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Download the full file instantly at http://testbankinstant.com Human Resource Management , 12e (Mondy) Chapter 1: Strategic Human Resource Management: An Overvie
Multiple-Choice Questions 1) The fim!s copoate ima"e o cultue that attacts and etains ideal employees is best known as ########. $) %ob bandin" &) band cultue C) '( bandin" D) employe bandin" $nswe: D *planation: D) mploye bandin" is the fim!s copoate ima"e ima"e o cultue ceated to attact attact and etain the type of employees the fim is seekin". Thou"h employe bandin"+ people "et to know what the company stands fo+ the people it hies+ the fit between %obs and people+ and the esults it eco"ni,es and ewads. Diff: 1 a"e (ef: Chapte: 1 kill: Concept 0: 1 ) The pimay pupose of employe bandin" is to ########. $) pomote employee benefits &) sell consume poducts C) attact 2uality employees D) encoua"e media mentions $nswe: C *planation: C) mploye bandin" is the fim!s copoate ima"e ima"e o cultue ceated to attact attact and etain the type of employees the fim is seekin". Thou"h employe bandin"+ people "et to know what the company stands fo+ the people it hies+ the fit between %obs and people+ and the esults it eco"ni,es and ewads. Diff: 3 a"e (ef: 3 Chapte: 1 kill: Concept 0: 1
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Download the full file instantly at http://testbankinstant.com 3) 4hat embodies the 5alues and standads that "uide people!s beha5io6 $) societal tends &) employe bands C) o"ani,ational policies D) copoate mission statements $nswe: & *planation: &) $n $n employe band embodies the 5alues and standads standads that "uide people!s beha5io. Thou"h Thou"h employe bandin"+ people "et to know what the company stands fo+ the people it hies+ the fit between %obs and people+ and the esults it eco"ni,es and ewads. Diff: a"e (ef: Chapte: 1 kill: Concept 0: 1 7) 0isted below ae 5aious employe bands. 4hich of these bands would most likely be a detiment to ecuitment6 $) 84e!e 84e!e a fun place to wok.8 &) 84e ha5e a passionate cultue.8 C) 84e ha5e a ston" team feelin" hee.8 D) 84e don!t push you to you ma*imum.8 $nswe: D *planation: D) $n $n employe!s band is known fo such thin"s as+ 8it!s fun to wok at this company+8 company+8 8we ha5e a passionate and intelli"ent cultue+8 o 8thee is a ston" team feelin" hee.8 These employe bands ae 2uite impotant in " ettin" the hi"hest-2uality applicants to %oin the fim. &ein" eco"ni,ed as a "eat place to wok is a state"y that makes a diffeence in ecuitment+ and not challen"in" people to meet thei potential would likely be detimental. Diff: a"e (ef: 3 Chapte: 1 kill: $pplication 0: 1 9) &ein" on which list of 81 best8 is so desiable that some o"ani,ations ty to chan"e thei cultue and philosophies to "et on the list6 $) Working Mother list list of 1 best companies &) Fortune &) Fortune ma"a,ine!s ma"a,ine!s 1 &est Companies to 4ok ;o C) Business C) Business Ethics ma"a,ine Ethics ma"a,ine list of 1 &est Copoate Citi,ens D) Computerworld list list of &est laces to 4ok $nswe: & *planation: &) $chie5in" $chie5in" acknowled"ment by an e*tenal souce is a "ood way fo a band to be eco"ni,ed. &ein" listed on Fortune on Fortune ma"a,ine!s 1 &est Companies to 4ok 4ok ;o is so desiable that some o"ani,ations ty to chan"e thei cultue and philosophies to "et on the list. ) 4hich '(M function consists of tainin" and de5elopment+ indi5idual caee plannin" and de5elopment acti5ities+ o"ani,ation de5elopment+ and pefomance mana"ement and appaisal6 $) mana"ement by ob%ecti5es &) employee and labo elations C) o"ani,ational de5elopment D) human esouce de5elopment $nswe: D *planation: D) 'uman esouce de5elopment is a ma%o '(M function consistin" not only of tainin" and de5elopment but also of caee plannin" and de5elopment acti5ities+ o"ani,ation de5elopment+ and pefomance mana"ement and appaisal. Diff: a"e (ef: 9 Chapte: 1 kill: Concept 0: Download the full file instantly at http://testbankinstant.com
