Test 1: Multiple Choice

July 20, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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test 1 Multiple Choice  Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers answers the question. question. Instructions: Choose the correct option (a -c).


1. We wanted ____ in any way way we could. a. will help  b. help c. to help


2. Mr Jones will call you when when he's ready ____ to you. you. a. talks  b. to talk  c. talking


. We went to the !useu! to ____ about li"e in th thee past. a. learn  b. learning c. learnt


#. $t was wonder"ul ____ you you again a"ter all this ti!e. ti!e. a. see  b. to see c. to saw


%. &he girl re"used ____ to her brother "or seeral days a"ter their argu!ent. a. to talk    b. talking c. talk  


. $t's di""icult ____ ____ about the su!!er holidays holidays in January January.. a. think    b. to think  c. will think 


. *re you ____ the new Ja!es +ond +ond "il!, a. going see  b. go to seeing c. going to see


-. $ ____ going to wait !ore !ore than "ie !inutes "or you. you. a. won't  b. don't be c. a! not


. ____ your brother taking taking you to the airport tonight, tonight, a. $s  b. Will c.



 ____ 10. Mr *ndrews *ndrews ____ anyone today or to!orrow because he's in in !eetings both days until until late. a. won't seeing  b. isn't seeing c. isn't sees  ____ 11. Will you ____ to the shop "or !e, We need so!e bread. a. go  b. going c. to go  ____ 12. /on't worry worry $ won't ____ anyone anyone your secret. a. to tell  b. tell c. telling  ____ 1. My "lat is ____ the tenth "loor "loor.. a. on  b. at c. in  ____ 1#. Why don't we !eet ____ Ji!!y's Ji!!y's "lat to!orrow eening, eening, a. up  b. at c. on  ____ 1%. When you go ____ !y o""ice o""ice you'll see the papers papers you need on the "loor. "loor. a. down  b. net c. into  ____ 1. &he ca"3 is ____ the top o" the the building and there's a ""antastic antastic iew. iew. a. at  b. in c. to  ____ 1. Walk ____ the shopping shopping centre and go out the the other side. a. up  b. through c. in  ____ 1-. $'! sorry but the li"t isn't isn't working so you you'll 'll hae to walk ____ to to the !eeting roo!. a. on  b. through c. up  ____ 1. $n the hotel the dining dining roo! is ____ to the ca"3. a. net  b. across c. through  ____ 20. &his is the "i"th "loor. "loor. 4ou'll hae to go ____ two "loors to get to the the photocopying !achine !achine on the third "loor. "loor. a. along  b. into




 ____ 21. &his is the town ____ ____ is "a!ous "or its cheese. a. which  b. who c. where  ____ 22. &hat's the shop ____ ____ has all those epens epensie ie clothes. a. who  b. which c. where  ____ 2. 5ook6 &hat's the the phone ____ works on solar energy. energy. a. where  b. who c. that  ____ 2#. &he o""ice ____ $ work is only a "ie !inute walk walk "ro! the city centre. a. where  b. that c. which  ____ 2%. $s that the house ____ they "ound those dead bodies, bodies, a. which  b. where c. that  ____ 2. &he bank robber ____ the police caught has escaped. escaped. a. which  b. where c. who  ____ 2. $sn't that the boy ____ ____ had a "ight with your your brother, a. which  b. who c. where  ____ 2-. a7he's our school. . thathe t girl ____ got the best ea! results in our  b. which c. where  ____ 2. &he dog wasn't happy when when $ ____ his bone. bone. a. gae up  b. set up c. took away  ____ 0. We ____ eating !eat last year but $ do !iss it so!et so!eti!es. i!es. a. died out  b. gae up c. took away  ____ 1. $ ____ with !y "riends at least least once a week and we usu usually ally hae dinner in a nice res restaurant. taurant. a. get together 


