Terran Guide

April 4, 2018 | Author: nnwoha2149 | Category: Armed Conflict, Unrest
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2weaks Guide 2 Playing As:

~TERRAN~ Index: Intro Mentality Hot keys Micro Macro APM Transition Units Counters Build Orders Conclusion


Introduction: This

guide is will be for newbs and for higher level players who want to re evaluate there own game play and generally for players who are looking to improve themselves. In this guide I will go over a lot of Things deeply explaining Star craft 2 and generally how Terran Should be played.

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Mentality The Terran mentality should be to gain a strategic win. A Terran’s ideal win should be one that takes gives the most damage while receiving the less casualties, as a Terran player you should always opt to attack quick and fast, when your opponent army is at his natural then quickly drop a tank and 4 marines at his mineral line, and once he send units to counter unsiege and get your units out of there. But also you want to be defensive, Terran’s are so good at defending they coined the phrase “Turtling Terran” which refers to when a turtle hides inside his shield for protection. When defending there base or Expansion a Terran player needs to have some bunkers set up, with some siege tanks and even some turrets or buildings. Turtling has been made far easier with the bunkers ability to be Salvaged.

Hot Keys Hot Key are very essential but Making hot keys could be even more important Of course we know that (E) will make a drone/scv/probe and that (A) will make a marine, that’s the easy stuff, what you want to be able to do is Hot key things that aren’t already hot keyed for you which are things like Barracks, Factory’s, Command Centers, And Star ports. Most People fail to do this and even when they do it is not done as much as it should be, as in most players that do hot key will only hot key 1-2 buildings. To be a good player you will need to learn to hot key just about anything you could possibly end up *Searching* for latter on. To do this you simply Hold down control, highlight the object or objects you want to hot key and then click a # from 0-9, from then on when ever you click that number those objects will automatically be selected.

Now that you know that you need to hot key I will tell you the best way to do it. And where to assign things for Fastest Access.

1-3 These Numbers should be saved for your army units. Normally you would want #1 to represent your mobile army, marines and marauders. You would want #2 to represent your Tech Army which would be your Tanks and Thor’s, and you would want #3 to be your spell caster army, which is will be your Ghost and ravens. If you decide to go with a different unit composition it is okay to switch up your army between the 1-3 hot keys as longs as you can remember which is which. At first it may seem strange having to rely on hot keys to control your army but once you get the hang of it you will increase your APM and reaction time substantially. 4-7 This will be for your Main building hot keys, these can be arranged however you like as long as you remember the order but they should be arranged in order of use going down from 4 to 0. Meaning your CC which will be the thing you go to most of the time to get more scv's and call down mules or depots or scans would be hot keyed to #4(remember you can hot key more than 1 CC to #4 and have them all create an scv at the same time without moving around to there location), then #5 would be all your barracks, #6 will be all your factories, and #7 will be all your star ports. And these 4 buildings will be your main buildings. 8-0 These will be for your Side building hot keys, this refers to buildings you will use occasionally But not as much as your main buildings. And includes Engineering bay & Armory(for upgrades) and any other structure you feel is important enough to be hot


Transitioning Hot keys: Do Not be afraid to change or transition hot keys, it is something that is done all the time, once the game is started and you do not have any real units feel free to hot key your scouting scv to 2, you don’t want to hot key it to 1 because once you get a marine or marauder out and want to put that on 1 you will either have to move the scv to 2 or put the marine on 2, either way this can cause confusion latter on in the game so it is better to take care of it earlier.

Original Hot keys: You Must I repeat MUST memorize every single on of these, including the upgrades and spells. You need to know that (A) creates a marine and that (E) unsieges your tanks, but it doesn’t stop there you should know all of them all the way from (E) creating an scv to (D) using the spell PDD..... I simply cannot stress that enough. But also know that all hot keys are not equal and you will use some more than others, so at times you may blank on some hot keys during the game. Just try to keep what you know in your mind and go over them to your self while your are in the game to keep the fresh. Quick Question: What is hot key for calling down a Mule? (answer will be in between the I) ((((((asdmnlksdfnlkalansui12398a98dyasd9IxIkajsd128as7dg8uyb))


Micro management also known as Micro refers to ones ability to precisely control the smaller aspects of the game ranging from Kiting a group of zealots with Marines & Marauders to Foreseeing an enemies movements and placing an EMP in the perfect spot. This is a topic that cannot easily be taught but can only be learned. Some micro's like kiting can be done by attack moving your army back away from the enemies unit(causing them to move back and attack any units they encounter while moving back) then once they attack click again in that same spot causing your army to further move away from the enemy unit, then once again attack move away from your enemies unit and then right click there cause your army to move away. Kiting works best on zealots but If you have concussive shells researched it is possible to kite other units like stalkers and sentry’s. Some other kinds of micro involve placing

