Test 10

July 15, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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0PRACTICE 0PRACTIC E TEST 10 LISTENING TEST In the Listening test, you will be asked to demonstrate how well you understand spoken English. The entire Listening test will last approximately 45 minutes. There are four parts and directions are given for each part. You must mark your answer on a separate answer  sheet. Do not write your answers in the test book.

PART 1 Directions: For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in your test book. When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Then, find the number of that question on your  answer sheet and mark your answer. The statements will not be printed in your test book  and will be spoken only one time.

Sample Answer  (A) (C) (D) Example

 Now listen to the four statements. Statement (B), “The woman is typing on a computer," best describes what you see in the  picture. Therefore, you should choose answer (B).



1. (C) the woman is buying something  

2. (B) the woman in filming something



3. (B) vehicles are parked next to each other

4. (D)

the people are



5. (D) the bicycle is on the ground

6. (D)

He’s drinking a cup of tea



7. (B) three colleagues are talking to a

8. (A  (A)

fellow worker 


men are



9. (D) he's checking into a

10. (B) She’s faxing a





PART 2 Directions: You will hear a question or statement and three responses spoken in English. They will be spoken only one time and will not be printed in your test book. Select the  best response to the question or statement and mark the letter (A), (B), or (C) on your  answer sheet. Example

Sample Answer

(B) (C) You will hear: You will also hear:

How are you? (A) I'm fine, thank you. (B) I’m Dave. (C) I’m a police officer.

The best response to the question, "How are you?" is choice (A), "I'm fine, thank you." Therefore, you should choose answer (A).

11. Did you get up early this morning B. No I got up late 12. How was your father A. he's 65 years old 13. What's new A. nothing special  special  14. how have you been lately A. pretty busy 15. did you call me yesterday B. yes I wanted to speak to you 16. what time does the meeting start B. in just a few minutes 17. did you go to the bank C. it's closed today



18. where would you like to go for luch B. it doesn't matter 19. have you read The Minister's son A. no but I've heard it's very good 20. how do you start the washing machine C. Just wait, and I'll do it for you 21. can you come over after the show B. that would be nice  nice  22. are you finished with that magazine A.just about 23. is the cat sick B. no it's just sleeping 24. is the cat sick B. no it's just sleeping 25. when is the next train

A. 5 o’clock 26. is this product manufactured

domestically ? B. no it is imported 27. why was the meeting postponed

C. not everyone could make it today 28. who is in charge of scheduling the




The manager takes care of 29. what were the police doing here

A. they were investigating a break-in 30. hey the store is closed

C. the owner had a family emergency 31. does the boss mind if we snack

while working B. she doesn't allow it 32. how much should I tip the driver

A. tipping is not customary here 33. are you an employee here

C. actually I'm the owner 34. do these figures look right to you

B. they sem a little hight to me 35. have you booked our flights yet?

A. yes we're on the first plane out tomorrow 36. how did you get that stain on your


B. I spilled some tea at lunch 37. what do I owe you for the coffee

C. it’s on the house 38. when will you be closing

minutes   A. in just a few minutes



39. why couldn't you have just

repaired the thing A. the damage was too expensive 40. could you hand me the hammer

C.I'm about to use it myself



Part 3 Directions: In this section of the test, you will hear a number of conversations between two people. You will be asked to answer three questions about what is said in each conversation. conver sation. You must select the best respon response se to each questio question n and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. Each conversation will be spoken only one time and will not be printed in your test book.

Tomorrow morning it's a New York  how long will you stay there  just two nights I'll be back on Friday evening 41. Why is the woman going to travel? A. To go shopp shopping ing attend a conference conference B. To attend C. To ta take ke a rres estt D. To eeat at ssome ome ice cre cream am 42. Where will the woman travel to? A. No Nowh wher eree B. He Herr o off ffic icee C. New York York D. We do don' n'tt k know now.. 43. On what day does the conversation take place? A. Tue Tuesda sday y B. We Wedn dnes esda day y C. Th Thur ursd sday ay D. Friday

John how many brothers and sisters do you have I have four brothers and three sisters Waoo you have a big family are you the youngest One yougest brother  44. How many sisters does John have? A. None B. Two Three ee C. Thr D. Four  45. How many children do John's parents have? A. Three B. Four   8


C. Seven D. Eig Eight ht 46. How many younger sisters does John have? A. No None ne B. One C. Two D. Three

Tom What did Tell my brother do he used to be a doctor but now he's a fireman that's amazing you know my brother is a fireman to maybe they know each other  47. What does Tom's brother do? A. He He's 's a d doc octor tor.. B. He's He's a p pil ilot ot.. f ireman an.. C. He's a firem D. He He's 's a d den entis tist. t. 48. Why is the woman surprised? A. Her ffath ather er is a ffire ireman man.. B. She wan wants ts to be a doct doctor. or. C. Her b brot rother her u used sed tto o be a d docto octor. r. D. Her brother bro ther is a fireman, fir eman, too. 49. What does Tom think is possible? A. Tom kn knows ows th thee woma woman's n's br brothe other. r. B. Tom's brother knows the woman's brother. C. To Tom mh has as a si siste ster. r. D. The woman woman will b become ecome a doc doctor. tor.

look at that black clouds I think it might rain soon I hope not I have to walk home don't worry I will give you my umbrella thanks I'll give it back to you in the morning 50. Why does the man think it will rain? A. He read read tthe he w weather eather forec forecast. ast. B. The There re are are a lot of black black clou clouds. ds.  C. He ca can n see many people with u umbrell mbrellas. as.

D. It ha hass bee been n rai raining ning aall ll da day. y. 51. What is the woman's problem? 9


A. B. C. D.

She doesn't doesn't w want ant her new sho shoes es to ge gett wet. Sh Shee mi miss ssed ed tthe he b bus us.. She doesn doesn't 't have have an umbrel umbrella. la.  She hat hates es the ra rain. in.

