Listen to Austin and Teresa talking. Check () the correct answers. (2 POINTS)
1. Aus Austin’ in’s ri riend end wante anted d Austi ustin n to ____ _____ _. !ut together a science !ro"ect or him give him a science !ro"ect take the !ro"ect to the teacher
reat thanks. And you $’ve been looking or a "ob. ?or two years.
2. A# $ can’t stand hot weather. (# ______________ ;either am $. ,ell so $ am. =eally- $ don’t mind.
. A# ,hat would you do i you broke your riend’s cell !hone(# ______________ $ would have given it away. $ don’t know. ,hat would you do $’ll !robably buy another cell !hone.
/. A# ,hat do you think that gesture means(# ______________ $t could mean @good+bye. Bes it !robably does. 0h that’s what it means
. A# ,hat kinds o hobbies did you have as a child(# ______________ $’ve been reading a lot recently. $ used to !lay video games. $ might collect comic books. 5. A# ,hat were you doing when $ called last night(# ______________ $ watched some TD. $ was taking a shower. $’m reading a book. E. A# $ told my boss a lie today. (# ______________ ,ell you learned a lesson. $ wouldn’t have done that. Thanks. $ think $’ll do that.
Check () the correct word or !hrase to com!lete each sentence.
1. $ orgot my wallet. Could $ _________ F18- $’ll !ay you back tomorrow. 'lend''''borrow''''s!end 2. ,e want to know what ha!!ened. 7lease _________ us the truth. 'oer''' 'tell''' 'make . $ Gmily says she’ll do something she usually does. )he’s a very _________ !erson. 'strict''' 'reliable''''moody
/. $ thought $ had lost my AT3 card when _________ $ ound it in my !ocket. 'luckily''''unortunately''''sadly . Hennier did an _________ "ob on her re!ort. That’s why she got a raise. 'outstanding''''absurd''''odd
Com!lete this !assage with the correct orm o the verbs in !arentheses. (6 POINTS) $ wish $ could ind the !erect "ob. Two years ago $ _________________ %have& %1&
a "ob at a hos!ital in another city. The "ob was great but $ hated _________________ %drive& there. %2&
,hile $ was working at the hos!ital $ _________________ %hear& about this "ob near my home. %&
$ _________________ %work& here or several months already but now $ _________________ %think& %/&
about changing "obs again because the salary isn’t great. $ $ ind a better+!aying "ob near my home $ _________________ %not need& to look or another "ob or a long time %5&
=ead about Angkor ,at. Then circle T %true& or F %alse&. (5 POINTS) Angk! "#t
Angkor ,at is a amous monument in Cambodia. At one time Angkor ,at was the ca!ital o the Khmer Gm!ire. The main tem!le at Angkor ,at was built as a burial !lace or )uryavarman $$. Ie was an im!ortant Khmer king who lived in the twelth century. )uryavarman $$ was res!onsible or introducing some as!ects o Iinduism to his !eo!le. The tem!le at Angkor ,at has ive towers : one tall central tower and our smaller towers. The ive towers symboliJe the ive !eaks on 3ount 3eru where according to Iindu belie the gods live. Angkor ,at is amous or its beautiul stone carvings. $t has the longest continuous bas+relie or carved wall in the world. The carvings show scenes rom amous Iindu legends tell the story o King )uryavarman’s lie and show how the Khmer !eo!le lived at the time the tem!le was built. Although the tem!le was begun by Iindus it was com!leted by (uddhist monks who lived there in the si4teenth century. As a result Angkor ,at became an im!ortant destination or (uddhist !ilgrims. 1. 2. . /. .
? ? ? ? ?
Angkor ,at was a amous city in Cambodia. )uryavarman $$ was a Iindu. There are ive towers on 3ount 3eru. Angkor ,at was com!leted in the si4teenth century. Iindu monks lived in Angkor ,at ater the (uddhists.
Circle the incorrect word in each sentence. Then write the correct word or words on the blank. (7 POINTS) 1. A ew years ago there are a lot o stores in our neighborhood. _______________ 2. ,hile $ was te4ting my sister my cell !hone dies. _______________ . $ wouldn’t want to live in this neighborhood so it’s too noisy. _______________ /. Children have been !lay soccer on this ield or years. _______________ . Los Angeles is the city who is ne4t to the 7aciic 0cean. _______________ 5. Katherine inds mystery novels to be very interested. _______________ E. >abe asked me meeting him at his new a!artment. _______________
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