Test 01

September 7, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Human Behavior and Social Environment 1. Drugs Drugs which may may reduce reduce anxiety anxiety and exc excitem itement ent are are called a. Smulants

b. sedaves

c. narcocs

d. hallucinogens

2. Drugs Drugs that increas increase e alertness alertness and physic physical al disposion disposion are are called a. Hallucinogens

b. sedaves

c. smulants

d. downers

3. When was was the difculty difculty allin alling g asleep, asleep, one is suspecte suspected d suering suering rom rom a. Somnambulism

b. neurasthenia

c. c

4. Sleep walking is a. Fugue b. Bulimia

c. enuresis

5. (a. Fugue

d. Hysteria)

b. Tic

c. Bulimia

d. insomnia d. somnambulism

is a long amnesic state in which one

wanders rom his home or usual surroundings and suddenly “comes to” in some strange place with no recollecon as how he came to be here. 6. (a (a.. Acro Acroph phob obia ia

b. Claus laustr trop opho hobi bia a

7. (a. Hydrophobia

b. dipsophobia

8. (a (a.. Phobia

b. obsession

c. och ochlo loph phob obiad iad.. Sit Sitopho ophobi bia) a) is ea earr o clos closed ed pl plac aces es.. c. gamophobia d. zenophobia) is ear o water. c. Compulsio ion n d. depressio ion n) is an idea or seri eries o serie iess o

ideas which recur so requently as to interere interere with normal thinking. 9. The irresisbly irresisbly to perorm perorm an act act or ritual which which the individual individual eels compelled to carry out even even though it is irraonal called a. Obsession

b. compulsion

c. neurosis

d. psychosis

c. mentally ill

d. none o a,b,c

10. One who has has n IQ o below below 70 is called called a. Paranoid

b. neuroc

11. An ausc ausc child is one who is a. Menta Mentally lly ill

c. sp split lit person personali ality ty

b. Withou Withoutt a awa ware renes nesss o o the the exis existe tence nce or eeli eelings ngs o other otherss

d. dyslex dyslexic ic

12. Reading and and wring disorder is a. Ausm

c. dyslexia

b. Aen enon on Dec Decit it Hype Hypera rac cvit vity y Diso Disord rder er (A (ADH DHD) D)

d. ps psyc ychh-as asth then enia ia

13. Reusal to eat eat and the intense intense ear o gaining gaining weight or becoming at at is called a. Pica

b. bulimia

c. Anorexia Nervosa

d. neurasthenia

14. Binge eang or lack o control control over eang behaviors ollowed by sel- induced voming, rigorous exercise, exercise, and use o laxaves and diurecs is a. Bulimia

b. ruminaon disorder

c. anorexia nervosa

d pica

15. The impulse to kill is known known as a. Homicidal mania

b. pyromania

c. sel-immolaon

d. murder

16. The impulse to set re re to things is called called a. Pyrotechnics mania 17. (a. Aecve reacons

b. pyromania b. schizophrenic disorder

c. eromania

d. remania

c. hysteric reacons

d. paranoid

reacons) as manic depressive reacons are characterized by periods o depression or elaon or both. 18. It is a psychoc reacon in which there is a good contact with reality reality except in area o a well systema systemazed zed delusion.


a. Paranoia

b. hypomania

c. aecve reacon

d. schizophrenia

19. The type o manic depressive reacon in which the principal eatures eatures are eelings o sadness and hopeulness, psychomotor psychomotor retardaon, retardaon, difculty in thinking and somemes suicidal is a. Paranoia type

b. schizophrenic

c. depressed type

d. manic type

20. Damage to the brain and the central central nervous system usually may caus cause e a. Mania

b. organic psychosis

c. psychoneurosis

d. inorganic psychosis

21. Recurrent Recurrent intense sexual urge and sexuality arousing ant antasies asies involving the use o exposure exposure o one’s genitals to unsuspecng strangers known as a. Fugue

b. eshism

c. exhibionism

d. paraphilia

c. transvessm

d. sadism

22. Recurrent Recurrent intense sexual sexual urges a. Froeurism

b. eshism

23. Recurrent Recurrent intense sexual urges and antacies that that involves touching and rubbing against a non consenng person is a. Pedophilia

b. roeurism

c. eshism

d. none o a,b,c

24. Sexual urge involving involving sexual acvity with a prepubescent prepubescent child is called a. sadism

b. masochism

c. pedophilia

d. exhibionism

25. sexual disorder involving involving acts in which the psychological psychological or physical suering o the vicm is sexually excing is called a. eshism

b. impotence

c. sexual sadism

d. pedophilia

26. One who enjoys being humiliated, beaten, bond, bond, or otherwise made to suer suer,, and derives sexual pleasure rom it is a. Sadist

b. exhibionist

c. pedophile

d. masochism

27. A heterosexual heterosexual male who enjoys cross-dressing cross-dressing is a. Pedophile

b. transveste

c. exhibionist

d. peeping tom

c. voyeurism

d. none o a,b,c

28. The peeping tom tom is suering suering rom a. Froeurism

b. exhibionist

29. When a person suers rom delusion, hallucinaon, cata catatonic tonic behavior, behavior, and incoherence he is a a.


b. mood

c. manic-depressive

d. paranoid

30. To have a delusion o grandiosity, grandiosity, persecuon, or suspiciousness, one is suering rom a.


b. depression

c. schizophrenia

d. compulsion

31. Which o the ollowing items items is NOT consider major socia sociall structure? a. Family

b. government

c. peer

d. school

32. The lielong process o teaching individuals the wa ways ys o becoming or and producve producve members o society is termed as a. Enculturaon b. socializaon c. acculturaon d. social educaon 33. Which o the ollowing reers reers to the way a person’s person’s sense o sel is derived rom the percepons percepons o others? a g igrlraosrsinsgel cd.. ssoecli-apliezraceopnon b.. LSo oo cikailnm 34. Which sociologist traced traced the development o sel awareness to early childhood social inter interacon? acon? a. George Mead c. Emile Durkheim


