The 10 000 Blowjob

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HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB DEDICATION: This book is dedicated to the Women of the World. ACKNOWLEDGMENT: I would like to express my gratitude to C. C. for sharing her gifts; to the people who encouraged me to write this book; to my children for their love and support; to the women of the World who showed me the need for this book, and to the many sex workers and their clients. Without them, this information would not be available for you, the reader. Name of Book: "How to give a $10,000 Blowjob", First Edition, June 2014. Author: Sheila Stone. Edited by Miss Megido. Copyright © 2014 by Angelic Marketing. All rights

reserved. This material may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in whole or in part, in any form or by any means ( electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the publisher. LEGAL NOTICE:

Her clients like their anonymity, and so does C. C. For this reason,

all names and identifying information within this book have been changed to protect their subject's identity, and therefore any perceived similarity to someone or something is purely coincidental.

The author and publisher of this book do not provide medical

advice, nor advocate the application of any of the activities and or exercises discussed within this book. The author and publisher shall be neither liable nor responsible to any person or entity with respect to any losses or damage incurred, or alleged to be incurred, directly or indirectly, by the information contained within this book. Results derived from the application of this information are subject to individual application and effort and thus are not guaranteed. Warning: This is not an antiseptic textbook. It is the real deal and its low-down and dirty. We use sexually explicit words common in the real world, and not the clinical, sterile terminology found in most textbooks, which continue only to promote sexual shame and discomfort -- sadly still experienced by too many people when dealing with 2

HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB the subject of sex. Sex is not a clinical practice and we will not pretend it is. It's a normal part of life, as normal as sleeping, waking and brushing your teeth, and is participated in by young and old, rich and poor. It crosses all manmade boundaries; economic, racial, religious, social, and reducing it to clinical terms translates to dull, boring sex.

So let's take sex from its hiding place as the dirty little secret everybody's

doing, but nobody wants to talk about, and restore it to the light. Let’s update sex to the 21st Century! CONTENTS Who is C. C. ?................................................................................................................................................. 5 About the author Sheila Stone...................................................................................................................... 5 How I Got this Information ........................................................................................................................... 7 How to get the most from this manual......................................................................................................... 8 1. WHY SEX AND BLOWJOBS ARE SO IMPORTANT TO MEN ......................................................................... 9 1.1 Why Men will Risk Losing YOU and their Family for Sex with Another Woman .............................. 11 1.2 The Truth about Why Men Pay for Sex ............................................................................................. 16 1.3 Having the Right Mental Attitude ..................................................................................................... 20 2. BIRTH OF THE $10,000 BLOWJOB ........................................................................................................... 22 3. THE $10,000 BLOW JOB .......................................................................................................................... 25 3.1 The $10,000 Blowjob; A How to from A-Z ........................................................................................ 26 4. THE TECHNIQUES .................................................................................................................................... 32 4.1 Important Details and Nuances ........................................................................................................ 43 4.2 Best Oral positions ............................................................................................................................ 48 5. WHAT TO DO WITH YOUR HANDS AND HANDJOBS ............................................................................... 50 6. BALLS, TESTICLES AND WHAT TO DO WITH THEM ................................................................................. 53 6.1 Good Ball Techniques........................................................................................................................ 54 6.2 Important things to keep in mind ..................................................................................................... 57 7. ANAL AND PERINEAL STIMULATION ....................................................................................................... 59 7.1 G-spot Stimulation ............................................................................................................................ 59 7.2 Perineal Stimulation .......................................................................................................................... 60 7.3 Anal Stimulation ................................................................................................................................ 62 3

HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB 7.4 Anal Toys ........................................................................................................................................... 63 8. BLOWJOB ENHANCERS............................................................................................................................ 69 9. COMMON MISTAKES .............................................................................................................................. 84 10. FYI: FELLATIO ABSURDITIES................................................................................................................... 91 MALE ANATOMY ......................................................................................................................................... 92


HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB Who is C. C. ? For decades, her name's been passed on by word of mouth amongst those in the know. You've never heard of her, because as a celebrity courtesan she moved within the innermost circles of the rich, the powerful, the famous, and the elite who believe me, do not publicize their sexual liaisons. Turning her first trick at 16, C. C. didn't know anything of what she was doing, least of all how to give a good BJ.

For the next twelve years, she pieced together from each

encounter what worked, until she developed a particular set of skills, skills that captured the attention of those who introduced her to the jet set, where she quickly became one of the most sought after, hi priced, desired and talked about courtesans of all times. Over the next 20 years, C. C. serviced the ultra-rich, often being flown to a different city daily where she was wined and dined by famous movie stars, musicians, sports figures, politicians, business executives, millionaires, billionaires, playboys, oil tycoons, printing moguls, famous authors, and wall street executives. All discerning men who had heard of C.C and were compelled to experience her famed $10,000 blowjob. There are many sex educators with PH.D.s and M.D.s, who have written books about sex, and they've done a great job. I'm not slamming them, but they study and learn from people like C. C. who learned not from textbooks or teachers, but by being in the trenches more than 30 years, extracting and distilling what truly works best and discarding what doesn't.

By practicing on countless men and women, she formed a

very exclusive style and method that is unparalleled, and far exceeds the limited scope of “traditional” sex education materials.

About the author Sheila Stone I'm a former sex worker of many years. The first time I had sex for money was when a man propositioned me for a blow job. Doing it bothered me, not because I thought it was wrong, but because my devoutly religious mother would have been shocked and I felt like I should view it as wrong too. After that, I realized that although the amount of compensation at the time was meager, I could make more money, and much easier in 5

HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB 15 minutes than from the back breaking labor I was doing 8 hours a day. There were lots of guys out there who would happily pay good money for something I was already doing for free. For me, it was a no-brainer. I always considered others’ stance on the sex business to be ludicrous, and I couldn't stomach society’s hypocritical views on sex like: sex is okay for free, but for money it's wrong. Shouldn't the same rule apply to all types of work? Imagine if it was illegal to be a dishwasher or a police officer for pay, but okay as long as you did it for free! I find it crazy that society deems it okay for men to have free, unattached sex for pleasure, but if women do, they are shamed with derogatory names such as “slut”, “skank” and “whore”. I always hated societal treatment of sex as though it were somehow sinful, dirty, wrong or shameful. How could people view it as wrong, yet all be ‘doing it. What hypocrisy! There are many myths surrounding sex workers. They are not the “scummy, indecent whores” and “sluts” that mainstream society and the media have portrayed them as. Quite the contrary, I've found them, more often than not, to be educated and astute businesswomen. They conduct themselves with high integrity, and are in the sex business because they prefer to work smart rather than slave away for little. I'm grateful to the sex business, for without it I could never have afforded to raise my children on my own, put them and myself through college, travel the world or help the many family members and charitable organizations that struck a chord in my heart. Nor would I have been able to provide assistance to countless individuals fallen upon hard times. As with any profession, the people involved vary widely from hard-core addicts who'd stab their own mother in the back, to conscientious individuals who work daily to better themselves, and the world around them. In my time as a sex provider, I'd have to say I've seen as many toward the latter end of the spectrum, as the media’s stereotypically portrayed prostitute. I have seen hardworking girls around the world who send money home to their families to help them


HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB survive, and who work tirelessly to better themselves and the world, by donating to charities, and helping people and animals in need. These are my views and experiences and I do not expect or need you to adopt them, but I do ask that you question the validity of what you've been fed from traditional sources and then form your own opinions.

How I Got this Information Interlinking circumstances saw C.C. and I become friends, and then close friends. Several years into our friendship, I learned of her former profession and pleaded with her to teach me. She graciously showed me some tricks and once I saw the difference they made in my working life, I begged her to share with me ALL her skills and the permission to write them down so women everywhere could benefit from them. C. C. confided that she’d always wanted to make this knowledge available, but had been afraid of losing her anonymity. I'm not a professional writer, however, I've done my best to distill C.C.'s 30+ years of experience, into the first of what will hopefully become several manuals, which include personal accounts from her sessions with the rich and famous. When it comes to the techniques and teachings, I have copied her verbatim to ensure accuracy, and give it to you straight from the Master, so that you too can learn the skills that will leave men breathless, and ruin them for all other women. My goal is to empower women Worldwide and revolutionize human sexuality. I know this stuff works because I’ve used it myself on lots and lots and lots of people. I am honored and privileged to be the only one dispensing C.C.'s methods to the world, so that you too can have what was formerly available only to the rich and famous.


HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB How to get the most from this manual Inside this book are the secrets C.C. taught me for giving the most mind-blowing, earth shattering oral sex imaginable. Congratulations on choosing to learn from the best! I strongly suggest reading and re-reading the entire book, start to finish, as each section lays the foundations to your mastery of the next section. I urge you to pay particularly close attention to the "Important details and nuances" section because it is these that will greatly enhance your new-found skills. You will master these skills more quickly if you visualize yourself doing the techniques described. To do this, create in your imagination a mental picture or series of moving images, like a movie of you, performing what you have just read, on someone who excites you. To keep this course simple, select two skills to learn and work on applying them, then add two more, practicing them until proficient, and continue in this manner.


enough, you'll have the entire pleasure trove of goods to pull from. Each of the many techniques discussed in "The $10,000 Blowjob" chapter, can be found in the “Techniques" chapter, along with other bonus skills. Your homework is to practice, practice, and practice some more! If a penis isn't available to you, cucumbers, a dildo, or bananas will suffice, but hopefully you'll have a dick to work with. Don’t worry about getting it all down now, where ever you are starting from is great and you will only get better. Make this fun. If what you read is too risqué for you right now, then do what you are comfortable with. When you feel ready, expand your comfort zone and try new things, discovering more of what you and your partner like. As your confidence increases you’ll feel a natural pull to try the more risqué moves. Do things differently and you will get different results. .Experiment with the moves and enjoy the thrill of discovery.



1 WHY SEX AND BLOWJOBS ARE SO IMPORTANT TO MEN 53% of marriages end in divorce and of those remaining, 62% are miserable. And whether or not you know it, this is largely related directly, or indirectly, to the quality and quantity of your sex life. The famous Swiss psychiatrist and psychotherapist, Carl Jung saw sexuality as the core of our being, dictating all our actions. The Taoist master Tung once said, “Of all the things that make mankind prosper, none can be compared to sexual intercourse”. Sex is very important. If it weren't, the news wouldn't put so much focus and attention into the many political and celebrity sex scandals. Truth is people are obsessed with sex; they want to read about it, hear about it, watch it and participate in it. If this were not so, the mainstream news would devote more coverage to what IS important and newsworthy, rather than the sexual escapades of certain noted individuals. Scandals such as President Bill Clinton's oral sex with Intern Monica Lewinsky; Governor Eliot Spitzer seeing prostitutes; the Israeli President Moshe Katsav scandal; Head of the World Bank, Paul Wolfowitz scandal; John Profumo, Britain's Secretary of State for War, New Jersey Governor James McGreevey; French President François Mitterrand; Czech Republic President Vaclav Klaus, and many, many more have filled the news. And let's not forget all the sports sex scandals: Tiger Woods, The Minnesota Vikings, Max





history.html Then there's the Hollywood celebrity sex scandals. I could go on and on and on, but I’m sure you get the picture. Sex IS very important to our lives and wellbeing; ancient societies knew the importance of this and viewed it as something sacred and godly. Sex was widely used for its incredible healing powers.

Those in the far Eastern countries of Japan, China, India, 9

HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB Nepal and Tibet practiced and studied sexuality as a science and a high art form. India utilized tantric yoga to harmonize yin and yang within the individual thus bringing harmony to them, their relationships, and society as a whole.

They customarily gave

the Kama Sutra to girls nearing puberty as learning sexual skills was considered to be a normal, necessary and worthy part of one's learning. The Taoists of ancient China used sex as a means to achieve spiritual transcendence. In a Fox Sexpert column, Dr. Yvonne K. Fulbright, sex educator, relationship expert and founder of Sexuality Source Inc states: "In pre-Christian times — women who were sexually active were ... held in high regard by both men and women". "They were oracles and healers who ... offered wisdom and well-being via sexual healing". "Known as "horai"" or "priestesses" they used "the sacred act of ... sexuality" for "spiritual healing". “Those who spread love and healing as goddess ambassadors were called “pornai.” "Sex was regarded as vital for a union to continually flourish and grow", and was widely practiced within the temples. As Christianity flourished, "these women were labeled villainous "whores” or “pornographers”. "Such labels have stuck ... becoming an effective means of social control" over women by "shaming and humiliating them." Society's demonization of sex has done a huge disservice to the world, especially to women, disempowering them on all fronts, physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally. Deepak Chopra, New York Times bestselling author of "Ageless Body, Timeless Mind" (and many other best sellers), states in "The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire": "The Vedanta say the whole universe is nothing other than the passionate love making of Gods and Goddesses”. Sex is important to a relationship and it is extremely important to men, who spend exorbitant amounts of time obsessing over it, trying to get laid and beating off to it. This is quite normal.


HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB Sex is how a man feels close to you, appreciated, and loved; it's where he can be intimate and vulnerable with you. Sex makes a man feel potent, masculine, virile and alive. It's the how and where that he needs to finally 'let go'. John Gray, Ph.D., author of the bestselling book, "Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus", observed that, "Sex ... makes a man feel loved." Sex is so important to men, that they will risk losing you, their family, career and reputation to get it, as evidenced by the plethora of afore-mentioned sex scandals. The stories you hear about in the news are only the tip of the iceberg. If your relationship is important to you and you want it to continue, you must invest in creating a fulfilling sex life with your mate.

1.1 Why Men will Risk Losing YOU and their Family for Sex with Another Woman Research tells us that 60% of men cheat and 30% of woman. In my opinion, these are very conservative figures. I'd place the figures at 80% of men and 50% of women.


asked C.C. to profile the kind of men who cheat. She replied: “There is no one set type. Young, old,


poor, men from all ethnicities, religions, nationalities and socio-

economic backgrounds cheat, and quite often it's the so called “upstanding family man”, the one you'd swear on a stack of Bibles would never cheat, who is the one doing so, and most women don't realize the huge part they play in this. They think it’s just the man, something's wrong with him. They don't ask themselves, am I having sex with him? How often? Is it the same old mundane thing for us? Do I give him oral?" Prostitutes are in a unique position to know the sexual, emotional side of men that others, including you, (unless you work in the sex business) never get to see. We are, in essence, their therapists. They share things with us they'd never share with you, and many things they'd never share with even their best friends. Part of why men share so freely with an escort, is that there is no judgment from us. The sex worker is there, not


HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB to fix him or change him, but to facilitate and explore his sexual needs, fantasies and desires in a safe and fun environment. I've been with men from all walks of life; bankers, plumbers, doctors, lawyers, architects, chefs, waiters, students, professors, artists, salesmen, mechanics, gamblers, politicians, entrepreneurs, judges, you name it, and have found the same recurring reasons for why men cheat. Here's what men have shared with me, in order of most common. #1 Not getting sex at home, or very little: First and foremost of reasons men cheat is they aren’t getting sex or affection at home, and if they are, it's not enough. They want to feel desirable, to know they are still attractive, and to feel close to someone. When they are not getting these needs met at home, they eventually feel driven to seek them elsewhere. #2

Lack of oral: For a man, getting his dick sucked, is the most desired and sought after of

all sexual activities. Studies show many men prefer it over all other forms of sex. It's a

major reason men look for sex outside of their relationship.

A common complaint

voiced by men during my 20+ year stint, was that their partner didn't know how to give good head, or didn’t give any at all, resulting in him feeling like he was missing out. Men are forever searching for that mind-bending, earth shattering great blowjob they know exists, the one they keep hearing about, but have such trouble finding. If you are not giving him oral, or your oral skills are lacking, I can guarantee your partner wonders what he's missing out on. The single, most important sex skill a woman can have is to be a master blowjob artist.

A man's penis represents his manliness or male-hood. That's why their egos are so wrapped up in whether or not their penis is good enough; its size, look, taste, smell and feel.

Men are secretly terrified their dick's not enough to please you. And if that's the

case, then to them it means they're inadequate as men. When you lick, suck and worship his member, it represents your love and acceptance of him. Fellatio allows a man to receive pleasure without the pressure to perform and also makes for a great quickie. If you want his dick, than you want and accept him. This is the association he makes, and if you his mate, aren't loving his penis, psychologically, he feels unloved.


HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB #3 Mate is a dead fish:

Men want someone who wants to get fucked, can't get

enough of their cock and enjoys it.

Nothing's sexier than a woman who thoroughly

enjoys sex, is comfortable with her body image, no matter what her size or shape, and knows and asks for what she wants, without shame. When his advances are met with frequent rejection, or it's obvious that you don't enjoy the sex act, he'll feel inadequate, undesirable, and that he can't please you.

Most, if not all, men want desperately to

please you sexually and will soon lose interest in a woman whom they can't please, and will look for one they can please.

Many women find it difficult to allow themselves to

feel pleasure, since society has so effectively demonized women's sexuality by creating the pervasive belief that women who enjoy sex are loose and that being loose is bad. Hence, it's not only seen as unsafe to enjoy sex, but the act itself can foster feelings of being 'shameful', 'dirty', 'wrong', and the belief that you’re a 'bad girl'. Men want you to be responsive during sex.

