matter how advanced you are. I mention this subject because each of these lessons in A Course in Miracles can be misunderstood and misapplied by the negative ego and everyone must be on guard against this. An example of this might be the negative ego's desire in this lesson to be Holy so it can be better than others. The negative ego would use this lesson to be special and better. The truth is, all are special and all are Holy for all are Sons and Daughters of GOD. I also want to hammer this next point home because otherwise the negative ego will misuse it, and what I mean here is that everyone is Holy regardless of their level of evolution or Realization of GOD. Even if someone is filled with nega-tive ego and does not even know what the negative ego is, and is filled with negative feelings and emotions and inappropriate negative behavior they are still Holy. The negative ego judges people according to their form. It first judges people as to if they have an attractive physical body or not. The negative ego is into appearances, where the Christ Consciousness sees the Christ and innocence living within a physical body. The Christ Consciousness is a love finder not a fault finder. Because it is your mind that creates your seeing, if you look for and see the faults within others you are really seeing yourself, not the other person. This is more of a statement of you and not them in truth. The negative ego in its distorted perception cannot see this however. This does not mean that one is not allowed to have spiritual discernments. This is another classic misuse of a Christed understanding by the negative ego. The negative ego hears that being judgemental is wrong so it distorts this and throws the baby out with the bath water and says all Spiritual Discernment is wrong. The nega-tive ego in truth loves this for this allows it to be completely in control by using a Christed Concept and ideal to enforce its takeover.
One other incredible understanding about the nature of the negative ego is that if you do not see the negative ego in yourself operating, you will not be able to see this in others. I see this psychological law happening all the time. The Spiritual leaders who are run by the negative ego are attracting the other negative ego run lightworkers to them. They both cannot see the corruption in the other because they cannot see it within themselves. I honestly do not mean this to be a judgement, but just an example of how this psychological law operates. The negative ego is always taking true Christed ideals and concepts and distorting them and not using them in a balanced way. Of all the lessons on the Spiritual Path that a person needs to learn, learning to master the negative ego is the hardest. Never underestimate the absolute brilliance of the negative ego in its corruption, deceit, manipulation, seductiveness, ability to distort and in its slipperiness. One might ask how can the negative ego be brilliant. It is brilliant because your mind is brilliant. The negative ego is using the brilliant mind that GOD gave you and which is really a part of His Infinite Mind as well, and is using it for its corrupted purposes. We see this happen all the time with politicians and lawyers. Here are men who have absolutely brilliant minds, yet they are to a great extent run by the negative ego. So the negative ego uses the brilliant mind for its selfish, self-centered purposes that are antithetical to GOD's purposes. The negative ego uses all this brilliance and creativity for its self-interest gain just for self and not to help others, but often to hurt and sabo-tage others. The Christ consciousness believes in Win/Win and the negative ego believes in Win /Lose. The Christ Consciousness believes in I'm okay and you're okay. The negative ego believes in I'm okay and you're not okay. We see this in Traditional Religion where Fundamentalist Christians tell you that if you don't believe what I say your are of the devil. All religions other than Christianity are of the devil. The New Age Movement is of the Devil. If you don't interpret the Bible as they interpret it you are of the devil. The teachings of Christ say do not judge, yet they are judgemental. The negative ego at times is not even logical. It has very selective thinking and reasoning. Christ said, "Everything I can do you can do and more." Yet the belief that everyone is the Christ and we are all destined to do the things the Master Jesus did and more would be blasphemy. The negative ego has infiltrated and contaminated every aspect of Earth life. This is why it is so important for lightworkers to learn these lessons so they can not only demonstrate them in their personal and impersonal lives, but also so they can teach other people how to do this as well. The negative ego not only judges physical appearances, it judges the mental form of appearances. Then it judges the emotional form and appearance of people. Then it judges the energetic form and nature of people. The negative ego only looks at the form level of the physical body, mental body, emotional body, etheric body and even the Spiritual body. It will judge the Spiritual body by saying this person is not Spiritual enough. Quite comical and paradoxical don't you think? The Christ Consciousness recognizes that there is a form, and has appropriate Spiritual discernment, however it is more interested in the "essence and not the form". The Christ Consciousness is more interested in a person's "innocence than their guilt". The Christ Consciousness is more inte-rested in the light, then the lampshade. The Christ Consciousness is more inte-rested in the diamond and not the rough. The Christ Consciousness is more interested in the Diamond and not the mud on the Diamond. The Christ Consciousness is more interested in seeing the Christ and Loving the Christ, than the form of physical, mental, emotional, etheric or Spiritual clothing they are wearing. The Christ Consciousness hence works on both levels, essence and form, where the negative ego is only interested in judging form. That is why the negative ego believes that a person's worth is based on what they achieve rather than the fact that God created them, so of course, they are worthy. The negative ego would say that Holiness must be earned. The Christ Consciousness would stay that yes, demonstration is important, however each person is Holy because GOD created them and they were born or created that way. Each person is inherently worthy and
