Text to Sex

May 10, 2017 | Author: Marinko Iliskovic | Category: N/A
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Go to: http://www.texttosex.com Call: 1-888-689-GAME (4263) Copyright © 2011 ABCs of Attraction All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this ebook may be copied or sold.

7 Killer Strategies for Rejection Free Phone & Text Flirting brought to you by: http://www.texttosex.com Hi guys, Gareth Jones, Certified Instructor for the ABCs of Attraction and host of the ABCs flagship product on Phone, Text and Internet seduction, Text to Sex, here. I’ve always been a huge phone game and text flirting guy and, while solid in-set, I can out game anyone using phone seduction. After getting a girl’s number, I very rarely go on first dates and prefer to simply turn a girl on so much that she will just come over to my place and release all that tension (sexual or otherwise) that has been built-up. I’ve spent hours online comparing what I know and what I’ve had great successes with to the stuff that people have put online and what I’ve found may shock some of you: IT IS ALL CRAP. To be honest, the Internet is full of bad phone and text advice. A well-known founding father of the seduction community even teaches that texting is a waste of game (!?!?!). After having seen all this stuff, I’ll tell you:

EVERYTHING YOU KNOW ABOUT PHONE AND TEXT GAME IS WRONG!!! Listen, this is the new age of smart phones, unlimited text messages, touchscreens, iPhones, iPads, Crackberries and constant flow of sexting and dirty images. What worked in 2004 during the golden heyday of Project Hollywood doesn’t work now. And in your gut, you know this.

In the world of smart phones, shouldn’t you be playing SMART GAME? Having hosted my iGame seminar, opened Casanova Crew’s 2010 Ultimate Text and Online Game seminar, and been voted Best New Pick Up Artist in the World of 2010, I have the most solid and proven text and phone methods out there and I am going to share a few of my PROVEN tips, techniques, and text flirting examples with you.

Go to: http://www.texttosex.com Call: 1-888-689-GAME (4263) Copyright © 2011 ABCs of Attraction All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this ebook may be copied or sold.

After reading this, feel free to head over to http://www.TextToSex.com or my personal blog http:/ /www.TheGarethJones.com to check out our phone and text products and upcoming events. For more info, or if you have any questions, shoot me an email at [email protected] or call me tollfree at: 1-888-689-GAME (4263) This stuff is my life and I see absolutely no reason why you can’t benefit from that devotion. In this free report, I’m going to give you 7 Killer Strategies for Rejection Free Phone & Text Flirting. This is cutting edge stuff that’s going to forever change the way your play iGame! Now let’s let you and I get down to business!

Go to: http://www.texttosex.com Call: 1-888-689-GAME (4263) Copyright © 2011 ABCs of Attraction All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this ebook may be copied or sold.

1) The Golden Rule Many PUAs out there have literally claimed that there is no such thing as Phone Game and that anyone with half a brain and conversational skill can get a date from a girl. However, I present the groundbreaking question, ‘What if you didn’t even have to take a girl on a date?’ That’s right! What if you had a way of communicating with women that could turn them on so much, that they’d rather come over to your house and jump in your bed than go to some fancy sushi place and have $200 spent on them? Does that sound pretty good? Yep. It does. After texting constantly, I finally had to get the secrets out because I believe I have some of the most interesting and groundbreaking information about communicating with the phone. In this eBook, I’m going to give you a few quick and easy tips about texting to increase your game and solidify your responses. This will result in HUGE changes in your text interactions and completely transform your Inner Phone Game. So, let’s get down to it: By far and away the most important concept of texting is…

BE THE GUY THAT TEXTS! -If you’re free when she texts you: Text back. -If you’re not free when she texts you: Don’t text back. Super simple but… holy crap, groundbreaking, right? Throughout the minimal information you’ll find on various forums and Pickup sites, most all of it will suggest what seems to be a reasonable course of action; to avoid appearing needy by waiting the amount of time it took her to text you, to text back. While this does make sense, I refuse to adjust my texting habits on a girl-by-girl basis. Sure, mystery is all well and good, and tension can be really useful when you’re the one controlling it, but how are you supposed to have a text conversation if you are literally doubling the time it takes to have it? You lose momentum, buying temperature and, most importantly, attraction.

