test new

February 25, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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1. The closeness closeness of measured measured with with known known value is known as ____ ___________ _________  __ 

(a) accuracy

(b) precision

(c) error

(d) un-certainty

2. The closen closeness ess of all all readin reading g with each each others others is is know known n as

(a) accuracy (c) error

(b) precision (d) un-certainty

3. The instr instrume ument nt having having low least least count count is said said to have have _____ ________  ___ 

(a) more precision

(b) less precision

(c) more accurate

(d) less accurate

4. The accur accuracy acy of measu measurem rement ent can be u unde ndersto rstood od from

(a) absolute uncertainty

(b) percentage uncertainty

(c) relative uncertainty

(d) both b and c

5. The preci precision sion of measu measurem rement ent can be unde understo rstood od fro from m

(a) absolute uncertainty

(b) percentage uncertainty

(c) relative uncertainty

(d) both b and c

6. Which Which of the followi following ng is is mo more re prec precise ise

(a) 23.3

(b) 2.456


(d) 2.1234

7. Which Which of the followi following ng is is mo more re accu accurate rate


(a) 12.34

(b) 124.5

(c) 12.345

(d) 1.23

If the error error in the measu measurem rement ent of rad radius ius of a sphere sphere is 1 %, then the the error error in the measurement of volume will be

  (a) 8%

(b) 5%

  (c) 3%

(d) 1%

9. The radius radius of a sphere sphere is measur measured ed to be (4.0±0.2 (4.0±0.2 ) cm the maximu maximum m percen percentage tage error in the measurement of the volume of the sphere is

(a) 18%

MCAT – 2021

(b) 15%



(c) 20%

(d) 1%

10. The percen percentage tage errors errors in the measure measuremen mentt of mass and speed are 2% and 3%, respectively. How much will be the maximum error in the estimation of KE


(a) 8%

(b) 15%

(c) 20%

(d) 10%

11. The time of 25 oscillations oscillations of a simple pendulum is measured measured to be 50.0s by a watch of least count 0.1s. The percentage error in time is

(a) 8%

(b) 15%

  (c) 0.2%

(d) 0.5%

12. The percentage percentage un-certainty un-certainty are added in _____________ _____________ operation .

(a) addition

(b) multiplication

(c) division

(d) both b & C

13. Determine Determine the percentage un-certaint un-certainty y in area of sphere , if its radius is measured to be 2m , with a least count of 0.01m

(a) 5%

(b) 10%

(c) 15%

(d) 0.5%

14. Which of following following contains least number number of significant significant

(a) 0.000500

(b) 123.52

(c) 560000

(d) 0.003004

15. In which of the following following zero’s can not be treated treated as significant

I. 0.0005

II. 5.0000

III. 56000

IV. 0.00500

(a) I only

(b) III only

(c) III & IV

(d) I & III

16. The time period period of oscillator oscillatory y motion motion is recorde recorded d as 23456 seconds seconds with a stop watch of least count of 10seconds, then recorded value contains _____ significant

(a) 4

(b) 5

(c) 3

(d) 2

17. The number number of significant significant figures in 600 600 m is (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4. 18. Which of the following following is false regarding significant significant figures ? (a) All non-zero digits are significant. (b) The zeros appearing in the middl middlee of a number are significa significant nt while those at the end of a number without a decimal point are ambiguous.

(c) The powers of 10 are counted while counting the number of significant figures.

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(d) Greater the number of significant figures in a measurement, smaller is the percentage error 19.

The The numb number er of sig signif nifica icant nt fi figur gures es in 0 0.01 .01020 020 is is (a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5

20. The number number of significant significant figures in 0.900 0.900 is (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3

(d) 6.

(d) 4.

21. When 9.525 is rounded rounded off to give three signific significant ant figures, then it is equal to

(a) 9.53

(b) 9.52

(c) 10

(d) 9.5250.

22. When 9.535 is rounded rounded off to give three signific significant ant figures, then it is equal to

(a) 9.53

(b) 9.52

(c) 9.54

(d) 9.5250.

23. Which of the following following observed readings readings is the most precise precise ?

(a) 5678 s

(b) 567.8 s

(c) 56.78 s

(d) 5.678 s.

24. A physical quantity is represented by X = M a  Lb  T –c. . If percentage errors in the meas me asur urem emen ents ts of M, L an and d T ar aree α%, α%, β% an and d γ% resp respec ecti tive vely ly,, then then tota totall percentage error is (a) (αa + βb – γc)% (b) (αa + βb + γc)% (c) (αa – βb – γc)% (d) 0%.

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