Test 2 Pet Buster

December 21, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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1. Gram Gramm mar par part: Introduction: Complt t! "ntnc" #lo$ $it! t! corrct co rrct %orm o% t! &r#" in #rac't" . (Present  

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 perfect) (10 p.) I !a& !a& ____ ______ _____ ______ _____ __ ) )at at** #ra #ra'% '%a" a"t. t. S! !a !a"" _____ _______ _____ ______ ___ )pla )pla+* +* &oll+ &oll+#al #all. l. , !a& !a& ___ _____ _____ ______ ____ _ )not )not "l "lp* p* al alll ni-!t ni-!t.. Ha" Ha" "! "! ____ ______ ____ ____ ____ __ )m )mt t** o!n o!n// It !a" !a" ___ ______ ______ _____ _____ ___ )rai )rain* n* all all da+ lon-. lon-. Ha& t!+ ________ ____________ ____ )"t )"tud+ ud+** En-li En-li"! "! -ram rammar mar #%or #%or// Gor Gor- - !a" !a" ____ ______ _____ _____ ___ _ )not )not " "** t! t! %ilm %ilm.. I !a& !a& ____ ______ _____ ______ ____ _ )# )#** in in I"t I"tan# an#ul ul.. Ha" Lara Lara _____ _________ ________ ____ )$or'* )$or'* a" a $ait $aitr r #%or #%or//

Introduction: 0ill t! -ap" $it!: already, yet, just, never, ever, since, for. (7 p.) Ha& +ou %ini"! %ini"!d d $ri $ritin tin- t!at t!at rpor rportt ______ __________ _______/ ___/ I& I& _______ ___________ ________ _____ _ #n #n to Tur'+ Tur'+22 #ut #ut Id Id lo& lo& to to -o. Ha" "! "! _____ _________ ________ _____ _ told told +ou a#out a#out !r trip trip to to t! And" And"// I& I& ________ ____________ _______ ___ #oo'd #oo'd t! t! !otl !otl "o +ou +ou ndn ndntt $orr+ $orr+ a#out a#out t!at t!at.. Hln Hln"" ______ __________ ________ _____ _ -ot #ac' #ac' %rom %rom a !olida+ !olida+ in t! t! Gr' Gr' I"lan I"land". d". T! 3pl 3plor orr" r" !a& !a& #n #n in in t! %or"t %or"t ________ __________ __ Spt Sptm# m#r. r. T! "cin "cinti" ti"t" t" !a& !a& $or' $or'd d on t! t! pro4ct pro4ct ____ ________ ________ ____ o&r o&r t$o t$o +ar" +ar".. Introduction: C!oo" t! pr"nt pr%ct or pa"t "impl. (5 p.) I ______ __________ ________ _______ ___ )#* )#* in in London London %or %or t!r t!r +ar". +ar". I lo lo& & it !r. !r. , ________ ___________ _______ ______ __ )"* )"* uli uli la"t la"t ni-!t. ni-!t. H __________ _________________ _______ )#* a tac!r tac!r #%or #%or ! _______________ _________________ __ )#com* )#com* a mu"icia mu"ician. n. ,!n t! t! #o"" #o"" __________ _________________ _______ )$al'* )$al'* into into t! t! room2 room2 $ _______________ _________________ __ )'no$* )'no$* "omon "omon $a" -oin- to -t %ird. T! c!ild c!ildrn rn ______ __________ ________ _______ ___ )#r )#ra'* a'* a $ind $indo$ o$ in t! t! "c!ool "c!ool la"t la"t $' $'..

2. 5oca#ular+ part: Introduction: ,rit ,rit t! oppo"it" o% o % t!" $ord" . (8 p.) ( 0$ 0$ __ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___  _  ( 0oun 0ound d __ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___  _  ( Earl Earl+ + __ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___  _  ( La"t La"t ____ ______ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___  _  ( 6no$ 6no$n n ____ ______ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___  _  ( 7%o 7%or r ______ ________ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____  __  ( Smal Small l"t "t _____ ________ _____ _____ _____ _____ ______ _____ ____  __  ( S Spa para rat t __ ____ _____ ______ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____  ___ 

8. ,ritin itin- pa part rt:: • Introduction: 9our 9our cla""mat Lara in&it" +ou to !r ! r #irt!da+ part+. ,r ,rit it a "!ort not to Lara. In +our not2 +ou "!ould: )$rit 8 ; ?E Europan" ar up-radin- t!ir mo#il p!on"2 p!o n"2 computr"2 tl&i"ion"2 audio @uipmnt and printr" mor %r@untl+ t!an &r #%or. Un%ortunatl+2 t! ma4orit+ 4u"t t!ro$ t!ir old lctronic product" in t! ru##i"!. T!i" #ad !a#it o% not rc+clin- i" cau"in- a lot o% dan-rou" pro#lm" to t! n&ironmnt and to our #odi" #cau" t! c!mical" and !a&+ mtal" u" to ma' lctronic"  product" arnt #iod-rada#l and ar 3trml+ to3ic. Rcnt "tati"tic" !a& "!o$n t!at Europ -nrat" 1.8 million ton" o% lctronic $a"t a +ar. To rduc rduc t! dan-rou" impact o%  ;$a"t on t! n&ironmnt2 man+ computr and mo#il p!on compani" !a& "tartd rc+clin- "c!m" ma'in- it a"ir to di"po" o% old computr"2 co mputr"2 mo#il p!on"2 acc""ori" and #attri".

1. Mo"t popl in Europ dont rc+cl rc+cl t!ir lctronic lctronic product". product". Tr Tru u B 0al" . T!ro$inT!ro$in- computr" computr" in t! ru##i"! ru##i"! do"nt do"nt crat crat pollution. pollution. Tr Tru u B 0al" 8. Europan" Europan" produc 1. 8 million million ton" o% ($a" ($a"t t &r+ +ar. +ar. Tr Tru u B 0al"
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