Go to: http://www.texttosex.com Call: 1-888-689-GAME (4263) Copyright © 2011 ABCs of Attraction All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this ebook may be copied or sold.

Here’s an example that happened to me when I first studied the fine art of Textual Relations: My Side of the Story: I had hooked up with HBBusy before and she was really into me. A few days later, I texted her to find out what she was up to. Though, I knew she was a busy girl, I didn’t get a response for an hour and, even then, it seemed a bit short. I followed the rules and waited an hour on top of that to text her again. After that it was another hour and a half until her response and, when I had waited and responded, I heard nothing for another hour. I texted back, only to receive no response at all. Because I had sent the last text, we were in limbo for a week before I just straight-out called her and she seemed excited to talk to me. At lunch, I asked her what happened that night. Her Side of the Story: HBBusy really likes me. She’s super stoked about seeing me again, but has to wait for me to make the first move. After all, that’s what guys do. She gets my text, but she’s in the shower so it’s an hour until she sees her phone. She gets out and finds my text; “Oh my gosh! He texted me! Now we can have a cute, flirty text conversation!!!!” She texts back as soon as she sees mine, and waits patiently by the phone. She doesn’t get a response and now she’s with her friends on the way to the club. She gets there, gets in, get her drinks and checks her phone. She sees a text from me and she texts back. She’s happy to hear from me, and hopes to get a response. She gets another text from me right before she leaves and sees my response right before crawling into bed. She decided she would return my text in the morning and simply forgot. The point of the interaction is that if I hadn’t been so distant to prove a point, she would’ve gotten to speak with me and DEFINTIELY invited me out that night (a night I was sitting on my lump of a butt anyway). That would’ve saved me a week in Layless Limbo and a LOT of confusion. The secret is to be the guy that texts. Just as Mystery says that the trick to kino is to be a naturally touchy-feely guy, the same holds true for texting. If you respond to every text as it suits your lifestyle (whether it be after your business meeting or right away), it’s going to come off as natural and congruent with who you are.

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In the 21st century, there is an abundance of texting, and text conversations are not rare. Do not be afraid of being willing to speak with her; however, don’t neglect your duties to speak with her, as well. This has made a huge difference in my text game and really allows me a strong frame for my modus operandi. I knew this would help you and wanted to pass it on.

Go to: http://www.texttosex.com Call: 1-888-689-GAME (4263) Copyright © 2011 ABCs of Attraction All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this ebook may be copied or sold.

2) Progressing from Phone to Text Flirting APB (Asian Playboy to you mere mortals, the world’s greatest Asian Pick Up Artist and my boss) and I have been getting a ZILLION requests for advice on the solid foundations of Text Seduction. Personally, I think APB is completely CRAZY to do this, but he’s giving out free video training on iGame: From Text to Sex and all you need to do is go to the website and put in your email address. FREE VIDEO TRAINING at http://www.texttosex.com But for right now, I’ll try to break it down to a few of the most important pieces of information you’ll need to generate a successful foundation for Text Seduction right off the bat. In Person > Phone Calls> Texting I absolutely hate to say it to you guys, because there are many people out there that think that text game is an incredible invention revolutionizing and simplifying seduction and, while it is incredible and has amazing advantages, of the three types of interpersonal contact listed above, it is THE WEAKEST. That’s right, it’s the weakest. It doesn’t demand immediate response, it lacks almost ALL aspects of nonverbal communication and it is the easiest to ignore. However, much like guerilla warfare, we can use it’s disadvantages to our advantage. Since it doesn’t demand immediate response, we can be the ones that can freeze out a girl. I always text as soon as I get one, which makes responses from me (that I’ve specifically delayed) all the more dramatic. Like negs, I use this VERY sparingly and try to text back as quickly as possible in general texting, after all, the more you do something, the more conditioned to it she will become and the less of a shock-value it will have. We also lose most every nonverbal aspect of the interaction. Instead of saying, “Damn, now I can’t bodyrock or disqualify her by patting her on the head” use a simple system of Erotic Undertones. This is the idea that you are having what seems to be a completely normal conversation on the surface, but are lacing the interaction with sexual subtext. For example, if a girl texts me about a test that was really difficult, I’ll respond with something like, “Do you prefer it hard?” That way, she can choose to accept the escalation (I.e. “Mmm, I love it hard. Lol”) or she can reject it (I.e “Ew. That was uncalled for.”). If she rejects your escalation, you can simply fall back on the safety net of how terrible texting is because of nonverbal (I.e. “Hah. I didn’t mean it that way, pervert! I meant that I prefer difficult

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tests to easy tests. I feel like it challenges my mind more. J ”). Now, you’ve got her feeling a fool and you’re closer to knowing where you will be if you’re crossing the line!