Download the full file instantly at http://testbankinstant.com 1@) Conno woks as an accountant at ice 4atehouse and is scheduled to meet with his mana"e fo a fomal e5iew and e5aluation of his sten"ths and weaknesses. C) A 3 D) 11 9 $nswe: C *planation: C) $ccodin" to the &ueau of 0abo tatistics+ today!s employees will wok fo appo*imately nine companies duin" thei caees. $ su5ey conducted by EF!!s chool of Continuin" and ofessional tudies showed that on a 5ea"e+ indi5iduals will chan"e caees ?not meely 8%obs8) thee times in thei life. Diff: 3 a"e (ef: 9 Chapte: 1 kill: Concept 0: 3) $ fomal appoach used by the o"ani,ation to ensue that people with the pope 2ualifications and e*peiences ae a5ailable when needed is efeed to as ########. $) caee de5elopment &) succession plannin" C) caee plannin" D) pefomance mana"ement $nswe: $ *planation: $) Caee de5elopment is a fomal appoach used by the o"ani,ation to ensue that people with the pope 2ualifications and e*peiences ae a5ailable when needed. Caee plannin" is an on"oin" pocess wheeby an indi5idual sets caee "oals and identifies the means to achie5e them. Diff: a"e (ef: 9 Chapte: 1 kill: Concept 0: Download the full file instantly at http://testbankinstant.com
Download the full file instantly at http://testbankinstant.com 7) 4hich tem efes to the planned and systematic attempt to chan "e an o"ani,ation and impo5e its pefomance6 $) o"ani,ation de5elopment &) copoate de5elopment C) pefomance mana"ement D) o"ani,ation tainin" $nswe: $ *planation: $) "ani,ation de5elopment ?D) is planned and systematic attempts to chan"e the o"ani,ation+ typically to a moe beha5ioal en5ionment. D applies to an entie system+ such as a company o a plant. Diff: 1 a"e (ef: 9 Chapte: 1 kill: Concept 0: 9) 4hich of the followin" tems efes to a "oal-oiented pocess that is diected towad ensuin" that o"ani,ational pocesses ae in place to ma*imi,e the poducti5ity of employees+ teams+ and the o"ani,ation6 $) team state"ic mana"ement &) pefomance mana"ement C) o"ani,ation de5elopment D) caee de5elopment $nswe: & *planation: &) efomance mana"ement is a "oal-oiented pocess that is diected towad ensuin" that o"ani,ational pocesses ae in place to ma*imi,e the poducti5ity of employees+ teams+ and ultimately+ the o"ani,ation. "ani,ation de5elopment ?D) is planned and systematic attempts to chan"e the o"ani,ation+ typically to a moe beh a5ioal en5ionment. D applies to an entie system+ such as a company o a plant. Diff: a"e (ef: 9 Chapte: 1 kill: Concept 0:
Download the full file instantly at http://testbankinstant.com
Download the full file instantly at http://testbankinstant.com =) (a%+ a softwae en"inee+ ecently met with his mana"e fo a e5iew and e5aluation of (a%!s pefomance o5e the last si* months. -@ Chapte: 1 kill: Concept 0: 3 91) 4hat ae the people who actually use a fim!s "oods and se5ices called6 $) mana"es &) shaeholdes C) customes D) employes $nswe: C *planation: C) Customes use a fim!s "oods and se5ices+ and they ae pat of the e*tenal en5ionment. &ecause sales ae cucial to the fim!s su5i5al+ mana"ement has the task of ensuin" that its employment pactices do not anta"oni,e the customes it se5es. Diff: 1 a"e (ef: @ Chapte: 1 kill: Concept 0: 3 9) Customes ae consideed an e*tenal en5ionmental facto because they ########. $) use the 9) 4hich of the followin" is a tue statement about pofessional employe o"ani,ations6 $) s ha5e the i"ht to hie and fie the client company!s employees. &) s ae less popula than in the past due to technolo"y impo5ements. C) s assist client companies with lon"-tem state"y and mission de5elopment. D) s handle administati5e tasks fo the client company+ which etains le"al employe status. $nswe: $ *planation: $) ince the is the employees! le"al employe it has the i"ht to hie+ fie+ discipline+ and eassi"n an employee. $lthou"h s ha5e been a5ailable since the ealy 1A@s+ they ha5e ecently become moe popula. s handle administati5e tasks so that client companies can focus on state"y. Diff: 3 a"e (ef: 1 Chapte: 1 kill: Concept 0: 7
