The Art of Erotic Spanking

November 23, 2016 | Author: Jimi White | Category: N/A
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The Art of Erotic Spanking By Jimi © October 2004

Whenever anyone asks if I have a specialty within the lifestyle I always respond with spanking, when I was asked to give a demonstration on spanking, there were certain aspects I wanted to present and felt a little research was in order. Much to my surprise there was very little information available on erotic spanking and by contrast there was a wealth of information on punishment spankings. Even in erotic art and pornography the theme was almost always centered on punishment. Though the topic of spanking for punishment will be addressed in this article, it is my intent to present spanking as an erotic art form that seems to be overlooked. Not all spankings are punishments, (many of them are not) and not all punishments are spankings. I have always said. I would much rather give a spanking for pleasure than to punish. I will include a brief history of spanking, its use and acceptance. Also included is a short photo essay on spanking in the last century. Various positions as well as methods will be discussed and illustrated. I also intend to cover preparation, warm up, aftercare and safety, as these often neglected areas are as important as the spanking itself.

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Various methods of corporal punishment have been around for centuries including early references with Bible with the admonishing us to; “Spare the rod and spoil the child.” Corporal punishment is the deliberate infliction of pain to someone as correction or punishment. When used for the punishment of criminals or slaves, it is usually applied using an instrument such as a cane or whips such as the ‘cat-o-nine-tails’ once used in America and by the British or the Russian knout, which consisted of leather thongs with pieces of metal inserted, are other examples. Ancient Romans used a similar device: the scourge. Corporal and capital punishment were long the main forms of punishment used by society. Roman society used a number of forms of corporal punishment including beating and mutilation. This continued throughout medieval Europe. Corporal punishment has taken the longest to die out as a punishment for violation of prison rules, as a military field punishment, and in schools. As is evident by the accusations of abuse recently to Iraqi prisoners and fraternity hazing as well. Examples of corporal punishment from the Enlightenment onwards have, however, tended to emphasize the administration of a set amount of pain by measurable procedures. Several societies retain widespread use of judicial corporal punishment; this includes nations such as Singapore and Malaysia. The Singaporean practice of caning became much discussed in the U.S. in 1994, when American teenager Michael P. Fay was sentenced to such punishment for an offence of car vandalism. In Singapore, male violent offenders and rapists are typically sentenced to caning in addition to a prison term.

Torture was used by many governments and countries in the past, especially in the Middle Ages and up into the 18th century, torture was believed to be a legitimate way to obtain testimonies and confessions from suspects for use in judicial inquiries and trials. In much of Europe, medieval and early modern courts of justice made liberal use of torture, depending on the crime and the social status of the suspect. Torture in the Medieval Inquisition was used starting in 1252.

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As evidenced by this wine label from Crocver Nacktarish and this advertisement from British phone booths, the practice of spanking is still widely accepted in much of Europe today.

I have included a brief photo history of spanking from the last century beginning with the early 1900’s where spanking appears in erotica, as this brief photo history will demonstrate.

Yet as you will observe many of the photos depict some form of punishment. The photo on the left is from circa 1910.

This picture to the right from the 1920’s could be a form of erotic spanking.

In the 40’s we begin to see the use of some form of bondage as indicated by this picture.

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No photo essay of course would be complete with out the imortal Betty Pagie, who still today has a very strong cult following of admieres and devotees.

These ladies in the early 60’s seem to be having a good time with their spanking showing more of the erotic rather than punishment aspects of the art.

Who could ever forget the the bold fashion statement of the early 70’s, the double breasted suit and the sunglasses remind me of a scene from the man from U.N.C.L.E.

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Setting the Stage

The most active sex organ we have is the one between our ears instead of the one between our legs. Preparing for a spanking can be just as rewarding for both the Top and the bottom. There is indeed something to be said for sweet anticipation. Mental preparation is just as important as laying the out implements of pain or pleasure in many cases more so. For example if this is going to be a punishment spanking rather than one for pleasure, your attitude will be affected as well as the delivery of the blows. Regardless of what you may think even if you do not vary your “style” for either type of spanking. Likewise knowing what lies ahead for your submissive well certainly influence their mood as well.

Spanking Positions

When people think of spanking the first thing that comes to many minds is the classic Over the Knee (OTK) position. Where there are many positions that are actually more practical than that tired and true classic. It does, however, offer close body to body contact with your bottom even if your intent is punishment rather than erotic.

The prone position is one that is very comfortable for the submissive due to the fact their weight is eventually distributed and they don’t have to hold onto anything. If you have access to a table or bench that is somewhat elevated this works better than a bed.

