The Art of Living Course Part 1

July 14, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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The Art of Living Course Part 1 The Art of Living Course Part 1 is the most precious gift I have ever received. The knowledge spoken and the practices taught were shared with so much love. I have happiness, strength and peace. The world has been waiting for this course. - Daniel Mendez, Writer, Houston, Texas Overview The Art of Living Course Part 1 gives participants both practical knowledge and simple techniques to unlock their deepest potential, and to bring fullness to life. Whether they are dynamic, happy and successful, or they feel the stress of poor health, disappointments or fear, every participant is cared for and comes away lighter.   During the course, participants find themselves releasing mental and physical stresses, inspiring a

natural sense of well-being: increasing health, energy, peace, self-knowledge, awareness, joy and the connection to oneself and others.

What You Will Learn:

Practices that heal and harmonize the body, mind, and spirit Skills for handling negative emotions and situations Practical wisdom for improving relationships Insight into the laws that govern the mind and emotions Stretching and low-impact yoga for health, circulation, and body well being

I learnt the "the art of living". Living in the now, not in the past or future. Being able to cope with both my positive and negative emotions and being able to handle them in a manner that leaves me unaffected. Enjoying every moment and cherishing everything I have right here, right now.- Rashmi Patel, Full Time Mother, San Ramon, California



Experience Peace of Mind Much of the stress or limitations in life come from our mind vacillating between regret about the past

or worry about the future. And yet, the present is the only place that happiness can ever be experienced! A remarkable feature of the course is that participants are able to re-discover the present moment — not as a concept but as a direct experience. More Energy In Daily Life Participants leave with efficient energy-boosting techniques they may practice every day, and an

extraordinary weekly group practice is available in many areas. These practices are sacred treasures that grow in value over the years, helping the benefits continue to blossom and unfold in daily life. In a harmonious environment, it’s easy to say, "I feel peaceful and contented." However, if nothing goes to plan and there is utter chaos all around, and you still say, "Yes! I am peaceful and happy," then you have attained something very special indeed... That is The Art of Living... and that is what the Art of Living courses bring to our experience. Unlocking The Secrets of Breath One of the breath's great secrets is that for every feeling or emotion there is a corresponding rhythm

in the breath. The masterpiece of the the Art of Living Course Part 1 is a powerful breathing-based technique called Sudarshan Kriya, or the healing breath. Sudarshan Kriya incorporates specific natural rhythms of breath to release stress and bring the mind to the present moment. Several independent studies on the numerous mental and physical health benefits of the course have been published in international peer-reviewed journals and confirm what participants commonly report.


The Art of Living Course Part 1 has been enjoyed by people of all traditions, religions, and walks of life; in universities, churches, governments, businesses, prisons, war zones, community rooms, and living rooms. The course is complete in itself and is also a foundation for other Art of Living programs. 

The Sudarshan Kriya has dissipated a lot of the worries and anxieties I had in my life. Now I am able to deal with every day challenges with a feeling of inner strength. - John Chu, Realtor, Miami, Florida Sudarshan Kriya The masterpiece of the Art of Living

Course Part 1 is the unique breathing-based technique called Sudarshan Kriya, or the healing breath. (The practice goes by this Sanskrit name in whatever language the program is taught throughout the world.) Sudarshan Kriya incorporates specific natural rhythms of breath to release stress and bring the mind to the present moment. The course also includes other breathing techniques, meditation, low-impact yoga, and skills for dealing effectively with challenging emotions and situations. Benefits of Sudarshan Kriya:

Greater creativity and clarity of mind Reduced stress and tension More ease and joy in personal relationships

Daily Practice

A few times of the healing breath fully relaxes you. Your life becomes more total. All the faces of your


The Sudarshan Kriya practice is

personality come together to make you one whole instrumental in creating a sense of person. Do the healing breath and meditate. these harmony in the body, mind and spirit. practices completely transforms you and kindle the love After the practice, participants deep inside. commonly report feeling calm and - His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Founder of the Art centered, with a clearer vision of the of Living Foundation

world and themselves. Several independent studies on the numerous mental and physical health benefits of Sudarshan Kriya have been published in international peer-reviewed journals, and confirm what participants commonly report. My work requires me to interact with many different people. After taking the course for the first time in India four years ago, I have become an efficient communicator. I am more receptive to people’s ideas and I am enjoying being more creative. Earlier I was a big procrastinator. Now I am cured of that and I am able to take more and more responsibilities. - Sachin Singh, an Oracle Developer from Deloitte Consulting Benefits of The Course We have learned many skills at home and in school, but we have never been taught how to handle negative emotions like: anger, sadness, fear etc. "Don't be angry!", we hear... But how to do exactly that?   If we learn the skill  to deal with our mind

when these emotions arise, the quality of our lives can change significantly for the better. Through the power of the breath and ancient knowledge of the mind, the Art of Living What happens when we are unaware? Course Part 1 teaches us this skill. The Art of Living Course Part 1 teaches us how to have greater peace, energy and joy, for a lifetime! Return To Joy

