Teori Kritis Komunikasi Dalam Organisasi
July 2, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Xmdre Aretes Adougeacse hckco Dricgescse hcre Ptcgkmy Hmmtz
Bmrhcscracg aescf gyctc, neko 3555, Mreg Brd`adve`f, omghrcocteser Bmrhcscracg omghrcocteser mopct tcfug pmg`crec pmg`crecg g pmgmkete fuauo pmoukc ugtua omomgcgiacg adopmgscse hcg icgte ruie bcie adrbcg tehca bmrtcgiiugi lcwcb adrpdrct. 3 Hep Heputc utcrr dkm dkmf f Luke Lukecc Rdb Rdbmrts mrts,, ycgi omg omgmreo mreocc Zmg Zmgifcr ifcriccg iccg Cachmoe Catres Xmrbcea tcfug ege ctcs pmgcopekcggyc , Brd`adve`f omglche chvdact ugtua kmbef hcre >:: drcgi herc`uge dkmf cer ycgi tmradgtcoegcse dkmf Zc`ene` Ics & Mkm`tre` (ZI & M). Amteac `mretcgyc tmrugiacp, Brd`adve`f omgyegiacp smrcgiacecg amputuscg ocgclmreck ycgi cafergyc omruieacg pmruscfccg pmruscfccg smbmscr $ 000 lutc ‘ pmgekcec pmgekcecg g tmrbmscr ycgi hebmreac hebmreacg g hckco iuictcg kcgisugi hckco smlcrcf CP. Hetuluacg ugtua omodtdgi becyc pmruscfccg, kcgiacf kcg iacf-kcg -kcgiacf iacf ocg ocgclmr clmreck eck ege luic omg omgicae icaebcta bctacg cg ocs ocsckc ckcf f amsm amsmfctc fctcg g ycgi bmsc bmscrr bcie pmghuhua Fegakmy, @ckendrgec, @ckendrgec , hcg omruieacg smbciecg smbci ecg hcre omrmac fehup omrmac. Pmpmrte ambcgycacg prdhusmg kestrea, ZI & M omgiiugcacg cer ugtua omghegiegacg bekcf turbe tu rbeg g img imgmrc mrctd tdrgy rgyc. c. Xc Xcpe pe et etu u om omgc gcob obcfa cfacg cg egf egfebe ebetd tdrr acr acrct ct om omgic gicghu ghugi gi `f `frdrd-edg edgeuo euo fmxcvckmgt ugtua omopmrpcglcgi uour pescu. Xehca smpmrte smgycwc ardoeuo kceg ycgi legca ctcu bcfacg omgiugtugiacg, pcrc ekouwcg tmkcf kcoc omgimtcfue bcfwc ardo > bmrbcfcyc bcie ocgusec hcg fmwcg. f mwcg. Cer ycgi scgict sc gict bmrc`ug hesckuracg am adkco tmrbuac, he ocgc ec omrmobms am tcgcf hcg omg`mocre cer suour he adtc tmrhmact. Zmghuhua lcgiac pcglcgi omgickcoe scaet ampckc ardges hcg fehugi bmrhcrcf, amruscacg tukcgi, icick fcte, icick pcru-pcru, icick rmprdhuase, icick lcgtugi, hcg bcgyca bmgtua acgamr omocteacg. Omgiiugcacg cheten ardo > chckcf amputuscg ycgi burua smlca cwck. Hdauomg pmruscfccg egtmrgc egt mrgckk omg omgiugi iugiacpa acpacg cg bcfw bcfwcc bmbm bmbmrcpc rcpc hmac hmachm hm smbm smbmkuo kuo bcfc bcfcyc yc omg omglche lche pubk pubkea, ea, pcrc ocgclmr he ocracs Pcg Nrcg`es`d tcfu tmgtcgi adgtcoegcse cer suour. Omoutusacg ugtua tehca teh ca omo omopmr pmrbcea bceaee ocs ocsckcf ckcf chck chckcf cf ampu amputusc tuscg g trci trcies es ycgi amhu amhuc. c. Omgi Omgicrcf crcfacg acg pml pmlcbct cbct `cbcgi Fegakmy ugtua tehca omgictcacg cpc pug tmgtcgi cer ycgi tmradgtcoegcse chckcf ycgi amteic. amt eic. Hdat Hdatmr mr ycgi hebc hebcycr ycr pmru pmruscfc scfccg cg omo omopmrk pmrkcaua cauacg cg omr omrmac mac ycgi lct lctuf uf scae scaett tmt tmtcpe cpe omgictcacg ampchc pcsemg bcfwc tehca chc fubugicg cgtcrc pmobcgiaet kestrea hcg pmgycaet omrmac omr mac.. Hcg amt amteac eac hmw hmwcg cg pmgi pmgictu cturr omg omgico icocgct cgctacg acg pmob pmobmrse mrsefcg fcg kegi kegiaugi augicg, cg, ocg ocgclmr clmr pcbrea omycaegacg pmrtmoucg 2:: wcric ycgi prefcteg bcfwc cheten ardoeuo etu tehca bmrbcfcyc hcg bcfacg bcfa cg omgiereoacg pconkmt ycgi omgictcacg bcfwc bc fwc etu bcea ugtua ug tua omrmac. Pmbmgcrgyc, cer omgicghugi 3: acke tegiact ardoeuo fmxcvckmg ycgi heelegacg. Ocgclmr ZI & M omgugluaacg pmgekcecg burua tmrus-omgmrus amteac Mh Ocsry, pmgic`crc ycgi omopmamrlc omopmamrlcacg acg Mre Mreg, g, omg omg`dbc `dbc bmrg bmrgmids midsecse ecse ugtua smbu smbucf cf amku amkucric cric he ocg ocgcc cycf omoekeae pmgycaet Fdhiaeg hcg ebugyc omgifchcpe festmrmatdoe hcg ocstmatdoe icghc. Omrmac omgiereo smmadr amrbcu tegiact rmghcf ycgi omgcwcracg ugtua omobmke ruocf omrma om rmacc smf smfcri cricc $ 2=: 2=:.:: .::: : tmt tmtcp cpee te tehca hca om omoe oekea keaee wm wmwm wmgcg gcgi i ugt ugtua ua bm bmrgm rgmids idsec ecse se ct ctcu cu omobcfcs omobc fcs akceo amsmfctcg. Gcoug hec rupcgyc tmkcf hepmregt hepmregtcfacg cfacg ugtua omopmr omopmregictacg egictacg Mh hcg Mreg bcfwc omrmac bmruruscg hmgicg pmruscfccg smgekce $ 26 oekecr. Amsckcfcg bmscr. ZI & M amouhecg fcrus omobcycr amkucric amkucri c etu $ = lutc. Mreg Brd`adve`f fcgyckcf sckcf sctu hcre bcgyca neko tmgtcgi ocgclmr pmruscfccg ycgi omob om obuct uct am amput putusc uscg g tc tcgpc gpc om omop opmr mrfct fctea eacg cg adg adgsma smaum umgse gse gmi gmict cten en tm tmrfc rfchcp hcp acr acrycw ycwcg cg,, adgsuomg,, ctcu ocsycrc adgsuomg ocsycrcact act uouo ‘ ycgi kceg tmrocsua Xfm Egndrocgt, Xfm Egsehmr, Rdimr cgh Om, Pekawddh, hcg Mgrdg< Xfm Drcgi-drcgi @mrhcs he Acocr. Neko-neko ege omgimtua amprefctegcg ycgi bmramobcgi he ackcgicg drcgi Comreac bcfwc chc ycgi sckcf hmgicg `crc amputuscg he`cpce pchc tegiact besges tmrtegiie. Zmruscfccg odhmrg hekeghugie hcre adgtrdk
pubkea kcgisugi, gcoug etu chckcf tmopct he ocgc amputuscg pmgtegi ycgi omopmgicrufe amfehupcg smfcre-fcre wcric hebuct. Zrdnmsdrr adou Zrdnmsd adougeac geacse se ]gev ]gevmrse mrsety ty dn @dk @dkdrch drchd d Ptc Ptcgkmy gkmy Hmm Hmmtz tz tmk tmkcf cf omg omgimo imobcgi bcgiacg acg tmdr tmdree adougeacse aretes ugtua omgimaspkdrcse `crc-`crc ugtua omocsteacg amsmfctcg amucgicg pmruscfccg scobek omopmrteobcgiacg ampmgtegicg ocgusec ycgi bmrcico ‘ hcg smregi acke tehca madgdoes. Hmmtz omkcauacg ege hmgicg pmrtcoc-tcoc omgugluaacg bciceocgc adrpdrcs adrp drcsee tmk tmkcf cf omg omglche lche egst egstetus etusee pdke pdketea tea ocu ocupug pug madg madgdoe doe.. Hec amo amouhec uhecg g omg omgiiug iiugcacg cacg amoclucg amoclu cg hckco tmdre adougeacse ugtua omguglua omgugluaacg acg bciceocgc prcatea adougeac adougeacse se hckco pmruscfccg hcpct omghestdrse pmgicobekcg amputuscg. Cafergyc, ec omgiurceacg omg iurceacg bciceocgc `crc amrlc hcpct omglche kmbef prdhuaten hcg hmodarctes omkckue rmndrocse adougeacse. ADKDGEPCPE ADRZDRCPE HCG ZMGIMGHCKECG FEH]Z PMXECZ FCRE
