TESCO How Training and Development Support Business Growth Answers
November 19, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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TESCO: How training and development support business growth 1 .Explain the diference between training and development. How have changes in customer expectations afected Tesco and its need to train staf !iference between training and development Training Training is the acquisition of knowledge and skills in order for a person to carry out a specic task or job, Whereas Development is about helping the person grows and extends their abilities Training and development are two di!erent processes but inter"linked with each other Training is a short term process consisting of an event but development indicates the gradual and long term process relevant to the growth of personality and maturity regarding their potential capabilities The scope of training is limited to specic job# development serves the purpose of general knowledge and covers large area $enerally, the characteristics such as to improve the productivity, quality of service, organi%ational climate, health and safety are are in incl clud uded ed in tr trai aini ning ng pu purp rpos oses es Th The e ex exte tens nsio ion n in ca capa pabi bili liti ties es,, jo job b performance and personal growth with the passage of time are the main objectives of development
Customer expectation efect Tesco and its training needs &ere we sh &er show ow that that Tes esco co pr prim imar ary y ai aim m is to se serv rve e the the cu cust stom omer er Th The e trai traini ning ng an and d de deve velo lopm pmen entt pr prog ogra ram m is ba base sed d on the the idea idea to prov provid ide e excel ex cellen lentt ser servi vices ces to the cus custom tomers ers and per perfor form m all the re relev levant ant tas tasks ks inside or outside the store in a professional manner 'nother orientation of this this pr prog ogra ram m le leads ads to the the gr grow owth th of bu busi sine ness ss be beca caus use e prof profes essi sion onal al activ act iviti ities es and pr prope operr cus custom tomer er car care e ar are e the key fac factor tors s to att attrac ractt the customers (ustomers are the most important entity in business premises that)s why customer expectations have the ability to change the business strategy strat egy of orga organi%at ni%ation ion The custo customer) mer)s s exp expectat ectations ions such as lik like e and dislik dis like, e, di! di!er erent ent dem demand ands, s, sec secur ure e and hea health lthy y atm atmosp ospher here e and goo good d services give condence to the customers and make them happy To fulll the above customer)s expectations, there is a denite need to train the sta! and to achieve the business target as well The main purpose of training and development program is not only to satisfy the customers but to support business growth as well.
". #ist the methods o$ training carried out b% Tesco. !escribe how training needs are identi&ed. *asically, Tesco o!ers two types of training to the employees to improve the performance and business growth •
On-the-job training
Off-the-job training
+n"the"job training includes the following methods already ady in job Shadowing: The employee is guided by the person alre
Coaching: 'ny appointed sta! member or manager will help trainees work and inspire them to nd solution 'entoring: 'n experienced member of sta! plays the role of an adviser (ob rotation: *y taking full responsibility on temporary or limited basis, the trainee has the chance to cover the target role n ge gene nera ral, l, tr trai aini ning ng ne need eds s are are id iden enti tie ed d afte afterr se sett ttin ing g the the tar targe gets ts in business to achieve To expand and diversify the business are the two main objectives behind Tesco)s training program The right person, in the right place, at right time is requir required ed to achieve the objectives *ased *ase d on the the bu busi sine ness ss tar targe gets ts to ac achi hiev eve, e, ther there e is a de den nit ite e ne need ed to identify the critical activities and to perform well in such activities in"store and an d no non" n"st stor ore e em empl ploy oyee ees s req equi uirre di di!e !erren entt ski skill lls s co comp mpet eten enci cies es Th The e empl em ploy oyee ees s wi with th wi wide de ra rang nge e of ski skill lls s are are mo morre -e -exi xibl ble e and too too mu much ch prod produc ucti tive ve fo forr bu busi sine ness ss gr grow owth th To ful full lll the the de dema mand nds s of di!e di!erren entt cust cu stom omer ers s in a ne newl wly y op open ened ed stor store e at ne new w lo loca cati tion on req equi uirres cl clea earr understanding of the customer prole in that area to select the stock The training process helps employees to carry out their jobs e!ectively based on cor corre rect ct kno knowle wledge dge,, ski skills lls,, und unders erstan tandin ding g and resour resources ces .mp .mploy loyees ees identify gaps between their knowledge and skills before starting training and development process
). *nal%se Tesco+s method o$ developing its emplo%ees. Consider the strengths and wea,nesses o$ such a programme.
