The ABEFIT Therapy

November 3, 2017 | Author: ristovski110000 | Category: Yin And Yang, Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Theory, Qi
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prof. Lj. Malnik

The ABEFIT Therapy The short e_manual


The Content The TCT Therapies 4 What is ABEFIT 6

The Acupuncture 8 The Yin -Yang Principle 10 The Five Elements Principle 12 The Five Elements Control Cycles 13 The Promoting (Creation) Cycle 14 The Controlling (Destruction) Cycle 15 The Overcontrolling Cycle 16

The Chinese Acupuncture 17 The Acupuncture Treatments 17 The Effects of External Stimulation 18 The Acupuncture Doctrines 18 The Eastern Tradition and the Western Science 19 The Meridians 20 The Acupuncture Points 21

The Su-Jok 6 Qi Energy System 23 The 6 Qi Energies System 24 The Su-Jok 6 Qi Energy Correspondent Chakra System 26

The Segmental Therapy 29 The Head’s Zones 30


The ABEFIT Therapy 32 The Vital Activities 34 The Positions of ABEFIT TCT Zones 37 Why the TCT Zones on the Hand? 38

The Short-Term ABEFIT Therapy 41 The TCT Zones for Short-Term ABEFIT Therapy 41 The Short-Term ABEFIT Therapy Rules 45 The Method of Stimulation 49

The Long-Term ABEFIT Therapy 51 The TCT Zones for Long-Term ABEFIT Therapy 51 The Long-Term ABEFIT Therapy Rules 56

The ABEFIT and the Five Elements Theory 57 The ABEFIT Therapy Rules and Five Elements Theory 60

APENDIX: The ABEFIT Pentagram Rule 61


1. The TCT Therapies In the introduction chapter, besides the ABEFIT therapy, were mentioned the segmental therapy, Chinese acupuncture, Su Jok acupuncture etc. All these therapies, including the ABEFIT therapy and all known acupuncture doctrines1, are the TCT (transcutanous) therapies. The therapeutic treatments of all TCT therapies are based on the external stimulation of some particular skin zones (dermatomes): the ABEFIT TCT zones in the ABEFIT therapy, the Head’s zones in the segmental therapy and the acupuncture points in all acupuncture doctrines. These skin zones will be assigned in the further as TCT-zones. Speaking quite generally, the accomplishment of any transcutanous therapy includes three main steps: 1. The stimulation of the TCT zones; 2. The transfer of the stimulation toward the particular control centres of central and vegetative nervous system (CNS and VNS in the further); 3. The reactions of the CNS and VNS control centres, which result by the pain blockade or by the regulation of irregular functions caused by some diseases. The first fundamental problem in all TCT therapies is to determine the appropriate TCT zones - dermatomes, which should be stimulated in order to solve some health problem. The solutions of this problem causes the most important differences between these therapies. The positions and the effects of stimulation of TCT zones must be verified therapeutic data, being necessary in order to apply the therapy itself. 1

The classical auriculo acupuncture, the oral acupuncture, the nasal acupuncture, all variants of Su-Jok acupuncture etc.


If one considers from the scientific point of view, this is, as it could be seen, twofold verification: * The position of each TCT zone must be derived as result of the appropriate neurophysiological analyses, that offers the answer on the fundamental question: how the zone is connected with the somatic structures, which states could be affected by its stimulation? * The therapeutic effects of each TCT zone must be empirically confirmed, i.e. the expected effects of its stimulation must be in advance reliably known. There are actual TCT therapies without these validations. For example, all acupuncture doctrines do not have scientific foundation and, although they are accepted in the Western (official) medicine, they background is still hidden in the frame of the foggy metaphysical Five elements theory. Although there are many collected empirical data, which concern the effects of the TCT therapeutic treatments, the local end regional effects of external stimulation of the TCT zones, as well as the data which concern the properties of these zones, the satisfactory scientific description of the TCT therapies is not achieved yet. The finding of such a description is obviously very complicate problem, because it is faced with the following very complicate partially solved or completely unsolved problems: 1. The description of the connections between the particular TCT zone and the body part (viscera!) which functional state could be affected by the external stimulation of that zone. 2. The theoretical description of the transfer processes of external stimulation toward the control centres in CNS and VNS. For example, concerning the acupuncture, do exist or not the acupuncture meridians and what kind of informations they transfer? 2. The satisfactory perceiving of the partially known mechanism of health and homeostasis control, which involves the most complicate systems of our organism, like CNS and VNS, all viscera and glands. Besides all these all non-solved problems, and thank to their confirmed efficiency, the TCT therapies are widespread in the medical practice over all world. Therefore, the set of collected empirical data which concern the therapeutic effects and treatments rules is fast enlarging, what enables the modifications of known, as well as arising the new TCT therapies.



What is ABEFIT

The word ABEFIT is the abbreviation which meaning is Advanced Body Energies Fitting Therapy. This does not means that the aim of this therapy is to fit and harmonize the different energy in the human body, but to bring the human organism in the homeostasis, which corresponds to the energetically the most appropriate and fitted state. ABEFIT is based on the results of scientific investigations: More precisely, the ABEFIT therapy is basically derived as the result of the scientific investigation of some particular neurophysiological phenomena (divergence, convergence and the facilitation of nervous impulse and the referred pain phenomenon), which affect the processes of the transfer of informations from different body parts toward the control centres in the Vegetative and Central nervous system (VNS and CNS). As these processes are fundamental in the numerous therapies which are based on the stimulations of particular skin segments (dermatomes, Head’s zones, acupuncture points), the results which where obtained in the above mentioned investigations gave me the possibility to achieve a new particular insight in the basic theoretical standpoints of these therapies. ABEFIT is born as the result of semi scientific considerations of some therapies of this type. More precisely, ABEFIT could be considered as a homeostatic upgrade of the segmental therapy, the classical acupuncture and the SuJok acupuncture. ABEFIT is TCT therapy: This means that ABEFIT therapeutic treatments are based on the external stimulation of some particular skin zones (dermatomes), assigned here and in the further as TCT-zones. The stimulation could be executed by: the small magnets, the small cobbles, the plant grains, the electro-stimulators and low power lasers. The aim of the ABEFIT therapeutic treatments are to harmonize the main vital activities, which will be described later, in order to achieve the state of homeostasis, what means that it is not the symptomatic or pain therapy. ABEFIT is homeostatic upgrade of Segmental therapy: ABEFIT, as well as the segmental therapy, is based on the activation of cutaneous-visceral reflexes by the stimulation of the particular dermatomes on the body skin (Head's skin zones). However, that is the only similarity, because ABEFIT, comparing to the segmental therapy, uses quite different skin zones and stimulation methods. The applying of ABEFIT method provokes the control centres in the central nervous system (CNS), which are responsible


for homeostasis, to harmonize in a homeostatic way all vital functions. That means that ABEFIT is a total health fitting method, while the segmental is transcutaneous symptomatic therapies because it affects the particular functions or organs only. The segmental therapy is founded on some neurophysiological data, which are scientifically confirmed in the frame of the Western science, on which the ABEFIT therapy is founded as well. This means that is possible to give a complete scientific foundation of the ABEFIT therapy. ABEFIT is homeostatic upgrade of Chinese acupuncture: The Chinese acupuncture therapy is based on the Eastern traditional metaphysical Five elements theory (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water). It is, in fact, a healing method which aim is to harmonize and to balance the corresponding Five fundamental energies (Wind, Heat, Humidity, Dryness, Coldness). Although ABEFIT has a scientific foundation, it is interesting to note that it is in agreement with the fundamental principles of Five elements theory, what is explained in the part having the title ABEFIT in the Frame of the Five elements theory. It is necessary to point out that the acupuncture is therapy that uses a numerous acupuncture points and recipes (a few hundreds) mostly in order to blockade the pain. The ABEFIT method use a specific selection of a few acupuncture like homeostatic stimulation zones only, which arise as a result of the neurophysiological analysis of possible effects of the acupuncture therapy on the homeostatic control centres in CNS. ABEFIT is homeostatic upgrade of Su Jok correspondent Chakra system: The Su Jok 6Qi energy therapy as a particular concept of traditional Hindu chakra system therapy, which is based on the assumption that particular acupuncture points on the hands correspond to the chakras. In fact, this energy therapy as an implant of the traditional Chinese Five elements (energy) theory to the Hindu chakra system, which is based on the quite different philosophy. ABEFIT practice confirms the efficiency of the Su Jok chakra points in the homeostatic activation of vegetative reflex arcs. However, that is the only similarity between ABEFIT method and Su Jok, because they have quite different practice rules and background theory (philosophy). This is also explained in the part having the title ABEFIT in the Frame of the Five elements theory.


2. The Acupuncture My investigations of TCT therapies, and consequently the derivation of the ABEFIT therapy, were initiated by the surprising therapeutic effects of the 6Qi energies therapy of Su-Jok acupuncture doctrine, which is based on the stimulation of 12 acupuncture points (TCT zones) placed on the hand only. Even more, the first variant of ABEFIT therapy was based on the stimulation of the same 12 TCT zones, although the description of the stimulation effects, comparing to that one given in the Su-Jok, were quite different. Namely, the ABEFIT therapy and its theoretical background are resulting from the neurophysiological investigations of TCT therapies, mainly of the segmental therapy and the Su-Jok 6 Qi energies therapy. As it will be seen in the further, there are evident formal similarities between the ABEFIT therapy and the Su-Jok 6 Qi energies therapy, because both of them used the TCT zones placed on the hand. These similarities, which will be more detailed discussed in the further, as well as the fact that Su-Jok is theoretically based on the Five elements theory, offer a possibility to place the ABEFIT therapy in the frame of this metaphysical Eastern theory. Although it is without any scientific background, there is a particular logic and beauty in the Five elements (or Five energies) theory. Therefore, besides the fact that ABEFIT arises as a result of the scientific neurophysiological analysis, the explanation of ABEFIT in the frame of Five elements theory will be given also, where some specific logical elements, which could be easily identified, will be followed. In spite of the fact that this explanation should not be considered as a valid theory of ABEFIT, it is really very curious that it is possible to find its quite logical place in the frame of this old esoteric theory, what could be considered as a particular proof of some basic elements of the Five elements theory.


