The 2015 LEGO Minifigure Catalog
November 6, 2016 | Author: Christoph Bartneck | Category: N/A
Short Description
This catalog presents high quality photographs of all LEGO Minifigures released in 2015. The 700 plus Minifigures are or...
Christoph Bartneck
ff Unicorn Girl Snake Charmer Goblin Paleontologist Alien Trooper Egyptian ps Galaxy Trooper Batman Vitruvius Ghost Benny President Business Emme Edna Krabappel Groundskeeper Willie Hans Moleman Homer Simpson Lisa elma Bouvier Waylon Smithers Chief Clarence Wiggum Chester Snake Turle e Monster Scientist Wacky Witch Plant Monster Fly Monster Specter Zombie man Banshee Square Foot Spider Lady Skeleton Man Woman Skeleton Zombie li Legolas Unikitty Chell Wicked Witch Anna Elsa Olaf Ariel Mermaid Sleeping rl Green Goblin Spider-Man Baby Girl Man Man Boy Girl Driver Woman Azar Riverheart Emily Jones Azari Firedancer Aira Windwhistler Skyra Johnny Bake ndrea Stephanie Emma Olivia Andrea Livi Andrea Olivia Andrea Olivia Livi Liv Luis Stephanie Livi Olivia Emma Mia Noah Kate Emma David Mia Stephanie man Caroler Caroler Man Boy Boy Boy Boy Farmer Girl Boy Woman Girl Woman man Fireman Pirate Surfer Girl Shop Assistant Mother Supermarket Custome
The 2015 LEGO Minifigure Catalog ®
1st Edition
The 2015 LEGO Minifigure Catalog 1st Edition Christoph Bartneck
Dr. Christoph Bartneck is an associate professor at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand. He worked for the LEGO Group in Billund in the 90s, which reignited his passion for LEGO. Since then, he worked in the USA, Netherlands, Japan and now in New Zealand as a researcher and designer. His research focuses on anthropomorphism in robots and figures and his research has been published in acknowledge scientific journals and books. Copyright by Christoph Bartneck Christchurch, New Zealand Version 1.0, printed in 2016 by CreateSpace ISBN-13: 978-1530840083 ISBN-10: 1530840082 National Library of New Zealand Cataloguing-in-Publication Data: Bartneck, Christoph, 1973The 2015 LEGO minifigure catalog / Christoph Bartneck. Includes index ISBN 978-1-5308400-8-3 1. LEGO toys—Catalogs. I. Title. 688.725—dc 23
LEGO and the LEGO logo are trademarks of the LEGO Group, which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this book. Some of the material in this book is copyrighted by Viacomm, Disney, Lucasfilm, DC Comics, Warner Brothers, Ferrari, Marvel, Columbia Pictures.
Table of contents Collectible Other Series 13 Minifigures Series 14 Minifigures Fiction Elves Legends of Chima Ninjago Space The LEGO Movie Ultra Agents Historic Castle Pirates Licensed DC Universe Disney Universe Doctor Who Ferrari Jurassic World Marvel Universe McLaren Middle Earth Minecraft Porsche Portal 2 Promotional Scooby-Doo Star Wars The Simpsons The Wizard Of Oz Non Fiction First LEGO League Friends Holiday Juniors Legoland Speed Champions Town Train Other Idea Bricklink Index
4 4 9 15 18 30 50 53 56 63 63 75 84 86 88 90 95 106 108 109 112 113 113 115 119 142 148 150 151 162 168 171 171 172 198 200 203
Also available: d 2n
Christoph Bartneck
iti Ed
Lifeguard Male Worker Hermione Arrow Airport Controller Knight Dwarf Racecar Driver Soccer Player Bossk Dash Radia Girl Town Resident Astronaut Handyman Fenrir Greyback Policeman Hikaru Town Worker Doctor Racer Basketball Player Soldier Official Willie Scott Harry Potter Astronaut General Town Worker Man Knight Movie Star Crunch Pirate Brunette Town Girl Brickster Alien Airport Worker Climate Connections Scientist Daredevil Droid Forestman Knight Girl Mad Scientist Man Pilot Surfer Agent Swipe Airport Ticket Agent Knight Knight Stunt Man Droid Alamut Guard Snap Lockitt Fireman Cabana Boy Beachgoer Nizam Ghost Fireman Astronaut Anakin Skywalker Gas Station Worker Snowboarder Racecar Driver Townsperson Soccer Player Handyman Gas Station Worker Astronaut Firebender Conductor Belgian Soccer Player Fireman Cowboy Coast Guard