Hmmtz omocghcgi pmruscfccg ouktegcsedgck smpmrte IO, CX & X, EBO, Xeom Ycrgmr, Hesgmy, hcg Oe`rdsdnt smbcice amauctcg hdoegcg hckco ocsycrcact ‘ kmbef auct hcrepchc imrmlc, imrm lc, gmic gmicrc, rc, ctcu amk amkucri ucricc hckc hckco o amo amocop copucg ucg omr omrmac mac ugtu ugtua a omo omomgic mgicrufe rufe amfe amfehupc hupcg g eghevehu. Pmbcice `dgtdf, kmbef hcre 5: pmrsmg hcre omhec ocssc ‘ surct acbcr, secrcg, acbmk, tmkmpdg tmk mpdg,, hcg sct sctmket mket ‘ heo heoeke ekeae ae dkmf smim smimkegt kegter er pmru pmruscfc scfccg cg scl sclc. c.2 Hmm Hmmtz tz omg omg`ct `ctct ct bcfw bcfwcc kcpdrcg pmr lco hcre Hdw-Ldgms Eghustreck Cvmrcim omgiicresbcwcfe tehca chcgyc eghmas aucketcs ycgi smtcrc hckco smge, pmrcwctcg amsmfctcg, ctcu kegiaugicg. Amsebuacg omhec hmgicg amsmlcftmrccg amsmlcftmrccg pmruscfc pmruscfccg cg omobuct pmrgyctc pmrgyctccg cg Zrmsehm Zrmsehmg g Imdrim Y. Busf pcs`c-5/33 tmgtcgi bmkcglc adgsuomg hmgicg pctredtesom tcopca fcoper kdies. Puetm masmauten pmruscfccg chckcf tmopct he ocgc smbciecg bmscr amputuscg hebuct omgimgce pmgiiugccg suobmr hcyc ckco, pmgimobcgicg tmagdkdie bcru, amtmrsmheccg prdhua, hcg fubugicg amrlc he cgtcrc drcgi-drcgi. Hmmtz omgictcacg bcfwc pmruscfccg "omgimghckeacg hcg omglclcf" amfehupcg odhmrg hmgicg `crc ycgi tehca chc pmomregtcf ctcu bchcg pubkea smlca sml ca mrc nmdh nmdhck ck pmrg pmrgcf cf bmrp bmrpeae eaerr oug ougiaeg iaeg.. Gco Gcoug ug amlc amlctufc tufcg g adgt adgtrdk rdk pmru pmruscfc scfccg cg chck chckcf cf pmgurugcg tclco hckco aucketcs aucketc s fehup bcie smbciecg smbciec g bmscr wcric gmicrc. Hckco smuour fehup smbciecg bmscr ocfcseswc scct ege, rctc-rctc lco amrlc Comreac tmkcf omgegiact hcre 8: omglche =: lco, hcg wcatu kucgi tmkcf omgurug 3: lco. Xmrkmpcs hcre amgyctccg bcfwc 6= pmrsmg amkucric hmgicg cgca-cgca smacrcgi omoekeae ebu ycgi bmamrlc he kucr ruocf, stcghcr fehup gyctc omrmac tmkcf omgurug smkcoc huc hmachm tmrcafer. Luokcf pmamrlc pmguf wcatu ycgi pmghcpctcggyc turug he bcwcf icres amoesaegcg omgegiact huc acke kepct, gcoug adopmgscse ugtua `femn mxm`utevm dnne`mr (@MD) tmkcf omgegiact hcre 28 acke ac ke om omgl glche che 25: ack ackee hcr hcree rc rctctc-rc rctc tc pma pmamrl mrlc. c.8 Hm Hmmt mtzz om omgug guglu luaac aacg g bc bcfwc fwc ‛a ‛aet etcc pmr pmrku ku omopmrteobcgi omopm rteobcgiacg acg sm`crc omghckco cpc lmges 'besges' ege, secpc pmgugtut odrck, bciceocgc fca esteomwc hectur, hcg cpc tcgiicpcg hmodarctes ycgi ougiaeg. ‟ = @drpdrctm @dkdgezctedg @drpdrctm @dkdgezctedg < Zmrcobcfcg pmruscfccg odhmrg am hckco smtecp behcgi amfehupcg he kucr tmopct amrlc.
Xmdre adougeacse Hmmtz scgict pmgtegi acrmgc hec egieg omgiaretea csuose ycgi ouhcf bcfwc ‛cpc ycgi bcea ugtua Imgmrck Odtdrs chckcf bcea ugtua gmicrc.‟ Kmbef afusus kcie, hec egie egieg g omo omomre mreasc asc prca prcatea tea adou adougeac geacse se he dric dricgesc gescse se ycgi omr omrdgir dgirdgi dgi pmgi pmgicob cobekc ekcg g amputuscg amputusc g ycgi rmprmsmgtcten smpmgufgyc hcg hmgicg hmoeaecg omgiurcgie aucketcs, egdvcse, hcg amwclcrcg ambelcacg pmruscfccg.
Hmmtzz om Hmmt omou oukc kcee cgc cgcke keses sesgyc gyc hm hmgic gicg g om omgcg gcgtcg tcgi i pc pcghc ghcgic gicg g bcf bcfwc wc ado adouge ugeacs acsee ch chckc ckcf f trcgs tr cgsoe oese se egn egndro drocse cse.. Om Omsae saepug pug sm smbci bciecg ecg bms bmscr cr sc scrlc rlcgc gc ado adouge ugeacs acsee oc ocgus gusec ec sma smacrc crcgi gi omgicbceacg suobmr ycgi carcb → pmscg → sckurcg → adgsmpse pmgmreoc adougeacse, odhmk sckurcg ocsef hetmreoc bmietu sclc hckco dricgescse hcg hckco amfehupcg smfcre-fcre. smfcre-fcre. Chc hcyc tcrea egtueten hckco icicscg bcfwc actc-actc omgic`u pchc fck-fck gyctc ‘ bcfwc hmgicg omgiiugcacg actc-actc ycgi tmpct, aetc hcpct omgimasprmseacg pmgimtcfucg stctm-dntfm-c tf m-crt rt.. Pm Pmpmr pmrte te he` he`ct ctct ct Hm Hmmt mtz, z, "L "Lmkc mkcs, s, pub pubke kea a bmg bmgcr cr-bm -bmgcr gcr egi egieg eg pm pmr`c r`cyc yc pch pchcc rmc rmcke ketc tcss > eghmpmghmg." eghmpmgh mg." Hec omopmregictacg, bciceocgcpug, bcfwc smkcoc aetc omgmreoc icicscg bcfwc adougeacse fcgyckcf trcgsoese egndrocse, aetc cacg tmrus omgicbcheacg hdoegcse pmruscfccg ctcs smtecp cspma amfehupcg aetc. aetc . Egndroctedg odhmk < Zcghcgicg bcfwc adougeacse fcgyckcf sckurcg ugtua ttrcgsoese rcgsoese egndrocse tmgtcgi hugec gyctc.
Zmrteobcgiacg kcpdrcg tcfugcg ZI & M. Cgiac-cgiac ycgi hescgetcse omgcopekacg here smbcice ncatc ycgi headopekcse hcg heactmidreacg omgurut ‛prdsmhur caugtcgse stcghcr.‟ Xmtcpe Hmmtz bmrpmghcpct bcfwc smtecp etmo bcres bmrsenct adgstetuten ‘ he`eptcacg dkmf pmobuct amputuscg pmruscfccg ycgi omoekeae amauctcg ugtua omobuct amputuscg omrmac tmtcp. tmt cp. Cpc ycgi tco tcopcag pcagyc yc omr omrupca upcacg cg egn egndroc drocse se bmbc bmbcs-ge s-gekce kce bmgc bmgcr-bm r-bmgcr gcr bmrc bmrcrte rte hck hckco co ndrocse. Cuhet cafer tcfug buacgkcf ncatc ‘ ege chckcf crtmnca. Pmouc egndrocse pmruscfccg omru om rupc pcac acg g fc fcse sekk hc hcre re pr prds dsms ms pd pdke kete tea a yc ycgi gi be becs cscg cgyc yc te tehc hca a hm hmod odar arct ctes es hc hcg g om omoe oeke keae ae adgsmaumgse ycgi becscgyc omruieacg hmodarcse. Pmbcice Pmbc ice pmg pmgii iicgt cgtee od odhm hmkk egn egndro drocse cse pm pmscg scg,, Hm Hmmt mtzz om omgyc gycle leacg acg od odhmk hmk ado adouge ugeacs acsee yc ycgi gi omgicgi omg icgiicp icp bcfc bcfcsc sc smbc smbcice ice omhe omhecc utco utcocc ycgi omk omkckue ckuegyc gyc rmck rmcketc etc sdse sdseck ck he` he`eptc eptcacg acg hcg hepmrtc hepm rtcfcga fcgacg. cg. Ec omg omgyct yctcacg cacg bcfw bcfwcc ‛bcf ‛bcfcsc csc teh tehca ca omw omwcae caeke ke fck fck-fck -fck ycgi suhc suhcf f chc. Amgyctccggyc, bcfcsc chckcf bciecg hcre prdhuase fck ycgi aetc pmrkcauacg smbcice ycgi tmrbuate hmgicg smgheregyc hcg ckcoe he hckco ocsycrcact. ‟ 9 Fuocges smpmrte EC Re`fcrhs tmkcf kcoc omgugluaacg bcfwc ocagcgyc chc pchc ocgusec ocgusec,, tehca hckco actc-actc (kefct Bcb 8). Gcoug Hmmtz bmrimrca kmbef lcuf hcre pcghcgicg bcfcsc rmprmsmgtcsedgck rmprmsmgtcsedgck amteac hec omgicl omg icluacg uacg pmrt pmrtcgyc cgyccg, cg, Oca Ocagc gc secp secpcc pchc drc drcgi-dr gi-drcgi4 cgi4 Pmt Pmtmkc mkcf f aco acoee omg omgmreo mreocc bcfw bcfwcc ndroukerr dricgescs ndrouke dricgescsee tmrus heprdhuase hcg hermprdhu hermprdhuase ase omkckue bcfcsc, acoe cacg omocf omocfcoe coe bcfwc pmruscfccg smpmrte smpm rte ZI & M tehca fcgyc omgifcsekacg kestrea, kestrea , tmtcpe luic ocagc. @doouge`ctedg Odhmk < Zcghcgicg bcfwc bcfcsc chckcf omhec utcoc he ocgc rmcketcs sdseck he`eptcacg hcg hepmrtcfcgacg.
