Test 3 Traveller B2

April 3, 2017 | Author: Donela Pasku | Category: N/A
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Test 3 - Module 3 1. VOCABULARY A. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals. 1. He had to pay a fine after the police caught him driving recklessly in a area.


2. I wouldn’t recommend that hotel, as it is located on the outskirts of the city, which is very


3. Sadly, his

CONVENIENT about the tropical storm were confirmed.

4. Mrs Brown has very high


of her daughter, Jenny, and was

disappointed when she didn’t win the competition.


5. Fried bananas and roast chicken are the

of this restaurant.

6. The campaign aimed at increasing people’s


of the dangers of



7. Because of his

to medical research, the scientist was awarded a



8. This is an important

. Do not leave your belongings





B. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the phrasal verbs in the box. There is an extra phrasal verb you do not need to use. keep off

keep on

keep to

keep down

keep back

1. The police officer asked us to tell him everything we had seen without


information. 2. The sign says we should 3. If you don’t 4. Brenda

the grass. the plan, you will be asked to leave the team. lying about where she had been the previous night, even though we all

knew the truth. score

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TRAVELLER LEVEL B2 –TEST BOOKLET – TEST 3 C. Choose the correct option a, b, c or d to complete the sentences. 1. Without any a. fail

, he is the best and most reliable employee of the company. b. doubt

c. warning

d. delay

2. Instead of the usual TV show, Martha suggested watching a DVD a. for sure

b. for good

3. When you a. set a task

c. for a change

b. set a goal

c. set standards

b. restore

c. resolve

b. about

c. at

d. in

his newspaper and ignored his wife’s critical remarks. b. with

c. to

7. They have bought a small a. home

d. in in the suburbs.

b. house

c. habitat

8. Have you checked the weather a. expectation

d. retell

French literature.

6. Gerard concentrated a. on

d. set a trap

the antique furniture.

5. The professor specialises a. on

d. for a while

, you must do everything in your power to achieve it.

4. It cost a great deal of money to a. recount


b. guess

d. skyscraper today?

c. forecast

d. prediction score




D. Replace the highlighted words with their American English equivalent. 1. Have you decided which mobile phone you want to buy? 2. Faith said autumn was her favourite season. 3. She was very concerned about Jeffrey’s cough and went to the chemist’s to get some cough syrup. 4. Emily wants to specialise in Roman History. 5. The girls did some shopping in the city centre and then went home to watch a film on TV.

6. To get to the Gallery fast, just take the underground.

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2.GRAMM AR E. Choose the correct modal verb to complete the sentences. 1. According to the new law, people mustn’t / don’t have to smoke in public places. 2. You had better / might not contact her for the time being; otherwise you will get into another fight. 3. Students mustn’t / needn’t pay the fees in advance, but they can do so if they want. 4. Passengers can / ought to be at the airport at least an hour before their flight. 5. Paula mustn’t / needn’t tell John about the present. It’s a secret. 6. I think you would / should stop acting like a four-year-old. 7. They ought to / had better be here on time or else the boss will be very angry. 8. May I / Do I have to go to the restaurant? I really want to go to bed early tonight.



F. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. 1. They don’t have money so they cannot afford to go on holiday.


If they

go on

holiday. 2. Harold must quit smoking if he wants his health to improve.


Harold’s health will smoking. 3. The secretary has not arrived at the office yet, so the e-mails have not been sent.


The e-mails will be sent

at the office. 4. In your place, I would definitely call the police. If

you , I would definitely call

the police. 5. Debra will let us use her CD player, as long as we keep the volume down.


Debra will let us use her CD player

down. 6. I haven’t been paid yet, that’s why I haven’t paid my rent. I will pay my rent 7. If the bookcase is on sale, I will buy it.

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soon paid. as


on sale, I will

buy it. 8. They have to be here by 8 to get good seats.


On condition that they are here

good seats.



G. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences below. 1. A: What are your plans for the weekend? B: We are going to / about to visit my aunt and uncle in Bristol. 2. A: Can you do me a favour? B: Sure, as soon as I finish / will finish cooking dinner. 3. Look at those clouds. I think it is raining / going to rain soon. 4. In two months I am going to work / will have been working in this company for four years. 5. By the time you wake up, I will arrive / will have arrived in Barcelona. 6. A: I really feel very sleepy. B: I make / will make you some coffee. 7. When will your train have left / does your train leave? 8. My neighbour will have travelled / is going to travel to Paris.


