Text 2 Sex - Race DePriest

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By Race dePriest

By Race dePriest

Turn Her On with Text Detective TJ Howe

By Race dePriest

Table of Contents About the Author.........................................................................................3 Introduction to From Text 2 Sex.................................................................6 Be Bold Not Brash – Own Your Sexuality..................................................10 Sexting Basics..........................................................................................17 The Art of Sexual Innuendos....................................................................27 Priming a Sexual Encounter.....................................................................36 Handling the Booty Call Objection...........................................................40 Make Her Feel Safe..................................................................................47 Eliciting a Woman’sFantasies...................................................................58 The Importance of using Descriptive Language..........................................64 The Dirtiest Dream Technique...................................................................67 Putting it All Together.................................................................................73 Text to Sex Recap.....................................................................................78 Terms and Conditions of Use....................................................................80 

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By Race dePriest

About the Author Who is Race de Priest? Well for starters I am a world traveler, a dolphin rider, a bridge-jumper-offer, a true blue friend, an award winning bartender, a class clown, a cheese fiend, an adventure junkie, a HUGE dork and all around funstigator. But I bet the part of me that you are most interested in is how I became a professional dating and relationship consultant who has written several books, been on quite a few radio shows including Maxim Radio and Covino and Rich, filmed a TV pilot about meeting women in NYC, worked with the Prime Minister of the Bahamas, been made fun of on Saturday Night Live, been the topic of countless articles and worked with thousand of clients all around the world. Well truth is it started back in High School. At the age of 15 my parents moved the whole family 2,300 miles (3,701 k) across the country. I went from having a well established social circle of tight knit friends to a small private school where I was the outsider. I mean, these kids had grown up together since grade school. My way of dealing with it was to withdraw into myself and become stand-offish. Hey, that way I couldn’t get rejected or hurt right? The only problem was, this was NOT getting me friends and definitely was NOT getting me dates. Being the bookworm that I am, I began to devour every book I could find on how to connect with people, make friends and overall become popular. As I began to incorporate what I was learning, I was amazed to see how people began to respond differently to me. It was scary and I was nervous as hell but it payed off. Within a few months I was dating the most popular girl in my class. Fast forward 8 months and a breakup later I was back at square one. Yet I learned a valuable lesson. You don’t have to be born with it, this stuff can be learned! I was so intrigued, in fact, that I chose Psychology as one of my majors in College. But something

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By Race dePriest

was wrong. No matter how much I learned I still didn’t seem to be getting the results I wanted. But I was relatively comfortable so I didn’t worry about it too much. Until another girl broke up with me. You see, I was the kind of guy that would find a girlfriend and then hold on to her however I could (usually through manipulation and guilt – yeah I know, very unhealthy) because I was afraid that if we broke up I wouldn’t be able to find another one. For me, being in a relationship was comfortable, it was safe and I yet deep down I knew I wasn’t completely happy. I relied on the woman I was dating for my identity and my happiness. Now back to the story. So there I was working as a bartender in New Zealand after graduation when my girlfriend of 2 years decided to come out and live with me. She quit her Flight Attendant job, flew out and after two months living together she broke up with me. I was devastated. This is the most alone I had ever felt in my entire life. Heartbroken, alone and completely unhappy in a foreign country was the last straw. I was going to master social skills if it killed me! And it did… I am actually a ghost. j/k I spent the next five years searching out guys who had charisma, who made friends easily and instantly, who girls fawned over, the kind of guy we all wish we could be. It became my personal mission to learn every last thing I could from them. And you know what was odd? They all did different “things”, sometimes contradictory things. And yet it all worked… for them. But a curious thing began to happen to me as I spent more and more time with them. I started to get the same results. It wasn’t until later that I realized what had happened. Ready for the big secret? I began to subconsciously absorb their beliefs and values. Beliefs and values are the subconscious “commands” that direct our actions, filter the way we view the world and determine how we interpret events, including social interactions. All of the “techniques” that these guys were teaching me, even the ones that contradicted each other, worked because they were in line with each particular guy’s beliefs and values. Now I finally understood

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By Race dePriest

why no matter how much I learned, I still wasn’t getting the results I wanted! My subconscious beliefs and values were out of line and holding me back! I was so excited I spent the next couple years learning the absolute quickest and most effective ways to uncover these sabotaging, subconscious beliefs and transform them into the self-empowering, solid identity building beliefs that these guys all had. I was FINALLY becoming the persona I had always wanted to be. People began to notice. All of a sudden I was the one being complemented on my charisma, I was the one making friends everywhere I went, I was the one people were calling to see what was going on, I was even the one guys came to for advice on meeting and dating beautiful women. Since then I have dedicated a large part of my life to working with men and women to help them uncover and transform these subconscious beliefs and values that are literally making it impossible for them to achieve the life they desire. So now it’s your turn. IF you are a member of the select few who are ready to move past the same old tips and techniques that have been getting you limited results and often leave you feeling unauthentic and weird then I invite you to a new lifestyle. A lifestyle of adventure, unlimited fun, self-discovery, unshakable confidence, happy, healthy relationships, awesome and abundant friendships, and of course the most exciting and beautiful women you have ever met. I invite you to share in my lifestyle btw: Absolutely feel free to contact me with any and all sincere questions. Yes that means YOU. I promise to get back to you asap. After all, we are in this together :)

Cheers, Race dePriest

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By Race dePriest

Introduction to From Text 2 Sex

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By Race dePriest

The Power Of Text 2 Sex Wouldn’t you love to be able to turn a woman on to the point of orgasm using only your thumbs? Not only is creating an intense sexual state possible but it is one of the most powerful applications of text messaging. Here are just a few of the benefits of using text to create and amplify a woman’s sexual desire for you.

Lack of Social Pressure A woman is much more likely to open up about her sexuality with you for the first time over text messages due to the lack of social pressure. A person’s sexuality is often a very personal subject and held even more so by the unspoken taboo underlying our society. Fortunately, over text she does not have you (or anyone else) right there in front of her to judge her. You can’t look at her weird and embarrass her. She is hidden behind the veil of her phone. It is the same reason why people are able to write out a letter saying what they were unable to say in person or why people do crazy things on Halloween behind a mask that they would never regularly do. This is the foundation for why creating a sexual state over text is possible and so effective.

The Power of Words The most potent sexual organ in the female body is her mind. The most effective way to stimulate a woman’s mind is through the power of your words. The school-yard saying, “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me” couldn’t be further from the truth. The truth is, words can cheer up someone’s day, break someone’s heart, encourage a friend and even evoke powerful feelings of desire and arousal. Just as men have an affinity towards visual stimulus (a.k.a are easily aroused by a woman’s physical appearance) women have a natural indulgence to the power and charm of intricately woven words. Descriptive words engage a woman’s imagination allowing her to envision, and most importantly feel, what you wish to express. Painting a vivid picture with words is the ultimate form of foreplay.

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By Race dePriest

A Longer Build Up The bigger the build up the more powerful and pleasurable the release is. Because you can begin to build a woman’s sexual state hours or even days before you meet up with her, when she shows up you are already that much closer to having amazing sex with her. The best part is the sex will be far more rewarding and intense than if you have to start from scratch when she shows up. It gives her time for her imagination to run wild. After all anticipation is half the fun!

It Sets Up a Marker Once you successfully build a sexual state with a woman it sets a marker in place so you can easily return to that point. It is impossible to go backwards in a relationship. It is just like building a bridge. You may stop using that bridge to cross over to the other side but now that that bridge is there you know how and where to get across. This means you just made progressing sexually with the woman you are interested in much easier for both of you.

Intensifies Her Arousal Creating a sexual state with a woman over text is something you can do at any time. Often she will be in a social setting where experiencing those feelings is inappropriate. Maybe she is bored at work, school, the airport, a meeting, or the library. These are places she is not used to feeling aroused. This significantly intensifies those feelings. Just like the desire to do something exponentially increases when we are told we can’t do it, leading a woman to become aroused and indulge in sexual thoughts in these types of settings becomes a secret thrill. This is a key to unlocking her secret fantasies.

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By Race dePriest

You Feel Like a Man Last but not least it is incredibly fun and makes you feel like a man. Leading woman to explore and express her sexual desires is one of the most rewarding and affirming things you can do as a man. As you can see this is some powerful stuff. Some of the concepts in this section are on the advanced side. It takes a certain amount of calibration to pull them off. Don’t worry – practice makes the master. Be sure to read over this section several times, take tons of notes, refer back often and most importantly when you see something you want to try stop and do it right then.