b. Charles Cooley d. Robert Merton 35. Persons, Persons, group or, instuons instuons that teach us what we need to know in order to parcipate in society are called a. Generalized others c. agents o socializaons b. Signican Signicantt others others d. agents agents o change change 36. People who has close es to a child child are considered considered a. Signicant others c. agents o socializaon b. El E lite d. generalized others 37. Which items reers reers to people approxima approximately tely o the same social posion and age as onesel? a. Family b. classmates c. schoolmates d. peers 38. The various orms o communicaon reaching a large audience without any personal contact contact between the senders and receivers o message are called b. TV channels c. newspapers and magazines a. Radi Radio o d. mass mass medi media a 39. The recognized recognized violaon o the the social norms is termed termed as a. deviance b. injusce c. crime d. delinquency 40. The set o means to ensure that people generally behave in expected expected and approved ways ways is known as a. Social control b. regulaons c. obedience d. rules 41. When norms are weak, conicng, conicng, or absent absent there is a societal condion condion called a. anomie b. calamity c. disaster d. war 42. When people accept societal societal goal and ollow legima legimate te to aain them them there is a. Conormity b. ritualism c. innovaon d. retreasm 43. When people remain commied the social goals but use illegimate wa ways ys including criminal ones to aain them there is a. Rebellion b. retreasm c. ritualism d. innovaon 44. Which o the deviance theories explain as a result o power dierenals dierenals and social inequies? a. Interaconist theory c. Social conict theory b. Labeling theory d. Social control theory 45. Which o the ollowing theories explains that deviance is trans transmied mied through socializaons? socializaons? a. Conict theory c. Funconalist theory b. Dierenal Associaon Theory d. social control theory 46. Which o the ollowing theories states states that deviance occurs when individuals or group groupss dene others as deviants? a. Labeling theory c. socializaon theory b. Dierenal theory d. associaon theory 47. A powerully negave negave label the greatly changes a person’s person’s sel concept and social identy is termed as a. Sgma b. psychological label c. sgmata d. sgmazaon 48. How groups aer individuals individuals ad how individuals aect the group is termed as a. Interacon c. group dynamics b. Group lie d. group development 49. The tendency o members conorm conorm resulng resulng in a narrow view o some issues is termed termed as a. Groupthink c. group bond b. Group interacon d. group dynamics 50. A person who is able to inuence inuence the behaviors o the oth other er members o the group is called a. Signicant others c. director


b. Le Leader d. administrator 51. Which social process is the interacon interacon among individuals or groups to achieve their goal or promote common interests as exemplied by the Filipino value o bayanihan? a. Coordinaon c. social acceptance b. Cooperaon d. group interacon 52. When two or more groups consciously consciously seek either to block one another in achieving a desired goal or to deeat, harm or annihilate one another, there is a. War b. chaos c. social exchange d. conict 53. An organized modern raonally raonally designed to perorm tasks efciently especially in large organizaon organizaon is termed as a. Bureaucracy b. aristocracy c. oligarchy d. tolitarianism 54. The systemac systemac ranging people based on a scale o social worth and importance is called a. Social system c. social stracaon b. Social class d. social mobility 55. What reers reers to the total value o everything that a person or amily owns, minus any debt owed? a. Land ownership b. income c. wealth d. power 56. Which o the ollowing terms reers reers to a person’s locaon locaon in a society’s society’s economic system, resulng in dierences in nature o work, income and wealth? a. Social stracaon c. social system b. Class d. power 57. The ability to control control the behavior o other is known as a. Power c. leadership b. Egalitarianism d. desposm 58. When people is straed in a manner where they are rank ranked ed on the basis o physical or cultural traits over which they have no control and that they cannot change, such termed as a. Open stracaon c. ascribed stracaon b. Caste system d. eudal system 59. When some people are legally the property o others, owned by their masters in servitude, coerced, restricted and controlled there is a. Human trafcking c. slavery b. Ex Exploitaon d. apartheid 60. The Chrisan concept concept o helping helping the poor is a. Co Compassion c. kindness b. Charity d. mercy 1. He is regarde regarded d by many as the the Father Father o Filipino Filipino Psycho Psychology logy.. a. Zeus Zalazar c. Virgilio Enriquez b. Virgilio Marquez d. William Wundt 2. This value value is loosely translat translated ed as shame by most West Western ern psycholo psychologist gist.. a. Hi Hiya ya c. Am Amor or pr prop opio io b. Ut Utang na loob d. Bahala na 3. It means togeth togethernes ernesss and the core core o construct construct o Filipino Filipino psych psychology ology a. Pakikisama c. kapwa b. Pakikipagkapwa- tao d. Pakikitungo


4. A paradigm paradigm which assumes assumes that that the world is orderly and and ollows ollows regularly o o causaon; causaon; scienc scienc theories consists o sets o highly general universal statements, whose truth or alsiy can be assessed by means o systemac observaon and experiment. a. Co C onvenonalism c. dynamism b. Posivism d. Realism/Postposivism 5. The stage stage where a rm sense o identy is developed by having the capability o comming to to partnership, an afliaon and inmate relaonship with other a. Young adulthood c. adolescence b. Later lie d. Middle adulthood 6. Third Force Force in Psychology Psychology which which has a theorecal theorecal orientaon orientaon that emphasizes the unique qualies qualies o humans, especially their ree will and their potenal o growth a. Hu H umanism c. transpersonal b. Behavioris Behaviorism m d. Ps Psycho ychodyna dynamic/P mic/Psyc sychoan hoanalys alysis is 7. It is the study study o Abdomin Abdominal al Psych Psychology ology in the the Filipino Filipino contex context. t. a. Filipino Psychopathology c. Ethnic Psychology b. Psycho Medicine D. Psychoc Psychology 8. A social acvity acvity that Filipinos Filipinos engage engage and is usually usually done around around the dinner dinner table. People carry carry out conversaons, small talk or gossip. a. Meal Mealin ing g c. Eang ng b. Dining d. Lunching 9. A child who is abused by a parent later has no recollecon recollecon o the events, but but has trouble trouble orming relaonships. a. Projecons c. Raonalizaon b. Repression d. denial 10. It emphasizes the importance o early experiences; the importa importance nce o repressed thoughts that that was cannot voluntarily access, and the conicts between conscious orces that inuence our thoughts and behaviors. a. Psychosocial stages b. Analyc Psychology