The Five element theory is one of the most fundamental pillars of the Eastern traditional knowledge and practise. The five elements, among many other things, correspond to the energies, seasons, growth and development, as well to the organ systems in the human body, mind and mental qualities, etc. It is worth to mention that contrary to the Empedocles’s four elements theories, where it was supposed that the are composed as a mixtures of various elements, in the Chinese Five elements theory the elements are not considered as constitutive elements of the things, but as the holders of some particular energies, forces and qualities. The permanent changes of the corresponding Five Energies determine all possible activities in the Universe, nurturing and counteracting, combining and recombining mutually and thus producing the entire manifesting existences. The Five Element Theory classifies everything in the world including the human body. As it was mentioned, each element is connected to an internal organ, emotion, flavour and mental state. For example, the Fire is associated and represents the heart, the emotions of joy and happiness and a bitter flavour. The changes of the health state, as well as of the mental state, are the consequences of the disbalance of the Five energies associated to the Five elements. The role of the healing treatment, including the acupuncture treatments, is to achieve the energetically balanced state. This means that... * The acupuncture itself is a system of therapeutic treatments rules. However, the acupuncture with the Five elements theory could be considered as a consistent traditional healing (medical) system. The consistency of this healing system means that the aims and the methods could be understood in the frames of the Five elements theory. * The Acupuncture doctrines could not be described and understood without the perceiving the elements of the Five Elements theory, because their therapeutic rules are consequences of Five elements theory principles. This description and understanding of the acupuncture means that it is completely in accordance with the principles of Five elements theory, what does not means that these principles are in accordance with the Western science principles.



The Yin -Yang Principle

The basic concept of the orient metaphysical philosophy is the idea of energy polarity, expressed in the statements that the entire Universe could be considered as interdependent changes (oscillation!) of the Yin (negative) and Yang (positive) forces. This could be recognized in the interdependencies and changes of some complementary and evident opposites like male and female, day and night, positive and negative electric charge, N and S magnetic pole, matter and antimatter etc. In accordance with this, the fundamental principle of the orient metaphysical philosophy is the Yin-Yang principle, which is in fact the universal metaphysical law determining the totality of the cosmic existence and the cosmic activities. The Yin and Yang are interdependent entities (energies, forces…), because they could not exist without each other, as it is shown on the Tai Ji diagram (Fig. 1.), which symbolically illustrates their relationship and interdependence as well. The Yin and Yang permanently transform into each other and, as it can be seen on the Tai Ji diagram, Yin contains seed of Yang and vice versa: Yin creates Yang and Yang activates Yin. Relative levels of Yin and Yang are continuously changing in a Fig. 1. The Tai Ji Yin - Yang diagram harmonious way, when one is increasing, the other is decreasing and vice versa. The antagonism and the harmonic unity in the same time of the Yin and Yang opposite energies are providing the cyclic rhythm of all existing beings. There are nothing which is beyond the influence of the game of YinYang opposites, i.e. each existing entity, alive or not, is the harmonic dynamical combination of antagonism of these opposites. These combinations could be recognized all around like, for example, as darkness and lightness, hotness and coldness, strongness and weakness, emptiness and fullness, calmness and noise, high and low, inner and outer, body and spirit, female and mail. Due to their mutual antagonism, the cyclic


rhythmical changes of all existing entities are consequences of the permanent changes of Yin and Yang opposites. As the Yin-Yang principle is universal, what means that all phenomena could be reduced to Yin-Yang, its presence or manifestation could be recognized in every existing being and any entity and in any their quality and determinant as well. Thus, according to the Yin-Yang principle, masculine, emptiness, fast, up, exterior and changeable are Yang, while female, fullness, slow, down, interior and permanent are Yin categories and determinants. As the fullness is Yin category and emptiness is Yang category, the human organs which are full with own content (the viscera) are Yin organs and the organs which do not have own content, but just pass the contents from another place (bowl), are Yang organs.



The Five Elements Principle

While the Yin-Yang principle determines the universal law which demonstrates the unity of the Universe, in which all is the dynamical and harmonic result of the game of Yin-Yang opposites, the Five elements principle determines the universal low which gives the explanation of diversities of the beings and entities, which are distributed in the numerous combination as consequences of the mutual interaction of five fundamental elements and their corresponding forces and energies. The Five Elemental Energies, considered basically, represent the activities of Yin and Yang as they are manifested in the cyclic changes of nature, which regulate life on Earth and in the Universe. On other side, considered as the Five Movements, or Five Forces, they determine the various stages of transformation in the all existing natural cycles of different changes, like development, growth, decay, as well as the change of the climatic conditions, changes of flavours, emotions, mental changes etc. It was mentioned that the Five elements theory does not considers the elements, which will be listed later, as the constitutive elements of things, but as the holders of some particular energies, forces and qualities. A particular energy is associated to each of the element, which most closely resembles its function and character. These energies take the names from these elements (the Wood energy, the Earth energy...). As it can be seen, the Five elements theory is not focused on forms and substances, but on the processes and energy transformations, what means that the elements symbolize the qualities and the activities of energies. The five elements are Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water, and corresponding energies are Wind, Heat, Humidity, Dryness and Coldness (see the Table 1.). Each of these energies is associated with the element that most closely resembles its function and character, what means that elements symbolize the activities of energies with which they are associated. In other words, the Five elements principle is in fact focused on energies and its transformations, not on the substances, and therefore is often named as Five energies principle. In fact, the five elements (energies) arise as consequence of the transformation of Yin and, each of them within specific nature according to its share of Yin and Yang. Thus, they represent various degrees in the relative balance of Yin and Yang within any particular energy system.


Table 1. The five elements and corresponding energies and qualities Wood























Life Cycle




Old age








Mental quality







Patience Anger

Joy Hate

Empathy Anxiety

Courage Grief

Calmness Fear

Yin organ






Yang organ

Gall bladder

Small intestine


Large intestine


Body fluid















Late mer

Sum- Autumn


As it was mentioned above, in accordance with the Yin-Yang principle, there are two types categories of entities, determinants and qualities, which are assigned as Yin and Yang. However, as it is shown on the Table 1., the appliance of the Five elements principle leads to the splitting of the Yin and Yang entities, categories, qualities and determinants in five subcategories, which correspond to the five elements. This means that in fact exist five types of beings, entities, determinant, properties etc. Thus, in accordance with this, there are five Yin and five Yang human organs, five human senses, five body fluids, five mental qualities, five positive and five negative emotions etc. 2.2.1. The Five Elements Control Cycles The five fundamental energies constantly change, increase and decrease, affecting one another and providing a particular balance in these transformations, in accordance with the permanent activities of Yin and Yang, which are manifested in the cyclic changes of nature, which regulate life on Earth. In this way the changeable five energies define the various stages of the natural cycles of changes of the things and beings, the climate changes, the human physiological and physiological changes etc.


There are three basic cycles, known as five elements control cycles, which illustrate the interaction between the five elements (energies), which gives these changes. These are: 1. The creation (promoting) cycle; 2. The controlling (destruction) cycle; 3. The overcontrolling cycle. These three cycles are considered to be universal building blocks of the Universe. Any relationship that can occur among any two beings or things of the same class is describable by these cycles. 2.2.2. The Promoting (Creation) Cycle Everything that exists could be assigned to someone of the five elements, as well as everything has been created by something that could be also assigned to someone of the five elements. The creation should be in accordance to the promoting cycle, which is shown on the Fig. 2. Each element produces (creates) the consecutive element: Wood produces Fire, Fire produces Earth, Earth produces Metal, Metal produces Water and Water produces Wood. This means that each preceding element nourishes by a flow of particular energy the consecutive element. Thus, the Wood produces the element Fire by supplying the Wood as the energy source, and Fire creates element Earth, in fact the ashes, by burning Wood etc. If one considers the creation cycle from the formal logical point of view, an open question arises: how the element Metal produces the element Water? The formal answer could be found in the fact that the sources of flowing water are frequently found near mineral deposits. However, it is necessary to point that the meaning of the five elements and their interdependencies in the frames of orient Fig. 2. The Five elements promoting cy- metaphysical philosophy are rather metaphoric, instead of forcle. mal logic and therefore the complete answer on the questions like above one should be metaphysical


only. In other words, the meanings of the five elements and their interaction are symbolical, i.e. they (meanings!) could not be completely expressed in the frames of Western two-valence logic. The creation cycle is sometimes known as the Mother-Son law. The Wood is considered as the son of Water and, in the same time, the mother of Fire, which is the son of Wood and the mother of Earth and so on. 2.2.3. The Controlling (Destruction) Cycle All processes, including the above described processes of creation, should be controlled. This control, that provides the order in the Universe, as well as any creation, is results of the action of someone of the five elements, which should be in accordance with the controlling cycle (Fig. 3.), representing the destruction processes by which the elements check and balance one another. .

Fig. 3. The Five elements controlling (left) and overcontrolling (right) cycles

If the strengths of five elements are equal to some normal values, what provides the balanced state of the system, they will follow the cycle of creation. If one element becomes too strong, its influence on some another element could be danger, or if one element becomes too week, the influence of some another element could be danger for it, what leads the system to the unbalanced state. For example, the strong Wood can be danger for Earth, because its roots penetrate too much deep the soil, absorbing too much of nutrients from it. Therefore the quality of element Earth will be damaged and its energy (humidity) will be decreased under the value that corresponds to the balanced state of the system.


In accordance with the controlling cycle each of the elements counteracts the one after the succeeding element. Thus the element Earth counteracts the Water, which creates the Wood. In this way Earth decreases the Water and that will be followed bay the decreasing of Wood and increasing of Earth. As it can be seen, according to the controlling cycle, the strong Wood injures the Earth, which counteracts Water, what leads to the decreased creation of Wood, then the strong Wood injures the Earth, which counteracts Water, what leads to the decreased creation of Wood and so on. 2.2.4. The Overcontrolling Cycle This control cycle refers to the overacting - abnormal counteraction - of the five elements after their balance is upset. Overacting arises when someone of the five elements is so strong that it counteracts excessively upon and weakens abnormally another one, or when someone of the five elements is so weak that counteraction by some another element, which is not so strong, is in fact an overacting giving the large deficient of the first one. In other words, overcontrolling means that an element, which is not obviously too much strong, counteracts excessively and is controlling the other element too much. Therefore a controlled element is rebelling against its controlling element.