Drcgi Drcg i yc ycgi gi om omgi gich chdp dpse se es este tekc kcf f be besg sges es bm bmsc scrr ou ougi giae aeg g te tehc hca a sc schc hcrr bc bcfw fwcc om omrm rmac ac omgmopctacg gekce-gekce pmruscfccg hckco pmrocegcg. Pmbcice `dgtdf, icres bcwcf pchc pmrgyctccg ugtugi-ruie fcgyc etu ‘ bcres tmrcafer pchc kcpdrcg amucgicg. Gcoug, pmgiiugccg tmrus-omgmrus hcre h cre estekcf icres bcwcf sm`crc s m`crc tmrus-omgmrus ugtua omobmgcracg smou sm oucc am ampu putu tusc scg g oc ocgc gclm lmre reck ck om omgi gifc fcse seka kacg cg rm rmck cket etcs cs yc ycgi gi he herc rcsc scac acg g yc ycgi gi om omgu gutu tup p pmrteobcgicg gdg negcgseck. Amteac wcric gmicrc becsc oukce omgiiugcacg ehedo madgdoe ege ugtua omgiacrcatmrescse ncatdr pmgmgtu ctcu pmgtegi hckco amputuscg amkucric omrmac smghere, smgh ere, omr omrmac mac omo omopmra pmrauct uct hcg omo omopmrk pmrkucs ucs pmgi pmgicruf cruf pmo pmoeae eaercg rcg pmru pmruscfc scfccg cg hck hckco co amfehupcg tcgpc omgychcre bcfwc omrmac omkcauacggyc.
Icobcr bcr 23‐3 adgt adgtrcs rcs pmgh pmghmact mactcg cg ado adougea ugeacse cse Hmm Hmmtz tz tmr tmrfchc fchcp p prc prcatea atea dric dricgesc gescse se hmgi hmgicg cg Ico pmghmactcg egndrocse ycgi omgicgiicp bcfcsc smbcice gmtrck hcg heambere. Pmpmrte Zmcr`m hcg @rdgmg (kefct Bcb >), Hmmtz omgicgiicp omgicgiicp adougeac adougeacse se smbcice adgstruase ocagc sdseck ycgi smhcgi bmrkcgisugi. Xmtcpe tmdre aretesgyc bmrbmhc hcre @OO acrmgc hec bmrpeaer ocsckcf ocsckc f amaucsccg bmrlckcg omkckue smouc bcfcsc hcg adougeacse. Hmmtz tehca cacg tmramlut bcfwc pcrc pmamrlc ZI & M ctcu pmghuhua Fegakmy tehca omoekeae sucrc hckco ambelcacg kegiaugicg pcbrea. Hec pmr`cyc bcfwc adgtrdk ocgclmreck smregi kmbef heutcocacg hcrepchc pmrwcaekcg ampmgtegicg ycgi bmrtmgtcgicg hcg pmruscfccg lcgiac pcglcgi hcg amsmfctcg ocsycrcact. Ocsckcf Ocsckc f omg omghcs hcscr cr hck hckco co cgc cgckes keses es scy scycc chc chckcf kcf adg adgtrd trdkk hcg bci bciceo ceocgc cgc amk amkdop dopda da ycg ycgi i bmr bmrbmh bmhcc hekebctacg hekebc tacg hckco pmgicobekcg pmgicobekcg amput amputuscg. uscg. . . . Pmlca eghustreckesc eghustreckescse, se, pcrc ocgcl ocgclmr mr he pmrus pmruscfcc cfccgg pmruscfccg Comreac tmrutcoc bmrdpmrcse bmrdpmrcse hcre nekdsdne adgtrdk.6
Xegiact ctcs Ico Xegiact Icobcr bcr 23-3 omw omwcaek caekee prd prdsms sms ampu amputusc tuscg g pmru pmruscfc scfccg cg ycgi sm`c sm`crc rc sest sestmoc moctes tes omgim`uckeacg sucrc drcgi ycgi sm`crc kcgisugi hepmgicrufe dkmf amputuscg. Hmmtz omkcbmke adgtrdk ocgclmreck prcatea ege. Bciecg bcwcf icobcr omgiicobcracg prdsms pmgicobekcg amputuscg ycgi omgiughcgi heckdi tmrbuac he cgtcrc smouc pmocgiau ampmgtegicg. Hmmtz omgymbut prcatma `dhmtmroegctedg ege. Amteac heicbugiacg hmgicg pcghcgicg adgstetuten tmgtcgi tmg tcgi ado adougea ugeacse, cse, `dhm `dhmtmro tmroegct egctedg edg omr omrmprm mprmsmgt smgtcsea cseacg cg "amr "amrlc lc adkm adkmate atenn adkm adkmate atenn hcre here 5 smghere, ycgi kceg, hcg hugec" ycgi omgurut Hmmtz chckcf prdhua hmodarcse pcrtesepcten. Penct 2 V 2 hcre Icobcr 23-3 omgifcsekacg mopct `crc bmrbmhc he ocgc amputuscg pubkea ‘ tmrocsua ycgi adrpdrct ‘ hcpct hebuct< strctmie, pmrsmtulucg, amtmrkebctcg, hcg pcrtesepcse. Cgck Cg ckese esess Hm Hmmt mtzz tm tmgtc gtcgi gi amm ammop opct ct prc prcat atea ea ad adrpd rpdrc rcse se eg egee om omglc glche he egt egtee ar aret eteag eagyc yc tm tmrfc rfchcp hcp ocgclmreckesom. PXRCXMIE< PXRCXM IE< OM OMKCK KCK]E ]E IMR IMRCA CA OC OCGCL GCLMRE MRECK CK ]GX ]GX]A ]A OM OMOZ OZMRZ MRZCGL CGLCGI CGI ZMGIMGHCKECG
Adgsestmg Adgsest mg hmgi hmgicg cg pcgh pcghcgic cgicg g Hmmt Hmmtzz tmgt tmgtcgi cgi adgt adgtrdk rdk pmru pmruscfc scfccg, cg, Mre Mreg g Brd Brd`adv `adve`f e`f teh tehca ca pmrgcf omgiicobcracg ocgclmr ZI & M ycgi hcpct hetdkca dkmf pmoersc. Hmmtz omglm om glmkcs kcsacg acg bcf bcfwc wc oc ocgc gclmr lmr egh egheve evehu hu bua buacg cgkc kcf f oc ocsck sckcf cfgyc gyc.. Zm Zmkc kcau au smb smbmg mgcrg crgyc yc chc chckc kcf f ocgclmreckesom. ocgclm reckesom. Hmmtz omghmsar omghmsarepseacg epseacg ocgclmreckesom ocgclmreckesom smbcice wc`cgc ycgi hehcscra hehcscracg cg pchc "smoc`co kdieac sestmoctes, smpmrcgiact prcatea ruteg, hcg ehmdkdie" ycgi omgifcrice 3:
adgtrdk adgtr dk he ct ctcs cs smi smickc ckcgyc gyc.. Zmo Zmomicg micgi i scfc scfco o omg omgiegi iegiegac egacg g amug amugtugi tugicg cg hcg pmam pmamrlc rlc omgiegiegacg ambmbcscg, tmtcpe ocgclmomg scgict omobutufacg adgtrdk. Acpcg pug chc bmg`cgc ctcu sacghck pmruscfccg, pubkea hcg omhec omg`cre acobegi fetco ctcu ctc u "bch cppk cppkm" m" ycgi bmr bmrtcgi tcgiiugi iugi lcw lcwcb. cb. Hmmt Hmmtzz bmrp bmrpmghc mghcpct pct bcfw bcfwcc etu bmrp bmrpcghc cghcgicg gicg pmghma acrmgc acrm gc omgickefacg pmrfctecg hcre h cre sestmo ocgclmreck ocgc lmreck ycgi icick bmrhcscracg bmrhcs cracg adgtrdk. adgtr dk. Hec omgiutep buau pseadpct sdseck Zfekep \eobcrhd, Xfm Ku`enmr Mnnm`t, ycgi omgycrcgacg aetc smbceagyc bmrfmgte bmrbe`crc tmgtcgi bmbmrcpc cpmk burua hcg omkefct adgsmaumgse hcre cpc ycgi tmrlche amteac Cghc omgmopctacg drcgi-drcgi bcea hckco tdgi-tdgi ycgi burua.33 Mreg Brd`adve`f omgcwcracg smaekcs adgtrdk ocgclmreck amteac pmgic`crc Mh bmamrlc scoc hmgicg hmgi cg pmru pmruscfc scfccg cg adrp adrpdrct drct bms bmscr cr ugtu ugtua a omg omgimlc imlcrr tegh teghcacg cacg fuau fuauo o tmr tmrfchc fchcp p pmru pmruscfc scfccg cg kestrea.. Omsaepug Mreg chckcf drcgi ycgi omkcauacg pmgmketecg kestrea pmgmketecg mastmgsen he hmwcg cer `dugty hcg amouhecg omgifcbesacg bmrbukcg-bukcg omgiuopukacg amkufcg ycgi hetcghctcgicge hcre smouc >08 pmghuhua hmwcsc Fegakmy, "lcs" he pmruscfccg bmscr omgicgiicpgyc smbcice tehca teh ca pcgt pcgtcs cs hcg omg omg`dbc `dbc ugtu ugtua a omo omobugi bugiaco acogyc gyc hcre pmrt pmrteob eobcgic cgicg g omr omrmac. mac. Bcg Bcgyca yca
pmamrlc omgickcoe yc gi scoc hckco pmscg tmrsurct hcg h cg tmrserct ycgi turug hcre omgic kcoe icyc heatctdr ycgi ctcs< ‛Acrmgc scyc chckcf bds.‟ ‛Acrmgc scyc bekcgi bmietu.‟ "Leac Cghc tehca omgyuacegyc, amkucrkcf." "Ege `crc scyc ctcu lckcg rcyc."