Teach him how to please you (remember, he wants

desperately to do so!), and act like you are enjoying it. #4 Partner is too inhibited: Too many inhibitions can quickly ruin a sex life. Men often feel quite self conscious and inhibited when with someone who is very inhibited. They end up feeling bad about themselves and worry they're hurting or offending the other person. Men want a certain kind of sex(free of inhibitions) and if they can't get it at home, they’ll eventually get it elsewhere where they don’t have to feel ashamed or inhibited. #5 No longer attracted to one’s mate: This happens for a variety of reasons. One big complaint is that the woman let herself go, has gained lots of weight, no longer attends to her appearance, and so on.

Although a large number of men also let

themselves go, they yearn to be with a classy, sexy, tasteful, intelligent woman, who takes care of herself, knows how to dress and act in public. One whom he can take to functions, introduce to friends and family, and yet will transform into an absolute sexstarved, voracious, low-down and dirty whore when they're together in bed. Unfair though it seems, it is much more likely for a man to cheat when the woman doesn't


HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB upkeep her looks, than for a woman to cheat because her man becomes fat, old, grey and bald. #6 Bored with sex partner and or sex life: Men want variety. Variety is the spice of life, and if your sex is rote, monotonous, boring or you are lacking in your sex skills, he'll wonder what he's missing out on. Do you always use the same position? Same room, always at night, same order of things? Or, do you explore new ideas? Do you initiate sex? Oral sex? Men love having a woman initiate sex, especially upon their penis. Make sex fun and playful. Experiment together.

Share your day over some hot sex.

When men see you trying hard to do many different things in the bedroom to please them sexually, they automatically love you more. I'm contemplating doing another book on "Ways to Spice up your Sex Life" that will delve further into this and give many fun and practical ways to Spice it up. #7 They want to try out a fantasy: Men have ALL kinds of fantasies, many of which would be shocking to the average woman.

A big reason men cheat is they have

fantasies they want to try but are afraid to tell you about for fear of hurting you, being scorned, abandoned, and made fun of, so they turn to escorts to try them out with a safer counterpart. In order to create the kind of environment where men feel safe to explore their fantasies, be careful never to show any judgments or strong interpretations and opinions regarding this stuff. Even when trying not to, one can inadvertently give off a feel of judgment by questions asked, tone of voice, body language. 85% of what we say is body language, 10% is tone of voice and its inflections. Only 5% are the actual words. Also, if your day to day opinions and attitudes are on the 'judgy' side, more likely than not, he will automatically assume his 'risqué' fantasies are not safe with you. #8 Unhappy and unfulfilled in their marriage: If one is unhappy or unfilled in their relationship, or feels their significant other is taking them for granted, they will often try to fill that missing void with someone or something else.

Men thrive on feeling

appreciated and that their efforts are noticed. Show that you notice what he does and


HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB appreciate it. This serves as positive reinforcement which encourages them to keep up their 'efforts' to please you.

Take an interest in what's important to him. Make it of

interest to you too. #9 Sex has become weighted down with all these strings attached: Although this is more often expressed as a reason not to have a relationship with someone rather than a reason for cheating, sometimes a relationship gets bogged down with a lot of “do's and don'ts”, making your partner yearn for a fun, carefree romp, without risk of triggering the emotional minefield. If this is the case, try to relax the rules, ditching ones that aren't truly important or necessary for you. It's also a good idea to make sure your time together is completely free of, and separate from, any talk or discussions about problems and worries. Make it just about fun and pleasure, a time to 'let go' and rejuvenate. Remember sex is where and how and man can finally let go and be vulnerable. I assume that if you've purchased this book, you wish your relationship(s) to flourish. If the relationship is important to you, and you want it to last, have quality sex with him regularly, and be sure to make it varied and fun.

He needs you to be interested and

enthusiastic about sex with him, and to let him know this. When and wherever you can, act interested with a sexy glance, your voice, and the way you dress. Act sexy, touch him, be affectionate. If he sucks sexually, tactfully find a way to communicate your needs and tell him the ways he can please you sexually, whilst being sure not to make him feel inadequate. Good ways to state your needs are: “It feels better when you _________”, “I like it when you __________”, “It turns me on when you ________”. If you are comfortable being assertive, than you can be more direct, such as: “Do it less _____________”, “Make your tongue more wet”, “Don’t use your finger”, “Do it lighter”.


HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB 1.2 The Truth about Why Men Pay for Sex Huge numbers of men, AND women, pay for sex on a regular basis. This is evidenced by the sheer enormity in the numbers of sex providers worldwide, listed in the personals section of newspapers, working the streets, in brothels, advertising on popular internet sites such as,, and countless more, as well as the, an escort review site where a potential employer can check an escort's reviews before hiring them.

Let's not forget all the employers

(madams) who offer guys and gals to a more exclusive clientele, as well as the countless sex providers who fly under the radar and operate by word-of-mouth referral only. They are found in all countries, cities, towns and in the countryside. As with all businesses, the person(s) offering the service or wares and the buyers who buy them, come in all types, shapes and sizes. And as with any product, you can buy cheap, buy a better grade, pay more for par excellence, or pay top dollar for the top echelon. Many suffer from the delusion that those who hire prostitutes are “sickos”, “degenerates”, and “desperate, lonely men who can't get laid”. Quite the contrary, they are everyone's father, brother, son, husband, mother, daughter, or best friend. They are people we all know, respect and love. They span all types, from upstanding community men whose wives and children would never suspect, to high school jock, to desperate lonely men who can't get a women any other way. A surprisingly large proportion of them are good-looking with great bodies, and I'd estimate that 1/5 of the men I saw were extremely good looking, in their twenties and thirties and could easily have gotten oodles of beautiful woman.

Most of the woman that hired me were very hot, and the

couples I serviced were all hot.

I'd have to say about 98% of the men and woman I

saw were those whom society would esteem as honorable, good, decent people, and this is how I saw them too. They are the person whom you'd swear on a stack of


HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB Bibles, would never be seeing a prostitute. Plenty of these men have beautiful wives and families, whom they love and cherish. People also suffer from the delusion that sex providers are uneducated, slovenly, dirty, addicts, victims of abuse, bad girls and sad girls. Again, as with any business, they are all types. They are everyone's mother, wife, husband, sister, daughter, best friend, son and father, aunt and uncle and neighbor.

People we all know, love and respect.

Some are addicts, just as many are drug and alcohol free.

Some are dirty and

unkempt, others meticulously clean, into health and fitness. Some are highly educated, holding several degrees, others are successful business owners, university students, mothers, fathers supporting their families and extended families.

Young, old, obese,

skinny, gorgeous, unattractive. Many use their money to start companies, get university degrees, raise families, help others around the world and fund "green" projects, etc. Sex is a booming, thriving business; always has been, always will be, even more so in today's economy. without bathrooms".

Marlene Dietrich said, a "country without brothels is like a house Many prostitutes are the one you'd swear could never and would

never be doing prostitution. Prostitutes help clean up all the surplus male libido running around.

There are many reasons men love seeing prostitutes. Any decent prostitute

knows that different men want different things and customize their performance to fit their clients’ individual tastes. Listed below are the most common reasons men pay for sex. He's not getting blowjobs or not enough of them, and/or the ones he's getting are not very skilled.

In all my years of experience, good head is the #1 sex act men will seek

the services of a prostitute for. penises.

Men need someone to suck, lick and play with their

It's the way they are wired.

Men love a woman who gives fantastic head.

Fantastic head can wield a lot of power over men.

He wants guilt free, carefree sex with no judgments, no condemnation, and no one to make him feel ashamed or that he’s dirty for fulfilling his desires. He doesn't have to worry how his partner will view him, since he's sure that the prostitute has seen and


HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB done it all. He can be himself and doesn't have to put on an act. He doesn't have to worry about offending or hurting his mate because of his likes and dislikes. He knows he won't be rejected. He wants to get his rocks off, without pressure to perform or please a partner. He doesn't want the sex to become a whole production, he just needs to release pressure. Men don't always want to make love, they also want animalistic, heated fucking. And they want quickies. Good blowjobs make great quickies. He wants to be with a partner who enjoys sex, and is dying to get fucked, whether or not it's an act. To be with someone starved to suck, fuck, taste and play with his cock, and who can't get enough of it. He wants to be with a woman whom he can please, one who will have orgasms for him. Men feel successful when they can please a woman by making her cum, and feel emasculated when they can't. Any decent hooker is always ready, horny, willing and will surely be able to "cum" for him.

Many men know that

much of what a prostitute does is acting, but as I've heard time and time again, "even though it's an act, the act is better" than what he's getting". Additionally, good hookers are usually very good actors, very believable in bed. Hookers are a great source of sexual advice. Men will seek out a prostitute to learn and practice sexual skills, in order to be better able to please the woman or man he sees. Many first-time sex experiences for young men are with prostitutes. I've also seen 30 and 40 year old virgins.

The prostitute is very skilled and lots of men yearn to

experience this, knowing he will learn from her abilities and thus increase his own sexual prowess. Men get bored easily.

I’m sure you've heard the saying that, "for every beautiful

woman, there's a man bored to tears with fucking her". Men like variety in their sex lives. They like to try different tits, pussy and ass, different positions. If your sex life is always the same with little variation, he will get bored and you will get bored. Sex is like a sport to them. I've heard time and again how “sex with regular women gets boring.”


HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB Men want to try new things with a variety of women. Prostitutes give access to endless variety. Current sex partner is not very skilled, or adventurous and has too many hang ups. He wants to experiment with someone who'll try out his ideas, be fun and doesn't have sexual hang ups and taboos. Current sex is too clinical.

Men love raunchy, dirty, nasty, wet steamy sex. They

want someone to say how it feels and what she wants using dirty, nasty words, not sterile terminology. They want someone who unapologetically wants to get fucked in every imaginable way and will shamelessly fill her needs, screaming when she climaxes. He can try out his sexual fantasies. Most men have lots of fantasies they don’t share with their significant other, because most regular women would find them too shocking if they knew. He's confident the hooker won't bat an eye, and to boot, she'll make it fun for him. He's no longer attracted to his mate for a variety of reasons. (Read "Why men will risk losing you and their family for sex with another woman" for more on this). Seeing hookers is something men bond over, a kind of sport they participate in with their friends. For some it's a sex addiction. Loneliness, he wants to feel cared about or desired. And last but definitely not least, pussy represents status and power. The movie "The Wolf of Wall Street", is no exaggeration. Rich and powerful men pay huge bucks to have lots of good quality, and varied pussy at their disposal. This is a status symbol proving he IS somebody, that he in essence, has arrived in the World. Whoever has access to the best pussy has status, power and leverage. Providing great pussy is a


HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB regular aspect of doing business, of ensuring new alliances, sealing up business deals, and so on. In short, men love seeing hookers because they provide headache free, drama-free sex whenever they want, and with plenty of variety. The buyer can get what he wants, when he wants it, and can do all kinds of things he'd never get to experience otherwise. Plus, it's often cheaper to pay for sex, than go to the expense of wining and dining someone in the hopes of possibly getting laid or losing it all in a messy divorce. With a hooker, sex is a done deal. I'm not telling you these things to be offensive or make you feel uncomfortable, but rather to educate you about a world you may be misinformed of, and to show you the truth of what goes on out there, in order that you can learn and benefit from this information. The majority of men cheat. This is a fact of life, and policing them doesn't work; it only serves to make them more creative in their escape, and will assuredly make both your lives miserable, and make him dread and fall out of love with you, and you with him. I've seen it all. I find it's always better to work with nature vs. fight against it. Because of this, It's much simpler and more effective to make sure the sex and relationship at home is so good, that he won't want to sleep with another, and if by chance he does bang someone else, he'll wish he'd been with his mate instead, because it's so much better.

1.3 Having the Right Mental Attitude The biggest gift to any relationship, including one's sexual relationships, is that of unconditional love and acceptance with no judging or condemning. Keeping a man happy sexually, does not mean making yourself unhappy. Although the focus of this book is the giving of male oral pleasure, your receiving of pleasure is every bit as important.

There are certain mindsets that you will find helpful in the giving and

receiving of pleasure. They are: be of the mindset that you are just having fun, with no 20

HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB pressure to make him cum. It's about pleasure, you are simply sharing pleasure and exploring different themes. You are not trying to make something happen, but if it happens that's cool. If not, that’s equally cool. Explore each other’s naked bodies. If giving yourself permission to be sexual is tough for you, play with the idea of downloading into yourself a girl who is sinful and naughty, one with the sexual freeness you always wanted. Let this alter ego do all the naughty things that you yourself would never do. Try seeing sex as an expression of joy and love that you are giving to yourself and your partner. Before I share with you the many secrets C.C. taught me, the ones that will allow you to give the kind of blowjob that ruins men for all other women, I should tell you the story of how the $10,000 blowjob came into being.



2 BIRTH OF THE $10,000 BLOWJOB Men love dirty, sloppy, wet nasty head. The $10,000 blowjob is just that. In C. C.'s own words: "It was late October, Sin City, Las Vegas. For seven nights I’d been immersed in one salacious, steamy sex party, and orgy of sin after another, with an international financier client of mine, we’ll call Carl. This was the “all out” treat he gave himself every year in reward for all his hard work and for making obscene amounts of money…As usual, he was having a blast, it would be ten days of pussy, ass, tits, dick, drugs, and booze. It was my fourth year of these celebrations with Carl, and each time it seemed as though droves of swingers had descended upon the city or country he chose to play in for his annual debauchery. Every night was a new orgy. We were staying in the most lavish, opulent suite at the Bellagio.

Days were spent in leisure, massages, trying new

hairstyles, sunbathing by the pool, or shopping for designer clothes and jewelry. I bore rather quickly so…by the seventh all night swinger’s party, I was itching for a change. A long time business associate of mine, we'll call James, heard I was in town and called me needing a favor.

A good looking guy, notoriously dialed in.

Guy. If you had the bucks, James could get it.

Las Vegas’s Go-To

James said a Saudi Oil Sheik was in

town with his entourage. He said they had already spent millions on gambling, pussy and shopping and were now holed up in a villa at the MGM mansion. The sheik was scheduled to return home in the morning and found out I was in town. He’d heard of my blowjobs and had been dying to try one for some time, but always seemed to miss me by 1 or 2 days on his visits abroad.

This happened, I found out, on trips we’d both

taken to Tokyo, London, Cannes, and The big Apple. When the Sheik found we were both in the same city at the same time, he offered James a hefty sum to procure my services immediately before leaving the next morning. It was after midnight and I was


HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB helping Carl lick a cute young blonde’s pussy amidst a wild party at the Mirage. James I was already with someone.

I told

Luckily for me, the Saudi Sheik wasn’t taking no

for an answer. He tried one method after another to get me there, and while I hated disappointing him, I couldn’t skip out on a regular client, especially one who is a truly nice and generous man.

Finally the Sheik offered me $10,000 if I were to come there

for a half an hour, plus I could pick whatever gifts I wanted from his “stock arsenal”. Turning this down would be criminal, so I told Carl I was feeling sick from too much caviar and needed a nap. After excusing myself I raced back to the Bellagio, showered and dressed, just in time for the Sheik’s security detail to pick me up.

Inside the MGM

Villa was stunning. I was surprised to see the indoor private pool was a decent size. I wished I could go for a long swim, alone, but there was work to do. The attendant got the ok for me to enter the master bedroom. The drapes were drawn, it was fairly dark, this told me he likely wanted to hide something, maybe it was discomfort with his body, or the sexual act, or me seeing his identity. Whatever it was, I greeted him with a warm hug and kiss. He was tense and just wanted to get down to business, so I playfully stripped out of my Yves Saint Laurent business suit, and knelt before him in a La Perla bra, garter and stocking set to bequeath upon him what was to become the $10,000 blowjob. He seemed very nervous and in a big hurry. I didn’t want it to be over too quickly since I was being well paid, and wanted him to have the full shebang, so each time he was near, I stopped and waited for the feeling to pass. Soon, he didn’t want to wait anymore and exploded. I had been there a total of 25 minutes. He was very happy, made some small talk, then got a phone call and excused himself.


attendant showed me to a separate bathroom to cleanse myself before leading me to a gift room full of expensive jewelry, clothing, state of the art technology gadgets, handbags and some expensive home decorative pieces. I’m not really sure what the gifts were for, but assumed that the Sheik used them for business associates and females he saw.

I chose a Bottega veneta Bambina handbag, a gorgeous Harry

Winston diamond watch, a Cartier diamond necklace and earrings set, and a few other nice pieces. Just before getting into the security vehicle, his attendant said, wait, there


HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB was a special gift for me. He came back out with a Russian lynx fur, full length.. After that, the Sheik’s friends would pay for my “$10,000 blowjob services” when in town.”



3 THE $10,000 BLOW JOB Clicking on the name of each technique listed with in this chapter will take you to its corresponding instructions of how to perform it.

I really want you to benefit from this.

To get the incredible results I speak of, it is important that you read and apply not just the techniques, but also the things discussed in the "Important Details and Nuances" portion of the Techniques chapter. These seemingly small details and nuances are important; as it is they that will elevate you from good to masterful.

Remember to

practice, practice what you are learning. The $10,000 blowjob can finish a man off very quickly, but was originally designed for extreme, prolonged pleasure of an hour or more. To make him cum fast, use a few of the techniques mentioned and speed up your sucks and strokes.