Tracy Mcgrady Princess Town Resident Man Surfer Fireman Male Astronaut Policeman Dwarf Forestman Soccer Player Captain Brickbeard Pirate Knight Construction Worker Policeman Fire Marshall Man Postal Worker Construction Worker Twitch Fireman Businessman Astronaut Atlantis Diver Woman Soccer Player Turk Falso Cowboy Gas Station Worker Stingray Mechanic Business Woman School Girl Brick Daddy Soccer Player Ice Cream Man Queen Worker Mechanic Billy Bob Blaster Darth Vader Spaceman Luke Skywalker Protocol Droid Arctic Worker Pirate Knight Snake Oiler Citizen Pirate Chef Parking Guard Man Female Fireman Imperial Soldier Crusader Knight Doctor Soccer Player Townsperson Astronaut Fireman Dobby Rescue Worker Soccer Goalie Racer Racer Maharaja Lallu Doctor Basketball Player Cowboy Viking Digger Airplane Passenger Pirate Doctor Luke Skywalker Battle Droid Viking Cool Rider Man Crusader Harbor Sentry Presdrag Stojakovic Conductor Interrogation Droid Man Boat Worker Man Soccer Player Construction Foreman Dwarf Dr. Octavious Imperial Soldier Soccer Player Safety Man Man Octan Crusader Space Droid Ninja Gamorrean Guard Knight Female Man Dwarf Asp Droid Policeman Knight Soccer Player Forestman Fuel Pit Crew Member Geonosian Ewok Man Businessman Brains Red Ninja Pippin Reed Biker Betty Handyman Race Official Viking Warrior Guard Construction Worker Gilbert The Bad Fireman Conductor Woody Droid Ninja Ninja Islander Construction Worker Sea Police Mr. Cool Knight Forestman Droid Stormtrooper Karl Malone Gas Station Worker Train Engineer Jock Rock Monster Squid Warrior Forestman Jonah Jameson Imperial Trooper Buzz Lightyear Pirate Crew Member Bandit Shell Gas Man Emperor Cad Bane Knight Palace Guard Bane Skeleton Magician Agent Chase Soccer Goalie Racer Girl Town Resident Surfer Teenager Soccer Player Wizard
The Unofficial LEGO Minifigure Catalog ®
Christoph Bartneck
Christoph Bartneck
Christoph Bartneck
Christoph Bartneck
2nd Edition
The 2011 LEGO Minifigure Catalog
The 2012 LEGO Minifigure Catalog (1st Edition)
The 2011 LEGO Minifigure Catalog (2nd Edition)
Warrior Crab Warrior Axel Ace Speedman Lance Samantha Rhodes Jeff Lady Fisher BrainsBandit Flamenco Dancer Clockwork Robot Minotaur Leprechaun Roman Soldier Surgeon Skater Girl Classic AlienSpears Highland Battler Sleepyhead Liberty acksmith Knight Knight Knight KnightIntergalactic Knight Knight Lion King Lion KingSwimming Knight Knight GirlJester Butcher Mechanic Genie Champion Aztec Warrior Bunny Suit Guy Bride Ocean King Bagpiper Daredevil Galaxy Patrol Tennis Ace ball Player Elf Fisherman Gorilla Suit Jungle Guy Hula Pilot Race Car Driver BoyDancer Hippie Mummy Computer Programmer Viking Rapper Woman Evil Knight Rocker Girl Little Red Riding Hood Brawny Boxer Stealth Swimmer Relay Runner Judo Wrestler Tennis Player Tribal Chief Artist Crazy Scientist Hazmat GuyFlexible Hockey Gymnast Player Ice Wondrous Skater Fighter Tactical Tennis Player Weightlifter Horseback Rider Agile Archer Evil Robot Conquistador Lederhosen Guy Cowgirl er Player Street Skater Surfer Girl TheFootball MonsterPlayer VikingDiver Werewolf Boxer Cave Woman Detective Downhill Skier Businessman Fairy Santa Vampire Bat DJ Red Cheerleader Actor Pirate Captain Alien Villainess Ghost Ghost Ghost J. or Graduate Ice Fisherman Lizard ManKawaguchi Lumberjack Royal Guard SmallSinger ClownQueen Snowboarder Guy Drummer Guitarist Wizard Knight Knight Knight Princess Jester King Knight Knight Knight Knight Knight Nobleman Queen Young ry Goyle Hermione Narcissa Malfoy Neville Professor LupinHelicopter Professor Pilot Scout Dino Hunter Dino Hunter Dino Hunter Andrea Andrea Andrea Anna Chloe Christina Ella Squire Longbottom Dino Hunter Ollivander Dino Hunter Dino Hunter el One Minifigure MBA Level Two Minifigure Bonezai Chopov Chopov Chopov ColeMia Cole EmmaBonezai Emma Emma Emma Katharina Marie Mia Mia Mia Nicole Olivia Olivia Olivia Olivia Olivia