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Progress Test Files 1–5 Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation B

GRAMMAR 1 Compl Complete ete the s senten entences ces with o one ne w word. ord. Example: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

What agreat story!

 ____use____  __  to  to have a dog called Wolf? Now they have a cat called Lion. Didn’t th the ey ____use__  ____to be ___ ____  _  able  able to leave the house without a coat. I llove ove the summe summer. r. I en enjoy joy ____to I don don’t ’t go ru runn nnin ing g ___any_____   ___any_____  more.  more. I prefer swimming. Pl Plea ease se can can you you pla play y ___  ___ m ore_  more_   ____ quietly? quietly? You’re too loud! loud!  best striker we’ve ever had. She’s ____the____   ____the____  best Reggie ___is_____   ___is_____  afford  afford a car so he took the bus everywhere.  ___ forget to call call you from the airport. airport. I pro promi mise se I ___ ____  _ will_  will_  I tthin hink k hosp hospita itall c care are ____  ____ will_  will_   ___ be free for everyone. everyone.  _____for   ___ three years years now. He’s He’s bee been n a tran transl slat ator or _____for  I rrea eall lly y thi think nk you you ___have__  ___have_____  ___  to  to tell your parents about your debt. 10

2 Und Underl erline ine tthe he co corre rrect ct wo word( rd(s). s). Example: Exam ple: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

I was was reading reading a book book when when I hear heard d / was was h heari earing ng a noise. noise.

 come. I’m really really sorry, sorry, I won won’t ’t be able to  to / can’t  come. The last last match match was terri terrible, ble, but this one w was as better  / less  less .  . It’ It’s s the the talle tallest st skys skyscra crape perr of / i nChicago. You can see it from miles away. Will   / Are / Are you  you going to see Molly later? Kris lo loves the football / football  . He’s a big fan of Man City and Roma.  ? I don’t want to know the football score. Has Has the the news news fin finis ishe hed d yet  / just  ? I don’ on’t ha have as many  /  / so many  Facebook  Facebook friends as you. I think  / I’m thinking  this  this pasta is amazing. What’s in the sauce? Jordan can / could  swim  swim really well when he was little. to wear  wear a uniform at your school? Did yo you have to / had to 10

3 Compl Complete ete the se senten ntences. ces. Use th the e corr correct ect form o off the verb in br bracke ackets. ts. Exam Ex ampl ple: e:

Yasm Yasmin in and and Di Dian ana ahave known (know) known (know) each other for years.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

By the the time time we arrive arrived, d, the the film film ___  ___ had had _ started ____ (start). I’m savin saving g for for a new new bike bike.. I _ h ave_______ already ___got_____ (get) £200. have_______ ‘Marion __ __ leave leave ______ (leave) the Netherlands Netherlands tomorrow tomorrow and driving back to the UK. I usu usua all lly y __ ___ do_  do_   ___ (do) my English English homework homework on Tuesday nights. nights. Ryan Ryan is is goi going ng to ___ ____ _ retire ___  (retire)  (retire) when he’s sixty. At least, that’s what he says. playing aying _____ (play) (play) outside, I was tidying tidying the house. house. While you ___were pl ‘Jim? ‘Jim? Where Where are yo you?’ u?’ ‘I ‘I _am  _am making making_______  _______  (make)  (make) coffee in the kitchen. Would you like a cup?’ 8 ‘__Have ______ you ever _____eaten ___ _____eaten ___ (eat) real English English fish and chips?’ ‘No, ‘No, I haven’t. 9 As soon soon as as I left left the stadi stadium, um, I rea realize lized d that that I ___had I ___had lost______ lost______ (lose) my phone. 10 What What ti time me ___  ___ do_____ do_____ you ____ wake up ____ up ____ (wake up) after your busy Friday night? 10 English File fourth editionIntermediatePhotocopiable editionIntermediatePhotocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019



Progress Test Files 1–5 Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation B

4 Put th the e wo words rds iin n ord order er to make ques questions tions.. Examp Exa mple: le:

like like you you do food food veg vegeta etaria rian n? Do you like vegetarian food?