Note: One thing to remember is you must make sure to carry on the sexual vibe and undertones

you created through text when she shows up. Otherwise you lose all your progress and she will be disappointed. If you are unsure how to do this be sure to check out Tao of Badass and all their in depth coaching programs.

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By Race dePriest

Be Bold Not Brash – Own Your Sexuality

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By Race dePriest

Let Her Know Your Sexual Side Chances are you have missed many opportunities to become sexual with women because you were not sure if you would offend her and ruin your chances. Guess what? The exact opposite is true. By not telegraphing the fact you are a sexual being you actually have ruined your chances with her. She will forgive you for being a man but not for being a pussy. In other words, when you fail to express your sexual interest in a woman she loses interest in you as a sexual option. Women are not stupid. They know that as men we have sexual desires. When we try to hide it one of two things happens: 1. She knows she can’t trust you and that you are not comfortable with yourself – very unattractive or 2. She concludes you are not interested in her as a sexual partner and starts looking elsewhere for the fulfillment of her sexual urges. But don’t worry you are not going to do this anymore. This section will give you many tools you can use to display your sexual interest with a woman. You will be astonished at how receptive women are to your sexual advances when done correctly. You must be willing to push the envelope and try new things. We too were nervous the first time trying some of this stuff out. Often you don’t know what is possible until you just jump in and try. This is how you learn. Be bold not brash. You must not be pushy, rude or overbearing. You cannot be the mindless horndog desperate to fuck anything that walks. When considering how to express your sexuality to a woman try adopting the perspective of appreciation and awe combined with overwhelming raw animalistic desire for her. Check out the examples throughout this material to see what this looks like.

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By Race dePriest

When you create and are in a sexual state with a woman, especially over text, you will be amazed at what you can and will say. Say what you really like. Tell her what you really want to do with her and to her. The secret is to OWN what you say. No matter what her response these are your desires and you do not need to apologize for them. They are completely natural and are a part of who you are.

Race Wednesday, Nov 19 at 3:12:48 PM Hmm I sure could use one of your wonderful blow jobs about now :)

Amber Wednesday, Nov 19 at 3:36:04 PM no massage to go with it? *A

Race Wednesday, Nov 19 at 3:36:10 PM Well if you are offering…heck yes!

Amber Wednesday, Nov 19 at 4:10:55 PM i’ll be sure to keep in mind how fond you are of those :) *A

Race Wednesday, Nov 19 at 4:12:51 PM Why thank you my dear…I definitely want to fuck you in the ass again soon too ;). That is if you don’t mind getting ridden a little rough…

©Amber 2013 Attraction Rockstar Wednesday, Nov 19 at 4:14:45 PM

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no massage to go with it? *A

Race Wednesday, Nov 19 at 3:36:10 PM Well if you are offering…heck yes!

By Race dePriest

Amber Wednesday, Nov 19 at 4:10:55 PM

i’ll be sure to keep in mind how fond you are of those :) *A

Race Wednesday, Nov 19 at 4:12:51 PM Why thank you my dear…I definitely want to fuck you in the ass again soon too ;). That is if you don’t mind getting ridden a little rough…

Amber Wednesday, Nov 19 at 4:14:45 PM i can’t remember last time some1 texted me so upfront haha i kind of like it!

You cannot always be filtering what you say because of how you THINK other people are going to respond to it. This is not only selfish but also very draining. Selfish because you are cheating people out of the opportunity to get to know the real you and draining because you have to always be on guard and in your head worrying. On top of that it is impossible to be in the moment, which is the most meaningful gift you can give to anyone. When you are not in the moment you cannot notice all the subtleties that go on in a conversation. You will miss out on the clues she is giving off and all subtext of what she is saying. This is the foundation to being successful with women. Owning what you say without apology demonstrates you are solid in your own identity and do not rely on others to define who you are. Tayla 7/8 5:17 PM Hey my darling gutter floater lol.

Race 7/8 5:23 PM Yes my little cock weasel?

Tayla 7/8 5:24 PM Ew dont call me that.

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Tayla 7/8 5:17 PM Hey my darling gutter floater lol.

By Race dePriest Race 7/8 5:23 PM Yes my little cock weasel?

Tayla 7/8 5:24 PM Ew dont call me that.

Race 7/8 5:25 PM I’ll call u whatever I want my love

Tayla 7/8 5:27 PM Oh no you won’t. I’ll hurt you

Race 7/8 5:29 PM I will pin u down on my bed and make u moan

Tayla 7/8 5:30 PM Promise.

Race 7/8 5:32 PM All u have 2 do is show up…i’ll take care of the rest

Amber Wednesday, Nov 19 at 4:10:55 PM i’ll be sure to keep in mind how fond you are of those :) *A

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Race 7/8 5:32 PM All u have 2 do is show up…i’ll take care of the rest

Amber Wednesday, Nov 19 at 4:10:55 PM i’ll be sure to keep in mind how fond you are of those :) *A

By Race dePriest

Race 7/8 5:32 PM All u have 2 do is show up…i’ll take care of the rest

Tayla 7/8 5:34 PM I believe it sweetheart. Sorry I’ve disappeared lately just going through alot.

Race 7/8 5:35 PM Thursday work 4 u

Tayla 7/8 5:40 PM Yeah

Race 7/8 5:40 PM We’ll make up then:-)

Tayla 7/8 5:45 PM Sounds amazing

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By Race dePriest

If you happen to truly offend a woman do not make a big deal of it. Simply apologize and move on with the conversation. Now that you are ready to man up and communicate your sexual desires to the women in your life that you are interested in let’s learn the tips and tricks to smoothly transitioning into a sexual conversation.

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By Race dePriest

Sexting Basics

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By Race dePriest

Gauging a Girl’s Sexual Radar Oftentimes guys are unsure of where a girl is in regard to her sexuality. Is she reserved? Does she have hang ups with sex? Is she a straight up nympho waiting for you to bring it out? Knowing where she is at and how she views sex allows you to tailor your approach to make it the best possible experience for her. In addition it allows you to figure out if this girl is compatible with you sexually. This is HUGE. You can gauge a woman’s present sexual radar by sporadically throwing out little sexual innuendo hooks to see if she bites or if they go over her head.

Race: I just saw the cutest little squirrel in the park gathering nuts and it made me think of you :)

Janiece: lol! ur the best! saving that message! too cute!

Danielle: Why cause We both like nuts?

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By Race dePriest

As you can see the same text was sent out to both girls but the way they responded was completely different. While Janiece thought it was cute, Danielle definitely picked up on the sexual overtones of the text. It is apparent that Danielle is much more in tune with her sexuality and comfortable expressing it. Constantly be dropping these little hooks to see where a girl is at. You will often notice as the interaction progresses and you continue to use the techniques in this book to make a girl feel more comfortable with you, her sexual radar will amplify and tune in to you. Note: Just because a girl catches on to your sexual overtones does not mean she is easy. It often just means she is more in tune with her sexuality and comfortable expressing it. This can be a sign of maturity.

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By Race dePriest

Turning The Conversation Sexual It is your job as the man to lead and escalate the conversation. The problem guys often have is how to turn a seemingly innocent conversation into something sexual. Through every text a woman sends you there are ways to grab onto something she says and purposefully misinterpret what she is saying and turn it sexual. We call this directive misinterpretation.

Anthea 4/22 4:09 PM ooo my prince charming

Race 4/22 4:20 PM Yes my lovely princess?

Anthea 4/22 4:23 PM you are rather adorable

Race 4/22 4:29 PM Awww….just for that I am going to bring you home some magic fairy dust;-)

Anthea 4/22 4:38 PM lol.. ’d rather have a cuddle monkey

© 2013 Attraction Rockstar Race 4/22 4:39 PM

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Race 4/22 4:20 PM Yes my lovely princess?

Anthea 4/22 4:23 PM you are rather adorable

By Race dePriest

Race 4/22 4:29 PM Awww….just for that I am going to bring you home some magic fairy dust;-)

Anthea 4/22 4:38 PM lol.. ’d rather have a cuddle monkey

Race 4/22 4:39 PM Those are extremely rare….but for you my love I would search all of my kingdom and beyond!