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My preferred position is over the spanking bench or spanking horse as it is sometimes called. Like the prone position above it is very comfortable with even weight distribution, therefore a position the submissive can maintain for a while. It is preferred by me because it elevates the buttocks to a waist high level making it an easier target for the spanker. As well as offering bondage points for added effect. I am also fond of this position since I can lean into my bottom and even put my arm around her waist for that intimate contact one would find in the OTK Position.

There are many variations to the standing position which can be used in your scene. There is of course the classic St. Andrews cross, though not normally used for spanking devotees; it does offer a means of support for your bottom. The whipping post will give you some bondage points if that is what you want to work into your scene as well as chains from the ceiling or other suspension bar. For the childlike punishment aspect of it there is always standing in the corner though this is best served after the spanking.

You can have your bottom bend over, touch their toes ect. Your bottom is not likely to maintain this position for an extended period of time; however this position will go a long way toward putting them in a certain frame of mind. By example, it is the ever popular punishment spanking position.

You can have your bottom kneeling with the buttocks raised for a more submissive posture. If this is the mindset you wish to create when beginning your scene or kneeling across a bed for support while administering the spanking. I have even used the back of the couch before. Determining the position before a scene is just another part of the preparation necessary before you begin spanking.

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You should always consider with any position the comfort level of your bottom, this will go a long way to determining how long the scene will last. As well as the mindset you wish to create when beginning the scene, will it be subjugation, punishment or a very long erotic spanking. Though I have used every conceivable position and set up in my play, my preference has always leaned toward the more pleasurable spankings.

The Warm UP Proper warm up is the key to a successful spanking. If your submissive is not warmed up properly, the spanking is likely not going to last as long and there are likely going to be feelings of resentment following the session. Neither of which will be any more pleasurable for the top either. I enjoy spanking a nice bottom, in fact I consider it foreplay; not just for sexual gratification but preparing the bottom for heavier scenes as well. Regardless, where I want the scene to go it is going to almost always include spanking, which I have found to be an excellent method of warm up. If you have a more intense scene in mind but even if your scene is to be nothing but spanking it is vitally important to properly warm your bottom up. Our bodies are controlled by our will. It is the will that gives the submissive their strength. So now the struggle begins between the body and the will. Don’t let anyone fool you spankings do hurt, why else would they be an effective punishment. Yet the will says, “Stand strong you can take it.” The body says, “If you aren’t going to do anything to help yourself I will.” Then your body is going to take over and begin producing endorphins. This is what gives us that feeling of euphoria that often accompanies a good spanking. By allowing the body time to produce and release endorphins into the system, you will enhance the enjoyment of the spanking for the bottom as well as prolong the experience for you both. Our bodies are wonderful devices and will do what it can to provide for and protect itself automatically.

Once you have spanked the bottom to a nice rosy pink. It is time to enjoy your handiwork. I always enjoy blending the sensations by offering gentle caresses between the spanks, these little breaks gives the body time to release endorphins. As well as making it a very sensuous experience for your bottom. You yourself may also want to enjoy the aesthetics of a nice pink butt, while checking for those little white areas that may have been missed. By using a slow warm up, there will always be time to go back and pick up those missed spots. Proper warm up is essential to a successful scene by allowing the body to naturally prepare itself for a more intense spanking, thereby prolonging the experience for everyone involved.

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Endorphins, morphine from within, are neurotransmitters found in the brain that have pain-relieving properties similar to morphine. There are three major types of endorphins, but we will focus on beta endorphins, pictured above. Beta-endorphins are produced by the pituitary gland and are purported to produce a greater sense of exhilaration, or “high,” that many call subspace, than all of the other endorphin types. Endorphins are also thought to contribute to several physiological processes including the release of sex hormones. Often said to have an opiate effect on the body, beta-endorphins are generally believed to provide substantial natural pain relief and have been heavily researched in recent years, initially as a means to treat addiction. Prolonged, continuous spanking increases production and release of endorphins, giving that sense of euphoria. In addition to stress and pain, endorphin secretion may be triggered by the consumption of certain foods, such as chocolate and chili peppers. The characteristic increase in bodily endorphin levels caused by chocolate is believed to play a significant role, in it being a comfort food in times of stress. According to some reports, laughter and orgasms also release endorphins in the brain. So, besides widening the blood vessels, suppressing the production of stress hormones and raising antibody levels in the blood, laughter and sex also have an analgesic effect.

