The 82-Year-Old Sales Secret Used by Master Copywriters
August 18, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Kepywrotolj Jilous> Kepywrotolj Jilous> V`i Mbstir Keaaiktoel
V`i 08-_ibr-Eaf [bais [ikri [bais [ikritt Ysif hy Mbstir Kepywrotirs
‑$84G [ikrit” Xipert
Bl ixpblfif i xpblfif aeeg bt bt t`os melt`‟s mel t`‟s `oj`-a `oj `-aivia ivia sikrit s ikrit t`bt kbl kb l heest yeur olkemi hy $84,444... er meri
Bmiro B mirokb kbl l Zrotirs Zrotirs & Brtost Br tostss Olk.
Kepyroj`t © 844: hy Bmirokbl Zrotirs Zrotirs & Brtosts Olk. Baa roj`ts risirvif. Le pbrt ec t`os puhaokbtoel mby hi riprefukif er trblsmottif ol bly cerm er hy bly mibls, iaiktrelok er mik`blokba, olkaufolj p`etekepyolj, rikerfolj, er hy bly olcermbtoel sterbji blf ritroivba systim, wot`eut pirmossoel ol wrotolj crem t`i puhaos`ir. puhao s`ir.
Tuhaos`if hy> Bmirokbl Zrotirs & Brtosts Olk. 869 LI 6t` Bvilui, Bvilui, [uoti 248 Fiarby Hibk`, CA ;;60; T`eli> 932-8:0-999: Cbx> 932-8:0-9?8? Zihsoti> Z ihsoti> www.bwboelaoli.kem www.bwboelaoli.kem
V`i 08-_ibr-Eaf [bais [ikrit Ysif hy Mbstir Kepywrotirs
Hy [blfy Crblgs Ifoter, Kepywrotolj Jilous
Iviry Iv iry lew blf t`il b sbais sb ais aittir woaa pep up t`bt nust hijs te hi ribf. Ot woaa woa a `bvi b cbltbstok `ibfaoli blf/ b lf/er er tibsir kepy t`bt pus`is baa t`i t `i roj`t huttels, kempiaaolj yeu te ribf t`i hefy kepy. Bt corst, yeu mby ixpikt te hi fosbppeoltif. Hut bs yeu ribf cerwbrf yeu colf yeursiac rovitif te t`i kepy crem hijollolj te ilf ‛ aogi hiolj frbwl olte b levia t`bt yeu kbl‟t put fewl. fewl. Turi mbjok! mbjok! Z`bt‟ss t`i sikrit Z`bt‟ sikrit oljrifoilt5 oljrifoilt5 Ol mest kbsis, w`il yeu colf yeursiac kempaitiay kbptovbtif hy b forikt mboa poiki er spbki bf, ot‟s hikbusi t`i kepywrotir os b mbstir sterytiaair . Ol Vistif Bfvirtosolj Mit`efs, Ne`l Kbpais sbys t`iri bri 2? typis ec kepy. Ec t`esi, `i elay rikemmilfs 2;. Blf stery kepy os eli ec t`esi 2;. @iri‟s `ew `i fiskrohis stery kepy> ‑V`os kepy stbrts ecc wot` b `umbl-oltirist sotubtoel. V`il kemis b stery, t`i merba ec w`ok` os ‐Huy ‐Huy t`i prefukt prefukt bfvirtosif. bfvirtosif.‟” ‟” Oc yeu aeeg bt semi ec t`i mest sukkisscua sbais aittirs ivir prefukif, yeu‟aa colf t`bt b wiaa-wrottil wiaawrottil stery stery os eli ec t`i t`i mest pirsubsov pirsubsovii kepywrotolj kepywrotolj tik`loquis usif. Ol cbkt, eli eli aijilfbry sbais aittir Ne`l Kbpais wreti wby hbkg ol 2?89 os stoaa tbagif bheut tefby>
Tbji 2
Tbji 8
Z`e feisl‟ feisl‟t cibr hiolj abuj`if abuj`if bt5 Blf w`e feisl‟ feisl‟tt wblt te ompr ompriss iss t`ior croilfs… croilfs… blf t`il ciia b aottai smuj w`il t`iy previ t`iri wbs le ribsel cer t`i abuj`tir5 Ot‟s `umbl lbturi. Kbpais usif b viry pewircua stery te frbw t`i ribfir ol. Zot`ol t`i stery, `i kribtif b `ire t`bt bamest blyeli blyeli kbl sympbt`ozi wot`. V`i iljbjolj iljbjo lj mbllir blf ilirjy ilirjy wot`ol t`i poiki aotirbaay aotirbaay puaas t`i ribfir cerwbrf te t`i kbaa kb aa cer bktoel. B jeef stery os oltiristolj blf iltirtbololj… prisiltif ol b wby t`i ribfir kbl riabti te. V`i jeba ol sterytiaaolj stery tiaaolj os te wroti ol b wby t`bt os kbptovbtolj, w`oai peoltolj t`i ribfir tewbrf bl oltilfif rispelsi. Yatombtiay, osl‟t t`bt ixbktay w`bt yeu wblt yeur sbais aittirs te fe5 Ombjoli t`i pewir yeu keuaf put hi`olf yeur mbrgitolj kepy oc yeu wiri bhai te olkerperbti t`i sikrits ec sterytiaaolj olte w`bt yeu wroti! V`i Giy te b Jeef Jeef [tery
V`olg bheut t`i sterois yeu‟vi ilkeultirif ol yeur aoci. Z`il wi wiri k`oafril, bfuats teaf us sterois, semi trui, semi let-se-trui. Bs wi jriw up, wi foskevirif heegs blf mevois. [terois bri bamest sikelf lbturi te us ‛ hikbusi wi‟ri ixpesif te t`im crem t`i ibraoist fbys ec k`oaf`eef. Lew, kelsofir t`i abst jribt levia yeu ribf… er ivil t`i abst ribaay jeef mevoi yeu wbtk`if. wbtk` if. Olotobaay, t`iri os b mbol mbo l k`brbktir w`esi aoci os turlif upsofi upsofi fewl hy semi sert sert ec treuhai. V`i k`brbktir, usubaay t`i `ire er `ireoli, spilfs b jribt fiba ec bktoel-pbkgif tomi tryolj try olj te seavi t`i foaimmb… cbkolj eli bfvilturi bfvilturi bctir blet`ir ol t`i quist. V`i iltori jeba ec t`i heeg er mevoi os te evirkemi t`i prehaim. Z`il yeu yeu usi stery sterytiaaolj tiaaolj te mbrgit b pref prefukt, ukt, yeur jeba os t`i sbmi. _eur _eur prespikt prespikt `bs b prehaim, w`it`ir t`iy glew ot er let. _eur neh os te ofiltocy t`bt prehaim ol b wby t`bt t`i ribfir woaa woa a rikejlozi… blf t`il t `il `iap `iap t`im seavi ot. Ol mest kbsis yeur ribfir woaa woa a hi t`i `ire er `ireoli ol yeur stery.
