Thank You Jeannie Erotic Incest Sex Story

April 22, 2017 | Author: Tiziano Licata | Category: N/A
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Thank You Jeannie by Wm_Sexspear © This story is protected by (c) copyright and may not be duplicated, reprinted, copied or placed on any Internet Website without permission of the author. All rights reserved. From the archive at *****

CHAPTER 1 - A DATE TO REMEMBER Isn't it amazing how everyone in most of these tales is the most beautiful or handsome, has the perfect body, massive breasts or huge erections. Not me, I was an average youngster, with average looks, an average penis, but I'll allow myself above an average IQ. At least that' what my test scores claimed. My sister Sue was not especially pretty. I didn't know much about her body, though not from lack of trying. She usually wore loose fitting clothes. Even when I did get a rare peek down her top, she always wore a bra. Sue was a decent athlete, she was normally involved in a sport after school most days. Sue was good enough to be first or second string on any team she tried out for. Our parents were nice enough. Both were physically attractive, active at church, had good jobs, were well liked and respected in our small community. Unfortunately, to my way of thinking, they were also very conservative. They enjoyed a love life, but a very private one. In front of Sue and me they'd kiss or hug, but they'd never in a million years admit anything ever happened behind a closed bedroom door. Bird and bees I got shortly after Mom first caught me masturbating. The mechanics of sex was briefly presented by my Father, but when he got to "Have any questions son?" it was obvious, even to a kid like me, that he didn't want any. About the only information I got from either parent from then on has been of the "...wait until marriage or ...nice boys don't do THAT or're too young for" variety. In other words, not a scarp of usual information, ever, about sex. I actually grew more shy as I developed. I got along well enough with my sister, but neither of us knew much about communicating with other people. We tended to get along better with adults than kids our own age. Sue and I tried to talk to each other. We were fine with mundane matters, but we both had a hard time with truly personal details. I did find out that Sue got about as much help from Mom regarding sex as I'd gotten from Dad. Sue'd gotten Body Parts 101, followed by a PhD in Advanced Celibacy. At 19, Sue is just over a year my senior. She did have infrequent dates, but had never found a boyfriend that wasn't totally turned off by our folks piety and overprotectiveness. Sue was shy, unsure of herself, not a very good conversationalist, plus she wasn't allowed out of the house unless she dressed like an old lady. Those factors resulted in Sue mostly being asked out by jerks, and she was too bright for them. Sue and I were only allowed a narrow range of 'acceptable' activities. A church social was OK, if there were plenty of chaperones. A bowling alley, maybe, but a Drive In, 1

forget it. A party at a friend's house was out of the question, unless several sets of parents were in attendance. Hey, wouldn't want any of that wild stuff that misguided young people do going on! I tried to date, but wasn't very good at it. I couldn't drive, so that was a problem. I had so little experience that I fell into a ferocious cycle of doing poorly on a date because I was shy, then becoming even shyer because I'd done poorly. There'd been a couple girls I'd liked, but I suspect I soon lost them because I was so sexually awkward. I'd probably miss a 'signal' if it was written on a billboard. God, I wanted to do stuff, I wanted to experiment, but I'd been totally brainwashed. If I thought about French kissing or touching a breast, my body would almost jump because of the lighting bolt that was surely going to zap me. I knew if I did try something, and word got back to my parents, there'd be seven kinds of Hell to pay! From all I've shared, it might not come as too big a surprise that Sue and I were often in front of the Rec Room TV on Friday and Saturday nights. There was absolutely nothing usual about the Friday night where this story unfolds, except that we were parked on the sofa a little earlier than usual. Every other Friday our folks had a dinner out after a church function, then drove 25 miles where they did the food shopping, et. al. When they went out, all the little make work chores left with them. A local UHF station was having an 'I Dream of Jeannie' marathon. After a couple hours of watching Barbara Eden, I was horny as hell from watching her sexy harem outfits. Hormones led my thinking along the lines of "wouldn't it be great to have a few wishes granted". I don't know if there are many people who've never seen 'I Dream of Jeannie', but she was an bone fide Arabian Knights type, wish granting, lives in a bottle, Genie who was rescued by an astronaut. Being a Sit Com, Jeannie used wishes to 'help' Tony, her fly boy master. Chaos always ensured, but Jeannie was so adorable ya had ta love her. Like most people, even though my mind was swirling with sexual fantasies involving Barbara and wishes, I was still able to start a conversation with Sue. Mostly it was just a throw away comment, half question, half just thinking out loud. "Sue, if you had a few wishes what would ask for?' "Well, no offense Lewis, but I'd be out a nice date at the Drive In instead of watching TV." We exchanged 'hell yeah' glances, made a few irony laced chortles, then went back to viewing. Way back in my brain wheels began turning. A few minutes later a 'ding' sounded as my idea finished cooking. My mind played with it, added a few more ingredients. Might be fun, I thought. I made a little laugh as I stood, turned to Sue, folded my arms, then did a 'I Dream of Jeannie' nod of my head and blink. "Your wish has been granted, Master. You have a date for the Drive In. Please go dress and do whatever you do before a date. Meet me in the kitchen in 30 minutes.


Sue looked at me as if I were crazy. "Go girl, shoo, shoo, you only have 30 minutes!" I stood there with a silly grin, hand extended to help her up. She accepted my hand. Pulling Sue to her feet, we held hands as I led her up the basement stairs, then to the second floor. Turning Sue by her shoulders towards her room, I gave her a gentle push. "I get the bathroom first, for a couple minutes. Remember, 30 minutes, meet in the kitchen." I dove into the bathroom, stripped to the waist, brushed my teeth, washed up, combed my hair, and patted on a dab of cologne. "All yours!" I shouted as I left the bathroom, heading to my room. I threw on a nice pair of jeans and a decent shirt. I dug out a tape of Starship Troopers I kept hidden. Had to hide it, there was some nudity in, world might stop spinning ya know. I flew down to the basement, gratified to hear Sue in the bathroom. Cool, she was going to play my game. I had a cheap speaker that I was able to plug into the front of the VCR. I set it up as if it was a Drive In speaker by putting it on a small end table by the sofa. I adjusted the TV's volume to zero. I put in the tape, then left the remote where I could reach it. Off I went to the kitchen. Two bags of microwave popcorn were ready in a flash. They got dumped into a big plastic bowl. I zapped 4 hot dogs, even warmed the buns, then wrapped each dog in a paper napkin so they looked a bit like concession stand food. We had a few jumbo 711 plastic drink containers. While the dogs heated, I'd filled 2 cups with ice and cola. I had a Hershey's Almond bar hidden on a top cupboard shelf. Climbing a stool, I got it down mere moments before Sue descended the stairs. By the time she reached the kitchen, I'd packed the eats into a small cardboard box I found in the pantry. To my great enjoyment, Sue had a quizzical look as well as a cute smile as she half-peeked into the kitchen before stepping all the way into the room. Falling into my role I said, "So, you're finally back from the restroom. What do you girls do that takes so long. Look, I've already bought the refreshments. Let's hurry back to the car, the movie's about to start. Sue gave me a 'are you for real' smile that made my night. I had turned off all the Rec Room lights except for the TV. Happily it was a 27" set, so it threw a lot of light. Directing her to the sofa, I passed her 2 dogs and a soda. I unobtrusively hit the PLAY button on the remote. I'd already skipped ahead 10 minutes to bypass all the utter garbage Columbia had loaded on before the movie. The banner appeared, the intro music blared. "I hope you can hear OK, you know how these cheap Drive In speakers are, hope we don't have to move the car. I heard Starship Trooper's is pretty cool, lot's of great special effects and giant bugs out to destroy mankind." That did it, Sue broke up laughing. "Lewis, you are amazing!! This is hysterical, how'd you ever come up with this?? I'm really impressed." Sue looked into my eyes for a time. "This is already a better date than most I've had. This was really sweet of you, I was feeling a bit depressed earlier." Her broad smile turned into a gentle, loving one. Soft lips were kissing me before I realized what she was doing. The kiss perhaps was just a sibling smooch, but it did feel extraordinarily nice, our lips pressed together


for longer than I ever recalled us kissing before. Mostly, any kisses we'd ever shared had been quick pecks. Sue's kiss left me feeling warm all over. Sue hadn't seen this movie. I recently found it on sale, now that it was an 'older' movie. Still, since it had an R rating, I hadn't told a soul I had it. I warned Sue there was a little nudity, I didn't want her getting ticked at me. We could always pick a different film. Guess she was getting into the game. "What's the good of going to a Drive In if you aren't a bit naughty!" was her grinning reply. Before long the dogs were eaten and the popcorn gone. Pulling out the Hershey's from under a napkin where I'd hidden it, I said, "Guess I must really like you, this was the last of my chocolate." "Well, good sir. I'm sure your kindness will be rewarded some day." The earlier kiss had been so sweet, I secretly hoped for another. A warm smile was all I got, but it made me feel mighty special nonetheless. With the food gone, we put what was left of our drinks and refuse on the end table. Normally we'd sit at opposite ends of the sofa. I guess with this being a 'date' we unintentionally settled in close together in the middle. Looking back, I believe it was strictly because we were feeling very good about each other, glad for the companionship; our hands found each other. We held hands simply because it felt nice to. Sue rested her head against my shoulder as we watched the show. Very sweetly Sue offered, "Wish I had a lamp, this wishing stuff is really nice." We watched, being fairly quiet. Just a "ooh", "ICK!!", or "Cool!!" now and then. When my hand finally needed to breathe, I put my arm around Sue. I was enjoying her warmth, I wanted to keep her close. She seemed to enjoy it as well, Sue snuggled against me, turning her body slightly more towards me. My feelings so far had been mostly about affection. We were physically closer than we'd ever been before, moreover I was feeling emotionally closer as our evening progressed. As I basked in her warmth, felt her firm muscles underneath her Peter Pan blouse, for the first time ever I began to appreciate her as being a young woman. She'd actually been a fun 'date' so far, I liked having a 'date'. A shower scene came on. A dozen or more male and female recruits were bathing together, apparently a 'matter of course' event in the army of the future. One of the reason's I'd bought this movie was so I could jerk off watching Dina Meyer, not to mention a few other nice breasts in this scene. Bingo, sex was on my mind. Now I was thinking about the warm, female body I had my arm around, wondering, as I had so many, many times what my sister would look like undressed or in the shower. I truly believe it was a total accident. We both shifted slightly as the shower scene unfolded. I suspect we were nervous because sex was such a big taboo in our house. All I know for sure is my middle fingertips were ever, ever so slightly, brushing the side if Sue's right breast. I could just barely feel her bra within the blouse, but I was actually in contact with a female's breast! Hormones instantly flooded my system. My heart pounded. I felt very warm. My penis filled with blood. I felt tingly all over. Afraid Sue might notice my hand, I froze like an ice statue.