EMP's in proper places which is a Type of micro that can only be improved by practicing. Micro is usually fast paced and quick and because of that it is directly related to APM(Actions Per Minute) with that being said you ability to micro can be judged by your APM, most pros APM are around 200-500 and mine is at 110. Whenever you get the chance watch a few of your replays and look at what your average APM is.... if its low then maybe your micro isn’t as good as it can be. If it isn’t try playing a few games with your main goal being to get your APM as high as possible, even spam if you have to, and then once you have constantly continue trying to push your APM further and further. And once you feel like you have it at a good place try to cut back a little bit and experiment with your APM, and find the perfect place where you are able to keep your APM high while playing strategically and focus on your game play.

Macro: Unlike Micro Management which refers to controlling the small aspects of the game Macro Management also known as Macro refers to controlling the Large aspects of the game. Some Examples would be: Controlling your Economy By Expanding, making scv's, Not cutting scv's Controlling your Army Size By Making Military Buildings, Making army units, cutting drones

Those are the Main concerns of a Macro player, and although army size is a part of Macro the part mostly affiliated with macro would be Controlling your economy. Keeping your minerals high, quickly saturating your bases and Expanding when necessary... and sometimes when not necessary. Keep these things in mind and learn to control and understand them and you will no doubt become a great Macro player.

APM: Apm is the life and soul of sc2, and most of the time the player with the higher apm will win the match. But before I tell you how to get your Apm up I need to tell you what your Apm is. Apm is simply your Action per Minute, meaning how many actions of commands you make every minute. When ever tell your marine to move some where that is an action, when ever you tell you CC to make a scv or call down a mule or depot that is a command. These command are recorded and added to your apm. Now your probably wondering how these factors in to someone winning, well let me answer your question with a question of my own. Don’t you think the person that give the most commands will win the game?? A person with 20 Apm is only making 1 command every 3 seconds. Or could slightly spam while he is attacking or defending which means he could only be giving 1 command every 9-10 seconds. While a player with 100 apm is giving a command every .7 seconds or could be spamming and giving a command every 4 seconds. That is a huge difference and just with that you can see that the person with the higher apm is doing way more stuff, this could be microing units or getting upgrades or simply controlling his army, either way he has the edge against the player who has lower apm.

Apm Concept.... The Warm Up When a player is about to run a sprint does he jump on the track last minute?? No. He will warm up and do a practice run or a short sprint to loosen his legs and prepare his body for the sprint he will be taking soon. This same technique goes for sc2, Most professional players during early game do something called “Spamming” which is when they select there Nexus/CC/Hatchery and rapidly right click or rally it to a mineral patch. Which mineral patch does not matter, any of them will do. And click it s fast as you can while still being able to make Scv without miss clicking or messing up. By doing this your hands generally get a feel of how fast they should be moving... Yes for you Apm to reach anywhere around 120+ that should be around how fast you should be moving, now in a regular game I don’t want you to spam all the time, just at the start, latter on you should move your mouse around and think very fast, constantly think about what you should do and what you are doing and make sure do it fast. After some practice when ever you start slowing down you can actually feel it, and will instinctively know that your apm is slipping. The reason why I encourage player to spam at the start of games is because being able to know when your apm is slipping is key to trying to improve your apm, and causes you to think faster which increases reaction time, which improves micro, which improves Apm. If you don’t believe me try it out for yourself, the next few games you play do a little bit of spamming, and then once your done and you start making military units, check if you feel your apm slowing down and don’t instinctively try to raise it.

Transition: The life blood of sc2, To be able to transition is to be able to adapt to any situation. The term transition means “to change”. And in sc2 we refer to this as Changing from 1 strategy to another, but not just changing it but how fast you can change and how necessary the change was. Example. (ZvP) You go fast hydras against a protoss player and as you get to his base with your hydras you see he has 1 colossus out and is making his 2nd. Since colossus beat hydras and he will likely attack once he has his 2nd colossus no the field you know you only have about 105 seconds( including run time, and hoping he doesn’t leave early) Know since you know hydras wont work you know you need to change to something else that can save you, so you decide since a spire will take to long to make you will go for roaches instead, so you quickly put down a roach warren and start getting the burrow upgrade from, now your roach warren finishes at 55 seconds and you immediately make 10 roaches from both of you bases. Those take 27 seconds to be made. At the last minute you decide to put a sunken at you naturally to help you defend and once your roaches are done you move them outside your Nat and burrow them. Just as you do that you see the toss army coming, and they pass your roaches and begin attacking your expansion. Your hydras deal with the zealots and stalker, then you unburrow your roaches and snipe the colossus from behind and flank the enemies army... that is a perfect example of transitioning. You knew that what you were doing would not work and quickly changed it to something that

would.... The faster a player can transition the better he is. Terran units

Unit (hot key)