For extreme,

extended pleasure, perform the techniques ultra-slowly, backing off when he nears to cumming and if needed, squeezing the head of his penis to stifle the climax. Most men love the Idea of prolonging this and will gladly cooperate. You can tell the urge has passed when the throbbing and pulsating stops, a minute is usually plenty of time. If unsure, ask. When you back off, keep your hand or mouth on his member so the feeling of bliss remains continuous and he doesn't feel so interrupted. If this is still too much stimulation for him, then placing your warm lips on his thigh instead will serve to keep continuity (We'll get into why continuity is so important in the "Details and Nuances" section). Warning: Men feel such intense pleasure from this work, they may not think to alert you when they are about to cum. So if you don't want a load in your mouth or shot down your throat, tell him to tap you on the shoulder or give a verbal warning before he shoots his load.


HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB 3.1 The $10,000 Blowjob; A How to from A-Z The best position for the $10,000 blow job is seated on the floor, between the man's legs because this position allows you to have both hands free to work your magic, without straining your neck, back or anything else. I start out by giving slow, wet, hungry, lingering kisses all over his chest, down his body and to his thighs and pubis. Some can't help but land on his dick or balls. In doing this a number of minutes, more and more of the kisses find their way to his genitalia, till I’m showering his organs with warm, slow kisses that go from balls, up his shaft to the head of his cock and back down . Doing these kisses so, so unbearably slow and wet, is like torture for him, as he’s waiting for yet another delicious kiss to land upon his cock. Let him feel your full hot breath with each kiss. This softens him up, relaxes him, makes him feel closer to you, and very obliging. After a couple rounds of ball-to-head kissing, make your way back up to the head, put his dick in your mouth, slow sink down all the way to the hilt if you can, and just hold his entire penis in your mouth, without moving. This is the Cock Hold. Do not move at all, breathe through your nose while you hold him in your mouth. If you can’t breathe through your nose, just hold till you’re forced to come up for air, then repeat.

While doing the Cock Hold, occasionally press the entire surface of your

tongue against his shaft very slowly and gently. This is the Tongue Press. Continue holding him in your mouth at least five minutes, punctuated with the Tongue Press. Now add an occasional slow gentle suck. This is not sucking where you’re going up and down, his entire penis should remain in your mouth as you add in a few slow gentle sucks here, and an occasional tongue press there, all the while keeping him deep in your mouth. Your hot saliva will run down over his cock and balls, melding him into a pool of indescribable ecstasy. You'll literally be able to feel him melt while doing this.


HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB As your mouth does all the above, your hands will do as follows. One hand will Tickle up and down his torso, arms, chest, hands, back and neck.

Your other hand will

alternate between tickling his legs, feet, ass(including the hole), and testicles. Keep both hands tickling, super slow and light, paying close attention to his testes and ass. Include some slow circular massaging of his perineum. It's best if you can do this about 10 - 15 minutes.

Then throw in a couple Frenulum

Sucks, by placing your mouth on the underside, where his frenulum is, and do one long continuous sucking motion while sliding your mouth up and down his shaft. Suck, lick or kiss your way to his balls and very slowly, hungrily, lusciously suck one then the other into your mouth, back and forth for an Alternating Ball Popper. Your other hand squeezes around the base of his penis in a Base Squeeze. Squeeze and then loosen, squeeze and then loosen, and repeat this while your mouth alternates between lapping his balls and sucking them, one then the other. Keep mouth and hands sopping wet and do everything thus far ultra slow, remembering to always keep Continuity by having your mouth, lips, tongue, or hand in contact with his privates at all times. While your mouth attends to his balls, make your dominant hand sopping wet (I use saliva) and stroke his penis upwards(palm of hand faces underside of dick), do a Top Twist over his head before stroking back down. Try varying the pressure of your top twists and strokes so sometimes you're not just stroking, but actually squeezing up and down his penis in what I call the Dick Squeeze. Play like this a few minutes: mouth attends to balls; hand Dick Squeezes up; do a Top Twist; stroke back down. Your spare hand tickles, the slower the better. Now add this: While Dick Squeezing up to a Top Twist, follow your hand with your wet tongue, lapping from balls to head, squeeze and lick down other side, lap around his balls, Dick Squeeze and lap your way back up the shaft, do a Top Twist, and repeat


HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB the whole process several times, while hungrily looking into his eyes. After several rounds of this, when you get back to the top, put him in your mouth and sink down all the way into another Cock Hold, same as before, however, this time you'll also be saying "mmm", "mmm, this is soooo good." "God I love sucking him". Men love, love, LOVE when you talk with your mouth full of their cock. (See dirty talk) It makes them feel manly, well endowed and like you are starved for them. I usually talk dirty throughout. Now you'll start sucking him as follows: Contour the entire surface of your tongue to the underside of his cock, and while sucking up and down, press and release, press and release your form fitted tongue to the underside of his rod using the Tongue Press. If you can't do the Tongue Press on both the upstroke and down stroke, just do it on the upstroke where it's easiest. Again, the slower the better. Just when he thought it couldn't possibly get better, while doing the Tongue Press, slowly swoosh your tongue from side to side along the underside of his cock, on the upstrokes and down strokes. I call this the Tongue Swoosh. pressure of your tongue.

Experiment with the

Do a few of these Tongue Swooshes, throw in a lick or two

up the shaft, then more Tongue Swoosh sucks. His pleasure will be indescribable. Licks and sucks thus far have been slow.

Now do some faster licks and sucks, more

hungrily, like you need what's inside his cock and are going to lick it out. Sometimes the licks and sucks will run the entire length from balls to head, some just on the upper 1/2, some just the lower 1/2 , some you will do as circular licks and sucks around his head. Vary this by going up only one side, and sometimes using side to side Tongue Swooshes Take things up yet another level, and use the side of your tongue to do a Tongue Side Swoosh along his frenulum. The side of your tongue gives a very different sensation from the front of it, and men love it.


HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB Vary between these different ways of sucking, Tongue Press,

Tongue Swoosh,

Tongue Side Swoosh for a while. Do another couple rounds of lapping and ball work with Alternating Ball Poppers. At the same time your hand Dick Squeezes up shaft into a Top Twist, then go back to the above methods of sucking. While sucking, throw in some Oral Vibrator work and more of the "Mmm, mmm, so good". Don't forget, use your spare hand to Tickle his body, balls and ass, massage his perineum or stick your finger up his butt(make sure he likes before doing). Some men prefer the sucking without any simultaneous hand accompaniment. I've found though, that most men do want it. If unsure, ask if it feels better with it or without it. If he prefers no hand, then try just a Finger Base Squeeze(FBS) without the pumping action while sucking. I like to finish out the $10,000 blowjob with a good Suck n Squeeze. Wrapping my hand around his instrument, I Tongue Swoosh suck up and down; while my wet hand follows my mouth, Dick Squeezing up his shaft to a Top Twist then back down. I do this over and over, ultra slow. A good Suck n Squeeze can bring a man to climax very quickly. Some times when a man is close to climaxing, the areas he wants you to focus your attention on will change. What I mean is, if it felt better at first to do full length, he may now want you to focus on only the head or just the upper half.

Additionally, he may

also want you to speed up approaching orgasm, and continue through it. A good way to determine what will work best for your guy is to ask: "does it feel better like this"? Demonstrate Suck n Squeeze on full length. "Or is it better like this"? demonstrate Suck n Squeeze on the upper half only. "Or better like this"? Demonstrate on head only. To gauge if he wants faster, ask: does it feel better faster"?


HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB Demonstrate going faster, and then ask: "or slower, like I was doing"? Go back to the slower pace you were at so he can feel the differences between them.


demonstrating various choices, he can feel which works best for him. Do the one he likes best, at the speed he prefers. So far you've held him back from popping, now it’s time to let him have the explosion he will never forget. Talk filthy, nasty, dirty things like: "mmmmm, I can't wait to taste your cum", "mmm it's so good, delicious. Thank you, thank you, thank you," "I love your cum, I want every drop of it", while looking hungrily into his eyes. In essence, you are talking him out of his load. Continue the hand and mouth motion all the way through his orgasm. Don’t stop before or during, keep going till he is completely done, and all throbbing pulsations stop. The best scenario is to keep him in your mouth through the orgasm and when finished, cradle his dick in your mouth a few minutes longer in a Cock Hold, and so bring your $10,000 BJ to a euphoric conclusion. If you don’t want him to cum in your mouth, then use the dirty talk, but take your mouth off before he cums, still keeping your lips next to his member as if you're going to catch his load when it spouts out. The second you take your mouth off, substitute your wet hand to make him cum, being sure to continue hand motion through the orgasm. When he's finished, simulate the cock hold using a wet, warm hand. There's a lot of stuff going on here. It may be helpful to view it as if composing music. Change the melody (your mouth), the harmony (your hands), the rhythm (pressure and speed), or any combination of these, and it will change the song and the feeling one derives from it.

Skillful use of your mouth (melody), hands (harmony), with speed and

pressure (rhythm) will give your partner the feeling you both want. As previously suggested, it will simplify your learning if you pick two of the techniques and practice these. Once you have them down, add two more, and get good at these, before continuing in this manner until your tool kit is full.


HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB The $10,000 blowjob is the gift any man would be thrilled to have. It can be easily modified to use while in the "69" position so you too can be pleasured, or into the best quickie BJ on the planet. After all, not everyone has time to pleasure their partner for an hour. Don't worry about getting it all down at once, C. C. developed her skills over a period of years, and I spent years perfecting them in my own practice, so I am absolutely confident that with practice, you too will become a veritable master of these.



4 THE TECHNIQUES Alphabetized below are all the techniques used for the $10,000 blowjob. Please be sure your mouth and tongue are very wet for these. Base Squeeze: I use two types of base squeezes, the FBS (Finger Base Squeeze) and the SBS (Standard Base Squeeze).

Squeezing his base (point where penis

attaches to body) pushes more blood into his member which increases pleasure sensitivity. A Base Squeeze also doubles as a way to hold down any loose foreskin that reduces feeling. Some men get carried away and push in further than comfortable during a blowjob. Having your whole hand there in a Base Squeeze, lets you stop him from pushing in too deep. For these reasons, I use a Base Squeeze pretty much throughout. SBS: Standard Base Squeeze. Form a circle around his dick at the base, using your thumb and one or more fingers. I use the index and middle finger for added strength. Use this circle to push down any loose foreskin while squeezing your fingers tightly around his cock. Doing this makes his dick more taut, and feels better.

Your fingers

act like a rubber band, keeping his penis engorged with blood. I like to vary the SBS with a bit of pumping action called the Base Pump Squeeze. This is just like the SBS, but Instead of a continuous squeeze, you'll squeeze, hold and release, squeeze, hold and release to get a pumping rhythm going. It's usually best when done slowly. FBS: Men love the Finger Base Squeeze.

Put your Index and middle finger on the

topside of his penis base, center of base, and your thumb on the underside of his penis base, center of base. Once you have this placement on his base, press your thumb and two fingers together compressing the penis and holding down his foreskin at the same time. If you have the right spots and pressure, his dick will be extremely happy. 32

HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB A great add on with this is to do an FBS Jerk. For an FBS Jerk, you will jerk him off while doing the above mentioned FBS. The jerking movements will be very small, half inch jerking movements and definitely no more than one inch jerks.

Make sure your

fingers stay in the center topside and in the center underside and that you are holding the extra skin down. You're not sliding your fingers up and down 1/2 inch, you are jerking his dick 1/2 inch, it's a subtle difference but one that feels totally different. Be careful if you have long nails. Try it slower or faster.

If you jerk him fast enough, it

becomes a vibrating sensation. While doing a Base Squeeze, you can use the thumb of the same hand to massage his balls, and your spare hand can tickle or do anal, perineum work. Either of the Base Squeezes goes great with kissing, licking, the Tongue Swoosh, Tongue Press, or the Cock Hold. Cock bite: I know, I talk about gentle and now I'm telling about a Cock bite! I've had enough men wanting this over the years, that I thought this technique wise to include. To do a Cock bite, take him In your mouth, bite down around his base, then hold, loosen, hold, loosen, then gently slide to another spot about midway up his rod, repeat the Cock Bite, then slide to top of penis and do it there, thus traveling up and down his length.

If your guy wants a Cock Bite, don't just jump in and chomp down hard. Ask,

"Do you like it better like this"? Demonstrate with a very mild bite, "or harder like this"? Demonstrate by biting a bit harder. This is a good method to gage how much bite he likes. Cock hold: The Cock Hold drives men mad.

To do it, put his dick in your mouth all

the way to the hilt, hold still with him in your mouth, several minutes doing nothing, no moving or sucking. Let your tongue lay against him so he can feel its heat and wetness. While doing the above, Tickle his body and balls with your hands. For the Cock Hold, his entire cock will stay in your mouth a long time and not come out. I assure you the pleasure is intensely, unbearably good.


HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB After a few minutes of doing nothing, occasionally press your tongue against him, very slowly and gently. Do this for about five minutes before you start sucking by going up and down only one inch, and no more. This makes sure you are staying down at the base, so his entire cock is in your mouth. Punctuate holding still with this type of sucking for another several minutes. If he’s large and you can’t get him in all the way, just go as far down as you can comfortably. Depending on his size, you may or may not be able to breathe through your nose while doing this. If not, and you have to come up for air, simulate a Cock Hold with your hand, then when you've taken a breath, put him back in your mouth and continue the Cock Hold. For variation, gently press your entire tongue to his dick and slide it up and down his shaft. Do not move your mouth up and down, move only your tongue up and down while holding him in your mouth all the way. Or you can use a super slow Tongue Swoosh. Another good variation is this: rather than going down on him all the way to start the Cock Hold, just put his head in your mouth, hold a minute or two, go down a couple more inches, hold, and keep going down in increments, till you can go no further. Then once you have him in all the way, act like you are trying to cram him in deeper and just hold as long as possible. If you have to come up for air, only come up as far as you need to in order to take in some air(keeping him in your mouth), then go back down deep as possible and hold him in your mouth, punctuating the stillness with a small sucks. Men love it when immediately following their orgasm, you do a Cock Hold on them while tickling their body. A Cock Hold also goes great with Base Squeezes. Dick Squeeze: The Dick Squeeze can be done two different ways. The standard method is to squeeze tight at the base, hold, and release, squeeze again, hold and release. Do this several times, then slide your hand to the middle of his dick, squeeze,


HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB hold and release a few times, slide to the head and repeat. You can also do it with two hands. A great variation of this is to rhythmically squeeze up and down different parts of his cock while licking and or sucking. The second way to do the Dick Squeeze and the way I use more often is, rather than the squeeze and release action,

do a

continuous squeeze with your hand up and down his entire length. Keep hands very wet. Best done slowly. These go great with a Base Squeeze. Double Hander: To make it a "Double Hander", do the "Dick Squeeze" with two hands on both the upward and downward strokes. Hands should be plenty wet. Play around with pressure and speed of squeezes. Do this so slowly you're barely moving so you'll drag out the feeling and make it torturously good.

If your guy’s manhood is super-

sensitive, a Double Hander works better after you’ve done some of the “softer” techniques. By this time, he will likely have lost some of the initial sensitivity. Frenulum Roll:

This is easiest when he’s not fully hard. Holding his cock in your

hand, lightly, roll the frenulum area between your thumb, index and middle fingers, slowly and gently. This can also be done when he’s hard, provided he has enough loose flesh. Frenulum Suck: is done by putting your mouth on his frenulum and gently suck a one inch spot, slide your mouth down an inch, suck this areas and continue working your way down his penis in this manner. A variant of this is, rather than sucking inch by inch, do it in one long sucking, swooping motion, starting at the top of the frenulum, sucking down the underside of his dick to the base and back up. This too, is easiest before he's fully hard. Combine a Frenulum Suck with the Cock Hold. While in the Cock Hold position, suck the fleshy frenulum area into your mouth and just hold it there; after a while adding in some slow gentle sucks to this super sensitive spot.


HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB Kissing: Make sure your lips, tongue and mouth are dripping wet before you bequeath his cock, balls and body with kisses. Relax your lips so they're soft not tense and take up his flesh between your soft lips as you kiss. Make cock and ball kisses so slow, wet and lingering that your steamy, hot saliva runs down his dick and balls, drenching them. Vary kisses, some fast, slow, harder, softer.

Intersperse some with bites.

kissing use your hands to Tickle, caress or massage body and privates. with changes to rhythm, speed and pressure.



As with all things I'm sharing, keep

mouth or hand in contact with partner all the time when moving from one thing to the next. Kisses go great with licking and pretty much everything. Licks: Use the top of your tongue, sides of your tongue, underside of your tongue, each surface area you use has its own uniquely pleasurable sensation. The best area by far is approximately 1/2 - 3/4 inch back from the tip where your tongue is softer (the tip is too pointy). Mix and match your licks, side to side, vertical up and down, long strokes, short strokes, around and around like a cork screw, just the head, harder, softer, faster, slower, hungrier, pushing licks, probing licks, sliding, lapping licks. Remember always keep your tongue super wet and do not point it. Licks intermingle well with sucking, and, well everything! Try this: Drink a ton of water so your mouth is dripping wet. Slide your tongue over his dick and balls ever so slowly, taking the time to feel every crack and crevice. Tell him you're exploring him with your tongue. Make sure your saliva is running down his cock and balls. Have him watch as you lap the saliva back up and taking it up to his mouth, (dick stays in hand for Continuity deep tongue kiss him with this saliva. Going back and forth licking up the saliva and deep kissing him with it is insanely arousing and intimate to men. Massage: Stay away from staccato, poking, jabbing movements. Too many people use fingers to grip and squeeze. Instead, use the entire palm of your hand to grip and knead the flesh. This makes a big difference. Fingers pinch and jab. For a more


HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB intense massage, use your entire palms and fingers to hungrily pull his chest, abs, sides, thighs and other areas toward you in a massaging motion, as if starving for him. Oral vibrator: Take him in your mouth deep, and press the entire surface of your tongue against his underside to vibrate the whole shaft.

