Test Bank Chapter 3

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Instant download and all chapters Test Bank Global Marketing Management 8th Edition Keegan https://testbankdata.com/download/test-bank-global-marketingmanagement-8th-edition-keegan/   management-8th-edition-keegan/ Global Marketing Management, 8e (Keegan) Chapter 3 The Political, Legal, and Regulatory Environments of G Global lobal Marketing

1) Political risk tends to be higher in developing dev eloping countries compared to industrialized countries. Answer: TRUE AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty: Easy 2) Many companies make efforts to minimize their tax liability by shifting the location of income. Answer: TRUE AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty: Easy 3) Creeping expropriation is said to have occurred when a previously expropriated property by the government is returned to the original owners. Answer: FALSE AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty: Easy 4) Expropriation is said to have occurred when a foreign national company dispossesses a home home-country company through uncompetitive practices. Answer: FALSE AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty: Easy 5) If a foreign company is taken over by the host-country government and some form of compensation is paid, confiscation is said to have occurred. Answer: FALSE AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty: Easy 6) A government can limit the economic econo mic activities of a foreign firm that resists its effort to introduce home-country nationals into the company. Answer: TRUE AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty: Moderate 7) Foreign properties expropriated by a government cannot be reclaimed. 1


Answer: FALSE AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty: Easy



8) Private International Law is the body bod y of law that applies to interpretations of and disputes arising from commercial transactions between companies of different nations. Answer: TRUE AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty: Moderate 9) Most countries that were once part of the British Empire now have civil law systems. Answer: FALSE AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty: Easy 10) Common law cases are decided by precedents set in past judicial decisions. Answer: TRUE AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty: Easy 11) If a foreign company can be shown to be doing business in the United States, then it is subject to the jurisdiction of U.S. courts. Answer: TRUE AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty: Easy 12) Typically, all economic activity within a nation is governed by that nation's laws. Answer: TRUE AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty: Easy 13) In the United States, a patent p atent holder retains all rights for the life of the patent only if the  product is produced or sold. Answer: FALSE AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty: Easy 14) An associative counterfeit uses a product name that differs slightly from a well-known brand  but is close enough that consumers will associate it with the genuine product. Answer: TRUE AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty: Easy 15) Brand value is one of the most important assets that a business holds. Answer: TRUE AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty: Easy



16) Antitrust laws are designed to restrict new competition from entering foreign markets. Answer: FALSE AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty: Easy 17) U.S. companies are subject to U.S. antitrust laws no matter what country the they y are doing  business in. Answer: TRUE AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty: Easy 18) Each act of privatization dilutes the command portion of a mixed economic system. Answer: TRUE AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty: Moderate 19) In the United States, laws do not regulate the licensing process per se aass do technology transfer laws in the EU, Australia, Japan, and many man y developing countries. Answer: TRUE AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty: Moderate 20) Licensing agreements do not come co me under antitrust scrutiny. Answer: FALSE AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty: Easy 21) A company hoping to t o protect its trade secrets from being stolen by a fo foreign reign company can seek relief under the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs) agreement. Answer: TRUE AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty: Easy 22) U.S. individuals are exempted from being prosecuted for bribery under the Foreign Corrupt C orrupt Practices Act. Answer: FALSE AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty: Easy 23) A common economic characteristic of countries with pervasive corruption is a lack of integration with the global economy. Answer: TRUE AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty: Easy



24) A U.S. company is exempt e xempt from the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act if a host-country citizen serving as an agent for the company pays a bribe to a government official in the host country. Answer: FALSE AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty: Moderate 25) The fact that the United States has more lawyers per 100,000 people than other countries is, in part, a reflection of the low-context nature of American culture. Answer: TRUE AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty: Easy 26) Generally, companies find that the fastest, easiest, and least expensive way to resolve international commercial disputes is litigation. Answer: FALSE AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty: Easy 27) By law, U.S. courts can be discretionary while accepting an arbitrator's decision in patent p atent disputes. Answer: FALSE AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty: Easy 28) GATT is primarily based on the principle of o f trade protectionism. Answer: FALSE AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty: Easy 29) Which of the following statements is true about the political risks in a global marketing environment? A) The political risk of low-income countries is lesser than high-income countries. B) morerisk a country is developed, thecompanies greater is the C) The Political is a major deterrent for thatpolitical want to risk. invest abroad. D) A country with high political risks attracts more investors. Answer: C AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty: Moderate