52. What will the man do? A. Lend the woman an umbrella umbrella B. Giv Givee the wom woman an a rride ide h home ome

C. Giv Givee the wo woman man a rride ide to th thee stat station ion D. Che Check ck the we weath ather er for foreca ecast st I don't have any money I forgot to bring my wallet don't worry I then do some is $50 enough thanks I'll pay you back tomorrow 53. Why doesn't the woman have any money? A. She has a lo lott of deb debts. ts. B. Her wal wallet let was stol stolen. en. C. She forgo fo rgott her walle wa llett. D. She llost ost he herr wa wallet llet on the bus. 54. How much money will the man lend her? A. None. She sh should ould b bee mor moree car careful. eful. B. As muc much h aass sh shee w want ants. s. C. $5 $50 0 D. $500 55. When will the woman pay him back? A. Never  B. On pay day day C. Tom Tomorr orrow ow D. In a we week  ek 

56. What does the man want to do? A. Giv Givee a pre present sentati ation on B. Cook Cook ssom omee ffoo ood d C. Have light light food D. Go tto o se seee th thee ma manag nager  er  57. What problem does the woman have? A. She is g going oing hom homee la late. te. B. She has som somee work work to to do. do.  C. She is ha having ving car tro trouble uble.. D. She is no nott fe feelin eling g we well. ll. 58. What will the woman probably do next? A. Giv Givee a pre present sentati ation on 10


B. St Star artt a re repo port rt C. Prep Prepar aree me meal alss the man D. Join the 59. Where is this conversation most likely taking place? A. A d dru rug g ssto tore re B. A clothing clothing store C. A p part arty y pl plann anning ing office office D. A p pai aint nt shop shop 60. What is the woman mainly concerned with? A. Siz Sizee B. Style C. Color  D. Cost 61. What does the man show the woman? A. A sa salad lad dres dressi sing ng B. A new new pr prod oduc uctt C. A lliight D. A catalogu cataloguee

62. What are the speakers mainly discussing? A. Th Thee n new ew cloc clock  k  B. The man's man's schedule schedule C. An imp import ortant ant mee meeting ting D. Ne New w nei neighb ghbor orho hood od 63. When does the man have to reach the office? A. By 6 6::30 B. By 7:30 7:30 C. By 8 8::30 D. By 9 9::30 64. Whom will the man call later? A. Hi Hiss ssupe uperv rviso isor  r  B. A ssup uppl plie ier  r  C. His His ccow owor orke ker  r  D. The woman



65. What color is the file the man is looking for? A. Red B. Green C. Yellow D. Blu Bluee 66. When did the man lose his property? A. A fe few w mi minut nutes es aago go B. An ho hour ur ag ago o C. Yeste Yesterday rday D. Tw Two od day ayss ag ago o 67. What does the man think may have happened? A. He has has rec received eived tthe he wr wrong ong inf informati ormation. on. B. He didn didn't 't pre prepare pare eenough nough ffor or a pr presenta esentation. tion. C. Othe Otherr employees employees moved moved his his document documents. s.  D. A table table has not be been en cle cleaned aned y yet. et.

68. Why is the woman glad to see the man? A. Because Because he can he help lp her with a p project roject B. Bec Becaus ausee he can tr trans anslate late F Fren rench ch C. Beca Because use h hee is an im important portant custom customer  er  D. Because they haven't haven't met for a long period 69. When did the man return? A. Today B. Yes Yester terday day C. A w wee eek k aago go D. A y yea earr ago ago 70. Why did the man go to Paris? A. To m mee eett a re rela lativ tivee B. To me meet et fr frie iend ndss engage in business business C. To engage D. To enj enjoy oy a v vaca acation tion



Part 4 Directions: In this section of the test,   you will hear a number of short talks given by a

single speaker. Again, you must answer three questions about what is said in each talk. Choose the most appropriate response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or  (D) on your answer sheet. Each talk will be spoken only one time and will not be printed in your test book. welcome to the February meeting of the ultimate city council. agenda for tonight is as follows. first there will be a short speech by all men. are too honorable Kathy McPherson about the recent problems with garbage pickup. following that we will vote on The Proposal made last week to begin holding two council meeting of the month rather than the current one per week finally after ShopRite we will open the floor to comments and questions from the citizens of Altamonte 71. What will the mayor talk about? A. To Toni night ght's 's ag agen enda da B. A n new ew m meet eeting ing schedul schedulee C. Garba Garbage ge pick-up pick-up

D. The cciti itizen zenss of Al Altam tamont ont 72. What was proposed last week? A. Tak Taking ing que questio stions ns fro from m the flo floor  or  B. Less frequent frequent meeting meetingss C. A ma mayor yoral al el elec ectio tion n D. A F Febr ebruar uary ym meet eeting ing 73. Who will be able to ask questions? A. Alt Altamo amont nt C City ity Council Council B. Ka Kath thy yM McP cPhe hers rson on C. Th Thee m may ayor  or  Citizens ns of Altamont Altamont D. Citize

Tired of sitting behind that desk day after day only to pick up that meager paycheck at the end of the month so was I that's why I joined the sales team at Jones insurance right now not only do I spend much of my day out of the confines of an office I also learned what I am worth if you have experience in sales are now are interested in getting the paycheck you deserve give us a call and let Jones Insurance 74. According to the advertisement, what is the speaker's job? A. Of Offi fice ce man manag ager  er  B. Sal Salesp espers erson on C. Ins Insura urance nce inve investig stigato ator  r  D. An Anno noun unce cer  r  75. What did the speaker dislike about her previous job? A. Not ge gettin tting g paid rregu egular larly ly B. Get Getting ting litt little le eexpe xperie rience nce 13


C. Bu Busi sine ness ss tr trip ipss D. Too much time time in the office 76. What is an advantage of working for Jones Insurance? A. It iiss a llarg argee co compa mpany. ny. B. It pa pays ys we well ll..  C. It is famo famous us.. D. It gi gives ves llong ong v vaca acatio tions. ns.

tensional employees the National Weather agency has just announced a blizzard alert for our area they are currently projecting extremely high winds of up to 18 centimeters of snow over the next five hours at the safety of our employees is always a prime concern here at Jetson manufacturing the decision has been made to see Spectre operations at 3  p.m. in order to allow you to get home while the roads are still passable anyone that he more than 10 miles away is encouraged to clock out at 2 p.m. everyone please drive carefully I will see you here bright and early Monday morning 77. When do employees need to report to work again? A. In fi five ve hou hours rs B. At 2: 2:00 00 p. p.m. m. C. On Monda Monday y D. At 3: 3:00 00 p. p.m. m. 78. What is forcing the factory to shut down early? A. A hu hurr rric ican anee snowstorm m B. A snowstor C. The N Nati ational onal W Weat eather her A Agen gency cy D. Man Manufa ufactur cturing ing pro proble blems ms 79. When should a worker living more than ten miles away leave? A. As ssoo oon n as p pos ossib sible le B. In fi five ve hour hourss 2:00 00 p.m p.m. . C. At 2: D. At 3: 3:00 00 p.m. p.m.