The Chinese Acupuncture

The general premise of acupuncture, which is in fact the traditional Chinese medicine, is that the health state of human body is determined by the proper flow of the vital energy (life force) of the body, referred to as Qi2. The opposing forces of Yin and Yang influence the flow of this vital energy, which regulates the physical, emotional and spiritual balance. When Yin and Yang are balanced, they ensure the natural flow of Qi and, consequently, help the body achieve and maintain health. In accordance to the traditional Chinese concept, the role of the acupuncture treatment is to balance Yin and Yang, to improve the normal flow of blocked Qi energy, which provides the maintaining or restoring the body and mind health state. This could be carried out by the appropriate external stimulation of over 2000 acupuncture points on the human body, which are connected with 20 meridians. The meridians conduct the Qi energy throughout the body. There are a particular sets of empirical rules, which Fig. 4. The acupuncture is 3500 years should be followed in order to old Chinese medical system select the appropriate set of acupuncture points In order to solve some health problem, i.e. to re-establish the energy balance. 2.3.1. The Acupuncture Treatments The aim of all acupuncture treatments is to achieve the balance of the above mentioned fundamental energies, while the physiological description of the diseases or description of their history, is not of the interest even in the actual acupuncture practice. In other word,... 2

Should be pronounced as chee.


* The main aim of the healing in the traditional Chinese medical practice is not to understand the illness nature and history, but the process of improvement itself. The treatments rules are based on the personal experiences and chosen by the method of trial and error. 2.3.2. The Effects of External Stimulation Concerning the effects of stimulation, it is confirmed that acupuncture reacts in local, regional (spinal cord) and general (brain) levels. The local reaction is more detailed investigated in the case of aggressive stimulation of acupuncture point (by needle). It is shown that it is the result of change of the local electric potential leading the surrounding cells and the adjacent sensory receptors of the nervous system to an excited state and in the provoking a secretion of some substances. However, this might not be so in the case of non-aggressive stimulation of the acupuncture point, as in the case where the stimulator is the permanent magnet, often used especially in the Su-Jok acupuncture doctrine. The results of this kind could be explained by the arising of non-stationer electromagnetic field or waves only, induced by the changes of local electrical currents, or by the changes of local electric field in the magnetic field of the permanent magnet. The effects on the regional level, if one neglect the professorial and esoterical Eastern explanations, are explained on the basis of the description of referred pain, i.e. on the assumption that every viscera is, in some sense, projected on a particular skin area (Head’s zones) and, consequently, the appropriate stimulation of that skin area affects the functionality or disease of the corresponding viscera. This will be more detailed explained in the further, where the referred pain phenomenon and the Head’s zones will be described. 2.3.3. The Acupuncture Doctrines There are a few acupuncture doctrines, where some of them treat the acupuncture points distributed over all human body, while others treat the acupuncture points distributed over some body areas, which are mapped to the whole body. In other words, these micro acupuncture doctrines suppose that the human body, considered as totality with all body parts and organs, is projected on some particular areas or body parts: the ear, the nose, the tongue, the hand, the foot, the finger, the finger knuckle, etc. It is of importance to note that many actual acupuncture doctrines should not be considered as achievements of the traditional Chinese or


Eastern medicine. Some of them, like Su - Jok acupuncture, which is about two decade old, should be considered as completely new concepts based on (in fact) gnostic foundations or principles, which only partly coincide with the principles of the Five elements theory. For example, let us mention the questionable implicit assertion of its originator that Su - Jok doctrine is entirely founded on the principles of the traditional version of Five elements (energies) theory, although he operates with eight energies, instead of five.

Fig. 5. The acupuncture points used in the nasal and auriculu micro acupuncture systems.

2.3.4. The Eastern Tradition and the Western Science Although there are no suspicions that acupuncture is very effective in some medical areas, and therefore accepted as alternative medical treatments in the Western medicine, remain a lot unanswered questions and suspicions about the theoretical explanations of the origin and fundaments of that traditional Eastern medical method. The numerous attempts to step up the Eastern theoretical explanation of the acupuncture phenomenon to the Western science are, it could be said so, completely unfruitful. That is not unexpected, because they are based on the similar hypothesis as some surpassed Western tradition knowledge, which could not be considered as relevant inheritance of the Western tradition. Let us mention, as an example, the four elements (fire, air, earth, water) theory of Empedocles which, although similar to the


Eastern five elements theory, lies somewhere in the historical treasure of Western science. The origins of the scepticism which follows the acupuncture lies in the fact that the acupuncture practice is based on some recipes which do not have the scientific empirical validation and theoretical explanation and in the persistent endeavour of the Eastern acupuncture experts and practicioners to substitute this deficiency by the traditional (esoterical!) theories. So, although the acupuncture is practically accepted as a relevant and, in some sense, confirmed alternative medical method by many Western physicians, it is rather accepted as a particular set of empirically confirmed healing methods with evident suspicion concerning its Eastern explanation. 2.3.5. The Meridians The acupuncture points originally, that means in the early tradition, were assigned to the meridians on the body surface, which were considered as a kind of channels through which flows the vital Qi energy. The total number of the meridians differs in different doctrines from 12 up to 20. It is supposed that the vital energy Qi, as well all fundamental energies, flow undumped through the meridian channels. If the flow of these energies is blocked along one or more meridians, pain or dysfunction, or both, result. The normal flow and energy balance could be restored by the appropriate stimulations of specific acupuncture points. However, the vital energy, as well as the meridians have no the basis in the actual human physiology. In fact... * The meridians are imaginary energy flow patterns, because it is not scientifically confirmed that their locations relate to the internal organs, or that they are the carriers of any kind of flow (energy, blood, lymph or some kind of informations) Many research on acupuncture clearly shows that meridians do not correlate with major nerves or blood vessels. The supporters of the traditional acupuncture description therefore assert that the meridian system is a distinct signal transduction system. However, some anatomical investigations show that the course of the Lung meridian on the upper limb was similar to the path of the musculo cutaneous nerve, the Pericardium meridian similar to the medianus nerve, and the Heart meridian similar to the paths of the ulnaris and medialis cutaneous nerves of the arm.


2.3.6. The Acupuncture Points It was mentioned that the actual science does not have a definite and acceptable scientific explanation and description of the acupuncture phenomenon, what means that the problem of acupuncture is still an open problem. The same is valid for the TCT zones used in acupuncture therapy, which are usually assigned as points, although they are the dermatomes - TCT zones. Namely, they positions are determined on the base of the very reach empirical experience of Eastern traditional healing treatments. Originally, that means in the primeval written version of the acupuncture, there were 365 acupuncture points, corresponding to the days of the year, but that number during the past 2,000 years increased to over 2,000 points. This is not the end number, because many new and effective points were discovered in the actual acupuncture medical practice. Besides this, the various acupuncture doctrines give the different sets of acupuncture points, having the different locations as well. The acupuncture points, according to some actual hipotesis, are understood to be surface projections of some distinct internal structures, including nerves and other tissues. For example, it was found that 152 points could be stimulated directly over nerves, while 73 additional points could be stimulated within 0.5 cm. of a nerve. Another study shows that 323 acupuncture points are supplied by nerves. Strictly speaking, the acupuncture treatment is based on applying of particular recipes determining the sets of acupuncture points which have to be stimulated for the particular diseases and the description of the manner of stimulation as well. The results of the treatment could be analgesia and/or homeostasis, i.e. the elimination of the pain on the particular site, and/or regulation of dysfunctions of one or more viscera. The most important and impressive results of the acupuncture treatment is not the analgesia effect, which demonstrates the efficiency of the symptomatic therapeutic possibilities of acupuncture, but the healing effects which are the evidence of the influence of acupuncture on the homeostatic control system - the set of control systems which are responsible for the homeostasis. There are many different kinds of pains, but there only a few parts of the homeostatic control system. Consequently, one can conclude that the most of the few hundreds acupuncture points could be connected with the analgesia and a relatively small set of acupuncture points should be connected with the homeostatic control system.


The Positions of Acupuncture Points: So far, if one takes into account the scientifically verified data, it cannot be explained why some acupuncture point is there where it is, although the effects of its stimulation are known. The statements of the actual modern scientific theories that the acupuncture points are tight connected with the morphogenesis, or that they are (probably) the organizing centres, which control the embryo genesis, are quite hypothetical and could not be accepted as scientifically confirmed.

Fig. 6. The presented two TCT zones on the palms has two different roles in the two different acupuncture doctrine. In the Su - Jok correspondent system (left), the stimulation of these zones affect the hart (white) and the throat (black), while in the Su - Jok 6 Qi energy system (right) the wind and the heat energy are affected.

It is worth to mention that some acupuncture points have different roles in the different acupuncture doctrines. Even more, they could have different roles in the different variant of the same acupuncture doctrine, as it is shown on Fig.6. Depending on its doctrine, because there are a few doctrines, the acupuncture can be used as the pain therapy, which aim is the pain blockade, and as the homeostatic therapy, which aim is to harmonize all vital functions (energies), although the second could not be considered as confirmed in an acceptable manner.



The Su-Jok 6 Qi Energy System

The Su-Jok is not a traditional acupuncture doctrine, because it was originated in 1980. by Dr. Park Jae Woo. At the beginning the Su - Jok doctrine was based on the so-called system of the correspondences, which is shown on the Fig. 7., and on Dr. Park’s six energies metaphysical concept. However, now days the frames of Dr. Park’s metaphysical theory are extended and considerably exceeds the frames of the traditional Five elements theory. Namely, the actual Dr. Park’s metaphysical theory introduces, almost twofold more energies. It is worth to mention that the primeval Dr. Park’s metaphysical theory does not consider five energies, being postulated in the traditional Five elements theory, but six energies, where the additional sixth energy is the Hotness energy. If one considers from the theoretical point of view, the ABEFIT could be, in some sense, connected with that primeval Dr. Park’s theory only. This means that it is closer to the principles of the tradiFig. 7. The projection of the human body on tional Five elements theory, the hand and on the foot in the Su Jok micro acupuncture systems. then to the principles of actual Dr. Park’s metaphysical theory. However, if one considers from the therapeutic point of view, the ABEFIT remains close to the Su - Jok therapeutic procedures, although the aims of these procedures are quite different. As it was mentioned previously, the first version of the Su - Jok acupuncture doctrine was based on the correspondence between the human body and hand palm or foot3, as it is presented on the Fig. 7. The thumb corresponds to the head and neck, the forefinger and the small finger to the right and left arms etc. The therapeutic rules are very simple: in order to solve the health problem on some particular part of the body, the part of hand where this body part is projected should be stimulated. This Su - Jok 3

In Korean Su means the hand and Jok means the foot.


