The Art of Prediction-k n Rao

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What we teach in the classes we run is a plain approach to predictions first based on the birth horoscope and mainly springing from the birth horoscope. The varga charts are referred to for confirmation not for the main prediction. Use only a seven karaka scheme of Jaimini and use Chara dasha as I have shown repeatedly. The chances of astrology getting perverted in these days of website astrology, television gibberish which passes for astrology and the greedy emphasis on shantis/ upayas or remedies is great. When I told this to some people who have not studied in the BVB they asked me to illustrate it and that is what I will do in this series. Vimshottari dasha Mercury-Jupiter-Rahu from 28 Jan 2008 to 31 May 2008 CHARA DASHA Vrisha- Dhanu- Makara from 13 April 2008 to 14 May 2008. It is the horoscope of a woman journalist who have been getting astrological consultations from me for herself and her husband for some years now. She had to leave her job for some months to look after her child. She now wanted to get back to her journalistic life. She asked me sometime in March 2008 about it. In the Vimshottari dasha it was Mercury-Jupiter-Rahu from 28 Jan 2008 to 31 May 2008. Mercury is aspecting the second house and the lord of the antardasha, Jupiter is in the eleventh house from Mercury. The pratyantara dasha lord Rahu is in the 4/10 axis from Jupiter, second from Mercury. Now see the dashamansha Mercury is in the tenth house while Jupiter is the tenth lord and Rahu too is in the tenth house. It is a good period for her to come back into her journalistic life. In Jaimini’s Chara dasha it is Vrisha- Dhanu- Makara from 13 April 2008 to 14

May 2008. Vrisha has the amatyakaraka, Sun, from Dhanu the AMK aspects the eleventh house but as soon Makar pratyantara dasha would be reached, it would be aspecting the tenth house. I asked her to try for a job right now and she should land a job before the end of May. She rang me up to tell me that she had got a very good job in a weekly to be launched soon under the editorship of famous editor who till last month was editing a daily from Delhi. She was happy as the job would give her ample opportunity to look after her child and also get back into active journalism. ( 6 May 2008)


She rang me up and asked me for an urgent consultation. Both in Shillong and Calcutta and later in Delhi I got horoscopes of people who were doubtful about their birth details, having lost their original horoscopes during their migration in 1947 from the riot torn areas of what now are Pakistan and Bangladesh. It was so in her case also. But the memory of someone in the family helped her retrieve her birth details is what she told me. In the case of women, most people in northern India rarely kept correct birth details those days when she was born. A woman was a “disposable commodity” who would enter her husband’s house and could be neglected unlike the boy, has been and continues to be the favoured child of the family. It is the view of many even now. Was the horoscope correct?

Karakamsha lagna is Simha and Putrakaraka is Mercury with Jupiter showing pure inclination towards humanities, not science during her

student days. Before any prediction is given it becomes the primary consideration. In such cases, just note down the birth details as are passed on and do not indulge in exercise of correcting it which can be done later. The birth horoscope and the navamsha showed either a bad marriage or no marriage. Not married she said. What had she studied is what I was interested in finding out myself without her telling me as that is invariably a good starting point of the verification of a horoscope. Moon, an artistic planet, unafflicted in the eleventh house aspects the fifth house. The fifth lord, Mars is with Sun and Venus. Karakamsha lagna is Simha and Putrakaraka is Mercury with Jupiter showing pure inclination towards humanity in her studies. What should the predominant influence of fifth house and its lord with artistic planets mean? Education in fine arts ? That was the question I asked. She had done MA (music) she said. Was it classical I asked because of the influence of Jupiter on the putrakaraka. Yes, classical Hindustani music she said. But does she do any business ? Yes she said, in clothes. The dashamansha will work. I can proceed to give her some predictions on this horoscope without correcting her birth time. ( 9 May 2008)


She knows some astrology and had some doubt whether hers was Vrischika lagna or Tula. She was confused about the ayanamsha to be used that was another question. When such a case comes up note the prominent features of the horoscope and the dasha and antardasha of three or four past years, see the dasha antardasha in Vimshottari and Chara dasha and ask some striking question. The lagna, Vimshottari dasha and Jaimini karakas of people born at the same time will remain the same. To distinguish one from the other, divisional horoscopes need to be prepared. But as far as the person before you is concerned, first verify whether this horoscope is fitting into his/her pattern of