Health Minerals Vespene Supply Time
















Reaper (E)






Ghost (G)






Hellion (E)





Siege Tank (S)






Viking (V)






Thor (T)






Medivac (D)






Raven (R)






Banshee (E)






Battlecruiser (B)






Marine (A) I came here to kick ass and chew bubblegum.

Marauder (D) Not a whole lot of love

Sneaky Snake



0 Mule (E)






Auto-Turret (T)










Point Defense Drone (D) 50

All Right and Credit for the chart above goes to VileGaming.com

Counters: I will not go into as much detail in this as possible, for unit combination counters you should counter with the units that counter each of them. There are some special Combination Counters but those will be posted in the Version.2. Best Terran Counters vs Zealots 1. Hellion – Easily the best early counter against Zealots. They do 14 damage (in an area) to light units. With the Infernal Pre-Lighter upgrade, this goes up to 24 damage per attack, and then they really dominate Zealots. Not to mention, with their incredible mobility and good micro, they can kite zealots (hit and run). This only works as long as Zealots don’t research the charge ability though. 2. Reaper – With their bonus vs light units, Reapers deal 18 damage per attack vs Zealots from range. With proper micro, they can shoot and run, or hide on a cliff nearby if possible. Definitely a great counter vs Zealots. 3. Walling – Early zealot rushes are easily stopped by Terran players. All you have to do is to wall off your base’s choke point with buildings quickly (Barrack + Supply depot is enough), produce a few marines and put them behind your structures. This should hold off any early Zealot rush attempt and give you time to tech for Hellions or Reapers. Best Terran Counters vs Stalkers 1. Marauder – Marauders do 20 damage per attack against armored units, which is 6 damage better than what Stalkers do to them in response. Equal range, but Marauders concussive missiles snare Stalkers, which makes it harder to micro them. They are also cheaper

and quicker to produce. 2. Marine – 3 Marines = 150 Minerals 1 Stalker = 125 Minerals 50 Gas. 3 Marines = 135 HP(3×45) and 18 Damage (3×6) Attack Speed: Fast 1 Stalker = 160 HP and 8 Damage, Attack Speed: Normal. Marines attack about twice as fast as Stalkers, so effectively they’ll do 36 damage every time the stalker does 8 damage… The math speaks for itself. Mass marines will always beat mass stalkers. 3. Siege Tank – Superior range, firepower and HP. Best Terran Counters vs Sentries 1. Ghost – One EMP Round and the sentry is going to be as weak as a single marine, despite costing so much gas. EMP Round will destroy the Sentries’ shield, and also drain its energy down to zero. A perfect counter. 2. Hellion – Sentries are generally hiding behind a wall of zealots and other units, providing support with Guardian Shield. Hellion can quickly go around the front line and make a quick work of sentries, especially with their bonus vs light units. 3. Reaper – Not as good as Hellions for this, but still pretty decent with their 18 damage vs light units. 4. Banshee – In big fights, Banshee will easily fly over the front line and deal with sentries swiftly before they get a chance to turn the tide of battle with Guardian Shield and Force Field. Best Terran Counters vs Immortals 1. Ghost – Once again, EMP Round turns Immortals into a very vulnerable and expensive unit. It effectively removes all their shields and thus deactivates their Hardened Shield, making them vulnerable to heavy attacks from Siege Tanks or Marauders. 2. Marines – Marines deal less than 10 damage per attack, thus