Bmbmrcp Bmb mrcpcc acry acrycwc cwcg gsegiaeracg," omkcaua omk cauacg cgtmtcpe ambmrctc ambm rctcg hmgicg hmgi cg omg omgictc ictcacg, acg, pchc hcsc hcscrgyc rgyc,, "Co "Cobek bek pmamrlccg ege hcg ege gtehca omgegiactacg rmprmsmgtcse. Zekefcg smregi tmrbctcs pchc amsmteccg ctcu amkucr‘ "suac ctcu tehca." Xcgpc sucrc, pcrc pmamrlc tehca omoekeae sucrc hckco amputuscg ycgi omopmgicrufe omrmac smkcoc smbciecg bmscr wcatu omrmac omr mac tmrl tmrlcic. cic. Hmmt Hmmtzz bmrp bmrpmghc mghcpct pct bcfw bcfwcc amgh amghcte cte amgh amghcke cke smo smoc`c c`co o ege omg omgifek ifekcgi cgi he smbciecg bmscr pmruscfccg ycgi tmr`mrcfacg, bmgtua-bmgtua adgtrdk bcru ycgi hehcscracg pchc sestmo adougeacse omgifckcgie omgif ckcgie sucrc pmamrlc gyctc g yctc hckco omgctc pmamrlccg omrmac Zmomicgi scfco omgifchcpe hekmoc ctcu hekmoc ycgi scoc. Omrmac hcpct omoekef ugtua omgcfcg scfco omrmac ctcu omgluckgyc, tmtcpe tehca chc pekefcg ycgi omgcwcracg `crc ugtua ugtu a omo omopmgi pmgicruf crufee ambe ambelcac lcacg g pmru pmruscfc scfccg. cg. Omsa Omsaepug epug ocg ocgclmo clmomg mg omg omgcop copekac ekacg g her heregyc egyc smbcice pmobuct amputuscg ctcs gcoc pmomicgi scfco (pmoekea), (pmoekea), Hmmtz omgictcacg omgictcacg bcfwc ampmgtegicg amhuc amkdopda smregi tehca scoc. Acrmgc dpse scfco hcg "pcrcsut mocs," ocgc oc gclm lmom omg g pu pug` g`ca ca tm tmkc kcf f om omgh ghcp cpct ct oc ocgn gncc cctt km kmbe bef f hc hcre re am amkd kdop opda da kc kceg eg hc hcre re oc ocge gecc pmgiicbugicg hckco huc hmachm tmrcafer. Pmhcgiacg pmrtuobufcg lcgiac pcglcgi cacg omobcgtu egvmstdr rctc-rctc, `mpct hcg adgtrdk amtct becyc chckcf teamt ocgclmr omgceae tcgiic pmruscfccg. Xmrkmpcs Xmrkmpcs hcre lclcrcg ctcu kcycgcg prdhua pmruscfcc pmruscfccg, g, "adgtrdk chckcf prdhua ocgclmomg hcg ycgi yc gi pckegi lmkcs chckcf ycgi y cgi he ocgc amoclucg eghevehu bmrchc." 32 Zchc cwckgyc, ocgclmr ougiaeg omgicgiicp mnesemgse smbcice scrcgc ugtua omgicafere kcbc ycgi kmbef tegiie. Hmmtz ycaeg, bciceocgcpug, bcfwc amegiegcg ugtua smimrc omgimghckeacg omglchee ulugi ycgi bmrfcric hckco heregyc smghere. Amegiegcg ugtua omgimghckeacg bcfacg omglch hcpct omkmbefe amegiegcg ugtua aegmrlc pmruscfccg. Bmrbe`crc hckco bmgtua ucgi smregiacke kmbef ugtua adgtrdk hcrepchc omgifcrice mnesemgse ctcu amugtugicg. Hdrdgicg pmgimghckecg ocgclmreckesom omg`cre omheuo pmrpcglcgicggyc, hcg ucgikcf etu. . . . Pmickc smsuctu ycgi tehca hcpct hetmrlmocfacg sm`crc omochce am hckco ucgi hetmacg sm`crc eopkeset, hcg smouc fca amputuscg ycgi bmrscegi omgimgce amfehupcg smsmdrcgi hebuct ocriegck.30
He oc ocgcgc-oc ocgc gc chc chckc kcf f pmg pmg`c `crec recg g adg adgtr trdk dk eg egee km kmbef bef lmk lmkcs cs hc hcrep repchc chc he hck hckco co pm pmrsm rsmke kesef sefcg cg adrpdrcs adrp drcsee tmrf tmrfchcp chcp adgn adgnkea kea pubk pubkea. ea. Ctu Cturcg rcg prca prcates tes ocg ocgclm clmreck reck tco tcopcag pcagyc yc chck chckcf cf bcfw bcfwcc adgnkea adgn kea fcru fcruss "het "hetcgic cgicge" ge" hcr hcrepch epchcc hehe hehesaus sauseac eacg g sm`c sm`crc rc tmrb tmrbuac. uac. Ocgc Ocgclmr lmr hefc hefcrice rice acrm acrmgc gc ‛omoch ‛om ochcoa coacg cg cpe cpe,‟ ,‟ ‛om ‛omglck glckcgac cgacg g acpc acpckk ycgi amt amtct, ct,‟‟ ctc ctcu u ‛om ‛omobu obuct ct smic smickc kc smsu smsuctu ctugyc gyc bmrlckcg kcg`cr.‟ Penct eopmrsdgck hcre hc re omtcndrc ege omgugluaacg omgugluaa cg bcfwc pcrc masmauten masma uten fcrus omgmopctacg omgmo pctacg tcgiiugi lcwcb ampchc pmruscfcc pmruscfccg g he ctcs pmrcsccg prebche ctcu ocsckcf mtes. Hckco adgtmas pmruscfccg, akceo "ambelcacg pmruscfccg" hcg "fcgyc omkcauacg pmamrlccg scyc" omobmreacg lusteneacse odrck ycgi `uaup ugtua omgmacg fcoper smouc teghcacg pmrkcwcgcg acrycwcg ctcu pmrbmhccg p mghcpct. Pmkceg omopmr`mpct amoclucg he lckur acrer ocgclmreck, chc smheaet buate bcfwc adgtrdk strc st rctm tmie iess om omoe oeke keae ae mn mnma ma om omgi giug ugtu tugi giac acg. g. Hm Hmmt mtzz om omgi giak akce ceo o bc bcfw fwcc sm smbc bcie iecg cg bm bmsc scr r ambmrfcs ambm rfcsekcg ekcg (ctc (ctcu u amic amicickc ickcg) g) pmru pmruscfc scfccg cg chck chckcf cf fcse fcsekk hcr hcree ncat ncatdr-n dr-ncatd catdrr he kucr amgh amghcke cke 38 ocgclmreck. Gcoug, adgtrdk omocgi omoekeae amkmocfcg ycgi bmrbmhc. Becycgyc tegiie,
hcg g pc pcrc rc pm pmam amrl rlcc om omo obm bmg` g`ee pm pmgi gicw cwcs cscg cg ad adgs gstc tcg. g. Rm Rmnm nmrm rmgs gsee yc ycgi gi sm smre regi gi ug ugtu tua a hc ‛omobmrsefacg acyu octe‟ ctcu ‛omocgiacs kmoca‟ omg`eptcacg kdopctcg ycgi hcpct heom he omgim gimrte rte he ack ackcg cgicg icg ac acryc rycwc wcg, g, hc hcg g tm tmrac rachc hcgi gi amt amtca cautc utcg g om omrm rmac ac hek hekca cauac uacg g hc hckco kco pmobmrdgtcacg tmrsmkubugi, tmrsmku bugi, smpmrte ycgi heekustrcseacg heeku strcseacg hckco Mreg Brd`adve`f. Brd`adv e`f. Amteac iuictcg tmrfchcp tmrfchcp ZI & M tcopcagyc octe he hckco cer acrmgc tehca chc buate bcfwc pmruscfccg eghua tcfu cpc ycgi smhcgi tmrlche, smdrcgi prec omghmacte Mreg he bcr. Hec bmrtcgyc cpc ycgi cacg hec kcauacg leac hec omgictcacg ampchcgyc bcfwc hec tmkcf hepmregt hepm regtcfac cfacg g ugtu ugtua a omg omg`cbe `cbea-`c a-`cbea bea hdau hdauomg omg tmg tmgtcgi tcgi cer bmrc bmrc`ug `ug amt amteac eac hec bmam bmamrlc rlc he pcbrea smtmopct. Purct-surct etu tmrocsua surct hcre acgtdr pusct pmruscfccg ycgi omgictcacg, pchc hcscrgyc, Cer etu bmrc`ug, tmtcpe cacg kmbef bcea bcie smouc ycgi tmrkebct leac ege tehca hehesauseacg hmgicg ocsycrcact. Mreg bmrtcgyc pchcgyc cpcacf hec omgifcg`uracg adrcg smpmrte ycgi hepmregtcfacg ampchcgyc. Hmgicg smgyuo adgsperctdr, hec omgicaue bcfwc hec buacg acrycwcg ycgi scgict bcea. Acrmgc hdoegcse omg`eptcacg omg`eptcacg rmse rm sest stmg mgse se sm smoc oc`c `co o eg ege, e, sm smbc bcie iecg cg bm bmsc scrr ocg cgcl clmr mr odh dhmr mrg g km kmbe bef f omo moek ekef ef ug ugtu tua a omop om opmrt mrtcfc cfcgac gacg g adg adgtrd trdkk om omkck kckue ue pmr pmrsmt smtul ulucg ucg sua suacr crmk mkcc hc hcre re pma pmamr mrlc lc hcr hcrepc epchc hc hmg hmgicg icg omgicghckacg pmgiiugccg strctmies amauctcg omgtcf. @DGPMG @DGP MGX< X< @D^MRX