Peter Sarah Sophie Stephanie Stephanie Stephanie Stephanie azi Krazi Kruncha Kruncha Lord Garmadon Nuckal Samukai Sensei Wu Sensei Wu Cave Troll Elrond Eomer Frodo Baggins Frodo Baggins Frodo Baggins Gimli Gollum Haldir King Theresa HarryNuckal Potter Nya Gandalf the Grey Aragorn Boromir g Mummy Helena Tova Skvalling Jake Raines JakeLegolas Raines Jake McCloud Mac McCloud Theoden LurtzRaines MerryMac Mordor Orc Mordor Orc Moria Orc Pippin Ringwraith Rohan Soldier Samwise Gamgee Uruk-hai Uruk-hai Uruk-hai Uruk-hai aptain Imperial Soldier Imperial Soldier Mermaid Merman Pirate Admiral Norrington Angelica Uruk-hai Balin the Dwarf Bifur the Dwarf Bilbo Baggins Bilbo Baggins Bofur the Dwarf Bombur the Dwarf Dori the Dwarf Dwalin the Dwarf Fili the Dwarf Gloin arrow Captain Jack Sparrow Captain Jack Captain Jack Sparrow Captain Jack Sparrow the Sparrow Dwarf Goblin King Goblin Scribe Goblin Soldier Goblin Soldier Gollum Hunter Orc Hunter Orc Kili the Dwarf Legolas Greenleaf Mirkwood Elf Chief Swann Turner Gunner Zombie HadrasMirkwood Hector Barbossa Hector Barbossa Joshamee King Oin the Dwarf Ori the Dwarf Tauriel Thorin Oakenshield Yazneg Santa Woman Man Man Woman Elf Guard Mirkwood Elf Guard NoriGibbs the Dwarf
2nd Edition
2nd Edition
Christoph Bartneck
2n on
Christoph Bartneck
The 2012 LEGO Minifigure Catalog
The 2013 LEGO Minifigure Catalog ®
2nd Edition
The 2014 LEGO Minifigure Catalog (1st Edition)
The 2013 LEGO Minifigure Catalog (1st Edition)
ken Suit Guy Cyclops Decorator Forest MaidenDrone Fortune Teller Grandpa Knight Hollywood Calamity President BusinessHeroic Emmet Wyldstyle Abraham Lincoln Mrs. Scratchen-Post Bad Cop William Shakespeare Gail Larry Velma Staplebot Taco r. Gold Mr. Good and Evil Paintball Player Plumber Policeman Revolutionary Roller Derby Tuesday Guy 'Where are my Pants?' Guy Soldier Wiley Fusebot Panda Guy Marsha Queen of the Mermaids Mr. ReBrick Homer Simpsons Bart Simpsosn Marge Simpsons n Skydiver Tomahawk Warrior Trendsetter Waiter Warrior Skeleton BR Minifigure Lisa Simpsons MaggieWoman Simpsons Abraham Simpsons Marty Ned Flanders Krusty the Clown Milhouse Van Houten Ralph Wiggum Apu Nahasapeemapetilon Nelson incess King's Knight King's Knight Muntz DragonItchy Knight King'sClancy KnightWiggum King's Knight Knight Burns Battle Goddess Dino Tracker Fairytale Princess Genie Girl Hun Warrior Jester Lifeguard Piggy Scratchy CharlesDargon Montgomery n King Dragon Knight Dragon Knight Knight King's Lion Miner Princess GuyKing's Pizza Knight DeliveryKing's Guy Prospector RockKnight Star Space Spooky Girl Swashbuckler Video Game Guy Wizard Boy Woman Graduate LEGO House Minifigure LEGO Soldier Barbarian Scarecrow PretzelKladno Girl Evil Mech Island Warrior Gingerbread Minifigure Legoland Train Operator Man Man Holiday Woman Elf Skeleton Man Girl Ariel Ariel Cinderella Cinderella Eric Flynn Rider Merida Prince Charming Rapunzel er Waitress Grandma Constable Lady Robot Boy Jake Knight Izzy Captain Ariel Ariel Woman Doctor Farmer Farmer Police Officer Prisoner Andrea Andrea Andrea Andrea Andrew Emma Rapunzel Girl Boy ManCubby Superman Knight Hook Fairy Godmother Walker Construction Worker Man Train Conductor Man Andrea Isabella Emma Stephanie Emma Emma Emma Ewa Joanna Julian KateJoanna Liza Matthew Mia Mia Mia Mia Mia Naya Naya Olivia Olivia Olivia Olivia Robert Sophie Stephanie Stephanie Stephanie ns Mia Maya Andrew Olivia Danielle Mia Andrea Emma Man Stephanie Lily Breez Bilbo Bulk Baggins Stephanie Stephanie Breez Breez BulkBeorn Evo Evo Furno Furno Rocka Rocka Stormer Stormer Surge Surge Jumper Jumper Jumper Jumper Jumper irkwood Elf Necromancer of Dol Guldur Radagast Thorin Oakenshield BardOfficer the Bowman Elf Prisoner Mrs. Claus Woman Police Police Master Officer Santa Boy Girl Boy Man Girl Knight King Knight Princess Fireman Fireman Blista Braptor Cragger d Orc Statue at Dol Guldur SarumanCragger Elrond Arwen