1 the how how have have guitar guitar been been you you long long learni learning ng ? How  _ H ow long have you been learning the guitar?  _________________  ________ __________________ ___________________ __________________  ________  2 I shal shalll water water you you a glass glass of ge gett ?  _____ S hall I get you a glass of water? Shall  ___   _________________  ________ ___________________ ___________________ __________  _  3 work work have have we to to do evenin evening g this this ?  _________   ________ _ Do Do we have to work this evening?  ____   _________________  _________ __________________ _______________  _____  4 much much inher inherit it you you mo money ney ho how w did did ? How much money did you inherit ?  _________________  ________ __________________ ___________________ __________________  ________  5 yet tick ticket ets s you you have have the the bou bought ght ?  __________Have you bought  __________Have bought the tickets yet?_  5

5 Write the sente sentences nces in th the e ne negativ gative e fo form. rm. Exam Ex ampl ple: e:

You You mus mustt tel telll Han Hanif if.. You mustn’t tell Hanif.

1 We won won tthe he matc match. h.  __ We won`t the match.  __________________  ________ ___________________ ___________________ ________________  ______  2 I’m goin going g to go go over over there there and and talk talk to him him!!  __________  __________ I’m not going to go over there and and talk to him!  _________________  ________ __________________ __________________  _________  3 You have to leave leave your phone phone outsid outside. e.  _____________ You haven`t  _____________ haven`t to leave your phone phone outside  _________________  ________ __________________ _______________  ______  4 We’ll We’ll see see you you at at the the conce concert. rt.  ___________ ___ We won`t see you at the  ________ concert.__________________________________  5 I used used to enjoy enjoy danc dancing ing in in pub publi lic. c. enjoy dancing in  _ I didn`t use to enjoy in public.  __________________  ________ ___________________ ___________________ _________________  _______  5 Grammar total

VOCABULARY 6 Compl Complete ete tthe he se senten ntences ces w with ith on one e wor word d onl only. y. Examp Exa mple: le:

It’ It’s s a long long jour journe ney y so I thin think k we shou should ld set set off  as  as early as possible.

1 Sue and Eric went went out ____of_____ ____of_______ __ for several several months months but they’ve broken broken up. 2 He was was ttal alki king ng ____abou  ____about_______  t_______  Zola  Zola the nineteenth-century nineteenth-century author, not Zola the Italian footballer.  _____on______  ____  very  very little money while they looked for new jobs. 3 They lilived _____on__ English File fourth editionIntermediatePhotocopiable editionIntermediatePhotocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019




Progress Test Files 1–5 Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation B 4 5 6 7 8 9

 _____stuck______  _____  in  in a traffic jam for 45 minutes. It was so boring! We got _____stuck_ I lent my my essay essay ________ ___________ ___ Francin Francine e and no now w she’s she’s lost it. it.  _____of______  ___  you,  you, son. Well done! I’ I’m m real really ly pro proud ud _____of___ I ____work __ _______  _____  out  out two or three times a week at the gym opposite my office.  _____on______  ______  the  the teacher.’ ‘Do ‘Do you like like yoga? yoga?’’ ‘It depe depends nds _____on I don’t don’t have have the money money right right now. now. Can I pay you you ____  ____ back_  back_   ______ tomorrow? tomorrow? 10

10 Dani Daniel el ___ _____ ___  _ p ay_____  for pay_____   for dinner last night. It was very generous of him.

7 Compl Complete ete the se senten ntences ces with th the e word words s in the box. Th There ere are th three ree wo words rds that you don’t need. bill couple couple crowd ex flatmate goal insurance insurance loan rank salary stadium stepchildren umpire zone Exam Ex amp ple le:: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Thi This is my flatmate flatmateMalik. Malik. Colin’s moved out and Malik has his old room.

 _____ zone zone   ______. Please Please don’t don’t cycle cycle in in th the e pedes pedestrian trian _____ We need need to buy some some trave travell ____ insurance insurance _______  _______ before we go on holiday.  His wife Jasmin was married before. Ja Jam mes has tw two _____ ex ______. ______. His Excus Excuse e me, me, is there there a taxi taxi _____ rank ______  near  near here?  but we still lost the match. Our Our str strik iker er scor scored ed a ___goal_______  but They They’r ’re e buil buildi ding ng a new new _____  _____ stadi stadium um ______  for  for the World Championship. Eddi Eddie e iis s Lea Leah’ h’s s _____ stepchildren stepchildren ______  ______  but  but they have a lot of the same friends.  _____salary______  ary______  than  than her last job. Her Her new new job job has has a bette betterr _____sal crowd________   cheered when the referee gave a penalty. Ever Everyo yone ne in the the ___  ___ c rowd________  cheered Are Adria Adrian n and and Amina Amina a ________ couple couple ___  or  or are they friends? 10