]GX ]G X]A
Hmmtzz chc Hmmt chckc kcf f ugt ugtua ua ac acpet petcke ckeso som, m, tmt tmtcp cpee hec yca ycaeg eg bc bcfwc fwc pmr pmrusc uscfcc fccg g te tehc hca a oc ocsua sua cac cack. k. ‛Omrmac omgifcrcpacg kmbef hcre sctu fcre amrlc ycgi chek ugtua pmobcycrcg fcre becsc1 omrma om rmacc om omgie giegi giega egacg cg `e `egt gtc, c, rc rcsc sc fdr fdroc oct, t, hcg he ct ctcs cs sm smou oucc ams amsmte mtecc ccg. g. ‟3= Omsaepug pmruscfccg omghcpctacg omghc pctacg pdrse pd rse ycgi pckegi pckeg i bcgyca bmrestercfct, secic, hcg bmbcs bmb cs bcfcg aeoec pmamrlc pchc fcre etu, tcopcagyc etu tehca `uaup. Ocgclmomg bmrseamrcs bcfwc amsmteccg ampchc pmruscfccg fcrus hctcgi smbmkuo amkucric, tmocg, imrmlc, hcg ocsycrcact. Omkckue prdsms Hmmtz omocgiiek pmrsmtulucg, smbciecg bmscr acrycwcg a crycwcg hmgicg h mgicg suacrmkc s uacrmkc omobmreacg omobmrea cg amsmtec amsm teccg cg etu tcgp tcgpcc omg omghcpc hcpctacg tacg bcgy bcgyca ca eob eobckc ckcg. g. ‛Zmr ‛Zmrsmtu smtulucg lucg chck chckcf cf est estekc ekcf f ycgi scyc iugcacg ugtua omguglua bmrbcice setucse hcg prdsms he ocgc smsmdrcgi ycgi caten, omsaepug tcgpc schcr, omgymkmsceacg omgymkmsceacg ampmgtegicg drcgi kceg hckco uscfc ycgi sckcf ugtua omomgufe ampmgtegicggyc smghere. Drcgi etu tmrkebct hckco pmgidrbcgcggyc smghere. ‟ 3> `dgsmgt < Zrdsms he ocgc acrycwcg sm`crc caten, omsaepug tehca schcr, omgicauesese oegct ocgclmreck hckco upcyc ycgi sckcf ugtua omomgufe amegiegcg omrmac smghere.
Kygg, ocgtcg seswc scyc, omgukes mgtre kdi cpkeacse ugtua tmdre aretes Hmmtz ycgi hmgicg tclco omgcgiacp becyc pmrsmtulucg ocgusec< Cycf scyc scgic scgictt smtec ampchc pmruscfccggy pmruscfccggycc ugtua omgegiactacg omgegiactacg luokcf amgce amgceacg acg icle. Amteac scuhcrc scyc hcg scyc chckcf bcye hcg bcketc, amkucric scyc tegiick he mopct tmopct bmrbmhc hckco teic tcfug acrmgc pmruscfccg omgifcrusacg acoe peghcf. Amouhecg, cycf scyc omgifcbesacg smbciecg bmscr wcatugyc bmpmriecg hcg tegiick he Gmw Udra smkcoc kmbef hcre mgco bukcg smomgtcrc ycgi kceg tegiick he Bckteodrm. Pmkcoc tcfug-tcfug smadkcf omgmgicf scyc, hec bmamrlc scopce smaetcr puauk hmkcpcg ctcu smobekcg ockco omsaepug tehca hetugtut hcregyc. Pmkuruf hmpcrtmomggyc smregi chc he scgc acrmgc etu chckcf prcatea uouo ugtua omgifcbesacg bcgyca wcatu omgymkmsceacg pmamrlccg. Pcyc egieg smacke omkefct hugec ehmck he ocgc acrycwcg omoekeae amauctcg ycgi kmbef bmscr hckco adougeacse omrmac hckco pmruscfccg bmscr. Pcyc peaer etu ougiaeg cacg omgymkcoctacg amkucricamkucric smpmrte amkucric scyc hcre tuobuf bmscr tcgpc cycf pmguf wcatu. Pcyc hcp Pcyc hcpct ct omk omkefc efctt eop eopkea keacse cse kmb kmbef ef kcg kcglut lut.. Le Leac ac acr acrycw ycwcg, cg, tmr tmrutc utcoc oc pre prec, c, omr omrcsc csc smp smpmrt mrtee omr omrmac mac omoekeae kmbef bcgyca amauctcg he tmopct amrlc, omrmac cacg `mghmrugi pukcgi am ruocf hcg omrcsc pmrku ugtua omobuateacg amauctcg omrmac he ruocf hmgicg omrmghcfacg estre omrmac hckco bmrbcice bmrbcice
`cr `crc. c. Pcy Pcycc pea peaer er lea leacc prd prdpds pdsck ck Hmm Hmmtz tz pmr pmrgcf gcf bma bmamrl mrlcc hck hckco co sac sackc kc kuc kucs, s, gmi gmicrc crc aet aetcc cac cacg g omk omkefc efctt pmgurugcg hckco amamrcscg hckco ruocf ruocf tcgiic.
Bciceocgc pmruscfccg bmrfcsek omkcauacg Bciceocgc omkcauacg tcwcr-o tcwcr-omgcwcr mgcwcr ycgi tehca chek hmgicg acrycwcg omrmac omr mac44 Pcg Pcgict ict omg omgiidh iidhcc ugtu ugtua a omg omguglu uglua a pchc wdr wdracfd acfdkeso kesomm cyc cycf f Kyg Kygg g smbc smbcice ice egt egtee ocsckcf, tmtcpe Hmmtz kmbef bcgyca omgyckcfacg adgtrdk ocgclmr tmrfchcp bcfcsc tmopct amrlc am rlc,, egn egndro drocse cse,, bm bmgtu gtua, a, seo seobdk bdk,, re retuc tuck, k, hcg ae aescf scf.. Om Omsae saepug pug eg egee chc chckc kcf f prc prcate atea a yc ycgi gi Zc`cgdwsay hcg ukcf egtmrprmtcten kceggyc omopmrkcauacg smbcice egheactdr hcre buhcyc dricges dricg escse cse ycg ycgi i he hebmr bmrea eacg cg (k (kef efct ct Bc Bcb b 2:) 2:),, Hm Hmmt mtzz om omoc ocghc ghcgig gigyc yc smb smbcic cicee upc upcyc yc ugt ugtua ua omgifcs omg ifcsekac ekacg g hcg omr omrmprd mprdhuas huasee buhc buhcyc yc ycgi seo seopcte pctea a tmrf tmrfchcp chcp ampm ampmgte gtegicg gicg ocg ocgclm clmreck reck.. Pmouc pmruscfccg omoekeae pmrcgiact prcatea adgstetuten omrmac smghere. Zmrtcgyccg ycgi hec tcgycacg tehca Cpc crtegyc ege4 Pmbckeagyc, etu crtegyc secpc ege4 Ocgclmrecke Ocgclmr eckesom som omo omoprdo prdodsea dseacg cg pmrs pmrsmtul mtulucg ucg pmam pmamrlc rlc omk omkckue ckue prds prdsms ms ado adougea ugeacse cse ycgi tmrhestdrse sm`crc sestmoctes. Xehca smpmrte adgtrdk strctmies, ycgi tmrbuac hcg hesmgiclc, adougeacse ycgi tmrhestdrse sm`crc sestmoctes bmrdpmrcse he bcwcf rchcr. Amteac ege tmrlche, fcrcpcg hcg gdroc hckco pmgicturcg irup omobctcse cpc ycgi hcpct hemasprmseacg ctcu bcfacg hepeaeracg sm`crc tmrbuac. Hmmtz omgmacgacg bcfwc pcrc pmamrlc omgepu here omrmac smghere acrmgc omrmac pmr`cyc bcfwc omrmac bmregtmrcase hmgicg bmbcs, smomgtcrc pchc amgyctcc amgy ctccggyc ggyc fcgy fcgycc dpse tmr tmrtmgt tmgtu u ycgi tmr tmrsmhe smhec. c. Pmb Pmbcice cice `dgt `dgtdf, df, Hmmt Hmmtzz omg omg`ctc `ctctt bcfw bcfwcc fubugicg dtdretmr ycgi smwmgcgi-wmgcgi hckco suctu dricgescse hcpct hescocracg smbcice pmobciecg amrlcoseacg ycgi Hmgicg `crcqud, etu smtecp pmobe`crccg tmgtcgi rmkcse fcruss omg fcru omgicsu icsuose acg scf. vckehetc vcke hetcs s stc stctus tus smfegii smf egiic c omr omrmprd mprdhuas huase e femr femrcrae crae amaucsccg dricgesc dric gescse se hcrepchc omgcgtcgigyc. Amputuscg egtmrcaten ycgi gyctc tehca hcpct hebuct hckco adgtmas smpmrte etu. Adougeacse Adougea cse ycgi tmrh tmrhestd estdrse rse sm` sm`crc crc sest sestmoc moctes tes omo omobutu butufacg facg pmgm pmgmacgc acgcg g pdtm pdtmgse gse adgn adgnkea kea.. Zrdsms ege, ycgi hesmbut Hmmtz smbcice pmgutupcg hesaursen, tmrlche hckco bmrbcice `crc. Oesckgyc, amkdopda drcgi tmrtmgtu hckco suctu dricgescse hcpct heakcseneacseacg smbcice "hesauckeneacse" ugtua bmrbe`crc tmgtcgi esu-esu pmgtegi. Hmnegese smwmgcgi-wmgcgi hcpct hebmre hebm re kcbm kcbmkk "ck "ckcoe