The a Minor Scales

April 1, 2017 | Author: AdrianAnex | Category: N/A
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The A Minor Scales Here are the A Minor Scales: the natural minor scale the melo!ic minor scale an! the harmonic minor scale. "in#erin#s are inclu!e!. Learn the Scales ascen!in# an! !escen!in#. "irst tr$ one octa%e an! then tr$ two octa%e octa%es. s. &E%ent &E%entuall uall$ $ $ou shoul! 'e a'le to pla$ each scale with 'oth 'oth han!s han!s ascen!in# an! !escen!in# (our octa%es.) Master the *n#erin#s *n#erin#s han! separatel$ separatel$ an! then to#ether. to#ether. "or !escen!in# !escen!in# scales scales  +ust re%erse the *n#erin# $ou use! ascen!in#. ascen!in#. -Note: (or the melo!ic minor scale classical pianists li,e to pla$ the melo!ic minor ascen!in# an! the natural minor !escen!in#. As with all other scales that $our pla$ multipl$ the 'ene*ts to $our piano-pla$in# (oun!ation '$ (ollowin# them with Arpe##ios a ca!ence an! a tune in the same ,e$ ,e$. o this an! $ou will 'e #reatl$ #reatl$ enhanc enhancin# in# $ou ,nowle ,nowle!#e !#e an! $our $our s,ills. s,ills.  e$'oar!  e$'oar! ima#er$ will 'e epan!in# epan!in# in $our min! an! in $our han!s. 0his will help tremen!ousl$ in all the other areas o( piano stu!$: tunes music rea!in# an! learnin# an! memoriin# piano pieces. 20he 20he mast master erin# in# o( all ma+or ma+or an! minor minor scales scales will will 'ene 'ene*t *t $our $our piano piano s,ill s,ills s in countless wa$s. 3our ,nowle!#e o( ,e$'oar! #eo#raph$ an! con*!ence in the (eel an! shape o( each scale will help in rea!in# an! memoriin# music as well as un!erstan!in# un!erstan!in# the structure structure o( the music $ou pla$. pla$. Chor!s Chor!s an! chor!al structures structures will ma,e much more sense to $ou an! $ou will see relationships an! patterns which woul! not occur to $ou without proper ,nowle!#e o( the scales. Also $our techni4 techni4ue ue will #row an! $our $our a'ilit$ a'ilit$ to sol%e sol%e an! master *n#erin# *n#erin# iss issues ues will epan! #reatl$. 0he pianist who has all the ma+or an! minor scales *rml$ in his hea! an! in his han!s will 'e much more con*!ent an! com(orta'le com(orta'le with all areas areas o( piano pla$in# then one who !oes not. So master the scales... scales... all o( them. Learn Learn the *n#erin#s (or all !e%elop spee! an! !eterit$ !eterit$ usin# the metronome metronome rh$thms rh$thms an! lin,s. 5la$ the scales in octa%es pla$ the scales in thir!s in siths in tenths. 5la$ them han!s-separatel$ han!s-to#ether. 5la$ them parallel an! in contrar$ motion. 5la$ them lou! pla$ them so(t pla$ them with musical shapin# an! touch. 5la$ them in $our pa+amas pla$ them in $our wor, clothes pla$ them in $our (oot'all uni(orm... 5la$ them pla$ them pla$ them. Oh $eah... !on6t (or#et to en+o$ them7 Scales can 'e lots o( (un. 3ou shoul! ne%er 'e 'ore! when the scales are on $our min! an! in $our *n#ers.8


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A Minor Scale (natural minor)

A Melodic Minor Scale


A Harmonic Minor Scale


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