8 Circl Circle e the co correc rrectt adjec adjective tive to c compl omplete ete the s senten entences. ces. Example: Irene can be patient be patient / sociable / stubborn  stubborn .  . She doesn’t often change her mind. 1 Dad’s so pleased / proud / interested  with  with his new car. 2 My fr frie iend nd Al Ally ly is close / single / busy  right  right now but she’s looking for a partner. 3 Domi Domini nic’ c’s s flat flat is ver very y tiny / huge / small . 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Eliza Eliza prefers prefers to work work on her own. own. She’s She’s very tidy / charming / independent . Are you nearly nearly ready? ready? I’m tired / rude  rude /  / fed up of up of waiting for you. I’m reliable /anxious / spoilt about about the situation but there’s nothing I can do. Nahla is is so so mature / immature /affectionate affectionate.. She needs to grow up. We love frozen / ready / spicy food like Indian curry. Fred Freddi die e is is tot total ally ly terrified  /  / amazed / fascinating of of big dogs. The tennis tennis pl playe ayers rs were were tiring / exhausted / fit  after  after the match. 10

9 Ma Matc tch h1 1–1 –11 1w wit ith ha a–k –k.. 1 2 3 4 5 6

cut _e  _ warm up __ d _ save __ h _ eat out _ i _ run out __ b _ beat __ g _

a in common b of petrol c money from a relative d another team edown on chocolate f with someone

English File fourth editionIntermediatePhotocopiable editionIntermediatePhotocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019



Progress Test Files 1–5 Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation B 7 8 9 10 11

lose k ___ have a lot __ a _ get on _ f __ spend __ __ j _ inherit _ c _

g before a match h money for a holiday i at at a restaurant j money on clothes k touch with someone Vocabulary total

10 40

PRONUNCIATION 10Circle the word with the different sound. Example: friends friends 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

raw ambitious st stea eamed med lea earn rn impor tant done match match profess ional professional usually sugar 

comics comic sbus busylo ylos se basketbal sketballl organi organized earn earn wor k home you oung ng machine mach ine brid bridge courg ette sens sensitive

j ar invest beet eetroot tur n pr awns awns note peac pea ch joke decision fish fish

partner  pitch coffee   mea ean n aff or  or d br other charge generous practise practis pat patient 10


Wr Writ ite e tthe he wo word rds s iin n tthe he co corr rre ect co colu lumn mn.. afternoon afternoo n coach oach honest ho horrible coo cook k sociable f ood ood lefto leftover respo responsible f ull

/ɒ/ Clock honest

/əʊ/ Phone coa oach ch

horrible lefto leftover respo resp onsible


/ʊ/ Bull f ull coo cook k

/uː/ Boot f ood ood

afternoo aftern oon n

10 Pronunciation total


Gra Grammar mmar,, Voc Vocab abul ular ary, y, and and Pron Pronun unci ciat atio ion n tot total al

100 100

English File fourth editionIntermediatePhotocopiable editionIntermediatePhotocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019