Texting is not a substitute for good game! So many guys have sent me links to critique their text game. They are having trouble understanding why that one text they read on whatever lair they are apart of didn’t work for them. If it constantly works for other guys, why are they failing?? Many guys are asking me why their texting isn’t working if they’re using correct spelling and punctuation like I said! Generally, it only takes me about 2 minutes of reading their transcripts to realize that they just AREN’T RUNNING VERY GOOD GAME! To text well, like controlling any interaction with a woman, you have to understand the basic foundations of game; disqualification, banter, DHVing, etc. You cannot use texting as a substitute for gaming well and, though we all would rather sit at home in our underwear and text girls to come over and fuck us, it ain’t gonna happen if you haven’t put the work in to learn how to properly get in her head and calibrate your interactions in the first place. Texting is a supplement to your seduction routine, not a replacement for it.

Text seduction requires a good interaction Guys, this is sooooo important it makes me want to explode! In order for your text game to be solid, you have to have a solid interaction in the first place or, at the VERY LEAST, make a great first impression. There are a few good routines to get a flake to return your texts, but you have to understand that these techniques are playing against her natural inhibitions and her personal impression of you. None of these will work if the girl doesn’t remember you AT ALL. I am a fucking MASTER of phone and text seduction and I do nothing but struggle with numbers that I’ve gotten in a rush. I find that, in this case, it’s best to meet up with them ASAP for a quick cup of coffee or a quick hello at a club, so I can run some more game before using that as leverage for text seduction. Remember that to know something’s strengths, you must know it’s weaknesses, as well. Armed with this knowledge, you will be able to continue on with solid and unstoppable Text Seduction.

Go to: http://www.texttosex.com Call: 1-888-689-GAME (4263) Copyright © 2011 ABCs of Attraction All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this ebook may be copied or sold.

3) My 3 Tenacious Texting Tenets (the 3 T’s!) A year and a half ago, I was going crazy putting this iGame seminar together for you guys and I was REALLY excited to debut it. I included a ton of real life transcriptions from my blackberry and got all sorts of great examples. While going through my inbox one afternoon, I found one transcription of a girl that I ended up sleeping with THAT NIGHT and dated for quite a while. The reason I share the story with you is because I literally did EVERYTHING I’ve learned not to do and it STILL worked! Check it out and then I’ll tell you how I got it to work: I started out by breaking my first three rules right away. These are the most IMPORTANT rules in texting #1. I was drunk. Really drunk. Don’t text drunk. Nobody likes to hear from someone sloshy and lusty on account of The Drink. Not only does it make a terrible impression of the decisions you make, but it also doesn’t make her feel too good about how you feel about her. #2. 2am text. Don’t text after 10pm. More often than not, any text after 10pm is going to be considered a booty call, even if it wasn’t (in this case, it was). Do girls really want to meet up (FOR THE FIRST TIME) with a guy that sends out an impractical booty text after the clubs are closed? Nope. They don’t. #3. Send the Best Possible Text. Think before you send. Of all the ABCs Instructors and Coaches, I am the known as the master of words. While JT is an amazing dominant alpha male and William is the master of direct game, I am the cunning linguist able to seduce women with a single paragraph. With 8 years of professional theatre (including Shakespeare!), 12 years of vocal coaching, and a vocabulary that spins heads, I somehow manage to compose this brilliant and unmatchable gem: (Outbox) 2:12am: “What are you doing tonight?” I am an idiot. There you have it; the three rules you should ABSOLUTELY avoid violating and I’ve broken them all and still succeeded in seducing the girl. Let’s take a look at the interaction and break it down, for comedic purposes:

HBRockstar Text Transcription

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Me: What are you doing tonight? (A sloppy start, but it gets worse) HBRockstar: Just got home :) heading to bed I think (The smiley is a good sign. Just keep her engaged and don’t be rude..) Me: Disgusting. Call me when you’re under the sheets (Hm.. Oh well, at least I was dominant, right?) HBRockstar: :p (A polite dismissal. I guess I’ll just let her go to bed and try again next time.) Me: Don’t make weird anime faces at me, square (NOT ME! I AM GONNA BE DOMINANT AND AGGRESSIVE!) HBRockstar: Don’t say disgusting to me (Haha. Good for her.) Me: I’ll say what rumbles in my belly (anndddd… I just got weird.) HBRockstar: Oh no you didn’t! (But she is a super cool chick, so her sense of humor takes over!” Me: I always do ;) (I somehow thought I’d make this sexual???) HBRockstar: That’s gas (Referincing the ‘belly’ line.) Me: You’re gas (The only thing I could’ve said that would’ve been lamer would have been “Your MOM is gas”) Me: Ahem (She doesn’t answer, so I try to get her to focus.) HBRockstar: Ahem? (She doesn’t know what the hell I’m talking about.) Me: Are you in bed yet? (2:30am)

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HBRockstar: Nope :) on the computer HBRockstar: About to change out of these clothes and head to bed though (Smiley is still a good sign, but she’s still not too invested in me.) Me: That’s nonsense. We could’ve been chatting. You need to get your shit together (I meant to allude that we could’ve been talking online. I also didn’t mean to be rude about it. ALWAYS send a smiley when you make a sarcastic comment.) Me: Although, I’m convinced your brain is maid of wood (…and spell stuff correctly.) HBRockstar: I have my shit together. I’ll text you in a sec (No smileys anymore L ) Me: I’ll wait (Awesome response. Better response: “I’ll wait here”) HBRockstar: Made* ;p (She corrects my spelling with a playful tongue and I try to get it back by saying…) Me: Is a maid made of. Wood (Fail.) Me: Please. I suggest you get your shit together and talk to me when possible (She hasn’t texted. I am now drunk and seeking attention.) Me: Ahem x2 (Hey, at least I’m persistent.) HBRockstar: I left the house (Wait, what?) HBRockstar: I left my ring at my friend’s house (Holy crap, that’s the weirdest thing ever.) Me: Tell me why (Why she left home, I hadn’t read the second message yet.) HBRockstar: Had to go pick it up, heading home now ugh (At this point the texts were stacking up and we were reaching a confusing conversational

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point.) HBRockstar: The ring? (Oh, fuck it. I’ll just call her.) Call log: Placed call 2:47am. Duration: 0:03 (Got sent to voicemail. Fail.) Me: Ew voicemail HBRockstar: Ahah I am driving HBRockstar: Cant activate my Bluetooth (…but she’s texting.. so…) Me: I know you’re a rebel. Call me. Me: Fuck Bluetooth (This became a recurring joke in our relationship. I exerted dominance by waiting until she had read the text and then calling her again. I knew she was out, I knew she was dressed, so I called her up and talked to her until she came over.) Call log: Placed call 2:53am. Duration: 50:58 (Win.)

“But why, Gareth,” You ask “are you showing us this if it’s so bad?” Two answers, my friend: First, I am showing you these three (what seem like obvious) tips to help you improve your game and reinforce your texting skill. Second, I am letting you know that the interaction can ALWAYS be saved unless you’ve murdered the woman (Gareth’s seduction tip #4237 is to never murder anyone). Miles Davis said, “If you hit a wrong note, it’s the next note that determines if it’s good or bad.” And since I had the ability to save the interaction further down the line (and believe me, it was MUCH further down the line), I was able to get her over to my place at 4am for a lovely session of the horizontal polka. To this day, I still have this girl in my life and we exchange naughty text sessions frequently ;) How did I save it?

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After the text interaction had run it’s course, I called and used my voice to seduce her. Remember that I said originally that the voice is infinitely more powerful than text, so this should give you a good example of how badly you can perform and still make up ground. However many times I broke the rules, I believe this was successful because of my frame, my consistency and (even though I made some stupid mistakes) my persistence. My suggestions based on this interaction would’ve made the whole thing a lot quicker and smoother, but good game ALWAYS recognizes good game.