My hand begged me to go exploring. God I wanted to cup the breast that was so near, yet so very far away. An internal war ensured. The fear side won out, I kept my hand still. The human side did register a few points, happily. The next time Sue shifted, I was ready. My fingers lightly caressed the curve of her breast, before rapidly retreating to her arm as if it'd just been a chance encounter. Sue didn't react, I felt relieved that I'd gotten away with it. Oh how my heart raced, how my penis throbbed. I was totally absorbed as I savored the texture and warmth of her bra-encased breast. I jumped when Sue spoke, quiet as she was. "Lewis, you've gone out with a few girls. Have you ever seen a girl's breast? You don't have to answer, but if you tell me the truth, I'll answer a question of yours." The answer was no, but the guy ego thing, plus my shy-sexually repressed baggage made it hard to speak. Sue was patient, thank God. I think she understood how tough it was for me to open up. Our closeness that night helped me to find my voice. "No, never seen, never touched. There were two girls I think might've let me, but every time I thought about trying, I'd hear Mom's voice in my head and I'd freeze." After a long pause I asked, "Have you ever seen a guy or anything?' "Same boat as you, never seen, never touched, and for sure no 'or anything'. With me it's Dad's voice in my head. Though basically it's been the guys that have asked me out. Mostly jerks or very immature. I know the first time I fool around will be something I'll always remember. [laughing now] I didn't want the first one I see to be attached to an idiot." I laughed along with her. "Lewis, I hope I didn't embarrass you. Seeing those guys in the shower... Well, I caught myself wishing the camera would go lower, if you know what I mean." "Yea, I couldn't tell you what I was wishing earlier when Jeannie was blinking her brains out." I made Sue laugh. Reaching across me, Sue took my left hand with her right one. She kissed my palm, then held my hand. Some cool action scenes came on, our attention was drawn back to the screen. Nothing more was said for a long time. Then came a scene where the Dina jumps into the bedroll with the starring hunk. Whoosh, hormone flood!! I was hornier than ever. Sue's body was attracting mine like a giant magnet. My dreams shattered as Sue asked me to let her up, I thought she was upset. When she said "Pause it, I'll be right back." I breathed a huge sigh of relief. I gathered she just had to pee. I'm not sure how long Sue was gone. I got distracted. I didn't hit pause, I played it backwards until I could freeze a shot of Dina's sexy little breasts and swollen nipples. I quickly opened my fly, then slid my fingers through my underwear to touch my erection. God, my shaft was hotter than Hell. I rubbed myself a little bit, but soon had to zip up because Sue was coming back. I was pleased when she snuggled up tight, just as she had been. I put my arm over her shoulder. Hormones told my fingers to accidentally graze her breast again. After all, I


was terminally horny at that point. I got a surprise, shock, and a jolt. The jolt was because I rubbed her breast much harder than I'd intended, part of my brain was screaming RED ALERT - SISTER IS GOING TO KILL YOU. The surprise: another part of my brain was shouting 'she is NOT wearing a bra!" The shock: Sue had only been gone a very short time, she left with a bra on, came back with it off. This was no accident. I didn't move, I didn't speak. Tension drained away gradually as it sunk in that Sue wasn't reacting to the mini-feel I'd copped. I was watching the show, but not seeing it. My left hand was unconsciously toying with Sue's right hand. A little time passed, I couldn't say how much. Sue broke the silence. Very gently, very lovingly she spoke. "Lewis, I've been thinking. You granted me my wish for a nice date tonight, just as if I had my own Genie. It has been so totally wonderful. You know, we could give each other a magic lamp, we could both have wishes come true." Less than a second later, Sue guided my hand onto her breast. We both exhaled deeply as my hand cupped her soft tit. She guided my hand's movements over her breast long enough to assure me it was OK to fondle her gift. We stayed just as we were for several minutes, Sue's head on my should holding hands while I explored her warm firm, mound. Her nipple grew erect, it was as thick as my middle finger. I couldn't miss it, even through her blouse. I was in heaven, I'd never been so excited. It took a while before I could think clearly enough to figure out Sue might want a wish. "Sue, I so want you to have a lamp. Is there a wish you want? It's yours, whatever it is. Do you want to see your first erect penis?" "No." My heart stopped. "I want to touch your penis, right now. I want to explore it with just my fingers. I'd like to feel you while you're felling my breast. I want to save seeing it for our next date." My heart almost thumped out of my chest. I slid the hand I'd been holding onto my now obvious bulge. Sue felt me up through my jeans for a minute. Her fingers lowered my zipper, unbuttoned the brass fastener, then slid into my briefs. Sue's fingers slid over the glans before curling around my shaft. No sooner did she get a slow pumping motion going, than I ejaculated. It'd already been wet inside my shorts from the seminal fluid I'd been leaking, now I was drenched with my own semen. We both moaned long and slow as we felt her hand become coated with my sperm. I guess Sue understood how terribly excited I'd become by her. When my penis finally stopped pulsing within her grip, she turned her head to gave me an extremely tender kiss. When she broke it, she almost whispered "Everything is so nice, let's finish the movie just like this." I was too drained to speak, so I just nodded and continued feeling up her heavenly right breast. There wasn't much of the movie left. I half watched it as I recovered. I'd deflated considerably after my orgasm, but never went soft. I was learning how to please Sue. A couple times she gently guided my hand so I knew how to best please her. The


more she responded to her nipple being teased, the more my erection returned. By the time Earth had beaten the alien bugs, I was hard, hot, and hoping Sue wouldn't stop. "Lewis, the folks could get home any time now. I guessing you'd like to get off again before we have to go upstairs." I nodded and groaned out a "Oh, yeah, please!" "Then close your eyes, lay your head back, and relax. I think I know how to help you get where you want to go." Sue had me in a golf grip, her whole arm moved as she stroked me. My sensitive knob would rub her wrist on the downstroke, then pull across her palm on the upstroke. I was close, but just short of the finish line. I shut out the rest of the world, I felt nothing but her hand and the pleasure it gave me. For the briefest instant, Sue's hand slid between my hand and her breast, moving from left to right. When her hand slid from under my hand, my palm settled onto her now bare breast. I wanted to see it, but there was no time, I was too busy pumping semen. This time Sue kissed me the entire time I came. My mouth hung somewhat open as I fought for air. Achieving orgasm via her hand was far too powerful for me to respond to anything. I was barely conscious. I tried to kiss her back, but mostly Sue just trailed soft kisses around my mouth. She didn't release me until I went limp. I might have passed out if she hadn't stayed to ensure I didn't. By the time I was with it enough to want to see the tit she'd exposed, Sue had button up again. In fact, she'd zipped me up and fastened my pants. "We'd better get upstairs before they get back. I DO NOT want them catching me without a bra, and you need to hide your tape. "Wow! My God I came twice. Sue, what about you? Are you OK, is there something I should do for you? I don't want to be selfish!" We stood. Sue moved into my arms, head on my chest. "Thank you, Sweetie. I like it a lot that you're being so thoughtful. But we're out of time. Plus, I got what I wished for. Your penis felt ten times nicer than I thought one would. I loved how your hand felt on my breast. No, I'm absolutely fine for now... But I'm wishing for another date tomorrow night. I think we could have a few more wishes come true, even with the folks home. What do you say Oh Genie of the Lamp?" "Granted, Master Sue!"


CHAPTER 2 - OUR SECOND DATE I slept like a log. When I awoke I felt amazingly terrific. Seconds later it hit me that having had a soft, female hand jerk me off twice just before bedtime might have had something to do with it. "Wow!" Eagerly I got out of bed. I needed to find Sue. I had to assure myself last night really happened, that it wasn't simply the best dream ever. It was almost 9AM. I grabbed my robe, donning it as I headed to the bathroom for my morning routine. No signs of life were to be seen on the second floor where all our bedrooms were. Sounds from the kitchen drifted up the stairway though. Ten minutes later I was freshened, dressed, and walking into the kitchen. "You were 5 minutes away from cold cereal for breakfast. Lewis." Mom teased. "Your Dad and Sue ate 20 minutes ago. They're already out running errands." Mom did a monologue for 20 minutes. She always had to tell me about the super bargains she'd scored at the market, any new gossip, all the chores she expected that day, etc. There was seldom much beyond a "uugh huh" for me to say, plus I was eating. Today I was distracted too. I was awake enough to know last night was real. Best of all I had another date tonight with a girl who'd allowed me to fondle her wonderful breast the night before. My groin tingled already. Last night had... happened. I was nervous because our next date was a planned event. Is there something I should do, or not do, so I didn't blow this incredible opportunity to hopefully go a bit farther with my sister. I was honest enough to know how little I actually knew about being with a girl. I had planned a nice surprise for Sue for our first 'date', should I do something for tonight. I wished Sue was there so I could talk to her. 'Hot damn', I thought. How much had I changed in 24-hours. I actually wanted to open up and tell Sue about my desires and fears. I wanted to share my thoughts with someone, wanted her to know how scared, yet excited I was. This epiphany allowed me to put everything out of my mind for a bit. I decided to knock out all the piddling little things I had to do that day. When evening came, I didn't want my folks to have any reason to be looking for me, or Sue for that matter. I did all my stuff, and all of Sue's I could think of. I did my best to make sure Mom didn't have anything left on her To Do List without making her suspicious. Our folks rarely went down to the Rec Room. If they wanted us, they'd just holler down the stairwell. Unless of course, Sue or I had company. In that case, they'd find 20 reasons to be up and down the stairs, making sure everything was proper. I had a large collection of movies that'd I'd taped off the dish. I picked out a few that were so bad they were funny. The kind if you didn't want to watch, because you had something better to do, that you wouldn't mind at all. Unable to think of another thing I could do, I took a nice long shower. Having no idea what the evening might bring, I still knew looking and feeling my best couldn't hurt. So I showered and primped until I couldn't think of another thing to spiff up. 8