Gandalf theCragger Grey Frodo Gandalf theFirox Flinx Fluminox Fluminox Foltrax Frax Frax Gorzan Gorzan Gorzan Grumlo Lagravis Laval Laval Cragger Cragger CrugBaggins Crug Eris Eris Eris ordor Orc Soldier of the Dead Soldier of the Dead King of the Dead Grima Wormtongue Gandalf Laval Laval Laval Lavertus Lavertus Li'Ella Lundor Maula Mottrot Mungus Razar Rinona Rogon Scolder Scorm Scutter Shadowind Sir Fangar Sir Fangar Sparacon man Man Snowman Man Woman ManSparratus Girl Man Spinlyn Boy Razar Razcal Lennox Crug Eris Lennox Rizzo Stealthor Stealthor Strainor Strainor Sykor Tormak Vardy Voom Voom Voom Voom Voom Voom Vornon Vornon Vornon Wilhurt Worriz Worriz
The 2014 LEGO Minifigure Catalog ®
1st Edition
2015 has been another record year for the LEGO Company and its fans. More than 700 new Minifigure designs were produced. In previous years I was able to visit collectors who had most of the figures but this year I had to purchase them all myself which was a challenging experience. Several new themes were introduced such as Elves, Jurassic World, and ScoobyDoo. The Pirate theme had a comeback after years of absence from the LEGO market. But maybe the most memorable Minifigures appeared within the LEGO Idea theme. I am a big fan of the “Big Bang Theory” TV show and hence I was thrilled to get my hands on Sheldon, Leonard and Penny. There was also a considerable excitement about Doctor Who making his appearance in LEGO. While these two themes are based on TV shows and remain within the LEGO Idea theme, Ghost Busters has become a theme in its own name, probably due to the upcoming movie release of the same name. LEGO video games have been with us for some years and in 2015 the LEGO company released its first mixed reality game called “Dimensions”. While the game is fun to play, its associated Minifigures are a nightmare to classify. Dimensions is a mash-up of many themes. Gandalf, Batman and Wildstyle are its main characters, but all of them are from separate themes. Should the Gandalf Minifigure in a Dimension set be classified as “Dimensions” or should he be put under “Middle Earth”? For the time being I continue with the Aristotelian classification system which forces me to associated each Minifigure to only one theme. Classification systems remain a fascinating topic. I eventually wrote a book about it called “The Ideal Order” which addresses the issue in depth. Have a look at Amazon if you are challenged with the task to sort your brick and set collection. Motivated by the book I cleaned up my Minifigure classification system. Instead of calling the various Pirate themes “Pirate I” and “Pirate II” I now named each season of pirates by the name of their main ship. The pirates Minifigures in 2015 are therefore part of the “Brick Bounty” sub theme. I included QR code in the book for the first time. You can use our Minifigure app on your phone to scan the code which will take you directly to the respective Minifigure entry. Get the App now! BOOK ON
Minifigure Nomenclature
The nomenclature is based on the three levels of themes and the inclusion of the year. Each theme received a three letter code, listed at http://www.minifigure. org/taxonomy/, which already includes the codes for even non-standard scale Minifigures. This resolved the need to distinguish between, for example, the City Minifigures and the Town Minifigures. All the figures in the Town precede the figures from the City theme. The nomenclature for Minifigures used in this book is: where: h m l y s
denotes the high-level theme denotes the mid-level theme denotes the low-level theme denotes the year in which the figure was first released denotes a serial number
Price Guide
The price guide lists the average price for which each Minifigure was traded on Bricklink during the period of September 2015-February 2016 in USD. I included prices for both new and used Minifigures, if available.