Tbji ;
Ve iljbji t`i ribfir, yeur stery must hi iltirtbololj. Bctir baa, t`iri‟s le ribsel te tiaa b tbai oc ot‟s nust jeolj te heri yeur bufoilki. Blf te mbgi ot oltiristolj, t`i tepok `bs te hi semit`olj t`i ribfir kbl ofiltocy wot` ‛ w`it`ir er let t`iy‟vi `bf b somoabr ixpiroilki. Kbpais fof b stullolj neh ec t`os. Let mbly piepai bri sottolj breulf t`ior `emis t`olgolj t`olg olj ‑Jii, O wos` O keuaf paby paby t`i poble.” poble.” Hut `i quokgay iljbjif t`i ribfir hy oltrefukolj t`i tepok wot` b sotubtoel bamest blyeli keuaf riabti te, t`il ceaaewif t`reuj` wot` bl uphibt blf iltirtbololj tbai. Hy t`i tomi t`i ribfir os `bacwby `bac wby t`reuj` t`i poiki, poiki, t`iy bktubaay bktuba ay bri t`ol t`olgolj golj ‑Zew! ‑Zew! O wos` O keuaf fe t`bt!” Hiceri _eu Hijol _eur [tery
Ve [olki hikemi b mbstir corsthi`bvi te ofiltocy t`i ec mbol yeur issiltoba stery. yeur ribfir sterytiaair, woaa bamestyeu bawbys pabkif ol t`i reai t`i k`brbktirs `ire, ot os ec te glew yeur bufoilki. V`os let elay olkaufis olkaufis bji blf six, hut base w`bt t`ior aogis blf b lf fosaogis bri. b ri. Z`bt trilfs bri t`iy rispelfolj te5 Oc yeu kbl‟t pij fewl w`e t`i petiltoba huyir os blf w`bt mbgis t`im ribkt, yeu prehbhay pre hbhay wel‟ wel‟t hi bhai te ribk` t`im. Hikbusi le mbttir mbttir `ew jeef jeef t`i stery, stery, oc yeu yeu kbl‟t kbl‟t kellikt wot` t`i prespikt, t`iy wel‟t huy. Aeeg bt ot t`os wby> B skoilki coktoel ilt`usobst osl‟t aogiay te hikemi bhserhif ol b `braiquol remblki levia. Ot os base viry ompertblt te ulfirstblf baa bspikts ec t`i prefukt . Ol semi kbsis, t`i prefukt pref ukt moj`t bktubaay hi t`i stery! stery! Vbgi Vbgi b aeeg bt t`os kepy ec b spbki spbki bf cer cer V`empsel V`empsel Kojbr Kempbly (BZBO @baa ec Cbmi Aittir #8?.) Letoki `ew wiaa ot turls t`i sibrk` cer tehbkke olte bl ixkotolj stery.
Tbji 6
Tbji 9
Tbji 3
Hut yeu wel‟t wblt te step wot` nust ulfirstblfolj t`i bufoilki blf t`i prefukt. _eu‟aa liif te foj fiipir te ofiltocy `ew t`i prefukt woaa hilicot t`i ribfir . Ylaiss yeu ulfirstblf ulfirstblf t`i t`i hilicots, hilicots, ot woaa hi `brf te hrolj hrolj t`i prefukt prefukt te te aoci ol b wby t`bt t`bt woaa woa a riselbti riselb ti wot` t`i ribfir. Blf riabtolj te t`i ribfir os t`i soljai solj ai mest ompertblt t`olj yeur stery stery must fe. fe. @ew te Colf _eur [tery
Egby, yeu‟vi yeu‟vi feli yeur `emiwerg. _eu glew w`e yeur bufoilki os, os , yeu glew g lew yeur prefukt, pref ukt, blf yeu‟ yeu‟vi vi mbrroif t`i twe ol yeur yeur molf. Hut yeu yeu fel‟ fel‟tt `bvi b soljai ofib cer b steryaoli. V`i hist pabki te colf yeur stery os te tbag wot` piepai w`e bri ‑ol t`i glew.” Jribt sterois woaa kemi te yeu ‛ hut hut yeu `bvi `bvi te hi woaaolj woa aolj te foj b aottai. 2) Vbag V bag tet`i t`iolfovofuba. kribter er Cer jur ixbmpai, juru u ec t`i prefukt. Mbly tomis tHribgbwby `irii os bl b l oltiristolj stery hi`olf b forikt mboa poiki cert`ir Olvister hijols>
Fibr Croilf, Hiceri wi je je bly curt`ir, curt`ir, O must foskaesi foskaesi t`bt cer cer t`i colba 20 20 melt`s melt`s ec my Y.[. Bor Cerki Cerki kbriir, kbriir, O wbs stbtoelif stbtoelif bt bl ulfirjreulf kempeulf kempeulf ol Gortablf, Liw Mixoke… `emi ec b kabssocoif kabssocoif wibpels cbkoaoty. cbkoaoty.
Mbgis yeu wblt te colf eut meri feisl‟t ot5 (Xibf t`i corst pbji ec t`i aittir el t`i lixt pbji.)
Tbji :
Tbji 0
8) Colf eut eut `ew t`i prefukt yeu bri wrotolj wbs wb s fiviaepif… er foskevirif ol t`i corst pabki. _eu woaa ectil colf t`iri os meri te t`i pokturi t`bl miits t`i iyi, kribtolj b kempiaaolj stery cer yeur bufoilki. B @brry blf Fbvof‟s bf pabkif ol Certuli bt eli tomi ribf>
Eut `iri el t`i rblk`, wi fel‟t pritilf te glew muk` bheut bfvirtosolj, blf mbyhi wi‟ri ceeaos` spilfolj t`i proki ec b trbkter cer t`os spbki7 hut my hret`ir blf O jet bl ofib t`i t`i et`ir loj`t, loj`t, blf wi hiaoivi hiaoivi yeu ceags w`e w`e ribf Certuli Certuli bri t`i golf ec ceags w`e‟ w`e‟ f aogi te glew bheut ot. @iri‟s eur stery> …
V`i sbais aittir t`il abulk`if olte b `ostery ec @brry @brr y blf Fbvof‟s stbrt, blf b lf `ew t`iy kbmi up wot` t`i ofib te eccir eccir t`ior pibrs cer sbai ol t`i t `i Y.[. bs K`rostmbs jocts jocts.. ([ii t`i sbais aittir el t`i lixt pbji.)
Tbji ?
Tbji 24
;) Foskevir Foskevir w`bt jeis olte prefukolj t`i prefukt. [emitomis b jribt stery woaa stim crem t`i prefuktoel prekiss, t`i jbt`irolj ec rbw mbtirobas er ixetok oljrifoilts, er ivil ol t`i fitboas ec liw mbk`oliry er tik`leaejy usif te prefuki prefuki ot.
V`i V`empsel Kojbr Kempbly fof b jribt neh ec usolj t`i sibrk` cer rbw mbtirobas bs b steryaoli ol t`i kepy yeu ribf ibraoir. Yatombtiay, t`i kepywrotir fiskrohis t`i quist cer tehbkke bs b fbljireus mossoel t`reuj` tirrotery w`iri ‑iviryhefy blf `os hret`ir kbrrois b sox-s`eetir cer hblfot olsurblki.” 6) Vbag Vbag te yeur kaoilt‟s stbcc. V`i ceags ol prefukt fiviaepmilt mby surprosi yeu wot` semi ulglewl cbkt bheut bheut t`i prefu prefukt kt t`bt yeu wir wiril il‟‟t privoeusay privoeusay bwbri bwbri ec. ec. V`isi aottai tofhots kbl semitomis hi turlif olte o lte bmbzolj sterois. Bffotoelbaay, yeu kbl semitomis semitom is foskevir b nuoky lujjit crem t`i kustemir kustemir sirvoki tibm. Bctir baa, b aa, t`iy bri b kempbly‟s kaesist keltbkt wot` t`i kustemir.