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One source I consulted says it best: “Despite modern technology, I believe that our bodies, without being chemically altered, know what is best. Opiate receptors naturally occur in the body for a reason. Pain exists and therefore the body needs to learn how to deal with it. Hence, it adapted the structures in the certain sections of the brain that deal with pain. Pleasure is a desired thing amongst humans; the brain also adapts in order to utilize pleasing acts or feelings. Rather than waste our bodies and money on mind altering drugs and studies of them I think it would be more beneficial to figure out how to best utilize what our bodies naturally give us.” And for the purposes of this article, spanking is the best way I know to utilize those resources that our body provides. However, if you chose to imbibe with alcohol or other recreational drugs, I would advise caution due to the drug like effect endorphins produce.

Nothing Beats (like) the Hand Of all the spanking implements I have ever used my bare hand is by far my implement of choice. There is noting I love more than the feel of flesh against flesh. I have found that my hand is the easiest to control and offers that perfect balance between sting and thud. I consider my hand to be a medium level spanking implement rather than a light one. Though as with any implement the intensity can be controlled, making it the perfect choice for warm up. Including providing a sense of intimacy, between the parties involved when caressing the buttocks. Regardless of how intense the scene or what implement I have chosen to use, I repeatedly come back to my hand. In spanking, I use a method of progression I call “The Naturals.” Where the basic elements of the implements I use are naturally produced. For example, flesh, leather and finally wood. Leather is the most natural progression after the hand because it is still “skin” against skin. It is softer and more flexible than wood or even your hand for that matter. Depending on the implement the effect can be either sting or thud and the pain level goes up just a tad. If you did a good enough job with your warm up, this will be no problem for your bottom. I should also mention belts and the strop, since they are often used in spankings, particularly the old fashion “punishment” spankings. They are both very flexible instruments and due to their length are subject to what is known as wrapping, thus striking the tender flesh on the sides. Spanking is a very sensuous act so always blend soft caresses with your blows. You may choose a soft fur, your fingernails, or some simple banjo picks, if you have them, for a more sensuous experience.

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Paddles, probably the most popular wooden implement, come in many shapes, sizes and types of wood each with their own unique effects on the buttocks. I know paddling enthusiasts that dedicate much of their time into design and testing of various woods and shapes of paddles. The backside of a wooden hairbrush has quite often been used as a paddle and this is prominent in much of the classic art on the subject. Paddles can cause deep bruises or even break bones, so therefore their use should be restricted to the fleshy part of the buttocks.

Caning, though still wood, differs from the paddle in that the implement is thinner and more flexible. The effect is an intense sting. The cane can also cause deep bruises but more often it produces raised welts, which can break open and bleed especially on a very intense caning. Most spankees I know have a love hate relationship with the cane. Due to the intensity of this implement, this is normally the last thing I will bring out of my toy bag and will make sure the bottom is deep into subspace before its application. The intense sting will bring them right out for an instant, then they often syncope after that.

Orgasms It is quite possible for either the male or female to achieve an orgasm from spanking alone without any direct genital manipulation. I decided to include this in this article just in case it happens to you or your partner. If you find this is something that happens on a regular basis, it is also something the Top can have a lot of fun with. Spankings for many are an erotic experience and as I have previously mentioned they are excellent foreplay. Yet for a blessed few, it is possible for the bottom to climax during a spanking. The first time I witnessed this I thought it was remarkable when the person receiving the spanking explained the physiology involved, it made perfect sense. A spanking creates vibrations, as well as generates movement in the pelvic area. If the person receiving the spanking is sufficiently turned on these movements may lead to an orgasm. Hopefully this will be something you or your partner will experience and learn to enjoy.

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Like the warm up, aftercare is often neglected by the Dominant, yet it is vitally important to the submissive. Madonna has said, “Only those that give the pain can take it away.” There are several emotional and physiological changes that take place within a scene. This is the time when those changes need to be cared for. Due to these changes within the body if the submissive doesn’t receive proper aftercare they will experience, what many refer to as sub-drop. As a Dominant, it is just as important to be aware of the effects an intense scene can have on your bottom and be just as prepared to take care of them, as you would prepare yourself to safely use the various implements and devices often used in a scene. During a scene endorphin levels can rise, blood pressure and sugar levels can drop. After a scene the bottom may experience these effects as well as chills, or even reach the point of fainting or passing out. The French call this “La petite mort”, translated as the little death. The bottom is also going to be very “high” and care should be given when they try to stand or get up. Bottoms need to be equally aware of these effects and should not try to get up on their own. If your Top walks away for any reason, call out to them before attempting to move. This is the time for both parties to bask in the warm afterglow of a good scene, a time for intimacy, even if this person is not your regular partner. If they are going to allow you the use of their body then please return this simple act of kindness. Always remember that in this life we are first of all human, then man and woman and finally Dominant and submissive. It is so easy to get caught up in the acts of Dominance and submission that we sometimes forget to put things in their proper perspective. This would also be a good time to apply lotions, creams or ice to the buttocks or affected areas of the body. Choose lotions that contain Vitamin E and aloe for best results. Always remember to take good care of your pet, that you may enjoy them time and time again.