How YOU can benefit:

More enthusiasm and dynamism in


Our mind tends to vacillate between the past


and the future. We are either regretting the past or anxious about the future. However as we all know living in the present moment is the route to joy. Our mind is such that we cannot control it in a direct manner. We cannot force it

Increased harmony in relationships at

to be in the present moment. But we can influence our mind through the breath. "Take a deep breath" is an age-old recommendation for relaxation. The Art of Living Course Part 1 takes this effect of breath on our minds and applies it in a very precise and powerful manner through the Sudarshan Kriya technique. Regular practice of this technique can bring our mind effortlessly into the present moment. As this happens, we learn the ability to reduce the effects of negative emotions and return to our natural state of joy.

Experience of a new depth in life and spirituality

home and at work Increased resilience to withstand stressful situations A smile born from inner stability

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Restoring The Natural Rhythm There is a rhythm in all parts of nature; the

sun rises and sets with a particular rhythm, the tides rise and ebb with their own rhythm, our body wakes and sleeps with a certain rhythm. Similarly every emotion has a corresponding rhythm in the breath. In the Art of Living Course Part 1 we use this link between our breath and our emotions to come closer to the rhythm of our natural Being.

For a detailed summary of the medical benefits, please visit medical research. The Art of Living Course Part 1 practices have changed my life. Negative emotions do not have the same grip on me and they go away faster. I really think my health has improved also. I am strongly recommending the course to all my friends, family, and patients. - Jyotsna Sahni, Doctor, Tucson, Arizona Medical Research And Health Reports



Research Summary

Research on mind-body techniques has entered a new era requiring state-of-the art techniques and

methodologies. The Art of Living Foundation is developing a long-range approach. Now in the first phase, scientists are producing pilot studies to demonstrate the potential benefits of Sudarshan Kriya Yoga for improving health and well-being. Of necessity, most of these studies are relatively small and exploratory. However, they provide the evidence required for obtaining larger grants to fund more definitive work. Many of these studies have been presented at the World Conferences at the All India Institute of Medicine and NeuroSciences in 2003 and 2006. As you read about research projects, keep in mind that these results suggest but do not yet prove benefits.

Summaries of Independent Research

Though my yoga practice has long been essential to my well-being, since I began practicing Sudarshan Kriya, I feel lighter, as though I'm carrying less emotional baggage, while I feel a growing solidity at my core. - Amy Weintraub, Author of Yoga for Depression The Course Format


  Treffe Mennesker på Tvers av Kulturer og Miljøer The Art of Living Course Part 1 is a twenty-two hour program taught in six sequencial days in a nonresidential format. Each session lasting about three to five hours. For most courses, the weekday sessions are in the evening while weekend sessions happen during daytime. Courses are occasionally offered in different formats (including residential), and programs may be arranged for specific groups. Often, newcomers will be greeted by repeaters of the Art of Living Course Part 1. Infact, according to most repeaters: With every successive course, one receives a better understanding of the knowledge points, as well as more profound integration and awareness in daily life. Tools For Life

Godt Samhold :) The home practice usually requires about 20-30 minutes on an ongoing basis. Guided followups happen weekly in most areas, which establishes correct techniques, keeps up the inspiration, as well as supporting beneficial habits. More than 25 million people have up till now benefited from the Art of Living courses and humanitarian service programs. People from all traditions, religions and walks of life; in


universities, churches, governments, businesses, prisons, war zones, community rooms, and living rooms. Internationally, Art of Living Foundation is currently offering stress-management courses and leading humanitarian projects in more than 150 countries, by the help of tens of thousands of contributing volunteers. 


Møt Åpne og Hyggelige Mennesker Norway

The Art of Living Foundation - Norway [email protected]   [email protected] Phone: 22 59 37 05



The Art of Living Course Part 1 is sponsored by The Art of Living Foundation (AOLF), which is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) educational and humanitarian organization. AOLF is an international NGO in special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. The local branch of Art of Living Foundation, Art of Living Foundation - Norway is a governmentapproved charitable volunteer organization, registered by Skattedirektoratet.

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 Ansvarlig redaksjon: Art of Living Foundation - Norge  Norge 



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