Go to: http://www.texttosex.com Call: 1-888-689-GAME (4263) Copyright © 2011 ABCs of Attraction All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this ebook may be copied or sold.

4) Emoticons: Do or Do not So you’re still reading, hm? Well, then I can tell you’re really interested in seducing chicks with your fingers. We’re going to focus now on a very important and oft-debated subject: Emoticons. I believe it was Shakespeare that first wrote, “To wink or not to wink, that is the question.” He then went on to write a bunch of other crap, but I was too busy getting naked pictures of this one girl to keep reading. ANYHOW. It has been with great interest that I’ve been conducting my textsperiments over the past few months, getting numbers specifically to find the best way to seduce women over text and it has been with great intrigue that I have discovered all the different emoticons girls use. Some girls never use emoticons or abbreviations leaving you wondering what they meant by that last text. Others use them every chance they get. Some use silly anime emoticons like e_e and ^-^ while others stick to the standard J and ;), used since the Internet climbed into the homes of the very rich computer nerds. Throughout the studying that I’ve done, I have found that there are many options, but there are only two emoticons that are responded to in the same way and are thereby universal in every text language, so next iGame Text Tip is:

:) or ;) only! “Why, Gareth…” you ask, “…do you only recommend using those two when there are so many emoticons to choose from?” The answer is simple and has to do with what these emoticons mean. :) is a very basic smile. Colon and End Parentheses together; this represents a happy, warm and friendly smile that add amiability to any text. These are super useful in text and add positivity and friendliness to any text. You can almost NEVER send it too often and it is especially useful for making semi boastful or sarcastic statements friendly and clearing up their meaning. If a girl says she is afraid of the dark and I respond. “Oh great, a scardey-cat” (Scardy? Spellcheck is flipping out on this one)

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It can be construed as disdainful or belittling, whereas typing; “Oh great, a scardey-cat :)” seems warm, fun and charming. A smile can sooth any sarcasm. ;) is my favorite and is much deeper than your standard smile. The Semi-colon and End Parentheses symbolize the wink-face, which means many things. Above all; Naughty. This is my favorite and I use it to imply a note of playfulness with everything. It can be used too often, however, and will lose it’s potency. Take a look at my text with the wink face. Her: “But I’m afraid of the dark!” Me: “Oh great, a scardey-cat ;)” Though, not as friendly, this comes off as much more playful and self-assured. It is also really easy to make phrases sexual. Take a look at the below examples without wink faces. Her: “God, this test is hard :( “ Me: “I’m sorry it’s so hard!” Her: “I’m going out to the club!” Me: “Amazing. What are you wearing?” Now, these are some innocent phrases, but I’m sure how you can see how they can be instantly transformed. Let’s take a look at the responses WITH the wink-faces. Her: “God, this test is hard :( “ Me: “I’m sorry it’s so hard! ;)” Whereas once I was a consoling friend, now I’m the consoling friend with sex on the brain. She sees my playful wink and now she’s thinking about sexually. This is the first step to turning her on. Her: “I’m going out to the club!” Me: “Amazing. What are you wearing? ;)” Ah yes, I have dropped the infamous “What are you wearing?” bomb. One of the most provocative but POTENT texts out there. You can see how I’ve turned it sexual now, just by adding that wink. Again, this thought has put her in a sexual frame of mind and I’ll escalate from there!

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So, try these out. Next time you are going to respond to a text (I typed ‘sex’. Haha) that she’s sent in a sexual way, try tacking on a wink face and if you are worried your sarcasm won’t come through text, try adding a big smiley face.

Go to: http://www.texttosex.com Call: 1-888-689-GAME (4263) Copyright © 2011 ABCs of Attraction All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this ebook may be copied or sold.