).1 *nal%sis o$ !evelopment 'ethod Tesco)s Tesco)s development program for employees based on shared responsibility in which each trainee is responsible for his/her development The line manger provides any possible help according to the development needs identied by trainee Workshops are arranged for the coaching and guid gu idan ance ce of tr trai aine nee e n orde orderr to en ensu surre that that trai traine nee e is ge gett ttin ing g be best st,, performance is reviewed regularly based on the achievement evidences provided by trainee The line manager gives the feedback to improve the perf pe rfor orma manc nce e and em empl ploy oyee ee rev evie iew w his his de deve velo lopm pmen entt plan plan ba base sed d on fe feed edba back ck res esul ults ts 0or the the as asse sess ssme ment nt of sk skil ills ls an and d ab abil ilit itie ies s Tes esco co encourages employees to ask di!erent rel relevant evant questions
)." Strengths and -ea,nesses Strengths The personal development program provided by Tesco helps to improve the ski skill lls s and cap capabil abiliti ities es of emp employ loyees ees +n the bas basis is of dev devel elopm opment ent progr program am,, the the organ organi% i%at atio ion n pr prod oduc uces es em empl ploy oyee ees s wh who o are are pr prod oduc ucti tive ve,, valuable valua ble and mor more e posit positive ive for busine business ss enhanc enhancemen ement t To incr increase ease the moti mo tiva vati tion on of em empl ploy oyee ees, s, the the de deve velo lopm pmen entt prog progra ram m play plays s a ve very ry important impor tant role .mplo .mployees yees prove more e1ci e1cient ent to perfo perform rm their dutie duties s after having gone through the development procedur procedure e with lot of skills and greater responsibility
-ea,nesses The Tesco)s program to train the employees is quite e!ective and producing results &uge but still thereofare some really need to be good considered amount money is drawbacks being spentwhich to train the sta! to perform well for business growth To focus on specic market has become bec ome di1 di1cul cultt due to con contin tinuou uous s inc incre rease ase in geo geogra graphi phical cal spr spread ead n some som e mar marke kets ts Tesc esco o has ex expos posed ed to mac macrroec oecono onomic mic di1 di1cul cultie ties s The expan ex pansio sion n of thi this s pr progr ogram am on int inter ernat nation ional al level level re requi quire res s sub substa stanti ntial al investment and is very di1cult to manage as well There is some limit on growth in Tesco supermarkets due to government legislation in order to avoid high market share
. Evaluate the bene&ts $or Tesco in providing a structured training programme. To what extent do %ou thin, the training has achieved a /eturn on 0nvestment
.1 Tesco+s Structured Training rogram 2tructured training refers to techniques and methodologies which have been employed successfully to develop professional skills and enhance the prociency of employees employees to do the better job The main focus of structured training is to achieve the business objectives in terms of business growth and an d pr pro ot t The frequent performance feedback is employed to maintain this explicit task focus To achieve the benets of structured training, the employees must put into realistic scenario with necessary conditions set up to support a planned sequence of task performance
2ene&ts The structured training is an e!ective method to increase the business by prov provid idin ing g qu qual alit ity y se serv rvic ices es to the the cu cust stom omer ers s an and d to trai train n the the sta! sta! to perfor per form m all bus busine iness ss rele relevan vantt act activ iviti ities es in a profe professi ssiona onall man manner ner The e1ciency of employees has increased to a great extent due to training program They are in the position to deal any situation by utili%ing skills and abilities acquired by training The trained employees are the asset of organi%ation and their capabilities are increasing increasing with the passage passa ge of time
34 Training achievement on nvestment 5eturn The structured training program is very benecial for business growth by prov provid idin ing g go good od cu cust stom omer er se serv rvic ices es and othe otherr in in"s "sto torre and no non" n"st stor ore e business activities in a professional manner The net prot 6without tax7 is approximately 8 billion pounds, which is quite reasonable amount The total number of Tesco stores in 9: is over 4,4;; ranging from large .xtra hype hy perrmark arket sty style to sma malll Tes esc co .x .xpr pres ess s +n th the e ba basi sis s of su such ch developm devel opment ent and adv advanc ancem ement ents, s, str struct uctur ured ed progr program am has ach achiev ieved ed a 5eturn on nvestment to a great extant The sales volume is increasing day"by"day due to training infrastructure available in Tesco
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