The Abundance Factor

April 26, 2018 | Author: Natasa Zdravkovska | Category: N/A
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The Abundance Abundance Factor   Factor  Live Life By Design By Willie Laney Version 1.00 January, 20! Limits of Liability & Disclaimer of Warranty The author and "ub#isher of this eboo$ and the associated materia#s have used their best efforts in "re"aring this materia#. The author and "ub#isher ma$e no re"resentations or warranties with res"ect to the accuracy, a""#icabi#ity, fitness, or com"#eteness of the contents of this materia#. They disc#aim any warranties e%"ressed or im"#ied, merchantabi#ity, or fitness for any "articu#ar "ur"ose. The author and "ub#isher sha## in no event be he#d #iab#e for any #oss or other damages, inc#uding but not #imited to s"ecia#, incidenta#, conse&uentia#, or other damages. 'f you have any doubts about anything, the advice of a com"etent "rofessiona# "rofessiona# shou#d be sought. This materia# contains e#ements "rotected under 'nternationa# and Federa# (o"yright #aws and treaties. Any unauthori)ed re"rint or use of this materia# is "rohibited.

(o"yright * 20+20!. The Abundance Factor. A## -ights -eserved. age 2

www.The Abundance

About the Author  Willie is an Author, roduct (reator and successfu# /ntre"reneur, as we## as, both a certified Life (oach and y"nothera"ist. e has ta$en an e%treme interest in the wor$ings of the mind and the Laws of the 1niverse and he is a high#y sought after thought #eader in these areas. i##ie is best $now for his wor$s focusing on and re#ating to the Law of Attraction, and he es"ecia##y e%ce#s in the area of ea#th Attraction. aving started severa# businesses, as we## as being a #eading (oach and 3ar$eter, i##ie brings to the tab#e both a uni&ue a""roach and a diverse bac$ground of s$i##s and $now#edge. i##ie #ives his #ife by a sim"#e &uote, “What I Want For My Self, I Want For Others”

and this sma##, but "owerfu# desire, is the driving force behind his #ife4s "ur"ose.  A #ong #ist of both "rofessiona# and "ersona# successes and accom"#ishments -56/ with out a doubt, that i##ie $nows e%act#y what it ta$es to succeed in both #ife and business. To 'n&uire about (oaching and 3ar$eting o""ortunities, you can reach i##ie at7 support

Be sure to be on the #oo$out for i##ie4s other wor$s inc#uding7 The !arne"ie !ode #olomon$s #ecret The La% of ealth The La% of Wealth The 'e% #cience of (ettin" )ich

(o"yright * 20+20!. The Abundance Factor. A## -ights -eserved.age 8

Table of !ontents

 About the Author.....................................................................................................


Tab#e of (ontents....................................................................................................




(ha"ter  ' Thin$, That ' Thin$... ' Thin$999 ......................................................... 7 (ha"ter 2 The :ot;o 'm"ossib#e ....................................................................... 0 (ha"ter 8 Thoughts to tric$? to ma$ing it F':ALL wor$. ithout this... you don$t stand a chance

 And much more... ou4## see starting from (ha"ter , that '4m definite#y here to bring you the goods and ' can4t wait to get started. That4s it for now.

 And to be honest, *$m inclined to belie3e that this is true. Just thin$ about itH What 9/ of people typically do  is -/A(T to there current environment andIor  circumstances. As a people, we tend to be#ieve that our heredity our genes where we come from, and our "resent state of affairs define who and what we are. e ma$e decisions e3eryday from this state and create nothing more than mediocre #ives and resu#ts at best. This ty"e of thin$ing is very to%ic. :ot on#y is it to%ic to our thin$ing, but it is dangerous and very very  far from successfu# thin$ing. Just because our brain are >wor$ing? and we "ass thoughts in and out of it a## day #ong, doesn4t mean that we are thin$ing. 't4s ust #i$e the o#d saying goes, “the lights are on, but nobody is home.”  To better define what T':C':< rea##y is, #et4s #oo$ at some rea# #ife e%am"#es. :ow ' cou#d /A;'L run through a gambit of count#ess e%am"#es from my own #ife and the #ives of "eo"#e that ' "ersona##y $now, but ' don4t want to do that here.

(o"yright * 20+20!. The Abundance Factor. A## -ights -eserved.age =

' don4t want to give any :ay;ayers even an in$#ing of a chance to come u" with e%cuses or some ha#fba$ed idea or reason to  ' succeeded and  they haven4t.

* %ant to "i3e cold hard facts; Facts that any doubters out there can &uic$#y #oo$ u" and >see for themse#ves? that %hat *$m sayin" is 100/ T)26  and for that reason ' want to ta$e a #oo$ at a few "rominent figures throughout history, who D/F':'T/L were T':C/-;. ;o #et4s um" right into (ha"ter 2, sha## we.

(o"yright * 20+20!. The Abundance Factor. A## -ights -eserved.age K

!hapter ?: The 'ot:#o *mpossible “Whether you think you an or you think you an!t, you!re right.”  "#enry Ford 

This is one of the most famous &uotes ever s"o$en by none other than enry Ford himse#f. Ford was one of the richest and most successfu# "eo"#e to ever #ive and this &uote is as true today as it was when he said it bac$ in the ear#y K004s. 'f for some reason you don4t $now who enry Ford is, he invented the first automobi#e bac$ in K0= and was the second richest man in the wor#d at that time second to Andrew (arnegie@.  A #ot of "eo"#e $now about enry Fords accom"#ishments in regards to revo#utioni)ing the auto industry by creating the automobi#e and the assemb#y #ine, but what a #ot of "eo"#e are not a%are of  is his abi#ity to focus and sustain a high #eve# of thin$ing. Ford was wide#y $now for having an attitude of if you can thin$ it, it can be done. :ot on#y did Ford invent the automobi#e an idea that he brought to rea#i)ation@, but "erha"s an even bigger feat was when he created the first 6= motor. :ow at first g#ance, creating the 6= engine doesn4t sound near#y as im"ressive as creating the automobi#e, but there is one sma## factor that does ma$e it s#ight#y more difficu#t7

3ery en"ineer on the planet said that it couldn$t be done.

'n fact, it was >thought? to be *+ people need to ma,e chan"es , too. 'n fact, ' ma$e changes ALL T/ T'3/HHH * constantly ma,e chan"es , because if you are not changing, you stay the same, and when you stay the same, you stay in the same "#ace, and if you stay in the same "#ace, you4re #T2!.  And there is no worse "#ace to be than ;T1(CHHH The good news is that it ta,es less than 9 seconds  to get >1:;T1(C? and the way to do so, is to sim"#y change your thoughts. thin$ing? that you have heard something #i$e this before, but the fact of the matter is that if you are not manifesting your dream #ife, -'ust $now of it,? but you D5:?T $now it. To be truthfu#, you don4t have the C:5L/Dthin$? you do. ou see, if you haven4t AL'/D it,then there is something in your T':C':< that has sto""ed you from a""#ying it and without a""#ying it, you are missing the $ey FA(T5- that is AB;5L1T/L crucia# to #iving a #ife of AB1:DA:(/.  And that missing FA(T5- is your way of T':C':thin$? you haven4t received enough "roof so far (or maybe you haven't been quite convinced, or perhaps you are not familiar with any of the previous figures @ then here are two more L/
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