It was still early afternoon when I stepped out of the bathroom. Sue almost ran into me. I was only wearing towel, Sue was still in her grunge clothes. How dressed up do you get to haul junk to the Recycling Center? We smiled at each other, but both felt a bit awkward at first. It was great how quickly we relaxed with each other. I updated her about the chores I'd finished off, and how I'd subtly probed Mom so she wasn't likely to have any late surprises. "Do you still want to have another Drive In date tonight?" I asked. I was terrified she'd changed her mind. We could hear our parents talking downstairs. Sue rose up on her toes, I got a short, but soft, sweet kiss full on my mouth. A sly, sexy smile crept over Sue's face. "As for this evening, Sir. I have every intention of 'seeing you' later. As Sue said 'seeing you' her hand briefly cupped my groin. My knees almost buckled. Sue scampered away into her room. I followed her once I was fairly certain I could walk, and I'd rearranged my towel so my boner wasn't obvious. I stood in her doorway grinning like a fool. "Sue, I'm changing now for tonight. If you don't have anything else you have to do, maybe we could talk a while when you're ready." "Sure, gimme a half hour." True to her word, 35 minutes later we were sitting on the front porch swing. I told Sue about the crazy thoughts I'd had that morning, about the movies I'd picked and why. I told her more than I probably had my whole life. "Lewis, I'm so glad you trusted me enough to tell me all that." After a pause, Sue laughed. "The movies you picked sound perfect. You've mentioned 'Plan 9 From Outer Space', but I've never seen it. Best of all, none of those titles will tempt Mom or Dad to join us, Thank God. By the way, I know exactly what you meant about not knowing what I should do, or not do. Your idea about going to the 'Drive In' was so cool, I've been feeling pressure all day to think up a cleaver surprise for you. Sweetie, just the fact that you took the trouble to worry about how I'd feel or how you could make me happy is about the nicest thing you could've ever done." Sue's expression changed from loving, to a slightly naughty look as she continued. "Don't give it another thought. I'll bring the popcorn and drinks. You just bring the movies, I hope tonight can be a double feature." She winked and squeezed my mind. After a little more discussion, we went in to help Mom so we could have an early Dinner. We did. We also got the kitchen cleaned in record time. Sue zapped some popcorn, she even melted some butter to drip over it. I took the drinks, she brought the bowl and tapes. By 6:30 we were settled on the sofa with a movie running. I'd undone the speaker deal from last night. With our parents home, I wanted the regular TV speakers going to drown out our conversion.


Before I could worry about what I should do, Sue spun around so she was laying across my lap, her arms went around my neck, her eyes locked onto mine. "Oh Mighty Genie, I wish my brother to know how very much he touched me today by giving him a soul kiss good enough to curl his toes." The distance between our faces slowly decreased to zero. Just before my eyes closed, I realized her lips were parting. Reflexively my mouth opened a tiny bit. Sue's warm lips found mine. The tip of her tongue slowly circled the oval my lips had formed. I had French kissed a few times, but I'd always felt awkward doing it. Mere seconds later, this felt like the most natural thing in the world. My tongue chased after Sue's. We took turns playing in each other's mouth. Our tongues would meet, entwine, caress, and tease. We became lost in a sensual paradise. I broke away. I stroked Sue's hair and cheek as I smiled. My eyes moved to the buttons at her cleavage, my hands followed my gaze. I only undid 2 buttons, I saw the clasp for her bra. It opened on my second try, Sue caressed my cheek with her palm all the while I undid these barriers. I'd undone just enough so I could slide my hand under a cup and onto a bare breast. We both audibly exhaled as my palm covered Sue's pliant tit. We stared into each others eye's for several minutes while I massaged her mound. "You may look at my breasts if you wish." Sue whispered with a breathy voice. "I want to look more than I can tell you, but I'm going to torture myself a little longer." "Same here. Ever since I first touched you last night, in my mind I've been dreaming about how you must look, uuummmh. I'm going to get off you, I 'wish' you'd lay down so I can lay along side you. My fingers want to perform a little more research." I reluctantly released her breast. Sue stood. I laid down on my left side, back against the back of the sofa. Sue slithered against my body like a giant sexy snake. She trailed light kisses over my face, her hands undid a couple buttons on my shirt much as I had done to her. Her hand slid in, cupping my chest, playing with my nipple much the same way I'd been playing with her breast. My hand slipped inside her blouse, surrounded her breast, and resumed fondling. Our mouths soon found each other, our tongues resumed their erotic dance. Sue pressed her groin into mine. I groaned into Sue's mouth as she ground her pelvis against my erection. It must have been a quarter hour or more that we made out that way before Sue withdrew her hand. Sue could easily sense my mounting excitement as her hands moved between us to open my pants. I had to stop kissing just to breathe when her hand reached into my shorts. I'd worn boxers tonight so she'd have better access if our date went as I'd been hoping. Fingers played all over my erection. She spread my clear lubricate, covering the head and shaft. For the first time she explored my balls. Just once she was a bit too rough. A tiny "ooh" I made was all it took for Sue to adjust her pressure. Her fingers and their warmth felt wondrous.


I'd been close to going off when her hand had coated my shaft. When she gripped my penis again I moaned. "Ooooh Sue, I'm almost there." Sue sat up suddenly, her hand withdrew. "Lewis, tell the Genie I wish I could see you now. I wish to see your sperm shoot out." I sat up, co-operated fully as she swung my legs ahead. I raised my butt so she could remove my pants. Sue moved into position between my legs. Eyes fixed on my bulge, her hands reached for the waistband of my shorts. Sue lower my boxers, my drooling erection waved in the air before her eyes. Her deep inhalation was clearly audible. "I am going to watch you come, watch you go soft, study your beautiful penis, then make you ejaculate again baby brother." Exposing myself to Sue was the most erotic thing I'd ever experienced, I was very ready to get off, I warned her. Her fist went around me. She pumped me slowly at first, but like a train leaving the station, she got faster every stroke. My hips were thrusting, each breath was labored, even a novice could see I'd erupt any second. Thank God a noisy scene was playing, the 'OOOOoooooohhhh!" I made as the first rope for white sperm shot high into the air was so loud I winced. As much as Sue was expecting me to come, my eruption surprised her enough that her head popped back reflexively. Her hand never missed a beat, thankfully. I was well rested, had been primed all day, now I launched bolt after bolt for her viewing pleasure. Each new gob caused me to take a short, noisy breath. With great self control I kept my vocalizations at a level that wouldn't attract unwanted attention. As my flow gradually subsided, as I my glans became unbearably tender, I guided her hand, showing Sue how I wanted to be fondled. True to her word, her eyes took in every detail about my genitals. She moved in close as I softened, her warm breath felt divine. Sue lifted my balls, peered at my penis from all sides and angles. Once I'd recovered enough to think, I took a couple tissues from the box on the end table to wipe up a few gobs that had landed about. Happily this old sofa had been here for years, we'd grown up playing on it, so it already had every kind of stain imaginable. Or at least now it did. I reached to wipe my groin, but Sue waved me off. She rubbed any puddles into my skin, my entire groin got massaged, teased, and probed. Looking between my legs, watching a girl play with me like a cat with a mouse soon had me aroused again. My penis began to inflate in her hand. I loved the way she beamed as my dick came back to life. While one hand stroked my sex, her other slid everywhere she could reach on my body, face, chest, or legs. It felt marvelous. What my eyes beheld was so erotic that my brain became engaged in my growing arousal. A real female was entranced by my body, enthralled as she set about bringing me to orgasm for her own pleasure. I wanted the girl before me. I wanted this young woman between my legs. My hips began to move with a sexual rhythm as I imagined the girl beneath the clothing. Sue asked me to warn her just before I came. I was glad she told me, my climax wasn't far off. I was getting there far faster than I'd expected. I alerted Sue. She asked me to close my eyes. I laid my head back on the sofa while she brought me closer my peak.


Her hand left my cock. It mercifully returned moments later, I'd reached the agonizing 'don't stop now' stage. "Lewis, open your eyes." As if they had radar, my eyes went straight to Sue's bare breasts. I was barely able to think how amazingly beautiful they were before I lost it. Sue correctly guessed the impact of me seeing her tits for the first time. Her right hand furiously pumped my shaft as her left formed a cup over my knob. I immediately began to come against her palm. She twisted her cupped hand all around my glans, bathing it in the heat of my own fluids. The warmth and double stimulation shortcircuited my brain. I stared numbly at each jiggling breast as my body expelled it's life-giving liquid into Sue's fist. The pleasure washing over me became so intense I couldn't even sit. I slumped onto my side, but never lost sight of her seductive nipples. Sue milked me until I went dry, them massaged me until I went limp. I may have slept/passed out for a bit, I'm not sure. All I was knew for sure was my system was flooded with pleasure, I tingled from head to toe. I felt immortal, like I'd slept for 2 days having nothing but great dreams. I understood the word bliss. When I was finally able to speak, I thanked Sue profusely. I did my best to answer her quiet questions about what I'd experienced. I couldn't find words to describe much I'd experienced, but I tried. I assured Sue her instincts had been spot on for making me feel incredible. She had me get back into my clothes just in case our folks got nosy. Sue put her blouse on sooner than I preferred, but I was too wiped to protest. She snuggled against me. We stretched out so our groins could press together as we kissed. I finally thought to ask. "Sue, you've helped me come 4 times. Can't I do something for you?" My question earned me a very sexy soul kiss. Apparently Sue was very much in need of relief. We kept kissing, our tongues became very active. She took my hand from where it was laying on her hip. Sue guided me through the flap of her wraparound skirt, over her panties, down until my 3 middle fingers covered her clitoris. Her fingers showed mine how to make the perfect small circular massage she needed to achieve her long overdue orgasm. We ate each other's face ferociously. Who was more excited by my hand discovering Sue's pussy is hard to say. I felt the soft, humid warmth of swollen vaginal lips for the first time. Sue felt finger's on her sex for the first time that weren't her own. "I want to touch you, Sue." My words were whispered into her wide open mouth. "Not tonight, Sweetie. I'll explain later. Just don't stop. I'm so close. Hold your boxers open so I can feel your cock. Ooooohh, you're penis is so hot. Oh, Lewis, Lewis, I'm... I'm... Don't stop... a little faster, that's it. I'mmmmm cominnnggg oooooooooohhhh!" Her hand clamped hard around my penis, she drove her tongue deep into my mouth, her pussy jammed my hand into my thigh as she ground her clit against my fingers. I had a weak orgasm, Sue's excitement was enough to cause me to pump a small amount of semen into her hand. It seemed like a very long time before her hips slowed. Suddenly her hips were rotating again. Sue had a second, milder orgasm. "Softer, yes, a little slower now... I'm becoming very sensitive. Ahhhh. Just gently


