Teori Simple Past Present Perfect

October 1, 2017 | Author: SetiAdi Zainal Lazuardi | Category: Perfect (Grammar), Grammatical Tense, Onomastics, Rules, Language Mechanics
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Part A: Focus and Structure Focus of Patterns & Examples Grammar 1. (+) S + V2 (Past) + O/C Simple Past

Present Perfect

Ex: I GAVE HIM A BOOK. 2. (-) S + did + not + V (Present) + O/C Ex: I DID NOT GIVE HIM A BOOK. 3. (?) Did + S + V (Present) + O/C ? Ex: DID YOU GIVE HIM A BOOK? 4. (Wh) Wh- + did + S + V (Present) + O/C? Ex: WHY DID YOU GIVE HIM A BOOK? 1. (+) S + has/have + V3 (Past Participle.) + O/C I/YOU/WE/THEY HAVE GIVEN HIM A BOOK SHE/HE/IT HAS GIVEN HIM A BOOK 2. (-) S + has/have + not + V3 (Past Part) + O/C I HAVE NOT GIVEN HIM A BOOK 3. (?) Has/have + S + V (Past Part) + O/C HAVE YOU GIVEN HIM A BOOK? 4. (Wh)Wh- + has/have + S + V (Past Part) + O/C WHY HAVE YOU GIVEN HIM A BOOK?

Indicator Time: yesterday, two days ago, one year ago, last week, last night, Last Monday, in 1999. for two months, for one hour, since 1990, since last semester, already, yet, never, ever, recently.

Penggunaan Present Perfect Tense 1. Menyatakan pengalaman Present Perfect dapat digunakan untuk menyatakan pengalaman, baik pengalaman yang telah dialami maupun yang belum. Present Perfect tidak digunakan untuk menjelaskan suatu peristiwa tertentu. Contoh: 

I have been to England.

Kalimat tersebut menyatakan bahwa saya memiliki pengalaman pergi ke Inggris. Bisa juga ditambah dengan keterangan objek (misalnya : with him) atau keterangan waktu (misalnya : once). 

He has never traveled by plane.

2. Menyatakan sesuatu yang berubah dari waktu ke waktu Contoh : 

You have been thinner since the last time we met. (Kamu menjadi lebih kurus sejak terakhir kali kita bertemu)

3. Menyatakan suatu pencapaian Contoh : 

The baby has learned how to walk. (Bayi itu telah belajar berjalan)

4. Menyatakan suatu tindakan kita harapkan namun belum terjadi Contoh :

The rain hasn’t stopped.

5. Menyatakan beberapa tindakan yang telah terjadi di masa lalu di waktu yang berlainan C ontoh : I have had two tests and three presentations so far this semester. (Saya telah mengalami dua kali tes dan tiga kali presentasi semester ini)

A. 1. The Simple Past Tense is used to talk about completed actions in the past: --> My brother got a new job in Madrid last week. 2. The Simple Past is used to describe situations which existed for a period of time in the past. --> Millions of years ago, dinosaurs inhabited the earth. 3. The Simple Past is also used to express non-continuous actions which occurred at a definite time in the past. --> Columbus reached America in 1492. 4. It is also used to talk about habits in the past: --> We always had roast beef on Sundays when I was a boy. 5. It is used to talk about events that happened one after the other: --> He jumped out of bed, ran into the bathroom and slammed the door. 6. It is used in the second conditional --> She would help him if she knew he was in trouble. Part B: Grammar Exercise Use the Simple Past/Present Perfect form for each sentence 1. Positive Sentences Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or present perfect simple). a. We (build) BUILT two buildings last year. b. I (know) HAVE KNOWN her for one year. c. We (wash / already) HAVE ALREADY WASHED the cars. d. The children (draw) DREW some animals yesterday. e. Intan (borrow) BORROWED my book three days ago. 2. Negative Sentences Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or present perfect simple). a. We (read / not) DID NOT READ the newspaper last week. b. Ani (see / not) HAS NOT SEEN him for a week c. I (make / not) HAVE NOT MADE up my mind yet. d. The man (meet / never) HAS NEVER MET his parents since last year. e. All the students (sing / not) DID NOT SING any songs yesterday. 3. Questions Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or present perfect simple). a. (John / see) HAS JOHN SEEN Bob recently? b. Who (switch) WHO DID SWITCH/SWITCHED off the lights a minute ago? c. What (you / buy) WHAT DID YOU BUY last month? d. (you / ride / ever) HAVE YOU EVER RIDEN an elephant?

e. Why (they / close) WHY DID THEY CLOSE their eyes?

My School Years When I WAS seven years old, I STUDIED in an elementary school, called SD Negeri Mandiri. I NEEDED six years to finish from the elementary school. My school WAS near my house. It TOOK me only 10 minutes to reach my school from my house. I HAD so many friends in that school. All my friends WERE nice to me, and so WERE my teachers. They all HELPED me when I HAD/GOT problems. I also LEARNED/LEARNT English when I WAS in elementary school student. Until now, I HAVE LEARNED English for nine years. HAD= (AmE) = SAYA MEMPUNYAI MASALAH GOT= (BrE), HAVE GOTEN SAYA MENDAPATKAN MASALAH

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