Here's what you need to know... • This program will test your grit while at the same time making you an all-around better athlete and high-perorman!e ma!hine" • #$ery person who has !ompleted this 20 workout plan has in!reased lean mus!le mass while dropping body at" %ithout !hallenges& the human body will soten" %e thri$e when we push our boundaries& rea!h goals& and blast personal re!ords" %e perorm better& we look better& and we eel
'et this straight( you)re either progressing or regressing" There is no maintenan!e phase" *oderation in training !an easily turn into stagnation" +nd moderation is or sissies" ,o i we want to impro$e& we ha$e to seek out new !hallenges& struggle& and win"
The 10&000 ,wing ettlebell %orkout is .ust su!h a !hallenge" +nd it will rapidly transorm your body in only our weeks"
Battle-Tested Results don)t write training programs by reading tetbooks and studies" !reate them in the ield& deep in the tren!hes with real athletes and people whose li$es literally depend on their physi!al abilities" To !reate and reine this program& mysel and 1 other !oa!hes and athletes met se$eral days e$ery week to put it to the test" ere)s what we eperien!ed( •
#$eryone got leaner& dropping a waist sie or two& in 20 workouts"
#$ery !oa!h or athlete made $isual mus!ular impro$ements in their physi4ues&
adding lean body mass" •
#$ery trainee in!reased his grip strength and greatly in!reased work !apa!ity and
athleti! !onditioning" They !ould all train longer and harder when they went ba!k to their normal training programs" • +ter the program& e$ery trainee saw a noted impro$ement in his !ore lits" 56)s ell like dominos" 7ull-body strength and power shot through the roo" • +bs were more $isible" 'lute strength was tremendously better" The abs and glutes 8dis!o$ered8 how to work again& leading to athleti! impro$ements in sport and in the weight room"
Program Overview
n our or i$e weeks& you)re going to perorm 10&000 proper kettlebell swings" These will be split among 20 workouts" ou)ll do :00 swings per workout" ;etween sets o swings& you)ll perorm low-$olume& basi! strength eer!ises" ou will train
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