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Download the full file instantly at http://testbankinstant.com >=) $ccodin" to you te*t+ what is a potential disad5anta"e of usin" a pofessional employe o"ani,ation6 $) e*cessi5e papewok &) eosion of employee loyalty C) C e"ulations D) hi"he health benefit costs $nswe: & *planation: &) $ potential disad5anta"e to the client is eosion of employee loyalty because wokes ecei5e pay and benefits fom the leasin" company. Companies use s to minimi,e papewok and to lowe health insuance costs. Diff: 3 a"e (ef: 13 Chapte: 1 kill: Concept 0: 7 >>) $ll of the followin" ae ad5anta"es of pofessional employe o"ani,ations GCT ########. $) po5idin" wokes fo many fims &) de5elopin" employee loyalty and moale C) offein" a wide selection of benefits at lowe costs D) po5idin" %ob mobility oppotunities fo employees $nswe: & *planation: &) s po5ide wokes fo many companies+ and they often en%oy economies of scale that pemit them to offe a wide selection of benefits at consideably lowe cost. @) helby "anic ;oods is a fast "owin" fim that poduces o"anic fo,en food entees. The fim employs > people and e*pects to hie moe in the ne*t few yeas. Cuently+ all of the fim!s '( tasks ae handled intenally by helby!s '( depatment. 'owe5e+ top e*ecuti5es at helby ae considein" the idea of outsoucin" benefits adminstation. 4hich of the followin" 2uestions is 0$T ele5ant to the decision to outsouce helby!s bene fits administation tasks6 $) 4hat is the cost diffeence fo helby between handlin" bene fits intenally and e*tenally6 &) 'ow much time is spent by helby!s '( depatment handlin" benefits administation tasks6 C) 4hich helby '( pofessional should o5esee benefits administation at the shaed se5ice cente6 D) 'ow knowled"eable is helby!s '( staff about benefits administation and fedeal he alth cae laws6 $nswe: C *planation: C) Questions about cost+ time+ and le"al knowled"e ae paticulaly impotant to ask befoe helby outsouces any '( tasks. $ shaed se5ice cente is not a fom of outsoucin". Cs consolidate an o"ani,ation!s '( acti5ities into one location and handle the '( tasks intenally. Diff: 3 a"e (ef: 11-1 Chapte: 1 kill: Citical Thinkin" 0: 7 $$C&: (eflecti5e Thinkin" >A) helby "anic ;oods is a fast "owin" fim that poduces o"anic fo,en food entees. The fim employs > people and e*pects to hie moe in the ne*t few yeas. Cuently+ all of the fim!s '( tasks ae handled intenally by helby!s '( depatment. 'owe5e+ top e*ecuti5es at helby ae considein" the idea of outsoucin" benefits adminstation. 4hich of the followin" best suppots the idea of outsoucin" benefits administation6 $) helby employees enoll fo health benefits thou"h the fim!s intanet. &) helby!s '( mana"e ecently paticipated in a state"ic plannin" session. C) The benefits specialist at '( is knowled"eable about chan"in" healthcae laws. D) &enefits administation is hi"hly time consumin" fo the helby '( depatment. $nswe: D *planation: D) &enefits administation can be a hi"h-5olume+ epetiti5e task that is time consumin" fo '( pofessionals. utsoucin" benefits administation would allow the '( depatment to focus on othe tasks+ such as state"ic plannin". $lso+ benefits administation has become so comple* that it takes someone who woks e"ulaly with benefits administation to keep tack of all of the diffeent laws and chan"es that ae "oin" on. people and e*pects to hie moe in the ne*t few yeas. Cuently+ all of the fim!s '( tasks ae handled intenally by helby!s '( depatment. 'owe5e+ top e*ecuti5es at helby ae considein" the idea of outsoucin" benefits adminstation. 4hich of the followin" most likely undemines the idea of outsoucin" benefits administation6 $) mployees use helby!s intanet to self-mana"e thei own benefits. &) taff mana"es at helby discuss benefits packa"es with new e mployees. C) helby!s '( mana"e e"ulaly meets with the fim!s insuance po5ide. D) helby ecently be"an offein" employees a fle*ible spendin" plan fo benefits. $nswe: $ *planation: $) A>) Chapte: 1 kill: Concept 0: > $$C&: Multicultual and Di5esity Tue/;alse and ssay Questions 1) mploye bandin" efes to the fim!s copoate ima"e o cultue. $nswe: T(F *planation: mploye bandin" is the fim!s copoate ima"e o cultue ceated to attact and etain the type of employees the fim is seekin". Diff: 1 a"e (ef: Chapte: 1 kill: Concept 0: 1