As you suck, or do a Cock

Hold, create a loud, strong humming by saying "Hhhhhmmmm".

Your whole mouth

becomes a vibrating sex toy. Sustain the vibration till you run out of air, take a deep breath, and do it again. Changing the pitch higher or lower, faster or slower, harder or softer gives a different sensation. Don’t forget to use your hands on his balls, perineum and butt to tickle or massage. Here's how C. C. came across the "Oral Vibrator". In her own words: "A client who was a major player on Wall Street, showed me this one. I'll never forget that night, Larry and I went to a popular gentleman’s club in New York. Everyone there knew him and they all did major ass-kissing the moment he arrived.

Actually, this happened everywhere

he went. A typical night with this client was spent drinking Dom and snorting coke with the dancers in the privacy of his own champagne room, a room that was always available to him. And he’d get pretty crazy in it, doing lines off girl's pussies and asses, pouring champagne over them and licking it off, lots of sex. Drugs were never my thing, so I didn’t do any. Some clients who used didn’t want to be around girls who didn’t, and so for these clients I would pretend to do the line, but would blow it away, especially since he was paying me $20,000 for the evening and always tipped several thousand more. Wall Street guys made great customers because they were lavish spenders. It was nothing for him to blow through $50 - $70,000 on girls, Dom and dope for everyone in a couple hours time.

Anyway, he got pretty looped that night and wanted to see

what it was like to be with another man. So, I called Roger, a good looking guy I knew who'd be happy to oblige for a few grand. Larry wanted to suck Roger’s dick. Partway into the blowjob, Larry started goofing around pretending he was a race car and Roger’s dick was the gearshift. Larry was humming really loud, he sounded like a race car in 37

HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB high gear; this vibrated Roger’s member so much he blew his load unexpectedly in Larry’s mouth. Larry was really upset after this. Roger kept apologizing, he said it took him completely by surprise. I thought Larry was pissed because Roger came in his mouth, but turned out he was mad because he'd wanted to try anal with a man. Anyway, Larry’s humming like a race car gave me the idea for the Oral Vibrator.” Side Suck: Most men cum quickly from a pro Side Suck. I’ve found this to be the case even with men who take a long time, often before they’re fully hard, which I’ve been told feels better to do the Side Suck when not fully hard.

I remember one client, a

Supreme Court Justice, who was always stressed and couldn’t cum despite my best efforts. Once I started using the Side Suck on him, he’d cum in a matter of minutes, before his peter could even stiffen. To get the right feel of how to do the Side Suck, gently suck on the inside of your own cheek. Notice what your cheek, tongue, mouth and teeth feels like. See how your cheek kind of goes in between your teeth yet doesn’t get scraped by them? Now try it a bit harder and softer. This is very similar to how the Side Suck should feel, substituting his penis for your cheek. To do this, close your sopping wet mouth around his limp member (underside facing your teeth; he's in your cheek pouch), and gently suck him, just like your did with your cheek.

Sucking needs to be gentle, yet hard enough to draw part of the meat of his

underside between your teeth and into your mouth just like with your own cheek. This feels like heaven and should be done ultra slow so he can thoroughly enjoy his staff being massaged by the wet warmth of your mouth. The Side Suck can also be done when he’s hard but it’s easier if you start out when he’s soft. He’ll grow hard inside your mouth. A good tease is to close your lips around his dick and just let him lie still in your cheek pouch like the way a hamster keeps food in its cheek pouch. Hold still like this for a


HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB while, then give an occasional suck here and there. Side Suck is great for the "69" position. Experiment with speed and pressure of sucks, faster, slower, harder, softer. Slow usually work best. Try the Oral Vibrator with it, or a Base Squeeze.

Don't forget to get your hands involved.

For more variation,

experiment with how much of his dick is in your mouth, a quarter length of his dick, a third of it, half. Focus your sucking on his most sensitive spots, which is why it's helpful to experiment with how much of him goes in mouth so your focus of sucking will land in different areas. Sucking: Keep as much surface area of your tongue form fitted against his underside as possible while sucking, this feels incredibly good and is worlds better than plain old sucking. Do this on both the upward and downward strokes. Vary sucks by doing a Tongue Swoosh up and down his rod, sucking the entire length, with other sucks to just the upper half, lower half, or the head. For part of the sucking, take him in your mouth as deep as you can, then act like you are trying to take him in even further. Experiment with how hard your tongue presses against him, and the speed and pressure of the sucks. Slow tends to work best. Suck n Squeeze: Mouth and hand should be dripping wet. As you Tongue Swoosh suck up and down his penis, use your hand to Dick Squeeze up his shaft following the movement of your mouth. When your mouth reaches the top of his head, it momentarily lifts off, and your hand takes over, squeezing upwards over his head into a Top Twist, then your hand squeezes back down, followed by your mouth sucking. The Suck n Squeeze is best done ultra slow.

Spare hand can tickle body, balls, butt,

massage perineum, or probe his anus. Works best used in conjunction with the Base Squeeze. Experiment with pressure and speed of squeeze, though I've found most men prefer a light grip for the squeeze. Tickling: Tickling done at any time is great, but done while paying attention to your partner's privates doubles and triples their pleasure. 39

Can be done with a feather, hair

HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB or fingernails, but I find it's by far the best if you use your fingers (not the tips, they're too pointy feeling). Use your finger pads, the more fleshy area back from tips, to lightly brush over his skin. Experiment with pressure: I've found that for most men it feels best if you do tickling so light that it seems you are barely touching him. Do this light tickling caress ultra slowly around his balls, anus, torso, peter and all areas within reach. Keep moving to different spots because the area you're working on soon loses sensation during tickling. This technique goes great with everything, or works equally well on its own. Tongue press: Flatten as much surface area of your tongue as possible against the underside of his penis so your tongue contours him like a second skin. While you suck up and down, press this contoured tongue in against his shaft and keep it pressed there. Experiment with how hard you press against him with your tongue. A great modification is to press your form fitted tongue against his rod, hold and release, press, hold and release, and keep this up as you suck him rather than using continuous pressing.

This method works great with the Cock Hold, just press and release super

slowly while you are down on him all the way, holding him in your mouth. The Tongue Press can also be done while in the 69 position. Here the underside of his penis faces the roof of your mouth rather than your tongue, however, you can reach around to the underside with your tongue quite easily, especially if he’s smaller. If he’s larger, you may only be able to press the underside during the last one third of the upstroke; even this will still make a huge difference. The tongue press is how you get a tighter mouth without squeezing tighter with your mouth, which often results in teeth scrape. Simply press your form fitted tongue tighter rather than your mouth. Tongue Side Swoosh:

The Tongue Side Swoosh sucking is similar to the regular

Tongue Swoosh sucking in that while sucking, you swoosh your tongue from side to side, back and forth. The difference lies in which part of the tongue you use. The 40

HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB Tongue Side Swoosh uses, you guessed it, the entire side of your tongue, while the original Tongue Swoosh uses the front surface of your tongue.

Each has its own

uniquely pleasurable feel. To do the Tongue Side Swoosh, take him In your mouth, between your inner cheek (like you did in the Side Suck), and the side of your tongue.

Press the entire side of your

tongue in against him, and swoosh it back and forth along his underside while sucking him up and down. Experiment with mixing up the speed and pressure to see which he prefers. In general, this is best done super slowly. Combining this with the Side Suck works wonders, and is easy to do since he's already cradled in your cheek.

Just punctuate the Side Suck with these Tongue Side

Swooshes, while holding him in your cheek. Tongue Swoosh: This feels magical. The Tongue Swoosh is like the tongue press in that you will form-fit and press your tongue to his cock. The difference is, you will swoosh your tongue back and forth sideways along the underside of his cock as you suck him up and down. Occasionally you’ll swoosh your tongue vertically up and down while sucking. Tongue Swoosh Jerk with V-Roll: Get between his legs and Tongue Swoosh suck him up and down, while using fingers and thumb of your dominant hand to hold down the loose skin and perform an FBS Jerk at the base of his peter. Remember you're not sliding your fingers up and down, but doing 1/2 inch jerking movements to the base. Use your spare hand to scoop up the entire perineum and base of balls giving them a good V-Roll massage. This combination brings men to climax quickly.

You can also

perform this technique from a perpendicular position using the Tongue Side Swoosh. Top Twist: I’ve never met a man who didn’t love a good Top Twist. In fact, they quite often asked what I was doing that felt so good. I remember one client, an A-list actor, a 41

HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB super-nice, handsome man who loved the Top Twist. During our last session together, he asked me to teach him my blowjob techniques, particularly the Top Twist. He’d just begun exploring his bi-sexuality and wanted to be able to repeat what I was doing on his partner. To do the Top Twist lay your saliva drenched palm across the underside of his dick, covering head and frenulum, thumb pointing down. fingertips as far as you can, over the head.

Twist your hand toward your

Circle your hand around the head and

repeat. In general, these are best done super slow and are a great way to bring one to climax. Your spare hand can play with his balls or do a Base Squeeze. Mix things up by changing speed, pressure, and throwing in several quick Top Twists in a row, then go back to slow ones, then fast again, slow. You can also make twists around the entire upper 1/2 of cock, making some harder, and some softer. Top Twists go great while licking and sucking balls and or in conjunction with the Dick Squeeze.

To use in conjunction with ball work, I find it best to do the Dick Squeeze

with my palm facing his underside, thumb pointing down, while tonguing his balls. This way naturally segues into a Top Twist. Works wonders coupled with the Suck n Squeeze. To do this, stroke or squeeze up and down his member so slow it’s like torture waiting for your hand to reach the top, where you'll do a Top Twist. Do some of the strokes so slowly that you are barely moving. Add some Base Pump Squeeze action or any Base Squeeze. Vibrator:

Rolling a powerful vibrator horizontally up and down the length, especially

the underside of his shaft while licking him feels great.

Or try a bigger vibrator that

extends along his entire underside, and keep it there pressed against him while you make teeny, slow, rolling back and forth movements to massage this area. Do not slide the vibrator over the skin as this creates skin drag friction which won't feel nearly as good as a slow, gentle massaging motion to the underlying flesh. Experiment with vibrator speed and how hard you press in while rolling it against him.


HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB 4.1 Important Details and Nuances The stuff I share in this section may seem small and insignificant, but I assure you, it is these tiny details, used consistently and correctly, that will transform your skills from good, to those of a sexual master. Five star hotels and restaurants pay great attention to the smallest of details and nuances, for they know that it is these which elevate them to five star status. Variety is the spice of life, so whether doing a hand job, blowjob, fucking, kissing, tickling, stroking, you'll want to mix it up, because if you keep doing the same thing, the mind and body tune out and go numb. Alternating what you do lets you create endless ways to pleasure your loved one, while giving a major boost to your love life. This doesn't mean that you have to constantly change from one thing to the next. In fact, it's great to do something they totally love for a while, doing it very slowly so they can feel how yummy it is, then throw in some changes for a bit, before going back to what you were doing. Repeat this a few times, throwing in some more changes, then going back to what they really like. Simple ways to create variety are changes in pressure, speed, techniques, rhythm and positions. Every male is different, but this book covers what works best with most men. Some guys like strokes up and down the full length of their member, others just the head, some want you to stay away from the head. Some men want you to squeeze harder, some softer. If unsure, ask them and demonstrate to take the guesswork out of it. He will appreciate this much better, and it will prompt him to do the same for you. Also, many men and woman don’t know which ways feels better to them, simply because they never had options before, or never learned a better way. When you ask your partner questions like, "does that feel good"? or "do you like this"?, it puts them on the spot. Many people will lie because they don't want to hurt the other person's feelings, so they may not tell you that they actually prefer it another way, especially if you've been together a long time and they've never said anything before. There are


HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB countless couples who’ve been together a long time and still don’t know what feels better to their partner. A good way to find out what your mate likes, without putting them in the hot seat, is to ask in a non judgmental voice, "which feels better, harder like this or softer like this?". Then demonstrate harder and softer versions so they can feel the difference of which one they prefer.

You can do this for everything, for example, when giving head check

in by asking, "faster like this?", demonstrate faster sucking, "or slower like this?", and suck slower so he can feel which way he prefers. He or she may not even know which feels better until you demonstrate the options. It's important to experiment and find what your mate truly likes. Pressure: I’ve found most men prefer to start with light, sensuous, teasing strokes, super slow and wet, before gradually increasing pressure.

Extra pressure is more

important when building up to the big “O” and on through it. If you’re unsure how much is best, ask, "harder like this?", demonstrate harder, "or softer like this"?, demonstrate softer. Keep in mind when using more pressure, your hands and mouth must stay very wet, because extra pressure or faster speed increases friction and skin drag. Also, if you have fucked already, a lot of men's penises lose sensitivity, so in this case you'll need to squeeze your mouth or hand tighter. Again, ask to find out. Speed. Most women, and men, make the mistake of moving too fast.

This includes

performing whatever techniques they use too fast, sucking too fast, licking too fast, or using their hands too fast. Slow moves are worlds better and also give the impression that you are enjoying this and want to take all day. Slow allows your partner to relax, let go and succumb to the pleasure. The slower you do things, the easier it will be to prolong the pleasure, and the more intense it will become.

It works wonders if you do

strokes, sucks and licks so incredibly slowly, that waiting for the next stroke of pleasure is like exquisite torture. Unlike women, most men want you to speed up when building up to their orgasm and continue at this faster speed through climax.


HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB Pointy fingers: Don’t use fingertips, they're too pointy and jabbing and not nearly as good as using the balls of your fingers (fleshy part approximately 1/3 - 1/2 inch from the tip) for handling of penis, balls and body. This area feels softer vs. fingertips which feel jabby and pointy. Jabbing does not induce a feeling of safety, nor allow one to slip into a feeling of bliss and oneness when they’re busy worrying about the next jab. It’s the same thing with the tongue. The tip is too pointy. It’s much better to use the softer part 1/2 - 3/4 inch back from the tip. Also, when licking, kissing, and using the tongue, keep your tongue soft. Don’t point it. Pointing your tongue gives a completely different feeling then keeping it soft. Try it on your hand and you'll see what I mean. Another subtle, yet super important nuance is to make sure movements of your hands, fingers and tongue are long, flowing and connected, and not short, jerky, staccato, startand-stop movements.

This is hugely important in creating feelings of trust,

connectedness, safety and greater intimacy, all of which are important in allowing your partner to enter a heightened state of pleasure.

People inadvertently disrupt these

feelings with short jerky, stop-and-start movements that leave one with a disconnected feeling. Continuity: You create continuity by keeping a hand or mouth in constant contact with the area you're working on at ALL times, in this case his cock and balls. When moving from one spot to another, from cock to balls, or balls to cock, don't take your lips, hand, or tongue off him to move, but rather, keep them on him and simply slide your hand, tongue, or lips to the next spot.

You can also kiss and lick your way there. If kissing

your way there, still keep lips in continuous contact.

The goal is to keep a firm

reassuring connection from what you were doing, to what you'll be doing next, so that your movements will be connected and flowing. Continuity becomes even more important once things are underway, he's feeling really good, and building to a climax. The same principles apply when switching from oral to intercourse. If you need to cover a bigger area of skin and don’t want to spend a long time getting from point A to


HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB point B, do a bunch of slide kisses along his body to get to you from point A to B or let your tits rub against the body on your way there.

Your tits will be keeping the

connection while you move. The point is to maintain physical contact. This sounds small but I assure you it's not. Try it on your arm, light loving caresses with start-andstop, unconnected movements, compared with long, flowing, always connected ones. Notice the difference, and see how it disrupts the pleasure. Now, try tickling your hand, up to your shoulder. Now do this again, but this time just lift your hand and move to your shoulder. These are big differences and once aware of them, it’ll really stand out when someone does it to you. Men are huge offenders in this area, until you educate them. Wetness.

Hands and mouth should be sopping wet, (and not just a little wet),

whenever stimulating a penis or balls. This eliminates skin drag, the irritation created when there’s a brushing together of two surfaces. This friction is particularly noticeable on sensitive areas of the male and female genitalia, especially during repeated caressing. Saliva is the best for this by far. I drink tons of water before head to ensure my mouth and hands are wet as needed. A warm wet mouth feels like a wet, hot vagina.

Men love, love, LOVE the carnality of hot wet saliva streaming down their

cock and balls. Certain OTC drugs and foods cause dryness. If you run short on saliva though drinking plenty of water, try using a good water based lube (if doing oral). If just using your hands, oil works much better than water based lubes or lotions, both of which become dry and tacky. Or a good solution is to use a lubricant that doesn't dry out or become tacky. For this, I'm fond of the Wet Platinum. There are some good all natural lubricants on the market.

I like the Sliquid Organics.

I know there are other

good brands out there, however these are the ones I use. Do several things at once.

It will double, triple and quadruple the pleasure of

everything you do if you do two or more techniques at the same time.

