Terapi Farmakologi Pada Geriatri

September 5, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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 Geriatri ≥ 65 tahun, 75 s/d 85 (Old old), ≥ 85 tahun( Oldest old), Cabang kedokteran yg konsen thd aging proses: •


Pencegahan, Penceg ahan, diagnosis diagnosis dan terapi. terapi.

Objektif: •

Pengaruh usia thd farmakokinetik dan farmakodinamik

Memahami prinsip-prinsip peresepan obat pd orang tua

Multiple co-morbid stat state e


Resiko adverse drug events

Tingkat kepatuhan minum obat



Fakta berkaitan dgn geriatri  –


Pasien berumur 65 th atau lebih mencakup 13% dari populasi dan membelanjakan 33% obatobatan yg diresepkan. Tahun 2040, geriatri mencakup 25% populasi dan membelanjakan 50% obat-obat yg diresepkan. diresepkan.


Pharmacokinetics (PK) •

Absorption  –

bioavailability: the fraction of bioavailability: o f a drug dose reaching the systemic systemic circulation

Distribution locations in the body a drug penetrates penetrates expressed as volume per  –

weight (e.g. L/kg) •

Metabolism  –

drug conversion conversion to alternate compounds which may be pharmacologically active or inactive

Elimination  –

a drug’ drug ’s final route(s) of exit from the body expressed expressed in terms of half -

life or clearance


Efek usia thd Absorpsi •

Kecepatan absorpsi terlambat:  –


Konsentrasi lebih rendahpuncak obat Waktu mencapai konsentrasi puncak telambat

Jumlah obat yg diabsorpsi (bioavailability) (bioav ailability) tidak berubah


Hepatic First-Pass Metabolism •

For drugs with extensive first-pass first-pass metabolism, bioavailability may increase because less drug is extract extracted ed by the liver  –

Decreased liver mass


Decreased liver blood flow


Faktor-faktor yg mempengaruhi absorpsi obat •

Route of administration What it taken with the drug  –




Divalent cations (Ca, Mg, Fe) Food, enteral feedings Drugs that influence gastric pH Drugs that promote or delay GI motility

Comorbid conditions Increased GI pH Decreased gastric emptying Dysphagia


Effects of Aging on Volume of Distribution (Vd)  Aging Effect

Vd Effect


 body water

 Vd for hydrophilic

ethanol, lithium

 lean body mass(bb)

drugs  Vd for for drugs that bind to muscle


 fat stores

 Vd for lipophilic

diazepam, trazodone

 plasma protein (albumin)

drugs unbound or  % of unbound free drug (active)

diazepam, valproic acid, phenytoin, warfarin

 plasma protein

 % of unbound unbound or

quinidine, quinidine, propranolol,

( 1-acid glycoprotein)

free drug (active)

erythromycin, amitriptyline




Aging Effects on Hepatic Metabolism •

Metabolic clearance of drugs by the th e liver may be reduced(menurun) due to:  –

decreased hepatic blood flow(aliran)


decreased liver size and mass

Examples: morphine, meperidine, metopr metoprolol, olol, propranolol, propr anolol, ver verapamil, apamil, amitryptyline, nortriptyline


Metabolic Pathways Pathway



Phase I: oxidation, hydroxylation, dealkylation, reduction

Conversion to metabolites metabol ites of lesser, lesser, equal, or greater

diazepam, quinidine, piroxicam, theophylline

Phase II: glucuronidation, Conversion to inactive metabolites conjugation, or acetylation

lorazepam, oxazepam, temazepam

** NOTE: NOTE: Medications under undergoing going Phase II hepatic metabolism are generally preferred in the elderly due to inactive metabolites (no accumulation)


Other Factors Affecting Drug Metabolism •


Comorbid conditions

Smoking Diet

Drug interactions interactions

Race Frailty(kelemahan)


Concepts in Drug Elimination Elimination •

Half-life  –

time for serum concentration of drug to decline by 50% (expressed in hours)

Clearance  –

volume of serum from which the drug is removed per unit of time (mL/min or L/hr)

Reduced elimination  drug accumulation and toxicity toxicity


Effects of Aging on the Kidney •

Decreased kidney size

Decreased renal blood flow

Decreased number of functional nephrons Decreased tubular secretion

Result:  glomerular filtration filtration rate (GFR)

Decreased drug clearance: atenolol, gabapentin, H2 blockers, blocker s, digoxin, allopurinol, quinolones quinolones  


Estimating Estima ting GFR in the Elderly •

Creatinine clearance (CrCl) is used to estimate glomerular rat rate e Serum creatinine alone not accurate accurate in the e elderly lderly  –

   lean body mass  lower creatinine production


rate e    glomerular filtration rat

Serum stays in normal range, masking changecreatinine in creatinine clearance


Determining Creatinine Clearance •

Measure  –


Time consuming Requires 24 hr urine collection

Estimate  –

Cockroft Gault equation

(IBW in kg) x (140-age) -----------------------------72 x (Scr in mg/dL)

x (0.85 for females)


Example: Creatinine Clearance vs. Age in a 55 kg Woman  Age




















Pharmacodynamics (PD) •

Definition: the time course and intensity of pharmacologic effect of a drug Age-related Age-relat ed changes:  –


   sensitivity to sedation and psychomotor impairment(perusakan) with benzodiazepines    level and duration of pain relief with narcotic agents


   drowsiness and lateral sway with alcohol    HR response to beta-blockers


   sensitivity to anti-cholinergic agents


   cardiac sensitivity to digoxin



PK and PD Summary •

PK and PD changes generally rresult esult in decreased clearance and increased sensitivity to medications in older adults Use of lower doses, longer intervals, slower titration are helpful helpful in decreasing d ecreasing the risk of drug intolerance and to toxicity xicity Careful monitoring is necessary to ensure successful outcomes


Optimal Pharmacotherapy Pharmacotherapy •

Balance between overprescribing and underprescribing  –




Correct drug Correct dose Targets appropriate condition Is appropriate for the patient

Avoid “a pill for every ill” 

Alwayss consider non-pharmacologic therapy Alway


Consequences of Overpr Overprescribing escribing •

Adverse Adver se drug events (ADEs)

Drug interactions interactions

Duplication of drug therapy

Decreased quality of life life

Unnecessary cost Medication non-adherence


Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) •

Responsible for 5-28% of acute geriatric hospital admissions Greater than 95% of ADEs in the elderly are considered predictable and approximately 50% are considered preventable Most errors occur at the ordering and monitoring stages


Most Common Medications Associated with ADEs in the Elderly •

Opioid analgesics NSAIDs Anticholinergics Benzodiazepines Also: cardiovascular agents, CNS agents, and musculoskeletal musculosk eletal agents

Adverse Drug Reaction Reaction Risk Factors in Older Outpatients. Am J Ger Pharmacotherapy 2003;1(2):82-89.


The Beers Criteria High Potential for

High Potential for

Severe ADE

Less Severe ADE



chlorpropamide digoxin >0.125mg/d disopyramide GI antispasmodics

diphenhydramine dipyridamole ergot mesyloids indomethacin

meperidine methyldopa pentazocine ticlopidine

muscle relaxants


Patient Risk Factors for ADEs for ADEs •


Multiple co-morbid conditions

Prior adverse drug event

Low body weight or body mass index

Age > 85 years Estimated Estimat ed CrCl
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