5) Textual Compliance – The dominance of the Phone Throughout this weird (but very sexy) journey, I have discovered all sorts of simple tactics that I have tried to share as thoroughly as possible. Now, it’s time to get to the nitty-gritty and give you something that will really blow your mind. A little while ago, as I rehearsed material for my iGame seminar, I stumbled on a crazy concept while using a simple knock-knock joke I pulled off a forum (I didn’t invent it, so don’t think I am trying to take credit). It’s a simple little funny idea to get her to respond and to keep you fresh in her mind. The script goes like this: Me: “Knock knock” Her: “Who’s there?” Me: “Orange” Her: “Orange who?” Me: “Orange you going to tell me you miss me? ;)” I’ve used this several times to great success, as it’s a silly little exchange that brightens her day a little bit. What I realized in a lightening strike of epiphany is that this is actually a form of compliance. Just as you would offer your arm for her to take to parade through the club or just as you would tell her to scoot closer to you, her response to a knock-knock joke is TEXTUAL COMPLIANCE. So, that being said, my tip for you to engage in your texting routine is… (Drum roll, please!)

Gain Compliance Through Text with Textual Compliance Whether it’s a silly knock-knock joke or something as simple as, “What was the name of that club/show/movie you were talking about?” her response is compliance. I suppose it could be said that any sort of response in person is compliance as well, but when communicating via text, someone is not as socially obligated to respond right away, so her response (ESPECIALLY if it’s immediate) demonstrates compliance. This can be used to form a Yes Ladder (YES-LADDER: a persuasion technique in which a person is asked a series of basic questions designed to elicit positive answers, increasing the likelihood that the person will also respond in the affirmative to a final, open-ended question. Courtesy of www.FastSeduction.com.) This will act as a sort of charge for your text conversation. Just like in set, if it looks as though

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you’re dying, you can recharge the conversation with well-executed Textual Compliance tests I’ve listed below. Like everything I teach, these are ACTUAL EXAMPLES from my personal inbox! “btw, what’s your last name? I have all sorts of XXXs in my phone.” “Hey, what was the name of the club we went to last night?” “Oh, what was the name of that drink we were talking about?” These are great openers and great ways to establish contact and compliance without appearing needy. “Do you think you’re worth being gotten?” or “Do you think you’re worth being chased?” These are great when the conversation starts to wan and you catch it. No woman can resist displaying her value. These examples are going to be better than flat out asking a question out of left field (“Starbucks or Coffeebean?”), but those can be useful as well, as long as you root it correctly. So, when your text conversation starts to wan, jump on top and take control by getting her responding. It’ll breathe life back into your conversation and give you time to get back on track.

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6) Worst Case Scenario: Plausible Deniability for escalation While I was putting this eBook together, I made sure to include the basics of texting and all of the simple things that could get you started on your road to text seduction, but there were some advanced things I wanted to hand out, too, for those of you speeding along the text journey. Right now, I want to talk to you about plausible deniability in sexual escalation... OVER TEXT. “Holy crap, wtf is he talking about this time?” I can almost hear you muttering. So, check it out: In order for us to get a girl into a sexual frame, we have to be willing to escalate, right? Right. Unfortunately, since it’s via text, we can’t really see how she’s reacting, right? Right. So, here’s the deal. We need to find ways to escalate that will give us Plausible Deniability (Plausible Deniability is the idea that one can deny knowledge of something because he has deliberately made himself unaware of said something) during escalation. Women use plausible deniability frequently when they are invited up to a guy’s apartment just for “one drink” or when I tell girls they should come over and “watch a movie” at 3am. We know what’s up and they know what’s up, but they can tell all their friends “Oh, we were going to watch a movie and then OMG I was having the best sex of my life.” Now, we can use this same principle to test the waters. My favorite way to do this is something I very rarely let out of the bag, but you get to hear (read) it now: “So, what are you wearing? ;)” I know you just laughed. I know it sounds absurd and I know it’s been overused for a zillion years. Since the dawn of the telephone, Alexander Graham Bell was asking Thomas A. Watson what he was wearing. It’s pretty safe to say it’s played out, right? Well, the answer is complicated. When I send a girl the text “So, what are you wearing? ;)” during a lull in our conversation, she has two ways to respond. Number 1 is to shut me down. Me: “So, what are you wearing? ;) “ Her: “Hahah are you the cheesiest guy or what?” Uhoh. I just got shut down. But here’s the thing; if she’s not in the mood, more often than not you will get shut down for being sexual with something played out, which means that you can continue the situation as if you were joking in the first place. In fact, I generally always use this