Vbgi b aeeg bt t`i ceaaewolj stery teaf te BZBO hy mbstir kepywrotir Nom Xutz… O rikbaa t`iri t`iri wbs b kepywrotir kepywrotir semi yibrs yibrs bje w`e `bf `bf bl bssojlmilt crem b poble kempbly. kempbly. V`iy mbfi jeef jeef qubaoty pobles, hut `i `i ribaay keuafl keuafl‟t‟t sii blyt`olj blyt`o lj t`bt t`bt steef eut crem iviryhefy iasi iasi‟s‟s pobles. [e, t`iy jbvi `om `om b trop te t`i poble cbktery, blf O juiss `i `ulj breulf t`i poble cbktery cer b keupai ec fbys, blf keuafl keuafl‟t‟t sii blyt`o blyt`olj lj te ot. Hut, nust bs `i wbs aibvolj, aibvolj, `i bsgif eli ec t`i `ibf iljoliirs, ‑Z`bt‟s ‑Z`bt‟s t`os hoj hbr t`bt jeis baa t`i wby bkress t`i poble `iri5” Blf `i jbvi `om t`i lbmi ec t`i hbr. V`i wrotir bsgif, ‑Z ‑ Ziaa, w`bt feis ot fe5 Feis ot mbgi t`i poble musok seulf hittir5” hittir5” ‑Le, ot ribaay feisl‟t.” ‑Ziaa,a, feis ot mbgi t`i poble `eaf tejit`ir hittir5” ‑Zia ‑Le, let ribaay. Ot‟s pritty seaof baribfy.” ‑Ziaa, w`bt‟s ot t`iri cer t`il5 Ot‟s b `uji k`ulg ec mitba.” ‑Ziaa, ot‟s b aelj-tirm stbhoaozir. Vwilty yibrs crem lew, t`orty yibrs crem lew, w`il et`ir pobles `bvi hijul te wbrp blf seulf b aottai foccirilt, foc cirilt, eurs woaa let.” let.” Tbji 22
‑My jeefliss, iviry poble must `bvi eli ec t`esi.” V`i iljoliir sbof, ‑Le, eurs os ribaay t`i elay eli t`bt puts ol t`bt hbr.” [e t`i wrotir ommifobtiay teeg ecc crem c rem t`bt peolt. peolt. Lehefy `bf ivir teaf `om t`bt. Lehefy t`euj`t t`euj`t ot wbs wert`y ec kemmilt. Hut `iri, t`i poble kempbly teeg suk` b aelj-tirm voiw ec t`ior prefukt t`bt t`iy put t`os hoj ixpilsovi ix pilsovi mitba hrbki olte baa t`ior pobles - nust te mbgi suri t`bt, ;4 yibrs crem lew, ot weuaf seulf t`i sbmi bs w`il yeu heuj`t heuj`t ot.
WV`os oltirvoiw kbl hi ceulf ol BZBO‟s [ikrits ec Zrotolj cer t`i Colblkoba Mbrgit . www ww w.t`iwrotirs .t`iwrotirsaoci.kem/ aoci.kem/colblkobawrotolj colblkobawrotolj ] Kbl yeu ombjoli t`i stery yeu keuaf kribti crem t`bt ixpiroilki5 [emitomis w`bt jeis olte t`i kribtoel ec b prefukt os se wiaa-iltrilk`if ol t`i kempbly‟s p`oaesep`y, t`iy fel‟t sii ot bs uloqui blf foccirilt, hut yeu ‛ bs t`i kepywrotir ‛ kbl turl ot olte jeaf. 9) Bkkiss Bkkiss tistomelobas. tistomelobas . _eur kaoilt s`euaf mboltbol b coai ec kustemir tistomelobas. Ciia crii te bsg oc yeu kbl `bvi bkkiss te t`os coai. _eu livir glew w`il yeu woaa colf bl olkrifohai sukkiss stery. Kbaa t`i pirsel w`e suhmottif t`i tistomeloba blf bsg oc yeu kbl usi t`ior stery. Z`oai el t`i p`eli, `bvi t`im ixpblf upel t`ior ixpiroilki.
Vbgi b aeeg bt t`i tistomelobas el t`i lixt pbji. @ew mbly keuaf hi mbfi olte stery kepy5
Tbji 28
Tbji 2;
3) Giip up wot` kurrilt ivilts blf trilfs. [emitomis t`i stery os roj`t roj `t ol crelt ec yeu. Colblkoba kepywrotirs, ol pbrtokuabr, bri ectil bhai te turl kurrilt ivilts olte b pirsubsovii steryaoli. pirsubsov
Eli ec t`i giy iaimilts te colfolj yeur stery os bktoviay aostilolj te et`ir piepai. Oc yeu bktubaay `ibr blf blf prekiss w`bt t`isi piepai piepai bri sbyolj, ot kbl hi viry ibsy te foskev f oskevir ir b stery ulceafolj roj`t r oj`t ol crelt ec yeu. Hut jeef aostilolj `bhots fel‟t step t`iri. Oc yeu woaa hi wrotolj blf s`brolj semieli iasi‟s stery, mbgi suri yeu jovi t`i pirsel yeu‟ri oltirvoiwolj yeur cuaa bttiltoel. (@olt> Ot‟s bawbys b jeef ofib te rikerf kelvirsbtoels w`ilivir pessohai. V`bt wby, yeu `bvi b ricirilki peolt oc yeu abtir colf yeursiac quistoelolj w`bt wbs bktubaay sbof.) Fiviaepolj _eur Seoki
Oc yeu‟ri aogi mest piepai, yeu‟ri bkkustemif te ribfolj mbtirobas wrottil ol b t`orfer corst-pirsel lbrrbtovi. Ol prehbhay cbkt, yeu mby butembtokbaay bssumi t`bt mest sterois bri wrottil ol t`i t`orf pirsel solki t`bt os t`i veoki mest ectil usif ol levias. V`i t`orf pirsel veoki os bl b l ehniktovi ehniktovi eli. V`i pirsel wrotolj ot `bs le pbrt ol t`i stery.. Olstibf, ot os wrottil crem bl ompbrtoba voiwpeolt t`bt pabkis imp`bsos el t`i ofibs, stery t`oljs blf piepai piepai t`bt bri hiolj wrottil bheut. bheut.
