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INGLES III 90121A_289
Página Principal ► INGLES III 90121A_289 ► Entorno de Evaluación y Seguimiento ► Act. 2 : Preknowledge Quiz Comenzado el Estado Finalizado en Tiempo empleado Calificación
viernes, 25 de marzo de 2016, 16:11 Finalizado viernes, 25 de marzo de 2016, 16:25 13 minutos 15 segundos 7,00 de 10,00 (70%)
Pregunta 1
Grammar and Vocabulary Section
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Choose the correst question according to the picture:
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Seleccione una: a. We have a bad cold. b. We have a headache. c. We have a sunburn. d. We have a hard allergy.
Correct! This sentence agrees with the situation that the picture shows.
Your answer is correct. La respuesta correcta es: We have a bad cold.
Pregunta 2 Incorrecta Puntúa 0,00 sobre 1,00
Reading Section Choose the best option according to the Reading 1 "GLOBAL WARMING MAP: Greenhouse Effects": What did Scientists call fingerprints to?
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Seleccione una: a. Direct manifestation of warming. b. Climate changes c. Events that become more frequently.
Incorrect! This is the not right answer.
d. More frequent events
La respuesta correcta es: Direct manifestation of warming.
Pregunta 3 Correcta Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00
Vocabulary Section Choose the word that best completes the following definition:
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The GPS map
helps you to know where to go in case you get lost.
Pregunta 4
Vocabulary Section
Read the options and match the right one with the context below:
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Something that is a usual sign of disease in our organism and any person can start to feel ill.
Seleccione una: a. Medicine b. Symptom
This is the right definition of a symptom
c. Doctor d. Body
Your answer is correct. La respuesta correcta es: Symptom
Pregunta 5 Incorrecta Puntúa 0,00 sobre 1,00 Marcar pregunta
Reading Section Choose the best option according to the Reading 2 "CHANGING LIFESTYLES": This articule refuses.... Seleccione una: a. few responsibilities. b. the rise of women in paid employment.
Incorrect! This is not ther right answer.
c. changes in a social behavior. d. This text doesn't refuse anything.
La respuesta correcta es: This text doesn't refuse anything.
Pregunta 6 Incorrecta Puntúa 0,00 sobre 1,00 Marcar pregunta
Reading Section Choose the best option according to the Reading 2 "CHANGING LIFESTYLES": What has contributed to the consumption of alcohol?
Seleccione una: a. Extended youth. b. Couple of decades. c. Have high disposable incomes.
Incorrect! This is not the right answer.
d. Among both women and men.
La respuesta correcta es: Extended youth.
Pregunta 7
Vocabulary Section
Read the options and match the right one with the context below:
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When someone wants something that really needs, for example, a new job, a car, a new home.
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Seleccione una: a. Desire
Yes!!! This is a wish.
b. Happiness c. Job d. Money
Your answer is correct. La respuesta correcta es: Desire
Pregunta 8 Correcta Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00 Marcar pregunta
Grammar Section Choose the correct word to complete the following sentence according to the picture:
The boy has less
Pregunta 9 Correcta Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00 Marcar pregunta
meat than the girl.
Reading Section Choose the best option according the Reading 1 "GLOBAL WARMING MAP: Greenhouse Effects": What is the most important point of this article? Seleccione una: a. Some places could suffer severe drought. b. Temperature could rise. c. Global warming in different places on Earth.
Correct! This is the right answer.
d. Natural Resources Defense.
La respuesta correcta es: Global warming in different places on Earth.
Pregunta 10 Correcta Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00 Marcar pregunta
Vocabulary Section Choose the correct word to complete the following statement: It is recommended that people use an umbrella today because it is ... Seleccione una: a. foggy.
b. sunny. c. rainy.
Well done! The umbrella helps people protect from the rain.
d. windy.
La respuesta correcta es: rainy.
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