Holy, and the purpose of life is to also become Holy in ones every thought, word and deed. Each person is Holy because in truth they are the Christ. They now have choice in deciding this because they did not create themselves, GOD did. Thinking that this is not true does not change the truth of it. An ostrich can stick its head in the sand but it does not change the reality of life. Thinking the negative ego thought system is real doesn't make it real. There is a truth in life that GOD created. To fight this truth is to fight GOD, which is a useless battle. How can GOD lose when all that exists is GOD and each person is God. To fight GOD, GOD's Laws and Truth is to create suffering. In truth everything in GOD's Universe is governed by laws, when we are disobedient to these laws we suffer. The suffering is self-inflicted, for GOD does not make us suffer, we are making ourselves suffer by choosing negative ego instead of GOD. The suffering serves as catalyst to make us seek Truth. In GOD's reality there is no suffering. Suffering is what thinking with your negative ego mind will bring. In final conclusion, your inherent Holiness blesses the world because you are the Christ in truth and all Minds are One and interconnected and your body is in truth infinite. So when you own your Holiness this affects automatically all of creation. Everytime your Brother and Sister accepts their Holiness, it blesses us. This is because there is only one being in the infinite Universe and that is GOD. When one aspect of GOD experiences their Holiness all aspects of GOD are automatically blessed. In the same way all good thinking, feeling, actions, words and deeds you do blesses your fellow Sons and Daughters of GOD and every good thought, feeling, action, word or deed they do blessings you for we share the same identity in Christ. GOD has one Son or one Daughter and we are all part of the Sonship or Daughtership. When you own your own Holiness in a Christed Sense all of Creation is blessed because by owning your Holiness you will see only Holiness, within Self and within others. Hence your inherent Holiness of being the Christ and knowing your Brothers and Sisters are the Christ as well blesses the world, and your Holy Christ Consciousness thinking, feeling, actions, energy, demonstration and realization bless the world as well!
Lesson 38 "There is Nothing My Holiness Cannot Do" This is a very profound lesson, and in a way the Master Jesus has come forward with a new Revelation in this lesson similar to his statement in his life on Earth as Jesus when he said, "Everything I can do, you can do and more." GOD is limitless and we are limitless. When we truly own our Holiness we are owning our Christ Consciousness. Christ Consciousness is God Consciousness. The Master Jesus demonstrated what could be done in a physical body on Earth when one fully embraces and integrates the Christ Consciousness. When one does this they become a direct vehicle for GOD, Christ, the Holy Spirit and one's own Mighty I Am Presence on Earth. One becomes literally the Christ and/or the Mighty I am Presence walking the Earth living in a physical body. The Miracles Jesus performed, Saint Germain performed on Earth, and that Sai Baba is performing on Earth are all examples of our true Christed potentiality. The purpose of life is to not necessarily develop Powers or Siddhas, but to develop Unconditional Love, for this is the Greatest Power of all. When one truly embodies and exemplifies the Christ, Miracles and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit naturally manifests. They are natural by-products of our Divinity. As we fully own our identity as the Christ and demonstrate and realize this on Earth, miracles come because miracles are natural. They come from miracle minded-ness. Miracle mindedness is Christ thinking. The more we first recognize our true ultimate identity and then learn to Demonstrate and Realize it on Earth, the more limitless we become. These other Masters I have mentioned have demon-strated this and there are many others I have not mentioned. Jesus could walk on water, raise the dead, turn water into wine, turn one loaf of bread into many loafs of bread. He could heal the sick. This is the Power and Love of GOD, Christ, and the Holy Spirit in action. In the ultimate
sense of things we are God, and there is nothing that GOD cannot do, so there is nothing that we cannot do. GOD has no limits and we have no limits. The physical laws of this world can and are being transcended by Love and the Power of GOD and Christ. In the ultimate sense everyone will eventually hold the same Powers that GOD has, it is just a matter of time until everyone realizes this. Once you claim your Holiness fully, miracles will come. Sai Baba is the walking demonstration of the ultimate Holiness and Power of God walking the Earth. Here is a Being who is totally Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent, and his main teaching is "God equals man minus ego." Let this be a lesson to us all. I end this lesson with the words, "There is nothing my Holiness cannot do."