ignoring the Hardened Shield ability. And they attack fast, about twice as fast as Immortals. Plus they are light units, so Immortals don’t benefit from their huge bonus against them. It will take 3 shots for an immortal to kill a single marine, which is a really bad deal for your opponent. 3. Reapers – About the same deal as marines, just not as good. 4. Banshees – If your opponent is going Immortal + Zealots and neglecting anti-air, this will teach him a lesson. I learned the hard way when I played protoss. Best Terran Counters vs Phoenixes 1. Thor – They out range Phoenixes severely and are also immune to their graviton beam. Easily the best counter. 2. Vikings – Don’t believe the in-game unit information, it’s outdated. Vikings are great against Phoenixes. They do twice as much damage and have a much bigger range. Plus they cannot be affected by Graviton Beam, since they fly. 3. Missile Turret – Your opponent is harassing your SCV's with a bunch of Phoenixes? A couple of turrets will quickly solve this. 4. Battle cruisers – Not the cheapest option, but definitely effective. Phoenixes are especially good against light units, whilst the Battle cruiser is arguably the most heavily armored unit in the game… Best Terran Counters vs Void Rays 1. Vikings – With their +4 damage bonus vs armored units, Vikings do 24 damage per attack against Void Rays. They also out range them and are much cheaper to produce. Oh, and they’re faster. 2. Marines – Void Rays are great against big armored units which have a lot of HP, because it allows their Prismatic Beam to use its full potential. Marines are the total opposite of “big unit with a lot of

HP”, making them a great counter vs Void Rays. 3. Missile Turrets – With their +7 damage bonus vs armored and their really fast attack speed, Missile Turrets do 28 damage per round of attack against Void Rays, and they do that at a very quick pace. However, Void Rays also kill buildings very quickly, so you will need more than one turret to make this strategy efficient. 2 or 3 Turrets placed side by side for maximum efficiency. But honestly, Vikings and Marines are a better deal, so only make turrets if you have spare minerals and want to have defenses at your base while your forces are on the move. Best Terran Counters vs Observers 1. Missile Turrets – If a game reaches the mid-way point, you can be sure that a competent protoss opponent will be scouting you heavily with these. Start placing Missile Turrets strategically in your bases to prevent this. 2. Raven – A mobile detector. Pair it with a few vikings and sweep the area around your bases for a few easy observer kills. 3. Orbital Command – If you got some spare energy, scan your base from time to time, you can bet you’ll find an observer there every now and then. Best Terran Counters vs Warp Prisms 1. Viking – Vikings kill these transporters quickly and they also chase them with ease. 2. Missile Turret – Your opponent likes to do some Immortal drops on your economy? Place 2 turrets carefully around your minerals, problem solved. Best Terran Counters vs High Templar’s 1. Ghost – By far the best counter. EMP Round first to drain all their

energy and shields, preventing them from using Feedback on your ghost. Followed by two normal attacks by your ghost (20 damage per attack vs bio units) and you’ll have a dead High Templar. 2. Hellion – With their high mobility, they can dodge most of the Psionic Storms your opponent will cast. And they’ll also make quick work of them with their nice bonus vs light units. Plus, they have just enough HP to survive a full Psionic Storm. Best Terran Counters vs Dark Templar’s 1. Raven – Mobile detection. Enough said. 2. Ghost – EMP Round reveals them for a short period of time, and also removes their entire shields. With only 40 HP left, they should be quickly dealt with before they become cloaked again. A great counter if you don’t have a Raven. 3. Orbital Command- Dark Templar’s aren’t very resilient, one quick scan and they should die fast before the scan effect wears off. 4. Missile Turret – Detection. Best Terran Counters vs Archons 1. Ghost – EMP Round once again. You should produce about 4 ghosts and EMP round until you’ve burned through the whole shields. If you do this quickly at the beginning of a fight, Archons will not even get time to do any damage to your troops. 2. Thor – Not biological, and they deal 90 damage per round of attack against ground units. Better, use their 250mm Strike Cannon ability to stun and kill the Archon before he gets to do anything. 3. Siege Tank – Not biological, so no bonus for the Archon. Plus, they’ve got a lot of HP, and Siege Tanks deal heavy damage. Makes sense if you don’t have ghosts or Thor’s available yet.

Best Terran Counters vs Carriers 1. Viking – Easily the best counter against this very annoying unit. With their 28 damage per round of attack vs armored units and their superior speed, their are the best choice, by far. 2. Thor – Thanks to their huge range and their decent damage vs air units, Thor is the second best. But still leagues below the Viking. 3. Marines – They’re not great vs carriers, but in the worst case scenario, it’s better than nothing, and it’s still the 3rd best choice. Best Terran Counters vs Mother ships 1. Viking – Easily the best counter against the Mother ship as well. With their 28 damage per round of attack vs armored units and their superior speed, their are the best choice, by far. 2. Ghost – EMP Round this quickly before they get to cast Vortex. Keep casting EMP Round until their huge shields are down, half the job done. 3. Thor – Thanks to their huge range and their decent damage vs air units, Thor is the second best. But still leagues below the Viking. 4. Marines – Once again, not great against this huge flying vessel, but if your factory and star ports are on full production and you’ve got spare minerals, it’s still better than nothing. Best Terran Counters vs the Colossus 1. Viking – Tired of seeing this unit at the top? Can’t be helped. Vikings not only deal a spanking 28 damage vs Colossus, but they also can’t be hit back by them. Not to mention, they don’t have to go through the swarm of zealots, stalkers and co. that you generally find in front of a Colossus. 2. Banshee – Not as good as Vikings, but they also do pretty decent damage (24) vs Colossus, and they can’t be hit back by them as well.

