'[?tst 7 FiHAffiING Á,Nm USH CIF ffiNffit[$§F{ (1 hnur 3ü minutos} W*rt1 FoÍ quostions 1-8, reacl the) text below and decide which atrswer (A, B, 'Ilrerer is an oxample at the beginning (0). Mark your ariswer§ $n ths separáte an§wer $tleet.
e or D) best fits each gap.
articlc C l:iece ü
#hanqing §pefacos l¡
what can gnly be cJoscribocj as an inrpressive (0) ........ of research, a schoolboy in the USA
has caloulatecl that the $tate and federal government$ could save getting on for $400m a year by clranging ihe typeface they use for printed documents. Shockecl by ihe number of printed handouts he was receiving from his teachers,
old boy decicled io investigate tlre cost. l-le established that ink {1} '......' up ts600/o af the cost of íI printod pago and is, gram for gram, t\¡/ice a$ expensive a§ Bome famous pedumes. l"le tlrerr starlocj looking ai tht+ riifforont iypefaces and cli$cov$.od that, by (2) ....'"'. tr: ono called Ciararnoncl witlr its lhin, olegant strcke$, his school district could reduce ils arrnually. Vforking r:rr that {4}
.....,.. . the fedora[ sat¡ings would bo snormous.
, earlier studies of the {6} "....... of font choice have shown that it cal'l alfect more than
The t¡rpofaco that a document uses also (7) .......,how much óf the ¡nformation
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