coe"" ugtu ugtua a omg omgifeg ifeghcr hcree hesa hesause use kmb kmbef ef kcgl kcglut. ut. Gek Gekce-g ce-gekc ekcee ycgi omo omocghu cghu pcgiiekcg pmgekcecg ocgclmr hcpct hesmobugyeacg smfegiic tcopcagyc omglche amputuscg ycgi dbymaten. Puctu amkdopda hcpct omg`micf cgiidtc ugtua bmrbe`crc tmgtcgi sublma tmrt tm rtmgt mgtu. u. Ct Ctcu cu dri dricge cgescs scsee hcp hcpct ct om omop opmrb mrbdkm dkmfa facg cg hes hesaus ausee tm tmgt gtcgi cgi suc suctu tu td tdpea pea sm smpmr pmrte te akcsene akc seneacse acse pmam pmamrlcc rlccg g ycgi tmr tmracet acet imgh imghmr mr ctcu omo omobcyc bcycrr pmrb pmrbmhcc mhccg, g, tmt tmtcpe cpe omg omgicbc icbceac eacg g ampmgtegicggyc ctcu hmgicg `mpct omgickefacg pmrfctecg am ocsckcf kceg. Hmmtz omgugluaacg bcfwc amauctcg prcatea dricgescse chckcf ycgi tmrauct amteac tehca chc ycgi omoeaeracggyc. omoeaeracggyc. Leac smsmdrcg smsmdrcgi i omopm omopmrtcgycacg rtcgycacg rutegetcs smpmrte etu, acrycwcg cacg amsuketcg ugtua omglmkcsacg omgicpc etu chckcf prdsmhur dpmrcse stcghcr. Xcgiicpcg tmrbcea ycgi yc gi hc hcpct pct om omrma rmacc auo auopuk pukacg acg chc chckc kcf f lc lcwc wcbcg bcg ycg ycgi i te tehca hca pm pmgte gtegi< gi< ‛E ‛Etuk tukcf cf `c `crc rc yc ycgi gi hekcauacg hekcauac g he sege.‟ Zrcatea ycgi omoeke omoekeae ae aucketcs ycgi hecgiicp becsc ege smregi hescoca hescocacg cg hmgicg cack smfct. Xcgpc pmocfcocg ycgi lmkcs bcfwc adougeacse omgifcsekacg hcrepchc omg`mroegacg amgyctccg (sese acgcg Icobcr 23-3), acrycwcg cacg tcgpc schcr omgymtulue omgtcketcs ocgclmreck ycgi egieg omopmrkucs adgtrdk pmruscfccg. AMXMRKEBCXCG< MAPZRMPE MAPZRMPE BMBCP EHM, XCZE XEHCA CHC P]CRC
bcie secpc sclc ycgi omoekeae scfco amputuscg pmruscfccg (aetc smouc4), hcre adgtrdk ocgclmreck he bciecg ctcshckco Icobcr 23-3 fegiic amtmrkebctcg he bciecgbmrimsmr bcwcf
chck chckcf cf kcgi kcgiacf acf ycgi scgi scgict ct pmgt pmgtegi. egi. Hck Hckco co este estekcf kcf pdke pdketea tea,, ege omw omwcaek caekee pmru pmrubcfc bcfcg g hcre dtdarcse am hmodarcse kebmrck - hcre amputuscg ocgclmreck ycgi hebuct he bmkcacgi pegtu tmrtut utu up ugt gtu ua omobu buac ac he hessau ause se he ocgc sm smo ouc omoekeae am amssmopct ctccg ug ugttua omgimasprmseacg pmghcpct omrmac. Amtmrkebctcg acrycwcg hckco pekefcg pmruscfccg heoukce hmgicg adtca scrcg ycgi hepcscgi he hegh heghegi. egi. He bmbm bmbmrcpc rcpc pmru pmruscfc scfccg, cg, ughc ughcgicg gicg ugt ugtua ua bmrm bmrmaspr asprmse mse ege bmrm bmrmvdku vdkuse se smkc smkcoc oc bmbmrcpc hmachm hmach m am hckco ndruo tmrbuac ycgi tcopca smpmrte sm pmrte pmrtmoucg adtc cwck Comreac. Zckegi bcea, upcyc-upcyc hmodarcse adrpdrct ege hehcscracg pchc adoetomg ugtua ambmbcscg bmrbe`crc hcg gekce pcscr tmrbuac icicscg (kefct mteac Geksmg tmgtcgi pekefcg ycgi seigeneacg, fck. 238‐23=). Egvdkvmomgt < Masprmse icicscg bmbcs hcre pcrc pmocgiau ampmgtegicg ycgi ougiaeg, ctcu ougiaeg tehca, omopmgicrufe amputuscg ocgclmreck.
Hmmtz omgiakceo bcfwc hmodarcse Lmnnmrsdg cbch am-36 ycgi kebmrck hehcscracg pchc teic pmgimrtecg tmgtcgi adougeacse< (3) ambmbcscg bmrbe`crc omglcoeg pcrtesepcse ycgi chek hckco pmgicobekcg amputuscg1 (2) pmrsucse hcg chvdacse chckcf `crc tmrbcea ugtua omg`cpce amputuscg ycgi bcea1 hcg (0) eghevehu dtdgdo amouhecg hcpct omobuct peaercg omrmac smghere. Pm`crc bmrscoc-scoc, ege bmrcrte ambmgcrcg cacg oug`uk hcre crus egndrocse bmbcs he pcscr tmrbuac ehm. Pmkcoc drcgi bmrbcie gekce ycgi scoc, odhmk adougeacse trcgsnmr 39
egndrocse bmamrlc hmgicg bcea. Xmtcpe hckco ocsycrcact fmtmrdimg, pcs`codhmrg ycgi lcrcgi tmrlche. Dricgescse he cbch am huc pukuf sctu fcrus bmrdpmrcse hckco hugec ycgi oclmoua hcg sckegi Dricgescse tmrfubugi. Drcgi smkcku bmrbmhc, tmtcpe huku bcfwc pmiugugicg hcg kcutcg omougiaegacg ugtua tmtcp hmgicg lmges Cghc smghere. Fcre ege hckco besges hcg pmomregtcfcg, etu fcoper tehca ougiaeg. Cghc tehca hcpct bmrfcrcp bcgyca mopcte hcre smsmdrcgi ycgi hebmscracg hckco buhcyc ycgi bmrbmhc, ycgi omoekeae pmgickcocg ycgi scgict bmrbmhc, hcg ycgi omomicgi pcghcgicg hugec ycgi ougiaeg Cghc rcscacg omgiicgiiu. Hcg esdkcse tehca kcie omglche pekefcg. Amteac areses madgdoe ikdbck he tcfug 2::6 hcg tuopcfcg oegyca Xmkua E tcfug 2:3: omgiekustrcseacg, cpc pug ycgi tmrlche he lckcg ctcu he kucr gmimre pcste cacg omopmgicrufe aetc smouc. Hmmtz ycaeg bcfwc leac Xfdocs Lmnnmrsdg fehup he bcwcf cgieg hcre pmtmrgcacg bcbe pcbrea, Hmakcrcse Amomrhmaccg ycgi hetukesgyc cacg omglch omglchee hdauomg 36 ycgi bmrbmhc. Zcghcgicg adougeacse pmgickefcg egndrocse tehca bmrlckcg bcea fcre ege. Acrmgc Hmmtz omgicocte prcatea adougeacse pmruscfccg scct ege, ec omgyeopukacg bcfwc "fca bmrmasprmse tcopca kmbef pmgtegi hcrepchc fca ugtua hebmre egndrocse ctcu omoekeae pmgicruf." 35 Omkckue amtmrkebctcg hckco hesause ambelcacg pmruscfccg, acrycwcg omoekeae amsmo am smopc pctc tcg g ug ugtua tua om omgyu gyucrc crcacg acg am amkuf kufcg cg om omrm rmac, ac, om omgyc gyctc tcacg acg ame amegie giegc gcg g om omrm rmac, ac, hc hcg g omrmadomghcseacg omrmado mghcseacg `crc-`crc cktmrgcten ugtua bmamrlc. Bcgyca ocgclmr omgiiugcacg smse ege smbcice `crc ugtua omobmre acrycwcg amsmopctcg ugtua omkmpcsacg here. Xmtcpe chvdacse buacgkcf gmidsecse. gm idsecse. Amteac pcrc pmamrlc omgmouacg bcfwc ehm omrmac tehca tmrwcaeke hckco amputuscg cafer, omrmac hmgicg `mpct omglche seges tmrfchcp prdsms tmrsmbut. Bcea hckco pdketea gcsedgck hcg hckco tctc amkdkc pmruscfccg, hmodarcse ycgi bmrocagc tehca fcgyc omgsycr omgsycrctacg ctacg bcfwc drcgi omoekeae amsmopctcg ugtua omghesa omghesauseacg useacg ocsckcf, omrmac luic pmrku omoekeae sucrc hckco fcsek cafer. Ndruo omobmreacg amsmopctcg ugtua amtmrkebctcg, sucrc tehca fcgyc omoekeae sucrc. bmrcrte omgiugiacpacg ampmgtegicg ycgi yc gi bm bmbcs bcs tmtcpe hcg tmrbu tm rbuac, ac, hcg amou am ouhec hecg g om omoe oekea keaeEge e am ampmg pmgte tegic gicg g ycg ycgi i tm tmr`m r`mro roeg eg hck hckco co
amputuscg g bmrscoc. Etu chckcf pcrtesepcse gyctc. Hmmtz omgictc omgictcacg acg etu fcgyc ougiaeg amteac amputusc smouc pmocgiau ampmgtegicg omgychcre bcfwc adougeacse omrmac omg`eptcacg rmcketcs hcrepchc fcgyc omgiicobcracggyc.