Anthea 4/22 4:40 PM ok seriously u are the sweetest

Anthea 4/22 4:44 PM can i keep u

Race 4/22 4:45 PM Like in a cage? Prob not…in handcuffs for a night…maybe;-) (here is where I misinterpret it and turn it sexual)

Anthea 4/22 4:46 PM Lol tease

Anthea 4/22 4:52 PM

© 2013 Attraction Rockstar

u make a girls mind wander…

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Anthea 4/22 4:40 PM ok seriously u are the sweetest

Anthea 4/22 4:44 PM can i keep u

By Race dePriest Race 4/22 4:45 PM Like in a cage? Prob not…in handcuffs for a night…maybe;-) (here is where I misinterpret it and turn it sexual)

Anthea 4/22 4:46 PM Lol tease

Anthea 4/22 4:52 PM u make a girls mind wander…

Simply find ways to take what she is saying and change it so that it seems like she was insinuating something sexual. Your mindset should be that everything she says and does is trying to seduce you. Thinking this way will help you begin to see what she says in a different light and allow you to easily misinterpret what she is saying and direct the conversation in a sexual direction.

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By Race dePriest

Avoid Eagerly Grabbing Onto Her Sexual Hooks A beautiful woman is accustomed to using her sexuality as a way of influence to get what she wants. This is not a bad thing. Beautiful women learn that when they act a certain way men react in predictable patterns. If she dresses, smiles, walks and talks certain ways she can get free drinks, skip the line, get out of speeding tickets, etc. This is extremely useful for her. What does this mean for you? A beautiful woman will often times use subtle (or not so subtle) hints towards sex to excite you. As soon as she sees you biting onto them and getting excited she knows this is a way she can manipulate you. This puts you in the category of every other horny guy out there who is desperate to get laid. A high quality guy with many opportunities for sex would not become overly excited because he has no need to. He sees what is really going on. Instead tease her about it or act as if you don’t understand.

Danica Wednesday, Dec 3 at 2:37:38 PM I’m feeling extremely frisky today.

Race Wednesday, Dec 3 at 2:53:57 PM I like the sound of that..mmmm

Danica Wednesday, Dec 3 at 2:56:09 PM I bet you do. I think about you when I touch myself. [She tries to take control by saying “I bet you do”. Her sub text is that she has the sexual power in the relationship. I simply down play it.]

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Race Wednesday, Dec 3 at 3:10:41 PM


Danica Wednesday, Dec 3 at 2:37:38 PM I’m feeling extremely frisky today.

By Race dePriest

Race Wednesday, Dec 3 at 2:53:57 PM I like the sound of that..mmmm

Danica Wednesday, Dec 3 at 2:56:09 PM I bet you do. I think about you when I touch myself. [She tries to take control by saying “I bet you do”. Her sub text is that she has the sexual power in the relationship. I simply down play it.]

Race Wednesday, Dec 3 at 3:10:41 PM Haha yah right…isn’t that a song? LOL

Danica Wednesday, Dec 3 at 3:16:54 PM I definitely do. ;-)

…I don’t reply…

Danica Wednesday, Dec 3 at 3:27:08 PM I’m going to dress up and seduce you on sunday!

Race Wednesday, Dec 3 at 3:28:53 PM I’ll do my best to resist :) and I won’t be mad if you happen to send a few more “enticing” pics my way in the mean time

©Danica 2013 Attraction Rockstar Wednesday, Dec 3 at 3:42:15 PM

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Danica Wednesday, Dec 3 at 3:16:54 PM I definitely do. ;-)

…I don’t reply…

By Race dePriest

Danica Wednesday, Dec 3 at 3:27:08 PM I’m going to dress up and seduce you on sunday!

Race Wednesday, Dec 3 at 3:28:53 PM I’ll do my best to resist :) and I won’t be mad if you happen to send a few more “enticing” pics my way in the mean time

Danica Wednesday, Dec 3 at 3:42:15 PM Why can’t get enough?

She wants me to buy into her frame that she is irresistible and just like every other guy I am easily manipulated by her sexual charm. As soon as I do she will un-knowingly lose attraction for me. —–I don’t reply— She sent me naked pictures later that day btw When a girl initiates sexual talk it is best for you to downplay it and flip the script. Instead inform her she is no match for your sexual prowess. This communicates that you are used to and unfazed by a beautiful woman’s sexual advances.

Note: Only after you have progressed the relationship to a certain point can you successfully fall a

willing victim to the irresistible lure of her sexuality. That, however, is the topic for another program altogether.

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By Race dePriest

Pay Attention to Grammar Now I know you are going to be all excited when a girl is turning up the heat over the phone and describing all the naughty things she wants you to do to her but PLEASE remember to still use proper spelling and grammar. I promise you something as simple as that can kill the mood for a lot of women.

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By Race dePriest

The Art of Sexual Innuendos

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By Race dePriest

The Art of Sexual Innuendos Sexual Innuendos are the foundation to creating and building sexual states easily and comfortably with a woman. Because of their effectiveness and ease of use we recommend you begin to incorporate them into your texting and real-time interactions with women immediately. Let’s begin by defining a sexual innuendo. Sexual Innuendos – statements that talk about or describe something non-sexual in a way that alludes to something sexual. What does this mean? A buddy of mine, Mayson, shared a brilliant text he sent a while back to a girl on sexual innuendo. I have highlighted some of the sexual innuendos in the text so you can see them at work.

Bridget: sexual innuendos are funny… there is never a bad time for them

Mayson: I agree it is hard to make most people come to the understanding that sexual innuendo is an art form. I have been well endowed with a large amount of skill in this area as well. Oral skills are over looked as many people will struggle grasping the linguistic skills that roll off my tongue. I am sure you understand this concept because you have taken your lickings in life and have learned from them. Through intimate study one will find that penetrating deep understanding of oral talents can produce a very climatic finish!

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By Race dePriest

Sexual Innuendos are amazing because they introduce sexuality into a conversation in a fun seemingly innocent way. Talking about sex is in many ways taboo in our culture so when you bring it out in a fun way women love to hook onto them. Remember, women think about sex just as much as we do. It also shows you are confident and can talk about potentially embarrassing topics without fear. It subconsciously puts her at ease because you are giving off the signals that sex isn’t a big deal. This does not mean it can’t be special, meaningful or important but that you are comfortable when it comes to sex and aren’t going to be nervous or freak out when you get into a sexual situation with her.

Example #1 Sara 2/4 8:46 PM I have some super exciting news! But u don’t get 2 know until thursday cause it is more fun 2 tell in person :)

Race 2/4 8:51 PM Aww man…now u got me all excited and anticipitory !!! (seems like a word to me)

Sara 2/4 8:58 PM It is a word! Only spelled anticipatory. Nice work :) but now u have something 2 look forward 2 besides the noodles and mind blowing sex

Race 2/4 9:02 PM Noodles would have been enough to get me excited…but now I am just brimming with enthusiasm!

Sara 2/4 9:05 PM

©Glad 2013 Attraction Rockstar i can make u brim :)

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I have some super exciting news! But u don’t get 2 know until thursday cause it is more fun 2 tell in person :)

Race 2/4 8:51 PM Aww man…now u got me all excited and anticipitory !!! (seems like a word to me)

By Race dePriest

Sara 2/4 8:58 PM

It is a word! Only spelled anticipatory. Nice work :) but now u have something 2 look forward 2 besides the noodles and mind blowing sex

Race 2/4 9:02 PM Noodles would have been enough to get me excited…but now I am just brimming with enthusiasm!

Sara 2/4 9:05 PM Glad i can make u brim :)

Race 2/4 9:11 PM I doubt that is a sexual innuendo coming from u but I am going to take it as one and get a nice big smirk on my face

Sara 2/4 9:14 PM U don’t think i am capable of sexual innuendos? I am hurt! :)

Race 2/4 9:20 PM In that case I look 4ward to hearing many many more ;-) who knows, maybe someday u will be able to keep up w/ me

Sara 2/4 9:25 PM U r the the S.I. master. I can be ur pupil

Race 2/4 9:29 PM Studying under me can be a lot to swallow sometimes (lesson one)

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Sara 2/4 9:14 PM U don’t think i am capable of sexual innuendos? I am hurt! :)

Race 2/4 9:20 PM In that case I look 4ward to hearing many many more ;-) who knows, maybe someday u will be able to keep up w/ me

By Race dePriest Sara 2/4 9:25 PM U r the the S.I. master. I can be ur pupil

Race 2/4 9:29 PM Studying under me can be a lot to swallow sometimes (lesson one)

Sara 2/4 9:31 PM I bow down before u… Oh! Two in one night!