In 2004, it was dasha of Jupiter Mercury. In Chara dasha it was the dasha of Vrisha and Kumbha. Atmakaraka is in Vrisha. It coincides with Jupiter-Mercury dasha in the eighth house. The antardasha starting from Kumbha is significant. Kumbha is eighth from Karakamsha in Karka. Then the antardasha of Makara and then of Dhanu do not seem to be happy period in her life. Remember the warning I have given repeatedly given about the Dhanu dasha. Dhanu is also sixth from Karakamsha and eighth from Atmakaraka-- dangerous in three ways. From 2003 Rahu and Saturn were transitting in Vrisha and Mithuna. All this appeared to be bleak. Yes. She had a fatal disease in this period. Medical astrology ? What could this be she asked me ? I said that I cannot say and do not believe in medical astrology as all the doctor students whom I asked to work on medical astrology has been hundred percent failures. They only learnt from me from the period of onset of sickness and its outcome and even wrote articles or books. Their own contribution to medical astrology is a big zero. Then there are other non-medical astrologers reeling off wild “researches” on various diseases particularly diabetes and heart attack. All these are untested and unproven mostly wild and boastfully loud pieces paraded as researches. She told me about the disease and she survived is what she told me. You can even try Dwisaptati Sama Dasha on which Manoj Pathak has done excellent and original research. It was Rahu-Mars both in the seventh house with heaviest affliction with the added aspect of Saturn. Then other events can be verified as they will fall in a pattern in a sequence. That is chara dasha and the seven karaka scheme for you. Ayanamsha lunatics She had some confusion about ayanamsha.Use only Lahiri ayanamsha and do not get lost in the lunacy of the claims of others about their ayanamsha which is unproven, untested and wild. Remember government of India has settled this in 1956 and another meeting convened by the Human Resources Ministry had reapproved the Lahiri ayanamsha in March 1994 attended by Dr. Raman who had the mortification of seeing his ayanamsha being rejected by the entire gathering of panchanga makers of India attending that meeting. It was a three day conference which I

had to conduct on the insistence of Dr. Raman and Pandit Sukhdeo Chaturvedi. Dr Raman never uttered a single word in all those three days in defence of his ayanamsha. Then one day came a fellow with the claim that he had discoverd a true ayanamsha and that Lahiri was wrong. He had looked sane till he started talking nonsense. I asked him to convince a) a gathering of astrologers who make panchangas and b) the Human Resources Ministry which he has failed to do. Addressing a gathering of students after disturbing their classes is not the right approach to win a battle. But how can a lunatic get convinced? But he pours his vituperation and shows his low upbringing. Like all lunatics he thinks that he is a genius and world is not listening to him. A student had asked me once when I told about my encounters with “revolutionary ayanamsha propounders”, “ How many ayanamsha fanatics have you met ?’ My answer was at least five. Out of them the only to suffer financial loss was Dr.Raman but he did not abuse others who rejected his ayanamsha like the upstarts who keep springing up once in a decade. Dr. Raman created enormous difficulties for me when he prescribed his books based on his ayanamsha for the astrology course I had shaped and was running! This was a tricky and devious way of trying to keep alive his ayanamsha after his death. This was Raman’s fourth attempt in five years between 1989 and 1994. If you are doing astrology seriously you must be prepared to meet these ayanamsha lunatics somewhere or the other sometime or the other. I told this woman that her lagna was Vrischika and that she should use only Lahiri ayanamsha. Just hear the rantings of the ayanamsha lunatics if you cannot avoid them and forget it. ( 8 May 2008) THE ART OF PREDICTION - THE PLAIN ASTROLOGICAL APPROACH 4 (revised) KN RAO 1 June 2008, 7:05 PM

She had come with her father to meet me and took some predictions. She was running the mahadasha of Rahu in the fourth house with the tenth lord Saturn. The antardasha was of Ketu in the tenth house. Time for career rise. The coming pratyantara dasha from March would be of Mars in the twelfth house. In Chara dasha it would be Meena Kumbha Vrisha from February 2008. Amatyakaraka in the twelfth house like Mars in the twelfth house in Vimshottari dasha is showing a foreign posting.

Read this letter. From: Pgi [email protected] To: knrao .com Subject: Re: P's birth details Date: Wed, 14 May 2008 20:13:55 IST Dear Sir, In the first week of October 2007 I had come to visit you along with my dad. At that time you had told me that I am likely to be transferred to a country outside India but within the same firm. The same happened recently. In the last week of March -08 I relocated to London and am sending this mail to you from London. I wanted to ask you ......

Thanks & kind regards








Venus Sun Saturn Jupiter Moon Mercury Mars Now remember she had come with her father and she is a Hindu girl. She did not ask what she wanted to and I never told her. She has asked it now. What is her question ? Remember, Mars is also the seventh lord. She has someone in her life and she did not open out in the presence of her father. It is obvious. From Vrisha the darakaraka, Mars is also aspecting the seventh house. Postscript: I put the question here about attraction towards someone outside her country of birth and also the person being outside her caste, a consideration which becomes important for Indians, particularly Hindus. She answered it thus. From: P To: knrao> Subject: Re: P's birth details Date: Thu, 15 May 2008 16:37:27 IST I met somebody based out of London through an arranged marriage proposal in the first week of January '08 while I was in India. This person is outside my caste. We kept in touch over mail and phone. Though, after I relocated to London, he has been very confused and we haven't met except two or three times. Other than that there is nobody else. regards P

On Thu, May 15, 2008 at 11:41 AM, knrao wrote: P, Are you in love with someone outside your caste etc ? K.N.Rao.