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Bruises If you are going to strike the buttocks or any area with a blunt or sharp instrument you can expect bruising. A contusion or bruise is caused when small blood vessels or capillaries near the surface of the skin break and the blood pools under the surface. It is the red blood cells that give the bruise their color. A bruise may take up to two weeks to heal; as the blood is absorbed back into the surrounding tissue the color begins to change. Bruises are relatively harmless especially on the fleshy part of the buttocks. Most bruises are not serious and look much worse than the actual injury but there can be complications from some. A bruise that is deep, swells or feels hot might be something more than just a minor black and blue spot. Heavy bruising can leave clots that can cause some very serious health risks, including death. If there is swelling, fever or pain, you need to talk to your doctor. The more or harder you spank in one given area the more capillaries you are going to break so the bruise will be darker and spread and also will take longer to heal. Ice or a cool compress is always good for bruises. If you are prone to bruising there are some foods and dietary supplements you can take to help. You will also want to give the area some rest, avoid spanking it for a while, and elevate the affected area. If the affected area happens to be the buttocks this could lead to some very interesting play. Expect bruises to happen but don’t make them your goal. I have found that whenever I have deliberately tried to mark someone one or two things happen. Either I leave no marks at all or more likely my attitude is more on making the mark than it is the enjoyment of the scene. Put your focus and attention on your bottom and allow everything else to flow naturally.

Safe-words Safe-words are a way to communicate with your top that you may be in some distress or something needs to be changed without disturbing the flow of the scene. They are there for your protection and longer, more pleasurable playtime. Use Them! I love it when I am doing a scene and get a yellow; it tells me the scene is going well. I have taken that person quite possibly up to the edge of their limits and they want to play some more. I just need to tone it down a bit for that to happen. Some bottoms may want to engage in a little fantasy play or they may just naturally blurt words like no, stop, don’t, when they would really prefer to go on. Therefore these words are not normally used as safe-words during a scene. Make sure this is an understanding before beginning play to avoid mixed signals. More commonly the actual safe-words used are Red, meaning stop, or Yellow, meaning to slow down so the play can continue or Green, go, baby, go!

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It would be amiss of me to send you on your spanking way without covering a few safety tips. I have illustrated on the accompanying drawing key areas to either avoid or use caution and just plain common sense. The areas highlighted in yellow are areas where caution, as to the type of implement, should be exercised. The red areas, the kidneys, should be avoided with any implement. I have highlighted certain areas to either avoid or to use caution with in the drawing on the left. The shoulder blades while ok to use a soft instrument such as a flogger, hard instruments such as a paddle should be avoided. There is very little meat on the shoulders as well as down the spine. The tailbone is also quite fragile and easily broken. I broke mine just sliding down the stairs. This is also an area that should be avoided with hard implements such as paddles. Without this extra layer of padding, there is a risk of injury. The kidneys, the area just above the fleshy part of the buttocks should be avoided at all cost with any spanking implement because serious damage could result. I would also like to mention wrapping. Caution should be used if you are using something flexible such as a belt or flogger, which can easily wrap around the sides. There is not so much cause for damage as rather the sides are usually very tender. I would also like to emphasize that some means of support for your bottom when beginning a scene is vitally important due to the increased levels of endorphins; they are likely to be somewhat unsteady and may even syncope during the scene. It is important for the Top to remain alert and aware of their bottom at all times. To watch closely for body language signs of distress even proper circulation if some form of bondage is used. If things are done right your bottom will likely be in an altered state of mind and may not be able to verbally communicate any distress or trouble.

I would recommend everyone have some first aid supplies on hand in case of minor emergencies. Alcohol wipes, band aids and a good topical ointment at a minimum. As a CPR instructor I would also strongly suggest you take a course in CPR and basic first aid.

(C) 2004. Permission is herby granted to re-post this article provided it is posted in it's entirety including this notice and no fees are charged for being able to read or access this article. Any questions or comments can be directed to [email protected].

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