The Arcturian Council

December 23, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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The Arcturian Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton, March 29th, 2018 “Greetings. We We are the Arcturian Council. W Wee are lease! to connect "ith all o# $ou.

We have %een utting the #inishing touches on a trans&ission o# light an! love that "ill %e co&ing to $ou #ro& the Arcturian Star S$ste&. The light "ill %e enco!e!, an! the co!es "ill contain ne" siritual ractices that $ou "ill uncover. 'ou "ill  %egin to arta(e in these siritual ractice racticess "ithout (no"ing that $ou have receive! the insiration to !o so #ro& us.

We are not telling $ou this )ust so that $ou give us the cre!it, ho"ever. We are telling $ou this so that $ou "ill %e a%le to i!enti#$ "hat $ou are !oing as a siritual  ractice an! one that $ou have !one %e#ore, o one ne that $ou utili* utili*e! e! "hile incarnate in our star s$ste&. +thers that $ou "ill %e insire! to arta(e in "ill %e %ran! ne".

As "e rea! the energ$ o# hu&anit$ an! lanet arth, "e can see the nee! #or so&e ne" tools. We We can see ho" the siritual ractices that $ou have on lanet arth are getting out!ate!. 'ou 'ou are getting tire! o# the sa&e ol!, sa&e ol!, an! the$ are not having the e##ect uon $ou that the$ once !i!.

As $ou unac( these ne" siritual ractices, an! the trie! an! true one, $ou are going to %e e-cite! again a%out $our siritual evolution. t/s going to see& less li(e !ru!ger$ an! ain an! &ore li(e la$ti&e an! an oortunit$ to %e creative. o", o", o# course, an$thing can %eco&e a siritual ractice, an! that is "h$ "e are not )ust going to tell $ou "hat to !o.


We "ant $ou to ta(e the co!es that "ill %e !elivere! into $our energ$ #iel!s, an! "e "ant $ou to get creative in $our interretation o# the&. o", o%viousl$ o%viousl$,, there are still lent$ o# %eauti#ul siritual ractices, so&e o# "hich &ost o# $ou have never even hear! o#. An! so, lease !o continue to arta(e in "hatever $ou are !oing no" that is "or(ing #or $ou, %ut also %e a"are that &ore is co&ing.

An! ta(e note o# the #act that "hat $ou !o that %rings $ou )o$ coul! al"a$s %e consi!ere! a siritual ractice. When $ou are e-eriencing )o$, )o$, $ou insire others, an! that is "hat $ou !o not give $ourselves cre!it #or. 'ou are all insiring each other to greater an! greater heights.

We are the Arcturian Council, an! "e have en)o$e! connecting "ith $ou.

ra$er #or the nner Chil! %$ Master 3uthu&i The !eeest o# love e-ten!s #ro& &$ & $ soul, Master 3uthu&i, to all e-isting uon the arth an! e-eriencing ascension consciousl$ or unconsciousl$. unconsciousl$. 4or those conscious o# their ascension their resonsi%ilit$ to anchor, e&%o!$ an! !eliver the high #re5uenc$ vi%rations o# the Creator is greater. ot onl$ are $ou resonsi%le #or $our ersonal ascension, $ou la$ a (e$ role in the ascension o# the lanet. 'our a"areness o# the resence o# the Creator "ithin an! aroun! $ou as "ell as "ithin all assists in encouraging unconscious souls to re&e&%er the Creator. The &ore light $ou can anchor through $our %eing, e&%o!$ an! ra!iate into the "orl! not onl$ "ill $our li#e enhance $ou "ill %e creating the er#ect environ&ent #or the transitions an! shi#ts o# others. The ascension o# others is not $our resonsi%ilit$ resonsi%ilit$,, the e-ression o# $our truth is.


t is &$ urose to highlight to $ou the o"er $ou hol! "ithin $our %eing an! the  ositive in#luence $ou $ou have uon the " "orl! orl! eseciall$ "hen $ $ou ou #ocus uon $our o"n siritual evolution. 6esolving energies "ithin, healing $our %eing an! recognising $our truth is a(in to sho"ering the "orl! "ith %lessings. This is a  %eauti#ul concet to to re&in! $oursel# o# as i# $ou "ish "ish to %e o# service to the arth an! her hu&anit$, hu&anit$, #irst %e o# service to $oursel#, then the %lessings $ou sho"er uon the arth an! her hu&anit$ "ill %e #ar greater greater.. When $ou recognise the connection %et"een $our siritual evolution an! the ositive i&act this has uon the "orl! aroun! $ou "ithout $ou even co&&unicating "ith the "orl!, $ou recognise a (e$ "hich "ill al"a$s encourage $ou to !elve !eeer "ithin $our  %eing.