pinch the lips and move them slowly. Yes, that's it, don't touch in the middle. Oooohhh, that's so nice." Her hand fell open in my shorts, my semi-erection lay still in her hand. I kissed Sue's face and lips as she basked in her post-orgasmic ecstasy. After her hips finally stopped, I still gave her lips a little squeeze and tug every so often. Her smile and breathing made it clear she was a very, very happy girl. That made me a very happy guy. I loved getting off, but I never wanted it to be a one way street. Especially now that I'd just learned how good it made me feel to help Sue climax. I couldn't wait to get her off again. I toyed with her long hair. Sue could be a bit of a Tomboy, but her brown hair was totally feminine. As I studied it, I realized it was super soft. The sheen was beautiful. I ran the back of my fingers over her cheeks, Sue purred. I was in heaven. Grabbing the remote, I turned the volume down low. Yep, I heard our folks heading up the stairs. Checking the clock, I knew they'd go to bed now, Church in the morning and all. I slid my hand into Sue's blouse so I could rest my hand atop her soft flesh. I stayed like that, kissing her face and neck until Sue felt like speaking again. When Sue rejoined the living, I told her we could relax a bit more now because Mom and Dad and gone to bed. They didn't force us to go to bed at a certain time Saturday nights, but we knew, come 9AM we'd be out of bed to get ready for 10AM service. I was about to wish for her to be naked so I could see all of her body. Before I could, Sue, as promised, explained why she'd asked me to not reach inside her panties. Sue was at the very end of her period. There was something inside her and a little string. She didn't want me seeing anything but her the first time I saw her pussy. Just her a simple statement, making it plain that she expected me to see her pussy sometime soon, was enough to make my dick jump. She smiled so sweetly when she felt my physical reaction to her words. She hadn't been trying to do anything sexy, Sue still understood instantly that my body was reacting strongly to hers. She liked the idea. I know, because she told me so as her heretofore limp hand resumed its loving fondling. Fully aroused now, I made an official wish. I asked Sue to stand so I could undress her, agreeing she could keep her panties on. Sue wanted to see me buck naked as well, so we took turns removing an article of clothing. It didn't take long. We stood admiring each other for a time, but soon our hands were exploring exposed flesh. I had only been able to touch her right breast until that moment. I fondled both tits, making each nipple rise. Sue used both hands now, one rolling my balls, the others pumping my shaft. All too soon we were both panting lustily, desperate for more intense play. Sue said she had an idea for something we both might like. She laid on her back, raised her knees, then beckoned me to lay on top of her. Eagerly I moved between her legs. I lowered myself. We groaned together as our bare flesh pressed together. It was a powerful experience, we kissed like long lost lovers. Our kisses were so intense that I stopped feeling anything but our tongues and lips for a time.


The kissing was too good to last, it aroused us so much that our hips were soon writhing. I again became very aware of the breasts mashed against my chest, of the unique softness pressing against my erection. Sue reached between us, I lifted my hips to give her access to my needy erection. She arranged my shaft so it lay directly atop her clit. She wrapped her legs around my waist, preventing me from straying from her upper slit. Our deep kissing resumed, our hips naturally fell into the motions of intercourse. My thrusting shaft rubbed Sue's clit with every back and forth thrust I made. The clear seminal fluid I profusely drooled made her silky smooth panty material so slick we could almost believe our genitals were actually touching. Sue's hips made the small circular motions of a pussy begging an invading penis for insemination. Give it to me. Give to me, Sue's body shouted to mine. Our frenzy increased. Moans filled our joined mouths. My head fell beside hers, my hips hit a fevered pace, I groaned into Sue's ear. I came. I came and I came and I came. My warm sperm bathed her groin, my penis rubbed plenty directly onto Sue's clit. Sue came. Her vulva pressed harder against my shaft. We humped and came and came and humped. By far this was the best sex either of us had ever known. There was no guilt, no pain, nor fear, just wave after wave of soul satisfying joy. I reluctantly rolled off Sue. We were both sweaty, and I was too spent to keep my weight from crushing her. She was still on her back, I was on my side. I sat up to so my eyes could explore her 'down there'. Between sweat and sexual fluids, the thin, silky panties were more like a second skin. Her lips were still puffy, my penis had pushed the material between her vaginal lips deep enough that an image of her pussy was unmistakable. I couldn't resist running my finger tips all over her magical swollen area. Sue purred as I lightly stroked her. As much as we never wanted to stop, unspoken, we geared our intimacy for parting. We'd shared many firsts, were both sexually satisfied, and it was getting late. I lay beside Sue a while longer. We held each other, exchanged affectionate kisses while whispering words of appreciation. Even though my self-confidence had soared from these two 'dates', I still had to know one thing. "Sue, do I still have any wishes left? I won't sleep tonight unless I know this isn't our last date. I adore your body, I want more wishes. I've never felt this happy before, making out with you has been better than any fantasy I've ever had." "You have lot's and lot's of wishes. As long as I have wishes, so do you." It was several minutes before I spoke again. It's hard to speak with 2 tongues in your mouth.


CHAPTER 3 - A WALK IN THE PARK Sunday's are pretty busy days at our house. Church in the morning, followed by a huge family dinner. Every Sunday without fail. I suspect if I died on a Saturday, I'd still be expected at both events the next day. Church is OK, we have a good preacher who mostly gives his flock a good weekly message. Our last minister seemed far more interested in telling us what we should be doing, while this one offered ideas for leading a good life. Sunday dinner is always a mini-Thanksgiving. Lots of good home cooked foods, needing plenty of preparation and clean up. Our Sundays are a nice family tradition, but it left me little time to talk to Sue. I also had some school work to finish up since I hadn't been able to concentrate worth a damn since Friday night. After our bellies were stuffed, and the kitchen was clean, I was able to drag Sue out to the porch swing. I couldn't do what I wanted to do, so I sat like a gentleman. During the day there wasn't a lot of privacy around the house, so I contented myself with surreptitious finger mingling. Having gotten a taste of sex with a real female, I dreaded having to wait until Friday to make out with Sue. To make things worse, we were discouraged from spending much time in the Rec Room during the week. Apparently Sue was as frustrated as I was about a lengthy interlude. She allowed me to speak first. We agreed we had to be very careful around the house. Not getting caught was paramount, but not acting like we were anything more than siblings was also critical. Looking very proud of herself, Sue informed me she 'wished' to go to the park for a little exercise tomorrow. It was suggested I wear sweats, be ready around 5... "If I wanted to see her bare butt." Since it just so happened that I was dying to finally get a solid look at Sue's naked tush, 5PM Monday found me ready to go in more than one way. Lord be praised, the weatherman was dead on, it was a lovely Spring afternoon. I like to be truthful whenever possible, yet still have a life. We told Mom we were going to walk in the park, and we did. We walked up a little used Nature Trail. It had several short trails branching off to individual picnic sites that no one would be likely to use on a Monday. The moment we seemed to be alone, our arms were around each other's waist. We both knew this trail well. The park was only a block from home. There were several trails, we were on the longest one. It'd be busy on weekends, but deserted during the week because most joggers went for the shorter trails before dinner time. I knew the perfect branch to take, I'd explored them all many times. We headed up the third branch on the left, it had a couple of short, worked logs that served as benches, plus a single picnic table. Spotting a broken branch, I moved a bunch of dried leaves onto the trail behind us at the top of the path leading to our secluded spot. If anyone walked onto this side path, we'd at least have fair warning. The moment we stepped into the cleared area, we were in each other's arms. Our first kiss went straight to passionate. Our tongues were eager to make up for 48 hours separation. Before our kiss broke, my hands went under 15

her sweat top, under her bra cups, until each held a warm, pliant breast. Sue ran her hands under my top, they roamed my chest, tummy and back. How long did we stand there making out? Five minutes, fifteen? Not sure. I only know when we came up for air, our motors were running flat out. "Oooooh, that was worth waiting for Sweetie. If it's Ok with you, I'll lead this dance. You were so clever Friday night, I want to surprise you with my brainstorm." "I'm in your hands, Sue. Soon I hope." I said with my best 'I want you' expression. "For starters, I do believe my brother wants to see what's inside my pants?" "Oh, God yes!!" Adopting the most slutty smile I'd ever seen from Sue, she stepped to the picnic table. Turning her back to me Sue's hips began a dance-like circular motion. Her hands cupped her breasts, then slid at a teasing snail's pace to her pant's waistband. I had no idea it could ever take so long to lower a pair of pants. Just a hint of her cheeks finally showed, then enough that her crack was identifiable. She hadn't worn panties, my racing heart beat faster still. Slowly, slowly, slowly a magnificent female ass was reveled, the first my eyes had ever feasted on. I reached into my pants, seeking some relief. "Lewis, wait. I have something special for you soon." I suspect I had sheepish expression as I withdrew my hand. "Enjoying the show?" I rolled my eyes, but they quickly returned to Sue's athletic bubble butt. "I hope you're enjoying yourself, 'cause it's your turn next. I've wondered about your buns more than once, I know you're in good shape. You've got a very nice body little brother." I was hoping Sue would bend over, I was dying for my first look at her pussy. I had to wait, she stayed too vertical for me to see much. Her buns were too full and firm to spot her anus, but I could glimpse wisps of pubic hair peeking out below her cheeks at times. I made a mental note to 'wish' her to walk ahead of my on the way out with hers pants down. I had to see her ass rolling unencumbered as God made her, it had to be an inspiring sight. I'd seen Sue in shorts or a swimsuit that hinted at the beauty I beheld, but I never suspected she had such an incredible derriere! With a giggle, Sue jerked her sweats up. "OK, Buster, my turn. I want you to lean over the table and drop 'em. Don't even think about hikin' 'em up 'til I say so either!" My jaw flapped a couple times, but I couldn't think of a thing to say. So, I took Sue's place at the table. Clenching my cheeks, I looked over my should so I could watch her face. Slowly, but steadily my bottoms went South. Only my briefs remained. I pulled the front of my briefs over my boner, parking it below my balls. Now I was able to slowly lower the back of my underwear until it fell down into my half off sweats. I was gratified by the lust and admiration I saw on Sue's face. "Lewis, you have the butt I've always dreamed of. God it's sexy. Please bend over the table, I want to see your balls hanging in the air. That's been a fantasy of mine, like forever."


