The AAS Personal Statement
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personal statement...
How did you choose your proposed course and institution? I want to be a person who could give advantages for many people, especially the people in my community. As a doctor, I treat my patients individually, often with the same health problems. For these kinds of condition we need to see it as a public health problem, and a dierent approach should be initiated. I think it is more eective to nd the base of these problems so that we can get the best solution which able to reach more people. It is why I choose to study public health. As infection is still become a serious issue in my country, I’m interested to study public health in infectious disease. he understanding of epidemic pattern and critical analysis could be applied to the disease control. I want to get an advance skill in public heath aspect of infectious disease response, and prevention. I found the !"#$ %aster of Infectious &isease Intelligence Intelligence is the most suitable program for me. his is one of a few world class universities with public health program that focusing on infectious disease. In addition, !"#$ is one of the high reputed universities in the world. 'y ()*+, its ranked - th in the # $orld /aking and 01th in imes 2igher 3ducation $orld !niversity /anking.
How will the proposed study contributed to your career? #tudying %aster of Infectious &isease Intelligence will help me understand more about infectious disease, gives a new approach approach and perspective to solve these problems as a community entity. his program foster sophisticated understanding and application of multidisciplinary multidisciplinary knowledge including infectious disease intelligence, intelligence, outbreak investigation, immuni4ation and tropical disease control. control. his study will e5uip me as as a doctor with with knowledge and skills to treat my patients patients comprehensively, comprehensively, not only the curative but also in the preventive eort. %oreover, this approach will reach more people because it could be applied in range of setting, including communities, and risk group. I believe, the infectious diseases control and prevention could decrease decrease the number of mortality and morbidity caused by infectious disease in the community.
How have you contributed to solving a challenge and implementing change or reform? (Be specic and include what aspect/s of your leadership knowledge, skills and practice you consider to be well established and eective which people or organi!ation you worked with to solve the problem and what creative method were used? A few years ago I 6oined the Indonesia International $orkcamp 7II$89 organi4ation and had a chance to become the campleader. his is a volunteering organi4ation which facilitates participant across the world to work together and doing some pro6ect related to health, social or environment issues in Indonesia. At that time, my friends and I was working with medical students from :3I; !niversity, periences, there are so many things I’ve learnt. 2ealth problem isn’t 6ust a disease to be cured? it is linked to many factors, such as@ social, level of economy, and education. $e need to understand the problems comprehensively so we can solve it to the root, prevent it from getting worse and reduce the fatality. As a campleader, I also learn skills to make coordination between the camp members, stakeholder and the streetchildren. I learn how to manage every available source and handle every obstacle to run our pro6ect.
"lease a# $ive up to % practical e&les of how you intend to use the knowledge, skills and connections you will gain from your scholarship' "ossible tasks can be personal and/or professional and b# ist any possible constraints you think may prevent you from achieving these tasks
a9 After nishing my education, the rst things I want to do is going back to my country and 6oin the non or governmental organi4ation working in infectious disease control. I want used the knowledge and skills I’ve got to develop a better program in infectious disease control and prevention. ;ne of the issues to be my concern is children’s health. ;ften, parents don’t reali4e the danger threatening their children, sometimes from the family member itself. #o, second thing I want to do is to increase the awareness of children health and make parents do some measures to protect their children. For e>ample, infectious disease fre5uently spread by air, like inuen4a or chickenpo> virus, even droplet from people with ' could be spread into air while coughing, so, it is important to get people aware of wearing a masker when they are sick. A campaign should be initiated to start a Bmasker=wearingC habit. Finally, the third thing I want to do is to have the program maintained and evaluated fre5uently. o make some programs success, consistency is an important thing, and subse5uent actions in some period of time should follow the prior program. It is useful to establish the goal of the program.
b9 A public health program which purposing many people and sometimes need a long term maintenance and evaluation will cost a substantial of money. I think that would be the biggest burden to establish this kind of program. 'ut I believe, a good and thrifty nancial management will do the work. Also, considering the great benet of these measures should not prevent us to start this eort.
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