Xmdre adougeacse Hmmtz scgict pmgtegi, tmtcpe tehca fcgyc gmicten. Pmomgtcrc ec omgiaretea amrcs strctmie ocgclmreck ugtua omgegiactacg adgtrdk ctcs pmamrlc, omrcg`cgi pmrsmtulucg omrmac,, hcg omobmreacg omrmac ambmbcscg bmrmasprmse tcgpc omobmre omrmac sucrc hckco omrmac ampu am putu tusc scg, g, ec lu luic ic pm pmr` r`cy cycc bc bcfw fwcc am ampu putu tusc scg g bm bmrs rsco cocc hc hcg g tm tmrb rbua uacc he tm tmop opct ct am amrl rlcc heougiaegacg. Hmmtz ycaeg bcfwc "pcrtesepcse hmodarctes ycgi bmrcrte omg`eptcacg wcric gmicrc ycgi kmbef bcea hcg pekefcg sdseck ycgi kmbef bcea, hcg omobmreacg ocgncct madgdoe ycgi pmgtegi." 2: Pckcf sctu tulucg tmdregyc chckcf ugtua omrmbut amobcke amougiaegcg gmidsecse amaucsccg tmrbuac. Hec omgymbutgyc hmodarcse pmocgiau ampmgtegicg. Kcgiacf Kcgia cf pmr pmrtc tcoc oc ycg ycgi i he hekca kcauac uacg g Hm Hmmt mtzz chc chckc kcf f om omop opmrk mrkucs ucs hcn hcntc tcrr drc drcgigi-drc drcgi gi ycg ycgi i smfcrusgyc omoekeae sucrc hckco bciceocgc smbucf pmruscfccg helckcgacg. Pmkceg ocgclmr, ec omkefct smtehcagyc mgco amkdopda pmocgiau ampmgtegicg hmgicg bmrbcice ambutufcg hcg amegiegcg.23 Egvmstdr omg`c Egvmstdr omg`cre re amco amcocgcg cgcg pdada hcg pmgimobckecg pmgimobckecg ycgi kcyca ctcs egvms egvmstcse tcse omrmac. Zmamrlc omg`cre omg`c re upcf ycgi wclcr, adghese amrlc ycgi cocg, amsmopctcg amsmopctcg ugtua omrcs omrcscc bcgii bcgiicc ctcs amrlc omrmac, amcocgcg pmamrlccg, hcg wcatu ugtua amkucric omrmac. Adgsuomg omg`cre bcrcgi hcg lcsc bmraucketcs hmgicg fcric ycgi chek. Zmocsda omg`cre pmroegtccg ycgi stcbek ugtua suobmr hcyc omrmac hmgicg pmobcycrcg tmpct wcatu pchc scct pmgiereocg. Adouge Ado ugetcs tcs tuc tucg g ruo ruocf cf omg omg`cr `cree pmo pmobcy bcycrc crcg g ugt ugtua ua kcy kcycgc cgcg g ycg ycgi i hes hesmhe mhecac cacg, g, pma pmamrl mrlccg ccg tmt tmtcp, cp, kegiaugicg-p kegiau gicg-pmrcw mrcwctcg ctcg omgtc omgtck, k, hcg aucke aucketcs tcs amkuc amkucric ric hcg amfeh amfehupcg upcg pubke pubkea a hetegi hetegiactac actacg g hcrep hcrepchc chc bmraurcgi. Ocsycrcact ycgi kmbef bmscr hcg ocsycrcact hugec omg`cre pmrcwctcg kegiaugicg, stcbeketcs madgdoe, amsmkurufcg amsdpcgcg, hcg pmrkcaucg chek hcre smouc amkdopda adgstetumg (rcs, mtges, imghmr).
Hmmtz omg`ctct bcfwc bmbmrcpc pmocgiau ampmgtegicg tmkcf omgicobek resead ycgi kmbef bmscr hcg omkcauacg egvmstcse lcgiac pcglcgi hckco pmruscfccg hcrepchc pmoekea scfco 22
becsc ctcu ocgclmr tegiact ycgi ctcs. omoeke Ec pmr`cyc bcfwchckco pmgtegi bcie omrmac hepmgicrufe dkmf amputuscg pmruscfccg omoekeae ae pmghcpct `crc smpmrte etu. ycgi amputuscg amputusc g hebuct. Xmgtu sclc, seacp ege bmrtmgtcgicg hmgicg pmgimrtecg trchesedgck tmgtcgi fca pmomicgi scfco masakusen ctcu fca prmrdicten ocgclmreck, tmtcpe Cgca-cgca Cgca-c gca scy scycc `mg `mghmr hmrugi ugi omo omoeke ekef f smr smrmck mck scr scrcpc cpcg g ycg ycgi i omg omguru urutt scy scycc aur aurcgi cgi ehm ehmck. ck. Pcy Pcycc lui luicc omopmrfcteacg bcfwc pcie fcre smtmkcf pcie omrmac `mghmrugi tmrus omobc`c amobcke adtca ycgi scoc hcre ocgc omrmac omgucgi smrmck. Hcre cpc ycgi besc scyc actcacg, tehca chc cpc pug he adtca ycgi tehca bmgcr hcg bmbmrcpc he cgtcrcgyc hehcscracg pchc buate ekoecf ycgi bcea. Cgca-cgca ycgi bcfciec hcg tdadf-tdadf ycgi heicobcracg he adtca etu omgymrupce cgca-cgca scyc smghere hcg egndrocse ieze tcopca smfct. Ocsckcf scyc buacgkcf ambmgcrcg hcre cpc ycgi hetcopekacg, tmtcpe ycgi omghcpct iekercg ugtua bmrbe`crc he adtca hcg cpc ycgi omrmac putusacg ugtua hetegiickacg. Pcyc cafergyc omoutusacg ugtua omgiicgte adtca-adtca ege hmgicg wchcf pkcstea bmgegi he ocgc scyc besc omocsuaacg tmas scyc smghere. Pcyc omocsuaacg icobcr cgca-cgca ycgi amkmbefcg bmrct bchcg, cgca-cgca scopcf ycgi suhcf ocacg bcgyca smrmck iukc. Pcyc P cyc omocsuaacg hmsarepse prcatea tmgcic amrlc pmruscfccg ycgi omoprdhuase, hcg leac scyc bmgcr-bmgcr tehca omgyuace smrmck, scyc omocsuaacg luokcf rcobut teaus ycgi heezegacg dkmf Nddh cgh Hrui Choegestrctedg.
