Test 3 - Module 3 1. Vocabulary

April 13, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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FINAL TEST Full name: _________________________________________________  Basic: IV

Date: _________________  

Test 3 - Mod Module ule 3 1. VO VOCA CABU BULA LAR RY A. Choose a, b or c .

1. Thee!s m"

# m" siste!s s$n%

a. niece

. uncle

". The c$uch is

!. ne&he'

the t'$ amchais%

a. ne(t

. in )$nt

3. It!s eall"

!. *et'een

t$+a"% t$+a"% Let!s ha,e lunch $utsi+e%

a. 'am

. )$"

#. Thee ae a l$t $) ne'

!. chill"


The at alle" is m" )a,$ite% a. ceilins . su*u*s t$+a"% It!s m" +a" $. I!m n$t '$.in t$+a"% a. $ut

!. *uil+ins


. $) 

!. $)) 

%. /h" aen!t thee an" &aintins

  a. $n

the 'all0

. a*$,e

!. *ehin+

B. Co&'lete ()th the (ords )* the o+.   +e&esse+




1. I hate +$in the +ishes% Let!s *u" a ". The

&$&ula %

)$m m" *e+$$m 'in+$' is eat1

3. Man" &e$&le $ t$ the Italian estauant nea m" h$use% It!s ,e"

% #. I +$n!t 'atch +amas *ecause I et $. It!s a2n3 %. D$ "$u li.e m" ne'

% +$cumenta"% +$cumenta"% Let!s 'atch it% &use0




,RAMMAR A. Co&'lete ()th the rese*t S)&'le or the rese*t roress)/e o0 the /ers )* 'are*theses. 1. M" siste an+ I ". 

2,isit3 $u an+&aents e,e" Sun+a"% Sun+a"% 4e,in

2c$me3 t$ the m$,ies

'ith us t$niht0 3. 

"$u *$the-in-la'

2li,e3 in

Cincinnati0 #. 5$u +$n!t nee+ t$ ta.e an um*ella% It

2n$t ain3 iht

n$'% $. M" +a+

2'atch3 the ne's in the e,enin%

%. 6u neih*$s

2&aint3 thei h$use this 'ee.%

r)te 'os)t)/e se*te*!es )* 'rese*t s)&'le.

7% 8ua 8uan n 9 the ue uesti sti$n $n 9 an ans' s'e e  _______________________  ___________ _________________________ _________________________ ____________________  ________  ;% "$ "$u u 9 a u ues esti$ ti$n n9a as. s.  _______________________  ___________ _________________________ _________________________ __________________  ______  % 'e 9 a m m$u $unt ntai ain n9c clim lim* *  _______________________  ___________ _________________________ _________________________ __________________  ______  ?% 8$ 8$hn hn 9 s sta tam& m&s s 9 c$ c$llllec ectt  _______________________  ___________ _________________________ _________________________ __________________  ______  @% 'e 9 t$ L L$n $n+$ +$n n 9 tta a,e ,ell  _______________________  ___________ _________________________ _________________________ ____________________  ________  % I 9 +a +a"s "s 9 thes these e 9 '$ '$. .in in   _______________________  ___________ _________________________ _________________________ ____________________  ________  % the the" "9c chic hic.e .en n9c c$$. $$. 9 at 9 the  _______________________  ___________ _________________________ _________________________ __________________  ______  7%he 9 t$ sch$$l 9 $  _______________________  ___________ _________________________ _________________________ ____________________  ________ 



B. C)r!le the !orre!t (ords. 1. This is the 9 - M% an+ Ms% Ste,ens$n an+ that $,e thee is the)r   99 the)rs h$use% A 9 The ca in the aae is the)rs 2 the)r # t$

%$* ut I +$n!t ha,e an"% an"% ". I l$,e the 9 - cats% The4re 9 There are m" )a,$ite &ets# *ut 3. Is there 9 Is )t a *$$.st$e nea "$u h$use0 #. /e +$n!t ha,e a 9 the *alc$n"# *ut a 9 the )$nt "a+ is *eauti)ul% $. This shit is n$t &)*e 9 &% It!s m" *$the!s%