doctrine and the ABEFIT therapy do not have any similarities or any mutual standpoints and therefore it will be not considered in the further. During the time, the Su - Jok doctrine was developed and branched in a few particular new sub-doctrines (subsystems), one of which is the 6 Qi energy system. This system will be more detailed presented in the further, because could not be neglected its influence on the creation and developing of ABEFIT therapy. We shall not consider all necessary details of the Su-Jok therapy, because such a consideration will not give a dipper or better insight in the ABEFIT therapy. Namely, although there are some particular similarities and coincidences between ABEFIT therapy and s the Su-Jok 6 Qi energy therapy, it will be shown that they are quite formal. More then this, if one takes the neurophysiological base of ABEFIT therapy, these similarities offer an opportunity to gain a new scientific insight in the Su-Jok 6 Qi energy therapy, which originally has a metaphysical foundation. 2.4.1. The 6 Qi Energies System In the 6 Qi energy system, proposed in the Su-Jok acupuncture doctrine, is supposed the existence of 6 fundamental energies, what means that there is one fundamental energy more. That is the Hotness energy. The Hotness energy is assigned, as well as the Heat energy, to the Fire element. However, the Heat energy is assigned to the (so called) Comparable Fire, while the Hotness is assigned to the Main Fire. The corresponding promoting control cycle is presented on the Fig. 8. As it can be seen, the Hotness is promoted by the Heat energy, i.e. when the Heat energy is accumulated long enough, it will produce the Hotness energy. The differences between the Heat energy and Hotness energy could be (in some sense) seen if one takes into account that the Heat corresponds to the early summer, to the growth in the life cycle and to the joy in the emotion, while the Hotness corresponds to the mid summer, to the full growth in the life cycle and to the happiness in the emotion. The Controlling Cycle of 6 Qi Energy System: It should be mentioned that the 6 Qi energy system is applied in the 6 Qi energy therapy, which aim is to harmonize and balance the mentioned 6 energies. This harmonization, as anyone other being based on the Five element principle, must be carried out in accordance with the above mentioned control cycles: promoting, controlling and overcontrolling cycle. However, these cycles could not be fulfilled if all 6 energies have same type of independence.


Fig. 8. The 6 Qi Su - Jok energy system and the corresponding promoting cycle

As it is presented on the Fig. 9., if all 6 Qi energies have same significance, instead of a single consistent corresponding controlling cycle, two independent and inconsistent controlling subcycles could be drown, what is not in agreement with the Five elements principle. These two controlling subcycles could not be accepted because their existence means that the 6 energies are divided in two independent sets, where in the first set are Heat, Humidity and Coldness energy, while in the second set are Hotness, Dryness and Wind energy. It is evident that this in disagreement with the Five elements principle and its controlling control cycle, which demonstrates the mutual diFig. 9. The 6 Qi Su - Jok energy system and the corresponding inconsistent con- rect or indirect interdependencies of all elements and trolling cycle corresponding energies. In order to overcome this disagreement, it is necessary to take into account that the five fundamental energies in the original formulation of the Five elements theory determine five different energetic qualities. On other side, the Heat and the Hotness are energies of the same type and they


determine the same energetic quality. Namely, the Hotness is in fact accumulated Heat energy and these two energies are assigned to the same element (Fire). In accordance with this, the consistent controlling cycles of 6 Qi energy system could be derived from the Five elements control cycles in a manner shown on the Fig. 10., where the corresponding consistent controlling cycle of 6 Qi energy system is presented on the right drown.

Fig. 10. The 6 Qi Su - Jok energy system and a possible consistent corresponding controlling cycle

The controlling cycle of 6 Qi energy system presented on the Fig. 10., which is in accordance with the controlling cycles of the Five elements, reflects the following important facts: * The Heat and the Hotness must be the energies of same type, determining the same quality, because they are assigned to the same element (Fire). The only differences between the Heat and the Hotness energy is not qualitative, but quantitative, because the Hotness is, in fact, the accumulated Heat energy. 2.4.2. The Su-Jok 6 Qi Energy Correspondent Chakra System One of the variant of Su-Jok 6 Qi energy therapy is based on the 6 Qi correspondent Hindu chakra system, where the correspondences between the 6 Qi energies, 6 chakras and 6 particular TCT zones on the hands have been established. The charkas are considered as sources of energies, which function can be affected ba the stimulation of the corresponding acupuncture points on the hands, more precisely on the palms


of hands. More precisely, as it is shown on the Fig. 11., there are 12 TCT zones, 6 on the palm - Yin side of hand, which should be stimulated in the case of the acute health problems, and another 6 on the opposite side Yang side of the hand, which should be stimulated in the case of the chronic health problems. This means that, for example, the zones 3 and 9 are assigned to the same chakra (Anhata), to the same element (Wood), to the same energy (Wind), but to the different organs: 3 is assigned to liver and 9 to gall bladder (see the Table 1.).

Fig. 11. The 12 TCT zones used in the the Su-Jok 6 Qi energy therapy and the correspondences with the Hindu chakra system. The 6 TCT zones on the palm side of the hand should be stimulated in the case of an acute energy disbalance, and other 6 TCT zones in the case of a chronic energy disbalance.

As it can be seen on the Fig. 11., the following correspondences between the TCT zones (corresponding energies) and the chakras have been assumed: 1. The source of Hotness energy (TCT zones 1 and 7) is the Ajna chakra; 2. The Vishuddha chakra is source of Heat energy (TCT zones 2 and 8); 3. The Anhata chakra is source of Wind (TCT zones 3 and 9); 4. The Manipura chakra is source of Humidity (the zones 4 and 10); 5. The Swadhisthana chakra is source of Dryness (TCT zones 5 and 11); 6. The Muladhara chakra is source of Coldness energy (TCT zones 6 and 12).


The Sahasrara chakra (Crown chakra, Gate of Brahma) is not mentioned here, what does not means that it is omitted. Namely, the achieving of balance between the energies of the other 6 chakras is equivalent to the total energy balance and to the optimal function of the Sahasrara chakra as well. The aim of this variant of Su–Jok energy therapy is to achieve the balance of the 6 fundamental energies by the stimulation of corresponding acupuncture points on the hand, what is equivalent to the stimulation of correspondent chakras. The arbitrary number of 6-chakra correspondent acupuncture points could be simultaneously stimulated. The choice of these points for the concrete therapy treatment, as well as the manner of their stimulation, should be in accordance with the five energies control cycles.



The Segmental Therapy

The segmental therapy is developed on the base of the findings which concern the referred pain phenomenon. The traditional example of referred pain is the projection of the myocardial infarction pain on left hand, which explanation is based on the assumption that the hart and the left arm are innervated by the same spinal cord segment, and therefore they can be seen as a functional unit - the viscera-somatic reflex. The short neurological description of the referred pain is the following one: On the Fig. 12. are represented two spinothalamic neurones (a,b), one peripheral afferent neurone arriving from a particular dermatom (c) and one afferent neurone arriving from a particular viscera (d), which diverges on both spinothalamic neurones through the terminations (e) and (f). The presence of the nervous impulses in the termination (f) decreases the activation threshold potential of spinothalamic neurone (b) Fig. 12. The referred pain - see the textual description. for the impulses arriving along the peripheral neurone (c). In other word, the impulses in the afferent neurone (d), arriving from the viscera, facilitates the activities of the afferent neurone (c). Therefore, if the neural impulses are present in the visceral neurone (c), an under threshold neural activities in the peripheral neurone (c) excites the impulses in the spinothalamic neurone (c), which transferred into the brain give a perception of referred pain, mentioned, which is false allotted to the dermatom instead of to the viscera. The segmental therapy is usually applied as a pain therapy, which aim is to blockade the pain of inner somatic structure by the treatment of the Head’s zones on which the pain is projected. The treatment is accomplished by the local injections of subcutaneous depots of particular medicaments into the appropriate dermotom (Head’s zone) of pain projection. This confirms that the segmental therapy is the appliance of the findings resulting from the investigations of the referred pain phenomenon.


Taking into account its evident functional similarity with acupuncture, the segmental therapy could be considered as an embryo of some future Western variant of scientifically based acupuncture, which has a completely satisfactory scientific description. An embryo because, although it is known more then one century, the segmental therapy is practically still at its beginning. This means that there is not an evident relevant interest for serious investigations of segmental therapy in the Western medicine. 2.5.1. The Head’s Zones The skin zones (dermatomes, TCT zones) on which the referred pain could be projected are assigned as Head’s zone4. As the somatic pain is more frequently then the somatic pain, the brain makes the false allotting of the visceral pain as somatic pain.



TCT zone

TCT zone The neuron

Fig. 13. Each Head’s zone has the neural connection with some organ, what means that they are innervated with the nerves, which enter into the same spinal cord segment (neurotom).

As mentioned above, each Head’s zone, as it is presented on the Fig. 13., has the neural connection with some inner somatic structure, what is the consequence of the fact that they are innervated with the nerves, which enter into the same spinal cord segment (neurotom). It is also assumed that this could be expected in the case when the somatic structure and the Head’s zone are developed from the same embryonic segment in the embryo-genesis. Thus, concerning the mentioned projection of the 4

This phenomenon has been first described by Sir Henry Head at the end of 19. century.


myocardial infarction pain on the left hand, the hart and the left hand arise from the same embryonic segment. It is strange that besides the scepticism, which results in numerous suspicions and refusals of many aspects of the acupuncture practice, the distributions of acupuncture points on the human body, as described in the traditional doctrines are accepted, practically unchanged, even in the Western acupuncture practice. This fact could be considered as a bad anchor, which hinders to make a fundamental step in the scientific foundations of acupuncture. The evident fact that the scientific explanation of acupuncture must be very tight connected with that one of referred pain phenomenon, offers the possibility to reinvestigate that distribution, i.e. to build a neurophysiological based mapping of the acupuncture points, as well as to obtain the precise assigning of theirs treatment functions. This, what is also evident, could be achieved by the development of segmental therapy, what means that the scientific map of acupuncture points must coincides with the map of segmental therapy zones (Head’s zones). Of course, there is a problem, because the different acupuncture doctrines use different mapping of the acupuncture points, although all these doctrines are standing on the principles of the traditional Five elements theory.