Sue stepped in close behind me. Her hands came to rest on my lower back. Pressed flat, they slowly moved lower, kneading my flesh until she'd felt up my buns from top to bottom several times. "Uuuummmm, Lewis you feel so nice." I'd sounded a number of low moans as she massaged my butt. What she did next made me groan long and loud. While running just her fingertips all over my tush, she slid a flattened palm down my crack, over my balls, down my erection, then pumped my shaft from behind, right between my spread legs. It felt incredible. When my hips began humping the air, Sue slowed to a stop. She explained she had something special planned, so didn't want me to come yet. Turning to face her as she asked, Sue gripped my shaft again. On tip toes, she kissed me. Her tongue wormed into my mouth, she pumped my cock, but just barely. Just enough to keep me fully aroused. Using her free hand, Sue placed my right hand on top of her left breast. I fondled her through her top and sports bra, her nipple soon rose to meet my fingertips. She'd kept her hand atop mine, it now urged my hand lower, down the curve of her breast, over the flat of her belly. Sue broke our kiss, stood flat again. Looking deeply into my eyes, "I believe we're about to both have a wish come true. The hand on my cock moved to her waistband. She pulled it out, then guided my hand down her abdomen until my fingertips felt the tickling of pubic hair. "Touch anywhere you want Sweetie, just don't go inside me for now. OK?" I nodded dumbly. Our eyes remained locked as my fingers sank lower. As I reached the top of her folds, I began massaging the hot, humid flesh as I discovered it. Sue resumed almost imperceptibly stroking my drooling penis. I slipped a finger between her folds, sliding over every bit of warm, slippery, hidden flesh. My fingertip discovered the entrance to her vagina. I swirled my fingertip around the opening, but respected her wish to not penetrate her. I'm sure the facial contortions I observed, as bolts of ecstasy hit Sue, were mirrored in on face. Seeing her pleasure heightened my own. It was heady stuff knowing I could make Sue feel intense joy and pleasure. Our mounting excitement fed off of each other. I'd never felt anything as wonderful as pussy. Everything about it was astounding. I was overwhelmed by the texture, softness, her natural lubrication, the humidity, everything! I'd never touched a pussy before, yet when I cupped her puffy lips, it felt as familiar as if I'd touched Sue a thousand times. The hand on my cock warned Sue I was getting very excited. She covered my hand from outside her sweats, stopping my movements. "Ready to see what you're touching, Sweetie?" I suspect if Sue hadn't released my erection that very second, I'd have ejaculated. "Oh, God Sue yes. Please." She took my hand out of her pants. Looking me in the eye again, she licked my palm. I felt my knees weaken. I reached to pull up my pants, Sue stopped me with "No, leave 'em down. I want to look at your penis, just like you want to see between my legs."


Sue asked me to kneel at the end of the picnic table, then close my eyes. When she said open them, I was staring at her beautiful pussy. Her sweats were around her ankles, she'd spread hers legs wide, and leaned back on her elbows. I saw everything. Her slit was parted enough for me to see pink flesh between her lips. Her butt crack and some cheek showed below her vagina. A light covering of brown fur surround her engorged folds, a sexy triangle of it adorned her mound and above. I leaned towards her. I caught hints of her scent, which set my cock to bobbing. "Sue, I've heard guys talk about eating pussy. Now I know why, you look delicious. I want to eat you Sue." Sue groaned at length as I spoke. "Lewis, love, not now. I am dying to feel your mouth down there, but not now. I have something special for us to try. I think we're more than ready now." She hiked her pants just enough to walk a couple feet to a flat square stone that was part of a fire pit. Standing on it raised her about 3". She released her pants, then beckoned me. I ducked walked to her with my pants at my knees. Sue adjusted me until I was very close, facing her, not quite touching. She spread her folds, then closed her legs until only a little gap below her pussy remained. Her breathing was labored, as was mine. Both our bodies were at a fevered pitch. "Lewis, push your penis into this little gap." Sue looked down with me as we watched my erection disappear straight ahead between her legs. I hissed air and moaned as my crown rubbed along the slick inner flesh of her slit. When she took her hands away, the folds went around my shaft a bit like a bun around a hot dog. Sue placed my hands on her rump, she grabbed one of my cheeks in each hand. As her face got closer to mine, her mouth was opening for a soul kiss. "Lewis, I'm betting it feels like you're inside me." My eyelids drooped, I nodded once slowly, watching her mouth move closer. "Then make love to me, come between my legs. Rub my clit with that beautiful hard cock." Sue's tongue slid into my mouth, my cock pulled back a couple inches. Her tongue pulled back, my penis plunged ahead. I tightened my lips into a circle, Sue fucked my mouth as I fucked her gap. We moved very deliberately for the first dozen strokes, but my body demanded I speed up. My entire groin felt as if an electric current was running through it. Sue had guessed correctly, my virginal body swore my penis was inside a pussy for the first time. The way her tongue was spearing my lips, I was feeling like I was being fucked by her a well. It was far more than my immature system could cope with. A few more strokes, then I was pumping sperm. Every part of her pussy and thighs was soon coated with my slippery semen. As my penis continued to swell, her gap became slicker, warmer, tighter. Her squirming simulated a convulsing vagina, my dick was literally in heaven. My shaft and glans gave her protruding clit tremendous stimulation. When my warm fluids were added, Sue experienced a series of major to minor orgasms over the next few minutes. I hadn't come since Saturday night. I had never been so turned on in my life. I pumped sperm for quite a while. Assuredly, most shot out during the first 5 or 6 spurts, but


small spurts continued for many, many strokes. Even when I ceased ejaculation, I remained hard and swollen for many minutes. I never wanted to stop. I humped into Sue until I became so hyper-sensitive that my knees would give from the aftershocks. At some point we had fallen into French kissing. Even after I stopped moving, we still fondled our partner's butts. I had been so absorbed by the sensations of my penis actually rubbing against Sue's pussy, I hadn't had enough brain function left to appreciate feeling her sexy ass for the first time. However, as our orgasms progressed, mine was heightened all the more as I became aware of the muscles in her cheeks flexing sensuously. Her body begged my body a hundred ways to produce sperm, my body had responded completely. We loved feeling each other's butts. We stood soul kissing, kneading away longer than we should have. Sue reminded me to check the time. We had to go. I may felt thoroughly drained, but I still had Sue walk ahead of me going back, for as long as it was safe with her bare ass exposed. That night I saw her tight, toned, tush waggling in my dreams.


CHAPTER 4 - WEDNESDAY NIGHT BINGO Sue and I both had several school related activities during most weeks, it was common for one or both of us to get home just before dinner time. We hadn't been able to see each other alone for more than a few minutes since playing in the woods before dinner two night's earlier. We planned on getting together in Sue's room at 9 tonight. Every Wednesday from 9 till 10 our folks watched a program on a local religious channel in the Living Room, they never missed it. We knew we'd be undisturbed, so we planned for a few items on our wish lists. Between 8 and 9 Sue and I took our evening showers. I put on PJ's and my robe after drying off. Sue wore her robe with nothing underneath, She laid out the extra-long school T-shirt she sometimes wore to bed. She could always claim she was just changing for bed if she had to. My PJ bottoms were fasten with 2 snaps, 'pop pop' and my goodies would be hanging free. Our folks always walked up the stairs, with Sue's door closed we'd have to have 20 seconds at least to get 'dressed' if we heard them on the stairs. More than enough time for me to stand, redo my bottoms, and close a robe. We even rehearsed a real story about someone at school that we'd been talking privately about should we ever have to explain why I was in Sue's room with the door closed. Unlikely we'd ever need to cover our asses, literally, but good planning usually pays off. Now you know why at 8:58 I slipped into Sue's room with lust in my heart. She was in my arms the moment the door closed. By 8:59 my tongue was in Sue's mouth, my hands each held a soft, warm breast, and Sue had a hand in my fly stroking my already rising erection. At 9 sharp I had waltzed Sue to her bed. "God help me Lewis, only 2 days, but I'm horny like I never thought I could be." I confessed that I'd been getting hourly boner's since Tuesday morning. "Sweetie, Monday night you said you wanted to eat me. Do you still feel that way. Do you still wish you could eat my pussy?" I made a begging puppy dog face that answered her question and made her laugh. "Fantastic, 'cause I want you to eat me tonight. I'm dying to feel your mouth between my legs, and I have another reason. I'll explain Friday night. I also have a surprise for right now." Sue moved into a reclining position on her bed. Laying on her side she opened her robe, then raised a knee. I had a heart stopping view of her totally naked body, especially her pussy. Looked to my untrained eyes as if she was pretty aroused already. She looked wet, her slit was open, plenty of pink flesh was showing. My dick began bouncing, which made her grin. Just as I made a move towards her, Sue's voice paused me. "Sweetie, I also have a wish for tonight. I want to feel your penis in my mouth. I want to suck you till you