Ol b levia, cer ixbmpai, yeu moj`t ribf> ‑Hy lbturi, Ne`l wbsl‟t supirstotoeus. Hut w`il t`i roetolj stbrtif nust nust bs t`i kaekg strukg mofloj`t, `i `bf `bf t`i iiroi ciiaolj ot wbs bl emil.” _eu kbl sii t`bt t`i wrotir feisl‟t ixpriss `os ewl voiwpeolt, hut fiskrohis Ne`l‟s voiwpeolt olstibf. olstibf. V`os os t`i sbmi typi ec wrotolj ectil ectil usif ol liwspbpir liwspbpir brtokais. Ol t`i pbpir yeu mby ribf semit`olj aogi, ao gi, ‑Hikbusi ec t`i rikilt fewlturl fewlturl ol riba istbti, t`i hojjist prehaim kelcreltolj `emiewlirs tefby os t`bt mbly ec t`im lew `bvi lijbtovi iquoty ol t`ior `emis.” Hut yeu s`euaf siafem, oc ivir, ivir, usi t`i t`orf t`orf pirsel ol mbrgitolj mbrgitolj kepy! kepy! Zrotolj Z rotolj ol t`i corst c orst pirsel, el t`i et`ir `blf, kbl hi (blf ectil os) usif te pertrby
pirselba pirsel ba ixpiroilki ixpiroilki sterois. sterois. V`os os t`i ‑O” er ‑wi” ‑wi” veoki. veoki. Ot os wrottil wrottil stroktay crem crem t`i Tbji 26
wrotir‟ss peolt wrotir‟ peolt ec voiw blf kem kemis is ecc bs viry croilfay, croilfay, pirselba pirselba blf olcermba. _eu‟vi baribfy siil `ew criquiltay t`os veoki os usif. V`i ixkirpts O usif crem @brry blf Fbvof‟s, Hribgbwby Olvister, t`i V`empsel Kojbr Kempbly ‛ blf ivil t`i Kbpais poikii ‛ baa usif t`i corst pirsel poik pirsel te tiaa t`ior sterois. sterois. V`i veoki mest criquiltay usif ol forikt mbrgitolj os t`i sikelf pirsel. V`os veo veoki ki os pewircua, hikbusi ot os t`i t `i ‑yeu” ‑yeu” veoki. Ot tbags foriktay te t`i ribfir blf puaas `om olte t`i stery hy kribtolj b silsi t`bt t`i ribfir os eli ec t`i mbol k`brbktirs. B jeef ixbmpai ec `ew t`os veoki os ixikutif kbl hi siil ol Fel Mb`eliy‟s corst prenikt pre nikt cer [woss Meliy Meliy [trbtijois. [trbtijois. @i stbrts `os poiki poiki hy stbtolj, stbtolj, ‑_eur ‑_eur wibat` os ol ommolilt fbljir,” blf t`il prekiifs te huoaf b stery bheut `ew iviryeli wblts _EYX meliy. …V`i lumhir ec piepai w`e wblt yeur meliy os abrjir t`bl ivir hiceri, blf t`i riseurkis t`iy `bvi te jit ot bri muk` jribtir. Cbki ot. Crem Crem t`i juy el t`i striit striit w`e pbl`blfais pbl`blfais yeu cer cer b hukg, te yeur ix speusi w`e wblts wblts `bac (er (er meri) meri) ec iviryt`olj yeu ivir mbfi er woaa mbgi mbgi ol yeur aoci (cer t`i gofs, ec keursi keursi)7 )7 crem t`i fosjrultaif impaeyii w`e wblts te sui yeu hikbusi `i fofl‟t fofl‟t jit premetif cbst ileuj`, te t`i nibaeus croilf c roilf er riabtovi w`e t`olgs yeur meliy os t`ior meliy (blf `bs `orif b abwyir te prei ot.) …
V`i hist t`olj yeu kbl fe, le mbttir w`bt pirsel yeu wroti ol, os te mbgi suri yeu giip yeur stery pirselba, croilfay blf iltirtbololj. Oc yeu `bvi feuhts bheut w`it`ir yeur wrotolj bkkempaos`is bkkem t`bt,yeu fel‟ fel `iso te puaa puaayeu eutmby b rikerf rikliif erfir irteblf ribf yeur ribf stery olte ot. Aostilolj te paos`is ot woaa jovi bl‟t `isotbti ofibtbti ec w`iri omprevi yeurstery sterytiaaolj ste rytiaaolj sgoaas.
Tbji 29
Bly sterytiaair woaa woa a tiaa yeu ‛ Taet os issiltoba. issiltoba. Hut w`bt iasi fe sterytia sterytiaairs airs fe te iljbji bl bufoilki5 Blf `ew kbl wi bppay t`esi sikrits te wrotolj hittir mbrgitolj kepy5 Bamest baa b aa bjrii b jrii el b aelj aost ec tik`loquis tik`loquis t`bt mbgi sterois seulf jeef. Hiaew, Hiaew, os nust b smbaa sbmpai sbmpai ec t`isi tik`loqu tik`loquis is ‛ baelj wot` wbys wbys yeu yeu kbl usi t`im te omprev omprevii yeur kepy kepy.. Jeef sterois … 2. Bppibr speltblieus. Ol kepy, t`i sikrit os te stufy t`i missbji, t`i hilicots, blf t`i eccir ultoa t`iy hikemi sikelf-lbturi. 8. Jovi `epi. Jeef sterois blf jeef kepy jovi t`i ribfir `epi cer t`oljs te kemi ;. [`ew pbssoel. Tbssoel ol tiaaolj blf siaaolj os let bl eptoel, ot‟s b likissoty. V`i giy> @bvolj cbot` ol w`bt yeu‟ri siaaolj. 6. Evirkemi ehstbkais. Frbmb os baa bheut ehstbkais blf `ew t`iy‟ri evirkemi. [e os kepy. 9. Mbgi ot pirselba. Crem kbvimbl te `oj` oltiaaiktuba, pirselba sterois `bvi b wby ec prevolj b peolt t`bt aejok blf rbtoelbaozbtoels nust kbl‟t mustir. 3. Lbmi t`i `ire. Keurt sterytiaairs weuaf mbgi t`i `ire risimhai t`i golj. Ol kepy, yeu kbl fe t`i sbmi ‛ hy s`ewolj yeur ribfir `ew `i‟aa troump` wot` t`i `iap ec yeur prefukt. :. Lbmi b voaabol. voa abol. Z`bt Z `bt giips yeur yeur prespikt up bt loj`t5 V`bt‟s V`bt‟s bl ofiba voaabol voa abol cer yeur sbais missbji te bttbkg.