3.READING H. Read the following text and then answer the questions.

FIGHTING GLOBAL WARMING The Earth’s temperature has increased by about one degree Fahrenheit over the past 100 years. This is referred to as global warming and it causes changes in the world’s climate. For example, an increase in temperature will result in more rainfall, and flooding; this will have serious effects on humans, wildlife and plants. Global warming is a serious threat to our planet and scientists around the world are frantically working to develop new ways to deal with this problem. Scientists at the University of Edinburgh have come up with their own innovative idea; they plan to build a fleet of unmanned ships that will travel through the ocean creating waves that will help reduce global warming. The ships will patrol specific areas of ocean, and spray tiny drops of sea water into clouds. These drops will brighten and whiten the clouds; the result of this is that the heat of the sun will be better reflected into space thus reducing global warming. The system will run on wind and sea water so there is no harm to the environment. The ships can be sent to the Arctic to reduce the temperature or they could be sent to seas around coral reefs which are threatened by increasing temperatures. It is planned that they will be sent to areas that have a lot of sunlight, and reliable winds but not violent or stormy winds. Also, places with large amounts of air pollution and dust would reduce the ships’ efficiency. Scientists have already identified the seas off the coast of Namibia, California and Peru as potential locations to operate the ships.

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TRAVELLER LEVEL B2 –TEST BOOKLET – TEST 3 The effects on the climate caused by the ships can be adjusted, increased or decreased according to our needs and they will be controlled by computers and staff in a special traffic room. The ‘cloud ships’ as they are called are going to be powered by rotors and the wind. The technology used to propel the ships was used over eighty years ago but has not been used since then; however, last month a German company launched a rotor powered cargo vessel. The availability of more modern materials, the increasing price of oil and the fact the ships are computer friendly has caused a return to this technology. The main questions we must ask is: will this actually work? Will the ships succeed in controlling global warming? Scientists have published a paper showing that when clouds over the oceans of a planet are made brighter or whiter, this cools the planet. They believe that the technology will help stabilise global warming until 2050. The ships will have a number of other uses, for example, they can act as science labs while they are in the water, taking water and air samples which will be analysed. Also, it is planned that the boats will have emergency supplies onboard in order to also act as rescue boats. These ships may be the answer to the problem of global warming and it is hoped that they will eventually become a reality. 1. According to the writer, global warming is defined as a. a gradual increase in the Earth’s temperature. b. changes in the Earth’s weather. c. rainfall and flooding. d. a threat to humans, wildlife and plants. 2. The fleet of ships mentioned in the text will a. patrol all the oceans. b. operate on sea water and wind. c. get heat from the sun. d. spray drops of water into the sea. 3. The waves produced from the ships will a. cause storms at sea. b. cause the Earth to become hotter. c. help decrease global warming. d. cause the heat of the sun to be reflected back to Earth. 4. The scientists plan to send the ships to a. the sea around a busy polluted port city. b. rivers which are heavily polluted. c. coastal areas in different parts of the world. d. areas with stormy conditions. 5. What has sparked the interest in the recent use of rotor powered ships? a. concerns over global warming b. the decreasing availability of oil c. advances in computer technology d. the increasing price of oil and the availability of modern materials

6. In paragraph 4, what point is the writer trying to make? a. that the idea proposed by the scientists will not be successful b. that this system could be successful in controlling global warming c. that the idea is innovative d. that the side effects of this system could be dangerous to the planet 7. Why will the ships be equipped with emergency supplies? a. in order to rescue people

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TRAVELLER LEVEL B2 –TEST BOOKLET – TEST 3 b. so the staff on the ship can use them in case of an emergency c. in case of dangerous weather conditions d. in case they sink 8. The ships will also work as science labs by a. collecting and analysing water and air samples. b. stabilising global warming until 2050. c. making clouds brighter. d. helping to improve technology. score

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4.LISTENING I. You will hear eight short conversations. After you hear each conversation, you will be asked a question about what you heard. Choose the picture which answers the question correctly. 1.








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