Example #2 Nikki Wednesday, Dec 17 at 11:12:33 PM 7 inches of snow today crazy huh

Race Thursday, Dec 18 at 12:05:15 AM 7 inches is quite fulfilling I hear :)

Nikki Thursday, Dec 18 at 12:06:41 AM Haha nice

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By Race dePriest

As you practice using Sexual Innuendos, you will notice that you begin to see the world in a more sexual way. Certain words will jump out you, making it easier and easier to come up with new ones on the fly. If you often have trouble moving an interaction with girls in a sexual direction, this is going to do wonders for you.

That’s What She Said Another simple way to jump-start the sexuality in a text is any time she text something that can be taken as a sexual innuendo just text back, “That’s what she/he said”. It has been a little played out but still gets her mind thinking sexually.

Lindsey: wow, these are smaller than i expected

Race: That’s what she said

Cindy: Man this is so hard!


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That’s what she said

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Lindsey: wow, these are smaller than i expected

By Race dePriest Race: That’s what she said

Cindy: Man this is so hard!

Race: That’s what she said

As you can see, this instantly turns a seemingly innocent statement into a sexual innuendo. Be careful to not over use this one as it can get annoying if you do it all the time.

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By Race dePriest

Let’s do it… hang out I mean… not sex Here is a funny little technique a good girlfriend of mine, Julie, used to say all the time. She is always saying funny, quirky things that you wouldn’t expect. Anytime we would make plan to do something she would say a little something I found really funny. For example, if we decided to go grab some Mexican food she would say: Let’s do it… go eat I mean…not sex. I would always end up laughing. This technique assumes that the girl you are talking with is thinking about having sex with you so you have to set her straight.

Example #1 Race Tuesday, Jan 6 at 2:11:49 PM Yay! So then it is high time we get together wouldn’t you say

Kassie Tuesday, Jan 6 at 2:13:00 PM I do agree

Race Tuesday, Jan 6 at 2:24:00 PM Let’s do it…hang out I mean…not sex

Kassie Tuesday, Jan 6 at 2:25:29 PM Haha yes let’s. The day is up to you

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Example #2 Julie Monday, Aug 18 at 6:23:31 PM Hooray for new stuff :) do i still get to see you thursday?

Race Monday, Aug 18 at 6:32:50 PM Let’s do it…hang out I mean…not sex

Julie Monday, Aug 18 at 7:02:37 PM Let’s do it AND hang out :)

Race Monday, Aug 18 at 7:03:43 PM I like that plan :)

Note: You can play around with this and add things on the end (i.e. Let’s do it… hang out I mean…

not sex. Geeze you have a dirty mind!) This also works great in person.

I can’t tell you how many fun little techniques I have picked up from all of the amazing women I have had the great fortune to spend time with. Keep an ear out, women are an endless resource for picking up new fun ways to interact with people, especially other women.

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Priming a Sexual Encounter

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Get Her Thinking About Sex It can be a lot of fun to get a girl thinking sexually the day of your date. This allows you both the enjoyment of anticipation. This is especially easy to do if you already have a sexual history. Don’t worry if you haven’t, you can always start with something like:

You: You know what I keep thinking about?

Her: What?

You: How bad I want to kiss your neck right now

Her: yes PLZ

This will get her imagining being kissed on the neck and where that can lead. If you have already been sexual with a woman you can be even more bold.

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Race Wednesday, Mar 4 at 9:20:38 AM You know what I keep thinking about?

Keiko Wednesday, Mar 4 at 9:33:01 AM What?

Race Wednesday, Mar 4 at 9:42:14 AM How amazing my cock felt in your mouth. I don’t know what you do but WOW!

Keiko Wednesday, Mar 4 at 9:46:58 AM Wow, if I wasn’t completely awake I am now… Stop flattering me – I still have a lot to learn and an apt pupil with a willing teacher

Race Wednesday, Mar 4 at 9:49:10 AM Shall we get some practice in tonight my sultry temptress?

Keiko Wednesday, Mar 4 at 9:54:28 AM So u get to have all the fun before me? Perhaps, depends on how charmed I am by u tonight

Race Wednesday, Mar 4 at 9:56:40 AM That doesn’t sound like an apt pupil to me lol. But hey, if it’s not fun for you let’s not do it.

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Keiko Wednesday, Mar 4 at 9:46:58 AM Wow, if I wasn’t completely awake I am now… Stop flattering me – I still have a lot to learn and an apt pupil with a willing teacher

Race Wednesday, Mar 4 at 9:49:10 AM Shall we get some practice in tonight my sultry temptress?

By Race dePriest Keiko Wednesday, Mar 4 at 9:54:28 AM So u get to have all the fun before me? Perhaps, depends on how charmed I am by u tonight

Race Wednesday, Mar 4 at 9:56:40 AM That doesn’t sound like an apt pupil to me lol. But hey, if it’s not fun for you let’s not do it.

Keiko Wednesday, Mar 4 at 10:03:31 AM Hmmm very true – lesson #1… And u do have a point, it would be extremely fun for me to get u off

Race Wednesday, Mar 4 at 10:19:22 AM You just turned me on big time!

Keiko Wednesday, Mar 4 at 4:13:22 PM So we still on for lesson #2 tonight?

Race Wednesday, Mar 4 at 5:02:01 PM Indeed*;)

Never underestimate how powerful a woman’s imagination is. When she is thinking about being sexual with you all day don’t be surprised if she is all over you very early in the date that night. Anticipation is a powerful drug. Use it often.

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Handling the Booty Call Objection

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Handling the Booty Call Objection When you’re managing multiple relationships, and only selectively seeing some girls (and even more so if you’re sleeping with them) they can get confused about what you want. I’m always honest with the girls I’m dating about what I can and can’t give them. But when their fears that I don’t spend “quality” time with them and truly appreciate them rise to the surface – especially late at night – those fears need to be addressed and framed through my perspective on our developing relationship. Race Wednesday, Feb 25 1:46:53 AM Awake?

Cindy Wednesday, Feb 25 1:47:29 AM Ya I’m out. . What’s up

Race Wednesday, Feb 25 1:48:13 AM Smoking hookah at a friend’s…wanna come watch a movie?

Cindy Wednesday, Feb 25 1:49:34 AM No i don’t wana fuck

Race Wednesday, Feb 25 1:50:41 AM Haha…u r funny. Catch ya later alligator

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Cindy Wednesday, Feb 25 1:47:29 AM Ya I’m out. . What’s up

Race Wednesday, Feb 25 1:48:13 AM Smoking hookah at a friend’s…wanna come watch a movie?

By Race dePriest Cindy Wednesday, Feb 25 1:49:34 AM No i don’t wana fuck

Race Wednesday, Feb 25 1:50:41 AM Haha…u r funny. Catch ya later alligator

Cindy Wednesday, Feb 25 1:51: 28 AM After while crocodile

Race Wednesday, Feb 25 1:52:54 AM Hey I am a penguin punk!

Race Wednesday, Feb 25 2:17:23 AM Ps what’s with the rude remark?

Cindy Wednesday, Feb 25 2:22:09 AM Ps wht with making me feel like a late night booty call?

Race Wednesday, Feb 25 2:23:27 AM U work late as a bartender and I stay up late so I figure u r up…don’t take it personal nerd

Cindy Wednesday, Feb 25 2:26:52 AM Well i did. . Plus i am weird with you and i don’t know why

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Race Wednesday, Feb 25 2:17:23 AM Ps what’s with the rude remark?

Cindy Wednesday, Feb 25 2:22:09 AM Ps wht with making me feel like a late night booty call?

By Race dePriest Race Wednesday, Feb 25 2:23:27 AM U work late as a bartender and I stay up late so I figure u r up…don’t take it personal nerd

Cindy Wednesday, Feb 25 2:26:52 AM Well i did. . Plus i am weird with you and i don’t know why

Race Wednesday, Feb 25 2:29:25 AM Well u r weird true lol j/k…what do u mean weird with me??