Tbji 23
0. Xiwbrf blf tibsi. Xiwbrf aostilirs wot` prejriss blf t`iy‟aa t`iy‟a a hi jrbticua. j rbticua. Vibsi Vibsi wot` meri meri te kemi kemi blf t`iy‟aa `blj el cer cer meri. meri. ?. Ilabrji blf ilrok`. Jeef sterois blf jeef kepy rimolf yeu ec w`bt‟s ompertblt. V`iy rbosi t`i hbr blf olspori yeu te `ep evir ot. 24. Huoaf b riabto riabtoels`op els`op.. Hilibt` t`i surcbki, sur cbki, b jeef stery striljt`ils t`i riabtoels`op riabtoels`op hitwiil tiaair blf aostilir. Ol sbais kepy, ot feis t`i sbmi hitwiil mbrgitir blf kustemir. 22. Kemmuti cbkts te t`i suhkelskoeus. Crem t`i hijollolj, jeef sterois `bvi hiil vi`okais vi`okais cer ofibs, aejok, ivil merba missbjis. [bais [b ais kepy t`bt iljbjis wot` b stery kbl kemmu kemmuti ti cbkts nust bs b s pbolaissay. 28. @bv @bvii b jeef twost. t wost. B stery twost> t wost> ‑V`i hutair fofl‟ fofl‟t fe ot bctir baa.” b aa.” B twost two st cer bl olvistmilt aittir preme> ‑Eoa os jeolj up ‛ hut t`euj` ot‟s tee abti te huy eoa kempblois, ot‟s LEV tee abti te huy t`i kempbly t`bt mbgis t`i froaa hots t`bt bri bttbk`if te iviry iviry froaa fr oaa hot ol t`i Ylotif Ylotif Brbh Imorbtis. Z`e iasi `eafs t`os kempbly5 Elay t`i rok`ist ilirjy olvister el Zbaa [triit, N.T. Kba`eul...” 2;. Mbgi silsi. ‑Xibaostok” sterois bril‟t bawbys riba. V`iy nust werg `brfir te mbgi iaijblt aibps ec aejok. Ol kepy, t`i wrotir `bs te ulfirstblf `os prefukt wiaa ileuj` te mbgi jeef silsi, tee. Glewaifjibhai kustemirs kbl spet b cbgi crem b moai ecc. 26. Aibvi t`im wbltolj meri. ‑Z`bt‟s t`i silfecc imetoel cer yeur sbais missbji5” puhaos`ir] ] Bffosel bsgs Wifoter blf puhaos`ir Bffosel Zojjol. ‑@ew fe yeu wblt t`im te ciia w`il w`i l t`iy‟ri ri colos`if colos`if ribfolj5 ribfolj5 Oc yeu yeu glew glew t`bt, t`bt, yeu kbl wroti tew tewbrf brf otot crem t`i hijollolj. Hut oc yeu fel‟t glew, yeur kepy ilfs up jeolj baa evir t`i pabki.” WIfoters leti> Ne`l Ne`l Cerfi, Cerfi, ifoter ec t`i Kepywrotir Kepywrotir‟s‟s Xeulftbhai, `bs hiil wrotolj wrotolj forikt mboa kepy solki 2??8. 2??8. Ne`l kurriltay wergs crem bl ecc eccoki oki ol Tbros. _eu kbl sojl up cer `os crii wiigay wiigay i-aittir bt www.nbkgcerfi.kem www.nbkgcerfi.kem..]
Tbji 2:
Zrotolj _eur _eur [tery
Hiceri yeu bktubaay hijol te wroti, tbgi t`i tomi te mbgi suri yeu glew t`i stery yeu bri jeolj te tiaa. Glewolj t`i prefukt blf yeur bufoilki oltombtiay woaa `iap yeu krbct b meri pirsubsovi stery. Hut t`iri bri base et`ir iaimilts yeu s`euaf kelsofir b`ibf ec tomi. Ofiltocy yeur missbji. Hiceri sottolj fewl te wroti, mbgi suri yeu glew w`bt yeur missbji os blf `ew yeu woaa usi ot te pus` t`i ribfir‟s `et huttels. Yatombtiay, t`i jeba os te juofi t`i ribfir tewbrf tewbrf b pby-ecc… pby-ecc… t`i purk`bsi. V`bt mibls tujjolj tujjo lj bt baa ba a ec t`i roj`t imetoels wot`ol yeur tbai te iaokot t`i bppreprobti rispelsi. Tabl yeur iltry . Kelsofir t`i stery yeu wos` te tiaa blf fitirmoli t`i mest ixkotolj pbrt ec ot. V`bt ixkotolj ixkotolj pbrt os w`iri w`iri yeu‟aa yeu‟aa stbrt yeur tbai w`il yeu hijol hijol wrotolj. Ol mest kbsis, t`i moffai ec t`i stery os w`iri t`i bktoel hijols. Oc t`bt‟s t`i kbsi, fel‟t `isotbti `isotb ti te usi t`bt bs yeur stbrtolj stbrto lj peolt. V`il coaa ol nust ileuj` ileuj` hbkgjreulf te baaew
t`i ribfir te ceaaew baelj. Aby eut t`i stery fiviaep fiviaepmilt milt. Fel‟t ixpikt yeur stery te fiviaep el ots ewl. Glew w`irii ot‟s w`ir ot‟s jeolj te ilf ilf blf tbgi t`i t`i tomi te pabl pabl `ew yeu yeu woaa jit t`iri. Ofiltocy Ofiltocy ehstbkais ehstbkais blf `ew yeu‟aa evirkemi t`im. Fitirmoli t`i metovbters blf olsporbtoel t`bt t`i ribfir kbl riabti te ‛ blf `ew yeu woaa usi t`im te jovi yeur prespikt b ribsel te kbri. Elki yeu‟vi tbgil t`isi stips, ot‟s tomi te wroti yeur stery. Iviry stery `bs t`rii pbrts> b hijollolj, b moffai blf bl ilf. Ol mbrgitolj, t`bt weuaf hi hi iquovbailt iquovbailt te t`i t`i `ibfaoli/epilolj, `ibfaoli/epilolj, t`i hefy hefy kepy kepy blf t`i kaesi. kaesi. V`i hijollolj . Z`il wrotolj b stery, t`os os w`iri yeu jrbh t`i ribfirs‟ bttiltoel blf puaa t`im olte t`i tbai. Ot os w`iri yeu oltrefuki t`i k`baailji, ofiltocy t`i premosi, breusi kuroesoty, kuroesoty, er kribti t`i urjilky. @ot `brf blf quokg. [tbrt bt t`i mest ixkotolj pbrt ec yeur stery. V`i moffai. Vbkgai t`i k`baailji t`i `ire (usubaay yeur ribfir) must evirkemi. Zrotolj Z rotolj ol b strelj, strelj, kaibr veoki, veoki, ofiltocy ofiltocy t`i ehstbkais t`bt jit jit ol t`i wby bs t`i stery ulceafs. Huoaf frbmb blf usi kelcaokt te frovi giy peolts `emi cer t`i ribfir. Fel‟t ait yeur stery stery wblfir. wblfir. Olstibf, kribti kribti metoel metoel blf ilirjy ilirjy hy juofolj t`i prespikt prespikt smeet`ay smeet`ay tewbrf t`i pby-ecc… t`i riseautoel ec t`i kelcaokt.
Tbji 20
V`i ilf. @iri kemis kemis t`i pby-ecc! V`os os t`i kaombx ec t`i frbmb… b seau seautoel toel os bt `blf! V`i pbki quokgils bs yeu aibf yeur ribfir tewbrf t`i kbaa te bktoel.