come, and I want you to shoot it into my mouth. I've heard enough about 69 that I want to do it. Maybe I won't like eating your sperm, but some girls like it, so I want try it for myself. I want this to be perfect for you, now you won't have to worry about anything but eating me and coming when you feel like it. Come on, lay down, big sister wants your dick." Guess how fast I was on my side, cock pointing as Sue's face, eyes boring into her bush! God, just inches away from heaven! Pop, pop, Sue had my PJ's wide open. We teased and caressed each other's genitals for a couple minutes. I opened her wide. I was fascinated at how intricate her sex actually was. It was amazing, pure and simple. I had a couple old Penthouse and Playboys from before they got into silicone boobs, which I despise. I'd seen a few good bush shots, but I had no idea what a pussy really looked like. Wow. I poked and probed until I was sure I'd seen everything. I found a position that was comfortable where I could use my hands to hold her furry slit open. Resting my head on Sues' warm left thigh, my tongue slid into her slippery slit. I felt my penis go crazy the instant I first tasted her. Jeez I loved eating her pussy. I ran my tongue up one side of her slit, then back down the other. I repeated the circuit several times until I froze. Sue had just taken my cock into her mouth without a warning. Suddenly her pursed lips had slid down my shaft as if it was sinking into the vagina I was licking all around. My brain was being fried. I had no idea I was able to experience such pleasure. The idea of my penis being in my sister's mouth had excited me many times during masturbatory fantasies, the reality was the difference between a grain of sand and a beach. I groaned like I never had before, my body went limp. I fought to not move, but my hips defied me by thrusting at Sue's face. I managed not to choke her, but it was an effort to hold back. A wave of gratitude came behind the flood of bliss. Instinctively I sought to repay my rapture by returning my attention to the delicious feast before me. I used my tongue and lips every way I could to excite Sue. I sucked her clit, I licked everywhere I could. Sue's hole opened up for me. It finally hit me that I could use my tongue like a small penis. Following a couple test probes, I began fucking her hole with my tongue stiffened. I barely realized it, but our hips were moving to the rhythm of sex. Gently to be sure, but steady and insistent. I was so grateful for what Sue had told me earlier. In the back of my mind I understood the contents of my balls was about to travel through my penis and into Sue's sweet mouth. Part of my mind focused on the pleasure growing in my groin, part remained intent on trying to help Sue have a magnificent orgasm. The most intense orgasm of my life was building to release. My hips were insistent. We both felt my cock swell to it's max. Sue had a hand on my steel hard butt, the other fondled my sac. Spurt, spurt, spurt, I emptied my store of semen into my sister's body for the first time. As profound as the pleasure was, the realization that my sperm was going inside a real female body, doubled the intensity level.


Sue moved her mouth so just my knob was being sucked as her first orgasm hit. Her hips writhed around my tongue, I just pushed it into her hole, then did my best to keep it in there as her hips jerked. Meanwhile my hips locked into a forward thrust, only jerking an inch or so as my flow continued, but tapered off. My cock softened to half it's angry size. Sue took all of me back into her mouth, it felt soooooo damned good. Her hips told me her orgasm had subsided. It had, but when I sucked her clit into my mouth and beat it with my tongue, her 'mmmmfff' sounds and renewed pelvic rhythms assured me she was coming again, stronger than before. The hand on my butt moved to the back of my head, Sue held me where she needed me as I rode out her second sexual storm. After Sue had come, her already tasty treat seemed all the sweeter to me. I sucked up every drop of her I could find, then searched for more. Still munching away at her muff, my penis regained it's former glory. My glans once again was seeking Sue's depths. My talented sister was now taking me into her throat, her chin was touching my sac when I pushed at her face. The tingling returned. I felt all the signals that I'd soon be enjoying another glorious ejaculation. Sue's slit was staying fairly wide open on its own, so I sent my right around to play with her buns. Unintentionally, my middle finger discovered her anus. I massaged it, mostly to satisfy my curiosity, but it got a strong reaction from Sue. Orgasm was quickly approaching for Sue and I, we were definitely feeding off the other's excitement again. Sue mimicked me, her finger located my anus, then swirled around the tiny pucker. Sue and I were good lovers, we each got excited by finding new ways to excite each other. Within seconds of finding a new erogenous zone, we were coming against each others face. She had her best climax yet, and this second for me was almost as strong as the first. Sue had changed the weekend alarm setting on her clock radio for 9:50. It hadn't gone off yet, so we took our time. We sucked or licked each other gently to ease our way down from the pleasurable heights we'd just reached. As soon as it seemed right, I swung around so we could kiss. Getting up to move, I checked the clock, it'd only been 40 minutes. We performed a quick inspection. As planned, our robes caught any dampness, so her bed was OK. I laid next to Sue so we could enjoy some after sex type kissing. Our hands gently caressed here and there. We were already looking forward to Friday and our next date. I bugged her for more information about her planned surprise, but she held fast. The music came on. We slowly got up, fixed our robes, then checked each other for anything noticeable. Standing on her toes, she gave me a last sexy kiss, then sent me back to my room.


CHAPTER 5 - A CLOSE SHAVE Friday at last, yeahhh! Somewhere between 6 and 6:30 our parents should be out of the house. Tonight I learned, by prying, they had a buy one, get one coupon at a nice restaurant. That meant a long dinner and extra travel time, plus their usual church event, grocery shopping, and misc. errands would keep them out until midnight easy, more like 1AM. Thank God for 24 hour shopping. They got to avoid crowds, we got to avoid being caught naked together. Around 5PM I spotted Sue coming out of the shower in her robe as I was coming upstairs. She waited near her bedroom for me. "Where are the folks?" She looked so innocent asking, but when I said they were downstairs, she flashed me an evil grin, then her entire front. I caught a quick glimpse of boobs and bush before the robe snapped closed. "There should be plenty of hot water left, unless you need a cold shower. I suggest you may want to be squeaky clean pretty soon." Sue did a coy batting of her eyelashes. If you want your surprise, come to my room when the folks leave. I did hit the shower right after Sue. I was sticky due to a late afternoon classroom that had been way too hot. I changed into the jeans and a T-shirt, then made sure Mom saw me take out the garbage, walk the dog, and any other chore that might tempt her to delay her departure if she thought I was goofing off. We wanted our folks not watching us too closely. Sue and I had been 'perfect kids' lately so they'd tune us out. It seemed to be working. At 6:18 they left for their usual night out. At 6:18:15 I was knocking on Sue's door. "They're gone." We actually held hands, then walked into their room. From the nearest window we could see some distance, far enough to be sure Mom hadn't forgotten something and made Dad turn around. A mutual "Yes!!" could be heard as their SUV drove out of sight. I reached for Sue. I got a sharp "NO!" from Sue. "If you want to have any chance for fun tonight, go straight to your room, undress, sit on your bed, and wait for me. Or ELSE." That said, she abruptly turned, heading for her room. I was stunned, but I was sure I hadn't done anything to tick her off. I mentally shrugged my shoulders and went about doing as told. I stripped, then sat on the edge of my bed to await her arrival. I didn't have long to wait. Sue strolled in mere moments later. I waited for her to speak. "Thank you, Lewis. You look sexy as hell little brother. Sorry if I rattled you, but I wanted to see you naked without a hard on. I am going to do a strip for you, I wanted to be able to watch as your limp dick came to life. Forgive me." The warm, sexy smile Sue flashed would have melted a snowman. I just grinned, spread my legs, then leaned back on my elbows, eager for her show. Sue performed a slinky, seductive dance in place. Button by button, she opened her blouse. She pulled the flaps out of her skirt, but kept it on. As she swayed to the music in her mind, I caught glimpses of one cup then the other. Sue had a very sexy 'inny' navel, her tight, flat tummy showed it off nicely. The zipper on the side of her skirt 23

was lowered at a snail's pace. Hips swaying, she completed two full circles before the button above the zipper was undone, allowing her skirt to fall. She kicked it to me. My eyes were glued to her red silky looking panties. Yummmm! Undoing the center clasp of her bra forced my eyes higher. Her hands went behind her head, feet stationary, her hips swung sensuously side to side. Though the cups still hung in front of her breasts, I was treated to peeks of the cleavage-side skin on both breasts. Sue has cone shaped tits, they're so firm they kept even the loose cups pretty much in place. I adore her breasts. Sue had mid-sized mammary glands, but they were magnificent. Unlike the plastic looking Barbie Doll fake boobs that ruin so many nice bodies, Sue's had a magic jello like sway to them that always made my knee weak. They we also capped with puffy areolas that made my mouth water. I realized I'd never had the chance to nurse on her, that became my number one wish for tonight. Her nipples appeared to be of average size, but I had noticed they got fat and juicy looking when aroused. Turning, she watched me over her shoulder as she dropped her panties to her ankles. Her shirt kept her buns hidden until she crossed her arms, then bent forward from the waist. She stood up soon, but not before an image of her cheeks, crack and puckered vaginal lips was seared into my horny male brain. She wore a funny grin. It finally struck me, Sue was proud of her part in my penis now looking like a flagpole as it pointed skyward. As I mentioned early on, Sue was not the prettiest girl, but her body was unbelievably sexy. I've never gotten tired of seeing her nude. Keeping her back to me, Sue took off the blouse, but tied it sideways around her waist. I'd be able to see a lot of one leg, but her bush and butt were hidden. The bra was unclasped, but when she turned around, Sue held it up, covering her chest. She walked over to me, stepping between my legs. Leaning forward, she slowly revealed her tits. As they hung before my eyes, she make them shake side to side, eliciting a long, low moan from me. Sue spied my cock bouncing. "Guess you like what you see!" She nearly gave me cardiac arrest, Sue suddenly bent far enough to clamp her hanging breasts around my upright erection. Slowly she stood until my cock flopped out of the hot pocket she'd made for me. Sue did an about face, dropped her shirt, then bent over. Her butt and pussy were almost in my face. She swished her backside in a side to side half circle. I grabbed her buns. She slowed her swaying to a crawl, allowing me to feel up everything in sight. I slid my middle finger up her slit towards her clit. She was getting slippery, now I knew my boner wasn't the only sign of arousal in the room. Sue sighed as my finger tip diddled her slit. Yet after a few moments she stood, turned, then stepped ahead until her bush was right in my face. "Sweetie, you ate me so nicely the other night, but I never asked. Do you like eating my pussy? Please be honest." I raised my hands, grasped her butt, then pulled Sue forward. I wiggled my tongue into her slick slit. Sue was soon moaning steadily. Her hands ran through my hair. "Guess that answers my question."