Cindy Wednesday, Feb 25 2:32:22 AM Idk u make me act weird and I’m never weird I’m fun i swear! I guess I’m just worried that i don’t wana be played. .

Race Wednesday, Feb 25 2:34:10 AM Haha. Ur not a musical instrument silly. We r both human beings who have the same worries about meeting people we like nerd

Cindy Wednesday, Feb 25 2:34:45 AM Oh ya what do u worry about?

Race Wednesday, Feb 25 2:39:19 AM Ninjas and the boogie man mostly lol seriously I am just trying to meet fun, cool people who are interested in getting to know me. Is that so weird?

Cindy Wednesday, Feb 25 2:41:31 AM No i am too but u r very charming and its rare so it makes me stand offish. . I don’t wana for aAttraction beautiful smile with playful intensions. 43 of 83 ©fall 2013 Rockstar www.text2sex.com

Race Wednesday, Feb 25 2:34:10 AM Haha. Ur not a musical instrument silly. We r both human beings who have the same worries about meeting people we like nerd

Cindy Wednesday, Feb 25 2:34:45 AM Oh ya what do u worry about?

By Race dePriest Race Wednesday, Feb 25 2:39:19 AM Ninjas and the boogie man mostly lol seriously I am just trying to meet fun, cool people who are interested in getting to know me. Is that so weird?

Cindy Wednesday, Feb 25 2:41:31 AM No i am too but u r very charming and its rare so it makes me stand offish. . I don’t wana fall for a beautiful smile with playful intensions.

Cindy Wednesday, Feb 2 2:42:25 AM I dont wana freak u out with honesty but i dont dig guys like i dig u. Ur very original.

Race Wednesday, Feb 25 2:44:17 AM U think I have a beautiful smile?! Stop it I’m blushing! Lol. Well I have no intentions of tricking u into doing anything u don’t want to do. If u wanna come play and have fun because u want to just let me know eskimo :)

Cindy Wednesday, Feb 25 2:47:28 AM No i want u to treat me like ur actually interested in knowing me by asking me to do stuff with you. Not just watch movies and make out.

Race Wednesday, Feb 25 2:49:42 AM Well I like watching movies and that is what I do often…yep kinda boring but I like it so that is spending time with me. I work all day and most of my money is tied up in my business so I don’t go out often unless it is to networking events.

Cindy Wednesday, Feb 25 2:52:11 AM Ok well i don’t do cop outs race cuz i know if someones reaalllyy into someone they make time and spare cash so put that in ur lecture. I’m no ones “i don’t want a relationship” girl. But thank you for trying to be sweet

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because u want to just let me know eskimo :)

Cindy Wednesday, Feb 25 2:47:28 AM No i want u to treat me like ur actually interested in knowing me by asking me to do stuff with you. Not just watch movies and make out.

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Race Wednesday, Feb 25 2:49:42 AM Well I like watching movies and that is what I do often…yep kinda boring but I like it so that is spending time with me. I work all day and most of my money is tied up in my business so I don’t go out often unless it is to networking events.

Cindy Wednesday, Feb 25 2:52:11 AM Ok well i don’t do cop outs race cuz i know if someones reaalllyy into someone they make time and spare cash so put that in ur lecture. I’m no ones “i don’t want a relationship” girl. But thank you for trying to be sweet

Race Wednesday, Feb 25 2:55:20 AM Haha not what I was saying but I see what ur saying. Sounds like u r after something else. Good luck. U r an awesome girl :)

Cindy Wednesday, Feb 25 2:56:57 AM No i don’t wana relationship by any means but i am a girl and it would be nice to be treated special once in awhile. Not like a booty call ya feel me?

I don’t respond Cindy Wednesday, Feb 25 2:57:29 AM I’m drunk and ’m sure this doesn’t make any sense

I don’t respond Cindy Wednesday, Feb 25 3:02:59 AM Listen do u mind if i come see u i won’t be weird i swear

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By not taking anything personal, by not falling into her bullshit pre-conceived notions she has of me from her other guys in her past and by being willing to let her go, I was able to turn this objection into a fun night with an awesome girl. Go and do likewise!

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Make Her Feel Safe

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Provide a Space When you begin creating a sexual frame with a woman it is important to make sure you provide a space where she knows there is no judgment. Because a woman’s sexuality can be such a personal thing it is much easier for her to hide it and be safe than share it and get hurt. You must rid yourself of moral judgment, indignation or immaturity. This also includes her knowing that you will not go be-hind her back and brag to all your friends or make fun of her. If you still do this it is time to grow up.

Brenda Sunday, Aug 31 at 6:16:52 AM Hey i heard a joke…i wish you were homework cuz you would be hard and i would be doing you on my desk right now lol

Race Sunday, Aug 31 at 6:18:53 AM Haha…let’s study tomorrow then;)

Brenda Sunday, Aug 31 at 6:19:50 AM Maybe after i beat you at chugging contest

Brenda Sunday, Aug 31 at 6:22:16 AM Hey let’s play carpenter… First we get hammered then ill nail you lol

Race Sunday, Aug 31 at 6:28:36 AM That sounds like a fun game… But I’ll win ;)

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Haha…let’s study tomorrow then;)

Brenda Sunday, Aug 31 at 6:19:50 AM Maybe after i beat you at chugging contest

By Race dePriest Brenda Sunday, Aug 31 at 6:22:16 AM Hey let’s play carpenter… First we get hammered then ill nail you lol

Race Sunday, Aug 31 at 6:28:36 AM That sounds like a fun game… But I’ll win ;)

Brenda Sunday, Aug 31 at 6:29:12 AM I hope you would :-) i have to tell you something though

Race Sunday, Aug 31 at 6:30:17 AM So tell me

Brenda Sunday, Aug 31 at 6:32:10 AM I have only been with one guy i don’t know how you feel about that i was with him for 3 years but now i feel like i don’t have enough experience :/ You know for you

Race Sunday, Aug 31 at 6:36:57 AM Experience has no standing in my book…an open curious mind with a sense of adventure and willing to explore who you are is what I value :)

Brenda Sunday, Aug 31 at 6:38:22 AM That’s good to hear… I’m always willing to try new things:-) i hope you are as amazing as you sound

Race Sunday, Aug 31 at 6:39:35 AM Me too lol

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Brenda Sunday, Aug 31 at 6:32:10 AM I have only been with one guy i don’t know how you feel about that i was with him for 3 years but now i feel like i don’t have enough experience :/ You know for you

Race Sunday, Aug 31 at 6:36:57 AM Experience has no standing in my book…an open curious mind with a sense of adventure and willing to explore who you are is what I value :)

By Race dePriest

Brenda Sunday, Aug 31 at 6:38:22 AM That’s good to hear… I’m always willing to try new things:-) i hope you are as amazing as you sound

Race Sunday, Aug 31 at 6:39:35 AM Me too lol

Brenda Sunday, Aug 31 2008 at 6:40:47 AM I’m sure you will be:-) ’ll talk to you tomorrow

When providing a safe space for a woman to open up sexually you will be surprised at some of the sexual fantasies women have. This does not mean you have to be the one who fulfills her fantasies (it is fun when you do though) but it does mean you have to accept her. By providing a safe, judgment free space for women to explore their own sexuality you will not only make it infinitely easier for her to open up to you sexually but also set yourself apart as a world class lover.

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Overcoming a Woman’s Insecurities There will definitely be times when you unlock a woman’s sexuality much faster than anyone else ever has or in ways she has never experienced before. This can be very frightening to her. She is not used to expressing and exploring her sexuality so openly with someone she likes and most certainly not so quickly. Inevitably this will cause some of her insecurities to arise and you must be able to handle them with honesty, confidence and the utmost care.

Race Me1/17 9:04 PM Did u send me a picture 2day? All my txt got erased

Kerry 1/17 9:05 PM Yeah you so missed out

Race Me1/17 9:08 PM Haha…thanks a lot meanie!

Kerry 1/17 9:21 PM You have new Picture Mail! Click Go/View to see now. (she sends me a picture of her lifting up her turtle neck and flashing me her bra)

Kerry 1/17 9:29 PM I sent it

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Yeah you so missed out

Race Me1/17 9:08 PM Haha…thanks a lot meanie!