well it appears we have a full house today I'd like to thank you all for signing up for this  bullet retraining program and I'm sure you will find it quite helpful as we begin the change of it to the new computer system To day we will be here for just over an hour but subsequent sessions will lost the schedule 2 hours now if you will please open the folder is that you would given as you entered the auditorium and take out the yellow sheet this sheet should have your name position title and employee number typed in the upper right hand corner if any of this information is incorrect please tell one of the train is before leaving today 80. What is true of today's training session? employees yees are atten attending. ding.  A. Many emplo B. It wi will ll la last st tw two o hou hours rs.. C. It is in a cconf onfere erence nce room room.. D. It iiss ma mand ndat ator ory. y. 14


81. What is typed on the yellow sheet of paper? A. Emplo Employee yee information information B. A com compu pute terr pas passw swor ord d C. The The ssch ched edul ulee D. Tra Trainin ining g in instr struct uctions ions 82. What should employees do if there is a mistake on the yellow paper? A. Tell one of the trainers before leaving

B. Tel Telll one of tthe he tra trainer inerss next ti time me C. Tell one of the traine trainers rs iimmedia mmediately tely D. Go tto o th thee aaudit uditori orium um Thank you for purchasing this computer featuring the new Onyx 4.0 operating system if you are already familiar with the upgraded Onyx system and would like to skip this introduction price control that fat anytime if you have used earlier visions of Onyx and wish to review some of the Innovations in version 4.0 press the spacebar now if you are a new user and would like to view the full introduction do nothing and the introduction will  begin in ten seconds if at any time you would like to pause the introduction press the  backspace key to return to any section of the introduction press the backspace key followed by D to the full introduction will now begin 83. According to what was said, what product has been purchased? A. A compute computerr B. An iinst nstruc ruction tional al p progr rogram am C. An up upgr grad adee D. A vi vide deo o ga gam me 84. What should a user do to watch the full introduction? A. Star Startt O Onyx nyx 4. 4.0 0 B. Pre Press ss tthe he b back ackspa space ce k key ey to start C. Wait for it to D. Pre Press ss tthe he sspac pacee ba barr 85. How can a user pause the introduction? A. It iiss no nott po possi ssible ble.. B. Press th2e backspace the backspace key C. P ress D D2 D. Us Usee O Ony nyx x4 4.0 .0

Are you trying to improve your English if so come to Dave's English camp we try to make learning English and enjoyable experience for you we have classes from 8 to 12 every morning after you can practice speaking with other English students from around the world 86. What does Dave's English camp ttry ry to do? A. To m make ake Engl English ish easy easy B. To make make English English fun

C. To To mak make E Engli shteb bori oring ngsh D. he help lpeyo you unglish wri write E Engli nglish



87. What time are the classes? A. Fro rom m 88-11 11 B. Fro rom m 99-12 12 C. Fro rom m 77-12 12 D. Fro From m 8-12 88. What can you do after class? A. Pra Practi ctice ce wr writi iting ng Eng English lish Practice ice speaking speaking English B. Pract C. Wat Watch ch Eng English lish mov movies ies D. Do aan n En Engli glish sh ttest est my cousin is a very good photographer he has spent over $3,000 on his camera he takes  pictures of many different things like nature are movie stars he then sell the pictures to newspaper he seems to enjoy his job 89. What does the speaker's cousin do? A. He tak takes es pictur pictures. es. sells ls cam camer eras as..  B. He sel C. He iiss a m movi oviee st star ar.. D. He d doesn oesn't 't h have ave a jo job. b. 90. How much has the speaker's cousin spent on his camera? A. Ove Overr two tthous housand and dolla dollars rs B. Ove Overr fo four ur th thousa ousand nd d dolla ollars rs three thousand dollars dollars C. Over three D. Ove Overr fou fourr hund hundred red d dolla ollars rs 91. Who does he sell the photographs to? A. Bo Book ok p publ ublis ishe hers rs B. Maga Magazi zine ness C. Newsp Newspapers apers D. The loc local al n news ews sta station tion

92. How many people ran in the marathon? A. 20,000 B. 30,000 C. 200 200,000 ,000 D. 30 300, 0,00 000 0 93. Where will the money go? A. To tthe he ccity ity pa park rkss B. To tthe he ccity ity ssch choo ools ls C. To tthe he g gov over ernm nmen entt D. To the city city hospital hospital 94. What time did the winner finish in? A. Tw Two oh hou ourrs B. Two hours, hours, thirty minutes minutes 16


C. Thre Threee h hou ours rs D. Two h hour ours, s, ffifty ifty minute minutess Attention all students due to a boost in the gas pipes as well as the extremely cold weather today's classes will be canceled the school buses will be arriving in 20 minutes to take everyone home tomorrow's classes will most likely be cancelled also but the local radio station will make an announcement in the morning 95. Why are the students being sent home?

A. B. C. D.

It iiss a sscho chool ol h holid oliday. ay. Theree is a problem Ther problem with the the heating heating system. system.  Som Somee of the tteac eacher herss are ab absent sent.. The wat water er pipe pipess bur burst. st.

96. When will the buses arrive? A. In twenty twenty minutes minutes B. In thirt thirty y minut minutes es C. In fo fort rty ym min inute utess D. In one one h hou our  r  97. How will the students know if the school is closed the following day? A. The Their ir par parent entss will be ca calle lled. d.

B. It will be anno announced unced on the llocal ocal T TV V statio station. n. C. The They y can ffind ind out o on n the In Inter ternet net.. D. The local radio station will make an announcement. announcement.

Ladies and gentlemen we are experiencing some bad weather so all passengers must return to their seats and fasten their seat belts I would like to remind you that this is a nonsmoking flight so smoking will not be permitted we should pass through the bad weather within 30 minutes at which time lunch will be served 98. Where is this announcement most likely being made? A. On a tr trai ain n B. On th thee ssub ubwa way y C. On an airplan airplanee D. On a bo boat at ccru ruise ise 99. Why do the passengers have to fasten their seatbelts? A. Th They ey ar aree lan landin ding. g. B. Lun Lunch ch is bei being ng ser served ved.. C. Th They ey ar aree tak taking ing o off ff.. D. They are passing through through some rough weather. weather. 100. What will happen in thirty minutes? A. Th They ey w wil illl la land nd.. B. Din Dinner ner will be sserv erved. ed. C. They w will ill en enter ter in into to som somee bad weath weather. er. D. Lunc Lunch h will be served. served.



