Tes-Tes Laboratorium Pada Penyakit Infeksi & Tropis

November 29, 2017 | Author: Fina Ina Hamidah | Category: Medicine, Clinical Medicine, Immunology, Medical Specialties, Clinical Pathology
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Tes Lab pada Penyakit Infeksi & Tropis

Tes Darah Rutin pada Penyakit Infeksi Tropis  Pengamatan  


Eri, Leko Trombos Manifestasi: anemia, lekositosis atau lekopeni dan DIC*

 Lekositosis   

Umumnya Netrofil , bentuk muda  Netrofilia lanjutinfeksi kronik Netrofilia menghebat + sel mudareaksi leukemoid  Non-ganas

>25-30 x 10+3/l  Inflamasi, stress, trauma

*Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation May 29, 2013


Tes Darah Rutin pada Penyakit Infeksi Tropis 

Lekopeni 

Perubahan morfologik pd sepsis   

Döhle bodies Granula toksik vakuolisasi

Eosinofilia : 

May 29, 2013

Netropeni, mis Demam Tifoid, brucellosis Infeksi hebat netropeni hebat prognosis buruk

non-bakterial, biasanya alergi / infeksi parasit.


Tes Darah Rutin pada Penyakit Infeksi Tropis 

Anemia  

bisa timbul sekalipun cadangan besi cukup. Anemia akut: 

Anemia kronik, dengan  

May 29, 2013

perdarahan/ destruksi eritrosit (misalnya cold agglutinin sehubungan dengan Mycoplasma pneumoniae), cadangan besi yang normal atau meninggi di sistem retikuloendotelial penurunan besi dalam plasma serta penurunan TIBC (total iron-binding capacity).


Tes Darah Rutin pada Penyakit Infeksi Tropis 

Infeksi serius + bakteriemia

Gram negatif  DIC. (Gram pos jarang)  Trombos   PT memanjang  FDP   Fibrinogen  Trombosiopenia 

May 29, 2013

bisa juga menjadi tanda sepsis bakterial dan bisa bermanfaat dalam mengobservasi respon pasien terhadap terapi.


Lab Examinations in Dengue Fever (DF) 

Laboratory findings 

Hematology   

The diagnosis is made by Lab Tests  seroimmunology    

 

May 29, 2013

Leukopenia Thrombocytopenia serum aminotransferase (AST, ALT) elevations.

Hemagglutination Tests Complement Fixation Test Neutralization Test IgM ELISA or paired serology during recovery or

by antigen-detection ELISA or RT-PCR during the acute phase.

Virus is readily isolated from blood in the acute phase if mosquito inoculation or mosquito cell culture


Lab Examinations in Dengue Fever (DF) 

May 29, 2013

Hemagglutination Tests  Virus + Eri angsaagglutinasi Tes Negatif  Virus + serum (ada atb spesifik)tidak aglutinasiTes Positif  Virus + Eri + serum (tanpa atb spesifik) aglutiasi Tes negatif


Lab Examinations in Dengue Fever (DF) Specimen 1 


Pre 4th d < 1:20

Pre 5th d 50%: ipresent during shock WBC count  in 1/3 of patients. Coagulaive abnormalities  Thrombocytopenia (< l00,000/mL)  positive tourniquet test  prolonged PT.  Minimal proteinuria may be present.  AST levels may be moderately .  Serologic tests usually show high complement fixation antibody titers against flaviviruses, suggestive of a secondary immune response. 12

DHF pada Anak 

WHO clinical criteria for diagnosis of dengue hemorrhagic fever:  

  

May 29, 2013

acute onset of high, continuous fever lasts for 2 to 7 days hemorrhagic manifestations, including at least a positive tourniquet test and petechiae, purpura, ecchymoses, bleeding gums, hematemesis, or melena Hepatomegaly thrombocytopenia (< 100,000/mL); or hemoconcentration (Hct increased by > 20%) Those with dengue shock syndrome also have a rapid weak pulse with narrowing of the pulse pressure (< 20 mm Hg) or hypotension with cold, clammy skin and restlessness. 13

Herpes Simplex 

Laboratory tests are generally not necessary (viral cultures and Tzanck smear will confirm diagnosis in patients with atypical presentation) Antibody to appropriate serotype   

Tzanck preparation  

May 29, 2013

Seroconversion Increase Direct immunofluoroscent antibody slide tests (rapid diagnosis) Base of lesions Multinucleate giant cells


Tzanck cell

May 29, 2013


Herper Zoster 

May 29, 2013

Laboratory tests are generally not necessary (viral cultures and Tzanck smear will confirm diagnosis in patients with atypical presentation). The Tzanck preparation shows multinucleate giant cells for both varicella-zoster virus and HSV


Mumps 

Darah 

 