c. conscious thoughts d. Psychodynamic Theory

11. Reers Reers to branch o science concerned in interrelao interrelaonship nship o organisms and their environment especially as maniested by natural cycles and rhythms, community development and structure, interacon between dierent kinds o organisms geographic distribuons and populaons. a. Ecology c. Ecosystem b. Environment d. Symbioc relaonships 12. A belie o the use o massage to aid a pregnant pregnant mother in the delivery o her child. a. Hilot c. Susto b. Lihi d. masahe 13. It is shred inner percepons. Many Filipinos use this inner percepon o others emoo emoons, ns, as a basic tool to guide his dealings with other people. a. Kagandaahang loob c. Pakiramdam b. Pakikipagpalagayang-loob d. Pakikisalamuha 14. It reers to the inrastructure inrastructure o the individual, inborn biological capaci capacies, es, and it is associated with processes o maturaon o aging. a. Ps P sychological c. Aecve


b. Be Behavioral d. Biophysical 15. The process usually concerned concerned with emoonal lie o the individua individuall – their movaons, needs, dr drives, ives, eelings, and interests. a. Aecve c. Cognive b. Behavioral d. Physical 16. The specic expectaons expectaons the occupant o a posion perceives as applicable to his own behavior when he interacts with the occupants o some other posion. a. Prescribed role c. Enacted role b. Perceived role d. role perormance 17. A paradigm, which holds that the external external world exists independen independently tly o our sense experience, ideaon, and volion, and that can be known. a. Realism/Postposivism c. evoluon b. Po Posivism d. Convenonalism 18. The embodiment o the systemac systemac and scienc study, study, appreciaon and applicaon o indigenous knowledge or,o and by the Filipinos o the own psychological makeup, society and culture, rooted in historical past, ethnic diversity, and the dynamic interacon o Filipinos with the orces and outside their physical boundaries. a. Filipino Psychology c. Western Psychology b. Philippine Philippine Ps Psycho ychology logy d. Eastern Eastern Psycholo Psychology gy 19. Theory that emphasizes our capacity capacity or personal growth, deve development lopment o our potenal, and reedom to choose our desny. a. Humanisc Theory c. Personal Construct Theory b. SelSel-th theor eory y d. Social Social Learni Learning ng Theory Theory 20. The smallest social systemsystem- a system system composed o only two individuals. individuals. a. Dyad c. squad b. Triad d. mono 21. Aer a parental parental scolding the girl takes her anger out to his brother brother.. a. Displacement c. Reacon ormaon b. Su Sublimaon d. Idencaon 22. Transacons Tr involves involv contract, with apparent apparenc.t deep personal commitments commitments and aachments. aachments. a.ansacons Social Social syst system em es ace to ace contract, Intera Interac con on Level Level b. Socio-cultural level d. Interpersonal 23. The complex whole which includes the knowledge, art, belie belie,, moral, laws, customs and and other capabilies and habits acquired by man as a member o the society. a. System c. Values b. Cu Culture d. social instuon 24. It is mans management management o his prolonged prolonged childhood. childhood. a. Child Spacing c. Child Rearing b. Child Development d. Childhood year 25. The therapy is a joint venture involving both the client and the therapis therapist. t. In social work pracce, this reers to the client-worker relaonship in the helping process. a. Non direcve therapy c. Direcve therapy b. Person-centered therapy d. Client-centered therapy 26. The process were were where a person’s person’s behavior changes as a result result o being exposed to the behavior behavior o another person, the model is


a. Observaonal Learning c. Symbolic Modeling b. Li Live Modeling d. Modeling 27. This theory ocuses on a childs development in terms o inormaon inormaon processing, conceptual conceptual resources, perceptual skill, language learning, and the other aspects o brain development compared compared to biological maturaon and environmental experience. a. Operant Reinorcement

c. Cognive Development

b. Learning Theory d. Moral Development 28. A value system system that denies the worth o other cultures and encourages rejecon rejecon o those brought up in dierent tradions. a. Ethnocentrism c. Cultural Relavism b. Egocentrism d. Cultural Universal 29. A theory which outlines on how persons develop and treat themselves, themselves, how persons relate and communicate with others and oers suggesons and intervenons which will enable them to change and grow. a. Moral development c. Force Field Analysis b. Transaconal Analysis d. Cognive Analysis 30. Which o the ollowing are are Piaget’s stages stages o development? development? a. Sensorimotor, Sensorimotor, Pre-opera Pre-operaonal, onal, Formal Formal operaona operaonal, l, Concrete Concrete Operaonal Operaonal b. Sensorimotor, Sensorimotor, P Pre-opera re-operaonal, onal, Operaonal, Operaonal, Formal Operaonal Operaonal c. Sensorimotor, Sensorimotor, Pre-opera Pre-operaonal, onal, Concrete Concrete Operaona Operaonal, l, Formal Formal Operaonal Operaonal d. Sensorimotor, Sensorimotor, Pre-operaona Pre-operaonal, l, Pre-concrete Pre-concrete Operaonal, Operaonal, Formal Formal Operaona Operaonall 31. In Pavlov’s Pavlov’s theory, theory, what is the condion response (CR and UCR)? a. Bell c. Salivaon b. Food d. dog 32. It holds that there could be no universal standar standard d to evaluate culture or norm as good or bad that each culture must be seen its own term. a. Cultural Universal c. Cultural Relavism b. Ethnocentrism d. Egocentrism 33. Which are the ollowing are are the stages o Chang Change e Process by Lewin? a. Unreezin Unreezing, g, Freezing, Freezing, Period Period o o Conusion Conusion & Tran Transio sion n b. Freezing, Freezing, Period Period o Conu Conusion sion & Tran Transion sion,, Freezing Freezing c. Unre Unreez ezing, ing, Freez Freezing ing,, F Fro roze zen n d. Unreezin Unreezing, g, Period Period o conusio conusion n & Tran Transio sion, n, Freezing Freezing 34. Reers Reers to the process o teaching an individual to understa understand nd and accept himsel as a person and a such to relate himsel to other people in a healthy, construcve and meaningul manner. a. Human Sexuality c. Courtship b. Ma Marriage d. Sex Educaon 35. Which o the ollowing are are the stages o Moral Moral Development? a. Pre- conve conveno nonal, nal, Conven Convenona onal, l, PostPost- convenona convenonall b. Pre-Con Pre-Conven venonal, onal, Post-con Post-conven venona onal, l, Conven Convenona onall c. Pre-Con Pre-Conven venonal, onal, Concret Concrete e Convenona Convenonal, l, Post Conven Convenona onall d. Conven Convenona onal, l, Concrete Concrete conveno convenonal, nal, Post Post Convenona Convenonall 36. It reers to the characteriscs characteriscs that that are common to all cultures. E.g. Hospitality is common to all but it varies in orm. a. Acculturaon

