Augu Au gust st 4th Example: Asking questions as an interview. - Learn by doing - Co Com mmu muni nica cati tive ve ap appr proa oach ch - et up o o!! gr group oups s in or order der to cat cater er !!or or m mix ixed ed lleve evels ls - Ad Adap aptt th the e ac acti tivi vity ty d dep epen endi ding ng o on n th the e le leve vell - "o "ode dell qu ques esti tion ons s !o !orr b beg egin inne ners rs C#EC$ Education departmen departmentt o! %A & 'irst steps 'oundation housing %hat makes a language classroom di(erent) Techniques:: diversity to address !our macro skills & Techniques •
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* *eaching eaching !or meaning + !!ocusing ocusing on e(ective comm communication, unication, not on per!ect representation. representation. 'ocus on understanding each other on daily situations. nderstand and be understood. "ore interactive. "ore interaction with students. "ore discussions, checking in !rom the teacher, seeking responses, !eedback !rom students. 'eedback-loop. Lots o! sca(olding. "ore modelling !rom the teacher. "odelling+ providing samples&example. 'ocusing on particular sections o! a paragraph dissect&br dissect&breaking eaking down sentences/. Ask !or understanding !rom students. #ighly structured and easy o(. ca(olding: digestionable chunks o! in!ormation. Approximating: Appro ximating: not expecting the per!ect sentence at the start the climate could be described as0/. 1t means recogni2ing when students write 3weather 4 hot5, they are approximating though support so as to achieve greater mastery and produce ideal text.
Our expectations: expectations: %e must not assume students have the proper language skills !or certain tasks&techniques. Expect to understand students, not pretend per!ection. 6ot underestimating students7 skills. trength-based approach: students are seen as strong, resilient, power!ul. 8e9cit-based approach: what teachers think o! students. *eachercentered classroom. Agency: students having agency C#EC$/. ersonal empowerment to take control. ;elated to autonomous learning. * *ap ap on personal e experience xperience and str strengths: engths: during speci9c activit activities ies •
Learner centered approaches approaches:: students may have di(erent strengths within same skills level ;educed teacher talking time ***/ •
TESOL Techniques
Integration of 4 skills: skills: challenge that is highly linked to all previous categories "ore connected to real-li!e situations, thus making sure we cover all !our macro skills Create tasks to replicate the real world •
6ame Lobna
Lisa "aree
ear >ear ?: look through through Aussie animal, their habitat and eating hab habits. its. %hat do animals look like. Later, they do group discussion. orting by categories Augu Au gust st ! th • podcast/
Cult o! pedagogy podcast/
*he %ire %ire *< show 4 eason @ young people on the s streets/ treets/ http:&&
LEA;6E; A*=6=">
"ear Laughter and good energy and exchange o! opinions. "ore receptive. Laugh at mistakes uilding relationships
#eel *eacher: *eacher: know ho how w di(erent levels o o!! autonomy stud students ents have E.g.: grouping students according to levels
Strategies se o! real world materials and tailor everything to the students
$eal %orld language learning 8evelop a program !or workers that are in transition. etting up a meeting with manager. ocial enterprise
TESOL Techniques Buestions !or EAL and digital technology technology:: -
#ow do we use them) r riv ivac acy y conc concer erns ns an and d rrel elat ated ed ttop opic ics s 8igital citi2enship resources resources digitalciti2enship/
Classroo& Apps - 8ig igit ital al s sto torrytel ytelli ling ng::
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