Lekopeni Serum amilase  dlm 10 hari Serologi   

Biakan 

Virus dari ludah 1-5 hari

Komplikasi   

May 29, 2013

Cold agglutinin  IgM , max 2 minggu, menetap 6-9 bln; kadar serum konvalesens 4x dpd serum akut Tes fiksasi komplemen thd atb positif minggu pertama

Inflamasi testis/ ovarium: lekositosis, LED  Pankreatitis: lekositosis, amylase, hiperglikemia Meningitis: sel LCS < 500/L, mononuclear; glukose normal, protein agak (20-125 mg/dL) 17

Morbilli (Measles, Rubeolla) 

Temuan laboratorium 

Darah  Lekosit , terutama limfo & segmen  lekositosissuperinfeksi bakterial  Serologi: EIA  

May 29, 2013

IgM: fase akut (± 1-2 hari) IgG : >10 hari

Sekret  Apusan + pulasan imunofluorosen  Pulasan Tzank: Multinucleated Giant Cells Biakan  Bahan: sekret resp & urin  Identifikasi: jaringan


Varicella 

Tes lab yang bisa dilakukan 

Sediaan apus  Bahan: kerokan dasar vesikel  Pulasan: TzankMultinucleated Giant Cells  Sensitivitas 60% Darah  Serologi:    

May 29, 2013

Titer atb serum konvalesen 4x dpd serum akut Hemaglutinasi Elisa Fama

PCR: deteksi DNA virus



HIV antibody detected by a twostep technique:  

May 29, 2013

ELISA as a sensitive screening test Confirmation of positive ELISA tests with the more specific Western blot technique


Molluscum Contagiousa 

Giemsa-stained 

May 29, 2013

shows inclusion bodies within many large cells or extracellularly


Verruca Vulgaris 

DNA typing: circular-doubelstranded, 8000 bp 

Cross-hybridization > 50% : type seperation  < 50%: subtype seperation 

May 29, 2013


Impetigo/ Pyoderma 

 

May 29, 2013

Generally not necessary Gram stain and C&S to confirm the diagnosis when the clinical presentation is unclear Sedimentation rate parallel to activity of the disease Anti-DNAse B and antihyaluronidase  Urinalysis: hematuria with erythrocyte casts and proteinuria in patients with acute nephritis 23

Difteri 

Diagnosis definitif tergantung pada isolasi C.diphtheriae yang diambil dari bahan di lesi-lesi lokal. Pihak laboratorium harus diberitahukan bahwa bahan disangka difteri agar pihak laboratorium Gram stains of secretions 

May 29, 2013

club-shaped organisms, appear as "Chinese letters" 24

Polio 

CSF:    

May 29, 2013

Aseptic meningitis Elevated WBCs Elevated protein Normal glucose


Salmonellosis/ Typhoid Fever 

Kultur   

Serologi 

May 29, 2013

Darah: positif dlm 10 hari pertama Tinja & Urin: positif dlm minggu 3-5 Sumsum tulang: Tes Widal: serum sembuh 4x dpd sakit

Darah rutin: Lekopeni 26

Kolera 

Isolasi vibrio cholerae dari bahan tinjaidentifikasi serogroup 01 atau 139 Serologi: 

May 29, 2013

tes agglutinasi menggunakan antiserum spesifik


Salmonellosis/ Typhoid Fever 

May 29, 2013

Other than a positive culture, no specific laboratory test is diagnostic for enteric fever. In 15 to 25% of cases, leukopenia and neutropenia are detectable. In the majority of cases, the white blood cell count is normal despite high fever. However, leukocytosis can develop in typhoid fever (especially in children) during the first 10 days of the illness, or later if the disease course is complicated by intestinal perforation or secondary infection.


Salmonellosis/ Typhoid Fever 

Other nonspecific laboratory results 

The diagnostic "gold standard" is a culture positive for S. typhi or S. paratyphi. 

May 29, 2013

Tests  (AP,GOT,GPT & LDH)

90% during the first week of infection and decrease to 50% by the third week.

A low yield is related to low numbers of Salmonella (90%. Stool cultures, while negative in 60 to 70% of cases during the first week, can become positive during the third week of infection in untreated patients. Although the majority of patients (90%) clear bacteria from the stool by the eighth week, a small percentage become chronic carriers and continue to have positive stool cultures for at least 1 year. 30

Salmonellosis/ Typhoid Fever  Serologic

tests  Widal test for "febrile agglutinins,“  high

rates of false-positivity and false-negativitynot clinically useful.  Polymerase chain reaction and DNA probe assays are being developed

May 29, 2013


Disentri basiler/ Shigellosis 

 

Jumlah Lekosit: , Normal atau Serologi: bisa, jarang bermanfaat Tinja: 

May 29, 2013

Kultur, harus tinja segar! Mikroskop: Lekosit

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) may be diagnostic.


Helmintiasis 

May 29, 2013

Parasitology study !


Mycosis 

May 29, 2013

Parasitology study !


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