By Race dePriest Kerry 1/17 9:21 PM You have new Picture Mail! Click Go/View to see now. (she sends me a picture of her lifting up her turtle neck and flashing me her bra)

Kerry 1/17 9:29 PM I sent it

Race Me1/17 9:29 PM R u wearing a turtleneck?..haha sexy sexy now I know where 2 aim next time;-)

Kerry 1/17 9:31 PM That’s not nice

Race Me1/17 9:45 PM Which part?

Kerry 1/17 9:55 PM You are going to aim for my neck. Just not a very sexy thing to say. Guess I know what you think of me.

Race Me1/17 10:00 PM ??? R u feeling ok? (instead of buying into the argument ask a question to get to the heart of what she is feeling)

Race 1/17 10:01 PM Not your neck right between your breasts…and I think that’s hot…so be offended if u I still like it (I like what I like. If she is not into it that is ok we won’t do it but I will not © 2013 Attractionwill Rockstar www.text2sex.com 52 of 83 apologize for what I am into.)

Race Me1/17 9:45 PM Which part?

Kerry 1/17 9:55 PM You are going to aim for my neck. Just not a very sexy thing to say. Guess I know what you think of me.

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Race Me1/17 10:00 PM ??? R u feeling ok? (instead of buying into the argument ask a question to get to the heart of what she is feeling)

Race 1/17 10:01 PM Not your neck right between your breasts…and I think that’s hot…so be offended if u will I still like it (I like what I like. If she is not into it that is ok we won’t do it but I will not apologize for what I am into.)

Kerry 1/17 10:02 PM Not really

Kerry 1/17 10:04 PM Oh well in that case I can’t wait

Kerry 1/17 10:25 PM Sorry ’m being a little hypersensitive. Had a long day & ’m bummed about some things. (She isn’t feeling well. Something else is bothering her and she is taking it out on me. I can now better understand what is causing her to react this way she is.)

Race Me1/17 10:26 PM No worries nerdball:-)

Kerry 1/17 10:30 PM I have to ask you something though???

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Oh well in that case I can’t wait

Kerry 1/17 10:25 PM Sorry ’m being a little hypersensitive. Had a long day & ’m bummed about some things. (She isn’t feeling well. Something else is bothering her and she is taking it out on me. I can now better understand what is causing her to react this way she is.)

By Race dePriest Race Me1/17 10:26 PM No worries nerdball:-)

Kerry 1/17 10:30 PM I have to ask you something though???

Race Me1/17 10:37 PM Yes I am really a ninja…next question

Kerry 1/17 10:42 PM Seriously ninja & be honest. Are you interested in getting to know me at all or are you more interested in sex. Don’t get me wrong that’s cool if you are.

Race Me1/17 10:56 PM What makes you say that?

Kerry: 1/17 11:00 PM Just want to know

Race Me1/17 11:02 PM I know but what even makes u feel like u need to ask that question?

Race 1/17 11:05 PM What makes u feel like I am not interested in getting to know you?

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Race Me1/17 10:56 PM What makes you say that?

Kerry: 1/17 11:00 PM Just want to know

By Race dePriest Race Me1/17 11:02 PM I know but what even makes u feel like u need to ask that question?

Race 1/17 11:05 PM What makes u feel like I am not interested in getting to know you?

Kerry 1/17 11:35 PM Nothing you did. We seem to have more sexual talk towards one another than getting to know one another. Which is super fun but I just want to know.

Kerry 1/17 11:37 PM Trust me you won’t hurt my feelings

Race Me1/17 11:37 PM Gottcha…’m just a very sexual person…but I’m only that way towards someone when I am interested in them. Make sense? (Once again I have no need to apologize. I am a sexual person and enjoy sharing that with a woman I am interested in)

Kerry 1/17 11:41 PM Yes. We differ there so I guess that’s why ’m not sure how to take it.

Race Me1/17 11:45 PM Really…that’s weird to me…who are you sexual towards then?

Kerry 1/17 11:53 PM What do you mean? Who?

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Gottcha…’m just a very sexual person…but I’m only that way towards someone when I am interested in them. Make sense? (Once again I have no need to apologize. I am a sexual person and enjoy sharing that with a woman I am interested in)

Kerry 1/17 11:41 PM Yes. We differ there so I guess that’s why ’m not sure how to take it.

By Race dePriest Race Me1/17 11:45 PM Really…that’s weird to me…who are you sexual towards then?

Kerry 1/17 11:53 PM What do you mean? Who?

Kerry 1/18 12:03 AM Until you. I have never sent a necked picture, never had text sex. I’m really not a sexual person or haven’t been. I sound like a wet blanket lol

Kerry 1/18 12:36 AM Dont get me wrong it’s not like you took my virginity. I’m just a little shy & self conscious in other areas. So am I totally freaking you out? (Now we are finally getting to the bottom of the issue)

Race Me1/18 12:37 AM Haha…not at all… Calm down…breath…and let’s enjoy our time 2gether:-) (How I respond is crucial. She has opened up and shared something very personal. If I were to tell her I was upset or concerned or even freaked out she would have slammed the door back closed and it would have been almost impossible to open her up again. Be very gentle. I let her know it is not a big deal. We all have our insecurities and I want her to know she is safe expressing them to me without fear of me getting mad, hurt or defensive.)

Kerry 1/18 1:08 AM Ha ha ha. Thanks. Just telling you a little something something about me mr sexual chocolate. Mums the word. Xx

Race Me1/18 6:07 PM Hey wanna hang out monday night?

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Race Me1/18 12:37 AM Haha…not at all… Calm down…breath…and let’s enjoy our time 2gether:-) (How I respond is crucial. She has opened up and shared something very personal. If I were to tell her I was upset or concerned or even freaked out she would have slammed the door back closed and it would have been almost impossible to open her up again. Be very gentle. I let her know it is not a big deal. We all have our insecurities and I want her to know she is safe expressing them to me without fear of me getting mad, hurt or defensive.)

By Race dePriest Kerry 1/18 1:08 AM Ha ha ha. Thanks. Just telling you a little something something about me mr sexual chocolate. Mums the word. Xx

Race Me1/18 6:07 PM Hey wanna hang out monday night?

Kerry 1/18 8:11 PM Sure. Whatcha have in mind?

Race Me1/18 8:29 PM Nothing in mind yet just wanting to see you:-)

Kerry 1/18 8:31 PM Well alrighty then. Monday night we are on like donkey kong. Have a good night

When delving into a woman’s sexuality you must be very sensitive. Some women are extremely self-conscious about their body or have issues with abandonment or sexual abuse. You cannot know this before hand so just be prepared to accept her. This does not mean you have to now take care of her or continue the relationship but it does mean if you have lead her to the point where she is opening up about these types of issues you need to be able to handle them as a mature adult man.

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Eliciting a Woman’s Fantasies

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Encourage Her To Share Her Fantasies The easiest way to get a woman to open up about her fantasies is to start by sharing one of yours. This works for several reasons. If you are open and confident enough to share one of your fantasies then she is encouraged to do the same or become a part of yours. You were vulnerable first so she feels safer about becoming vulnerable with you. It also invokes the law of reciprocity. When someone does something for us, in this case sharing a fantasy, we feel obliged to return the gesture.

Nicole 2:41pm ahhh i have to get gym clothes on..but i want to lay in bed, what opposites

Race 2:42pm oh the duality of the human condition….get off your ass you lazy bum, you can’t get fat or else we are going to have to cancel our date and get a divorce!

Nicole 2:42pm hahahahahaa every1 i live with is secretely 500 pounds inside. last night for instance, i was fine. and then they brought out cupcakes from magnolia. lol how do u say no to those i did feel proud for being the only person to have 1 though lol

Race 2:44pm did you save me one??!!!!

Nicole 2:44pm

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no everyone ate them lol hav u been to crumb?

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Race 2:42pm oh the duality of the human condition….get off your ass you lazy bum, you can’t get fat or else we are going to have to cancel our date and get a divorce!

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Nicole 2:42pm

hahahahahaa every1 i live with is secretely 500 pounds inside. last night for instance, i was fine. and then they brought out cupcakes from magnolia. lol how do u say no to those i did feel proud for being the only person to have 1 though lol

Race 2:44pm did you save me one??!!!!

Nicole 2:44pm no everyone ate them lol hav u been to crumb?