Download the full file instantly at http://testbankinstant.com
Download the full file instantly at http://testbankinstant.com ) mployment bandin" is an e*tension of the maketin" depatment and has limited impact on ecuitment and etention. $nswe: ;$0 *planation: mploye bandin" has become a ma%o ecuitment and etention state"y. 4ith employe bandin"+ e5eyone in the company woks to pomote the ima"e of the fim not %ust one depatment. Diff: a"e (ef: Chapte: 1 kill: Concept 0: 1 3) nly la"e well-known fims ha5e employe bandin" small businesses do not. $nswe: ;$0 *planation: $ll companies ha5e a band+ which is the fim!s ima"e o cultue that attacts and etains employees. Diff: a"e (ef: -3 Chapte: 1 kill: Concept 0: 1 7) 'uman esouce mana"ement ?'(M) is the utili,ation of indi5iduals to achie5e o"ani,ational ob%ecti5es. $nswe: T(F *planation: 'uman esouce mana"ement ?'(M) is the utili,ation of indi5iduals to achie5e o"ani,ational ob%ecti5es. &asically+ all mana"es "et thin"s done thou"h the effots of othes. Conse2uently+ mana"es at e5ey le5el must concen themsel5es with '(M. Diff: 1 a"e (ef: 7 Chapte: 1 kill: Concept 0: 1 9) taffin" is the pocess thou"h which an o"ani,ation ensues that it always has the pope numbe of employees with the appopiate skills in the i"ht %obs+ at the i"ht time+ to achie5e the o"ani,ation!s ob%ecti5es. $nswe: T(F *planation: taffin" is the pocess thou"h which an o"ani,ation ensues that it always has the pope numbe of employees with the appopiate skills in the i"ht %obs+ at the i"ht time+ to achie5e o"ani,ational ob%ecti5es. taffin" in5ol5es %ob analysis+ human esouce plannin"+ ecuitment+ and selection. Diff: a"e (ef: 7 Chapte: 1 kill: Concept 0:
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Download the full file instantly at http://testbankinstant.com =) taffin" in5ol5es %ob analysis+ human esouce plannin"+ ecuitment+ and selection. $nswe: T(F *planation: taffin" is the pocess thou"h which an o"ani,ation ensues that it always has the pope numbe of employees with the appopiate skills in the i"ht %obs+ at the i"ht time+ to achie5e o"ani,ational ob%ecti5es. taffin" in5ol5es %ob analysis+ human esouce plannin"+ ecuitment+ and selection. Diff: a"e (ef: 7 Chapte: 1 kill: Concept 0: >) 'uman esouce plannin" is the systematic pocess of d eteminin" the skills+ duties+ and knowled"e e2uied fo pefomin" %obs in an o"ani,ation. $nswe: ;$0 *planation: 'uman esouce de5elopment is a ma%o '(M function consistin" not only of tainin" and de5elopment but also of caee plannin" and de5elopment acti5ities+ o"ani,ation de5elopment+ and pefomance mana"ement and appaisal. '( plannin" in5ol5es matchin" intenal and e*tenal supplies of people with %ob openin"s o5e a cetain peiod of time. Diff: a"e (ef: 9 Chapte: 1 kill: Concept 0: @) (ecuitment is the pocess of attactin" 2ualified indi5iduals and encou a"in" them to apply fo wok with the o"ani,ation. $nswe: T(F *planation: (ecuitment is the pocess of attactin" indi5iduals on a timely basis+ in sufficient numbes+ and with appopiate 2ualifications+ to apply fo %obs with an o"ani,ation. Diff: 1 a"e (ef: 7 Chapte: 1 kill: Concept 0: A) taffin" is the pocess thou"h which the o"ani,ation chooses+ fom a "oup of applicants+ those indi5iduals best suited both fo open positions and fo the company. $nswe: ;$0 *planation: election is the pocess of choosin" fom a "oup of applicants the indi5idual best suited fo a paticula position and the o"ani,ation. election is an aspect of staffin". Diff: 1 a"e (ef: 7-9 Chapte: 1 kill: Concept 0:
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Download the full file instantly at http://testbankinstant.com 1) 'uman esouce de5elopment in5ol5es tainin"+ caee plannin"+ o"ani,ation de5elopment+ and pefomance mana"ement. $nswe: T(F *planation: 'uman esouce de5elopment is a ma%o '(M function consistin" not only of tainin" and de5elopment but also of caee plannin" and de5elopment acti5ities+ o"ani,ation de5elopment+ and pefomance mana"ement and appaisal. Diff: 1 a"e (ef: 9 Chapte: 1 kill: Concept 0: 11) Tainin" pimaily focuses on the lon"-tem caee needs of employees. $nswe: ;$0 *planation: Tainin" is desi"ned to po5ide leanes with the knowled"e and skills needed fo thei pesent %obs. De5elopment in5ol5es leanin" that "oes beyond today!s %ob and has a moe lon"-tem focus. Diff: 1 a"e (ef: 9 Chapte: 1 kill: Concept 0: 1) De5elopment in5ol5es leanin" that "oes beyond an employee!s pesent %ob. $nswe: T(F *planation: De5elopment in5ol5es leanin" that "oes beyond today!s %ob and has a moe lon"tem focus. Tainin" is desi"ned to po5ide leanes with the knowled"e and skills needed fo thei pesent %obs. Diff: 1 a"e (ef: 9 Chapte: 1 kill: Concept 0: 13) Caee plannin" is a fomal appoach used by the o"ani,ation to ensue that people with the pope 2ualifications and e*peiences ae a5ailable when needed. $nswe: ;$0 *planation: Caee plannin" is an on"oin" pocess wheeby an indi5idual sets caee "oals and identifies the means to achie5e them. Caee d e5elopment is a fomal appoach used by the o"ani,ation to ensue that people with the pope 2ualifications and e*peiences ae a5ailable when needed. Diff: a"e (ef: 9 Chapte: 1 kill: Concept 0:
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Download the full file instantly at http://testbankinstant.com 17) "ani,ation de5elopment is the planned and systematic attempts to chan"e the o"ani,ation+ typically to a moe beha5ioal en5ionment. $nswe: T(F *planation: "ani,ation de5elopment ?D) is planned and systematic attempts to chan"e the o"ani,ation+ typically to a moe beha5ioal en5ionment. D applies to an entie system+ such as a company o a plant. Diff: 1 a"e (ef: 9 Chapte: 1 kill: Concept 0: 19) efomance mana"ement is a fomal system of e5iew and e5aluation of indi5idual o team task pefomance. $nswe: ;$0 *planation: efomance appaisal is a fomal system of e5iew and e5aluation of indi5idual o team task pefomance. efomance mana"ement is a "oal-oiented pocess that is diected towad ensuin" that o"ani,ational pocesses ae in place to ma*imi,e the poducti5ity of employees+ teams+ and ultimately+ the o"ani,ation. Diff: a"e (ef: 9 Chapte: 1 kill: Concept 0: 1=) &enefits is the pay that a peson ecei5es in the fom of wa"es+ salaies+ commissions+ and bonuses. $nswe: ;$0 *planation: Diect financial compensation is the pay that a peson ecei5es in the fom of wa"es+ salaies+ commissions+ and bonuses. Chapte: 1 kill: Concept 0: 3 3) ociety pessues a fim!s '(M by e*pectin" copoate social esponsibility and ethical decision-makin". $nswe: T(F *planation: ociety may also e*et pessue on '(M. The public is no lon"e content to accept+ without 2uestion+ the actions of business. To emain acceptable to the "eneal public+ a fim must accomplish its pupose while complyin" with societal noms. Copoate social esponsibility is the implied+ enfoced+ o felt obli"ation of mana"es+ actin" in thei official capacity+ to se5e o potect the inteests of "oups othe than themsel5es. Diff: a"e (ef: @ Chapte: 1 kill: Concept 0: 3 7) $lthou"h shaeholdes in5est money in a fim+ they ha5e 5ey little influence on mana"ement. $nswe: ;$0 *planation: &ecause shaeholdes+ o stockholdes+ ha5e in5ested money in the fim+ they may at times challen"e po"ams consideed by mana"ement to be beneficial to the o"ani,ation. tockholdes ae wieldin" inceasin" influence+ and mana"ement may be foced to %ustify the meits of a paticula po"am in tems of how it will affect futue po%ects+ costs+ e5enues+ pofits+ and e5en benefits to society as a whole. Diff: a"e (ef: @ Chapte: 1 kill: Concept 0: 3
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