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as a joke and am merely pleasantly surprised when it works otherwise. I’ll respond like this. Me: “The cheesiest. I am wearing a snowsuit and moonboots. You SURE you don’t want to tell me what you’re wearing? ;) ;)” I have done the ol’ trick of absurdifying the blowout and responding as if I had intended the joke in the first place. This is going to make her step back and reevaluate her being so defensive. This is a very similar tactic to Mystery’s “Do you want to kiss me?” technique where, in the event she says no, you respond “I didn’t say you could, you just look like something is on your mind.” It makes her take a step back and second-guess her interpretation of the comment. You can respond in many ways: “Woah; serious interpretation of a joke. Gear down, big truck :)” This is going to shut her down and is the harshest of responses “Seriously, what’s a girl like you doing in a place like this? ;)” Emphasizing the cheesiness. Or, one of my favorites, just pressing through her response as if she said something ridiculous; “Mmm that sounds sexxxyyy. ;) ;) ;) “ These are all going to give you plausible deniability, as if you were telling a joke and didn’t think ANYONE would take it seriously, but when she did, you recoiled as if she were wrecking the joke. No one wants to wreck the joke. On the other hand, what happens if she tells you what she’s wearing? Well, that is a huge IOI and a great way to escalate. Personally, I am really sexual and have an incredible ability to escalate from anything. When I ask a girl “So, what are you wearing ;)” and she RESPONDS. I know she is being Textually Compliant and I can use that to my advantage. Watch my Cocky/Funny response to put her in a sexual state of mind: Me: “So, what are you wearing? ;)” Her: “haha jeans and an ac/dc tshit” Me: “mmmm what about under that? ;) ;) ;)” Her: “hahahah! Black bra and panties, misterrr!” Me: “mmmm what about under THAT? ;)” Her: “lol nothing!” Me: “You’re NAKED?? YOU PERVERT! Stop trying to seduce me! ;)”

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What I’ve done is sexually escalated in a way that has built compliance and got her playing along with what seems to be a silly ploy, though is still making her think about her telling me that she’s naked. To utilize the most plausible deniability, I then accuse her of trying to seduce me, which is also a BT spike. In this simple exchange, we have increased sexual tension AND spiked her Buying Temperature. You can continue on escalating in a more sensual way, but we’ll leave that tip for later on.

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7) Real Life Example Text Flirting Messages: Now that we’ve got all these key points together, let’s take a look at an interaction that starts right after I gain compliance by having her send me a picture. Take a look at this sexual escalation and see if you can spot the tips and techniques I have given you, as well as some others that I haven’t detailed yet. Keep a look out for dominance and understanding of both what she wants and what she is thinking. These are things that I specialize in. This is a direct transcription and is one of the first conversations we ever had. Last night, this 19 year-old virgin promised she’d send me a picture in the morning. I had started seducing her on the phone and, when it simply got too late and she was too tired, I tried to get her blood flowing by a picture swap. She was a no-go and promised to do it in the morning. I woke up to a picture and started this interaction. Every line is a single text message (for our purposes) and grammar and spelling is exactly what it was in the messages, so forgive the errors. Me: Bene. Lei e bennisomo! Her: Haha what does that mean?! Me: It means “good. You are wonderful!” Her: J Well thank you. So, what are you up to? I think you should send me a picture I am in a car for the next 4 hours. Me: I am laying in bed. My sunburn is keeping me fairly fatigued and I still feel a bit iffy. Most of the color has seemed to have disappeared, though. Her: I’m sorry to hear that I am quite tired I have been awake for so long. I have never been sunburned before. Haha. Me: (picture) Me: Never been sunburned?! You need some time in California, my pale little munchkin. Her: I’m middle eastern I have an olive complexion (sp?) I lifeguard all summer I get rrreeeaaalllllyyy tan. I’m not pale silly. P.S. You’re so cute. Me: I always do the same thing: Burn right off the bat and then get really dark if I can keep going