c. Sub- culture


b. Cultural Universal d. Cultural Relavism 37. Heinz should not steal the medicine medicine because the law proh prohibits ibits stealing, making it illegal or Heinz shou should ld steal the drug or his wie but also take the prescribed punishment or the crime as well as paying the druggist what he is owed. Criminal cannot just run around without regard or the law, acons have consequences. a. Maintaining Law and Order

c. Social Contract & Individual Rights

b. Obedience and Punishment d. Individualism & Exchange 38. The ingrained voice o authority or the tape recording; and the thought concept concept o lie. a. Child c. Adult b. Parent d. teacher 39. Who Am I” is the thing expressed and repeated repeated in countless varia variaons ons late adolescents, is reecve reecve o their alleged: a. Ideological crisis c. Interrupon crisis b. Identy crisis d. Instuonal crisis 40. The value orientaon which iners iners that nothing is taken taken or granted and that that all decisions are made by reasoning rom cause and eect is reerred to as: a. Pe Personalism c. pragmasm b. Ra Raonalism d. Universalism 41. A eeling o conusion, anxiety, anxiety, and rustraon when they see that their deeply held belie and values are violate. a. Culture Shock c. Pragmasm b. Acculturaon d. Universalism 42. According to Piaget, Piaget, the preliminary accomplishment during the rs rstt period o cognive development as early as two months o age up to one year is characterized as reerring to the development o: a. Ability to imitate c. Language b. Concepts about objects d. Memory o sounds 43. Explains personality, personality, movaons and psychological psychological disorders, by ocusing on the inuence on early childhood experiences, unconscious unconscious moves and conicts, and on the methods people use to cope with their sexual and aggressive ways. a. Contemporary Psychoanalysis c. Classical Psychoanalysis b. Humanis Humaniscc Ps Psych ychology ology d. Ego Ps Psych ychology ology 44. A whole, a unit, composed o people and their interacons, including their relao relaonships. nships. a. System c. Instuon b. Culture d. Holon 45. Heinz should steal the medicine because his wie expects it; he wants wants to be a good husband or Heinz should not steal the drug because stealing is bad and he is not a criminal; he tried to do everything he could without breaking the law, you cannot blame him. a. Obedience & Punishment c. Good Interpersonal Relaonships b. Social Contract & Individual Rights d. Universal Principles 46. Each level in a system aces aces both ways, toward toward the smaller systems o which it is composed and toward toward the larger system o which it is a part. a. Re Recip cipro rocit city y b. En Entr trop opy y

c.. Ste Stead ady y st stat ate e d. Holo Holon n


47. The total condion o circumstances circumstances surrounding surrounding the individual and consisng o a combinaon o extrinsic physical condions condions as well as the social, cultural condions that inuence the human being’s growth and development. a. Resources c. Environment b. Social Reality d. social Processes 48. An approach or analyzing analyzing the structure o the personality by measuring, idenying and classiying similaries and dierences dierences and personality characteriscs characteriscs or traits. a. Traits Theory c. behavioral approach b. A Atude d. individualism 49. Personality Personality is a product and container container o each ancestral ancestral history shaped and to the present orm by the cumulave experiences o the past operaon extending ar back into the dim o unknown origins o humans. a. Personology c. Interpersonal Theory b. Humanisc Psychology d. Analysc Theory 50. A closed circle around selected variables variables where there is less interchange o energy or communica communicaon on across the circle than there is within the circle. a. Boundary c. output b. Input d. eedback loops 51. Explains that the oremost oremost source o human movaon movaon is striving or superiority which is universal drive to adopt, improve onesel, and master lie’s challenges. a. Ego psychology c. Individual psychology b. Feminine psychology d. Personology 52. This stage lasts or eighteen eighteen months o lie and is a me when the inant’s inant’s pressures seeking a centered centered on the mouth. a. Ph Phallic stage c. Anal Stage b. Oral stage d. Latency 53. It is the type o learning in which an individual’s, individual’s, behaviors is modied b by y each consequences. a. Operant Condioning c. rewards & punishment b. Repeve Reinorcement d. classical condioning 54. Reers Reers to reciprocity o expectaons expectaons between role partner partnerss which is needed i a system system is to enjoy some stability and integraon. a. Role cluster c. Role Complimentary b. Role complementary d. Role congruity 55. It orms rom the eternal reacons and eeling eeling to external events and the Felt concept o lie. a. Adult c. child b. Parent d. inants 56. Heinz stole the medicine because he believe that saving a human lie is more undamenta undamentall value than the property rights or another person or Heinz should not steal the medicine because others may need the medicine just a as badly, and their live are equally signicant. This reers to? a. Obedience & Punishment c. Good Interpersonal relaonships b. Universal Principles d. Maintaining the social order 57. During this stage adolescence adolescence and adults develop to think about and solve abstra abstract ct problems in a logical manner. a. Pre-operaonal thought