Lesson 39 "My Holiness Is My Salvation" We have established so far that your Holiness envelops everything and blesses everything. In today's lesson we now establish that your Holiness is your Salvation. This is true for it is only by owning your Holiness and Christed identity and nature that Salvation can come. One of the most profound teach-ings of A Course in Miracles is that your Salvation does not come from GOD, it comes from yourself. This is because GOD has already given you everything. GOD has never kicked us out of Eden or removed anything from us. We are the ones who have separated ourselves from GOD. We have done this by embrac-ing an identity and thought system that was an illusion based on a faulty belief in separation and overidentification with matter. GOD created us as the Christ in the beginning and we still are the Christ, have always been the Christ and always will be the Christ. GOD never took anything away. Coming into matter was not a punishment, it was a gift and Divine opportunity. Coming into matter did not create separative consciousness or the fall, misthinking did. The key point here being, GOD did not create the misthinking, we did with our free choice. So my Beloved Readers, GOD doesn't need to give us Salvation, we need to give ourselves Salvation. We do this by removing negative ego thinking and replacing it with Christ Consciousness thinking. By doing this we can return back to the original oneness and unity with GOD in this Holy Instant By demonstrating the total Christ Consciousness on a Spiritual, Psychological and Earthly level in an integrated manner in our daily lives each moment we can remain in this state of Salvation, unconditional love and oneness. It is only our negative ego thinking that removes us from our realization of GOD each moment. By each moment of our lives demonstrating Christ Consciousness rather than negative ego consciousness, and practicing the other Spiritual and Earthly practices of the Spiritual path we rise in Realization and Initiation. We give Salvation to ourselves every moment of our lives by practicing Holiness. Another way of saying this is that we are practicing demonstrating the Presence of GOD. The Spiritual Path is quite simple. If you want to be with GOD in Heaven, then act like God on Earth. We lost our Salvation by not acting like God on Earth. To not act like GOD means that you are letting the negative ego, lower self, fear based mind be your guide instead of the Christ mind, Holy Spirit and Mighty I Am Presence. In truth we are everything and have every-thing. The key question is will we give Salvation to ourselves by having the clarity and vigilance to remove and keep the negative ego out of our minds and to replace it with Christ Thinking. This is not something GOD can give us, and in truth it is not something that the Holy Spirit, your Mighty I Am Presence, The Ascended Masters or Angels can give you because they cannot control your mind. They can help in the process and teach you how to think and clear negative ego programming from your mind, however they cannot control your mind. This lesson is up to you. As the saying goes, "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink." In truth this manual and A Course in Miracles is handing Salvation to you on a silver platter. All you have to do is to apply these insights and tools and you will experience first hand the instant results you will get from doing this. You must
master and control your own mind however, for no one and no Spiritual being will or can do this for you. In GOD's eyes you already have Salvation, the question is will you give Salvation to yourself? As the Course says, "The fall never really happened we just think it did." The loss of Salvation never happened either, we just think it did. You give yourself salvation each moment by thinking with your Christ mind, which hence creates only Christed feelings and emotions, and Christ behavior and energies. This keeps you in harmony and attunement to Unconditional love, and in balance with your Three-Fold Flame of Love, Wisdom, and Power. By learning to demonstrate being an Integrated Christ on Earth you are giving yourself Salvation, because your are staying in harmony and oneness with GOD in a balanced manner. So your Salvation comes by recognizing in this Holy Instant that you are the Christ as is your Brother and Sister. You achieve Salvation each moment of your life by demonstrating that you are an Integrated Christ on Earth in a balanced manner. We have already achieved Salvation in the ultimate sense of the reality of the Holy Instant, and we also are realizing the Salvation each moment of our lives by demonstrating being an integrated Christ in a balanced manner. We are in oneness with GOD right now and we can remain that way each moment we choose Christ thinking over negative ego thinking. So GOD is not giving us anything, for we are giving Salvation to ourselves by sticking to our Christed ideals. Each time we don't stick to our Christed ideals we are not giving Salvation to ourselves. GOD