 b. pick up c. set up  ____ 2. * lot lot o" unco!!on words in the the language eentually _ ____. ___. a. die out  b. pass on c. gie up  ____ . $ know $ ____ 8ick's nu!ber nu!ber so!ewhere but $'e lost it. a. picked up  b. wrote down c. passed on  ____ #. &his old recipe was ____ ____ to !e "ro! !y grand!other grand!other.. a. picked up  b. set up c. passed on  ____ %. $ ____ a "ew words o" Chinese when when $ was there but it's a  ery ery di""icult language language to learn. a. picked up  b. got together  c. set up  ____ . &he parents ____ an a"ter9school a"ter9school club to teach traditional traditional dances to tthe he children. a. passed on  b. set up c. wrote down Instructions: :ead the e!ail and choose the correct option (a;c) to co!plete the sentences (1;%).

/ear Mu! and /ad $'! writing this e!ail because $'e got so!e i!portant news to tell you. $'! getting !arried6 $sn't that great, $t all happened last night. We were haing dinner in a ery nice $talian restaurant when Jake suddenly beca!e all ust said 'Will you !arry !e,' $ was so ecited that $ didn't een stop to think about it and replied '4 '4es es o" course $ will silly6' *nd *nd $ put the ring on !y "inger. 7o there we were engaged6 &hen we spent the rest o" the eening !aking plans. Can we hae the wedding at your house, 4 4ou'e ou'e got such a big beauti"ul garden that it'll be per"ect. We are going to wait until a"ter !y "inal ea!s in June and $ thought a good day would be 10 th July. &hat gies us eight !onths to plan eerything. $t should be enough ti!e especially as we don't want a big traditional white wedding - >ust a big party with our best "riends and "a!ily.. We're "a!ily We're not going to start a "a!ily straight away because $ need to get !y career going and $ !ight een decide to stay on at uniersity and do a !aster's but be"ore we do that we're going to trael round r ound the world "or a year. Jake can take a career break "or that ti!e? his o""ice hae already said it's @A. $t's so eciting6 *nyway $ hae to get to class now. $'ll phone you to!orrow. 4our loing daughter


5ucy  ____ . 5ucy ____. a. goes goes to sc sch hool ool  b. is a uniersity stu student dent c. wo work rkss in an o" o""i "ice ce  ____ -. Jake told 5ucy he ____. ____. a. was worrie worried d abou aboutt so!et so!ethi hing ng seri serious ous  b. was seriously il illl c. wa want nted ed th the! e! to ge gett eng engag aged ed  ____ . When Jake asked 5ucy 5ucy she ____. a. repl replie ied d i!!e i!!edi diat atel ely y  b. didn't say anyth anything ing c. di didn dn't 't kn know ow wh what at to say say  ____ #0. Jake and 5ucy are going to hae ____. a. a b big ig whit whitee wed weddi ding ng  b. a traditional weddi wedding ng c. a "un "un cel celebra ebrati tio on  ____ #1. a. *"ter wedding 5ucy is going to ____. gothe back back to uni unier ersi sity tyis  b. go abroad c. hae a baby Instructions: 5isten to &rack 2.1# and answer the ob $'d like to do in the "uture. (not think) 20. @ur tea! _______ ___________ ________ ________ ________ _________ _______ __ a !atch "or three three weeks. (not (not win) 21. &he children children ___________________ ______________________________ ___________ in a plane be"ore be"ore and they're  ery ery ecited. (not "ly) Instructions: Co!plete the sentence with since with  since or  or for   for .

22. $'e been been an engin engineer eer _______ ___________ ________ _________ _____ ten years. years. 2. &o! and Mary hae hae been engaged engaged _____ __________ _________ ________ ______ __ si !onths. !onths. 2#. $ haen't haen't seen !y cousin cousin aul aul _________ _____________ ________ _______ ___ we were were children. children. 2%. We hae lied lied in 8ew 4ork 4ork ________ ____________ _________ ________ ___ 200. 200. Instructions: Co!plete the sentence with made made or  or done done..