Race 2:44pm man and I thought you truly cared about me :(:(

Nicole 2:44pm ohhhh stop

Race 2:45pm no but I have been to the cupcakery and sprinkles

Nicole 2:45pm what’s your favorite kind

Race 2:45pm my favorite is red velvet

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ohhhh stop

Race 2:45pm no but I have been to the cupcakery and sprinkles

By Race dePriest Nicole 2:45pm what’s your favorite kind

Race 2:45pm my favorite is red velvet

Nicole 2:45pm ahhhh delicious, unexpected, but very impressive response

Race 2:46pm one of my fantasies is to eat one off a girls back while doing her from behind..lol

Nicole 2:46pm that’s a lot of pleasure at once

Race 2:46pm precisely

Nicole 2:47pm one, the view ur getting, two, hello ur doin a hot girl (hopefully) doggy style, and 3, the cupcake? can u handle that?

Race 2:48pm first there is no hopefully and second i only have two hands but I’m pretty sure I can handle it :):)

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that’s a lot of pleasure at once

Race 2:46pm precisely

By Race dePriest Nicole 2:47pm one, the view ur getting, two, hello ur doin a hot girl (hopefully) doggy style, and 3, the cupcake? can u handle that?

Race 2:48pm first there is no hopefully and second i only have two hands but I’m pretty sure I can handle it :):)

Nicole 2:49pm confidence is key, haha just gotta go for it

Race 2:52pm good point…now where am I going to get cupcakes at this hour? hmm

Nicole 2:53pm the hypothetical hour or the current actual hour

Race 2:55pm whichever one gets me eating a delicious cupcake off a beautiful (and adventurous) woman’s back

Nicole 2:55pm my only suggestion is…keep one in the freeezer..jk

Race 2:56pm haha..if only you were bringing cupcakes instead of brownies when we hang out..lol

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Nicole 2:53pm the hypothetical hour or the current actual hour

Race 2:55pm whichever one gets me eating a delicious cupcake off a beautiful (and adventurous) woman’s back

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Nicole 2:55pm my only suggestion is…keep one in the freeezer..jk

Race 2:56pm haha..if only you were bringing cupcakes instead of brownies when we hang out..lol

Nicole 2:58pm what r ur plans for this evening

Note: Feel free to make up silly fantasies on the spot that relate to what you are talking about.

Eliciting a woman’s fantasies is a great way to create a sexual state while forming a bond between the two of you. It also allows you to know what she is responsive to sexually (this includes what types of images you create through texts to get her turned on) and allows her to know what excites you sexually as well. This means that the sexual encounters you share with her are going to be far more enjoyable.

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The Importance of using Descriptive Language

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Don’t Be Dull – Make Your Words Memorable Mastering the art of using descriptive language is one of the most valuable assets you can ever learn. Not only does it allow you to tell more engaging stories, more effectively communicate your ideas and enrich your day to day experiences but it is the key to leading a woman’s imaginations and ultimately driving her wild with desire. The easiest way to begin training yourself to use more descriptive language is to start describing things according to how they feel. This can be both emotionally and sensationally – what you are experiencing with all five senses. Read the following two statements: This coke is good vs This coke is delicious. The bubbles are like little baby angels dancing on my tongue! As funny as that seems, which statement engaged your imagination? Which one did you visualize? Which one made you smile? Which one are you likely to remember? Women take notice to how you describe experiences, events, people, etc. Remember that a woman’s imagination is the key to powerful arousal and amazing sex. The mind often cannot differentiate between an imagined experience and

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a real experience. This is why sometimes you wake up from dreams confused and unsure if it really happened. When you can lead her to imagine kissing, touching and even having mind blowing, awesome, passionate sex with you, guess what? She has actually done those things with you and has the memories to prove it. Now when it comes time for the real thing it will be a much easier and comfortable for her to do it since she has already rehearsed it in her head…and it was amazing! The more vivid you can make her imagine something the stronger her experience and the more permanent her feeling associated with it become. These are feelings you can now have her recall at any time causing her to go into a sexual state much quicker. This is awesome for her! Are you starting to see how powerful descriptive language can be? Take a look back through the text examples I have been giving you and notice how the way I worded things make what I am describing much more vivid, memorable and engaging.

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The Dirtiest Dream Technique

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“The Dirtiest Dream” A fun way to start a sexually charged conversation is using a little technique I developed called The Dirtiest Dream Technique. It goes a little something like this: Race Tuesday, Dec 23 at 5:49:20 PM I had the dirtiest dream about you last night…

Note: You can add the OMG at the beginning and a (!) at the end to soften it if you are messaging a girl who you haven’t built too solid of a connection with. This shows you are surprised you had a dirty dream about her. You can also add BTW to make it more nonchalant like it’s no big deal.

Julie Tuesday, Dec 23 at 5:51:20 PM Really?…do tell…

Race Tuesday, Dec 23 at 5:53:14 PM Well we were in the woods and it had been raining so we are both soaking wet when you fell in the mud and we began to mud wrestle…it was SO dirty!

Julie Tuesday, Dec 23 at 6:09:21 PM Haha you are a dork to the core. You might want to take a shower after that one

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One of the beauties of this technique is that by referencing a dream you now become free of responsibility. After all you can’t control your dreams. For that very reason it makes women even more curious! If you are in the so called “friend zone” with a girl you like this can be the spark that begins her thinking of you in a sexual way. Another fantastic feature of this technique is you lead her into thinking sexual then you release it by using the literal meaning of “dirty”. She isn’t expecting this and it makes her laugh. But now when you take her back into the sexual state she will be more relaxed and receptive allowing her to get more aroused and invest more in the interaction!

Race Tuesday, Dec 23 at 6:12:38 PM Did I mention how after I pinned you down mud wrestling I picked you up and pushed you against a tree and slowly began to slide my hand up your ribs under your clinging shirt?

Julie Tuesday, Dec 23 at 6:16:57 PM Well damn…so you feel like going hiking or camping any time soon?

Race Tuesday, Dec 23 at 6:20:13 PM I haven’t even told you how as I gently lifted your shirt over your head I stopped pinning your arms up and passionately kissed you using your shirt as an umbrella for us…I’m telling you this dream was DIRTY!

Julie Tuesday, Dec 23 at 6:25:54 PM How is it that you just perfectly mixed being aggressive with being amazingly passionate and adorable…that’s definitely a dream that should come true…

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against a tree and slowly began to slide my hand up your ribs under your clinging shirt?

Julie Tuesday, Dec 23 at 6:16:57 PM Well damn…so you feel like going hiking or camping any time soon?

By Race dePriest

Race Tuesday, Dec 23 at 6:20:13 PM

I haven’t even told you how as I gently lifted your shirt over your head I stopped pinning your arms up and passionately kissed you using your shirt as an umbrella for us…I’m telling you this dream was DIRTY!

Julie Tuesday, Dec 23 at 6:25:54 PM How is it that you just perfectly mixed being aggressive with being amazingly passionate and adorable…that’s definitely a dream that should come true…

Julie Wednesday, Dec 24 at 8:11:21 AM So i’m about to go to sleep finally and i keep thinking about the dream you had lol. Hopefully my dreams are that good…it would definitely be a better night if you were actually here though i must say. G’night peter pan! :)

As you can see this is a simple yet powerful technique you can use right away to move the conversation in a sexual direction. Women will not be able to look at you the same way. Often times they will continue to bring it up over and over. Have fun with this one :)

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Creating Your Own Techniques Just like the “Dirtiest Dream Technique” you can use almost any situation to start off the creation of a sexual state. Just use directive misinterpretation to transition the conversation into something sexual. A simple and fun way to do this is role play that she is secretly stalking you. This automatically puts you in the position where she is chasing after you. This is a fantastic position to be in. Girls find it incredibly fun and it is almost effortless to transition it from. Race Saturday, Dec 27 at 8:17:14 PM Did I just catch you spying on me as I was changing into my gym clothes my little stalker?!

Helpful tip: Instead of just saying that I was changing in general, I was more specific and said “gym clothes”. This subtly shows off an attractive element of who I am as a person. I take care of my body. Try adding in small things like this that allude to some positive aspect of who you are as a person. Selma Saturday, Dec 27 at 8:17:59 PM Yes ’m watchin u

Selma Saturday, Dec 27 at 8:19:46 PM Nice ass….