All that astrology means for some people who learn the subject is their own and the horoscopes of their family members. Inspite of my discouraging it, no one seems to stop except those who become professionals and trade in the misery of their clients by talking of Kaal Sarpa Yoga and remedial measures to earn quick money fabulously. Very few get interested in it and try to do honest research and replicate it as some student of the Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan do it. Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 0-53

8-53 19-50 27-07 PK












The difference in the case of this woman is that she learnt astrology to understand some problem of her life which she discussed with me. For the purpose of this piece, let it suffice to state here , that she wanted to know about some health upset because when she came to me it was dasha of RahuJupiter from July 2007. Jupiter dasha worried her. I asked her to examine it pratyantara by pratyantara. The pratyantara dasha was of Mercury. In the dashamansha, this pratyantara dasha lord is in the seventh house of attainment of position which is the seventh house. In the birth horoscope it is in the second house of some gains Jaimini’s chara dasha should confirm it is my instruction to these people after examining it in detail through Parashari methods to avoid the confusion that gets created by Jaimini’s Karakas because they will not change for some days and will be common to many horoscopes of people born around the same time, days etc. Jaimini dasha is of Dhanu-Vrischika upto 24 June 2008.

Here the Amatyakaraka,Mars is aspecting the tenth house, Simha from Vrischika. It is a period of promotion. All that she had seen in her horoscope was the antardasha of the sixth lord in the fifth house and her period of some sickness because she had to have a medical check up after the antardasha of Jupiter started. When she came to me I told her that it was a time of promotion for her. She is government servant in an ordinary position and had ruled out her chances of ever getting even a routine promotion. But today (20 May 2008) she came to tell me that she had been selected for a special training after which she would get a promotion. How had I predicted it she asked. Simple I said and explained it as given here. Jupiter in the fifth house shows education, in this case training preceding her promotion. Always examine it first from Parashari angle in detail and then check through Chara dasha and the seven karaka scheme. This double check is what I call the composite technique and it is very simple, with more than eighty percent success except in the case of politicians who turn our world upside down. There a different approach to their horoscopes. When you are obsessessed with your own horoscope, your astrology does not progress and the danger is that your morbidity will increase. (20 May 2008)


Two years ago he had asked me whether he would get a very prestigious promotion for which he was being considered. I told him that he would in spite of some obstacles and of course other factors like jealousy of his colleagues and the greed of the top man who mattered in the corrupt India of today. He retired, joined a private service in the meantime but was still eligible for that promotion which was denied to him. He cane again two days before the confidence motion of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and asked me if he could get it now when he seemed to be on the top of the panel prepared for this most prestigious promotion which is equivalent to that of a High Court judge. I said nothing could deprive him of the post this time.

But there loomed the uncertainty of the future of the prime minister Manmohan Singh himself he said. I said that since the ouster of the UPA government did not take place before June as the leftists had a poor sense of timing, there was no chance of the fall of the government. Something like July 26 1993 could happen when P.V.Narasimha Rao managed it through corrupt methods. That happened on the evening of 23 July 2008 when he UPA government survived through the staggering defections of fifteen voters and ten abstentions. Then Manmohan Singh got time and signed the file at the earliest and this friend of mine got the prestigious promotion and joined his post as early as Saturday 26th. Lagna 14-56’ ,Sun 05-54’, Moon 01-04’, Mars(R) 21-05’, Mercury 11-44’, Jupiter(R) 04-11’, Venus 09-56’, Saturn(R) 25-39’, Rahu 04-51’, Ketu 0451’ Karak- AK Saturn, AmK Mars, BK Mercury, MK Venus, PK Sun, GK Jupiter, DK Moon He rang me up today and thanked me. He is running the dasha of Saturn-Venus-Sun in Vimshottari dasha--Saturn is the tenth lord and Venus and Sun are in the tenth house. In dashamansha Saturn is in tenth house in his own rashi and Venus is in lagna in his own rashi while Sun in the eleventh house shows that big elevation which has created heart burn in the hearts of his colleagues intriguing against him and the former political boss who wanted to promote his own man of his own region and caste. In Chara dasha it is Simha (Leo) from where the atmakaraka and Amatyakaraka are in the eleventh house aspected by Darakaraka forming two rajayogas. The Antardasha is Meena (Pisces) from, where all these rajayoga forming karakas are aspecting the tenth house. The Pratyantara dasha is of Kumbha (Aquarius) from where these karakas

aspect the eleventh house. There is no need to beat about the bush and go into all complicated new fangled untested dashas on doubtful divisional charts. ( 29 July 2008)

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