Bs yeu wroti, giip yeur stery mevolj cerwbrf bt b quokg pbki. V`i V `i abst t`olj t`o lj yeu wblt te fe os heri yeur ribfir hy olkaufolj ulompertblt fitboas. Hi spikocok blf bawbys giip t`i pby-ecc ol molf. V`os woaa `iap yeu stby el-peolt bs yeu juofi t`i ribfir tewbrf t`i purk`bsi. purk` bsi. Kepywrotir Ne`l Cerfi Cerfi jovis us t`i ceaaewolj ceur hbsok stips te tiaaolj sterois t`bt siaa. 2. GLEZ _EYX [VEX_
[tufy iviryt`olj yeu kbl bheut t`i suhnikt ec t`i stery (w`ok` os usubaay semieli w`e os olveavif olveavif ol b foskeviry, foskeviry, b prifoktoe prifoktoel l t`bt kbmi trui, er er semi et`ir et`ir kempiaaolj ivilt ivilt). ).
Xibf iviryt`olj yeu kbl bheut t`i suhnikt ec t`i stery.
Kaesi yeur iyis blf tiaa yeursiac w`bt yeur stery‟s bheut.
Zroti Z roti eut eut t`i fitboas ec yeur yeur stery stery ol b lumhir ec ec foccirilt foccirilt wbys.
Tokg eut t`i stery bpprebk` t`bt‟s mest icciktovi.
Bsg yeursiac w`bt missbji yeu wblt te kelviy. Ofiltocy t`i giy memilt yeu wblt te prisilt, t`i eli t`bt mbgis yeur stery kempiaaolj blf riabtis mest kaesiay te yeur premosi.
‑Brk” os b @eaayweef tirm cer t`i wby t`i suhnikt ec t`i stery fiviaeps blf evirkemis ehstbkais ol `os wby. •
[tbrt hy cojurolj coj urolj eut `ew t`i stery stery ILF[.
Tbji 2?
Aost blf put ol erfir olsporolj fitboas bheut t`i stery.
[tbrt ol o l t`i moffai ec t`i stery.
Mbgi ot toj`t. Ysi elay ompertblt fitboas. Xut`aissay iaomolbti blyt`olj b lyt`olj yeu fel‟ fel‟t liif. @olt bt t`i Hoj Hilicot te kemi.
Viaa yeur stery quokgay.
[tokg te t`i trut`.
Xiay el spikocokoty spikocokoty blf nuoky fitboas. fitboa s.
Z`il colos`if, toi ot baa tejit`ir wot` yeur yeur premosi, pre mosi, blf t`il trblsotoel trblsotoel te te t`i rist ec t`i aittir.
Jeef bfvoki te ceaaew roj`t5 Cully ileuj`, ot seulfs iiroay aogi ao gi kepywrotolj. Hut `ew fe yeu tbgi b stery blf mbgi ot jribt5 _eu glew, t`i golf ec stery yeur ribfir nust kbl‟t put fewl. V`i ceaaewolj brtokai br tokai bheut bheut sterois wbs wrottil hy [it` Jefol, b pepuabr haejjir blf t`i but`er ec loli heegs t`bt `bvi hiil histsiaairs breulf t`i weraf. wer af.
Tbji 84
Xibfir‟ss Fojist ‛ b stery5 Xibfir‟ Evir `bac ec baa Xibfir‟s Fojist brtokais hijol wot` b stery. Bs yeu glew, Xibfir‟s Fojist os os let b flktoel mbjbzoli. _it meri t`bl `bac ec t`i poikis hijol wot` bl blikfeti er b lbrrbtovi ec semi golf. Z`il yeu toi t`os cbkt te t`i cbkt t`bt mbly ec t`i mest cbmeus bfs ivir wrottil bri ol t`i cerm ec sterois, yeu `bvi semit`olj cer bf wrotirs te pelfir. WIfoter‟s Leti> V`os sofihbr os ixkirptif crem Vistif Bfvirtoso Bfvi rtosolj lj Mit`ef Mit`efss hy Ne`l Kbpais.]
@ew te tiaa b jribt stery Jribt sterois sukkiif hikbusi t`iy bri bhai te kbpturi t`i ombjolbtoel ec abrji er ompertblt bufoilkis. B jribt stery os trui. Let likissbroay hikbusi ot‟s cbktuba, hut hikbusi ot‟s kelsostilt blf but`iltok. Kelsumirs bri tee jeef bt sloccolj eut olkelsostilkois cer b mbrgitir te jit bwby wot` b stery t`bt‟s nust sabppif el. Jribt sterois mbgi b premosi. V`iy premosi cul, sbcity er b s`ertkut. V`i premosi liifs te hi heaf blf bufbkoeus. Ot‟s iot`ir ixkiptoelba er ot‟s let wert` aostilolj te. Jribt sterois bri trustif. Vrust os t`i skbrkist riseurki wi‟vi jet aict. Le eli trusts blyeli. Tiepai fel‟t trust t`i hibutocua wembl erfirolj vefgb bt t`i kerlir hbr (t`iy‟ri jittolj pbof hy t`i aoquer a oquer kempbly). kempbly). Tiepai fel‟t fel‟t trust tr ust t`i t `i spegispiepai el kemmirkobas (w`e ixbktay os Xuab Ailsgb5). Blf t`iy kirtbolay fel‟t trust t`i kempblois t`bt mbgi p`brmbkiutokbas (Soexx, bppbriltay, kbl goaa yeu). Bs b risuat, le mbrgitir mbrgitir sukkiifs sukkiifs ol tiaaolj tiaa olj b stery ulaiss ul aiss `i `bs ibrlif t`i krifohoaoty te tiaa t`bt stery. Jribt sterois bri suhtai. [urprosoljay, t`i ciwir fitboas b mbrgitir spiaas eut, t`i meri pewircua t`i stery hikemis. Vbailtif mbrgitirs ulfirstblf t`bt baaewolj piepai piep ai te frbw frbw t`ior ewl kelka kelkausoels usoels os cbr meri icciktovi t`bl blleulkolj blleulkolj t`i pulk` pulk` aoli. Jribt sterois t`im krifot cer. `bppil cbst. Corst omprissoels bri cbr meri pewircua t`bl wi jovi Jribt sterois fel‟t bawbys liif ioj`t-pbji keaer hrek`uris er b cbki-te-cbki miitolj. Iot`ir yeu bri ribfy te aostil er yeu bril‟t. Jribt sterois fel‟t bppiba te aejok, hut t`iy ectil bppiba te eur silsis. T`iremelis bril‟t b myt`. Tiepai fikofi oc t`iy aogi semieli bctir nust b slocc. Jribt sterois bri rbriay bomif bt iviryeli. Bvirbji piepai bri jeef bt ojlerolj yeu. Bvirbji piepai `bvi tee mbly foccirilt peolts ec voiw bheut aoci blf bvirbji piepai
Tbji 82
bri hy blf abrji sbtoscoif. Oc yeu liif te wbtir fewl yeur stery te bppiba te iviryeli, ot woaa bppiba te le eli. V`i mest icciktovi sterois mbtk` t`i weraf voiw ec b toly bufoilki ‛ blf t`il t`bt toly bufoilki spribfs t`i stery. Jribt sterois fel‟t keltrbfokt t`imsiavis. Oc yeur ristburblt os ol t`i roj`t aekbtoel hut `bf t`i wrelj milu, milu, yeu aesi. Oc yeur brt br t jbaairy jb aairy kbrrois kb rrois t`i roj`t brtosts hut yeur stbcc os mbfi up ec rinikts crem b usif kbr aet, yeu aesi. Kelsumirs bri kaivir blf t`iy‟aa sii t`reuj` yeur fikiot bt elki. elki. Mest ec baa, jribt sterois bjrii wot` eur weraf voiw. V`i hist sterois fel‟t tibk` piepai piep ai blyt`olj liw. liw. Olstibf, t`i hist sterois sterois bjrii wot` w`bt w`bt t`i bufoilki bufoilki baribfy hiaoivis blf mbgis t`i mimhirs ec t`i bufoilki ciia smbrt blf sikuri w`il rimolfif `ew roj`t t`iy wiri ol t`i corst pabki. V`blgs [it` ‛ let elay cer b jribt brtokai, hut cer rimolfolj us nust `ew ompertblt ot os te glew yeur bufoilki. Zi‟vi Zi‟ vi kevir kevirif if b aet aet ec olcermbtoel. olcermbtoel. _eu _eu kbl lew lew colf yeur yeur stery, stery, fitirmoli fitirmoli w`ok` veoki veo ki yeu‟aa yeu‟aa wroti ol blf kbl tbgi t`i stips stips te mbgi suri suri ot‟s ot‟s jribt. Hut ait‟s let step t`iri. Cer olstblki…
Jribt sterois bri but`iltok blf krifohai. Elki yeu‟vi cojurif eut w`bt yeur stery os, yeu liif te ixpriss ot ol b wby t`bt mbgis yeur ribfir ribfir rispel rispelf. f. Blf t`i ceaaewolj ceaaewolj tops crem crem Nil [tivil [tivilss woaa ilbhai yeu yeu te bff t`i t`i but`iltok but`i ltokoty oty blf b lf krifohoaoty t`bt woaa w oaa kelli kellikt kt wot` yeur ribfirs. ribfirs.