2. $'e ______ __________ ________ ________ ______ __ the beds beds and washed washed the "loors. "loors. 2. $'! sorry sorry but $ think you' you'ee _________ _____________ ________ _______ ___ a !istake. !istake. 2-. When you'e you'e ___________ _______________ ________ _____ _ your ho!ework ho!ework you can watch teleisi teleision. on. 2. $ know $ haen' haen'tt ________ ____________ ________ ________ ____ ery ery well well in !y ea!s. ea!s. Instructions: Co!plete the sentences with the correct "or! o" the erbs in brackets to ! !ake ake Eero conditional sentences.

0. $" !y dog _________ _____________ _________ _________ ________ ________ ____ (hear) (hear) a noise outside outside he  __________________________  _____________ _________________ ____ (bark).

1. When the the kettle kettle _________________ ______________________________ _____________ (boil) it _______________ ____________________________ _______________ __ (sw (switch) itch) itsel" o"". 2. $" there _________________________ ______________________________ _____ (be) (be) no sun we __________________________ ______________________________ ____ (no (nott hae) any hot water. . Mr eters _________________________ ______________________________ _____ (not be) be) happy i" he ________________________ ______________________________ ______ (not hae) lunch at eactly one o'clock.


#. &he air conditioning in the hotel _________________ _____________________________ _____________ _ (not work) i" the windows windows  __________________________  _____________ _________________ ____ (be) open. %. When it __________________________ ______________________________ ____ (rain) (rain) !y cat _________________ ______________________________ _____________ (not g go) o) outside into the garden. Instructions: Co!plete the sentences with the correct "or! o" the erbs in brackets to ! !ake ake "irst conditional sentences.

. $" you _________________________ ______________________________ _____ (not use) sun crea! you ____________ _________________________ __________________ _____ (burn). . &he children children _________ _____________ ________ _________ _________ ________ ____ (phone) (phone) us when they  __________________________  _____________ _________________ ____ (arrie) at su!!er ca!p. -. &he co!puter co!puter ________________ _____________________________ ______________ _ (not work) i" you ____________ _________________________ __________________ _____ (not plug) it in. . $" $ __________________ ______________________________ ____________ (get) the >ob $ ______________ ___________________________ ________________ ___ (hae) a party party.. #0. $" the world ______ __________ ________ ________ _________ _________ _______ ___ (run out) out) o" water water there  __________________________  _____________ _________________ ____ (be) a war. war. #1. My brother brother __________________ ______________________________ ____________ (be) ery angry i" $ ________________ _____________________________ ______________ _ (use) his laptop without asking hi!. Instructions: Co!plete the sentence with the present si!ple passie o" the erb in brackets.

#2. 7el"9de"enc 7el"9de"encee ________ ____________ ________ _________ _________ ________ _____ _ in !any schoo schools ls nowaday nowadays. s. (teach) #. 7tudents _________________ _____________________________ _____________ _ their ti!etables at the beginning beginning o" each acade!ic year year.. (gie) ##. *ncient *ncient languages languages __________ ______________ ________ _________ _________ _______ ___ by !any people any!ore. any!ore. (not study) #%. &he +ritish Museu! _________________ _____________________________ _____________ _ by !ore than a !i !illion llion people people eery year. year. (isit) #. Fnglish _____________ __________________________ _________________ ____ as the o""icial o""icial language language in !ore than %0 coun countries. tries. (speak) Instructions: Co!plete the sentence with the past si!ple passie o" the erb in brackets.


#. 4our order ____________________ ______________________________ __________ yesterday yesterday.. 4ou 4ou should receie it to!orrow to!orrow.. (send) #-. &he tourists tourists ______ ___________ _________ ________ _________ _________ ______ __ on a tour o" the te!ple. te!ple. (take) #. We _____________________ ______________________________ _________ up by a loud noise noise at "ie o'clock in the !orning. (wake) %0. $ ________ ____________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ______ __ at the the airport airport - $ took the bus. (not pick up) %1. &he teachers __________________________ ______________________________ ____ by the childrenGs childrenGs good behaio behaiour ur on tthe he school trip. (not surprise) Short Answer Instructions: Write the words "ro! the descriptions.