This is the end of the Listening test. Turn to Part 5 in your test book.

READING TEST In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of  reading readin g compre comprehension hension question questions. s. The entir entiree Readin Reading g test will last 75 minutes minutes.. There are three parts,asand directions each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions possible withinare thegiven time for allowed. You must mark your answers on the separa separate te answer sheet. Do not write your answe answers rs in the test book.

Part 5 Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer  choices are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

 environment-friendly vehicles. 101. The company will spend more money on the ------- of  environment-friendly A. devel develops ops B. dev develop eloped ed C. dev develop elop D. developm development ent (n) candidates should have a college degree and five years' experience. 102. The -------- candidates should A. succe succeed ed successful ful B. success C. succe successfully ssfully D. succe success ss Adj + Noun => A new house 103. Every month, our company -------- some money for money for local elementary schools. donates tes A. dona B. to do donat natee C. don donati ating ng D. are don donated ated 104. All researchers must -------- this week's session = meeting on meeting  on laboratory policies. A. atte attend nd B. com comply ply C. ins inspec pectt D.apply information  on international shipping charges. 105. Please visit our website -------- information on  A. for B. bec becaus ausee C. if  D.while banquet (= party) in honor of Dr. Park will -------- at at the  the Diamond Hotel. 106. The banquet (= A.Hold B. be held 18


C. hol holding ding D. to ho hold ld

survey on workplace safety. 107. We -------- a survey on A. exp explain lain B. accom accommodate modate C. conducted D.raise workers in the manufacturing 108. Because of technological advances, the number of workers in industry will --------. A. to decr decrease ease B. dec decrea reased sed C. decr decreasing easing D. decrease 109. Construction workers have to know how to use the -------- equipment. equipment. A. prote protect ct B. pro protec tects ts C. prote protectively ctively D. protecti protective ve + Noun => A had newtohouse  Most employees Most  employees work overtime to -------- the promised date of delivery. delivery. 110.Adj A. occ occupy upy B. add addres resss C. app appoint oint D. meet 111. The distributors have -------- us us that  that they should receive the samples by next week. A. inform informing ing B. inf inform ormss C. informe informed d D. inf inform orm Have/has + PP (V+ed/c3 => I have met her. fees for their consulting services. 112. Most consulting firms usually --------  -------- high fees for A. char charges ges B. charge C. cha chargi rging ng D. is cha charging rging 113. Mr. Kim, the plant manager, expressed his support for -------- of  a  a new parking lot. A. constr constructive uctive B. construc construction tion C. constr constructive uctively ly D. constr constructed ucted consultant for  for the past ten years. 114. Mr. Sam has been working -------- a marketing consultant A.among B. as

C. beh behind ind D.within I work as a teacher => I am a teacher 19


funding . 115. The construction of the new stadium has been postponed  -------- the lack of funding. A. du duee to to B. bec becaus ausee C. alt althoug hough h D.if 116. -------- this month's sales were disappointing, disappointing , the management decided to hold  promotional events.

A. Due to B. In spi spite te of C. Acc Accord ording ing to Because se D. Becau --------  on the cash flow problem problem.. 117. The accounting director decided to conduct an -------A. introdu introduction ction B. investi investigatio gation n C. satisf satisfaction action D. exhibi exhibition tion 118. It is expected that the board of directors will -------- the proposal. A. appro approved ved B. be approv approved ed C. appr app approv roval al D. approve ove 119. The -------- building was building was designed in 1915 by renowned architect Carol Aileen. A. impre impressively ssively B. imp impre ress ss C. imp impre ressio ssion n impressive ive D. impress 120. Customers can -------- one of our sales representatives in representatives in our store. A. att attend end B. contact C. apo apologi logize ze D. acce accept pt  121. My umbrella -------- by -------- by that terrible wind this morning. A.broke B. was broken broke n C. brea break  k  D. had b broken roken 122. He wanted -------- the -------- the exam. A. to not ffail ail B. not to fail fail C. to fa fail il not D. failin failing g not Wan / need + to inf / not + inf  problems, the company decided to stop the project. 123. -------- the research uncovered some problems, A. Sin Since ce B. Wherev rever  er  C. Whe Des Despite pite D. Even though 20


124. They say that the -------- has not yet been decided. A. deadlin deadlinee B. finishi finishing ng line C. clo clothe theslin slinee D. under underline line . 125. With only one more week, he -------- better prepared for prepared  for the concert last Saturday. A. could have h ave been

B. cou could ld b bee C. could well have D. could w well ell be Could + V(bare inf) => I could meet her yesterday. I coul’d meet him yesterday. Could / would / Must / Can + have + PP Ex: I sold his car for school fee. I could have asked me for help I can have met her yesterday (50%). He must have met her yesterday. (95%) I met her yesterday (100%)  needs --------. 126. The photocopier  needs A. to fi fix x B. to be fix fixing ing C. fix D. to be ffixing Need /ixing require + to inf (active) Ex: I need to repair my house require + to be + PP / V-ing (passive) Need / require + => My house needs to be repaired. = My house needs repairing Diana phone --------------- almost  almost every day. 127. Brian and Diana phone A. thems themselves elves B. the themse mseff  ff  C. each other D. the other  128. Let's take another -------- at the sales figure . A.view B. scen scenee C. gla glance nce  D. vis vision ion to take / have a look/glance at look/glance at something 129. It is reported that the boat -------- about 60 miles off the coast of South Africa. disappeared ared A. disappe B. was di disappea sappeared red C. was being disa disappeare ppeared d D. has been disappe disappeared ared 130. I am considering --------. A. taking a new job B. to take a new jjob ob C. take a ne new w job D. do take a new job V1 (consider / enjoy / love ) + Ving V1 (want / need / ask + to inf  21


will become ome ------------- the child now child now that his parents are gone? 131. What will bec A.with B. at C.of D.to To become of someone = To happen to someone 132. The instructor told us -------- to find the book . A.whom B. wh whic ich h C. wher where0 e0 D.what 133. There are few mothers -------- don't -------- don't love their own children. A. who B. wh whic ich h C. bu butt D. exc except ept clothes . 134. More and more overseas visitors are coming to this city to -------- clothes. A.bought B. wit with h bu buy y C. afte afterr b buying uying D. buy is that man (who is wearing) -------- black? 135. Who A. wea wears rs B. is wea wearin ring g C. we wear  ar  D. wear wearing ing 136. -------- in a lake is very different from swimming in an ocean. A. To sw swim im B. Swimmi Swimming ng C. To be swimm swimming ing D.Swim heart is  is my goal. = ? My goal is to win her win her heart. To win her heart Playing football is fun. Reading books is hobby. hobby . To help you is my pleasure. =Helping the poor (people) is my pleasure. are no  no -------- between the brothers. 137. There are A.same B. diffe difference rence similarities rities  (Similar)  C. simila D. varia variation tion 138. In addition to English, my daughter can -------- French. A.talk  B. say say C. spea speak k D.tell 139. On my trip to Italy, not only  only --------- suitcase, suitcase, but I broke my glasses.