More Information
If you want to know more about the other Minifigures the LEGO produced then please consider looking at The Unofficial LEGO Minifigure Catalog. You might also be interested in the non-standard scale LEGO figures, which is published in The Complete LEGO Figure Catalog. Both books are available from Amazon. com and other retailers. In addition, we are offering an App for iOS and Android.
The University of Canterbury supporeted the development of this book.
Collectible • Other
Collectible • Other
Zombie Skateboarder col.oth.oth.2015.01 Bricklink col227 # Parts 4 Price New 11.67 Price Used 6.72 Head 3626cpb1436 Sets
Series 13 Minifigures
Classic King col.s13.s13.2015.01 Bricklink col195 # Parts 7 Price New 4.53 Price Used 3.82 Head 3626cpb1253 Sets
Collectible • Series 13 Minifigures
Sheriff col.s13.s13.2015.02 Bricklink col196 # Parts 5 Price New 3.38 Price Used 2.89 Head 3626cpb1248 Sets
Unicorn Girl col.s13.s13.2015.03 Bricklink col197 # Parts 6 Price New 7.88 Price Used 7.99 Head 3626cpb1245 Sets
Snake Charmer col.s13.s13.2015.04 Bricklink col198 # Parts 4 Price New 3.22 Price Used 2.63 Head 3626cpb1249 Sets
Goblin col.s13.s13.2015.05 Bricklink col199 # Parts 4 Price New 3.17 Price Used 3.00 Head 3626cpb1240 Sets
Collectible • Series 13 Minifigures
Paleontologist col.s13.s13.2015.06 Bricklink col200 # Parts 4 Price New 3.92 Price Used 3.19 Head 3626cpb1238 Sets
Alien Trooper col.s13.s13.2015.07 Bricklink col201 # Parts 3 Price New 3.41 Price Used 2.78 Head Sets
Egyptian Warrior col.s13.s13.2015.08 Bricklink col202 # Parts 4 Price New 9.25 Price Used 3.37 Head 3626cpb1232 Sets
Carpenter col.s13.s13.2015.09 Bricklink col203 # Parts 4 Price New 2.92 Price Used 2.33 Head 3626cpb1226 Sets
Collectible • Series 13 Minifigures
Evil Wizard col.s13.s13.2015.10 Bricklink col204 # Parts 6 Price New 3.73 Price Used 3.41 Head 3626cpb1251 Sets
Fencer col.s13.s13.2015.11 Bricklink col205 # Parts 4 Price New 4.47 Price Used 3.06 Head 3626cpb1233 Sets
Samurai col.s13.s13.2015.12 Bricklink col206 # Parts 5 Price New 3.87 Price Used 3.38 Head 3626cpb1239 Sets
Disco Diva col.s13.s13.2015.13 Bricklink col207 # Parts 6 Price New 3.81 Price Used 3.28 Head 3626cpb1230 Sets
Collectible • Series 13 Minifigures
Hot Dog Man col.s13.s13.2015.14 Bricklink col208 # Parts 4 Price New 8.18 Price Used 7.25 Head 3626cpb1231 Sets
Lady Cyclops col.s13.s13.2015.15 Bricklink col209 # Parts 4 Price New 3.56 Price Used 3.35 Head 3626cpb1241 Sets
Galaxy Trooper col.s13.s13.2015.16 Bricklink col210 # Parts 5 Price New 3.22 Price Used 3.08 Head 3626cpb1250 Sets
Collectible • Series 14 Minifigures
Series 14 Minifigures
Wolf Guy col.s14.s14.2015.01 Bricklink col211 # Parts 4 Price New 4.76 Price Used 4.56 Head Sets
Zombie Pirate col.s14.s14.2015.02 Bricklink col212 # Parts 5 Price New 3.41 Price Used 3.36 Head 3626cpb1403 Sets
Monster Scientist col.s14.s14.2015.03 Bricklink col213 # Parts 4 Price New 2.91 Price Used 2.57 Head 3626cpb1417 Sets
Collectible • Series 14 Minifigures
Wacky Witch col.s14.s14.2015.04 Bricklink col214 # Parts 5 Price New 4.29 Price Used 4.73 Head 3626cpb1413 Sets