1. &his is is the stage stage o" li"e li"e in between between being being a child child and and an adult. adult.  __________________________  _____________ _________________  ____  2. 4ou get th this is regular regular pay!ent pay!ent when when you reach reach the age where where you stop stop working. working.  __________________________  _____________ _________________  ____  . 4ou take this when you stop stop working "or a while to do do so!ething else else like hae children children or trael trael round the world.  __________________________  _____________ _________________  ____  #. &his &his is anot another her word word "or "or a baby baby..  __________________________  _____________ _________________  ____  %. 4ou can do this this "irst "irst when when you decide decide to !ar !arry ry..  __________________________  _____________ _________________  ____  . 4ou ne need ed this this be"ore be"ore you you can can legally legally drie drie..  __________________________  _____________ _________________  ____  . 4ou dre dress ss up in in these these "or partie partiess and "esti "estials. als.  __________________________  _____________ _________________  ____  -. 4ou wea wearr this oer oer your "ace "ace and peopl peoplee don't know know who who you are. are.  __________________________  _____________ _________________  ____  . &his another another word "or a special special party party.


 __________________________  _____________ _________________  ____  10. eople eople used these these to gie gie the! light light be"ore be"ore there was was electrici electricity ty..  __________________________  _____________ _________________  ____  11. &hi &hiss ad>ect ad>ectie ie !ean !eanss 'not 'not !odern !odern'. '.  __________________________  _____________ _________________  ____  12. &his &his is a perso person n you you work work with. with.  __________________________  _____________ _________________  ____  1. &his is a letter letter that that says positi positiee things aabout bout you you and the way you you work.  __________________________  _____________ _________________  ____  1#. 4ou use this this to describe describe a buildin building g or roo! that that has a lot o" space. space.  __________________________  _____________ _________________  ____  1%. &his &his is anot another her word word "or "or 'help' 'help'..  __________________________  _____________ _________________  ____  1. &his erb erb !eans !eans to !anag !anagee or organi organise se other other people. people.  __________________________  _____________ _________________  ____  1. &his &his is a pers person on who who has has applie applied d "or a >ob. >ob.  __________________________  _____________ _________________  ____  1-. &his is is what you you hae when when you you get a better better >ob >ob with !ore !ore !oney !oney.  __________________________  _____________ _________________  ____  1. &his is is the a!ount a!ount o" o" !oney you you earn eery eery !onth !onth or or eery year year..  __________________________  _____________ _________________  ____  20. &his ad>ectie ad>ectie describes work where you do not not need to hae any special knowledge or training.  __________________________  _____________ _________________  ____  21. &his describes a person who has done done a lot lot o" training training andDor is ery eperienced at what they do.  __________________________  _____________ _________________  ____ 


22. &his &his is anoth another er word word "or "or 'e!plo 'e!ploy'. y'.  __________________________  _____________ _________________  ____  2. knowledge knowledge or ability ability you need need to do do so!ething so!ething well  __________________________  _____________ _________________  ____  2#. an ea!inati ea!ination on you pass pass because because you need need it to get a >ob or go go to uni uniersit ersity y  __________________________  _____________ _________________  ____  2%. a period period o" ti!e ti!e when when people people lea learn rn so!ethin so!ething g with a teacher  teacher   __________________________  _____________ _________________  ____  2. a topic topic you you llear earn n ab about out at scho school ol  __________________________  _____________ _________________  ____  2. instructi instructions ons that that say say wha whatt you !ust !ust and and !ustn't !ustn't do do  __________________________  _____________ _________________  ____  2-. !aking !aking people people "ollow "ollow rul rules es  __________________________  _____________ _________________  ____  2. to >oin >oin and pay "or a cours coursee  __________________________  _____________ _________________  ____  0. to "ill "ill in a "or! "or! to ask to to >oin a course course or to to get a new >ob >ob  __________________________  _____________ _________________  ____  1. days and ti!es ti!es "or sub>ec sub>ects ts in school school each each w week  eek   __________________________  _____________ _________________  ____  2. a plan o" eents eents or tasks tasks with with ti!es ti!es and dates dates  __________________________  _____________ _________________  ____  . to tell tell so!eon so!eonee to do so!e so!ethi thing ng  __________________________  _____________ _________________  ____  #. to help people people learn learn a new sub>ect sub>ect or skill skill by eplain eplaining ing or de!onst de!onstratin rating g it


