Test Politie CAMPINA 2000

July 9, 2017 | Author: Catalin Ciubotariu | Category: N/A
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Test politie CAMPINA 2000...


Test politie CAMPINA Limba engleza-test 2000 1.She...always...home late,though I...telling her that it...dangerous to walk alone at night. a)is coming,keep,is; b)is coming,am keeping,is; c)has come,keep,was; d)had come,keep,was. 2.It’s high time you...your mind whether you come or stay. a)made up; b)make up; c)are making up; d)should make up. 3.He couldn’t come to the theatre last night.Nor... a)I couldn’t; b)I could; c)could I; d)couldn’t I. 4.Cand ai de gand sa-mi dai inapoi cartea pe care ti-am imprumutat-o? a)When do you go to give me back the book I have lent you? b) When are you going to give me back the book I have lent you? c) When will you intend to give back the book I lent you? d) When are you going to give me back the book? 5.Tell me,what would you do if you...in my position? a)would be; b)are; c)will be; d)were. 6.I...for you for an hour.Where ...you...? a)have been waiting,have been; b)am waiting,have been; c)have been waiting,were; d)am waiting,were. 7.Please,...come in...go out;don’t stand there...the doorway. a)neither,nor,in; b)not only,but also,on; c)either,or,in; d)either,and,by. 8.I...for a walk if the rain had stopped. a)shall have gone; b)should have gone; c)shall be going; d)should go. 9.She’s rather...than work. a)to play; b)play;



10.I wish I...enough time to go to the concert tonight. a)would have; b)have; c)were having; d)will have. 11.She asked me:Can you keep a secret? a)She asked me if I can keep a secret; b)She asked me whether I could to keep a secret; c)She asked to me whether I could keep a secret; d)She asked me whether I could keep a secret. 12.I…Charly for ages.He…always…such a good friend of mine,and now I never…him around. a)haven’t seen,has been,see; b)didn’t see,was,don’t see; c)am not seeing,has been,saw;


d)don’t see,has been,see. 13.She…,as there was plenty of time to the beginning of the play. a)didn’t need to hurry; b)didn’t have to hurry; c)mustn’t have hurried; d)needn’t have hurried. 14.I don’t understand how the accident happened.The driver…the red light. a)must have seen, b)couldn’t have seen; c)oughtn’t have seen; d)shouldn’t have seen. 15.I wanted to spend my holidays in the mountains but we went to the coast.I’d rather we…in the mountains. a)have gone; b)had gone; c)went; d)would have gone. 16.He will ring you as soon as he…back to his office. a)will get; b)got; c)gets; d)would have gone. 17.Iti dau doua sfaturi bune. a)I give you two good pieces of advices; b)I give you two good advices; c)I give you two good pieces of advice; d)I give you two good advises. 18.I couldn’t take part…the competition due…my getting ill. a)at,to; b)in,to; c)in,of; d)in,by; 19.”I’ve been living in London for many years and now I know the city very well”,he said. a)He told me that he had been living in London for many years and he knew the city very well. b)He told me that he had been living in London for many years and now he knew the city very well. c He told me that he had lived in London for many years and then he had known the city very well. 20.A zis ca nu stie nimic despre sosirea lor. a)She said she knew nothing about their arrival; b) She said she knows nothing about their arrival; c) She said she didn’t know nothing about their arrival; d) She said she doesn’t know anything about their arrival; 21.”Will you help me with this exercise?”asked the child. a)The child asked me whether I will help him with that exercise; b) The child asked me whether I would help him with this exercise; c) The child asked me whether I would help him with that exercise; d) The child asked to me whether I will help him with that exercise; 22.”When I get back I’ll give you the money I borrowed from you last week”,he said. a)He promised that when he would get back he would give the money he had borrowed from me the previous week; b) He promised that when he got back he would give me the money he had borrowed from me the previous week; c) He promised that when he got back he will give the money he borrowed from me the previous week. 23.If you…earlier,you wouldn’t have missed the bus. a)left; b)had left; c)had been leaving; d)are leaving. 24.On his last birthday,Tom …an electric toy train. a)gave; b)will be given; c)had been given; d)was given. 25.It’s raining hard.You had better… a)wouldn’t go out; b)not go out; c)don’t go out; d)won’t go out.


26.I saw the suspect…the building by midnight. a)to enter; b)enters; c)entered; d)enter. 27.Nu s-a locuit in aceasta casa de ani de zile. a)This house has not been lived in for years; b) This house was not been lived in for years; c) In this house nobody have lived in for years; d) This house is not lived in for years; 28.It was careless…you to leave your luggage…the train. a)with,on; b)for,in; c)of,on; d)from,on; 29.Profesorul dorea ca toti elevii sa fi citit romanul pentru a-l putea discuta impreuna. a)The teacher wishes all the students had read the novel so that they could talk about it; b) The teacher wished all the students read the novel so that they can talk about it; c)The teacher wished all the students had read the novel so that they could talk about it;

Raspunsuri: 1-a; 2-a; 3-c; 4-b; 5-d; 6-a; 7-c; 8-b; 9-b; 10-c; 11-d; 12-a; 13-d; 14-b; 15-b; 16-c; 17-c; 18-b; 19-b; 20-a; 21-c; 22-b; 23-b; 24-d; 25-b; 26-d; 27-a; 28-c; 29-c.


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