is not taking anything away; we are taking it away. There is no judgement if we do this and all is forgiven, and our lack of realization doesn't take away the truth of our being. It is just falling asleep again for that moment. This does not matter for a new moment is always given in this life or the next one. It is just a matter of time when we learn these lessons. Everyone has to learn these lessons. They do not have to do it through A Course in Miracles or this manual, but the lessons must be learned somehow. It is a required course. You can take eternity to learn these lessons or you can do it now. The choice is yours. The reality is, however, that when you choose the negative ego you will ultimately create suffering for yourself. When you choose Christ Consciousness you choose love, joy, happi-ness and inner peace. You do not have to be perfect to Realize GOD, for the forgiveness of mistakes and learning your lessons puts you right back in God Realization. So ask GOD, Christ and the Holy Spirit, as well as your own Mighty I Am Presence, to help you give Salvation to yourself. You already have it in truth, for GOD has never taken it away, but the question is will you continue to give it to yourself by always thinking with your Christ Mind and not the negative ego mind? So in owning your true Holiness and Christed nature and seeing this in your Brothers and Sisters as well is when your Salvation will come. For in owning your Holiness, by definition you are owning your Christ identity and your Christ Consciousness. By owning your Holiness you are seeing life through Gods eyes and God's vision and you are being a walking demonstration of God on Earth in a balanced and integrated manner. So for these reasons, "Your Holiness is your Salvation." Lesson 40 "I Am Blessed As A Son of GOD" This lesson clearly states the profundity of our existence and creation as a Son or Daughter of GOD. This is an indisputable fact for this is how GOD created us. We have no choice in the matter, for we did not create ourselves; GOD created us. We are made in the image and likeness of GOD. We are not just a physical body we are a Son or Daughter of GOD living in a physical body. Our lesson on Earth is to now demonstrate the truth of this reality every single moment of our lives on Earth, so we can fully realize it each moment by Embracing the Christ Consciousness, and so we can embrace higher and higher levels of realization of this truth. In the ultimate sense of reality this is who and what we are and is what we are also in the process of fully realizing. The Master Jesus has also guided me at this time, upon some inner consultation, to clarify a few more points in regard to A Course in Miracles in general, and in regard to this lesson as well, so one can more fully understand and partake of the great blessings A Course in Miracles has for you. First it must be understood, that the Course in Miracles is written
from a certain lens or viewpoint for a certain purpose to bring forth a certain development of con-sciousness in lightworkers, and it has done this job beautifully. It never claimed to be a book that explained all aspects of the Spiritual Path, or claimed to be a book that gave a full spectrum view of everything. This is important to under-stand because otherwise it is possible to get confused by some of the things that A Course in Miracles says. A Course in Miracles' purpose is to bring through a certain piece of consciousness. The Master Jesus told me that you are meant to take these teachings into the sanctuary of your own Heart and work with it, integrate it, and build upon it from this full spectrum prism consciousness I speak of. The reason I bring this up is that the Master Jesus told me they are 100% true in some of the lessons, but they are also paradoxes. In other words some of the lessons are 100% true but from a more full spectrum lens they are also not true. The classic example being the Holy Instant. In this Holy Instant you are the Christ, I am the Christ, we are one with each other and we are one with GOD. It has always been this way and always will be this way and none of our negative ego thoughts and misqualified creations has affected this truth in the slightest. Now even though this statement is 100% true, it is also not true. It is not true in the sense that there is an evolutionary process we are in, and that all Sons and Daughters of GOD are in, and we all must go through the 352 levels of initiation back to Source. So this Holy Instant statement is 100% true but it also is not true because in truth we also have not fully "Realized" GOD through the evolutionary and Initiation Process. We have also not learned to fully experience the Holy Instant in the Totality of what it really means. Just saying the words or feeling it in your emotional body does not mean you have fully realized the full totality of this truth. We also must learn to be fully integrated Christs, not just be a Christ in an impersonal sense. We must be a Christ within ourselves, in our romantic relationships, with our