A. I los lostt B. I llose ose C. lo lost st I 22


D. did I lose 140. Since the early 1990s 1990s,, the demand for personal computers --------. A. steadi steadily ly increases B. steadi steadily ly incre increase ase C. has been steadily increasing increas ing D. are steadily increa increasing sing

Part 6 Directions: Read theanswer texts onchoices the following pages. A word is missing in somethe of  the sentences. Four are given below each or ofphrase these sentences. Select  best answer to complete the text. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer  sheet. Questions 141 through 143 refer to the following article. WE ARE LOOKING FOR TENANTS IN THE TWIN CITIES AREA Apartment Search Magazine (ASM (ASM)) is -------- to advertising advertising  apartment communities, apartment communities, 141.  A. devotes B. devotee C. D. devoted devotion townh townhous ouses es,, and and co cond ndom omin inium iumss av avai aila labl blee in the Tw Twin in Citie Citiess area area.. If you have have an advertiseme advert isement nt you would like included in ASM, call (599) 373-3329 M-F 9:00 a.m.a.m.-5:00 5:00  p.m., or email us at [email protected]. -------- and is distributed FREE to our readers. It can be found at key ASM is published -------- and 142.  A. monthly  B. one a month C. by monthly D. in a month  

locations such as grocery stores, convention and visitor centers, chambers of commerce, restaurants, college campuses, and hotels and motels. ASM reserves the right to refuse advertising for any reason. No advertisement will be accepted if it is in violation --------143.  A. to B. from C. for  D. of  the terms of the Housing Non-Discrimination Act of 1997.



Questions 144 through 146 refer to the following notice. Good personal hygiene is requir required ed of all our food service employee employees. s. Please refer to

the -------- guidelines. guidelines . 144. A. under 

B. followed  

C. fo foll llow owin ing g

D. below soap   and Hands Han ds must be clean at all tim times, es, and you are required required to wash them with soap -------- once  once every hour thereafter, after  hot water water at the begi beginnin nning g of your shift shift and at -------145. 

A. le leas astt

B. most C. all D. many handling trash, and before returning to work from the restroom or meal breaks. Nails are to be trimmed to a reasonable length. The maximum acceptable length is 1/8 inch longer  than your fingertip. Failure to adhere to these guidelines --------- result in your being asked 146. 

A. has to B. could have C. might

D. should day,, and repeated failure or refusal to adhere WILL result in job loss. to leave work for the day



Questions 147 through 149 refer to the following memo.

Memo To: All Employees From: Mail Division delivery y Re: Internal Mail deliver Date: June 3rd The Mail Division would like to ask you to be sure to follow the set guidelines for the -------- of internal mail. mail . Recently, several members of staff have complained that 147.  A. deliver  deli live very ry   B. de C. deliverance D. deliberation mail has taken a long time to pass from department to department. While we do our   best to pr provide ovide same same-day -day deli delivery very,, th this is is not alway alwayss po possible ssible.. To help us do a -------- job job,, 148.   A. more B. best   C. be bett ttee r D. most  ple ase rem  please rememb ember er to do the fol follow lowing ing:: put all ite items ms to be del delive ivered red in env envelo elopes pes,, wri write te the name of recipients in capital letters, write the department of recipients UNDER  their name, and write all the -------- information information in  in the top left-hand corner of the bove ve 149. A. abo B. under  C. following D. next envelope. Thank you for your assistance.



Questions 150 through 152 refer to the following advertisement.

The annual BIG Mart super sale is here again. For the next seven days, we are offering savings of between 10 and 40% on selected items from our -------- stock . If you have had 150.  A. now

B. next C. contemporary D. current your eye on a new washing machine, now you can get one from just $300. Looking for a new TV for the living room? We have flat-screen TVs from just $599. We are also offering great savings on MP3 players, DVD players, and many -------- items items from  from our 151.  

A. another  B. also C. too D. other 

home entertainment entertainment range. Check out our website for a list of our special offers. The lis istt is up upd dated hour urlly. If you can find the sa me ite m at a cheaper p rice in another store, just bring us proof and we'll match the -------- price . Please note all 152.  

A. cheaper  B. cheap C. cheaply D. more cheap

items are either ex-display models or returned merchandise. ALL items come with a twelve-month warranty.



Part 7 Dire Di rect ctio ions ns:: In th this is part part,, yo you u wi will ll re read ad a sele select ctio ion n of te text xts, s, su such ch as ma maga gazi zine ne an and d newspaper articles, letters, and advertisements. Each text is followed by several questions. Selectt the best answer for each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your  Selec answer sheet. Questions 153 through 155 refer to the following article.

Fire Damages Pet Food Warehouse Rochester: April 1st . Late in the evening of March 29 th, a ire caused extensive damage to the Huggy Dog Dog  Co.  Co. pet food warehouse food warehouse on West 24th Street. There were no injuries. The only employee on the premises was security guard Russ Loupinek, who called in the ire at 9:47 p.m. Fire ighters arrived minutes later and put out the blaze. Most of the loading area was destroyed. The cost of the damage is estimated at $400,000. Early investigations point to a faulty heating system as the cause of the ire. According to Heaters, a Huggy Dog the company thatabout installed the system, AMC had spokesperson, ignored numerous complaints the heating units over the past 4 weeks. Huggy Dog plans to take legal action against AMC Heaters.

Dog in?  in? 153. What business is Huggy Dog (A) (B) (C) (D)

Fire fighting Heating systems Pet food Installations

154. What part of the warehouse was most affected by the fire? (A) The premises (B)

The loading area


The security guard The pet food


155. What will the company do? (A) (B) (C) (D)

Move to a new place Start a heating systems business Go to cou court rt Hire a new security guard



Questions 156 through 158 refer to the following advertisement.