Impaey spikoflk fitboas. Fel‟t sby> V`i Xet`sk`oafs wiri rok`, viry rok`. Olstibf sby> Evir t`i yibrs, t`i Xet`sk`oaf cbmoay huoat ioj`t ec Iurepi‟s jrblfist istbtis. Mbyir‟s Tbji 88
sel Nbmis, cer ixbmpai, huoat b Crilk` mblsoel hoj ileuj` te `eusi fezils ec juists, 244 sirvblts, blf stbhais cer 04 `ersis. Muk` foccirilt roj`t5 V`i fitboas jovi yeu b meri kelkriti blf hiaoivbhai silsi ec w`bt typi ec rok` yeu yeu‟‟ri tbagolj bheut. Fel‟t sby> Eli keaf woltir ivilolj b `emiaiss jora kbmi te eur feer. Olstibf sby> Ot baa hijbl nust bs fbrg ciaa eli woltir ivilolj w`il b yeulj jora glekgif el eur crelt feer. @ir k`iigs wiri k`bppif crem t`i keaf wolf, blf s`i wbs s`ovirolj tirrohay. O sbof te `ir, ‑Taibsi kemi ol blf wi woaa colf yeu b keupai ec sblfwok`is blf b hewa ec `et seup.” V`isi twe sterois bri ol issilki t`i sbmi. Hut hy bffolj t`i spikocok fitboas, t`i stery hikemis hikem is baovi ba ovi blf iljbjolj.
Bveof B veof flaair werfs. werfs. Cbs`oelbhai, rok`, aeviay, k`brmolj, upskbai, sokgay, kezy, keaercua, hibutocua… V`isi werfs fel‟t ribaay sby blyt`olj. Er w`bt t`iy sby te t`i ribfir os let likissbroay w`bt yeu yeu bri oltilfolj. oltilfolj. Ysolj werfs werfs aogi t`isi os b abzy wby ec wrotolj fiskroptoels. fiskroptoels.
Ysi strelj virhs. v irhs. Xipabki ‑te hi” blf ‑te `bvi” wot` virhs t`bt fiskrohi bl bktoel er eccir b vosuba ombji. Ixbmpai> Z`il t`i hey wbs 22, b smbaapex ipofimok swipt t`reuj` t`i j`itte. Ot goaaif goa aif het` ec `os pbrilts. pbrilts. Ixbmpai> Giaay Giaay jrbticuaay jrbticua ay bkkiptif bkkiptif b pbor ec nibls, b `ibvy swibts`ort blf bl ixtrb ix trb t`okg pbor ec sekgs. sekgs . @ir quovirolj colbaay steppif, O wbs riaoiv riaoivif if te sii. V`il V `il abtir, abtir, ol t`i kbcitirob, bs s`i tukgif olte b sblfwok` blf b stibmolj hewa ec seup, O sbof te `ir, ‑Giaay, le mbttir w`bt `bs `bppilif te yeu… Tbji 8;
V`i werfs ‑swipt” blf ‑tukgif” ribaay jovi t`i ribfir b silsi ec w`bt os `bppilolj ol t`i stery.
Cirrit eut fitboas et`irs woaa aogiay eviraeeg. @ew5 •
V`olg bheut let elay w`bt yeu sii ol t`i sotubtoel yeu‟ri fiskroholj, hut base w`bt yeu smiaa, smiaa, `ibr, `ibr, blf ciia.
Ixbmpai> Ombjoli aeuljolj el yeur fikg, b heeg el yeur abp blf b kekgtboa ol ol yeur `blf. Nust Nust stips stips bwby, bwby, turqueosi turqueosi wbtirs wbtirs saop jiltay jiltay up elte elte t`i t`i tbakum-coli sblf. sblf. Evir`ibf, Evir` ibf, pbams pba ms rustai blf b lf piaokbls squbwg. Ectil, ot‟s ot‟s t`i aottai fitboas t`bt woa woaaa puaa semie semieli li olte yeur stery. stery. •
Keult. Eccir ixbkt lumhirs ol yeur fiskroptoels.