 __________________________  _____________ _________________  ____  Instructions: Choose and write the correct option.

%. /id Mrs Mrs 7!ith 7!ith cancel cancel her o order, rder, $ don't don't know know.. I'll check   D I'm D I'm checking  in  in >ust a !inute.  __________________________  _____________ _________________  ____  . Will Will you ccook ook dinner dinner tonigh tonightt or do you you want !e to do it, it, 8o I'll 8o I'll do D do D I  I am doing   it. it.  __________________________  _____________ _________________  ____  . $n abo about ut hal" hal" an hour hour we will need  D  D are needing  to  to call a tai.  __________________________  _____________ _________________  ____  -. &hat &hat case case look lookss a bit bit hea heay y. I'll help D help D I'm  I'm helping  you  you with it.  __________________________  _____________ _________________  ____  . $n the the "uture "uture when when $'! rrich ich and and "a!ou "a!ous s I  I am building  D I'm  D I'm going to build  an  an enor!ous house.  __________________________  _____________ _________________  ____  #0. *re you helping   D going D going to help !e help !e with !y pro>ect,  __________________________  _____________ _________________  ____  #1.  I'm flying   D I D I will fly to fly to aris on Monday so don't arrange any !eetings "or !e then.  __________________________  _____________ _________________  ____  #2. What ttii!e will the director give D give D is the director giving  his  his speech,  __________________________  _____________ _________________  ____  Instructions: ut the sentences in order to !ake a conersation.

# #.. :eor :eorde derr the "ol "ollo lowi wing ngHH *. +. C. /. F. I. B.

4ou ou,, Cook Cookin ing, g, 4ou ccan an't 't ee een n !ake !ake a san sandw dwic ich6 h6 8ick 8ick are are yo you u do doin ing g any anyth thin ing g th this is su!! su!!er, er, 8o6 &he whole whole thing thing inclu including ding trael trael hotel hotel the lesso lessons ns and and o" course course the the "ood "ood co costs sts %00 euros. Ior a whole !onth6 $ta $taly, ly, &hat &hat soun sounds ds gre great. at. Wha Whatt are are y you ou going going to to do there, there, $ know know and and you you ca can' n'tt boil boil an an egg. egg. 7o 7o wha whatt do yo you u thin think, k, @A @A $ can can "i "ind nd %0 %00 0 eur euros os.. 5et 5et's 's go to $t $tal aly6 y6 $ tthi hink nk it woul would d be be "un. "un. $s it epe epens nsi ie, e,

=. $.

4es $ ha hae. e. $'! go going ing to $tal $taly y. =ow =ow abou aboutt co!in co!ing g with with !e, Well ell belie beliee e it o orr not not $'! $'! goin going g tto o learn learn how to cook cook $tali $talian an "ood "ood..



8o $G! not ot.. =a =aee y you ou got an any pla plan ns,

7entence 1 7entence 2 7entence  7entence # 7entence %

____   ____   ____   ____   ____  

7 7een ntteen nccee   7entence 7entence  7entence 10

_ __ __ __ _    ____   ____   ____  

## ##.. :eor :eorde derr the "ol "ollo lowi wing ngHH *.

+. C. /. F. I. B. =. $. J.