3. The ABEFIT Therapy The ABEFIT therapy is partly scientifically verified, because it has scientific foundation, but it cannot be said that its therapeutic effects are empirically confirmed in a manner that could be considered as partially acceptable from the scientific point of view. Besides its scientific background, it is interesting that ABEFIT could be comprised in the frames of Five elements theory as well. This could be a curiosity, or an evidence that in the foggy depth of that metaphysical theory probably there are some important, but yet uncomprehended truths. In this chapter I shall try to explain how the ABEFIT therapy can be comprised in the frames of Five elements theory, as well as how it overcomes that frames. As the ABEFIT therapy has a scientific foundation, the mentioning of some neurological and neurophysiological data, which concern the scientific foundation of ABEFIT, could not be avoided in the further. The accepting of the content of this chapter could be facilitated if one takes into account the following facts: * Two different concepts of ABEFIT therapy will be introduced, assigned as Short-term ABEFIT therapy and the Long-term ABEFIT therapy. These two therapies, which short description will be given in the next paragraph, use different TCT zones and obey different therapy rules. * The Short-term ABEFIT therapy, although initiated by the analysis of some neurophysiological data, is partly reclined on the experiences of Su-Jok 6 Qi energy therapy. Therefore, this therapy concept could be practically entirely comprised in the frame of Five elements theory. However, as it will be shown,


the Su-Jok 6 Qi energy therapy and the ABEFIT therapy follow two quite different concepts and therapy rules. * The Long-term ABEFIT therapy is new therapeutic concept, which is completely reclined on the results of the scientific investigations. This is the homeostatic therapy which aim is the regulation of the complex sets of physiological processes, assigned in the further as the vital activities, maintained or controlled by the particular sets of organs and somatic structures. Nevertheless, as it will be shown, some coincidences between these vital activities and the five energies can be established. * The possible positions of the ABEFIT TCT zones are originally determined by the analysis of the hand innervation structure. This analysis was initiated by the previously mentioned anatomical investigations which show that the courses of the Lung, Pericardium and the Heart meridian are similar to the paths of the musculo-cutaneous, medianus, and the ulnaris nerve, which innervate the arms and hands. * Subsequently has been perceived that these zones coincide with the positions of the acupuncture point, which are used in the Su-Jok 6 Qi energy therapy, what could be rather considered as accidental, instead of as fundamental facts. These coincidences should be expected, because the empirically determined TCT zones in Su-Jok 6 Qi energy therapy are on the hand also.



The Vital Activities

At first, it should be mentioned that more appropriate title here is: The vital activities as considered in the ABEFIT therapy. Namely, the consideration of the processes in the human body which enable the life itself, as exposed in this part, was the starting point in the developing of ABEFIT therapy. The human body is the most complicate so far known live system in which the enormous number of physiological, biological, physical and chemical processes and sub-processes permanently last or occur. However, it could be perceived that a few vital activities only are maintaining the life itself, where each of these activities consist of many different processes, in which the numerous organs and other systems and subsystems of the human body are included. The standpoint of this statement is the fact that the living is based on the activities, which main aims are: The Nourishment and the Energy Fuel Production: The nourishment is, in fact, the import of particular substances from the environment, which will be directly or indirectly used as the fuel for energy production. The substances should be processed in order to extract the ingredients, which could be used as energy fuel (carbohydrates, lipids, proteins), as well as to extract the harmful ingredients, which must be ejected out from the body. The holder of this vital activity is the metabolic system, which role is to prepare the nourishing substances in a form being appropriate to be absorbed in the small intestine and then imported in the main transport fluids of transport system: the blood and the lymph. Besides this role, the metabolic system has very important role in the maintaining of homeostasis of the water, electrolytes and ions concentration. In the activity of the metabolic system very important is the role of enzymes, which are secreted or controlled by the pancreas, salivary glands and some other glands, being the part of the endocrine system. This vital activity is maintained by the metabolic system which main parts are: the digestive system (mouth, gullet, stomach, intestines etc.), gall bladder, pancreas, partly the liver, the respiratory system (supplying with oxygen), etc. The transport and the distribution of energy fuel: The energy fuel (carbohydrates, lipids, proteins), as well as oxygen, should be transported into the cells, which are the energy sources of human body. That is the role of the blood plasma, which is the main transport means having two important roles: (1) to supply all tissues and organs with the energy fuel (nour-


ishing substances), with oxygen and hormones, being necessary for their activities, (2) to transport all harmful substances toward the parts of the excretory system, in order to be excreted outside from the human body. Some ingredients of the blood and lymph, which flow covers all parts of the human body, have crucial role in the human body defence system, being the holder of the hymoral immune activities. Finally, it is evident that the creation of tissues, including the creation of blood and lymph ingredients, is not possible without the participation of the transport system. This vital activity is maintained by the transport system which main parts are: the complete cardiovascular system (heart and all blood vessels), the blood ingredients with their sources (the marrow, thymus etc.), the lymphatic system (lymph with its ingredients, lymphatic nodes and spleen). 3.1.1. The excretion of harmful substances The harmful substances, which must be ejected outside, could be imported from the environment with the food, as well as they could be side products of the metabolic processes in the human body organs and in all cells. As it is known, there are two kind harmful substances. First of them are soluble in water and their ejection from the body is direct by the urinary system, where the main role have the kidneys. The second kind of harmful substances are not soluble in water and therefore they have to be prepared in the liver in the form being appropriate for ejection (intermediate metabolism). This vital activity is maintained by the excretory system which main parts are: the kidneys with the urinary subsystem, the liver, the respiratory system (the excretion of carbon dioxide) and the transport system which, as it were mentioned above, transfer the harmful substances toward the parts of excretory system. 3.1.2. The unconscious control and regulation of vital activities All fundamental vital activities, as well as all processes in the human body, including activities which imply the accommodation in the environment, are regulated and controlled by three control systems: the vegetative nervous system, the central nervous system and the endocrine system. As it is well known and confirmed, if one considers the control of vital activities itself, the most important is the VNS, which role is to respond on all changes inside our body in a manner which leads to the most appropriate mutual functional coordination of all our organs, what corresponds to the state of homeostasis, or to the state which is as much near


the homeostasis, as it is possible. The change of activity of the organs is achieved by the noradrenalin or acetyl holin, which is secreted by the nerves axons. This vital activity is maintained by the VNS-vegetative nervous system which main parts are: the set of the control centres in the hypothalamus, the spinal cord, the nerves, i.e. the peripheral neural network. 3.1.3. The consciousness control and regulation of vital activities The central nervous system collects and analyzes the informations, being received by our senses, and thus enable us to establish a purposeful relation with the environment. That means that the main role of CNS is to respond on all changes in the environment, in order to find the most appropriate answer, from the point of view of our conscious mind. However, although VNS is often assigned as autonomous nervous system, what means that is independent on the CNS, there are many data that confirm the interdependencies of these two systems, which consequences is the influence of the CNS on the control and regulation of the vital activities being effectuated by the VNS. This vital activity is maintained by the CNS-vegetative nervous system which main parts are: the brain and the senses. 3.1.4. The chemical control and regulation of metabolic processes The description of role of the endocrine system, which can clarify its influences, exceeds the frame of this book, and therefore it will be omitted here. For our purpose is enough to mention that it, by the excretion of hormones, regulates, stimulates and inhibits many metabolic and other processes in the human body. It is also necessary to mention that it is tight connected with the VNS, and that the connections between these two control systems are not completely understood and investigated. This vital activity is maintained by the endocrine system which main parts are the endocrine glands: hypophysis, pancreas, thyroeodiea, parathyroeoidea, thymus, suprarenalis, testis and ovarium, epyphysis.



The Positions of ABEFIT TCT Zones

The ABEFIT therapy procedures, in Short-term as well as in Long-term therapy, and the positions of its TCT zones are derived by the physiological and neurological analysis of vital activities and the possible manners of their control by the external stimulation. More precisely, they could be considered as the results of scientific investigation of some particular neurophysiological phenomena (divergence, convergence and facilitation of the nervous impulses and the referred pain phenomenon), which affect the processes of the transfer of informations from different body parts toward the control centres in the vegetative and central nervous system (VNS and CNS). As these processes are fundamental in the numerous therapies, which are based on the stimulations of particular skin segments (dermatomes, Head’s zones, acupuncture points), the results which where obtained in the above mentioned investigations gave me the possibility to achieve a new particular insight and theoretical explanation of the basic standpoints of these therapies. As the centres which control the vital activities, and the life itself as well, are situated in the brain (the vegetative nervous system - VNS and the central nervous system - CNS), it follows that the stimulations of TCT zones, which have homeostatic effects should be obviously transferred toward these centres. This is valid for the third control system - the endocrine system as well, which is connected with the control centres in the brain. In addition to this, the following facts should be taken into account: * The peripheral neural network (autonomous nervous system) is the only system, which is reliably confirmed as carrier of the external stimulation of TCT zones toward the control centres. Therefore, the reactions of control centres and consequently the adjusting of someone of the vital activities and others processes can be provoked by nervous impulses only, that means by all changes of the local biopotentials, which overcome the nerve threshold potential. * The homeostatic therapy effects could be expected in the case when the external stimulation, which overcome the nerve threshold potential, provoke more (as much as possible) control centres to scan and to adjust, if necessary, someone of the vital activities. In accordance with this, my first problem was to find the TCT zones which stimulation would provoke more control centres to act.


3.2.1. Why the TCT Zones on the Hand? The detailed neurological analysis draws my attention to the innervation structure of hand because of the following known neurological facts: * The sensory pathway, which connects the stimulated dermatom (TCT zone) with the control centres in the brain, usually consists of three neurons: the first from the dermatom toward the particular spinal ganglion, the second from the ganglion toward the spinal cord and the third furthermore toward the brain

Fig. 14. The innervation map of the human hand, which is innervated with the nerves: ulnaris, medianus, radialis and musculo-cutaneous.