COMMUNICATION Read the d)aloues a*d !hoose a, b or c . A. Mar5 e"# 8ulie% C$me hee% $' +$ "$u li.e this lam&0

  6ul)e Mar5   6ul)e   Mar5   6ul)e

It!s nice *ut 'e!e hee t$ *u" an amchai% 213 %  6u li,in $$m nee+s a chane% Let!s *u" it% 2"3 /e +$n!t ha,e the m$ne" )$ an amchai an+ a lam&% It!s chea&% 6nl" 7>1 64# 64% % 

B. Fred 8ames0 Is that "$u0 233 6a&es i# Fe+% /hat!s u&0

  Fred   6a&es   Fred 6a&es

N$t much# *ut 'hat!s '$n 'ith "$u0 I!m a little +$'n% 2#3 %  Because I ha,e a ne' $* *ut I nee+ a ca t$ et thee an+ I can!t *u" $ne iht n$'%   Fred 2$3 I!m *u"in a ne' ca s$ "$u can ha,e m" $l+ ca%   6a&es Reall"0 That!s .in+ $) "$u1   Fred 2%3

/hat ae )ien+s )$0

1. a. /h" +$ "$u li.e lam&s0

". a. N$ &$*lem%

 . /h" ae "$u l$$.in at lam&s0

. S$ 'hat0

 !. /h" +$ "$u l$$. at lam&s0

!. That!s $ut $) the uesti$n1

3. a. L$n time n$ see1

#. a. /h$se0

 . Best 'ishes1

. /hat0

 !. C$natulati$ns1

!. /h"0

$. a. That!s $ut $) the uesti$n1


a. N$ &$*lem%

 . $'!s that0

. That!s all%

 !. Guess 'hat1

!. That!s tue%



REA7 Read the 'ost!ard a*d (r)te T 0or True or F 0or False. i 8e))#


 /e!e ha,in a eat time hee in Bacel$na% /e usuall" $ s'immin in the

Stamp   Here

m$nin *ut it!s cl$u+" an+ chill" t$+a" s$ 'e!e +$in 'hat all t$uists +$% /e!e *u"in s$u,enis% /e!e 'itin this &$stca+ )$m a c$))ee sh$& iht n$'% /e!e tie+ an+ 'e nee+ s$me time t$ ela(% Late 'e!e ta.in the tain t$ $ +$'nt$'n% +$'nt$'n% /e 'ant t$ ,isit an at alle"% Bacel$na is a eat &lace )$ a ,acati$n an+ 'e!e sta"in in a nice h$tel *" the *each% Thee!s a *i *alc$n" an+ "$u can see the cit"% It!s *eauti)ul at niht% /hat a*$ut "$u0 Ae "$u ha,in )un at '$.0 See "$u in a*$ut a 'ee.# Brenda and Sally 

1. The ils ae s'immin iht n$'% ". The ils ae $in +$'nt$'n% 3. The h$tel is +$'nt$'n% #. The ils li.e the ,ie' )$m thei h$tel $$m%

RITE I&a)*e that ou are sta)* at a 0r)e*d4s /a!at)o* house *ear the ea!h. r)te a* e-&a)l to a 0r)e*d or 0a&)l &e&er !o/er)* the 'o)*ts elo( elo(.. 8 )/)* our *e(s 8 des!r))* the house 8 des!r))* the area

 _______________________________  ________________ ______________________________ ________________________________ __________________  _   _______________________________  ________________ ______________________________ ________________________________ __________________  _   _______________________________  ________________ ______________________________ ________________________________ __________________  _   _______________________________  ________________ ______________________________ ________________________________ __________________  _   _______________________________  ________________ ______________________________ ________________________________ __________________  _   _______________________________  ________________ ______________________________ ________________________________ __________________  _   _______________________________  ________________ ______________________________ ________________________________ __________________  _ 

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