Test 3

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CD Question Bank - Workbook Science Year 5

 Name: ………………………… Class: ……………………… ……………………… Date: ………………….

SUMMATIVE TEST 3 FOOD CHAINS AND FOOD WEBS Theme 1: Investigating Living Things

SECTION A Instructions :  Each question is followed by four options, options, A, B, C and D. Choose the correct answer. Food Chains 1

Which of the following about a food chain is correct? A The use of food in animals B The process of producing food C The breakdown of food in cells D The food relationship between living things


The diagram below shows a food chain.


Which of the following animals can X be? III III III A B C D 3

A girradsshopper   A bgr A cate caterp rpil illa lar  r  I and II only I and III only II and III only I, II and III

Which of the following food chains is not correct? A Grass → Horse → Tiger  B Flowers → Butterfly → Snake → Eagle C Leaves → Worm → Fish → Beaver  D Spinach → Grasshopper → Frog → Snake


CD Question Bank - Workbook Science Year 5


The information below shows a food chain. J

K → L


Which of the following about the food chain is correct? I K is eaten by L. II K eats J. III III L eat eatss M. M. A I only B I and II only C I and III only D II and III only 5

The picture below shows four living things.

Which of the following food chains is correct? A Q → S → R  → P B Q → R  → P → S C Q → R  → S → P D Q 6



The information below shows the food relationship between a squirrel and two other  living things. X is eaten by a squirrel. A squirrel is eaten by Y. Which of the following about X and a nd Y is correct?   X   Y A Leaves Eagle B Fish Chicken Grass Goat C Snake D Fruits


CD Question Bank - Workbook Science Year 5


The diagram below shows a food chain.


Which of the following animals can P be? A A frog B A snake C A mouse D A caterpillar  8

The diagram below shows a food chain in a habitat.

plant tiger 



What will happen if all the deer are hunted and killed by humans? A The number of plants will decrease B The number of plants will not change C The number of tigers will increase D The number of tigers will decrease 9

The information below shows three food chains in a habitat. Plant Plant Plant

Mouse Sparrow Grasshopper

Snake Eagle Frog

The food chains are most probably found in a… A  pond. B forest. C grassland.



CD Question Bank - Workbook Science Year 5

D  paddy field. 10 Green plants do not depend on other living things for food. This is because they… A do not need food. B make their own food. C get food from their fruits. D have a lot of food in their roots. 11 The picture below shows five living things found in a habitat.

Which animal does not belong to a food chain formed between the living things? A P B Q C R  D S 12 The picture below shows an animal found in a food chain.

Which of the following animals will increase in number if the number of the above animal increases? A Cow B Bird C Rabbit D Crocodile


CD Question Bank - Workbook Science Year 5

A grasshopper eats leaves. A chicken eats grasshoppers. An eagle eats chickens. 13 Based on the above information, the correct food chain is… A grasshopper → leaves → eagle → chicken B eagle → chicken → grasshopper → leaves C leaves → chicken → grasshopper → eagle D leaves → grasshopper → chicken → eagle Food Webs 14 The diagram below shows a food web.

The carnivores in the food web are… A the tiger and the rabbit. B the eagle and the deer. C the tiger and the eagle. D the eagle and the rabbit. 15 The diagram below shows a food web in a habitat.

Deer Plant

Small bird Beetle

The above food web can be found in a… A forest. B river.




CD Question Bank - Workbook Science Year 5

C grassland. D  paddy field. 16 The diagram below shows a food web in a pond.

How many food chains can be found in the food web? A 2 B 3 C 4 D 5 17 The diagram below shows a food web.

Plant Mousedeer  Deer 



Which of the following food chains is not in the food web? A Plant → Deer  → Tiger  B Plant → Deer  → Python C Plant → Mousedeer  → Deer  D Plant → Mousedeer  → Tiger  18 The diagram below shows a food web in an oil palm plantation.

Oil palm fruit   Owl





CD Question Bank - Workbook Science Year 5

Which animal can X be? A Rat C Caterpillar 

B Rabbit D Grasshopper 

19 P, Q, R and S in the diagram below are animals found in a food web.





Which animal is a carnivore? A P C R 


20 The diagram below shows a food web.





What will happen if all the tigers are hunted hun ted and killed by humans? I The The num numbe berr of plan plants ts wi will ll incr increas ease. e. II The numbe numberr of deer deer and rabb rabbits its will will incr increas ease. e. III The number of deer deer will increas increasee but the number of rabbits rabbits will will decrease. decrease.



CD Question Bank - Workbook Science Year 5

A II only only C I and II only



I and III only


CD Question Bank - Workbook Science Year 5

SECTION B  Answer  all the questions. Instructions: Write your answers in the spaces provided. Food Chains

Shahril carries out an investigation to find out the food relationship between living things. The living things are cabbage leaves, caterpillars and birds.





 bird The results are recorded in the table below. Day 1 3 5 7 9

Number of cabbage leaves 15 Less Less Less Less

Number of caterpillars 50 34 18 2 0

Number of birds 2 2 2 2 1

(a) What can be said said about the number number of caterpilla caterpillars rs from day 1 to day 9?  _____________________________________________________  _________________________ _________________________________________  _____________  (b) Based Based on the result results, s, state state two food relationships between the cabbage leaves, caterpillars and birds. 1.  _____________________________________________________  _________________________ ______________________________________  __________  2.  _____________________________________________________  _________________________ ______________________________________  __________  (c) Build a food chain chain based on the food food relationshi relationships ps in (b).  _____________________________________________________  _________________________ _________________________________________  _____________  (d) (d) Give Give one reason why the number of birds decreases on day 9.  _____________________________________________________  _________________________ _________________________________________  _____________ 


CD Question Bank - Workbook Science Year 5

 _____________________________________________________  _________________________ _________________________________________  _____________  (e) Predict Predict what will happen happen on day day 12.  _____________________________________________________  _________________________ _________________________________________  _____________ 

Food Webs 2

The diagram below shows a food web.








caterpillar  eagle


(a) State the the number of of food chains chains in the the food web.  _____________________________________________________  _________________________ _________________________________________  _____________  (b) State the the carnivores carnivores in the the food web. web.  _____________________________________________________  _________________________ _________________________________________  _____________  (c) (c) Stat Statee three effects if the number of sparrows and the number of frogs decrease. 1.  _____________________________________________________  _________________________ ______________________________________  __________  2.  _____________________________________________________  _________________________ ______________________________________  __________  3.  _____________________________________________________  _________________________ ______________________________________  __________ 


CD Question Bank - Workbook Science Year 5

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