30) Which of the following is an approach approa ch that foreign companies in the United States use for avoiding taxes on their revenues? A) confiscation B) liquidation C) expropriation D) earnings stripping Answer: D AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty: Easy 31) ________ refers to governmental action to dispossess a company or investor. A) Equity dilution B) Deracination C) Expropriation D) Earnings stripping Answer: C Difficulty: Easy 32) ________ occurs if ownership of a property or assets of a compan company y is transferred to the host government. A) Internalization B) Nationalization C) Deportation D) Deracination Answer: B Difficulty: Easy 33) When a nation refuses to accept the judgment against it made by b y the International Court of Justice, the plaintiff nation can seek recourse through the ________. A) International Law Commission B) Permanent Court of International Justice C) United Nations Security Council D) World Bank Investment Dispute Settlement Center Answer: C AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty: Moderate 34) Which of the following statements is true about code c ode law? A) In code-law countries, intellectual property rights are established by prior use. B) It is established based on the rulings from previous cases. C) It uses written norms, which are complemented by b y court decisions. D) In code-law countries, companies are granted the ability to operate by public authority. Answer: C AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty: Moderate



35) The national laws applying to a transaction crossing boundaries must be determined by  ________. A) both parties involved in the agreement B) only the host-country government C) only parent-country government D) the International Law Commission Answer: A AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty: Moderate 36) Which of the following statements is true about patent p atent and trademark protection in the global marketing environment? A) Patents and trademarks protected in one country are not necessarily protected in another. B) Foreign organizations can register patents and trademarks only onl y in their parent country. C) Patent and trademark laws are the same across all nations. D) Trademarks and patents cannot be counterfeited. Answer: A AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty: Moderate 37) ________ refers to the unauthorized copying or production of a product. A) Accommodation B) Embezzlement C) Counterfeiting D) Expropriation Answer: C AACSB: Ethical understanding understanding and reasoning Difficulty: Easy 38) In many parts of the world, wo rld, sales of unauthorized videos of Hollywood movies cost co st the movie studios billions of dollars. When illegal copies of movies are made, what form of intellectual property has been wrongly appropriated? A) patent B) copyright C) trademark D) trade secrets Answer: B AACSB: Ethical understanding understanding and reasoning Difficulty: Easy



39) Which of the following business practices does the Sherman Act of 1890 prohibit? A) limiting production B) betting C) licensing trademarks D) direct investments Answer: A AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty: Easy 40) How can a licensor prevent a licensee from using the licensed technology to compete with it directly? A) by allowing the licensee to continue using the technology after the contract has expired B) by limiting the licensee to selling only in the home country C) by keeping the licensed technology unchanged D) by cancelling the contractual agreement Answer: B AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty: Moderate 41) ________ are confidential information or knowledge that has commercial value. A) Copyrights B) Trade secrets C) Trademarks D) Patents Answer: B Difficulty: Easy 42) Which of the following is an example of a trade secret? A) customer list B) brand logo C) product price D) company profit Answer: A AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty: Easy 43) Which of the following marked the first international trade agreement with provisions for  protecting trade secrets? A) EPA B) EU C) NAFTA D) TRIPs Answer: C Difficulty: Easy



44) ________ refers to the misuse of o f entrusted power for private gain. A) Corruption B) Counterfeiting C) Piracy D) Imitation Answer: A Difficulty: Easy 45) ________ consists of isolated transactions executed by individual public officials that abuse their office. A) Bureaucratic corruption B) Earnings stripping C) Grand corruption D) Influence peddling Answer: A Difficulty: Easy 46) Which of the following is an example of grand corruption? A) isolated transactions executed by individual public pu blic officials that abuse their office B) favors granted in exchange for personal consideration to a public official C) collusion between members of the private sector and public officials for mutual benefit D) state officials misusing large amounts of public resources over a prolonged prolon ged period Answer: D AACSB: Ethical understanding understanding and reasoning Difficulty: Moderate 47) ________ involves collusion co llusion between members of private sector and public officials o fficials to gain mutual benefit. A) Bureaucratic corruption B) State capture C) Grand corruption D) Expropriation Answer: AACSB: BEthical understanding understanding and reasoning Difficulty: Easy 48) Which of the following is an economic econo mic attribute shared by countries with a high perceived level of corruption? A) high levels of poverty B) high economic growth rate C) free trade policies D) low import tariffs Answer: A AACSB: Analytical thinking Difficulty: Easy



49) Americans doing business abroad must conform to proper ethical and legal behavior as spelled out by the ________. A) TRIPs B) FCPA C) FERA D) ICJ Answer: B Difficulty: Easy 50) Which of the following has been empowered to resolve conflicts between national law and EU law? A) the European Court of Auditors B) the European Court of Justice C) the International Chamber of Commerce D) the International Criminal Court Answer: B Difficulty: Easy 51) Which of the following replaced the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade? A) the World Trade Organization B) the European Union C) the North American Free Trade Agreement D) the World Intellectual Property Organization Answer: A Difficulty: Easy


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