For example,

while fucking him, busy your mouth licking or sucking his body, and your hands, tickling, massaging, stroking, and playing with his balls. While sucking, use one hand for balls or perineum and other hand to tickle or do a Base Squeeze, etc. Skillfully employ your 46

HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB mouth, hands and body as instruments of pleasure to be applied to his entire body: chest, arms, legs, ass, back, hands, fingers, feet and head. In other words, don't fixate on the penis and forget the rest of his body or privates. Uncircumcised men have a retractable fold of skin, the foreskin, covering the tip of their penis. Even if circumcised, there's still some remaining loose foreskin on most penises.

This skin reduces pleasure sensation.

Nearly everything feels better when

you hold the loose skin down. Don’t pull it too hard, just hold the loose skin down at the base of his cock, between your fingers and thumb. The skin should be lightly taut, and not over-stretched. Any of the Base Squeezes double as a way to hold down the loose foreskin. Testicles: Don't forget the testicles. They are a very important part of the male sexual apparatus. A common complaint men have is that women neglect their balls. See the chapter on balls for many great ideas of what to do with them. Rushing: Do not act rushed even when you are. It comes across like you don't want to be there. Act like you love what you are doing, and have all day to do it or at least wish you had all day for it. You can let someone know you are short on time and still act totally like you want to be there all day. He will climax faster and stronger if you act like you are enjoying it and have all day, even though you have to cut it short. Be fully present rather than trying to make him cum. Experience what you are doing and explore. This will make it much easier to know what's working and what isn't. Some indicators are: His cock gets harder or softer. A limp cock doesn’t always mean he's not excited; age and other factors may have a bearing on this. Stimulate the senses: It's always fun when you can create a smorgasbord of stimuli for all the senses: smell, touch, taste, vision and hearing to immerse you both fully in the experience.


HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB 4.2 Best Oral positions Remember, men are obsessed with trying different positions. Swap in and out of several positions, even if it’s just a few minutes of each. Seated Chair Position. This is my favorite oral position, and the one used for the $10,000 blowjob. For Seated Chair, the recipient sits on the edge of a chair, with the giver between his legs. This position gives you two hands to work your magic and with him at the chair’s edge, you can easily access his testes, anus, body, chest, dick, legs and feet. If he leans back, you can also tickle his butt cheeks. Like this, he also gets a bird's eye view and can fondle your breasts. If kneeling and your knees bother you, try a folded towel under your knees. If you have neck or back trouble I suggest using this position. It can also be done with him seated on the edge of the bed, though the chair usually works better. Lying Down Position: legs.

Here the man lays on his back in bed, with you between his

You might only have one free hand, and you won’t have access to as much as

you do with the Seated Chair Position. However it’s a great position you may already be in and won’t have to ask him to move to a sitting position at the edge of the bed so you can get between his legs. If you have him lay closer to one side of the bed, you can then drape your body off the side of the bed, perpendicular to him to suck.


prevents neck strain and frees up two hands to work with rather than one. Standing Position: Men really like standing positions, so here’s a good one. He stands bent at the waist about 45 degrees, knees slightly bent. Kneel in front of him and use your hands and mouth to access his entire body, cock, butt, anus (if he likes this), and balls, while he fondles you. Head back: Another position men really love to experiment with is you flat on your back, head hanging partially off the edge of the bed. He stands at the top of your head where he can lower himself into your warm mouth. He needs to be at an angle directly above. Both hands are free to reach his body, balls and perineum, butt. It’s a great 48

HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB position to do the Alternating Ball Popper, and a wonderful way for him to fuck your tits and then segue himself into your mouth. mouth.

Men love this natural segue from tits to

Doing a full handed Base Squeeze will ensure he doesn’t "accidentally" push

into your mouth too far. Oral 69: Another favorite of mine. This can be accomplished either with one partner above the other on all fours, or with both partners lying on their sides.

In the first

instance, it’s better for the man to be on the bottom so you can have control over the penetration going into your mouth.

Lying on the side helps to preserve the neck and

back for people with neck or back issues, and lets you rest your head on their bottom leg. You have one or both hands free.



5 WHAT TO DO WITH YOUR HANDS AND HANDJOBS Remember, pleasure levels go through the roof when given by three different sources at once; like from both hands, and a mouth or vagina. If he's never had this done to him before, 3 different things at once will be unlike anything he's ever felt. (Provided it’s done well). During foreplay and sex, keep your hands busy providing pleasure. Your position will dictate how many hands you have to work with.

Basic things hands can

do while your mouth or vagina are busy: massaging, tickling, hand job, testicle work, anal or perineum play. Also make sure your hands change up what they are doing, otherwise the mind and body get desensitized. This doesn’t mean that you hurry from tickling to massage to testicles to base squeeze etc., which would give a tense, rushed feeling. Rather, if tickling, stay tickling for a little while (just keep slowly moving to new spots), then switch to massaging, and do that for a bit before moving to the next thing. For example, while giving head, one of your hands will alternate between testicle work, slow light tickling to body, feet(very erogenous), balls, butt, chest, arms, hands, or hungrily massaging his thighs, chest, arms, sides of body, or where ever you can reach. Meanwhile your other hand works his dick by alternating techniques such as Base Squeezes, Suck n Squeeze, Dick Squeeze, Top Twist, using a vibrator or a Frenulum Roll up and down his underside. Hand Jobs: make for great quickies and are another of the many ways to give variety. They're also a great solution for when you're too tired or not in the mood. Some guys prefer a good hand job over oral, just like a memorable client I had. He was the lead singer for one of the greatest rock bands in history.

All he wanted was a nasty,

raunchy, sloppy hand job, replete with me spitting gobs of steamy saliva all over his


HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB cock every few minutes. He loved the spitting. It was nasty and raunchy to him and as stated before, men LOVE nasty and raunchy. This is the hand job I gave him: In Seated Chair Position, I'd start by tickling his cock, balls and ass with one hand, while my other hand tickled his legs, feet and torso. Then I'd spit on his cock and lick it up, spit and lick it up, making his cock and balls really wet. Then I'd switch my one hand to doing a SBS and FBS, while with my other hand, I'd do a variety of strokes up and down his rod, long strokes, short strokes, and head only strokes. All the while, more spitting would keep things super raunchy and well lubed. Then I'd switch one of my hands to doing various testicle techniques and perineum play, while other hand does the Frenulum Roll. I'd stay on this for a while before going back to long Dick Squeezes on the upward and downward strokes coupled with Top Twists over his head. About this time he'd want me to insert a finger into his anus and either hold it still there or lightly go in and out, or massage his insides (lightly). To prolong his pleasure, I'd stop whenever he was near to exploding, then continue once the feeling had passed. Finally, I'd finish him off with a Double Hander Dick Squeeze where I'd squeeze up and down his length with both hands. I'd also add in some pumping action with a Base Pump Squeeze, (squeeze, loosen, squeeze, loosen) at the base, while doing Top Twists over his head with my other hand, continuing this all the way through his orgasm.

Afterwards I'd hold him in my warm, wet hand a couple minutes till all

throbbing ceased. For hand jobs, keep hands sloppy wet throughout. Again, saliva is the best and most carnal. If you run out of saliva and are only doing a hand job, use an oil based lube. If you are going to fuck him, don't use oil, because if oil gets inside you, it can cause an infection. Plus if you're going to put on a condom and fuck him, the oil can make the condom break or slip off. Silicone based lubes work well for hand jobs since they don't dry or become tacky and are safe to use with condoms. I personally like Wet Platinum Lubricant. There's been several occasions when I only had water based lube to use, though I prefer not to use this type for hand jobs because as stated, they become dry 51

HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB and tacky. On those occasions, each time the water based lube got dry and tacky, I'd dip my fingers into a cup of water to 'rewet' the lube. Many sexologists say women need to learn to use more pressure. I think the real issue lies with technique rather than pressure. If you increase the pressure but are using your fingers to stroke him vs. the whole hand, it can feel like not enough pressure because your fingers don’t cover that much surface area. Whereas, if you mold your entire hand (palm and fingers) like a second skin around his penis, the pressure exerted covers more surface area and therefore feels harder.

Many women make the mistake of

jerking a man off with their fingers rather than a form fitted hand which is easily confused with a pressure problem, when it is a technique problem. Use your full hand rather than fingers. It's much better. Other things to do with hand jobs: go between his legs to lick and suck his balls while you give him a "Dick Squeeze" with "Top Twist" hand job.

Perform any of the

ball or perineum techniques with your other hand. Try giving each other mutual hand jobs while lying together deep French kissing. Gently sucking his tongue while stroking his penis with a very wet hand, feels like he's being sucked on from both ends.



6 BALLS, TESTICLES AND WHAT TO DO WITH THEM Ignoring the balls is a big mistake made by many women.

Over the years, a huge

number of the men I saw were dying to have attention paid to their balls, and expressed much relief to be with someone who did such “good ball work.” In fact “good ball work” is a necessary part of any oral package and will keep him coming back over and over. Very few men don't like their balls played with. A man’s balls are part of his masculinity, his virility. This means part of his self esteem is wrapped up in them. Don’t believe me, talk to any man who's had the inside of his testicles scooped out due to prostate cancer, he feels emasculated and less-than-virile. When you play with his balls, a man feels like you accept more of him, on a deeper level. And most men love, love, LOVE it. They want you to lick, suck, and play with their balls, but are often too inhibited to ask for fear of your reaction. I remember one particular client, a former champion world cup soccer player, who was so enthralled to have found someone who could, and would give his balls the attention they craved. Though he had a whole bevy of hot sexy groupies, he said not one of them did more than an occasional, clumsy pass at his balls, with the exception of one chick, who actually put her mouth on them, and even then that was only because he was tea bagging her . He lamented that he had all the free pussy a man could want, yet had to see me just to get his balls taken care of.


HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB 6.1 Good Ball Techniques Alphabetized below are all the ball techniques used for the $10,000 blowjob plus additional ones I've used over the years. Alternating Ball Popper:

With your right hand, gently push his right ball into your

mouth for a suck or two, let it pop back out so your left hand can pop the left ball in for a suck or two, back and forth, back and forth. Don’t take your mouth off his balls or you'll break continuity and it will not have the same effect. hungrily.

It’s best done slowly, lusciously,

Goes great with a Base Squeeze, and interspersed with some good old

fashioned, back and forth ball licking. The Bull Dog: Some men who enjoy ball biting simple want a few light, gentle nibbles mixed with sucks, however, I’ve had enough clients over the years who’ve wanted me to bite their balls quite hard, that I thought it best to include the Bull Dog. I don't suggest doing it unless you are positive your man wants rough attention paid to his testicles. To do the Bull Dog, take as much of the ball sac (loose skin of balls) in your mouth as possible and bite down hard.

Unclamp your teeth, slide mouth to another spot and

clamp down again, add some gentle or not so gentle tugs in there too, let go, move to another spot and repeat.

Some men want their actual balls chomped on super hard,

however most men who like the Bull Dog, want it done just to the ball sac. I had a gentleman who was the VP for one of the top fortune 10 companies. He loved having me bite extra hard on his balls, then growl like a bulldog, while ferociously yanking them to and fro between my teeth. He made it like a game where he’d reach a hand to stop me, and I was to protect my prize catch by snapping at his hand. He was happiest when we played Bull Dog and he could stroke himself at the same time. You can also do the Bulldog with your hands instead of teeth. Grab his ball sack and squeeze hard, add some tugs in there too. Be sure he likes hard before doing this technique or it will be painful rather than pleasurable. For either Bull Dog you can use


HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB a spare hand to tickle him, stroke his peter, or play with his ass.

Another goodie is,

while biting his balls, use a hand to Dick Squeeze hard up and down on his underside. The Classic: Run your tongue in one continuous motion from his balls, up cock to his head, down shaft to balls where you'll loop around underside, back up his shaft, around the head. Repeat over and over very, very slowly using as much of your tongue as possible, rather than just the tip. Remember to keep your tongue soft. Crisscross X Massage:

Men love this one. Start with sopping wet thumbs, one on

each side of perineum, slowly crisscross massage by alternating your thumbs as follows. Left thumb strokes diagonally up the balls like you’re making a forward slash while right thumb strokes diagonally upward in the direction of a backward slash. At the top of his balls, left thumb circles left, sliding over the top of his balls and down their left side, while right thumb circles right over top of balls, sliding back down right side, returning to your starting point. Keep repeating the Crisscross X. Experiment with the amount of thumb pressure.

You can do this same massage

substituting the Tongue Push instead of thumbs. Licking: When licking, put your entire tongue's surface on his balls, and slather them with wet full tongue lapping, instead of licks done with the tip of your tongue. Never use a pointy tongue, use the softer part 1/2 - 3/4 inch back from the tip. The tip is too pointy. Lick slowly and lusciously like it's the best thing in the world and you’re savoring it, use figure eights around his balls, side to side, up and down, or any other pattern that comes to mind. Vary licks between the top of balls, sides, middle, and underside. Sucking: When sucking, keep your lips and tongue soft and very wet, and not tense and taut. You can either take both balls in your mouth and suck, or one ball at a time. Or, just slide your mouth around his balls, sucking on all the different areas, paying special attention to the underside. Tea Bagging: Is when the guy straddles a woman's head or neck, sticking his balls in her face, on her head, or in her mouth from a position above her. I personally never 55

HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB cared for it, but so many men like to try it out and see what it's like, that I thought it important to include. When tea bagging, if his balls are in your face, rub your face and lips all over them like you can't get enough of them. If balls are in your mouth, slather them with luscious wet licks and or sucks. Tea Bagging presents a great opportunity to do the Alternating Ball Popper. The Tongue Push:

For this, your tongue pushes his balls similar to the kneading

technique one does in a massage. Licking is where the tongue slides over the surface of his balls. The Tongue Push pushes the underlying flesh of his balls. To do the tongue push, slowly massage his balls with the soft part of your tongue using small movements of 1-2 inches. So you'll Tongue Push a couple inches in one spot, Tongue Push slide your tongue to a different spot, Tongue Push another inch or two, Tongue Push slide to the next spot and repeat. Make these pushes slow, wet and voluptuous.

You can use the tongue push on other areas too like anus, perineum,

frenulum. Experiment with how hard you do the pushing. Keep your tongue soft. Goes great with hand jobs and Top Twists. Two Hander: This is like the ball popper, except instead of popping a ball into your mouth, you massage them while slowly and gently popping them back and forth between your hands. Vibrator: Press a vibrator to the underside of his balls, rolling it over the entire testes, finding all the hot spots. Press hard enough for it to feel good, but not too hard. Don't use the tip of the toy, lay it on its side and press its length against him. Use the Vibrator on his perineum and asshole too. V-Roll: With your dominant hand, make a "V" shape (palm facing you) underneath his balls. Scoop this whole area (includes perineum and as much of the balls as you can get) into the "V" shape and gently squeeze or roll it between thumb and fingers. Men


HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB absolutely love this, especially when done in combination with the SBS and the Tongue Swoosh sucking. Can be done with palm facing you or him.

When I do it, I prefer

palm facing me because I can massage more that way. Most all ball or cock work will be enhanced by adding the V -Roll. Do it when sucking or licking his balls. Experiment with the pressure and how much of the area you scoop up.

Some guys like this area

and their balls squeezed harder. Ask, then demonstrate to be sure. Once I had a client who managed several A-list actors. He wanted me to squeeze this area and his entire balls so hard it was impossible to squeeze them hard enough to satisfy him, despite my being pretty muscled at the time.

He said to stomp them with

my heel instead. I was afraid they would pop, but thankfully, they didn’t. There’s lots of great stuff you can do to balls using one or two hands. The position you're in will determine how many hands you have to work with. I usually do the ball techniques with one hand while other hand tickles or massages body, perineum, ass, gives a hand job, or assists my mouth in various sucking and licking techniques.

6.2 Important things to keep in mind Most men’s balls are quite sensitive, and easily hurt. So be gentle, experiment by asking and demonstrating to find out how your man likes it. With balls, slow is better. To change things up, vary techniques, pressure and speed Use your hand or tongue in circular motions, vertical up and down, side to side, under balls, top of balls, sides only, just change it up. For most men, the underside of his balls, where they attach to the perineum is the spot that feels best when played with. Don’t just lick or feel the top of his balls, do all around the underside too. Keep your mouth and hands sopping wet. Believe me, he’ll love your hot, steamy wet saliva running over his balls. Avoid using fingertips for ball work. They're too pointy, jabby and not nearly as good as using the balls of your fingers (softer, fleshier part approximately 1/3 - 1/2 inch back 57

HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB from tip). As said before, jabbing does not induce a feeling of safety, nor allow one to slip into a state of bliss because they are instead worrying about getting jabbed. Same thing with tip of tongue, too pointy. Use the softer area 1/2 - 3/4 inch back from the tip. Oral ball work can get hairs in your mouth and stuck between your teeth. If you don't want this, you can urge him to shave by letting him know hair free balls turn you on and lure you into licking them more often. Schedule a fun shaving date for the two of you. An amazing number of men already do shave this area in order to be more inviting.



7 ANAL AND PERINEAL STIMULATION In my experience, a surprisingly large number of men love having their perineum and or anus stimulated. The anus is full of highly sensitive nerve endings and gives you direct access to the male G-spot. The perineum is also super erogenous and gives indirect access to the male G-spot. Lots of men have the strongest orgasms of their life from Gspot stimulation, coupled with dick and ball work. Some men don't want anyone near their buttholes, so please don't assume and just do, always, always ask first to make sure your mate wants this.

If your guy isn't keen on

having his anus touched or penetrated, the right stimulation of the perineum will still open up incredible dimensions of pleasure to him.