The su##ering $ou &a$ recognise "ithin others, hu&anit$ an! the "orl! also e-ists in so&e #or& or consciousness "ithin $our o"n %eing7 this is the case eseciall$ i# $ou e-erience a reaction o# an$ #or& to the su##ering o# others. The &ore $ou heal the su##ering "ithin $our %eing the less li(el$ $ou are to even see or sense su##ering in $our surroun!ing "orl!, this  (no" see&s i&ossi%le. When a co&lete healing o# su##ering ta(es lace "ithin $our %eing it "ill onl$ %e $our connection "ith the collective consciousness o# hu&anit$ "hich is "here $ou "oul! %e a%le to access the energ$ o# su##ering #ro&. eing alerte! to the su##ering "ithin the collective consciousness o# hu&anit$ "oul! %e a signal to $ou that $our healing s(ills are re5uire! to %ring #orth trans#or&ation to the consciousness o# hu&anit$ an! there#ore all souls "ho have e-iste! uon the arth.

t is the inner chil! "ho o#ten a%sor%s energies o# su##ering. 'our 'our inner chil! is a re#lection o# $our chil!hoo!, o# "oun!s carrie! #orth #ro& ast li#eti&es an! reresents the essence innocence o# $our soul. t is "ithin the inner chil! that the truth o# the Creator can %e seen lainl$ "hile li&itations an! su##ering o# an$ #or& are evi!ent as "ell. The inner chil! #eels an! e-eriences energies !eel$ an!  ro#oun!l$ "hich &eans &eans that siritual e-erien e-erience ce can %e intense "hile su##ering can #eel criling. # negative or li&iting e-eriences occurre! in $our chil!hoo!, then it is o#ten that the inner chil! reacts #ro& the age, a"areness an!


consciousness o# those li&iting oints even "hen the %o!$ is #ull$ gro"n to an a!ult. ssues #ro& chil!hoo! or even ast li#eti&es continue to i&act $our realit$ an! stunt the gro"th o# $our inner chil!. This can cause !eel$ ain#ul e-erience s, ina%ilit$ to thin( clearl$ an! %eing una%le to regulate li&iting reactions. The  urose o# the inner chil! chil! is to %e #ull$ gro" gro"n n e-u!ing the eace, eace, %alance an! innocence o# the Creator. When When the inner chil! is heale! an! %alance! an$ age o# the inner chil! can %e accesse! an! &erge! & erge! "ith the current a!ult realit$ to create a  ositive i&act.

The War o# the nner Chil!

&agine a "orl! "here a!ults are interacting an! reacting "ith the&selves an! each other #ro& the core o# their su##ering inner chil!. The inner chil! "ants to #eel love!, suorte!, nurture! an! #ul#ille!, i# this is not satis#ie! then the inner chil!  %eco&es nee!$, nee!$, !e&an!s attention, %la&es, hurts hurts others an! thin(s iin n #or&s o# searation an! sel#:i&ortance. Again,  invite $ou to return r eturn to i&agining a "orl! "here all a!ults are acting an! reacting #ro& this asect o# their inner chil!, the "orl! create! is one o# su##ering #or all. ot onl$ are a!ults su##ering an! causing su##ering to others the$ are i&acting the consciousness an! energ$ o# souls %orn as %a%ies uon the arth. The su##ering is ro)ecte! into the collective consciousness o# hu&anit$, hu&anit$, so a erson o# an$ age can %e in#luence! %$ the energ$. energ$. When a erson as an a!ult or a chil! e&%o!ie! the "oun!s o# their inner ch il! the$ can cause su##ering to the&selves, a!ults, chil!ren an! ani&als an! &a$ not  %e conscious o# their actions. actions. Chil!ren "ho ra! ra!iate iate the innocence o# th thee Creator can %eco&e victi&s o# the "oun!s o# the inner chil!ren o# others.

t is i&ortant to realise that the "oun!s o# $our inner chil! an! that o# others i&act the "a$ $ou act an! react to"ar!s others, "hether a!ult, chil!, ani&al or even lant. t is the "oun!s o# the inner chil! that e-lains "h$ so &an$ a!ults, chil!ren, ani&als an! lants su##er uon the arth. When, , Master 3uthu&i, a&


sea(ing o# su##ering,  a& re#erring to the a%use or &istreat&ent o# others. The  erson causing the a%use a%use or &istreat&ent &a$ hol! &an$ inner inner chil! "oun!s.

The 6oles Souls la$

When "e are sea(ing o# su##ering, a%use an! &istreat&ent & istreat&ent o# an$ (in! there is a nee! to realise that victi&s an! eretrators have o#ten unconsciousl$ create! an energetic contract o# learning together together.. This  (no" see&s i&ossi%le, "ho "oul! consent to such a thing; The ol! consciousness an! energetic atterning o# learning an! gro"ing sirituall$ through ain an! su##ering still re&ains uon the arth7 &an$ are releasing this atterning in #avour o# gro"th through love.
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