* As each nerve is connected with few hundreds other nerves, the nerve impulse could be redistributed and partly transferred along some other sensory pathways, as well as it should be completely removed from its primary pathway and thus not transferred toward the brain. These undesirable effects, which will be neurologically confirmed and explained in the second part of this e_book, especially arise in the spinal ganglion in which a large number of nerves meet each other. * As it was mentioned above, the homeostatic therapy effects could be expected in the case when the stimulation of some-


one dermatom provokes more control centres to scan and to adjust the vital activities. It is evident that the probability to arise such effects depends on the characteristics of the corresponding sensory pathway. The most appropriate are the sensory pathways along which the possibility to arise the above mentioned undesirable effects is small. * The nerves which innervate the hand enter directly into the spinal cord and near to the brain, what means that the hand dermatomes have the very simple and short sensory pathways toward the control centres in the brain. Therefore it could be expected that mentioned undesirable effects will not arise and that, consequently, the transferred nerve impulses will provoke the reaction of more control centres. These neurological facts, then the fact that the courses of 3 important meridians are similar to the paths of nerves, which innervate the hands, as well as the efficiency of Su-Jok 6 Qi energy therapy, focused my attention to the hand and its innervation structure. The hand innervation map which is presented on the Fig. 14., shows that four nerves innervate the human hand. These are the nerves: ulnaris, medianus, radialis and musculo-cutaneous. The four grey-scaled areas represent their innervations zones. As it was mentioned previously, these four nerves enter directly into the neck part of the spinal cord, what means near to the brain, and therefore it is reasonable to expect that... * The external stimulation of hand dermatomes creates the nerve impulses in the four nerves, which innervate the hand. As these nerves are the simple and short sensory pathways toward the brain, it could be expected that the nerve impulses they bring will provoke the reaction of more control centres in the brain. This reaction means the scanning and adjusting of the vital activities, what is the aim of any homeostatic therapy. The Short-term ABEFIT therapy and the Long-term ABEFIT therapy, as it was mentioned above, use different sets of TCT zones, both of them on the hand, and obey different therapy rules. Therefore, the positions of these zones, as well as their therapy roles, will be described in the corresponding subchapters (paragraphs). I shall start with the description of the Short-term ABEFIT therapy, because it should be quite comprehensible for the majority practitioners of TCT therapies. More precisely, it is comprehensible for the practitioners of


all acupuncture therapies, which accept the traditional description based on the Five elements theory. This my choice - first Short-term then Longterm therapy, will facilitate the comprehending the Long-term ABEFIT therapy, which is quite new therapeutic concept based on the results of the scientific investigations. The Long-term therapy I consider as the essential part of ABEFIT therapeutic concept.



The Short-Term ABEFIT Therapy

As usually, the health problems could be classified in two main quite general sets: the set of acute health problems and the set of chronic health problems. The roles of above mentioned two ABEFIT therapy concepts are determined by this classification. Thus... * The Short-term ABEFIT therapy is homeostatic therapy dedicated to the treatments of acute health problems. * The primary aim of this therapy is to blockade the pain, which could be usually achieved by a single or a couple therapeutic treatments. The applying of the Short-term ABEFIT therapy does not imply certain particular medical knowledge. It is enough to locate the pain and to connect it with some of the above described vital activities. For example, the cause of headache is the dysfunction of transport activity, the cause of cystitis the dysfunction of excretion activity, the source of stomach ache the dysfunction of metabolic activity etc. After that very simple therapeutic rules should be applied, which always imply the stimulation of 3 ABEFIT TCT zones, which will be described later. These rules could be easily determined by the use of ABEFIT pentagram, which will be described later as well. 3.3.1. The TCT Zones for Short-Term ABEFIT Therapy As it was explained previously, my attention has been especially directed to the innervation map of hand. However, the positions of TCT zones used in the Su-Jok 6 Qi energy correspondent chakra system therapy, which are presented on that Fig. 15., very clear demonstrates that the analysis of that therapy could not be avoided, because the stimulation of TCT zones in that acupuncture system is in fact the stimulation of the nerves ulnaris, radialis, medianus and the musculo cutaneous nerve, which innervate the hand. According to the Su-Jok 6 Qi energy therapy rules, the zones on the palm side of hand should be stimulated in the case of acute health problem, while the zones on the opposite side of hand should be stimulated in the case of chronic health problem, where both of them are manifested as the energies disbalances. However, the formal analyses of these rules brought me to the following questionable conclusions: * For example, the stimulation of zones 3 and 9 affects the Wind energy, first one it the case of acute disbalance of that energy,


and the second in the case of chronic disbalance. It is questionable that the removing of an acute disbalance could be achieved by the stimulation of two nerves (radialis and medianus), while the removing of a chronic disbalance, which is more serious problem, implies the stimulation of nerve radialis only.

Fig. 15. The innervation map of the human hand and the positions of the TCT zones for Short-term ABEFIT therapy.

* If one takes that zones 3 and 9 correspond to the liver and to the gall bladder, as it is shown on the Table 2, it could be concluded that the dysfunction of liver is followed by the acute disbalance of Wind energy, while the chronic disbalance of that energy is caused by the dysfunction of gall bladder, what is hard to consider as an acceptable conclusion. The similar questionable conclusions are valid for the zones (6,12), (5,11) and (4,10). In order to overcome these questionable consequences and indeterminacies of the Su-Jok 6 Qi energy therapy rules, I have decide to use the only reasonable possibility: to investigate the therapeutic effects of the stimulation of above mentioned 12 TCT zones, starting from the following previously mentioned certain facts: * It was found that a few hundreds acupuncture points are supplied by nerves and consequently could be stimulated directly over nerves.


Table 2. The five elements and corresponding energies and qualities Zones

1 and 7 2 and 8

3 and 9

4 and 10

5 and 11

6 and 12















Yin organ







Yang organ


Small intestine-8

Gall bladder-9


Large intestine-11


* The anatomical investigations show that the courses of some meridians are similar to the paths of musculo cutaneous, medianus, and the ulnaris nerves, which innervate the hand. * The description of the evident therapeutic effects of Su-Jok 6 Qi energy therapy treatments in the frames of metaphysical Five energy theory are foggy and unacceptable. Therefore this description should be translated on the language of the actual science. It is very important to note that the therapeutic treatments which are effectuated by the stimulation with the permanent magnets (chakra magnets!) have been analysed only. The results of the investigations of Su-Jok 6 Qi energy therapy during last 5 years, being strongly supported by the yields of many practitioners which were initiated by my web site, bring me to the following conclusions, which are the fundaments of Short-term ABEFIT therapeutic concept: The TCT zones of Short-term ABEFIT therapy are distributed as it is presented on the Fig 16. As it can be seen they partly coincide with the TCT zones of Su-Jok 6 Qi energy chakra correspondent system, which are presented on the Fig. 15. Namely, the ABEFIT zones T on the palm side and E, M on the opposite side, are displaced comparing to the corresponding Su-Jok zone 3, 11, 12 which lye on the dotted lines. As it can be seen, the ABEFIT TCT zones are on the both sides of the hands. Thy are assigned by letters: E,E (excretion), M,M (metabolism), H,H (endocrine system), T,T (tissues and transport - cardiovascular system), V,V (vegetative nervous system) and C,C (central nervous system). On the Fig 16. are presented the zones on the both sides of the left hand.


The zones on the right hand are distributed and assigned in a same manner.

Fig. 16. The innervation map of the human hand and the positions of the TCT zones for Short-term ABEFIT therapy.

The main differences between the ABEFIT and Su-Jok TCT zones are not in their positions, but in their therapeutic roles and assignments. To the ABEFIT TCT zones the particular vital activities are assigned: 1. The excretion activities are assigned to the zones E,E 2. The metabolic activities are assigned to the zones M,M 3. The activities of endocrine system are assigned to the zones H,H 4. The transport and tissue creation activities are assigned to the zones T,T 5. The activity of vegetative nervous system is assigned to the zones V,V 6. The activity of central nervous system is assigned to the zones C,C This means, for example, that the stimulation of zones E,E affects the excretion of all harmful metabolic products processes, being achieved by the harmonization of the functions of all parts of the excretion system (liver, kidneys, urinary system etc.). The meanings of all these assignments are given in the Table 3., in which the links between the ABEFIT zones and the effects of their stimulation are given.


Table 3. The effects of the stimulation of ABEFIT TCT zones The zone

The effects of the stimulation

E, E

The excretion of all harmful metabolic products will be optimized by the harmonization of functions of all parts of the excretion system (liver, kidneys, urinary system etc.).

M, M

The metabolic processes will be regulated by the optimization of functions of all parts of the digestive system.

H, H

The optimization of functions of all part of the endocrine system (glands) will be achieved.

T, T

This stimulation affects the functions of cardiovascular system (heart, vessels, blood etc.) and the production of all tissues, including the blood ingredients.

V, V

The control centres in the vegetative nervous system (hypothalamus!) are stimulated to scan and to regulate the vital processes in order to achieve the homeostatic state.

C, C

The centres in the central nervous system, which has control role or interferes with the control centres in hypothalamus, are stimulated to scan and to regulate the vital processes in order to achieve the homeostatic state.

3.3.2. The Short-Term ABEFIT Therapy Rules In the Su-Jok 6 Qi energy correspondent chakra therapy the arbitrary number of acupuncture points could be simultaneously stimulated. However, the therapy rules of Short-term ABEFIT therapy are quite different. * In the Short-term ABEFIT therapy the particular zone-trinity should be always stimulated, which is a set of 3 in an appropriate manner selected TCT zones. * Each zone-trinity contains only the TCT zones, which are situated on the same side of hand; all on the palm side, or all on the opposite side. In other word, no more and no less then 3 ABEFIT TCT zones should be simultaneously stimulated, what means that 3 fundamental energies could be simultaneously harmonized, because to every zone-trinity corre-


sponds an energy-trinity. The necessity of this ABEFIT therapy rule could be explained in the following way: The main aim of ABEFIT therapy is to harmonize the previously described vital activities. The following more detailed analysis of these activities offers an answer on the question: why the zone-trinity should be always stimulated in the Short-term ABEFIT therapy. The ABEFIT therapy target rules: In order to effectuate the main aim of ABEFIT Short-term therapy - to blockade the pain and to harmonize the vital activity which disturbance provokes the pain - it is necessary to follow this simple procedure, assigned here as the ABEFIT therapy target rules, taking into account that the health problem could have somatic or psychic origin: 1. The determination of the primary therapy target activity. Each somatic health problem is mainly a consequence of the disturbance of some particular vital activity. Which vital activity is disturbed it could be easily done by the analysis of symptoms, which are the consequences of disturbance. Let us mention a few examples: the presence of harmful substances in the blood is the symptom which indicates the disturbance of excretion activity; the head ache, the cardiovascular problems, the muscle pains, the majority of tumorous tissues, the low and high pressure and the anaemia indicate the disturbance of transport activity; all digestive problems, the presence of some harmful substances in the blood as well as the arising of some tumorous tissues indicate the disturbance of metabolic activity, etc. 2. The determination of the secondary therapy target activity: Some somatic health problems could be the consequence of disturbances of two vital activities. For example, some tumorous tissues indicate the disturbance of transport and metabolic activities, as well as some digestive problems indicate the disturbance of metabolic and endocrine activities, then some urinary problems indicate the disturbance of excretion and metabolic activities, etc. 3. The determination of the psychic effect factor: Some somatic health problems could be strongly affected, in some cases even induced, by some psychic factors, which provoke the disturbance of vital activities5. Namely, the real controller of all vital activities 5