FOR SALE 1986 Celebrity Eurosport. Low mileage and one careful previous owner. Don't miss this one! Classic F-platform. Has original doors and GM/Delco stereo! New exhaust, shocks, tires, and brakes. All replaced within last 6 months. Needs a paint touch-up and some fenders,, rear bumper, and engine. Seat covers minor repair work on fenders and Ziggy window shade included. Reliable transportation for a student, or as a second car. $400 or best offer. Cash only please. Call Randy, 398-3412, weekdays before 5 p.m.

156. What part of the car needs repair repair? ? (A) (B) (C) (D)

Shocks Fenders Exhaust Tires

157. What form of payment does the seller want? (A) (B) (C) (D)

Credit card Personal check  Money order  Cash

158. When could an interested buyer call?


Sunday morning Tuesday night Thursday morning


Saturday night

(A) (B)



Questions 159 through 161 refer to the following fax.

Fax Cover Sheet Date:: Au Date Augu gust st 15th Time: Tim e: 9:55 9:55 a. a.m. m. To: To: Fax:

Sau aull L Leeganz ganza, a, Gu Guzz zzii IImp mpor orts ts [345 45]] 12 123 3-5668

From: Pet From: Peter er Brown Brown,, Mel-Mart Superstore Fax: [336 36]] 99 999 9-7356

This is just to confirm that I received your phone message. My flight to California Califo rnia has been canceled becau because se of bad weather weather.. I will now be leaving leavin g Denver  and   and arriving at LAX on United Flight 77 tomorrow. I am sorry for any trouble this will cause you. Hopefully we can reschedule our meetings for the 17 th. I have attached my new itinerary. Please call me if you have any questions; otherwise, see you soon! 159. Where is Mr. Brown now? now? (A) (B) (C) (D)

LAX California Denver United

160. Why did Mr. Brown send this fax? (B)

To confirm a reservation To reschedule a flight

(C) (D)

To cancel a meeting To confirm a message


161. When will Mr. Brown arrive in California? (A) (B) (C) (D)

August 14th  August 15th  August 16 th August 17th 



Questions 162 through 164 refer to the following announcement.

"Movies at the Marquis" The Marquis is proud to announce a repeat of our special feature week. Introduced last month, the special feature week was a great success. We will now be holding this event on a monthly basis .

Classic movies special feature week   Blazing Rules (1956) Western. Kip McVities, Rosie Ranger. Monday, 6:00 p.m. The Bilge and the Brine Brine  (1943) Drama. Mack O'Jangler, Gregory Ryan. Wednesday Wednesday,, 7:30 p.m.  Elvis and the Swamp Monster (1978) Comedy. Mike Myhrom, Rupaul. Friday, 8:00 p.m.  Digstown (1987) Comedy. Lou Cossette, Jr., D.Hasbro Eisenman. Tuesday  Digstown  through Thursday, Thursday, 9:00 p.m.

movies? ? 162. On what day can day can a person see two movies (A) (B) (C) (D)

 Monday  Friday  Sunday  Wedne Wed nesd sday ay

163. What two movies are the same type? (A)  Blazing Rules & Digstown (A)

(B) (B)

 The Bilge and the Brine & Digstown  Elvis and the Swamp Monster & Blazing Rules  Digstown  Digst own & Elvi Elviss and the Swamp Mon Monster ster

164. Which movie is the oldest? (A) (B) (C)


 Blazing Rules  Elvis and the Swamp Monster   The Bilge and tthe he Bri Brine ne Digstown



Questions 165 through 168 refer to the following announcement.

Bugs and Beans Coffee Shop Museum of Natural Science 401 E. Rosser Ave., Columbus, OH 45021 Tel: Te l: (5 (502) 02) 235-4 235-4678 678 Fax: Fax: (502) (502) 235-4 235-4688 688

Mr. Tomi Galoob, Galoob Ceramics PO Box 356 Frispie, NY 02165 Dear Mr. Galoob, Thank you for sending me a copy of your latest ceramics catalog. You have been sending us your catalog here at the museum for several years now, and I always look forward to reading readin g it. I was amaz amazed ed yet again at the variety and crea creativity tivity that you have displaye displayed d in your work. Your vases and bowls are quite exquisite! They look so realistic. They really do resemble the plants and animals that they are modeled after. I would like to order 50 more of the ladybug bowls. They are perfect for holding sugar cubes, but unfortunately we have had a lot of breakages this year. However, it was the scorpion cups that really grabbed my attention. According to the catalog, they are available in small, medium, and a limited number of extra-large sizes. I am interested in purchasing approximately 25 of the extra-large scorpion cups. If they are popular, I may consider ordering more, if the museum mus eum has the budget budget.. Please send me information on your available stock . I wo woul uld d appreciate receiving the information by fax. I look forward to hearing from you, and hope that we will be able to continue doing business for a long time to come. Sincerely, Linda Trump, Manager, Bugs and Beans Coffee Shop



165. What does the letter request?   (A) The latest catalog Information ation about stock   (B) Inform (C) 25 large cups (D) Vases and bowls 166. How should the ceramics company respond? (A) Send a letter  (B) Make a phone call Send nd a ffax ax   (C) Se (D) Write an email 167. How long has Mr. Galoob been sending his catalog to the coffee shop? (A) Since last year  many y ye years ars   (B) For man (C) For a short time (D) For a month 168. What will the coffee shop use to hold sugar? (A) Scorpion cups (B) The catalog Ladybug bug bow bowls ls   (C) Lady (D) Fax



Questions 169 through 172 refer to the following advertisement.

Dream Vacation Golden sandy beaches, deep blue seas, peace and quiet, and delicious food. Would you like to take the vacation of a lifetime? Have you always thought about getting away on a romantic cruise but could never afford it? Now your dream can become a reality. Get away with Dazzle Tours. Why not take one of our mini-breaks? You will find that a seven day break costs a lot less than you thought. If you book now, you can get away for even less. For a limited time we are offering a Caribbean cruise with stops in Jamaica, Aruba, and Puerto Rico for Rico  for only $499. (Excluding taxes, service charges and visa fees included.) Your Dazzle Tour includes: Round-trip airfare from Palm Beach to Belize All meals and on-board entertainment Choice of breakfasts, buffet lunch and three course dinner menu Includes full use of our sports center, sauna and casino Jet-skiing and scuba diving Savings on shopping Book of discount coupons given to each passenger   ̶  can be used in any of our on-board   

   

shops and boutiques (excludes alcohol and tobacco) Guided tours at destination cities with one of our expert local guides. All guides are fluent in English and extremely knowledgeable about their city. With a Dazzle Tour, every day is a new adventure. All tours last seven days, six nights. Departures every Sunday until August 31 st.  Reservations must be made two weeks in advance. Call one of our agents to reserve your place now! Dazzle Tours: 0800-990-990 

169. Which place is NOT a stop stop for  for the cruise? (A) Jamaica (B) Aruba B each ch (C) Palm Palm Bea

(D) Puerto Rico 170. What is NOT included in the tour price? (A) Meals (B) Airplane tickets (C) Service charges (D) Taxes 171. If you wanted to go on June 21st, which would be the best date to make reservations? (A) August 31st  (B) June 14th  (C) Two weeks later  (D)) J (D June une 5 th 172. How long does a Dazzle Tour last? (A) 6 days (B) Until August 31st (C) 2 weeks (D) 7 days 33


Questions 173 through 176 refer to the following advertisement.