Progress Test Files 1–5 Reading and Writing B

READING 1 Read abou aboutt favo favourite urite toys and games games.. Tic Tick k ( ) A, B, or C. Shriyan When I was growing up my favourite toy was my bike. Luckily, because of where I lived and because my parents let me have a lot of freedom, I could ride it a lot. I remember coming home from school and going out on my bike to the park, or just around the streets. Now I’m a parent myself, and I worry that children can’t play outside in the same way I used to. There is so much more traffic — it just isn’t safe for them to cycle by themselves. I decided to start a ‘Playing Out’ session in my street. We close the road for three hours once each fortnight. Then the children can play in the road, like I used to. They ride bikes, they skip, they draw on the road with chalk. It’s amazing. Some local residents weren’t sure about it at first, but now they can clearly see the benefits. Even people who don’t have children come into the street street and join join in. ‘Pl ‘Playi aying ng Out’ is  is  quite difficult to organize because you need permission from local government to close the road, and you need at least four  adults to be responsible for the children, but it’s definitely worth the trouble. Alison You could always tell I was going to be an engineer. I loved construction bricks, even when I was very small. That’s one of the best things about the toy, of course. It doesn’t matter if you’ve got tiny hands, you can still build a castle, or a car, or a robot … and then you can make something completely different with the same pieces. Some boxes of bricks come with a set of instructions to help you build a particular plane or building. I used to build that once, and then all the pieces went into a big plastic tub in my bedroom. I spent many hours building my own creations. I th thin ink k cons constr truc ucti tion on bric bricks ks have have chan change ged d si sinc nce e I wa was s li littl ttle. e. Ther There e are are more more specialized pieces, like different wheels and connectors. And I really don’t think there should be ‘pinkified’ boxes of bricks ‘for girls’, where the colours are different and the specialized pieces are flowers and pets. They should be banned! Frank I’m the youngest child in my family. Perhaps I’m a little bit bossy and a little bit spoilt. Anyway my favourite games always involved telling people what what to do! I used to make my parents and my older sisters hide my soft toys around the house. I used to pretend the toys were in trouble and my sisters were the ‘baddies’. Then I’d dress up as a superhero and run around rescuing them. Or, if my family were busy, I would play hospitals with the soft toys. I was the doctor, of course, and the soft animals used to have lots of injuries and illnesses. I used to put bandages on them and put them in bed. I really loved those toys and I even took one special bear with me to university.

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Progress Test Files 1–5 Reading and Writing B Example: Exam ple:

Shriyan Shriyan regula regularly rly rode rode his his bike bike in the the streets streets after after school. school.

 A True    B False   C Doesn’t say  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Shriy Shriyan an had had a lot lot of of indep indepen enden dence ce whe when n he was was a chil child. d.  A True   B False   C Doesn’t say  Shriyan Shriyan visit visited ed anothe anotherr ‘Playin ‘Playing g Out’ session session to get ideas ideas for for suitabl suitable e games. games.  A True   B False   C Doesn’t say  Shriy Shriyan an didn didn’t ’t have have to ask ask permi permissi ssion on to clos close e the roa road. d.  A True   B False   C Doesn’t say  Alison Alison doesn’ doesn’tt think think very very young young child children ren shoul should d use construc construction tion bricks. bricks.  A True   B False   C Doesn’t say  Al Aliso ison’s n’s game games s show show that that she was was an imagin imaginati ative ve chil child. d.  A True   B False   C Doesn’t say  Al Aliso ison n didn’t didn’t use use to buil build d anythi anything ng using using the the instr instruct uctio ions. ns.  A True   B False   C Doesn’t say  Alison Alison doesn doesn’t ’t think think there should should be be so many speciali specialized zed bricks. bricks.  A True   B False   C Doesn’t say  Frank’ Frank’s s favour favourite ite games games matc matche hed d his his perso persona nalit lity. y.  A True   B False   C Doesn’t say  Frank Frank made made his his sisters sisters dress dress up with him during during the the superhe superhero ro g game. ame.  A True   B False   C Doesn’t say 

10 Frank Frank didn’ didn’tt use to play play by h himse imself. lf.  A True   B False   C Doesn’t say  10

2 Write S  for  for Shriyan,  A for Alison, F  for  for Frank. Example: Exam ple: 1 2 3 4 5

I wanted wanted my my childre children n to play play tthe he g games ames I used used to play. play. S 

My favouri favourite te toy matches matches my choice choice of job. job. __S___  __S___  I liked liked dressin dressing g up and and pr preten etendin ding g to be different different character characters. s. ____F_  ____F_  I don’t don’t agree agree with with some some recent recent chang changes es to my my favouri favourite te toy. toy. ____A_  ____A_  I used used to to make make my family family join join in with my games games.. __F___  __F___  I was was worri worried ed about about my children children’s ’s safety safety.. ___S__  ___S__  5 Reading total

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Progress Test Files 1–5 Reading and Writing B

WRITING Write about a favourite toy or game from your childhood (100–150 words). Answer the questions: • • • • •


What What d did id the toy/ga toy/game me look look like like? ? How did did you you play play with the toy? toy? / How How did you play play the the game? game? Why Why di did d yo you u li like ke it it? ? Where Where did did you use to play play with with it? it? Would Would you give give a toy/game toy/game like this this as a gift gift to a child child today? today? Why? Why?/Why /Why not? not? Writing total


Reading and Writing total


My favourite toy was a small toy piano that my dad’s friend was throwing away, so decided to give to me. It was very small toy piano with different instrument`s tunes. There were guitar, saxophone, flute etc. etc. That`s why I started learning music. Every day after I’d finished my homework, I would play songs on the toy piano .