7.1 G-spot Stimulation If your partner does want g-spot stimuli, don't just jump in and go for the G-spot. It will feel better if you start out with foreplay; tickling, kissing his butt cheeks, gently massaging the perineum and area around his asshole, followed by explorative massaging of the outer anus with a well-lubed finger. (For anything anal I like to wear gloves, or a condom over my finger).

During this, be either stroking or using your

mouth on his balls and cock to dissolve all tension, preparing him for entry. To enter, lightly press your finger against his anus as though ready to push in, but instead, hold it pressed to his anus a few minutes while deep French kissing him or his cock, then slowly, gently penetrate him about an inch, hold your finger still a minute or two. While still deep kissing, push in another inch and hold still, while kissing. Continue entry in this manner, slowly, gently in tiny one inch increments. This way will be much more pleasurable and anticipated. Once inside all the way, hold your finger still a few minutes while you kiss him and suck his cock and balls. Start to move your finger ultra slowly, in 59

HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB and out. Intersperse with some light, slow massage of the four walls. Sometimes it's possible to use the thumb of your same hand to stimulate the perineum while doing this. You can find his G-spot 2-3 inches inside, on the wall facing his abdomen. Feel for a small firm swelling like the size of a walnut. This is his prostate and to men, this area feels wonderful. Some "experts" say to curve your finger and rub this area, but I don't recommend this, because then you will be using your fingertip which is much too pointy. Always use the balls of fingers rather than the tips. I've found that most men prefer a super-slow pressure applied to this area, either create this by just pressing, hold and release half of the pressure, press in again, hold, release halfway, and continue this way.

Another way to apply G-spot pressure is by doing a super slow continuous

massage to this area, or do a combination of the these two options. Doing either of these variations, while sucking his cock, balls or deep French kissing him, will quadruple his pleasure and bring him to an explosive orgasm. Make sure to continue all prostate, cock and ball play leading up to and all the way through his climax.

Some men also

like a vibrating pressure applied to this area. This can be done with your finger or a vibrator. Vary things by changing pressure, speed, techniques used, doing two or three things at the same time, number of fingers used.

See what works best by asking then

demonstrating the various options. Err on the side of lighter pressure with this spot until you learn otherwise. Asking, then demonstrating is much faster and more accurate than guessing.

7.2 Perineal Stimulation The G-spot can also be externally accessed via the perineum, (though through the anus is usually more intense). The perineum is the area between his ball sac and butt hole. Slowly massage this area either using the entire pad of your thumb or using the pads of 2-3 fingers. You can also massage this area with the outer side of the heel of your hand(don't use boney part of heel, use softer part of heel). Using the outer side of the heel will allow your fingers to cup his scrotum to massage his balls, while outer side 60

HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB of hand presses the perineum. Either way, licking and sucking his peter at the same time will bring him to an explosive climax. Make sure you continue what you are doing up to and through the entire orgasm.

A lot of men who don't want anything near their

ass are quite happy to have their perineum worked. Some people say to press the center of the perineum when he's ready to orgasm, but I find it much better to make perineum work a part of the whole sexual experience and already be doing it leading up to the climax rather than suddenly applying it right before the big "O" which is too jolting and disruptive. Other ways to pleasure via the perineum are to: apply a press-then-release, press-thenrelease motion to the perineum with your fingers (entire fingers, not tips). Or, use a pressing and vibrating motion with fingers. To do this one, either keep your fingers pressed in and vibrating this area, or slowly press-vibrate-release, press-vibraterelease. Another fun thing is using a vibrator toy on the perineum.

Press the vibrator to his perineum

and hold it there, or roll it around giving a good massage to this area. Don't use the vibrator tip, which is too pointy. Use back from tip where it's more rounded, or better yet, lay it on its side.

Experiment with pressure and speed. Many men enjoy tonguing done to this area. This can be done via push-and-release, vertical, or horizontal tongue pushing movements. Keep tongue super wet, and do this very slowly. Experiment with pressure, speed and strokes used. Make sure he's super clean and be sure to use peroxide to rinse your mouth afterwards. All perineal play becomes 10x better by using 2 or 3 techniques together; tickle his body, ass, legs, privates, give him a hand job, blow job, do testicle work, or use a finger or toy inside him. Perineal work almost always is best when done ultra slowly.


HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB 7.3 Anal Stimulation The G-spot and perineum aren't the only spots that feel good. The whole anus is an erogenous zone many men enjoy having stimulated. Again, ask to be sure your guy wants anal stimulation before giving any.

As mentioned earlier in this chapter, if your

guy’s new to this, he'd probably like it best for you to insert one finger slowly in increments. Once in all the way, hold your finger still while you suck his dick, then gently and slowly massage his anal walls. Experiment with adding another finger or faster or harder. Your spare hand keeps busy administering tickling. Or, you can try a small butt plug on him. If he's excited by this and wants to go further, other ways to stimulate the anus are: Multiple fingers: Some guys want one finger, others want as many as they can get, a whole fist if possible. Ask in a sexy, I’m excited to do this voice, “How many fingers 2, 3…4?” Remember to wear a well-lubed glove. If you don't have a glove, three fingers usually fit easily into a condom. You'll need a magnum size condom for four fingers. The more fingers, the more lube you will need. Insert slowly in increments, a little at a time. Every time you go deeper, hold still till he acclimates, before going further. This works best when paired with ball work, perineum massage, hand jobs and blowjobs. Hard, deep thrusting: Some men prefer hard, deep thrusting, usually done with more than one finger or with a dildo or strap-on and tons of lube. It’s great to do these while sucking or stroking his penis and balls or if in a position to do so, while deep French kissing him at the same time. Most guys who want anal prefer gentle thrusts, so make sure your partner wants hard thrusts before doing it. The exam: Pretend you're a doctor, tell him you want to examine him. Insert a finger, gently probe and explore his 4 walls, lightly, sensuously, taking your time. Slide your finger ever so slowly, like you're feeling to see what's going on in his walls and ass. Feeling this way gives a different and better sensation to him. As always, keep your finger(s) well lubed. 62

HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB Four wall exploration: It's like an erotic rectal exam. I’ve found this feels really good to most of the men who like anal play. Press the length of your finger against his inner wall (not too hard), slowly and gently explore the wall with your entire finger, then on to the next wall, covering all walls of his anus in its entirety. After your exploration, focus on the anterior wall (his front side); where his G-spot is. Stimulate this area by pressing the entire length of your finger against this wall. Very slowly slide your finger down an inch, up an inch, down an inch, up an inch.

Doing it this way provides yummy

movement while keeping a constant pressure and stimulus to the entire frontal wall. By keeping your entire finger pressed against him vs. sliding your finger in and out, the entire wall is getting stimulated, and it's a very different feeling for him. Also do a sideto-side massage in the same manner, by using entire length of finger pressed against his wall. Suck him at the same time for an earth-shattering orgasm. In and out: If your guy is one who just wants you to get in, get results, and get out, then focus on his G-spot via steady pressure to it, or massage it in tiny circular motions. Try faster or slower. This is much better when accompanied by a world-class blowjob or hand job. You can also deep French kiss him and lightly suck his tongue at the same time, which is very intimate.

7.4 Anal Toys There are many kinds of Anal Toys to produce varying pleasurable sensations. Make sure toys are well lubed. I recommend using condoms on anything going up the butt. Toys will open up a whole new realm of erotic sensations. Try sucking him, massaging his balls and working an anal toy on him at the same time. Popular toys to try are: Anal Beads These get inserted into the butt one at a time and can be pulled out slowly one at a time, or pulled out quickly during the orgasm. Some people find this intensifies their climax. Others like it better pulled out one by one.


HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB Butt Plugs Butt plugs are put into the ass and left there while you do other sex play. Plugs aren't suitable for in and out thrusts because the base is wider to prevent them from getting sucked up into and stuck inside the rectum. This can and does happen, and usually costs a visit to the emergency room. Butt plugs are good because they exert pressure against the walls which can be very pleasurable, while you suck him, work balls etc. Spare hand tickles or massages body at same time. Use Dildos if he wants a feeling of thrusting in and out of the butt. Use lots of lube and err on the side of gentle. Ask and demonstrate. Get a dildo that has balls on it or a much wider base to make sure it doesn't get sucked up inside his rectum. If he wants to get fucked, try a Strap on. Again, err on the side of gentle and make sure it's well lubed. You can easily play with his balls and cock at the same time as fucking him with a dildo or strap on. Any spare hand tickles or massages his body. Some like a vibrator up inside them to vibrate the entire inside anus. Again, get one with a much wider base or balls attached so it doesn't disappear inside him since things get very slippery when well lubed and vibrating. It's much better to be safe than sorry. Oral stimulation of Anus: For mouth on anus you need to know he’s ultra-clean. You can make washing this area a sexy part of foreplay. You can lick or Tongue Push with your tongue making circles around the outside of the anus, or horizontal and vertical movements. Vary the speed, pressure, and movements. You can push your tongue inside him which is something many men love. You can fuck him with your tongue slow or just push it in and hold it there while making tiny movements and giving pleasure with your hands.

I am not a fan of any oral stimulation of anus because of bacteria and

parasites, though tons of people love it and do it without any repercussions. These are my own personal feelings and need not be yours.

Peroxide gargling afterwards is a

good way to eliminate bacteria. All tongue work is best when accompanied by a hand job, testicle work, tickling or massaging.


HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB Other great things to do with perineum and anus: As I've said, everything is better when you do a combination of three things at once. you can't do three, then do two.


Here are some three-way combos I've used that

worked wonders for clients . One client, a very well known choreographer, loved for me to sit between his legs, suck his dick and balls, while doing a V-roll with one hand and rubbing his anus with the other. A world famous comedian liked me to stroke his cock, lick and suck his balls and work a dildo on him at the same time. He called this the “clean me out” combo. When he wanted to cum, he’d say, “Ok, clean me out Scottie.”

He was very, very funny in his

day. Other great three-way combos: Lick his ass, while one hand rubs the balls and or perineum. Your other hand works over the penis. Do long continuous, slow, luscious licking from ass to balls, up the dick and back down, repeating this circuit, while one hand tickles, and other hand is doing a Top Twist, Dick Squeeze or V-roll. Suck and lick balls and perineum, while one hand press massages the perineum. Use your other hand to do a hand job.

Throw in some cock-sucking with it for good

measure. Suck his balls, while one hand strokes his dick, while the finger(s) of your other hand massage the anus or probe inside. Try the same combo using a vibrator to the anus. Explore his ass with your fingers using the various techniques above while other hand does a V-roll and you are sucking his cock. This one feels very good for men.


HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB While one hand uses a vibrator to his balls, the other hand works a toy in his ass and you are giving him a blowjob. Best Positions for Anal Play: Lying on ones back with legs spread open, in the air is the most comfortable and allows for easy penetration. You or your partner also have easy access to the genitals. Doggie style is another easy way to penetrate and still gives you or your partner easy access to his privates. Important things to keep in mind: Things inserted into the anus can and do get lost. This happens more than you think and can mean a visit to the hospital to extract it. Medical






This article is from the Southern found



butts: When fucking someone’s butt with a well lubed toy, all the thrusting and lube can easily make it slip inside and disappear. Again, to help prevent this, make sure sex toys (dildos, vibrators, plugs) and anything that will go up the butt have a wider base on them, or balls on them, or are somehow attached around your wrist or hand in some secure manner. Anal can really hurt if done wrong. Err on the side of being gentle, don't jump in and shove something up the other person, fucking them. A good way to start is by gently massaging his ass cheeks and anal entrance in an “I want you” manner, while giving him oral, or slowly massaging his balls.

When you do enter, don't just shove it in. Get

the anus ready by slowly, gently massaging it with fingers or a toy as you play with his cock or balls. When he's ready, insert finger or toy an inch or two and hold still while keeping up other kinds of stimulation such as kissing, or playing with his dick and balls. Once he's acclimated to the object in him, go in another one to two inches and repeat the whole process. In this way you will be entering incrementally rather than all at once. If unsure, ask if it's okay to go in deeper.


HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB Change things up by using different strokes, techniques, speed, pressure, rhythm, and number of fingers used. For the majority of men, slow is best when it comes to anal or perineal play.

Have fun and experiment.

The surefire way to find out what works for

your partner is by asking and demonstrating. Rectal tissue is delicate and fragile; it can tear or bruise easily and go on to become infected. Always use the soft pads of your finger while probing the anus or exploring inside. Make sure anything going into the anus is smooth, all edges should be smooth also, not pointy or rough. This includes fingernails. Use short, smoothly filed nails. No long fingernails! If you want to wear long nails, then file down the fingernail(s) that will go inside. Even when wearing gloves, long nails can easily poke through the latex or vinyl. On a side note, I have encountered men who wanted sharp long nails shoved up their butt rather than short ones, but they were a rarity. Cleanliness: Whenever fingers will go into the anus, I strongly recommend wearing gloves (latex or vinyl). The black latex gloves look very erotic. If you don't have gloves, you can fit several fingers at once inside a condom.

When done, slide your finger(s)

out, and the condom will automatically turn inside out making for an easy discard with no mess. Use condoms on toys and never put a toy or finger that was in the anus into the mouth or vagina. Always change condoms and clean the toy before insertion into a different orifice. Keep wet wipes on hand to do a wipe down afterwards. I strongly recommend before rimming, or putting your tongue or mouth onto the anus or into it, that you first make sure the area is ultra clean and afterwards gargle and rinse your mouth with hydrogen peroxide. Clean all toys when finished. All things going up the butt, fingers, toys or other, require plenty of lubricant. The bigger the object, the more lube you will need. The thicker and more viscous the lube, the better. A very thick, viscous, cushiony water-based lube is best because oil-based lubes, (although being more viscous and cushiony than water-based lubes), can destroy condoms or gloves exposing the underlying skin.

Some people are sensitive to lubes

with nonoxynol-9 in them and find it irritates their rectal tissue. The make-up cleanser 67

HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB Albolene makes for a very thick, viscous, cushiony anal lube, however it is oil based so not condom friendly.

Same with butter, it's a good cushion, but not condom safe.

However both of these work great if you aren't using a condom.



8 BLOWJOB ENHANCERS This chapter contains the bonus oral sex enhancers.

Some are secrets passed on by

C.C., secrets the rich and famous paid her mega bucks to get.

The rest are from my

own bag of skills I've acquired over the years. All are sure to skyrocket your sexpertise and make you hugely popular with your partner(s) Deep Throat (DT): Deep Throating means taking the penis down past one’s gag reflex. The technique of Deep Throating has been glamorized worldwide; so naturally, an overwhelming amount of men would give their right arm to be on the receiving end of this. The term comes from the most watched and publicized porn film ever, "Deep Throat", filmed in 1972. It's about a female therapist who has a clit down her throat, and giving deep throat oral to various men is the only way she can orgasm. The role is played by Linda Lovelace.

Deep Throat was wildly popular, controversial, and the first film

inducted into the XRCO Hall of Fame. I have yet to see the movie, however not too long ago I saw “Lovelace: The Rock Opera". It was quite good and very touching. Linda Lovelace never saw a dime of the millions made from the film. Her abusive husband exploited her and took all the money she worked for. There appears to be a whole Deep Throat revival going on now and I want to make sure your relationship cashes in on it. Your man will be forever grateful to you for being the one who introduces the Deep Throat experience to him. Deep Throating is difficult for many people because when the penis slides to the back of one’s throat, it triggers the gag reflex causing gagging and possible puking. Some 69

HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB women like myself, are born with a weaker gag reflex which makes Deep Throating easier. Others have to work a bit harder to achieve this. To DT, it’s important to relax, since tension tightens the throat and jaw. If you have a strong gag reflex but are intent on Deep Throating, there are ways to weaken your gag reflex. You can do this by using your fingers or some other object to tickle the area in the back of your throat (top, sides, back of tongue) numerous times throughout the day. You'll know if you’re in the right spot because you’ll start gagging. Keep the tickling going for as long as you can being careful not to scratch or bruise the area by being too rough. I’ve known numerous different women whom this method has worked for. For some it worked quickly, for others it took a while. An interesting side note, bulimics lose their gag reflex by doing this same thing, however they do it till they throw up. So if you stimulate this spot numerous times daily, much like a bulimic would, you will effectively decrease or even eliminate the gag reflex and hence retching.

Please DO NOT do this till you throw up, as bulimia is very

dangerous to one’s life and health. Make sure fingers are washed and clean before doing this. The simplest route I’ve found to DT without gagging goes like this: start with a sopping wet mouth.

You want to form lots of thick, mucousy saliva in your mouth which

cushions the throat and makes it more slippery, equaling less gag response. To make this kind of saliva, keep taking him as far back to your throat as possible without retching, and just hold him there. This starts to pool your saliva, and performing a pressing action with your entire tongue while holding him there, will make it pool faster. Holding him far back at your throat is what gets the thicker mucousy saliva flowing, rather than the thinner, less mucousy saliva.

All this will also make his dick wet and

slippery which needs to happen for it to slide on down.

Don’t swallow this mucousy

saliva, just collect it in your mouth, as this is your “cushion" for your throat to help you DT without gagging.


HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB The best position by far I’ve found to DT is: he’s on his back, legs spread shoulder width.

On hands and knees at his side, angle your body so your head is aligned with

his leg opposite you.

