I a pen. !he a car. "ou "ou grandparents. #hey not a car.
III Popuni prazna polja sa DO, DOES, IS ili ARE
1. you like skiing? 2. Je$$ and Jill playing $ootball no%? 3. &en sleep %ell every night? 4. they go to the cinema every night? 5. the boys riding bikes no%? IV Ubaci član A ili AN ispred imenica.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. '.
!pain ar arro% is island hour boo bookkcase ase (!)
V Odaberi prau upi!nu reč "#$A%, #$ERE, #$&, #$EN, $O#' i upi(i je u prazno polje.
1. does does &ill go shopping shopping %ith? *ith his $riends. $riends. 2. is is this this notebo notebook ok $or? $or? John. John. 3. 4. 5. '. -. /.
colour colour is Mina+s Mina+s schoo schoolba lbag? g? ,ed. ,ed. do you go go to every %eek? #o the cinema. cinema. is your notebook notebook so big? big? I like big noteboo notebooks. ks. day is itit today today? ? Monday Monday.. language language do do they speak? speak? erma erman. n. st is her birt birthday hday? ? 0n 21 0ctober.
VI Preedi nazi dr)ae na en*les+i "pro slobodno polje', a onda napi(i i od*oarajui pride "dru*o slobodno polje' i +a+o se zoe s!anoni+ !e zemlje "!ree slobodno polje'.
1. pania 2. rancuska 3. Japan 4. Velika Britanija 5. The USA 6. Poljska 7. Brazil VII Napiši naziv dana u nedelji na engleso!"
Subota !et"rtak Sre#a Utorak VIII Napiši u odri#no! obliu i sra$eno.
1. 2. 3. 4.
$ a% at the &ine%a. She has 'ot %an( )rien#s. *an (ou s+eak ,er%an- The( are )ro% ran&e.
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