children, with our in-laws, with friends, neighbors, business associates, to animals, plants and all aspects of Earth Life. We must learn to be integrated Christs in the market-place so to speak, totally involved with earth life, not just by reading this book in our room. We must be able to fully demonstrate the Christ Consciousness in all situations. So just because we have read A Course In Miracles and under-stand the concepts doesn't mean we have fully realized the Christ on a plane-tary, solar, galactic, universal, multi-universal and cosmic Level. There is also the factor that Jesus mentioned to me that even after one has gone through all 352 levels of initiation has one still realized GOD? Not really because GOD keeps expanding and so from another lens it is never really possible to fully realize GOD because He keeps expanding and in truth there may be aspects of GOD that are Unfathomable. Yet from another lens it is possible to become a full fledged Cosmic Christ and Cosmic Ascended Master and to complete all 352 levels of Initiation. So the main point here being that yes this statement of the Holy Instant is true and we are Blessed as Sons and Daughters of GOD and yet it is also true that we haven't fully experienced, Realized, demonstrated and gone through all the initiations of what true GOD Realization is yet. So this concept of the Holy Instant is 100% true and it is 100% not true. It is a paradox in a sense and the Master Jesus has asked me to explain this. A Course in Miracles was written to bring forth the first half of this Truth to take light-workers to the next step, but was not written to explain this whole process. This issue of paradox is important to understand in some of the lessons otherwise A Course In Miracles will not be integrated properly. The Master Jesus was not writing dogma here, he was just bringing through a certain piece of conscious-ness that was essential to come through. It was always his intent however that we take A Course In Miracles into the Sanctuary of our hearts and Integrate this into the totality of the whole picture and not stay stuck in any one lens. If this is done all evolution stops, and this is totally antithetical to what he is trying to teach, so he has asked me to explain this. It is the Master Jesus who has explained to me this issue of Paradox and that it was not the purpose of the Course to explain this paradox, it is mine, for I have taken this most profound revelatory teaching into the
Sanctuary of my Heart and consulted with the Master Jesus and the Holy Spirit and this revelation continues to be expanded. GOD never remains stuck in one place. So my Beloved Readers, an understanding of A Course in Miracles keeps expanding in understanding as you take it into the Sanctuary of your own heart. This is what the Master Jesus and the Holy Spirit wish you to understand. To say that some of the Lessons are a paradox does not take away from the Course in Miracles it "adds to A Course in Miracles." So A Course in Miracles in truth is a continuing Revelation and should be understood as such and not interpreted from a fundamentalist point of view, otherwise what has happened to religion will happen to A Course In Miracles. I think this point and understanding has been clearly made. There is so much exciting information the Master Jesus has shared with me I do not know where to begin in continuing the explanation of this lesson. Now one more paradoxical lesson is the lesson that "my Salvation is up to me." This statement is 100% true in the context of what A Course in Miracles is trying to teach, that we realize GOD or do not realize GOD by whether we think with our negative ego mind or Christ mind. However, the Master Jesus told me that even though this lesson is 100% true it is also not true from a larger full spectrum prism consciousness lens, because it is possible for GOD to give Salvation. Nothing is written in stone. GOD sometimes pulls back Universes whose Divine Plans are not working. This is because life is an Experiment in Consciousness. The Plan for reincarnation for example was not an original idea of GOD. It was an afterthought once the process of densification had taken place. It was not a part of the original plan. So it is possible if GOD wanted to He could get rid of the entire initiatory process and pull everyone back to Source. Now this is unlikely but it could happen. Many people have the faulty belief that everything is set and nothing that has been set up will ever change. This is not true, for GOD is ever expanding and changing, and if some experi-ment is not working new additions are always being made to make it work better or cancel it completely and try a new experiment. So it is possible that GOD could give Salvation. The Master Jesus makes this point for he does not want to limit GOD. The lesson, "my Salvation is up to me" is 100% true in the context of which it was speaking. From the more full spectrum conscious-ness prism viewpoint however, the Master Jesus states that it is also not true. So the lessons should not be