The mechanism is similar to the rule: The lemon in the mind, the saliva in the mouth


is the vegetative nervous system (VNS), because it contains the main (unconscious) control centres of the human body. However, the activity of VNS could be affected (but not controlled) by the central nervous system (CNS), because its activity could be only conditionally considered as (conscious) control activity. This can be supported by the fact that in the coma state the vital activities endure although this conscious control activity is absent6. On other side, it could not be neglected the psychic influence on all other vital activities, which is in fact a kind of perturbation of the control activities usually performed by the VNS. The effects of this perturbation, here assigned as the psychic effect factor, depend on the psychic state, what means that it is more relevant in the case of the psychic sensitive or labile persons. There is no way to determine precisely the relevance of the psychic effect factor. However, if there is a suspicion that it is probably relevant, then that should be accepted as truth. The determination of the ABEFIT zone-trinity: It was mentioned previously that in the Su-Jok 6 Qi energy correspondent chakra system the zones on the palm - Yin side of the hand should be stimulated in the case of acute health problems, while the zones on the opposite side - Yang side of the hand should be stimulated in the case of chronic health problems. However, my experience does not confirm these suggestions. Namely, the collected results of Short-term ABEFIT therapy bring me to the following conclusions: * Each zone-trinity in the Short-term ABEFIT therapy contains the zone, which are situated on the same side of hand. * If the palm side of hand is dry, that means in the case of weak perspiration, the TCT zones A, B, C, D and E should be used in the Short-term therapy. * If the palm side of hand is sweaty, that means in the case of intensive perspiration, the TCT zones A, B, C, D and E should be used in the Short-term therapy. In accordance to this, the determination of zone-trinities containing the zones A, B, C, D and E will be considered, because the conclusions are valid for the zone-trinities containing the zones A, B, C, D and E as well. 6

It is worth to mention here that the ABEFIT does not treats the mental, psychic or similar health problems.


Each ABEFIT zone-trinity must obviously contains the zones, which correspond to the following vital activities: the activity of the vegetative nervous system and the primary therapy target activity. The third zone should be determined in accordance with the following rules: 1. The case when the relevant target activities are the primary target activity, the secondary target activity and the psychic effect factor: In this case two stage Short-term ABEFIT therapy should be applied, which could be assigned as daily therapy and nightly therapy. In the daily therapy, which duration should be from 30 up to 60 minutes, the zone-trinity which corresponds to the following activities should be stimulated: the primary target activity, the activity of VNS and the activity of CNS. In the nightly therapy, which duration is during the night (sleeping hours), the zone-trinity which correspond to the following activities should be stimulated: the primary target activity, the secondary target activity and the activity of VNS. 2. The case when the relevant target activities are the primary target activity and the secondary target activity: In this case (usually) the daily therapy should be applied. The zone-trinity which corresponds to the following activities should be stimulated: the primary target activity, the secondary target activity and the activity of VNS. 3. The case when the relevant target activity is the primary target activity only: In this case (usually) the daily therapy should be applied. The zone-trinity which corresponds to the following activities should be stimulated: the primary target activity, the activity of VNS and the activity of CNS. As it can be seen, each zone-trinity in the Short-term ABEFIT therapy treatment must contains the zone V, that corresponds to the activity of VNS, while in the frame of Five elements theory it corresponds to the Heat energy. The ABEFIT pentagram rule: The selection of the appropriate zone-trinity could be extremely simplified by the use of ABEFIT pentagram rule, which is presented on the Fig. 17., while the procedure of its construction is described in the Appendix7. As it is shown, to the five parts of the external pentagram the five vital activities are assigned, as well as the corresponding TCT zones. The arrowed lines connect all TCT zones with the zone V, 7

The last chapter of this e_book.


where the direction of the arrows show which TCT zone affects the considered vital activity. As it can be seen, the stimulation of zone V affects all other activities, including the activity of CNS, as it was mentioned above8. On other side, the stimulation of zone C could affect the activity of VNS only. The choice of the appropriate zone-trinity for the particular problem is determined is practically evident. Thus, for example, in the case of digestive problems the pentagram rule gives four possible zone-trinities: MVC-appropriate in the case when the secondary therapy target activity is not present; MVE, MVT and MVH - appropriate in the case when the secondary therapy target acFig. 17. The ABEFIT Pentagram rule tivity is present.

3.3.3. The Method of Stimulation The energetically active organic or inorganic stimulators should be used as skin stimulators in the ABEFIT method. The simplest energetically active organic stimulators are the undamaged grains of pea, corn, wheat, lens, etc. As inorganic energetically active stimulators the magnets or any source of low AC voltage electric current can be used. The diameter of the stimulator (grain, magnet, electrode) should be less then 1cm. My experience shows that the most effective stimulators are the permanent magnets of about 50 mT9. * In order to achieve the homeostatic effects of the Short-term ABEFIT therapy, which aim is the elimination of the health 8 9

Each ABEFIT zone-trinity contains the zone V. 50 mili Tesla.


problem sources, the treatments should be continued after the pain blockade. The number of these treatments should not be less then 10 successive treatments. * The duration of the Short-term therapy treatments, if it is effectuated with permanent magnets, should be from 30 up to 60 minutes. The time interval between two consecutive treatments should be less then 24 hours, what means one treatment per day.



The Long-Term ABEFIT Therapy

The Long-Term ABEFIT therapy could be considered as an upgrade of the Short-term ABEFIT therapy, which is dedicated to the treatments of chronic health problems. The derivation of its therapy rules and the relevant set of TCT zones are based on the analysis of effects of the previously mentioned nightly Short-term ABEFIT therapy, which considerably differ comparing to the effects of the daily therapy. The main characteristics of the Long-term ABEFIT therapy are the following: * Contrary to the Short-term ABEFIT therapy, which primary aim is to blockade the pain, the primary aim of the Long-term ABEFIT therapy is the elimination of the dysfunctions, which are the pain source. The pain blockade is not the therapy target, but its consequence. * The Long-term ABEFIT therapy is full homeostatic therapy, because it does not treat the pain itself, because it is a consequence only of the more fundamental disturbances of vital activities, or just a sign that announces that these disturbances are present. Thus, the unique aim of the Long-term therapy is to eliminate the disturbances and to harmonize all vital activities. * Each Long-term therapy treatments imply the stimulation with permanent magnets, which should be kept on the appropriate zone (zone-trinity) during all night. The time interval between two consecutive treatments should be less then 24 hours, what means a treatment per night. The applying of the Long-term therapy, as well as the applying of the Short-term ABEFIT therapy, does not imply certain particular medical knowledge. Like in the Short-term therapy, it is enough to locate the pain and to connect it with some of the above described vital activities. 3.4.1. The TCT Zones for Long-Term ABEFIT Therapy The developing of the Long-term ABEFIT therapy was initiated by some evident facts, which show that previously described Short-term therapy rules have some indeterminacies, which should be clarified. Therefore the more detailed analysis of the effects of this therapy has been accomplished, which was supported by the neurological analysis of ef-


fects of the stimulations of the Short-term therapy TCT zones. The starting point of these analyses was (by may opinion) the evident fact that... * The effects of the stimulations each couple of Short-term therapy zones, which are assigned to the same vital activity, should be same or very similar, although these zones are situated on the opposite sites of hand. If one takes into account the Fig. 18. and the Table 4.the following evident facts could be easily noticed: 1. Fact: The stimulation of zone C provokes the nerve radialis, while the stimulation of zone C provokes the nerve medianus. Two same vital activity could not be affected by the stimulation of two different single nerves, what means that either medianus, or radialis should not be assigned to the vital activity assigned to zones C and C.

Fig. 18. The correlations between the stimulations of the Short-term ABEFIT therapy TCT zones and the stimulations of nerves, which innervate the hand.

2. Fact: Similarly, the stimulation of zone V provokes the nerve radialis, while the stimulation of zone V provokes the nerve medianus. Two same vital activity could not be affected by the stimulation of two different single nerves, what means that either medianus, or radialis should not be assigned to the vital activity assigned to zones V and V.


3. Fact: The stimulation of zone T provokes the nerve radialis only, while the stimulation of zone T provokes the nerves radialis and musculo-cutaneous. This means that the stimulation of nerve musculo-cutaneous probably does not affects the transport vital activity. Table 4. The stimulations of nerves which innervate the hand provoked

by the stimulations of Short-term therapy zones.

C C V V T T H H M M E E Ulnaris


Medianus Radialis Musc.-cutaneous














4. Fact: Similarly, the stimulation of zone H provokes the nerves ulnaris and radialis, while the stimulation of zone H provokes the nerves ulnaris, medianus and musculo-cutaneous. This is a markedly difference, what means that the endocrine vital activity could not be assigned either to zone H, or to zone H. 5. Fact: The stimulation of zone M provokes the nerves ulnaris and radialis, while the stimulation of zone M provokes the nerves ulnaris and medianus. This means: (a) that medianus or radialis should not be assigned to the metabolic activity; (b) the metabolic activity is assigned to the wrong TCT zones. 6. Fact: The stimulations of zones H, M and E provoke the nerves ulnaris and radialis only. This is questionable, because 3 different vital activities could not be affected by the stimulation of same couple of nerves. 7. Fact: The stimulations of zones M and E provoke the nerves ulnaris and medianus only. As previously, this is questionable, because 2 different vital activities could not be affected by the stimulation of same couple of nerves. All these facts, as well as the collected ABEFIT therapeutic data obtained by the use of Short-term ABEFIT therapy during the last 5 years, bring me to the following final conclusions: * The stimulation of TCT zones T, H, E, C, V and H has the most effective and the most predictable results, while the stimulation


of zones C, V, M, T, M and E give the similar, but less effective results. * The simultaneous stimulation of zones T, C and V is the most appropriate treatment for regulation of the transport vital activities and the state of the system, which maintain these activities (the cardiovascular system - the heart and the blood vessels the blood ingredients with their sources - the marrow, the thymus etc. - the lymphatic system - the lymph with its ingredients, the lymphatic nodes and the spleen, etc.). * The simultaneous stimulation of zones H, C and V is the most appropriate treatment for regulation of the metabolic vital activities and the state of the system which maintain these activities (the digestive system - the mouth, the gullet, the stomach, the intestines etc. - the gall bladder, the pancreas, partly the liver, the respiratory system etc). * The simultaneous stimulation of zones E, C and V is the most appropriate treatment for regulation of excretion vital activities and the state of the system which maintain these activities (the kidneys with the urinary subsystem, the liver, the respiratory system etc.). * The simultaneous stimulation of zones H, C and V is the most appropriate treatment for regulation of the activity of the endocrine system and the state of the system which maintain these activities (the hypophysis, the pancreas, the thyroeodiea, the parathyroeoidea, the thymus, the suprarenalis, the testis and the ovarium, the epyphysis etc.). As it can be seen, there some disagreement these conclusions concerning the Long-term therapy and the rules of the Short-term therapy, what should not be considered as to much strange, because these two therapy have different primary aims. The differences between the roles of the zone H are the most noticeable, because this zone is assigned to the endocrine activity in the Short-term therapy and to the metabolic activity in the Long-term therapy. However, these assignments, as it was mentioned, are obtained by the analysis of the therapeutic effects which show that: 1. The stimulation of musculo-cutaneous nerve does not affect considerably the endocrine activity, as well as the stimulation of nerve radialis does not affect considerably the metabolic activity;


2. The stimulation of musculo-cutaneous affect considerably the metabolic activity, as well as the stimulation of nerve radialis affects considerably the endocrine activity.