Be on hands and knees because to DT, you must suck at an

angle coming directly from above him and go straight up and down. (It won’t work as easily if head or body are lower to the ground). Once you have the mucousy saliva, try to DT him. If you can’t, then turn your head slightly towards your right or left shoulder, to change the angle his penis touches your throat so there’s no choking. If this doesn’t work, then keep adjusting the angle of your head or body an inch or two, to the right or left, until you find the position that allows him to slip down your throat with no gagging. For best results, do this move very slowly. Most women can do this once they find the perfect head and body position to place their throat and mouth at the best angle. A woman told me she was doing the Oral Vibrator technique while down on her man all the way, and he just slipped right down her throat, easily passing the gag reflex. However, when I did the Oral Vibrator with DT, it made me gag when normally I don’t. Still, I’ve included this info here in the hopes that it will be helpful to someone. If you’re still having trouble it may help to coat the back of your throat with coconut oil for more cushion, then conjure up a mental picture of your throat opening big and wide, easily accommodating this. Or, imagine it’s your favorite food and how much you want it. See and taste the food. The mental image and thoughts we give to ourselves are very powerful, and can completely change the way our bodies react to things. Imagine his tool is something delicious and icy cold, that freezes your gag reflex, making so you don’t feel any tickle. If DT is easy for you as it’s been for me, once you get him past the reflex, you can just hold down there and tickle him or do ball work. This is so good it will blast him into another dimension. Or you can hold down there and just come up an inch, go back down, and keep repeating.


HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB Other DT positions: The next best position I've found, and it's very similar to the other one is, he's on his back, you are on all fours at his side, your head should be pointing toward his feet. Same as with the other position, you’ll go straight up and down, directly from above, turning your head slightly to change the angle his penis hits your throat at. Adjust tilt of head to find the best one. Men love to try this next position, but it's harder to do. Lie on your back with the top of your head partly overhanging the bed so that your head is tilted backwards. The idea is to straighten the canal from mouth to throat.

While standing facing you, your partner

lowers himself into your mouth and down your throat. Keep one or two hands there so he doesn't push in too fast or hard. A Base Squeeze is great for stopping him from entering too far. Your other hand can tickle, do ball work, or massage. If you still can’t DT despite your best efforts, don’t feel bad. Lots of women can’t do this without plenty of practice.

With proper conditioning of your throat, and having lots of

mucoid saliva, along with the right head and body position, I'm confident you can Deep Throat. If not, there are so many other indescribably pleasurable things to do, it won't matter. Even your willingness to try will speak volumes to him. If you can’t Deep Throat, you can still simulate a DT experience for him. When you take him to the back of your mouth, steer his dick towards the side of your throat. Aim for the pocket like area back behind your upper teeth. You can feel it with your finger, it’s rounded like a half circle and large enough to fit the head of his penis into. It will feel much like he’s hitting the back of your throat, satisfying his need for a DT. Unless he’s had several DT’s he likely won’t notice the difference, unless he’s watching closely to see.

There shouldn’t be any choking if you’re at the right spot. Make sure your mouth

is super wet with thick saliva so it will feel more like he's down your throat, and do it ultra slowly as though you are carefully guiding him down your throat. Another fun way to simulate a DT is to act as though you are trying to cram his whole cock in as far as possible. You can easily act like this without going in far enough to tickle your throat.

Lay him flat on his back and lay between his legs on your tummy. 72

HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB Bend your knees so your feet are sticking up in the air. Be licking and sucking him like you are starving to death for him and will die if you can't get him down your throat. Do lots of moans and raunchy talk. "Mmmm, it’s so good", “God I just want to get all of him in my mouth". Then voraciously and hungrily devour his meat as far as you can without hitting your throat, and hold him there. Come up for air and keep doing this coupled with lots of moans and dirty talk, "Mmm, so good, I fucking love it".

Each time you

come up for air, spew out more naughty words like “Oh god, he’s so good, I just want him all,” or “I need him all, help me get him down further,” then go down again and act as if you are trying to cram him down further. Make sure your mouth is dripping wet. It's easy to realistically act like you are trying to cram his entire member down your throat, yet not actually be doing it, especially if you couple this with the "Frantic Illusion" below. It’s my personal opinion that DT may increase the risk of STDs since it can be abrasive to the pharyngeal mucosa and it’s harder to rinse the area afterwards with a germicidal like hydrogen peroxide.

So you may want to reserve the real DT for someone you're

sure is safe, and use a simulated DT for others. The Frantic Illusion really clinches the experience for him: Every time you go down on him, clutch and claw (not with nails) at his ass or hips, frantically pulling him toward you as though you are starved for him, haven't eaten in a month and are frantically trying to take him in deeper. If you don't get him in deeper right now, you will die! At the same time, wiggle your ass and kick your feet like you are frantically and desperately trying to down as much of him as possible.

From his point of view he’ll see your rounded

beautiful ass wiggling, your legs kicking with a starved eagerness and hunger to devour his meat down deeper. He'll feel the wonderfulness of your hands clawing and pulling at him to do so. This will feel so good to him he won’t even notice you’re not really Deep Throating him. It will seem just as good, and probably even better than the real thing. Mouth must be dripping wet. The Frantic Illusion may sound complicated, but once you coordinate these things in your mind, it becomes quite simple. In actuality, you're using your body and words to simulate a good DT. And it works, believe me, it works wonders. I remember this one 73

HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB client in particular, a British Baron with a superb country estate.

When I first started

using this technique of C. C.s on him, he claimed I’d been "holding back the really good stuff" from him.

He wondered how many more years he'd have to keep seeing me to

find out what else I was keeping from him. He felt so desired and devoured just because my hands were pulling him toward me, while my ass and legs were thrashing about in my desperate, starved attempts to get his rod down deeper and hold it there, all the while vocalizing my hunger in the filthiest language imaginable.

He said, “Now I’ve seen it all, lived it all.

I can die a happy

man.” I've also used this Frantic Illusion to make it look like I'm frantic to get his cum. To do this, wiggle your ass back and forth and kick your legs as though frantically trying to get his cum from his dick. Keep your hands pawing at his hips, ass, thighs and torso, pulling him toward you like you are going to take it from him. Make your dirty talk about getting his cum, "I'm so hungry, I want your cum". "Please feed me, I'm starving for it". "I have to have it now"! The Cock Exam : This is such an incredible turn on for men. He’ll love the attention of you 'admiring and worshiping' his manhood when you spend ten-plus minutes exploring his privates.

This is done by using your fingers like they're your eyes to hungrily and

excitedly explore and touch every crack, indentation, fold, every curve, crevice and ridge on his dick and balls, with a childlike wonder in order to get to know them better. Tell him you are examining him. During the exam, say things like, “I love exploring your cock and balls”, “I love touching them, stroking them, playing with them, looking at them and feeling them". "It makes me want to taste.” Comment on the findings of your exam with stuff like, “I love the head of your cock, and the way the ridge curves right here", "I want to get it all over my face and body".

Then rub them on you. "I love this little

indentation right here". Kiss the area you are referring to, etc. Dirty Talk: Most men love a women who talks dirty during sex.

I’d have to say about

95% of men like dirty talk ranging from mildly naughty, to wildly profane. The other 5% at least want to hear it once to see what it’s like.

They particularly love when you dirty

talk with your mouth full of their dick. It makes them feel like their cock is so big it’s 74

HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB choking you, and you want their cock so badly, that rather than take it from your mouth, you talk with him in it. Dirty talk is a major helper for men who have difficulty climaxing. A long-time client, an artist whose work sells all over the world for a hefty price, wanted me to act like I was choking every time I sucked him, and to slobber all over his cock, while spewing out the nastiest, vilest things I could think of, all the while keeping him in my mouth. I'd belt out things like, "Choke me you fucking pig, you aren’t giving me enough". "Just cram it down my throat and fuck my face, you fucking pig". "You know I need your load, fucking give it, or I'm gonna fucking take it from you". He was smaller than average, and my choking on his dick and talking with my mouth full of him, made him feel manlier. The magic dirty words every man wants to hear are: “I love your cock", "I love fucking you" or variations of this like, "I love sucking your cock". Remember, he needs to feel you want his cock and love it, this means to him, that you want him. Dirty talk should be spoken with enthusiasm to make it sound real, otherwise it can sound contrived like you don't really mean it. Looking him in the eyes when you talk dirty boosts it up another notch. Throughout the pages of this book, I’ve given some pretty naughty things to say that are sure to make a man's dick rock hard. I'm toying with the idea of putting out a book or an audio tutorial on, "Dirty Talk: What to Say, from Mild to Wild", which will go more in depth into this subject. Enthusiasm: Men find enthusiasm to be one of the biggest turn-ons during sex. In my experience, more men would rather be with someone who’s enthusiastic to suck their dick, even if they don't have great technique, than be with someone who wasn't into sucking their dick, even if that person had superb skills. If you have both, enthusiasm and skill, you will be the girl of his fantasies. Enthusiasm means acting like you are starved when you suck his dick and fuck him. It’s the greatest thing in the world and you are so lucky, happy and thankful to be getting this. You really enjoy it and love, love doing it to him. A lot of men and women worry that you don’t really want to be doing this, or fear they are taking too long. Once they 75

HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB realize you are enjoying this as much as they are, they can stop worrying, let go and enjoy your outstanding skills. Authentic enthusiasm reassures your partner you want to do this with them. If you aren't enthusiastic about doing this with him, and it’s hard to seem enthusiastic without sounding contrived, try these tips: You don’t have to be enthusiastic about sucking his dick, just play act like you are. Think of some inner dialogue and scenarios that will excite you. Scenarios I and others have used to generate enthusiasm are: "I'm getting the new car I want", "I love the amazing house he bought for me", "I love my new wardrobe", "I'm getting $50,000 to suck his dick", "He just won $30 million in the lottery", and so on. Imagine fun scenarios of things you'd like to be doing with him or others. Then pretend you're an actor doing these things with him, and role-play being the kind of girl who would be super excited doing this stuff. Lots of moaning and dirty talk while sucking him, sells it. Enthusiasm is triply good when combined with Dirty Talk and the Frantic Illusion. I remember a client I was with from one of the big oil families. He wanted me to chase him around the room, voraciously tearing at his pants in my overly zealous attempts to get at his love stick. I playfully knocked him to the bed, were he lay laughing like a little kid. Amidst lots of dirty talk, I chipped my tooth on his zipper while trying to act like a ferocious, cock starved animal breaking open his pants. Once they came off, I gave him a sloppy, wet blow job with tons of Enthusiasm, Dirty Talk and the Frantic Illusion. Out of the blue, he began howling like a wolf, followed by crazed laughter saying, “Oh yes, gobble me up you hungry, wild animal…gobble gobble, gobble, gobble.


gobble me up". The Bondage Blowjob can be tons of fun. Especially if you do it on the Sportsheet Bondage Bed Set Men and women, including me, love, love, LOVE this bed set. It makes restraining your partner a cinch and allows you to easily flip them through various positions, so you can have your way with them and tease them with your incredible blowjob capabilities. They will be your totally at your mercy for as long as you wish. A less costly version to this is to use scarves, their own neck tie or whatever is 76

HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB available to tie their wrists and ankles to the bed or chair and have your way with them. I like the bed set so much because it holds them secure in so many positions and makes it simple to reposition them. However, I have used scarves, stockings, neckties on many occasions too. Sloppy Blowjob:

It's no secret that almost all men love a sloppy, nasty, wet, dirty

blowjob in varying degrees of raunchiness. They all want to try it at least once to see what it’s like.

For a nasty sloppy hoedown, have a really wet mouth, so wet you are

slobbering on him as you suck. Keep spitting on his member, then slurping it back up, being sure to make loud slurping noises. Use dirty words like “cock, fuck”, “Mmm, I love licking up your cum.” If he likes a sloppy BJ, then believe me he also wants filthy words to go with it.

When you talk, do so with your mouth full of his dick, it makes it

seem like you want him so bad, you can't even take his dick out of your mouth long enough to speak. Experiment with adding the loud slurping, sucking noises to other dick and ball techniques you've learned. And when he goes to cum, sound like you are sucking up every drop of his jiz the moment it squirts out. He'll be ever grateful for it. Cum Strings: Have you ever seen a porno movie where the guy is getting a blowjob and strings of saliva or cum stretch from his prick to the girl’s mouth? These are what I call cum strings, though they are more often formed from saliva.

I can’t even begin to

tell you how much men love seeing this. It may seem yucky, but they love, love, LOVE it. Not just because they see it in porn, but because it’s low-down, nasty and dirty, which is exactly what they want in sex. They imagine the saliva strings are their cum. Making a Cum Strings experience for him is very much like giving a Sloppy BJ in that you’ll be spitting on him and licking it back up. The kind of spit you need for Cum Strings is the same type we talked about in the Deep Throat section, the thick mucousy saliva. If you didn't read this part, read it now to learn how to make this thick saliva and then work up a bunch of it in your mouth. You want a lot of this mucousy saliva for Cum Strings. Once you have it, spit it on him, and then lick it back up. Do this a number of times until you have enough of the saliva for it to form a big glob on your tongue. Once you have it, touch the glob to his dick, then slowly move your tongue away from his 77

HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB penis. The glob on your tongue will stick to his penis and form a thick string (cum string) that stretches between you and his dick. After the string drops, lick it back up (unless it fell to the floor) and continue to work up more of this thick saliva and keep making more of these Cum Strings for him. eye view of the whole thing.

Make sure he’s positioned to get a bird’s

When you spit on him and it runs down his member, you

can also Dick Squeeze the spit back up with your hand and do a round of Dick Squeezes then lick it from your hand and spit it on him again to make Cum Strings. When making Cum Strings, spare hands can be tickling, massaging, doing ball work, etc. Things to do with his ejaculate: their manhood.

Men view their ejaculate as part of their essence;

What happens to it is of primal concern to them. Every man's secret

fantasy is to find a girl who wants to, and who will swallow his load, and love every drop of it.

A woman who does this is like a dream come true. Most women need a certain

level of trust and intimacy to do so. If you're okay with ingesting his load, then take him deep in your mouth and down it. If you’re okay with it in your mouth, but don’t want to swallow, yet want him to think you're swallowing, tell him to make sure he lets you know in time so you can catch it all. Then right before he comes, make sure he’s not in deep, and angle him away from your throat so the cum goes in your mouth, rather than down your throat. Continue to suck him through the big O, but let his jiz run out of your mouth. In fact, you can work it out of your mouth while you suck or lick him. Or, right before he cums, take your mouth off him and jerk him onto your tongue where his juices can drip off while you continue licking him and saying “Mmmm, so good, I love it!" "Your cum’s so good.”

It'll really turn him on if you keep some of his cum on your

tongue and French kiss him so he can taste himself. I can’t even begin to tell you how many men want to taste their own cum. Of course a lot of men won’t share this for fear of it being misinterpreted.


HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB I found this information online concerning the contents of semen. Ejaculate contains aboutonia, ascorbic acid, blood-group antigens, calcium, chlorine, cholesterol, choline, citric acid, creatine, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), fructose, glutathione, hyaluronidase, inositol, lactic acid, magnesium, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, purine, pyrimidine, pyruvic acid, sodium, sorbitol, spermidine, spermine, urea, uric acid, vitamin B-12, and zinc. It has approximately 15 calories and is a high-quality protein that is safe to eat and maybe good for you. Now that you know this, don't create a stampede to get some. (Just kidding) Guys are overly concerned with the amount of their cum and countless times I’ve had men who apologized for not having enough of it, as if I would care how much cum they had. (Of course I didn’t let them know this). In contrast, men who have huge loads are proud of their potency, bordering on a youthful cockiness. I include this to show you the emotional attachment they have to it, because along with their dick and balls, it is their male essence.

They want to be able to produce large

loads of it for the ladies. If you aren’t keen on a taking a load of sperm in your mouth, tell him to let you know beforehand, then pay attention for warning signs from him, because these techniques will make him cum, and make him cum quickly. I say pay attention because most every man wants to blow his wad down some women’s throat, and just in case he doesn’t say anything, by paying attention, you’ll know he's about to dump, and can stop sucking in time. It helps to keep your hand on his balls and perineum area so you can feel when these tighten, signaling his impending climax. When this happens, take him from your mouth and continue by hand. If you don’t want him to know you’re avoiding his cum in your mouth, just stop and say, “I want your cum on my tits” or "I want your cum on my ass/face/cunt", then jump on top of him and jack him off onto your tits, ass, face or cunt. He'll love it if when you jack it onto your face, cunt, tits and ass, and rub it in like its face cream.


HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB To a man, swallowing his cum means the ultimate acceptance of him. It means he’s virile and potent. He’s safe to let loose with you. When you suddenly pull away, it can be interpreted as a rejection of his male essence, and may make him lose the urge to cum. Rather than pull away, sometimes it's good to come up with a simple story as to why you're pulling back.