Park Board Meeting All local citizens! You are invited to the City Park  Board open meeting! Come along and find out what is happening in your local park. The City Park Board open meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 17 th at 8 p.m. in conference room B of the  public library. Agenda items include the following: funding for new snow blowers, construction of a temporary outdoor ice rink for the winter, and next month's Winterfest Bonfire Ball to raise money for equipment for the children's playground. Snow blowers will enable us to keep the park open all year round, even in the heaviest snow. With the park open all winter, we have decided to conver convertt the centra centrall pond into an ice rink. Local business man Hans Brent has donated $10,000 towards the cost. Winterfest Bonfire Ball tickets will be on sale at the meeting. They always sell out fast, so coming to the meeting will increase your chances of getting a ticket. It is not necessary to notify us of your attendance in advance. However, if you would like to speak at the meeting, or present a report on behalf of a local organization, please contact Glen Tuber at the city office, on 345-5467, extension 4, before October 5 th. All speakers must be given authorization before the meeting, so it is essential that you do contact us in advance. Every weekday, we receive dozens of phone calls from local citizens who want to know what is happening in the park. Don't be one of those people. Come along to the meeting and find out the truth for yourself. 173. Where will the park board meet? (A)  At the ice rink  (B)) In the li (B libr brar ary y (C) At the office (D) In the park  174. What will NOT be discussed at the meeting? (A) Building a place to ice skate (B) Paying for snow removal equipment (C)) Sp (C Spea eake kers rs a att th thee ne next xt m mee eeti ting ng (D)

An upcoming festival

175. Who should call Glen Tuber? People who want to attend the (A) meeting People who want to buy tickets (B) (C) People who want to speak at the meeting People who want to borrow library (D)  bookss  book 176. When will the park be closed this winter? (A) October 17th  (B) (C) (D) 34

October 5th  It will not be closed this winter. It will be announced at the meeting.


Questions 177 through 180 refer to the following advice. Tips for shopping through the mail Every year, thousands of people successfully order goods from mail order catalogs. However, some more unfortunate individuals find that the goods they th ey or order dered ed lo look ok no noth thin ing g li like ke th the e pict pictur ures es,, ar arri rive ve dama damaged ged,, or do don' n'tt arrive at all. Here are some tips to help protect yourself when you shop

through the mail. ● Before placing placing yo your ur first o order, rder, ask a around. round. H Have ave your fri friends ends or fam family  ily  used this catalog before? How was their experience? Were they satisfied with the goods and service? Would they use the company again? ● Read Read al alll av avai aila labl ble e in info form rmat atio ion, n, in incl clud udin ing g th the e ret retur urn n po poli licy cy.. Loo Look k for for comp co mpan anie ies s th that at offe offerr a no-q no-que uest stio ions ns as aske ked d re retu turn rn po poli licy cy.. Ch Chec eck k whether you will have to pay postage if you need to return goods. ● Alwa Always ys in incl clud ude e sh ship ippi ping ng co cost sts s an and d sa sale les s ta tax x in the fina finall pr pric ice e wh when en comparing costs. In some cases, the shipping costs can really add up. Make sure you know exactly what you are paying for. ● How long will will you ha have ve to wait ffor or your orde order? r? If you need som somethin ething g in a hurry, shopping by mail might not be the best option. ● Keep Keep re reco cord rds s of yo your ur or orde ders, rs, in incl clud udin ing g th the e ca cata talo log g na name me,, ad addr dres ess, s, telephone number, and the date that you placed the order. Of course,  you should also keep track of items ordered, operator name, and expected date of delivery. ● If you encounte encounterr any prob problem lems s with a mai mail-o l-orde rderr compan company, y, conta contact ct a consumer advocacy group. You can easily find telephone numbers for such groups in the telephone directory or on the Internet. 177. What should be included in the final price? (A) Sales tax and insurance (B) Shipping and insurance costs (C) Return cost and taxes (D) Sales tax an and d shipp shipping ing co costs sts 178 What should a buyer keep record of? (A) Return policy (B) Fine print Operator ator nam namee (C) Oper (D) Shipping costs 179. When could it be a bad idea to buy something through the mail? (A) At busy times (B) If you need something quickly (C) Because the goods are damaged (D) If you don't like the catalog 180. Who should you contact if you have problems?

(A) Family or friends (B) The post office cons umer ad advocacy vocacy group (C) A consumer 35


(D) The phone directory



Questions 181-185 refer to the following advertisement and letter. OFFICE ASSISTANT

Busy architectural firm seeks independent hard worker to be our of offi fice ce assi assista stant nt.. Re Respo sponsi nsibl blee for for an answ swer ering ing ph phone ones, s, making appointments appointments and schedu schedules, les, maint maintaining aining database, typing letters and documents, and other tasks as needed. High school diploma required, some college desirable. Must have knowledge of word processing and database software. Send résumé rés umé to Mr. J. Woo Woo,, Arc Archite hitect, ct, Mode Modern rn Design Designs, s, Inc Inc., ., 51 River Street, Middletown, California 94945

Mr. J. Woo Modern Designs, Inc. 51 River Street Middletown, California 94945 Dear Mr. Woo: I saw saw yo your ur ad in las lastt Su Sunda nday' y'ss Ci City ty Times Times looking for an office assistant. I am wellqualif qua lified ied for the positi position on you offer. offer. I am very org organi anized zed and har hardwor dworking king.. I hav havee the comput com puter er skil skills ls and edu educat cation ional al level level you req requir uire. e. I am par particu ticular larly ly int intere erested sted in thi thiss  position since in the future I would like to enter your profession. In fact, I am taking a night class at the university now, and hope to enter as a full-time student after I gain a few years of work experience. I am enclosing my resume, and you may call my high school if  you would like to see a copy of my high school record. I hope to hear from you soon. Sincerely,