read as dogma, but as tools to expand one's consciousness and bring through certain pieces of consciousness, which it has and does beautifully; again with the help of the Master Jesus and the Holy Spirit I am continuing to expand the Revelation that is A Course In Miracles. Now this next point is very interesting. In the beginning the Master Jesus tells me the plan was that GOD created aspects of Himself to move out in to creation to expand GOD's Kingdom. In the beginning we inhabited bodies but they were more bodies of light of various natures. This was part of the plan for we could not experience Creation without inhabiting some kind of bodies. The important point here was that they were not dense physical bodies but more light and etherical bodies. Now the Master Jesus tells me that since we had free choice, the possibility of choosing negative ego even exists on the inner planes. This is true for people, Archangels and Angels and the Elohim line of evolution. Some people believe that Archangels and Angels do not have free choice but this is not true. Even Archangels and Angels can fall under the illusion of negative ego thinking and this was clearly demonstrated by Lucifer. I just wanted to clear this misconception floating around the New Age Movement. Now the Master Jesus tells me that part of GOD's Plan was that all the beings he created of all three lines of Evolution, Ascended Master, Angelic and Elohim, would go through an "Evolutionary Process of some kind". Now what I am about to tell you here is absolutely fascinating. The Master Jesus told me that even if no one in all three lines of evolution had ever thought with their negative ego mind and miscreated, that we all would still have to go through the 352 levels of Initiation. This is fascinating, for it shows that the Initiation process is part of the Evolutionary process and not just because we miscreated and fell from grace. This is very profound I think, that people understand this. I think the
predominate belief among most people on the Earth is that we have to evolve back though all these levels because we fell from Grace and this is not true. It was always part of GOD's Plan for all these aspects of himself to go through this Evolutionary Process. Now the truth is, however, the Master Jesus tells me that when we incarnated into these different planets and star systems in our light or etherical bodies, negative ego thinking did take place. What this caused was a densification of our etherical bodies and a densification of our planet and these different planets. Now the Master Jesus says this densification process "was not" part of the original plan of Creation. This was a misuse of free choice. Because of this densification the illusion of separation became more real and certain veils developed that were not there before. Because of this densification on our planet at the time of Lemuria and Atlantis a new plan had to be developed that was not part of the original plan of Creation. So we see here again that GOD's Plan is not set, and if necessary changes are made to help correct experiments of GOD gone awry by the misuse of free choice. The Plan that was created to rectify this situation was "reincarnation". The Master Jesus tells me that physical death was not part of the original plan of GOD. He tells me that this was an afterthought or Plan of GOD. For it was decided that there needed to be a time of reflection and introspection between bodies to help lightworkers to learn their lessons. The Master Jesus tells me that Densification was not a fall from grace, for the fall does not exist and he would not use that term, but what he does say is that this densification process added to the appear-ance or belief in a fall. The Master Jesus says again that we would have needed to go through the 352 levels of initiation even if this densification process never occurred and even if no one ever thought a negative ego thought, however the densification has, he says, slowed down the initiatory process especially in the beginning initiations one through twelve. I personally find this information absolutely fascinating. This understanding that there is a process of evolution that everyone was meant to go through even if negative thinking had never occurred is extremely important to understand. It really takes away the belief that we did something wrong to find ourselves having to go through so many initiations. Now the Master Jesus also tells me that not all Universes are the same. There are some Universes with entirely different kinds of evolutionary proces-ses and entirely different systems and numbering of initiations. This is very important to understand that there are infinite numbers of Universes in GOD's Kingdom and they are all not the same. Each one is a different experiment and has a different plan and purpose. GOD is so vast it is mind blowing. It is my hope and prayer this deeper explanation of Creation, A Course in Miracles and this particular lesson has been found helpful. It has been a very fun and interesting lesson to write.