When her knees buckled, I caught Sue, spinning her onto my bed. Now on her back, I moved so I could eat her out while my hands parted her muff. With all her tender, pink inner flesh exposed, I used everything I'd learned Wednesday night to see how fast I could make her come. It took longer than I expected, considering how wet she was, but when she came, it was a big one. Her hips bounced off the bed, her head flopped from side to side, a long string of near incoherent "Oh God's", "OOOhh's", and "Yes's" spewed forth. Finally she lay still. I slid up her body. Laying atop my sister, we kissed tenderly while she caught her breath. When she seemed more with it, I thanked her for my surprise. "That wasn't your surprise, Sweetie. I told ya, I wanted to see your dick limp, then watch it get hard. Call it my wish, but I hoped you'd enjoy the show. Her hand groped between us, I raised my hips, allowing her hand to encircle my primed real estate. "You ate me so well, Sweetie. Get on your hands and knees, I want to do something nice for you now." Not knowing what she had in mind, yet eager to find out, I clambered off her, Sue got up, I moved into position as requested. Sue knelt beside the bed for a moment, explaining she just wanted to see what I'd look like with my dick hanging under me. "Oh, that is so sexy!" Guess she enjoyed the view. Sue moved behind me on her knees. Her hands roamed all over my back, buns, legs and belly. For a while she leaned over me, kissing my back. Her hands went around me, one fondled my balls, while the other stroked my shaft. Sue rubbed her groin against my tush, apparently she liked the feel of my cheeks pressing into her pelvis. Her pubic hairs kept tickling my butt crack, sending tingles throughout my genitals. Sue released me, rose, then shifted a bit. Her hand, palm up, slid between my legs. My balls slid over her palm. She gripped my shaft, pumping me from behind. Sue resumed kneading my buns, began kissing them, even giving me love bites. Sue tapped a leg, asking me to lift it. She rolled under me, her face was below my chest. To my great relief, my cock was soon being pumped again. Sue told me she wanted me go ahead and shoot all over her, she wanted to "see my goop come out from this view". In addition to stroking my shaft, her free hand wrapped around the tip, grinding my oozing clear fluid all around the sensitive knob. I was near the edge. I warned Sue, since she'd said she wanted to see my sperm come flying out. My hips had began thrusting. Seeing that, plus feeling my penis swell and sac pull up tight, Sue wrapped both hands around my cock I could slide thru her now slippery palms. Whatever she was doing felt good enough to get me off. Following a major grunt, puddles of sperm were soon raining down on my sister's soft skin. Sue pumped my cock until I went soft. "Want to see what you did to your sister?" I rolled over onto my side. Sue wriggled up so we shared my pillow. Streaks and spots of semen were all over her chest and belly. She rubbed most of it into her skin, some she licked off her fingers. "I meant to say something to you before. Lewis, you do taste really good to me. I enjoy having you come in my mouth, I like it a lot. Just wanted you to always feel


free to enjoy yourself when I'm sucking you, Sweetie." I thanked her with a series of kisses. I had wondered. I was relieved to know she wasn't just being polite. We rested a few minutes more. "Sue, if that sexy strip show wasn't my surprise, was is?" "Well, since you enjoyed eating my pussy. I decided to let you shave me. Do you wish to shave me, see my pussy bald, Oh Master?" She leered at me. I think my eyes rolling back into my head answered her. Sue assured me she'd do whichever I preferred. I knew I could eat her so much better without fur in the way. Making my best pervert face, I made a show of licking my lips. I was delighted when Sue busted a gut laughing. Sue assumed I'd want to see her shaved. Minutes later, she was laying on my pillow with her legs wide apart, a towel under her gorgeous butt. On my knees, inches away from her crotch, I had the shaving crème, scissors, new triple track razor, wash cloth, and bowl of warm water she'd fetched in a flash. "Now don't enjoy this so much your hands shake." Sue was teasing me, but also praying I didn't injure her I'm sure. I clipped as much hair as possible. Soon nothing but stubble remained. I thoroughly enjoyed working the lather into her beaver. I ran a fingertip slowly up and down her slit for a couple minutes while we waited for the remaining hair to soften. Razor in hand, I shaved her until she looked like an eleven-year old. I wiped away the last of the shaving crème. Sue was patient, laying still while I studied her sexy looking pussy. One little spot looked a tad red, but she was fine, no nicks. Knowing one careless move might cost me an evening of making out with Sue, be assured I'd been VERY careful. I couldn't tear my eyes away, I opened her until all was revealed. Absorbing every erotic detail of her sex, my mouth was unconsciously moving closer to Sue's inviting gash. "Hey, horn dog. I'm afraid if you start eating me, I'll never get to have any dinner. Think you could save that for dessert?" "Well, I guess I do want you to have plenty of energy tonight. But I have a wish, we dine in the buff. Not only sexier, but faster too!" Still naked as jaybirds, we headed to the kitchen. Walking there with a hand on each other's ass made for a pleasant trip. I loved feeling her muscles move beneath her baby soft skin.


CHAPTER 6 - DINNER AND DESSERT Dinner was fast and easy, Mom left us plates of food. Four minutes in the microwave later, our 4-cource meals were ready. We sat opposite at the table. I made Sue shriek. As she took her first mouthful, my big toe found her clit. Dinner took longer than it would of, but we enjoyed turning each other on with our feet. By the time our plates were clean, I was hard and Sue was wet. We cleaned our few dirty dishes, even that got interesting. Just fooling around, I pressed against Sue from behind. She felt so good, I had to wiggle my recent erection against her body. I reached around so I could fondle her breasts, one hand moved down to her aroused pussy. We were soon hotter than the dishwater. By bending my knees I was able to run my shaft up and down Sue's sexy buns. Damn that felt incredible. "Sue, don't move a muscle!! I'll be right back." I grabbed a small wooden box Mom used for a stool. When Sue stood on it her butt was 4" higher. Grabbing the dish soap, I dripped a generous amount at the top of her crack, then spread it between her cheeks. Laying my erection along her crack, I pressed hard against the pliant warmth. This may not have been screwing, but sex had to feel a whole lot like the sensations rocketing around my groin. "Oooohhh God, Sue. Your ass feels amazing. Please don't stop me. Oh! I'm gonna come pretty quick. Ooouunnng!" Kissing her neck, I squeezed her breasts, running a hand from one to the other. My other hand was all over Sue's pussy, I was feeling her up, yet pressing her back to increase the pressure. I assaulted her clit. Sue took over the pressing back, plus she added a tiny amount of motion that was absolutely perfect. A hand covered mine, guiding me down her slit. Her middle finger led mine to her opening. I understood her signal, my fingertip ran around and around the opening. "Lewis, I'm almost there too. I'm ready for this, put your finger inside me." I slid into her pussy up to the second knuckle, as far as I could reach from where I stood. The warmth and texture I experienced jolted me as hard as if I'd dipped into a light socket. Over the next minute, constant sounds of passion poured from us. I probed each spot I could reach inside of Sue. Her hips were humping into me, displaying a primal frenzy, betraying an approaching climax. I came, sperm was flooding her crevasse, with each spurt it became warmer, more slippery. It felt just like a place my body should drain itself into, and drain I did. My glans was teasing the hell out of Sue's rectum, the warm sperm bath, the sounds of our coupling, plus feeling a finger inside her pussy for the first time drove Sue into a major orgasm. It took a long time for us to finish. I was exciting her, the more excited Sue got, the more excited I got. Our emotional ping pong kept us writhing together long after our climaxes faded. Sue became so sensitive that she had to ask me to stop moving my finger, but she held me inside her. I felt her vaginal muscles squeezing me, it was so amazing. I kissed Sue's neck and shoulders until my lips went numb. Finally we had to move on. Using a warm paper towel, I lovingly cleaning the mess I'd made on her butt. The green soap, mixed with my white sperm made an interesting 27

mess. After her butt, I got her legs, the box and floor. Amazing how far a little liquid can spread. Sue dried the dishes and put them away. All done, we held each other close. A number of gentle kisses were shared, but mostly we basked in the intimacy of holding a warm, sexy, naked body close. I suggested we go downstairs. Sue nodded her agreement. We made a couple giant drinks to sip on. Taking Sue's hand, I led the way down the narrow stairway. I'd snuck down when I first got home to set the thermostat up high enough so it would be toasty warm. It stayed cool in our basement until mid-Summer. I put my Forbidden Planet tape on. Sue hadn't seen it, and I couldn't watch it too many times. It was made if '53, but the script is timeless and the special effects were decades ahead of their time, they still look outstanding today. We cuddled up, partially facing. We watched the movie, but our hands managed to go exploring. A few kisses were exchanged, then a few more. I hadn't forgotten how exciting it felt when I put my finger into Sue's pussy. I wanted to explore inside her again. My hand worked its way towards it goal. "Sue, I want to feel inside your pussy, right now. It is OK?" She ran to the 1/2 bath. Returning, she sat on the crappy old towel we used when we'd been working in the little shop around the corner. She spread her legs wide, shooting me a sly grin as my answer. Nice thing about a VCR, it has a stop button. We French kissed. My hand felt up her pussy until Sue and my fingers were wet and slippery. I wormed my middle finger into her. Sue slunk down, adjusting herself for maximum penetration. What I felt took my breath away. Sue's mysterious depths were somehow, perfect. Words came to mind, heat, slippery, tight, smooth, soft, exciting. That was it, exciting. There was a world of sensations, but this place was exciting. Totally exciting. Having my finger inside her was exciting beyond understanding. My finger was where I'd long dreamed of my penis being, inside a warm, young female. My penis was dancing like crazy, yet Sue hadn't even touched me for while. "Sue, why haven't I done this before. It is utterly incredible in your pussy." "I could say it was my period at first, but... Part of me has wondered how far I wanted to go. Everything has been great, but... ooooh, that feels so good... but somehow sucking, rubbing, even making out still left some lines I hadn't crossed. I never wanted to be a virgin bride, sorry Mom, but blaaahhh! I guess I needed time to make sure I was OK with finally letting a boy go inside me at all. I hope you understand, but you can only do things for the first time once." "Sue, I think I understand. There were many nights I had fantasies about having sex, a lot of nights it was about you, especially after I'd seen some skin or rubbed against you. All week when we've been apart, all I could think about was how it would feel to slide my penis inside you. I get so excited picturing my cock disappearing into your wonderful body. But it also scares me, I'm afraid I'll ruin something I love. I tried to figure out, was I wanting to make love to you, or just hot to screw you. It's hard to be honest when your horny I guess."