Race Saturday, Dec 27 at 8:20:45 PM Hey thanks ;) I’ll let you grab it next time we are making out

Selma Saturday, Dec 27 at 8:23:24 PM K ’m soo goin to grab it now

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Selma Saturday, Dec 27 at 8:17:59 PM Yes ’m watchin u

Selma Saturday, Dec 27 at 8:19:46 PM Nice ass….

By Race dePriest Race Saturday, Dec 27 at 8:20:45 PM Hey thanks ;) I’ll let you grab it next time we are making out

Selma Saturday, Dec 27 at 8:23:24 PM K ’m soo goin to grab it now

Race Saturday, Dec 27 at 8:29:27 PM In that case I might have to slowly slide my hands down your cute little back and return the favor ;)

Selma Saturday, Dec 27 at 8:32:40 PM Go right ahead

Race Saturday, Dec 27 at 9:22:50 PM I’m not sure if that’s a good idea cause then I might be tempted to slide my hands back up your ribs, firmly grab your hair and pull your head back as I gently kiss your neck

Selma Saturday, Dec 27 at 9:26:56 PM Sooo…. What time r u comin over ;-)

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Putting it All Together

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Putting it All Together Here is a prime example of using many of the principles taught in this section including: using descriptive language, building anticipation, owning what you say, leading a woman’s imagination, having her arousal heightened because it is oc-curring in an inappropriate place, etc. See if you can pick out all the different pieces and how they work together to create a powerful and lasting sexual state.

Kara 5/28 7:34 PM i will be in my lsat class until 9 baby. ive been in this classroom since 12… ’m exhausted give me words of wisdom.

Race 5/28 7:37 PM Drink water, take deep breaths and day dream about me…that should get u through;-)

Kara 5/28 7:43 PM what should i dream about…? :)

Race 5/28 7:51 PM Close ur eyes and imagine white washed houses w/ blue roofs on a cliff over looking bright green sparkling water…now imagine standing on one of those roofs

Race 5/28 7:53 PM As I come up behind u and put my arms around ur waist…u turn look deep into me eyes and….ur turn

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Drink water, take deep breaths and day dream about me…that should get u through;-)

Kara 5/28 7:43 PM what should i dream about…? :)

By Race dePriest

Race 5/28 7:51 PM

Close ur eyes and imagine white washed houses w/ blue roofs on a cliff over looking bright green sparkling water…now imagine standing on one of those roofs

Race 5/28 7:53 PM As I come up behind u and put my arms around ur waist…u turn look deep into me eyes and….ur turn

Kara 5/28 7:57 PM no… keep going. this is turning me on…

Race 5/28 7:59 PM So u want me to go on about how I gently trace ur lips with my finger tips then down ur neck slowly reaching the small of ur back gripping ur hips firmly?

Kara 5/28 8:05 PM mg…. please keep going race… ’m not kidding…

Race 5/28 8:12 PM Well I suppose I could tell u how I pull u close so that our bodies are pressed tightly together the contours fitting perfectly together as i whisper in your ear

Kara 5/28 8:15 PM what are you telling me….?

Race 5/28 8:20 PM It’s in french so u will have to derive its meaning by what I start doing to you next…

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mg…. please keep going race… ’m not kidding…

Race 5/28 8:12 PM Well I suppose I could tell u how I pull u close so that our bodies are pressed tightly together the contours fitting perfectly together as i whisper in your ear

By Race dePriest Kara 5/28 8:15 PM what are you telling me….?

Race 5/28 8:20 PM It’s in french so u will have to derive its meaning by what I start doing to you next…

Kara 5/28 8:22 PM i need english. you have 4 mins. before my test starts :)

Race 5/28 8:24 PM you’ll have to read my body language and the slight grin on my face;-)

Kara 5/28 8:27 PM what are you doing right now? please tell me your hand is on your huge cock… it turned me on sooo much giving you a blow job….

Race 5/28 8:36 PM u haven’t even given me the chance to repay u in my own way;-)

Kara 5/29 12:57 AM Haha true!

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Race 5/30 1:27 AM

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Kara 5/28 8:27 PM what are you doing right now? please tell me your hand is on your huge cock… it turned me on sooo much giving you a blow job….

Race 5/28 8:36 PM u haven’t even given me the chance to repay u in my own way;-)

By Race dePriest Kara 5/29 12:57 AM Haha true!

…The Next Day… Race 5/30 1:27 AM How was class?

Kara 5/30 1:28 AM tiring… ahhhhhhhh. so our conversation was sooo hot last night race.

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Text to Sex Recap

There are several benefits to seduction via text. These include the lack of social pressure, the power your words can have on her mind (the most powerful sexual organ a woman has), creating anticipation, setting up a “placeholder” you can easily return to whenever you’d like, intensify her arousal because it’s “improper” for her to feel sexual in the setting she’s in, and of course, it makes you FEEL LIKE A MAN. (Feels good, doesn’t it?) Own your manhood. You’re a sexual being and she knows it. She will forgive you for being a man, but not for being a pussy. If you try to hide it, she either realizes she can’t trust you or concludes you aren’t interested in her as a sexual partner and finds someone else.

Be bold but not brash. You aren’t a mindless horn-dog, you are a man with sexual desires. Don’t be desperate, but be honest about your desires as a man.

A great way to turn a normal conversation sexual is through directive misinterpretation. Simply take something she says and misinterpret it to being something sexual.

Don’t grab onto every hint of sexuality she drops. This puts you into the same category of every other male desperate for sex. Instead, ignore these tests or act as if you don’t understand.

To gauge a woman’s sexuality, it is often useful to drop a text that could easily, though not blatantly, be misinterpreted as sexual. Her response will hint at her views toward sexuality.

Use sexual innuendos often. They allow you both to discuss sex in a fun and non-taboo way, increasing the likelihood she will hook into them.

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Allow her to feel your acceptance. Rid yourself of all judgment of her and her sexuality. This will allow her to open herself to you in ways you never imagined.

When delving into a woman’s sexuality you must be very sensitive. Some women are extremely self-conscious about their body or have issues with abandonment or sexual abuse. You cannot know this before-hand so just be prepared to accept her. This does not mean you have to now take care of her or continue the relationship but it does mean if you have lead her to the point where she is opening up about these types of issues you need to be able to handle them as a mature adult man.

Eliciting a woman’s fantasies is a great way to create a sexual state while forming a bond between the two of you. It also allows you to know what she is responsive to sexually.

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Terms and Conditions of Use 1.Introduction This disclaimer governs the use of this eBook. By using this eBook, you accept this disclaimer in full. 2. No advice The eBook contains information about Dating and the opposite sex. The information is not direct advice, and should not be treated as such. You must not rely on the information in the eBook as an alternative to professional advice from an appropriately qualified professional. If you have any specific questions about dating or the opposite sex you should consult an appropriately qualified professional. You should never delay seeking legal advice, disregard legal advice, or commence or discontinue any legal action because of information in the eBook. 3. No representations or warranties To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law and subject to section 6 below, we exclude all representations, warranties, undertakings and guarantees relating to the eBook. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing paragraph, we do not represent, warrant, undertake or guarantee: a) that the information in the eBook is correct, accurate, complete or non-misleading; b) that the use of the guidance in the eBook will lead to any particular outcome or result;

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or c) in particular, that by using the guidance in the eBook you will find the woman of your dreams or gain any particular advantage over women. 4. Limitations and exclusions of liability The limitations and exclusions of liability set out in this section and elsewhere in this disclaimer: are subject to section 6 below; and govern all liabilities arising under the disclaimer or in relation to the eBook, including liabilities arising in contract, in tort (including negligence) and for breach of statutory duty. We will not be liable to you in respect of any losses arising out of any event or events beyond our reasonable control. We will not be liable to you in respect of any business losses, including without limitation loss of or damage to profits, income, revenue, use, production, anticipated savings, business, contracts, commercial opportunities or goodwill. We will not be liable to you in respect of any loss or corruption of any data, database or software. We will not be liable to you in respect of any special, indirect or consequential loss or damage. 5. Exceptions Nothing in this disclaimer shall: limit or exclude our liability for death or personal injury resulting from negligence; limit or exclude our liability for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; limit any of our liabilities in any way that is not permitted under applicable law; or exclude any of our liabilities that may not be excluded under applicable law.

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We hope this resource has provided you with valuable insight and knowledge.

Cheers, Race dePriest

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