Lu Wang Lu Wang



181. According to the ad, what will the new office assistant have to do? (A) (B) (C) (D)

Photocopy documents Make phone calls Maintain computers Make a ap ppointments

182. What kind of computer program does Lu Wang know how to use? (A) (B) (C) (D)

E-mail Web browser  Word processing Architectural software

183. What kind of job does Lu Wang want in the future? (A)


(B) (C)

High school teacher  University professor 


Computer programmer 

184. What is Lu Wang doing now? (A) (B) (C) (D)

Studying in high school Taking a university class Seeking a job as an architect Working as an office assistant

185. What has Lu Wang enclosed with her letter? (A)

Her résumé

(B) (C)

Her schedule Her high school record Her university's catalog




Questions 186-190 refer to the following invitation and e-mail.

You’re invited! What: Farewell party Where: Conference Room 2 When: Thursday, 4:30 P.M   As you all all know, Ma Martha rtha Cunni Cunningham ngham an and d her fam family ily are moving to another city. Let’s show her how much we appreciate all the hard work she’s done for us.  Please bring bring a refr refreshment eshment tto o share. C Call all Ted Jon Jones es in the accounting office by Tuesday to let him know if you’ll attend  and what food you’ll bring. Also, we’re taking up a collection to buy a gift for Martha. If everyone contributes just $15, we’ll  have $300 to buy her something really special. Thanks, Susan Billings.


Susan Billings


Tom Williamson


Farewell Party

Hi Susan, I'm sorry I couldn't attend the party yesterday, as I'd planned, because I had a family emergency. Everything is OK now. I heard that everyone had a great time at the party and that you were able to raise $75 more than you expected expected.. Fantastic. I'm sure Martha loved her gift. I did get a chance to sign the card before I left the office. Did you get the cake I sent over? It was a chocolate one from the Paris Bakery, so I hope it arrived on time for  everyone to enjoy. See you at the meeting this afternoon. Tom



186. Who was the party for?

(A) Tom (B) Ted (C) Susan (D) Martha 187. When did Tom write the e-mail?

(A) Tuesday (B) Wednesday (C) Thursday (D) Friday 188. Why couldn't Tom attend the party? (A) He had an emergency.

(B) He had made other plans. (C) He had to attend a meeting. (D) He had to work on the accounts. 189. How much money was raised for the gift?

(A) $15 (B) $75 (C) $300 (D) $375 190. What did Tom send to the party?

(A) Money (B) A card (C) Food

(D) A gift



Questions 191-195 refer to the following notice and e-mail.

The Dental Office of  Dr. Lilia Molari, DDS  Notice to all patients OUR POLICY We are here to serve you. In order to do so, the following policies are in effect. Cancellation Policy When you make an appointment, we reserve that time for you. Cancellations must be made 24 hours in advance or a $40 cancellation fee will be charged.  Payment Policy We expect payment in full upon receipt of services. Payment may be made by check, credit card, or money order only. Office Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 9-5, Fri. 12-8 Emergency phone: 555-9754 when the office is closed. During normal office hours, call us at 555-4825.


Dental Office


Jim Wilson

Subject: My appointment

I'm sorry I can' can'tt make my appointmen appointmentt this mornin morning. g. I have to atten attend d an emergen emergency cy meeting in the afternoon and will have to spend the morning preparing for it. I know this is less than 24 hours notice so I'll be charged the cancellation fee. I'll have my assistant write and send a check today. I'd like to reschedule my appointment, but my days are really full for the next several week we eks. s. Yo You u have have eve evenin ning g hours hours do don' n'tt yo you? u? Plea Please se giv givee me the the next next av avai aila labl blee appointment you have after 5:30 in the evening. Let me know by e-mail or phone. My office phone: 555-8977, and cell phone: 555-6295. Jim Wilson





191. What form of payment is NOT accepted by the dental office? (A)



Check  Credit Card Money Order 

(C) (D)

192. If a patient has an emergency on Saturday morning, what number should he call? (A)



555-4825 555-8977 555-6295

(C) (D)

193. What will Jim Wilson do this afternoon?


Go to the dentist Attend a meeting Call for an appointment


Send a check to his assistant

(A) (B)

194. How much will Jim Wilson pay for his appointment today? (A) (B) (C) (D)

$24 $40 $240 $400

195. What day of the week will Jim Wilson's next appointment be? (A)


(B) (C)

Tuesday Thursday Friday




Questions 196-200 refer to the following two phone messages.

While you were out… To: Harry Pak  Pak 

 Pamela Lopez Lopez of One World cal called. led. Time: 11:15 a.m. About: Your upcoming trip.

She can't get you a flight on Tuesday morning. There is a flight late Tuesday afternoon and one on Wednesday morning. Which do you  prefer? Also, she can get you a room at the Grand Hotel, as you requested, but she can get you a better deal at the Marionette Hotel  or the  Riverside Hotel. Which hotel do you prefer? What day do you want to return? Please let her know before 3:00 this afternoon.

While you were out . . . To: Pamela  Pamela Lopez  Lopez 

 Harry Pak of Pak an and d associat associates es called. Time: 12:30 p.m.

and Hotel Hotelss About: Flights and  About the flights flights,, he’ll take the second option option,, but he’ll stay with his  first choice for his his hotel. He plans to stay stay the weekend and would like a flig flight ht ba back ck on Mo Mond nday ay even evenin ing, g, ar arri rivi ving ng no la late terr th than an 8:30 8:30,, if possible. Also, he has a vacation next month and would like to go to the beach. Can you look into travel arrangements for him?



196. What is Pamela Lopez's job? (A)



Hotel clerk 


Travel agent


Airline ticket agent

197. What time did Pamela Lopez call Harry Pak? (A)





11:1 1: 15



198. When does Harry Pak want to start his trip? (A)

Monday evening


Tuesday morning


Tuesday afternoon


Wednesday m mo orning

199. Which hotel does Harry Pak want to stay at? (A)

The Gran Grand d Ho Hotel tel


The Marionette Hotel


The Riverside Hotel


The One World Hotel

200. When will Mr. Pak take a vacation at the beach?

(A) Next weekend (B) Next week  (C) Next month

(D) Next year 

This is the end of the test. If you finished before time is called, you may go back to Parts 5, 6 and 7 and check your work.


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