"Oh, Sweetie. First, put another finger inside me. Yeah. Yeah. Ooooooohhhhh. I think I could learn to like this. Lewis, I've learned... oooooohhh, yeah... a ton about you the past week. If you... ooooooohhh... only wanted to get your rocks off, you'd never have said a word. You've had chances to try getting into me, instead you've been wonderful, someone I can trust and... more. Oooooohhh, damn!! Sweetie, I want you to run up to the kitchen and bring the can of whipped cream, I going to teach you how I'd like you to use your mouth on me. I don't want to come yet, and I am soooo freakin' close." I must have looked ridiculous taking the stairs 3 at time with a hard on flopping every which way, but I was back in a flash. My panting wasn't from the running. We switched to some gentle kissing until we both cooled down just a bit. Taking the can, Sue did the suggested 'Shake Well Before Using'. She assured me everything we'd done so far had been terrific. She'd simply gotten a wish into her head. Explaining that she too had fantasies, one of her had been for a lover to lick and kiss her a certain way until she practically came. The game was for her to put a dab of whipped cream where she wanted to be nibbled, licked, or whatever... that would be up to me. But I was to clean her thoroughly! The last instruction was accompanied by a very evil grin. Sue asked to lay down and for me to kneel on the floor by her head. The first shot filled her mouth. My tongue competed with hers. We pushed the cool, sweet fluff back and forth between our mouths until it was gone. Sue assured me some was still on hers lips, so I licked her laughing mouth until I heard a 'ssssssppzt'. A trail of white had mysteriously appeared along her neck. Her neck was carefully scrubbed, then her upper chest from shoulder to shoulder, followed by her cleavage. 'ssssssppzt' 'ssssssppzt' A circle just above the base of each breast awaited me. My heart raced. I had eaten Sue, I'd fondled her breasts, but I had yet to suckled them, and I had been wanting to very, very badly. It was only timing and lack of experience that had kept me from tasting her. Now I was about too. I cleaned the closest tit fully, then cupped it as I leaned farther to lick the other one clean. When the next 'ssssssppzt' 'ssssssppzt' covered her puffy areolas, I could feel my testicles tighten. Damn she looked hot. Sue turned my assault upon her nipples. A blind person could tell I loved her breasts, she lovingly taught me what excited her the most. How she liked my tongue to lick around her nipples, how to suck just her nipple with my lips, when to devour the entire puffy end, then flick the nipple with the tip of my tongue. The way her hands went through my hair assured me my mouth was pleasing her greatly. 'ssssssppzt' I followed a new trail down the curve of her breast all the way to her navel. Sue had been making purring sounds all along. The groans I heard when I drilled into her belly button taught me where another of her erogenous zones was. Her tummy was undulating as a new 'ssssssppzt' directed me to her pubic mound. She fooled me, a spot appeared on her left thigh just above the knee, then next 3 lead me ever closer to her pussy. 'ssssssppzt' The sequence was repeated on her right leg.


When I finished, inches from her sex, Sue's arousal filled my nostrils, inflaming my desire to mount her. 'ssssssppzt' 'ssssssppzt' I swabbed the very outer edges of her engorged vaginal lips. 'ssssssppzt' Her vaginal lips now looked like pastry. I dove in. Sue had been great to eat before, but now I could really eat and suck her pussy. I ate my sister like a starving man at a buffet. Her rolling hips made it clear, Sue was extremely aroused. Her breathy voice confirmed it. "Please, get over me in, a 69 position." Though careful not to hurt my sister, I sped into place. My dripping erection swung above the face. She still held the can by her pussy, so I stayed on all fours, a foot above her slit. I almost lost it when I saw the nozzle slip inside her. 'ssssssppzt' The message was clear enough. I ate out my sister. I ate her like a madman. She tilted her head back, then guided me into her mouth. I was only thinking about the soft, sweet flesh my tongue was delving into as I scooped out the sweetness inside. My hips were on automatic. The textures, the warmth, the laving, together they coaxed my hips into a primal humping motion. Sue pulled me down so my shaft went entirely into her mouth, then pushed me up until I was swinging free over the face again. "Lover, lay on me, I want to kiss you." I had been primed to go for her clit, but I was far too turned on to say no to anything Sue wanted. I gingerly did a 180 turn. As I lowered myself, she raised her knees, centering me. Sue reached between us, I felt her lay my shaft along her slit. Her hips rocked gently, we slid against each other. Sue drove her tongue into my mouth with a sense of urgency. Sue broke the kiss. "Lewis, I want to rub you around my pussy. Lift yourself up so you can watch." Barely able to breathe because I was so excited, I locked my elbows, lowered my head until I was seeing back along our bodies. I saw Sue's fingers close around my cock. I stared, unblinking, as she pulled me down until the red tip sank between her folds. She moved me up and down her slit several times before teasing her clit with my hot knob. Sue began speaking as she continued our sex-play. She was almost hard to understand because her breathing was so labored. "Lewis, Sweetie, the way you licked my body before. It was perfect. Just like in my fantasy. In my fantasy... Keep watching... in my fantasy, the next thing my lover did... was take my virginity. He... he made love to me, I felt him come inside me... I felt his warm sperm coat my insides." As I watched, Sue moved my glans to her vagina, she raised hips until just a tiny bit of the tip went into her. "I hissed like a punctured tire as I first sank into her. Her hips rose several more times, each time I sank deeper into Sue. My hips dropped imperceptibly lower each time her hips lifted. I fought, over and over, the urge to drop my weight. I wanted to plunge into the tight warmth beneath me, but I held back. I was going inside her pussy! When she dropped her hips, the knob no longer showed. I was humping a tiny bit now. Pulling up, pushing ahead, each stroke a tiny bit deeper. With every stroke, the distance between of groins was a little bit less. When only 2"


of my shaft still showed, Sue grabbed my butt. "Do it." I pushed in to the hilt. Sue wrapped her legs around me, twisting until I was as deep as I could get into her womb. I was afraid to move, it was more luck than skill that I hadn't come yet. I lowered myself until her breasts pressed against me. We soul kissed until our hips moved of their own accord. Sue unwrapped her legs, we soon had a decent rhythm going. I began to swell, Sue sensed it. "Lewis, I'm ready. Come inside me. I want to feel you pumping your sperm inside my pussy. I feel you, I feel you getting bigger, I feel your cock moving inside my pussy, I'm gonna come, I'm gonna come, I'm gonna come. Oh God, I love you." "I love you to. Oooohhh!" I drove in deep and held as the first spurt shot from my body into hers. I withdrew, plunged, sent another wad flying into my lover. Sue's muscles milked my shaft, powerful messages hit my brain; fill her womb, fill her womb. The tingling in my groin seemed to subtly shift to new places. A huge sense of well-being washed over me, After each pulse of semen passed through my cock, I slowly withdrew, then hammered back into her. I stroked as long as I could keep going. My glans became so sensitive that I soon felt every miniscule detail of her sheath. I felt a ring at the end of her sheath my that seemed to bang against the underside of my flared knob each upstroke. The tingling became too intense, any motion caused agonizing pleasure. When I could no longer move, I laid atop her, feeling my deflating penis drain itself into her body. We kissed gently. We kissed to express our new love, we kissed to show our gratitude for newfound bliss, we kissed because it was our first night with a new lover. We kissed until we slowly felt my still embedded penis regain enough rigidity for sex. Young as I was, my strength was waning. This time we made long, leisurely love. Happily, Sue wasn't sore at all, she welcomed my slow in and out strokes. We didn't go fast, but we made love for nearly a half hour. I enjoyed the slow pace because it allowed me to pay attention to how it actually felt as my penis slid within the tight grip of her flooded vagina. We were able to French kiss, and run our hands over each other. When my hands eventually slid underneath Sue, I discovered a huge turn on for me was holding her buns while we screwed. Feeling her muscles flexing and her hips rolling, soon pushed me over the top. "Sue, I'm going to come inside you again." Sue asked me to tell her everything I was feeling. So I gave her each detail I could, the tingling, the tightness in my balls, the increasing sensitivity of my glans, the pressure, how fighting to not come was flooding my senses, how... "Oh God Sue!!" My hips switched to jackhammer mode. It took us both by surprise, and definitely set Sue off. She screamed, her hips tried to buck me off, but we rode out the storm together. I did fall off of Sue when I was fully spent this time. Now panting from exhaustion, and sweating like a horse, I needed to rest. Sue propped herself on an elbow, then ran her nails everywhere she could reach. It was heaven. When my breathing slowed, she kissed my face for a minute or two.


Sue was able to think clearly before I was. She took the towel we'd thoroughly soaked and used it like a diaper. She sprayed air freshener, then dragged me to my feet. "If we go up now, we'll have time to shower, together." Sounded good to me. I made her go ahead of me so I could watch her mostly naked butt wiggle. I was totally awesome taking a shower with a naked girl. We soaped each other from head to toe. Fun places got soaped several times. My happy little pecker firmed up a bit, but we knew we had to vacate the shower. It was close to midnight, our folks could show up any time. Sue threw on her extra long T-shirt, I threw on my robe and PJ's. I messed up my bed to look like I'd been sleeping in it. By the time I got to Sue's bedroom, she was laying on her pillow, but on her side with a leg raised. Being greeted by a smiling pussy was new for me, but extremely nice. After a very brief discussion, we decided of a have a quiet 69 in the near dark of just the night light. The folks would come in with their arms full of groceries. There'd be a lot of noise, plus they'd have put things down. We'd have plenty of time for me to sneak back to my room, or into the bathroom in a real pinch. A laid the other direction once Sue had scooted down a bit. We were soon engaged in the oral sex equivalent of a 'slow, comfortable, screw'. Our need for hot monkey love was long past. We were a bit shagged out, feeling oh so good, and just ready to enjoy our bodies and our new found lover. Resting my head on Sue's warm, strong thigh, I leisurely kissed or licked her vulva and nearby skin. Sue sucked my penis into her mouth. Instead of the frantic movements like earlier that night, Sue softly sucked me like a hard candy. Her tongue massaged my cock, but otherwise she was quite still. She was able to trigger a final emission from me. It was utterly glorious. But unlike our first intercourse, and the tremendous tension that built before I came, this orgasm was different. This time the pleasurably feelings when Sue first took me into her mouth were delectable, but not shocking, just wonderfully pleasant. As she suckled me, the delight slowly, very slowly, increased. Ultimately my orgasm was more like reaching the end of a road, rather than falling off a cliff. I just got there, the sperm quietly flowed from my body into Sue's. Still, I felt a marvelous sexual high wash over me. Sue told me later, her experience was somewhat similar. She enjoyed several mild orgasms, each had given her body a huge feeling of 'aaaaaahhh'. Once I'd come, I was definitely done for the night. Once Sue had moved back to her normal sleeping position, I laid down so we could hug, kiss, and talk. When the folks pulled in at 1:15, I kissed my lover good night, then glided off to bed.


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