Fig. 19. The Long-term ABEFIT therapy TCT zones.

From the previous analysis follows that there are only 6 really different TCT zones, among the 12 zones used in the Short-term ABEFIT therapy. These are the zones T , H , E, C, V and H. These 6 TCT zones are assigned by the letters Ta, Ma, Ea, Ca, Va and Ha, as it is done on the Fig. 19., where is taken: Ta instead of T, Ma instead of H, Ea instead of E, Ca instead of C and Va instead of V. This means that in the accordance to the previous analysis the following assignments are valid in the Long-term ABEFIT therapy: 1. The excretion activities are assigned to the zone Ea 2. The metabolic activities are assigned to the zone Ma 3. The endocrine system activities are assigned to the zone Ha 4. The transport activities are assigned to the zone Ta 5. The activity of VNS is assigned to the zone Va 6. The activity of CNS is assigned to the zone Ca


3.4.2. The Long-Term ABEFIT Therapy Rules * As In the Short-term ABEFIT therapy the particular zone-trinity should be always stimulated, which is a set of 3 in an appropriate manner selected TCT zones. The ABEFIT therapy target rules: Following the same rule as in the Shortterm ABEFIT therapy it is necessary to proceed the following procedure: 1. To determine the primary therapy target activity, the secondary therapy target activity and the psychic effect factor 2. To determine the ABEFIT zone-trinity what have 3 possible solutions, which correspond to the following 3 possible cases: (1) The case when the relevant target activities are the primary target activity, the secondary target activity and the psychic effect factor; (2) The case when the relevant target activities are the primary target activity and the secondary target activity; (3) The case when the relevant target activity is the primary target activity only: The ABEFIT pentagram rule is applicable in the case of Long-term ABEFIT therapy in same manner as in the Short-term ABEFIT therapy. The Method of Stimulation: The most effective stimulators are the permanent magnets of about 50 mT10. * Each Long-term therapy treatments imply the stimulation with permanent magnets during all night. The time interval between two consecutive treatments should be less then 24 hours, what means a treatment per night.


50 mili Tesla.



The ABEFIT and the Five Elements Theory

Although the positions of the ABEFIT TCT zones partly coincide with the positions of the acupuncture points being used in the 6 Qi energy correspondent chakra therapy, the corresponding assignments are quite different: sets of organs and the vital activities in the ABEFIT and the fundamental energies in the 6 Qi energy. Therefore, the important question arises: * How to correlate the ABEFIT assignments of the ABEFIT TCT zones with the assignments of the acupuncture points in the 6 Qi energy correspondent chakra therapy? * How to correlate the ABEFIT therapy treatment, which affects the activities of some particular set of organs and somatic structures, with the 6 Qi energy correspondent chakra therapy treatment, which affects all or a few fundamental energies? The answer on the first question could be obtained by the comparison of the figures 15. and 16. As it can be perceived the following correspondences between the TCT zones of ABEFIT therapy and the Su-Jok 6 Qi energy correspondent chakra therapy. Table 5. The ABEFIT assignments rules Zone


ABEFIT assignment



Control - CNS



Control - VNS



Transport functions



Excretion functions



Metabolic functions



Control - endocrine system

By the formal comparison of the figures 6, 7, 8 and 11, it could be easily seen that the ABEFIT TCT zones have a correspondent controlling cycle, which is presented on the Fig. 19. Although this controlling cycle has not the same meaning as the five energies controlling cycle (Fig. 3.), or the 6 Qi energies controlling cycle (Fig. 9.). As it could be seen and easily understood...:


* 6 Qi energies controlling cycle demonstrates the interdependences of the fundamental energies. * The ABEFIT TCT zones controlling cycle demonstrates the interdependences of the systems (the particular sets of organs and somatic structures), which are responsible for all vital activities in the human body, or which have the control functions in these activities.

Fig. 20. The ABEFIT controlling cycle

In order to answer the second question, it is necessary to take into account some evident facts. The first of them is... * As the changes of the fundamental energies are not the consequences of their direct interactions, but the results of the changes of the vital activities, the energy balance could be achieved by the optimization of these activities only. Namely, the energy is not the action (interaction, force) itself, but it is the measure of the action. For example, the gravitational energy does not acts on some object being on the Earth, but the Earth and the object interact in fact, while the change of the gravitational energy is measure of the intensity of that interaction. This is valid for all possible activities (works), because all activities, in the live or non-live part of the nature, could be connected with the change of some particular energy. Therefore, if one considers that from the scientific point of view, the following facts should not be omitted: * Does not exist the energy that could not be assigned to some live or non-live material object or set of material objects. All


possible changes of all possible energies are consequences of the mutual interactions of some material objects or systems. If one considers the appliance the Five elements principle to the human body, the changes of the five fundamental energies should be connected with some vital activities, although they are originally assigned to the five elements. These activities are obviously the consequences of the mutual interactions of some body parts, or of the interaction with the environment. Taking these facts into account, the correspondences between the five energies, assigned to the chakra correspondent acupuncture points, and the vital activities, assigned to the ABEFIT TCT zones, can be established, as in Table 6., where some examples are given. Table 6. The correspondences between the some fundamental energies and the corresponding vital activities 6 Qi energy correspondent chakra ABEFIT therapy therapy The heat, which is controlled by the coldness, is the most fundamental energy of the each living system, because the life itself is always connected with the heat energy creation. Less heat means more coldness and the freezing of the vital functions.

V – VNS the vegetative nervous system has the control role in the regulation of the vital activities, because the vital control centres are situated in the hypothalamus, which has the direct connection with the H – endocrine system. The better control means the better vital functions (more heat!) and opposite.

The hotness is accumulated heat energy. This means that these two energies are of the same type and have similar roles in the vital activities. The accumulation of the heat energy is possible after its primary role is fulfilled: the ensuring of the basal vital functions.

C – CNS the central nervous system, as well as the VNS, has the direct or indirect control role in the regulation of the vital activities. Its efficiency considerably depends on the accumulated informations collected by the different parts of the vegetative system (experience!).

The wind creates the heat energy (see the promoting cycle). In other word, it ensures the permanent production of heat energy. No wind means no oxygen, no fire, no heat and no hotness!

T – transport and tissue creation include the cardiovascular system, blood ingredients and the marrow as their source. In ensures the supplying the energy (heat) sources (cells) with metabolites and oxygen.

60 The humidity is created by the heat and controlled by the wind energy, while itself controls the coldness energy. The heat (fire) and coldness (water) are opposite energies, i.e. the increasing of one has as a consequence the decreasing of another. The decreasing of the coldness (water), which could be carried out by the excretion, will increase the heat energy,

E – excretion system ensures the ejecting of the harmful products of the metabolic processes. Its activity depends on the activity of the transport system. More intensive transport means more intensive metabolism and more intensive producing of the harmful products.

3.5.1. The ABEFIT Therapy Rules and Five Elements Theory An unanswered question remains: how to explain the ABEFIT therapy rules in the frame of Five elements theory? Namely in ABEFIT therapy should be stimulated the zone-trinity, what means that 3 fundamental energies could be simultaneously harmonized, because to every zone-trinity corresponds an energy-trinity. More then this, each zone-trinity in any ABEFIT therapy treatment must contains the zones corresponding to the Heat energy (the zone V), while in the traditional Su-Jok 6Qi energy system there is not such a restriction. The presence of Heat energy in all possible ABEFIT energy-trinity could be easily understood if one takes into account that the heath energy is the most fundamental energy of the each living systems. It is evident that each living system is permanent heat source, because the live itself is always connected with the heath energy creation. Therefore the harmonized rate of heat energy creation should be one of the most important aim of energy therapy. On other side should not be omitted that the heat (fire) and coldness (water) are opposite energies, i.e. the increasing of one has as a consequence the decreasing of another. This means that the balance of these two energies is the another important aim of the process of the homeostatic harmonization of the energies (vital functions) of each living system. Some kind of measure of this important balance of the fire and water, or heat and coldness, is the dryness energy: less water means more dryness and increased (fire) heat energy creation; more water means less dryness and decreased (fire) heat energy creation. All these facts show that the harmonization of the heat, coldness and dryness energies is the most fundamental energy-trinity in ABEFIT therapy. The harmony between the energies in that energy-trinity is the essential key of the stability of each living system, i.e. the triangle (V,H,M - fire, water, metal) is the real pedestal of each stable living system.


4. APENDIX: The ABEFIT Pentagram Rule The ABEFIT pentagram (right on the Fig. 21), which determines the ABEFIT therapeutic rules, is derived from the Abefit controlling cycle (right on the Fig. 20.) in a following way:

Fig. 21. The construction of the ABEFIT pentagram

1. Move the zone E in the position marked on the left draw with the letter a. 2. Put the zone H, which is controlled by the zone E, on the next to E pentagram angle, looking in the clockwise direction. 3. Put the zones V and C, which are controlled by the zone H, on the next to H pentagram angle, looking in the clockwise direction. 4. Put the zone M, which is controlled by the zones V and C b, on the next to their pentagram angle, looking in the clockwise direc-


tion. 5. Put the zone T, which is controlled by the zone M, on the next to M pentagram angle, looking in the clockwise direction.

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