3. Siege Tanks – Superior range and big damage is exactly what you need vs Colossus. In Siege Mode, tanks severely outgun a Colossus. 4. Marauders – +10 damage vs armored, bringing the damage per attack to 20. Make sure to spread your Marauders well so that they don’t all get caught by the Colossus’ beams at the same time.

Best Terran Counter vs Zerglings

1. Marines - These are cheap effective units that easily counter zerglings in groups. 2. Reapers – Good units that easily counter zerglings, with a group of 3 you can 1 shot zerglings 3. Hellions – With the Infernal Pre Lighter you end up doing even more damage, and with this units superior range regular lings don’t stand a chance against them, and you can even take advantage of the fact that lings line up when they chase units and use the hellions splash to kill multiple at a time. Best Terran Counter vs Roaches 1. Marauders – Heavy-Assault units and with the concussive shells and the 10+ damage they do to armored units roaches don’t come close to standing a chance and get killed almost as fast as stalkers do. 2. Banshees – Simply the fact that they are air units and the roaches cannot shoot back is enough to give them the edge. 3. Thor’s – We cut it pretty close but since Thor’s can easily be healed with a few scv's while attacking and since they do so much damage, we figure when group with some marines they easily counter roaches. Best Terran Counter vs Hydras 1. Thor’s - Mainly Because of its over whelming power, 2 shots and a hydra is dead. 2. Marines – You wouldn’t want to counter these units with the slow shooting marauders, marines with combat shields and stim will do the job easily. 3. Siege Tanks – With the splash damage they do 2-3 tanks are all it tanks to deal good damage to hydras

4. Bunkers – As said before marines are good, but when put in a 400 health heavy duty titanium plated shelter, hydras don’t stand a chance. Best Terran Counter vs Infestors 1. Ghost – 1 EMP round and they will wish they never wasted the money getting those things. Or even snipe them for a quick kill. 2. Hellions - With ignition they roast infestors real fast. Best Terran Counter vs Mutas 1. Marines – With Combat Shield and Stim there do a good job of fending of mutas. 2. Vikings – So far the best Counter Air unit in the game, you can use these bad boys to counter Any air unit in the game. 3. Thor’s – We are reconsidering this as the “Magic Box” Will soon make these the worst counter to mutas every imagined but as or now.... Why Not. 4. Turrets – No Need to rush for a unit when making a engineering bay and a turret will get the job done. These structures give you the most bang for you buck doing sizable damage to mutas... The only problem with it is that once you leave your base, you’ve got no protection. Best Terran Counter vs Corrupters 1. Marines – In groups these guys can really put the hurt on Corrupters. 2. Vikings – Vikings are pretty much the king of all Anti Air Best Terran Counter v Brood Lords

1. Vikings – If you don’t have them on the field you have better get them fast, there pretty much Terran’s best hope at countering brood lords. Best Terran Counter vs Bane lings (no need to elaborate hear, any thing armored well take far less damage than a light unit. If you see these coming at you get Marauders, Tanks, or Thor’s and you should be OK.) Best Terran Counter vs Ultralisk 1. Marauders – Kite Kite Kite, Not sure anything else needs to be said, use concussive shells and kite the mess out of them. 2. Siege Tanks – Prepare a good wall off with these guys at the back, and while the ultras break threw they take damage and splash damage from your tanks... Tanks are the already best support units. 3. Ghost – No I don’t mean Snipe, I mean that nothing less than a nuke will actually slow these guys down. If the zerg has teched up to ultras then you need to re evaluate how you played since the game should be over before they get a chance to. 4. Banshees – Just hope they don’t have hydras or any other kind of anti air and get as many free shots on the Ultras as possible. 5. Thor – The 250mm Cannon spell will make short work of ultras. As long as you have the time to let it deal its full damage.

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