c. Formal Operaonal thought


b. Sonsorimotor d. Concrete Operaonal thought 58. Explains the persuasive pressures pressures that encourage encourage members o a parcular society or ethnic group to conorm to shared behaviors, values and belies. a. Culture Theory c. ethnic Theory b. Society Theory d. behavioral Theory 59. Stascal Stascal study o the characterisc characterisc o human populaons especially with reerence reerence to size and density, density, growth and distribuon, migraon and vital stascs. a. Populaon c. Size b. De Demography d. Populaon Data 60. Reers Reers to relaons between micro systems or connecons betw between een context. E.g. Children whose parents parents have rejected them may difculty developing posive relaonships with teacher. a. Ex Exosystems c. Macrosystems b. Chronosystems d. Mesosystems 61. During Condioning, what what are the uncondioned uncondioned smuli? a. Bell and Foods c. salivaon & Doge b. Foods and Salivaon d. Bell & Salivaon 62. The study o the individual and his or her acilies and reacons to the reac reacons ons to the environment and the spaal relaonship between them, with the realizaon that social behavior a orm o adaptaon to the environment is known as: a. Sociology c. Populaon Development b. Anthropology d. Human Ecology 63. A system in which power and authority authority are arbitrarily vested in the male head o the household. a. Tradional amily c. Patriarchy b. Nuclear amily d. Biological amily 64. A more democrac orm orm in which both husband and wie contribut contribute e to the amily’s economic reso resources, urces, share authority and decision making, and working together in child rearing. a. Equal-partner marriage c. Cohabing couple b. Pa Patri triar arch chy y d. Nucle Nuclear ar a amil mily y 65. The suracing o iniaves or intend o groups groups within the opposion and some administra administrave ve legislators to amend the constuon. a. Charter change c. People Power b. Polical Problems d. Constuonal Assembly 66. The external aspect o dignity. dignity. May reer to how other people judge a person o his worth. a. Da Dangal c. karangalan b. Puri d. kagandahang-loob 67. In this approach, one uses groping or mixture o eelings as well as circumstances circumstances to jusy his instrucon and to the lie li e o his parcipants. a. Pakiramdam c. Pakapa-kapa b. Pagtatanong-tanong d. panunuluyan 68. The Filipino Family Code is an example example o our current: a. Social acon c. Social network b. Social services d. Social legislaon 69. According tp Piaget, the primary accomplishment accomplishment during the rst period o cognive developm development ent as early as two months o age up to one year is characterized as reerring to the development o: a. Ability to imitate c. language


b. Concepts about objects d. memory o sounds 70. According to psychoanalyc psychoanalyc theory, theory, that system o the personality concerned with right and wrong is called the: a. Ego c. Insnct b. Superego d. Id 71. The creaons o alliances alliances with neighborhood and the help helping ing atude whenever one is in dire need. a. Kapit-bisig c. Kaparan b. Bayanihan d. Ka-barangay 72. They are the people who have ask or the worker’s worker’s services, those who are expected to benet rom the services, and those who have entered into an explicit contract with the worker. a. Change agent system c. target system b. Client system d. acon system 73. The science o helping adults. a. Andr Andrag agog ogy y c. ad adul ulte tery ry b. Ge Gerontology d. old age 74. A process where by members o a minority group acquire the socio-0cultural socio-0cultural paerns o a dominant group and gradually become absorbed by it, there is cultural usion-the blending a values, atudes and belie. a. Amalgamaon c. Acculturaon b. Assimilaon d. Accommodaon 75. It is the midpoint o personality, personality, around which all the other systems are cons constellated. tellated. It holds the syst system em together and provides the personality with unity, equilibrium, and stability. a. Sel-esteem c. Sel   b. Sel- image d. sel- control 76. It reers to the ability to undertake undertake revoluons and uprisings against a common enemy enemy.. a. Pakikibaka c. Pakikitungo b. Pakikilahok d. Pakikisama 77. Aer Condioning, what what is the condion smulus? smulus? a. Dog c. bell b. Food d. Salivaon 78. A our lie posion where a person eel good about hersel hersel but see others as damage or less than and it is usually not healthy. a. I’m Ok, You’re Ok c. I’m not Ok, You’re not Ok b. I’m Ok, You’re not Ok d. I’m not Ok, You’re Ok 79. Leadership climate, climate, which is characterized characterized by a policy determined through collecve process processes es with decisions assisted by the leader. Member are given chooses and collecvely decide the division o labor. a. Authoritarian c. democrac b. Laissez aire d. none o the 3 80. The major component o the Filipino core value kapw kapwa a as dene a shared ideny interacng interacng on an equal basis with a ellow human being. a. Pakikisama

c. Pakikipagkapwa

b. Smooth Interpersonal Relaonship d. Pakikiisa 81. Erikson has considered considered the development o a sense o industry as a crucial theme o late adulthood, without this child develops. a. Feeble-mindedness