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to the beach. I’ve gotta tan until summer to maintain the hue! Her: Haha I never do. I maintain tan lines throughout the winter I get so dark it’s insane. If you go on my Facebook one of my last three albums is long overdue from Her: the summer and you can see how dark I get. Me: I love tan lines. I think they’re incredibly sexy. Her: I always wear strapless dresses and bras and bathing suits so I only have tan lines where they should be ;) Me: Don’t tease me. I find it incredibly erotic. It’s very forbidden. Chilling, even now. Her: Forbidden? How so? Chilling? Me: The concept of what is not allowed to be seen. The pure, the pale. It’s all very metaphorical. And I meant ‘chilling’ in that kind of ‘erection’ way ;) Her: P.S. I looooove teasing boys ;) Me: And I bet you’ve never found a guy that teases you back enough, have you? Her: Nope, never. Guys don’t like playing the teasing game at least the ones that try to talk to me just want to get some and I don’t just randomly do that. Me: That’s because women are turned on by tension and men are turned on by resolution. You don’t actually like the idea of teasing boys, you like the idea of teasing. It makes you feel sexy. Her: Maybe. I’ll take your word on it. Do you like being teased? Me: No. I hate it. I think it’s pointless and irritating. But I’ve found the necessity to tease women in the way that they enjoy. Maybe that’s why my function in your life is. Her: Haha well hypothetically speaking if we were to ever get to a point where we get sexual I shall refrain from too much teasing J Me: I appreciate that. And I shall endeavor to tease you frequently. Guys forget that saying to a woman “How would if feel if I gently bit the inside of your thighs and dragged my warm tongue slowly up to push inbetween your beautiful, pink…” will turn her on just as much as if I actually said “…lips”

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Her: You’re one hundred percent right ;) you worded that quite amazingly Me: And now we’ve only been texting for a night and you’re thinking about your legs parting gently, and running your hand through my hair to pull my mouth onto… Her: Loooook at you, turning me on ;) haha you’re entirely too good at this, it’s scary. Me: Turning you on? Just by talking about wrapping your thighs around my head and tasting your beautiful little pink pussy while I circle your clit with my tongue?? Me: Goodness. I’m ever so sorry ;) Her: Haha you’re so vulgar and usually this doesn’t work on me, but for some reason, you’re not incredibly cheesey like every other dude, you’re sexy ;) Me: I’m not being vulgar, I’m simply describing what you’re thinking about, baby. Maybe you’re the vulgar one. Besides; fuck every guy. They’re too busy worrying about their cocks to properly please a woman. Her: I’m not vulgarrr ;) haha you’re so cute. Fuuuuuck. I’m smitten. Me: Don’t say that or I’ll know I can get away with talking about pulling our chests together while our lips meet and our tongues play and my fingers run up your back, giving you chills up your spine and making you moan in my mouth while we press our hips together ;) Her: ;) I don’t mind you saying any of that. Me: Good. I don’t mind thinking about it at all. See what your tan lines do to me? They get me thinking about you on all fours being my little slave ;) Her: Oh? That’s a new thought considering im a virgin. Hahaha is it weird I think about sex often? Like what it would be like… Etc etc etc

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Conclusion: There you have it! Some of my most solid and universal text tips out there. These are the ones that are going to separate the men from the boys and now YOU know them all. Go forth and practice. Get as many numbers as you can and try out all these tips! Create solid interactions and push the boundaries of what you think is possible. I guarantee that once you start regularly practicing your text game, you will be absolutely astounded at the things you will be capable of. Like I said before, PLEASE email me at [email protected] if you have any questions or (short!) transcripts you’d like me to take a look at. Your questions help me learn and develop new material and will allow me to get you further than you’ve ever been in Text Seduction. Thanks for reading my first eBook report from cover to cover. I hope it’s been as worth it for you to read it as it has been for me to type it! Good luck and keep texting!

P.S. Don’t forget, you need to sign up for your free gift and video training at http:// www.texttosex.com

Go to: http://www.texttosex.com Call: 1-888-689-GAME (4263) Copyright © 2011 ABCs of Attraction All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this ebook may be copied or sold.


The ultimate phone game, text flirting, and sexting seduction techniques! Discover my exact secret texts that are converting over 75% of my numbers into lays!

Go to: http://www.texttosex.com Call: 1-888-689-GAME (4263) Copyright © 2011 ABCs of Attraction All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this ebook may be copied or sold.

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