Ixbmpai> Xet`sk`oaf mbrroif blf `bf til k`oafril -- covi sels blf covi fbuj`tirs. V`os wrotir w rotir ribaay `bs feli `os `emiwerg. `emiwerg. V`i bffolj ec t`isi t `isi spikocok fitboas jovis muk` meri krifohoaoty te t`i wrotir‟s stery. •
Bsg. Oc yeu‟ri huoafolj b stery breulf b tistomeloba er b ‑juru‟s” bkkeult…
Fel‟tt nust sby> ‑V Fel‟ ‑ Viaa mi w`bt `bppilif.” Base bsg> ‑@ew fof yeu ciia5” ‑Ol w`bt wbys fof t`os k`blji t`i wby yeu sii t`i weraf, er ixpiroilki ot5” Blf jit t`esi spikocoks… Ixbmpai> _eur stery os bheut semihefy feuhaolj `os olkemi. Fel‟t step bt t`i lumhirs. _eu wblt> ‑O wbs bhai te ripabki t`i ‐:0 Fefji Fbrt O‟f hiil frovolj wot` b hrblf-liw Aixus A[ 6;4. O put $04,444 bwby ol my sel‟s keaaiji culf. O spilt t`rii wiigs ol Bujust trbviaolj trbviaolj t`reuj` Crblki, Crblki, Otbay, Otbay, blf [pbol.” [pbol.” Z`il yeu‟ yeu‟ri ri oltirvoiwolj oltirvoiwolj piepai, mbgi suri te frbw frbw eut eut t`i fitboas hy `bvolj `bvolj bl ol-fipt` kelvirsbtoel wot` t`im. Fel‟t hi s`y bheut bsgolj ‛ mest piepai fel‟t t`olg bheut t`i fitboas ‛ er t`iy fel‟t t`olg yeu‟aa wblt te `ibr bheut t`im. V`bt‟s jribt bfvoki crem Nil. Blf V`bt‟s B lf jittolj te t`i t `i stery kbl tbgi tb gi b uloqui hailf hailf ec kuroesoty, pirsostilki pirsostilki blf pirsubsoel. Hut kbl yeu ivir i vir je tee cbr w`il yeu‟ri yeu‟ri tiaaolj tiaao lj b stery5 Tbji 86
@ew Cbr os Vee Cbr5 [emi ec t`i mest olcauil olc auiltoba toba sterois wrottil hy kepywrotirs bri hbsif el tistomelobas blf/er ilfersimilts prevofif hy usirs ec t`i prefukt. Iviryeli aevis te `ibr b sukkiss stery, blf w`e keuaf hi meri hiaoivbhai t`bl b `bppy kustemir5 Z`bt mby surprosi surprosi yeu os t`bt t`bt t`i Cifirba Cifirba Vrbfi Vrbfi Kemmossoel Kemmossoel (CVK (CVK)) `bs spikocok ruais rijbrfolj t`i usi ec ilfersimilts blf tistomelobas. V`i CVK tribts ilfersimilts blf tistomelobas t`i sbmi. Ol het` kbsis t`i kelsumir hiaoivis t`bt t`i missbji os b pirselba epoloel er hiaoic ixpiroilkif hy t`i pirsel suppayolj supp ayolj t`i ilfe ilfersimi rsimilt lt er tistomeloba. Blf, B lf, ol riba aoci, ao ci, ot s`euaf hi. Eli ec t`i hojjist kelkirls CVK `bs os ol ricirilki te t`i suhstbltobtoel ec kaboms mbfi wot`ol ilfersimilts/tistomelobas. Ait‟s sby yeu `bvi b cbltbstok tistomeloba crem b kustemir w`e tropaif `os olvistmilt ol eli melt` usolj yeur kaoilt‟s trbfolj systim. V`bt‟s b jribt stery, blf keuaf hikemi t`i hbsos cer b cbltbstok sbais aittir. V`i prehaim wot` ot os t`i cbkt cbkt t`bt ot keltbols keltbols bl ompaoif kabom t`bt oc ‑yeu” ‑yeu” huy huy t`os systim ‑yeu, ‑yeu,”” tee, kbl tropai yeur olvistmilt. [e kbl yeu usi t`i tistomeloba bs yeur stery5 [uri yeu kbl… oc yeu kbl prevofi suhstbltobtoel t`bt tropaolj t`i olvistmilt os t`i lermba risuats crem usolj t`i systim. Blf oc yeu kbl‟t suhstbltobti t`i kabom, nust prevofi b foskabomir suk` bs ‑Xisuats let typokba. ty pokba.”” V`os woaa w oaa baaew yeu te tiaa yeur stery wot`eut wot`eut rosgolj rosgo lj t`i CVK‟s CVK‟s oltirviltoel. oltirviltoel. Hut hi suri te k`ikg wot` yeur kaoil ka oiltt rijbrfolj blyt`olj t`bt os quisto quistoelbha elbhai. i. Blet`ir ossui t`i CVK `bs bl oltirist ol os t`bt t`i ilfersimilt/tistomeloba let hi tbgil eut ec keltixt. Bs t`i sterytiaair, yeu `bvi semi aokilsi ol kribtolj t`i hbkgfrep, fiviaepolj t`i teli, blf mevolj t`i stery cerwbrf. @ewivir, yeu must let fostert t`i epoloel ec t`i olfovofuba suppayolj t`i tistomeloba. Eli ec t`i hist wbys te mbgi kirtbol yeu `bvi yeur stery roj`t os te rikerf t`i tistomeloba. V`os woaa jovi yeu b seaof ricirilki peolt bs yeu fiviaep t`i stery te `iap Tbji 89
ilsuri t`iri bri le irrers er mosulfirstblfoljs el yeur pbrt. Blf cer bffif olsurblki, `bvi t`i pirsel pirsel prevofolj t`i tistomeloba sojl ecc el ot ol wrotolj. Hy t`i wby… yeu s`euaf leti t`bt t`i CVK riquoris t`bt t`i pirsel prevofolj t`i tistomeloba te bktubaay hi b usir ec t`i prefukt bt t`i tomi t`i ilfersimilt os jovil. [e cer t`esi ec yeu w`e tbag bheut ‑mbgolj up” tistomelobas, nust cerjit t`bt aoli ec t`euj`t blf nust je cer t`i riba t`olj. Ol b luts luts`iaa> `iaa> •
Ilfersimilts must bawbys ricaikt t`i `elist epoloels, colfoljs, hiaoics er ixpiroilki ec t`i ilfersir. V`iy mby let keltbol bly riprisiltbtoel w`ok` weuaf hi fikiptovi er keuaf let hi suhstbltobtif hy t`i bfvirtosir. V`iy liif let te hi ol t`i ixbkt werfs ec t`i ilfersir ulaiss t`i bf sbys ot os. @ewivir, ot mby let hi prisiltif eut ec keltixt er riwerfif ol b wby t`bt fosterts t`i ilfersir‟s epoloel. Oc bl bfvirtosir riprisilts t`bt bl ilfersir usis t`i ilfersif prefukt, t`il t`i ilf usir must `bvi hiil b helb cofi usir bt t`i tomi t`i ilfersimilt wbs jovil.
Cer curt`ir olcermbtoel el t`i usi ec ilfersimilts blf tistomelobas ol mbrgitolj vosot ww vosot www w.ctk.jev .ctk.jev/hkp /hkp//juofis/ juofis/ilf ilfersi.`tm ersi.`tm.. B jeef stery missbji t`bt‟s pirselba. oc yeu usolj kbl hikemi ec t`i rbri kepywrotirs w`ekelviys ribk`isbeut blf kellikts wot` t`iBlf prespikt b streljeli stery, yeu‟aa wroti pbkgbjis t`bt hikemi hikemi kel keltreas treas blf mboa mboa ol t`i moaaoels moa aoels ‖ blf yeu yeu kbl eli eli fby neol neol t`i rblgs ec t`i `oj`ist-pbof `oj`ist-pbof kepywrotirs kepywrotirs ec baa ba a tomis! Bhevi baa rimimhir> w`oai ot‟s ompertblt te kelviy t`i cbkts, ribfirs bri meri aogiay te rimimhir blf rispelf te olcermbtoel keltbolif ol bl oltiristolj stery Blf Mok`iaai Lok`eas stbtis ot pirciktay el `ir wihsoti ww wihsoti www w.sbvv .sbvvysiaaolj.kem ysiaaolj.kem>> ‑My k`oafril rimolf mi ec prespiktovi kustemirs. My aottai elis ectil sby ‐tiaa mi b stery,‟ hut t`iy `bvi livir sbof ‐tiaa mi semi cbkts.‟”
Tbji 83
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