c. Fixaon


b. Feeling o ineriority and inadequacy d. amily disorganizaon 82. It describes the displacement o energy rom the more primive, insncve, insncve, and less dierenated dierenated processes to highly cultural. Spiritual, and more dierenated process is.. E.g. when energy is withdrawn rom the sex drive and invested in religious values. In this case, religious work replaces sexual work. a. Symbolizaon c. Reacon b. Su S ublimaon d. repression 83. It reers to a system system o behavior and psychological psychological processes occurring within a group or between social social groups, such as norms, relaons, common goals, percepons, atudes, opinions and behaviors. a. Group acvies b. Change process c. Group dynamics d. Leadership Climate 84. It has the ability to think and determine determine acon or themselv themselves; es; and the Thought conc concept ept lie. a. Adult dult c. Chil ild d b. Parent d. Teacher 85. It is the paerning o environmental environmental events and transions ov over er the lie course, as well as socio-historical circumstances, E.g. Divorces are one transions a. Ecosystems c. Chronosystems b. Mesosystems d. Macrosystems 86. It is the unique paern o characteriscs characteriscs that emerges rom the blending o inherited and acquired tendencies to make each person an idenable individual. a. Projecon c. Public Image b. Personality Development d. Persona 87. A person who usually encounters traumac traumac experiences retreat retreatss to an earlier e arlier stage o development. E.g. A young married woman who has difcules with his difcules with her husband may return to the security o her parents’ home or a man who has lost his job may seek comort in drinking. This is… a. Projecon c. Regression b. Re Repression d. Denial 88. The basic conict aced aced by people in their middle age or adulthood (35-60)is: a. Trust vs mistrust c. Generavity versus stagnaon b. Integrity vs despair d. Inmacy versus Isolaon 89. The common wisdom is that “many hands make make light work” (proverb) “too many cook cookss spoiled the broth” may also come to mind. You may have a personal experience o working on a project with our other students and been rustrated rustrated that one person does not pull the weight. This phenomenon is.. a. Social acilitaon c. Social invesgaon b. Social loang d. Social Integraon 90. A Malayan mood disorder called Austronesian Austronesian Mood Disorder, Disorder, in which a person sudden loss control o himsel and goes into killing renzy. a. Bangungot c. Depression b. Am Amok d. Schizophrenia 91. According to Freud, Freud, Psychological Psychological unconing based on reality in which pleasure principle is delayed unl an opmum me. a. Moral principle c. Reality principle b. Psychological principle d. Pleasure principle 92. Second Force in Psychology Psychology, which based on the work o Sigmund Freud and ocus on mental orces. orces. a. Behaviorism c. Dynamism


b. Humanism d. Psychodynamic/Psychoanalysis 93. The ounder o Psychology Psychology and advocate that it is the study o the consciousness. a. William James c. Sigmund Freud b. William Wundt d. John B. Watson 94. A type o eclipse that occurs occurs when the Moon passes betw between een the Sun and Earth, and and the Moon ully or parally blocks the Sun. a. Sun eclipse c. Solar eclipse b. Moon eclipse d. Sun-Moon eclipse 95. The concept o init and lamig and how the blending blending o these two can resu result lt in illness, especially rheumasm. a. Usog c. Usog b. Hilot d. Pasma 96. They are the people who are seen using slight-o-hand slight-o-hand operaons to remove remove tumors and diseased ssue. They are seen scking their hands into the paent’s paent’s body extracng bloody human esh leaving the paent scar ree. a. Psychic doctors c. Psychic surgeons b. Ps Psyc ychic hic healer healerss d. Baba Babayla ylan n 97. While Feud’s Feud’s theory o personality development development is characterized as Psychosexua Psychosexual, l, Erikson’s Erikson’s model is regarded as: a. Humanisc c. Behaviorist b. Psychosocial d. Bio-Social 98. The stage characterized characterized by play and ancipaon ancipaon o roles. a. Inancy c. Genital stage b. Pre-school age d. school age 99. The stage where keys tasks tasks are to adjust to looses, death o others, maintaining outside interest interestss and adjusng to rerement. a. Middle age c. Adolescence b. Young adulthood d. Later lie 100. The st stage age where where a rm sense sense o ident identy y is developed developed by having having the the capabil capability ity o commi comming ng to a partnership, an afliaon and an inmate relaonship with other. a. Young adulthood c. Adolescence b. Later Lie d. Middle adulthood

HUMAN BEHAVIOR AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT 1. “Who Am I” it is the thing expressed and repeated repeated in countless countless variaons variaons late adolescents, adolescents, is reecve reecve o their alleged: a. Ideological crisis c. Interrupon crisis b. Identy crisis d. Instuonal crisis


2. The total total condion o circumstances circumstances surrounding surrounding the the individual and and consisng consisng o a combinaon combinaon o extrinsic physical condions condions as well as the social, cultural condions that inuence the human being’s growth and development. a. Re Resources c. Environment b. Social Reality d. Social processes 3. Maslow’s Maslow’s hierarchy hierarchy o human needs needs idenes idenes this needs needs idened idened this need as the lowest: lowest: a. Es Esteem b. Belongingness and Love

c. Physiological d. Sel-Actualizaon

4. In Skinner’s theory, theory, behaviors behaviors that appear without without being specically specically associated associated with any prior smuli and are studied in relaon to the reinorcing events that ollow them. a. Condioned smuli c. Uncondioning Uncondioning smuli b. Operants d. Uncondioned response 5. According to to the psychoanalyc psychoanalyc theory, theory, that system system o the personality personality concerned concerned with right and and wrong is called the: a. Ego c. Insnct b. Superego d. Id 6. The connues to ocus ocus inappropriat inappropriately ely on the needs o the cert certain ain stage stage o development development is said person to be: whom connues a. Gr Graed c. Immobilized b. Frustrated d. Fixated 7. The child experiences experiences the conict conict between between trust trust versus versus mistrust mistrust during this phase: phase: a. Puberty c. Latency b. Anal d. Oral 8. An array array o psychological psychological devices devices that uncons uncons as oil against against danger danger to the the sel: a. Discriminaon c. Dierenal diagnosis b. Deense Mechanism d. Drug abuse 9. The stage stage at which the individu individual al experienc experience e identy identy versus versus role conusion conusion is a. Pu Puberty c. Adolescence b. Old age d. Latency 10. A process, emphasized by Ivan Paylov, Paylov, in which a previously neutral smulus becomes capable o elicing a response because o its associaon with a smulus that automacally produces the same or a similar response. a. Classical condioning c. Operant Condioning b. Behavior Behavior Modica Modicaon on d. Smulus-R Smulus-Respon esponse se theory theory 11. The basic conict aced aced by people in their middle age or adulthood (35-60) is: a. Trust versus mistrust c. Generavity versus stagnaon b. Integrity versus despair d. Inmacy versus Isolaon 12. Acvies or behavior related related to various roles that the individual has to perorm in interacon interacon with others: a. Role perormance c. Social process b. Socializaon d. Social unconing 13. The state o strain that that may be physical or psyc psychological hological a. Stress c. Fague b. Worry d. Discomort 14. The release and reeing o emoon through talking about one’s one’s problems.