Lesson 41 "GOD Goes With Me Wherever I Go" This lesson is a most profound and sublime truth. GOD goes with you wherever you go. There is truth on many levels. First off, you are The Christ, in truth, as is your Brother and Sister, so you are one with GOD, so GOD goes with you in that sense. Then you have within a Higher Self, a Mighty I Am Presence/Monad, as well as the most profound connection to GOD, Christ and the Holy Spirit, which is the Trinity of GOD. Then all substance in GOD's Infinite Universe in the physical and non-physical worlds are made up of GOD substance so we live and move and have our being in GOD and are made up of GOD substance in our physical bodies and all our bodies. There is nothing in all of Creation that is not made up of GOD, so GOD goes with us in that sense. Every person, animal, plant and mineral is an incarnation of GOD, so GOD goes with us in that sense as well for we see GOD in everything. Then Higher Realizations of GOD exist in the inner plane Ascended Masters, Archangels, Elohim Masters and Christed Extraterrestrials so GOD goes with us in that sense as well for they are always overlighting us and coming to our aid in any way we wish if we just ask. In truth, we are God
living in our physical bodies so we share our identity with GOD. If people truly realized all these ways GOD is you and goes with you, they would never feel alone for a moment for He literally is you, is guiding you, is beneath you in the form of the material face of GOD, and is in front of you in infinite forms of incarnation. Plus GOD, in truth, is in your every thought, feeling, emotion, behavior, when you will think with your God mind instead of your negative ego mind. Adding to this, you have never been separate from GOD, are not separate now and never will be separate from GOD for that is an illusion of the negative ego and the negative ego does not exist. So you are Eternally the Christ, in truth, and have always been one with GOD and you are now, and you will always be. Just because you are living in a physical body it has not changed your true identity as the Christ, and it has not changed the fact that you have always been, are now, and always will be one with GOD. Even if you misthink with your negative ego mind you may lose the realization of this experience in your mental and emotional body and or behavior, however, this does not change the truth that you are still one with GOD. You just fell asleep or into a dream in that moment. This doesn't change, however, the truth of your being that you are still one with GOD. Each moment you demonstrate Christ Consciousness and demonstrate being an Integrated Christ on Earth and do all your Spiritual practices and service work, you are realizing higher and higher levels of GOD in your realization of GOD. Each Initiation you take is also taking you to higher and higher levels or octaves of GOD. So GOD is everywhere and in everything. GOD is in your thinking so GOD is also in everything you see in the world. This is truth, for you are now beginning to fully see with God's eyes and not the negative ego's eyes. To say that we are all blessed to be Sons and Daughters of GOD is the understatement of all Creation. In the Holy Instant we are the Christ with our Brothers and Sisters and are one with GOD. Each moment of our lives by proper Christ thinking we continue to remain in this oneness in an integrated and balanced manner. The negative ego and separation does not exist in GOD's reality so it doesn't exist in our reality. We are one with GOD now, and each moment we get the opportunity to demonstrate and realize this, to maintain it and to also move to a higher and more expanded realization of this. GOD is everywhere and in everything. Any direction we look, there is GOD. To say we are blessed to be a Son or Daughter of GOD is a most profound and true statement. The Melchizedek Synthesis Light Academy 28951 Malibu Rancho Rd. Agoura Hills, California 91301 USA Ph: (818) 706-8458 Fax: (818) 706-8540 Email:
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