4es we we do o""er o""er arious arious trainin training g courses. courses. We'd like like you you to to co!e co!e in "or a second second interiew net week and we will discuss the salary and working conditions then i" that suits you. We'll We'll phone you to arrange the ti!e. $ see. see. 8ow 8ow tell tell u uss sso! o!ee o" yo your ur !ai !ain n stre streng ngth ths. s. *nd tto o "inish "inish with with are are the there re an any y ob ob,, Bood ood !o !orn rnin ing. g. 7h 7hal alll $ sit sit her ere, e, 4es o" o" course course.. $'ll $'ll wait wait "or you yourr call call ne nett week week then. then. &han &hank k you and and good goodbye bye.. 4es $'d $'d like like to know know aabou boutt the sala salary ry and and wh wheth ether er you you o" o""er "er any any "urth "urther er tr train aining ing.. 4es o" o" course. course. $'e >ust "inished "inished a course course in in person personnel nel !anag !anage!ent e!ent and $ think think $'d be really happy working "or a s!all co!pany like yours. 4es that that's 's "ine. "ine. Iirs Iirstt o" all all can can you you tell tell us w why hy you'd you'd like like to to do th this is >o >ob, b, Bood Bood !orn !ornin ing g Miss Miss a al! l!er er.. le leas asee h ha aee a sea seat. t. Well ell $'! hard hardwor workin king g and ust lik likee a real real book. book. =ow =ow do do you you tu turn rn tthe he p page age,, 4es it it !e !eans ans $ will neer hae to carry carry a suitcas suitcasee "ull "ull o o"" heay heay books books when $ go on holiday. *s you you said said it' it'ss like like a n nor! or!al al book book.. 4ou 4ou ccan an een een read read in in "u "ull ll sunl sunligh ight. t. @h @h y you ou' 'ee got got a new new ga gadg dget et.. Wha Whatt is is it, it,


B. =. $. J.

7o y you ou can can tak takee it awa away y with with you you and and rea read d on th thee beac beach, h, 4ou buy buy aand nd downl download oad books books "ro! "ro! a special special w websit ebsitee and then you read the! on the the screen. Well ell you you >ust >ust pres presss this this butt button on here here.. *nd *nd you you ccan an chang changee the the siE siEee o" the the p prin rint t too. too. $t's an e9reader.

7entence 1


7 7een ntteen nccee 2  7entence # 7entence % 7entence  7entence  7entence 7entence  7entence 10

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# #.. :eor :eorde derr the "ol "ollo lowi wing ngHH *. +.

Can $ dow downlo nload ad the the "o "or! r! "r "ro! o! your your webs website ite and send send it electr electroni onical cally, ly, =ow =ow ! !uc uch h iiss tthe he cour course se and and h how ow do $ p pay ay,,


4es it's it's no nott di""icul di""icultt but i" you you hae hae any proble!s proble!s with with your your appli applicatio cation n call call !e again again and $'ll see i" $ can help. Boodbye now. @nce we'e receied receied pay!ent pay!ent we'll we'll send send you a re receip ceiptt co con"ir n"ir!ing !ing your enro enrol!ent l!ent and and you'll be ready to start your lessons. Certai Certainly nly.. Ii Iirst rstly ly you you n need eed to "ill "ill in an an ap appl plica icatio tion n "or!. "or!. $ ssee ee.. & &he hen n wha whatt hap happe pens ns a" a"te terr $$' 'ee pai paid d tthe he "e "ees es,, &hat hat ssou ound ndss eeas asy y tha than nk y you ou.. 4es and and it's it's better better "or "or us i" i" you e!ail it to us. &hen a"ter that that you need to send send pay!en pay!ent. t. Boo Bood d !orni !orning. ng. $'d li like ke to to eenro nroll on th thee !oder !odern n Breek Breek "or beginn beginners ers course course.. $" yo you u look look on on ou ourr si site te you' you'll ll ssee ee th thee price pricess and pay pay!en !entt op optio tions ns aaai ailab lable le tto o you. you.

/. F. I. B. =. $. J.

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