a. Up Upliment c. Catharsis b. Elaon d. Praxis 15. A psychologic psychological al injury a. Sgm Sgma a c. Tra raum uma a b. Conict d. Disability 16. The individual or the collecve maniestaon maniestaon o the persons sexuality sexuality capacity or inmacy, inmacy, his/her sexual identy, capability and interpersonal inuence. a. Sereproducon xuality c. Abnormal sexuality b. Genital sexuality d. Human sexuality 17. Unconscious, intensied intensied eelings o being insignicant, insecur insecure e or unable to cope with lie. a. Superiority complex c. Ineriority Complex b. Insecurity d. Martyr complex 18. In Feudian thought, this reers reers top sychological sychological unconing based on the pursuit o pleasure and avoidance o pain. a. Ethical principle c. Reality principle b. Moral principle d. Pleasure principle 19. The psychological psychological term or the energy associated rst rst with the lie insncts and later with the sexual insncts. a. Stamina c. Viagra b. Vigor d. Libido 20. The process o which one internalizes the paerns paerns o group so that a disnct sel emerges unique to the individual. a. Social control c. Insnct b. In Instuons d. Socializaon 21. The part o psyche whose principle role is to mediate between insnctual insnctual demands and the condions imposed by the objecve world. a. Id c. Superego b. Ego d. Mind 22. Hosle behavior behavior intended to inict harm upon upon others: a. Aggression c. Regression b. Re Repression d. Oppression 23. The emoonal problems o a pregnant woman that that can aect the cours course e o the pregnancy. pregnancy. a. Child rearing c. pre-natal inuence b. Child spacing d. Responsible parenthood 24. A key concept in Carl Roger’s theory o personality, personality, it reers to the sel-concept the individual would most like to possess: a. Ego c. Ideal sel   b. Pr Propium d. Individuality 25. The technique and strategy strategy or regulang behavior behavior in society: a. Group Group pr proce ocesse ssess c. Struct Structur ure e b. Social control d. Acculturaon 26. Proponent o o Cotemporary Cotemporary Psychoanalyc Psychoanalyc Theory or Ego Psychology Psychology a. Sigmund Freud c. Erick Fromm b. Ca Carl Jung d. Erik Erikson 27. Proponent o Humanisc Humanisc Psychology Psychology or known in his Hierarchy o Needs a. Albert Bandura c. Abraham Maslow


b. Carl Jung 28. Proponent o Individual Psycho Psychology logy a. Alred Adler

d. Erik Fromm

b. Carl Jung 29. Proponent o Feminine Psychology Psychology

d. Erik Fromm

a.. C Iv Ivaarnl JPuanvglov b 30. Proponent o Social Learning Learning Theory a. Albert Bandura b. Carl Rogers 31. Proponent o Analyc Psychology Psychology a. Alred Adler b. Gordon Allport 32. Proponent o Interpersonal Interpersonal Theory a. Harry Stack Sullivan b. Henry Murray 33. Proponent o Sel Theory or Person Person Centered Theory Theory

am ren Horney d. Erik Fcr.oKm

a Alorre b.. Al G dd onAd Allelprort 34. Proponent o Operant Operant Reinorcement Reinorcement Theory a. Alred Adler b. Burhhus Skinner 35. Proponent o o Psychology Psychology o Individuals. a. Gordon Allport b. Raymond Catell 36. Proponent o Personology Personology Theory a. Albert Bandura b. Ivan Pavlov 37. Proponent o Classical Classical Condioning Theory

c. Abraham Maslow

c. Gordon Allport d. Erik Fromm c. Abraham Maslow d. Carl Jung c. Abraham Maslow c. Erik Fromm

rl Rogers d. Erik Fcr.oCmam c. Albert Bandura d. Henry Murray c. Erick Fromm d. Alred Adler c. Henry Murray d. Erik Fromm

a hauvslo Skvinner b.. B Iv IvuarnhP 38. Proponent o o Personal Personal Construct Theory Theory a. Ge G eorge Kelly b. Albert Bandura 39. Proponent o Learning Learning Theory a. Albert Bandura b. Ludwig Binswanger 40. Proponent o Existenal Existenal Psychology. Psychology. a. Jean Piagets b. Er Eric Berne 41. Proponent o Existenal Existenal Psychology Psychology

c. Carl Rdo.gGeersorge Kelly

a Rraiycm b.. Er E Bo ernngeCael 42. Proponent o Factor Factor Analysis Analysis a. Je Jean Piagets

c.. TGheoom d rgaes KHeallryris

c. Jean Piagets d. Dollard and Miller c. Dollard and Miller d. Erik Fromm c. Ludwig Binswanger d. Carl Rogers

c. Eric Berne


b. Thomas Harris 43. Proponent o Moral Moral Development Development a. Thomas Harris b. Erik Berne 44. Proponent o Transacon Transaconal al Development a. Er Eric Berne b. Lawrence Kohlberg 45. Proponent o Group Group Dynamics and Force Force Field Analysis a. Erik Berne b. Kurt Lewin 46. Proponent o Classical Classical Psychoanalysis Psychoanalysis Theory a. Sigmund Freud b. Er Erik Erikson 47. Proponent o o Social Psychological Psychological Theory Theory a. Julian Roer b. Jean Piagets 48. Proponent o Expectancy Expectancy Reinorcement Reinorcement Value Model a. Henry Murray

d. Lawrence Kohlberg c. Kurt Lewin d. Lawrence Kohlberg c. Kurt Lewin d. Thomas Harris c. Henry Murray d. Roer and Mischel c. Carl Jung d. Carl Rogers c. Lawrence Kohlberg d. Erik Fromm c. Julian Roer