A story like: "It turns me on to get your cum all over my tits

and face. Spray it all over me". If you want him to think you're taking his load even though you're not, then suck him while in a position where he can’t see if his cum goes into your mouth. Right before he shoots, take his dick from your mouth and jack him off, saying, “Shoot your load in my mouth. I want to drink it all down.” Then hold your mouth right by his rod as you jerk him and speak dirty about how bad you want his cum. He'll think you're going to spray his cum into your mouth. Keep talking dirty so he cums. You’ll be able to see and feel when his flow starts and thus can move your face out of the way enough to avoid getting hit, yet be close enough that he thinks it's going into your mouth. As he's shooting his wad, say dirty things that make it seem like you're downing his wad. “Mmmm, your cum tastes so fucking good.” “I love swallowing it all down.” Men love when you play with their love juice. Find different, interesting things to do with it and areas of your body to paint it on. Yank off the condom and spray it all over you, aiming for hot spots like lips, tongue, face (avoiding eyes) tits, crotch, butthole. Men will see this as nasty and again, they love nasty. Or do a pearl necklace. This is a string of pearls around your neck made with his cum. Best position for this is on your back with him straddling you. A key ingredient in having a good sex life is keeping things varied. The Swinging Blowjob:

Practice your new techniques by giving him a blowjob on a

swing. Every time he swings toward you, get in as many techniques, licks and sucks as possible before he swings away. Or grab hold of him, do some masterful dick and ball pleasuring, then push him away and when he swings back, repeat. If you don't have privacy at an outdoor swing, try an indoor sex swing for the home. What I really like about sex swings is you can get into all kinds of positions and do all kinds of things you


HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB wouldn't be able to do otherwise. They provide tons of variety, are LOTS fun and give weightless sex. Eye contact: Looking into your lover’s eyes during oral has a very dramatic effective. Men are super turned on when a woman feels no shame or guilt for brazenly fulfilling her sexual needs. Looking into his eyes gives him this impression of you. I don’t mean staring, but rather look into his eyes at random moments, sharing your pleasure with eye contact. Watch his face as he orgasms and share your own during yours. A lot of men really like this, whilst some others feel too vulnerable. I had this one client who wanted me to watch his face crinkle through his orgasm. He’d scream and howl like a wild banshee, and his face would twist up so bad I could hardly hold back the laughter till he was done. Then we’d both fall back on the bed and have a good laugh about it. Champagne, Chocolate and other Sweet Treats.

Some of my favorites are to pour

champagne all over his cock and balls, licking it up as I go. Other goodies are eating a sundae off his manhood, or using him as the banana in your banana split. An ice cube in your mouth to suck gives an interesting sensation, as does popping a strong mint, or using menthol mouthwash beforehand. Poprocks are also fun for men but don't use a lot of them since they tend to be messy. Cut back on mess by putting the pop rocks in your cheek pouch during the BJ. Another favorite for men and woman is to turn your lover into a Decadently delicious Chocolate Desert with an easy to spread, edible chocolate. I prefer the Melt - The Best Chocolate Body Frosting because it tastes delicious and is easy to paint onto your partner.

You can also use a chocolate sauce

like the kind that you would pour onto a sundae. Riding the Edge: Many men love being brought repeatedly to the point of climax, having their explosion stifled, then finally letting go with the fireworks. something like, "I want to enjoy this as long as possible.

To do this, say

So let me know when you're

going to cum so I can stop and continue when you're ready again". Men will gladly cooperate. I'd also tell him to tap hard enough on my arm as a signal so I feel it. The reason for this is that some men would get so caught up in the pleasure, they'd give a tiny touch to my arm or a little squeak to alert me, and I didn't know this was the signal. 81

HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB Tell him to tap you hard enough that there’s no mistaking the signal, or to give a loud enough verbal cue that you can't miss it. When you get the signal, stop all hand and mouth motion immediately. If he’s in your mouth take him out. Wait till the feeling passes. A minute is usually good. He may need more or less, if unsure, ask, “can I continue"? If your guy has pretty decent control, it works nicely to keep continuity by holding his balls, or by keeping a warm wet mouth on his rod or balls.

For some men, a mouth on their privates is too much

stimulation at this point and will bring on their orgasm. In that case, a warm mouth on his inner thigh serves to keep continuity. If the backing off method doesn't squelch his flow, then try squeezing the entire head of his penis hard enough to stifle the urge. Other methods are to pull down on his balls, or squeeze head of penis and pull down on his balls(not too hard)at the same time. When he is ready to continue, if you want to build him back up slowly, start with something like licking his balls, rather than picking up right where you left off. Progress from ball licking to a "Cock Hold", and more licking before resuming what brought him to peak. If you wish to build him up more quickly, restart from where you left off. When he nears Cumming, perform the backing off process again. Some men's orgasms come on so fast, they can’t warn you in time. If your guy is one of these and you suspect he’s near, just stop till the moment passes. Signs he may be nearing are: his dick gets harder and pulsates, it's head swells up, testicles tighten and pull in closer to his body, his perineum tenses, and maybe also his whole body. Be sure to keep continuity though you've backed off. Some girls press the perineum to stifle the flow, though I've always found it easiest to simply ask him to let me know when he nears Cumming, so I can stop what I’m doing, until the urge has passed.


HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB I know there are other methods out there to postpone ejaculation. These are the ways I know of and they’ve worked great for me.

95% of the time I used the simple act of

backing off in time and nothing more was needed.



9 COMMON MISTAKES Everyone makes mistakes. When I first started, I didn't know how to give a blowjob let alone have intercourse. I made all the mistakes and then some. In fact, I was so bad at it, that if I hadn't been cute and young, I think some men would have wanted a refund. I've learned a lot since and the good news is, I'm going to share it all with you to spare you from making the same mistakes. These mistakes, commonly made by the greater numbers of women and men, are all simple fixes. Part of this chapter will be me repeating things from earlier in the book, however, they're important and I want to make sure they sink in. Assuming: A common mistake is to assume you know what a person wants without first gauging it. The best way to gauge it is by asking and demonstrating as previously discussed. Listening to their body provides telltale clues. When focused on making them cum, too many people don't listen to signals from their partner or misinterpret their noises, assuming if they make a lot of noise, it's good and no noise means it's not good. He may be afraid to tell you it's too hard, not hard enough, not fast enough, or to go slower, because he doesn't want to hurt your feelings. The partner will silently suffer with less than what they want or need. Even if you've been together a long time, believe me there's a good chance you still may not know. This is why asking followed by demonstrating the choices is the best bet to finding out. To ask, don't put your partner on the spot with questions like, "Does that feel good?", "Am I doing it right?", or "Do you like it?". Instead, phrase your questions like this: "Which feels better, faster like this?", and demonstrate what it's like to do it faster. "Or slower like this?", now demonstrate the slower way to do it. You can do this with everything. "Does it feel better when I hold here?", demonstrate, "or when I hold here?", demonstrate. 84


HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB one feels better, harder like this?", demonstrate harder, "Or softer like this?", show him the softer version. Pose all questions in a sexy, non-judgmental, and hungry-to-do-this tone of voice. Wetness: A very common problem is not keeping one's fingers or mouth wet enough. This sounds trivial, but is hugely important if you want to attain the levels of pleasure I’m teaching. Fingers and tongue should glide easily, with no irritating skin drag caused by the brushing together of two surfaces. Skin drag is especially noticeable on sensitive areas like the genitalia, especially with repeated caressing.

Too little wetness spells

skin drag. Hands and mouth should be sopping wet whenever used to stimulate penis, balls and genitalia area. I find saliva to be the best by far. I drink plenty of water to ensure my mouth and hands stay wet as needed. A warm wet mouth feels like a wet, hot vagina.

Men love, love, LOVE the carnality of hot wet saliva running down their

cock and balls. If you run short on saliva, use a good silicone or water based lube (if you intend to do oral). If using a water based lube, 'rewet' the lube as needed from a cup of water. If just using your hands(hand job), oil works much better than water based lubes or lotions, because they get dry and tacky. Pressure problems: I’ve found most men prefer to start with light, sensuous, super slow strokes, gradually increasing in pressure. building up to the big “O” and through it.

Extra pressure is more important

Countless numbers of couples have been

together a long time and still don’t know what feels better to their partner. If unsure, ask, “which feels better, lighter?", demonstrate lighter, "or harder?", demonstrate harder. It's possible that he may not even know which feels better till you demonstrate it to him. When using more pressure, your hands and mouth must stay very wet since added pressure increases friction and skin drag. Remember if you've fucked already, most penises lose some sensation. In this case you'll need to squeeze tighter to increase the pressure. As stated earlier, many sexperts say women need to use more pressure.

I think the

issue is not knowing how to use pressure correctly. If you increase pressure, but are 85

HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB using fingers to stroke him and not your whole hand, it can feel like not enough pressure, because fingers don’t cover as much surface area as happens when you mold your entire hand (palm and fingers) to his penis, creating a second skin. When you do this, the pressure exerted covers more surface area and thus feels like more. Too many women make the mistake of jerking a man off with their fingers, rather than a form fitted hand. To increase oral pressure, press your form fitted tongue against him harder on both upward and downward strokes (See Tongue Press.) And if you can do the following while keeping your teeth out of the way, squeeze him more tightly with your lips, using the softer, fleshier inner part of them. Continuity Issues: Keeping continuity promotes trust, connectedness, safety, greater intimacy, all of which are necessary to bring your partner to heightened states of bliss. People inadvertently disrupt these pleasurable feelings by using short jerky, stop-andstart movements that break the flow of continuity, replacing it with a disconnected feeling. Try it on yourself tickling or stroking your body with long connected flowing movements. Now try staccato, start and stop type ones. Notice the difference in sensation, and how it disrupts the feeling. Keeping continuity feels worlds better, particularly during sex and to the genitalia. To support continuity, you must maintain continuous contact with either a hand or mouth on the area you are working on, especially when working on sex organs. Keep a hand or mouth in contact with his genital region at all times. When moving from one spot to another, from cock to balls, or balls to cock, don't take your mouth, hand or tongue off to move. Instead, slide them to the next spot, or else lick or kiss your way from point A to point B. Keep a firm reassuring connection when ever moving from one place to another so that movements will stay connected and flowing.


becomes even more important once things are underway, and he's feeling great and building to climax. The same principles apply when switching from oral to intercourse; keep a soothing hand or mouth on him at all times. 86

HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB Speed Issues: Most women and men make the mistake of moving way too fast. This includes performing whatever technique they're using too fast; sucking too fast, licking too fast, or moving their hands too fast. Slower moves feel worlds better, and give the impression you are enjoying it and know what you're doing. Slow movements allow your partner to relax, let go and succumb to the pleasure. Fast moves, especially early on, make one feel rushed, and give the impression that you are hurrying to get it over with. Act like you have all day even when you don't. It's hard to let go and enjoy when your partner gives off the vibe that they don't really want to be doing this and are in a hurry to “get it over with”. It is my experience that most men prefer slow, especially to start out. I'd estimate about 50% of men like things to speed up when they are building up to climax and continue the faster speed through the big "O". Ask to be sure because the other 50%, don't want you to change the speed. For these guys, if what you are doing is working, don't change anything, keep the same pressure, speed and rhythm up through their explosion.

Keep in mind that faster increases friction and skin drag, so make sure

mouth and hands are sopping wet. Pointy tongue:

Another all too common mistake is using a pointy tongue. This feels

completely different from using a soft tongue. The tip of the tongue is too pointy. Use the softer part about 3/4 inch back from the tip, and keep your tongue soft, don’t point it. Try it on your hand and you'll see the difference. Apply this principle to the entire body, and not just the privates. Pointy fingers: Like a pointy tongue, using fingertips feels pointy and jabbing, makes it hard to relax, and isn't nearly as good as using the pads of your fingers where it's more soft and fleshy. If you have long nails, things get even pointier. Long nails can feel great for that light tickling, but not for all areas handling. Pointy fingers or nails feel even worse when using staccato, jabby movements. principle to whole body and not only the privates.


Again, you should apply this

HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB Not holding down loose foreskin.

Loose foreskin reduces pleasure.


everything you do will feel better when you hold down this extra skin of his penis. Don’t pull it down too hard, just hold it down with your fingers and thumb so the skin is taut, but not over-stretched.

The best ways to do this are by using one of the Base

Squeezes. Another great way is to place index and middle finger, one to each side of his penis, and hold down excess skin at the base of his cock. The thumb of same hand is now free to massage his balls, while other hand does massaging, anal, perineal work or tickling. Ignoring a man's testicles was a frequent complaint I heard from men and is a big mistake too many women make. Don't forget to take care of the balls. See the Balls, Testicles and What to Do with Them chapter for ideas. Focusing on the penis and ignoring the rest of his body.

Skillfully employ mouth,

hands and your entire body as instruments of pleasure to his whole body; chest, arms, legs, ass, back, hands, fingers, feet, head, not just the penis and balls. Turn the whole body into an erogenous zone. Scraping with teeth or nails.

Some guys like being scraped with teeth, but most

don't. Unless your partner specifically requests it, keep your teeth out of the way. It can, and probably will, be painful for him. You can suck by tightening your lips, using the softer fleshier part of your lips, instead of your entire mouth around his member. Also by pressing with your tongue to suck as discussed in the Tongue Press. A sopping wet mouth and hands also help to reduce any tooth scraping problem since the greater the wetness, the less this is felt. Stopping or changing before the orgasm is complete. Too many women and men make the mistake of stopping or changing what they are doing either before, or during their mate's orgasm. It's important that you continue the same motion you were doing through his orgasm till ALL pulsing, throbbing and other telltale signs of it are over. Changing what you are doing right before or during orgasm will most likely throw their


HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB orgasm off completely or make it not feel as good. If you don't want him to shoot in your mouth, then take him from your mouth, and instantly replace sucking with the stroking of your sopping wet hand, so the sudden change won't mess him up. If doing this, use the same speed and pressure for your hand job as you did with your mouth, so the change in speed or pressure is much less likely to throw him off. Not enough variation. It's easy to get into a sexual rut, especially the longer you've been together or once you've had children. Without excitement and variation, things can quickly become boring, stale, monotonous and a chore. Whether it’s a blowjob, intercourse, massage or touch, you can spruce things up by altering techniques, positions, rhythm, pressure and by trying new things. Try sex in the car or other public places. Indulge your fantasies. There's a myriad of things to try that fit within all levels of comfort. Try stepping out of your comfort zone, and explore why the naughtier sex is often better. Cleanliness:

If concerned about his freshness, urge him to shower by saying

something like, “Let's get naughty in the shower, so we can get our mouths all over each other's bodies”. If this isn’t possible and sex is imminent there’s nothing wrong with scrubbing him down with wet wipes. Carry travel size wet wipes in your purse for those unexpected moments.

If pulling out your wet wipes and giving him a good wipe

down seems awkward, the best way I’ve found to do something awkward, is to do it boldly and matter of factly, as if this is the kind of thing that everyone does. Sometimes, uncircumcised men can surprise you with some odor when you pull back their foreskin, even after showering. If you are about to give head and discover this, grab the wipes and scrub him down. Oral on an uncircumcised penis: Uncircumcised men have a foreskin that completely or partially covers the head of their penis. For most, this foreskin will slide back easily when erect.

In others, this foreskin is non-retractable and is uncomfortable or hurts

when pulled back.

You need to find out how far you can comfortably pull it back. To

gauge this ask, “Am I pulling back too far?”, or “Should I pull back further?”, or “Tell me


HOW TO GIVE A $10,000 BLOWJOB when it's too much". Once you find out, then slowly, gently pull back the skin to where he's comfortable. I’ve found about 50% of uncircumcised men prefer oral given by sliding the foreskin up and down over their head while sucking. manner.

For these, the hand job is done in the same

Men in this group may or may not prefer their skin to stay closed when

performing oral or hand techniques on them.

The remaining 50% generally like their

skin pulled back all the way for oral and hand jobs and don't want you to slide the skin up and down as you suck or give a hand job. Oral with a condom: If giving head through a condom, there will be a night and day loss to sensation. You can counter this a bit by putting a few drops of lube in the head of the condom before applying it, and use ultra-sensitive condoms like the sagami original. Also, perform the techniques harder ( not necessarily faster, just harder.) In conclusion, if your relationship is important to you and you want it to last, put the time and effort into creating a rewarding and fulfilling sex life. Men appreciate a woman who tries hard to please them sexually. And in my experience, it makes them love you more because they feel more loved and important to you. The $10,000 Blow Job is a great way to reward him for making you happy, and a great way to say “I love you!" It makes a great gift and can be used as a leveraging device to get something you want. Surprise him when he gets home from work, greet him at the door, take it out and...mmmmmmm! If he knows what’s waiting for him at home, he’ll hurry home instead of staying out later with the guys. Show him you’re happy to see him and make being at home a pleasant and fun experience where he can leave the world's troubles behind. Do this and he won't be able to wait to get home, especially if there's a $10,000 BJ awaiting him, even if it's only 15 minutes of it.



10 FYI: FELLATIO ABSURDITIES I found these ridiculous and entertaining Fellatio Absurdities online and thought you would enjoy them. At common law, fellatio was considered a crime against nature. It was classified as a felony and punishable by imprisonment and or death. Presently it's still a crime in certain states. The U.S. Supreme Court has held that the regulation of unnatural sexual conduct or activity is within the police power of the state. The penalty for fellatio in many states is a fine, imprisonment, or both. Some states, however, do not treat it as an offense. (NY is ok)" I searched to see what states it’s illegal in. Oral sex is illegal in Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Idaho, Kansas, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, Georgia, North and South Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, Utah, Virginia and Washington D.C.

In Georgia those charged and convicted for either oral or anal sex

can be sentenced to no less than one year and no more than 20 years imprisonment. It is also against the law in Virginia for a woman and her husband to engage in oral sex…The laws are certainly old and outdated, but the State of Virginia does pay attention to them. In fact, the State of Virginia recently re-evaluated these sex crime laws, and chose to keep them and enforce them. Best wishes for much success and joy.






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