Plant Monster col.s14.s14.2015.05 Bricklink col215 # Parts 4 Price New 4.62 Price Used 4.64 Head 3626cpb1407 Sets
Fly Monster col.s14.s14.2015.06 Bricklink col216 # Parts 4 Price New 4.41 Price Used 4.72 Head Sets
Specter col.s14.s14.2015.07 Bricklink col217 # Parts 5 Price New 4.45 Price Used 5.19 Head 3626cpb1408 Sets
Collectible • Series 14 Minifigures
Zombie Cheerleader col.s14.s14.2015.08 Bricklink col218 # Parts 4 Price New 4.75 Price Used 4.52 Head 3626cpb1409 Sets
Tiger Woman col.s14.s14.2015.09 Bricklink col219 # Parts 5 Price New 6.91 Price Used 7.55 Head 3626cpb1410 Sets
Gargoyle col.s14.s14.2015.10 Bricklink col220 # Parts 5 Price New 4.15 Price Used 4.42 Head 3626cpb1418 Sets
Skeleton Guy col.s14.s14.2015.11 Bricklink col221 # Parts 3 Price New 3.79 Price Used Head 3626cpb1412 Sets
Collectible • Series 14 Minifigures
Monster Rocker col.s14.s14.2015.12 Bricklink col222 # Parts 4 Price New 2.88 Price Used 2.27 Head 3626cpb1411 Sets
Zombie Businessman col.s14.s14.2015.13 Bricklink col223 # Parts 4 Price New 4.58 Price Used 4.97 Head 3626cpb1406 Sets
Banshee col.s14.s14.2015.14 Bricklink col224 # Parts 4 Price New 4.88 Price Used 4.04 Head 3626cpb1405 Sets
Square Foot col.s14.s14.2015.15 Bricklink col225 # Parts 3 Price New 3.62 Price Used 3.53 Head Sets
Collectible • Series 14 Minifigures
Spider Lady col.s14.s14.2015.16 Bricklink col226 # Parts 6 Price New 4.80 Price Used 4.88 Head 3626cpb1404 Sets
Fiction • Elves
Fiction • Elves
Aira Windwhistler fic.elv.elv.2015.01 Bricklink elf001 # Parts 4 Price New 2.79 Price Used 1.31 Head Sets
41071-1, 41073-1
Naida Riverheart fic.elv.elv.2015.02 Bricklink elf002 # Parts 4 Price New 3.16 Price Used Head Sets
Naida Riverheart fic.elv.elv.2015.03 Bricklink elf002a # Parts 5 Price New 2.48 Price Used Head Sets
Fiction • Elves
Azari Firedancer fic.elv.elv.2015.04 Bricklink elf003 # Parts 4 Price New 2.01 Price Used 1.98 Head Sets
41074-1, 41075-1, 30259-1
Johnny Baker fic.elv.elv.2015.05 Bricklink elf004 # Parts 4 Price New 2.47 Price Used 1.98 Head Sets
Emily Jones fic.elv.elv.2015.06 Bricklink elf005 # Parts 4 Price New 3.29 Price Used Head Sets
Farran Leafshade fic.elv.elv.2015.07 Bricklink elf006 # Parts 4 Price New 2.00 Price Used 1.81 Head Sets
41075-1, 41076-1
Fiction • Elves
Azari Firedancer fic.elv.elv.2015.08 Bricklink elf007 # Parts 5 Price New 3.71 Price Used Head Sets
Aira Windwhistler fic.elv.elv.2015.09 Bricklink elf008 # Parts 5 Price New 3.65 Price Used Head Sets
Emily Jones fic.elv.elv.2015.10 Bricklink elf009 # Parts 5 Price New 5.00 Price Used Head Sets
Naida Riverheart fic.elv.elv.2015.11 Bricklink elf010 # Parts 5 Price New 5.14 Price Used Head Sets
Fiction • Elves
Skyra fic.elv.elv.2015.12 Bricklink elf011 # Parts 6 Price New 10.69 Price Used Head Sets
Legends of Chima
Eris fic.loc.loc.2015.01 Bricklink dim003 # Parts 10 Price New Price Used Head 3626cpb0898 Sets
Laval fic.loc.loc.2015.02 Bricklink dim012 # Parts 6 Price New Price Used Head 3626cpb0892 Sets
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