b. Er Erik ik From Fromm m d. Carl Carl Ju Jung ng 49. Author o the best-selling book, I’m Ok, You’re You’re Ok. a. Thomas Harris c. Eric Berne b. Julian Roer d. Lawrence Kohlberg 50. According to to Rogers, the ulmate ulmate goal o each person is a. Fully beauul person c. To be a great person b. Fully unconing person d. To become successul person 51. Those thoughts, eelings and experiences experiences o which we are momentarily unawa unaware re but can readily bring into awareness. a. Preconscious c. Conscious b. Subconscious d. Unconscious 52. The part o the personality structure that renders renders judgment on the acceptability o thoughts, e eelings elings and acons. a. Id c. Personality b. Superego d. Ego 53. While Freud’s Freud’s theory o personality development development is characterized characterized as psychosexual, psychosexual, Erikson’s Erikson’s model is regarded as: a. Hu Humanisc c. Behaviorist b. Ps Psychosocial d. Bio-social 54. A person who exhibit behavior paerns o anxiety, anxiety, inner tensions, restlessness, inadequacy inadequacy,, lack o concentraon and abnormal ears when conronted with trying situaons and difcules in lie. a. Ps Psychoc c. Sociopath b. Psychoneuroc d. Alcoholics 55. Compeon o a son with ather ather or mother’s mother’s love. a. Idencaon c. Oedipal complex b. Electra complex d. Rivalry 56. A specic paern o behavior behavior and atudes which one as assumes sumes in specic situaons situaons in his/ her relaonship with others.


a. Socializaon c. Social reality b. Social role d. Social processes 57. It is the unique paern o characterisc characterisc that emerges rom the blending o inherited and acquired tendencies to make each person an idenable individual. a. Personality c. Public Image b. Personality Development d. Persona 58. This is coined by Arne Naess, a Norwegian ecological philosopher. philosopher. It emphasizes the moral responsibility o human being to engage in nonviolent, sustainable liestyles and social behavior, based on a respect and spiritual awareness o the inherent worth o the enre planet. a. Deep Ecology c. Environmental Ecology b. Human Ecology d. Earth Ecology 59. Represents Represents wishes, desires, or thoughts that, because o their disturbing or threatening threatening content, content, we automacally repress and cannot voluntarily access. a. Consc Consciou iouss c. Uncons Unconscio cious us b. Pr P reconscious d. Brain Damage 60. According to Freud, Freud, the rst ____ o the child is very important in personality developmen development. t. a. 10 years c. 5 years b. 3 years d. 7 years 61. Jung disagreed with Freud, Freud, the rst ______ o the child is very importan importantt in personality developm development. ent. a. Unconscious orces c. Child development b. Sex drive d. Ego 62. Freud enumerated enumerated the methods to uncover the unconscious unconscious processes, exc except ept one; a. Dream analysis c. Free associaon b. Slips o the tongue d. Dream interpretaon 63. It reers to voluntarily postponing postponing an immediate reward and connuing to complete some task with the promise o a uture reward. a. Delay o gracaon c. Purposeul behavior b. Fixaon d. Psychological crisis 64. It reers to various personality, personality, amily or environmental environmental actors that compensate or increased lie stresses so that expected problems do not develop. a. Vulnerability c. Family Unity b. Resiliency d. strong amily es 65. A behavioral disorder, disorder, more oen seen in individuals with mental retardaon which involv involves es eang inedible objects or unhealthy subst substances. ances. a. Pica c. parasic b. Pita d. Stomach Ache 66. It is the process by which a child old methods methods or experiences top deal with new situ situaon aon a. Assimilaon c. Experimentaon b. Accommodaon d. Learning 67. During this Cognive Development Development stage, children can per perorm orm a number o logical mental operaons on concrete objects. a. Sensorimotor c. Concrete Operaons b. Preoperaonal d. Formal Operaons 68. It reers to the act that that even that even though the shape o some object or substance is changed, the total amount remains the same. a. Conservaon c. Object permanence


b. Pr Preservaon d. assimilaon 69. It is the process by which a child changes changes old methods to deal with or adjus adjustt to new situaons. a. Preservaons c. Assimilaons b. Accommodaons d. Conservaon 70. This is maniested through through the act o generosity or kabuhan. Display Display o this value must have no move same that o kindness and inherent graciousness. a. Kalayaan c. Pakikipag-kapwa tao b. Kagandahang-loob d. Pakikibagay 71. It is the implementaon o jusce and shields one rom alse accusa accusaon. on. It is the core o karapatan. a. Ka Katwiran c. katarungan b. Ka K atotohanan d. kalayaan 72. It implies a concensus or an argument argument among all pares involved involved in a situaon. a. Pa Pagkakaisa c. Kalayaan b. Kapayapaan d. Pakikisama 73. It means airness and the giving i equal treatment it everyone, rich or poor, poor, powerul or weak. a. Ka Kalayaan c. Katotohanan b. Pa Pakik kikisa isama ma d. kata katarun runga gan n 74. It is interpreted as reedom reedom and license to do as one pleases. O Oenmes, enmes, it is measured with within in the parameters o exisng rules and regulaon o social norms and resources. a. Ka Karangalan c. Kalayaan b. Ka Katarungan d. Katotohanan 75. It is the external maniestaon maniestaon o karangalan. karangalan. This is given to the person in recognion o a sterling quality or accomplishment. accomplishment. a. Dangal c. Kagandahang-loob b. Puri d. Kalayaan 76. This is accepng and dealing with the person as an equal. It is also reers reers to humanness at its highest level. a. Pakikipagkapwa c. Pakikisalamuha b. Kagandahang-loon d. Pakikisangkot 77. A amily orm in which the roles o husband and wie are clearly separate separate and the husband monopolizes power and makes the major amily decisions. a. Equal-partner marriage c. Tradional Family b. Patriarchy d. Nuclear Family 78. Needs that have to do with psychological psychological well-being, sensing that one belongs, experiencing sel-esteem, sel-esteem, and ullling one’s development potenal. a. Development needs c. Parcipaon needs b. Survival needs d. Protecon needs 79. Folkways Folkways that involve involve moral or ethical values. values. a. Norm c. Mores b. Belie d Values 80. A type o behavior that is organized and repeve. repeve. It does not require strict compliance. a. Folkways c. Mores b. Customs d. Norm 81. It is the vehicle or the transer o meaning between the component o a cultural cultural system and between one culture system to another culture. a. Values c. Language


b. Belies

d. Customs

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