I liked it because my friend Dasha had the same toy, so a really wanted it, but my parents didn`t have enough money.   Usually, I used to play with the toy piano at home. I didn`t want to take out the piano because there were a lot of my classmates who wanted to touch toy.   I would like to give this toy piano a gift to a child today. In my opinion it`s quite interesting and developing toy.

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Progress Test Files 1–5 Listening and Speaking B

LISTENING 1 Liste Listen n to an inter interview view an and d compl complete ete the se sentenc ntences. es. Writ Write e two word words s only. 1 Accordin According g to Maxim, Maxim, professi professional onal music musician ians s spend spend ___  for several months  ______________   ________ ______   _ preparing preparing for each concert than than amateur musi musicians. cians. 2 Maxim Maxim compar compares es his his job job and and the job of of a __  __   mountain climber ________________. 3 Maxim Maxim says says orches orchestra tra mu musici sicians ans have have to be _____  be _____  physically fit _____________ fit _____________ and  ______  extremely organized____________. 4 Appare paren ntl tly, y, ______   ______  blind auditions ________  ____________ ____ is less of a problem problem in orchestras orchestras than it used to be.  _____  an 5 Since Since the changes changes in the 1980s, 1980s, Maxim says says some musici musicians ans have bought bought _____  expensive violin or cello _____   ________ to help help them in auditions. auditions. 5

2 Lis Listen ten to fi five ve co conve nversa rsatio tions. ns. T Tick ick ( ) A, B, or C. 1 Annalise Annalise says says that ______ __________ ____ are are surprisi surprisingl ngly y healthy. healthy.  A frozen vegetables vegetables     B tinned vegetables   C bags of salad  2 La Latif tif tried tried to to eat more more ____ _______ ______ ___..  A fruit and vegetables vegetables each day   B local food   C vegetarian vegetarian food  3 Eve offe offers rs to ___ ______ ______ ____ _ for Frid Friday. ay.  A book a table B change the plan C lend Ruby some money  4 David David thinks thinks his family family _____ _________ _____ _ bottled bottled water. water.  A drinks too much B should drink more   C can afford to drink  5 Inge and Wes Wes disagr disagree ee about about ________ __________. __.  A food websites websites   B where to shop shop     C shopping shopping lists  5 Listening total

SPEAKING 1 Make ques questions tions and ask your part partner. ner. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

What What transp transport ort / use use / get get here here today? today? What / most most expensi expensive ve thing thing / ever bought? bought? Who / favou favourit rite e spor sports ts s star tar? ? Wh Why? y? Where Where / use use to / holida holiday y / when when / a child? child? Where Where / ea eatt out out / most most recent recently? ly? What What / nicest nicest dess desser ertt / ever ever eaten eaten? ? Which Which famil family y member member// clo closes sestt to? What sport sport / most most enjoy enjoy / watch watch on TV? Why? Why? Would Would / cycle cycle / centre centre of of London? London? Wh Why?/W y?/Why hy not? not?

10 What new langu language age / most most like like / learn? learn? Why?

Now answer your partner’s questions. English File fourth editionIntermediatePhotocopiable editionIntermediatePhotocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019




Progress Test Files 1–5 Listening and Speaking B

2 Liste Listen n to your pa partner rtner ta talking lking ab about out a state statement. ment. Do yo you u agre agree e with him / her? 3 Talk ab about out one of th the e statem statements ents bel below, ow, say saying ing if you ag agree ree or di disagr sagree. ee. Give reasons. ‘Fruit and vegetables are too expensive compared to junk food.’ f ood.’ ‘All schools should teach children a musical instrument.’ ‘Parking in cities should be free for electric cars.’ Speaking total


Listening and Speaking total


English File fourth editionIntermediatePhotocopiable editionIntermediatePhotocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019

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