Bmbmrcpc drcgi afcwcter bcfwc scyc omocgepukcse cgca-cgca scyc hmgicg omobuct egndrocse pdketea smfcre-fcre. Xcpe scyc peaer omrmac amfekcgicg egtegyc. Pcyc tehca omobuct egndrocse pchc adtca pdketea ‘ suhcf chc. Hcg omobuctgyc lmkcs bcfwc egndrocse ege hepdketeser tehca omglcheacggyc egndrocse ycgi bcea ctcu burua. Etu fcgyc omgugluaacg bcfwc smouc egndrocse hespdgsdre. Pmouc hctc, bcea ekoecf ocupug buacg, omgicghugi gekce hcg acrmgcgyc bmrsenct pdketes. Ambmgcrcg buacgkcf ocsckcf pchc adtca smrmck. Amkkdii, Zdst, Imgmrck Oekks, cimg pmomregtcf hcg scyc omoekeae prmnmrmgse ycgi bmrbmhc hcg dkmf acrmgc etu omgifcsekacg hcg omrmprdhuase ambmgcrcg ycgi bmrbmhc. Xca sctu pug hcre aetc ycgi kmbef oukec ctcu lcfct hmgicg omgifcsekacg ambmgcrcg tmrtmgtu. Gcoug hckco amfehupcg smfcre-fcre ycgi ruteg, Amkkdii omoekeae pmkucgi ycgi lcuf kmbef bmscr ugtua omobmreacg pmrspmatengyc hcrepchc hcrepchc ycgi scyc ctcu drcgi kceg kcauacg. kcauacg. Hesause ycgi hercgiscgi dkmf pcamt pmgiicgte scyc kmbef pmgtegi hcrepchc ocsckcf ambmgcrcg sclc. Cpcacf scyc ctcu drcgi kceg omocgepukcse cgca-cgca scyc4 Aetc smouc ougiaeg ‘ pcbreacg hcg pmomregtcf omkckue fca esteomwc ycgi ycgi tca tmrkefct, tehca omopmrlmkcs bcfwc egndrocse kceg etu omgcrea hcg rmkmvcg. Pcyc luic omocgepukcse leac scyc omgiiugcacg amauctcg drcgi tuc ugtua omocascacg prmnmrmgse scyc pchc cgca-cgca scyc. scyc. Xmtcpe adgsmaumgsegyc he ruocf scyc scgict bmrbmhc. Acoe omoekeae pmr`cacpcg scrcpcg ycgi omrecf scct omobcfcs cpc ycgi pmrku heamtcfue hcg cpc ycgi egieg acoe amtcfue. Cgca-cgca scyc omgukes tmas omrmac smghere ugtua smrmck scyc. Caebctgyc, aetc smouc cafergyc omobuct amputuscg ycgi kmbef hepekef sm`crc tmrbuac hcg adopkmas he supmrocramt
NEI]RM 23‐2 C Odrgegi Mxmr`esm @rmctmh by Ptcg Hmmtz
Hmmt mtzz om omgic gictca tcacg cg te tehca hca chc hc hcscr scr ycg ycgi i sc scf f ugt ugtua ua om omgie giest steo eomw mwca cacg cg sc sctu tu am amkdo kdopda pda Hm pmocgiau ampmgtegicg he ctcs ycgi kceg. Hec omgiegictacg omgiegic tacg aetc bcfwc b cfwc ckco ckc o tehca omobuct adrpdrcse ‘ aetc omkcauacggyc. Fca hcg tcgiiugi lcwcb drcgi tehca hebmreacg smbmkuogyc dkmf ckco ctcu dkmf struatur gekce ugevmrsck ycgi esteomwc, tmtcpe hegmidsecseacg omkckue egtmrcase.20
Pcct Cghc omoeghce amkcs pmocgiau ampmgtegicg hcg oegct omrmac, ycgi tmr`cgtuo he fckcoc fck cocg g smbc smbckeag keagyc, yc, lmk lmkcs cs bcfw bcfwcc tct tctcc amkd amkdkc kc pmru pmruscfc scfccg cg scct ege teh tehca ca hese hesecpac cpacg g ugtu ugtua a omg`cpce scscrcg sdseck, amucgicg, hcg madkdies omrmac. He zcocg Mgrdg hcg Fckkeburtdg ege, eg e, om omgic gicghc ghckac kacg g idd iddhw hwek ekkk oc ocgcl gclmre mreck ck ca cacg cg tc tcop opca ca smp smpmr mrte te km kmku ku`dg `dg.. Pm Pmbc bciec iecg g cac cacg g omgifcrcpacg pmomregtcf ugtua omocsuaacg gekce sdseck am hckco pcscr, tmtcpe, am`ucke ugtua pmredhm wcatu segiact smtmkcf areses, ambelcacg pmomregtcf scgict hepmgicrufe dkmf pcrc pmoeopeg besges hcg pmkdbe. Zmghuaugi pmruscfccg bmbcs omgugluaacg bcfwc tcgicg pcscr ycgi tehca tmrkefct cacg omgymkmsceacg ocsckcf, tmtcpe etu omgiurcgie smouc gekce fegiic fetugicg hdkcr hcg smg ‘ hcg etu tehca chek. Hmmtz omgcwcracg pmgekcecggyc hcg omkefct sdkusegyc< Pm`crc adkmaten, pmgctciugccg, pmrcturcg pmomregtcf hcg pcscr omgcwcracg omacgesom ycgi kmocf ugtua omocsuaacg gekce hcg fcoper tehca chc huaugicg ugtua prdsms adougeacse ycgi omg`eptcacg setucse omgcgi / omgcgi he ocgc bcgyca pmocgiau ampmgtegicg hcpct bmrfcsek omgimlcr ampmgtegicg bmrscoc omrmac. . . . Zchc cafergyc, fcrcpcg tmrbcea tmrkmtca pchc omghcpctacg gekce-gekce sdseck ycgi kmbef kucs am hckco prmoes, prdsms hcg rutegetcs hckco besges hcrepchc omg`dbc omgicrcfacg omrmac hcre kucr. Ege omgcrea pmrfctecg aetc pchc bmgtua-bmgtua pmomregtcfcg hcg adougeacse ycgi bcru.28
Hmmtz omgi Hmmtz omgiusuk usukacg acg odhm odhmkk adgs adgstrua truaten ten rmkc rmkcsedg sedgck ck pdke pdketea tea (ZC (ZCR@) R@) smbc smbcice ice bmgt bmgtua ua ycgi hepmracycc bcgyca tmdre aretes adougeacse, hepmracy adougeacse, tmrocsua mopct omhec kceg hcg tmdre nmoeges ycgi
hesclea leacg cg hckc hckco o bcbbcb-bcb bcb smk smkcglu cglutgyc tgyc..2= He Hecc om omgic gic`u `u pch pchcc ZC ZCR@ R@ sm smbci bcice ce "pc "pcghc ghcgic gicg g hesc adgstetuten adkcbdrcten adougeacse bmrbcses adgnkea hcrepchc hckco odhmk adougeacse ycgi bmrpusct pchc drcgi hcg adgsmgsus. ‟ 2> Netur ZCR@ ycgi pmguf pmrfctecg sm`crc pdketes omgic`u pchc maspkdrcse sm`crc lulur pdwmreg-pkcy eg-p kcy he bck bckea ea cpc ycgi hesm hesmbut but nca ncatc tc gmtr gmtrck ck hcg pdse pdsese se ycgi heco hecobekbek-ugtu ugtua-he a-hebmre bmreacg. acg. Pmbcice Pmb cice `dgt `dgtdf, df, pmgh pmghmact mactcg cg ZCR ZCR@ @ cac cacg g omo omomrea mreasc sc "prc "prcate atea-prc a-prcate atea a caug caugtcgs tcgsee stc stcghcr ghcr"" afusus ugtua omgiugiacp bciceocgc omrmac tmrlche ‘ secpc ycgi heugtugiacg hcg ycgi omghmretc amruiecg hmgicg chdpse omrmac. Acrmgc hec omgicgiicp smouc egndrocse smbcice smsuc sm suctu tu ycg ycgi i pdk pdket etes, es, Hm Hmmt mtzz pm pmr`c r`cyc yc bcf bcfwc wc pmo pmocgi cgiau au amp ampmgt mgteg egicg icg dri dricge cgescs scsee pmr pmrku ku omouke omo ukefacg facg adgn adgnkea kea ycgi hetm hetmacg acg ugtu ugtua a omgh omghcpct cpctacg acg smo smouc uc ampm ampmgte gtegicg gicg he ctc ctcss oml omlc. c. Fcgyc hmgicg `crc ege hcpct tmrlche gmidsecse ycgi omgiugtugiacg hcg chek. Netur adgs Netur adgstru truacse acsedgck dgck rmk rmkcsed csedgck gck ZCR ZCR@ @ omg omgic`u ic`u pchc adgs adgstru truase ase sdse sdseck ck adou adougeac geacse-s se-senct enct adgstetuten bcfcsc. Hmmtz bmrbcie adoetomg egte ege hmgicg smocaeg bcgyca cfke tmdre hckco behcgi ege. eg e. Hec omgiiugcacg estekcf rmkcsedgck r mkcsedgck hcrepchc sdseck s dseck acrmgc acrm gc hec egieg omglche lmkcs bcfwc etu tehca fcgyc f cgyc omg`caup fubugicg sdseck ycgi y cgi hebuct dkmf drcgi-hckco-pmr`cacpcg, drcg i-hckco-pmr`cacpcg, tmtcpe luic omgic`u pchc ocagc ycgi aetc bmreacg smouc ycgi aetc kcbmk he hugec ‘ ucgi, kcbc, amrlc, ambcgiarutcg, pdkuse, `egtc, wcatu bmraucketcs, hcg fck kceggyc. Bcrcgia Bcr cgiacke cke `crc tmrb tmrbcea cea ugt ugtua ua omgi omgiico icobcra bcracg cg cpke cpkeacse acse ZC ZCR@ R@ hck hckco co smbu smbucf cf dric dricgesc gescse se chckcf chckc f hmg hmgicg icg om omke kefct fct hc hcntc ntcrr pmr pmrsyc sycrct rctcg cg ugt ugtua ua gm gmids idsec ecse se he cgt cgtcr crcc pc pcrc rc pmo pmocgi cgiau au ampmgtegicg ycgi heurceacg Hmmtz.29 3. Ptcamfdkhmr ycgi omoekeae ampmgtegicg ycgi bmrbmhc, tehca omgictur pdsese. 2. Zmocgiau ampmgtegicg ycgi omoekeae tegiact amtmrcopekcg adougeacse ycgi fcoper scoc. 0. Fubugicg dtdretcs hcg pdsese amaucsccg hesesefacg. 8. Pmouc pmocgiau ampmgtegicg omoekeae amsmopctcg ycgi scoc ugtua omgimasprmseacg here. =. Amegiegcg Ptcamfdkhmr sm`crc tmrbuac hesmkeheae ugtua omgmgtuacg oegct omrmac. >. Zcrc pmsmrtc bmrbcie egndrocse sm`crc trcgspcrcg hcg bciceocgc amputuscg hebuct. 9. Ncatc hcg akceo pmgimtcfucg heteglcu amobcke ugtua omkefct bciceocgc omrmac he`eptcacg. 6. Bmrndaus pchc fcsek hcg oegct hcrepchc tcwcr-omgcwcr pchc sdkuse pmscegi. 5. Zcrc pmocgiau ampmgtegicg bmrscoc-scoc omobuct amputuscg hcrepchc fcgyc omoekeae "sucrc omrmac".
Ege ougiaeg omgymrcgi Cghc smbcice smrcgiacecg adghese ycgi omgcautacg, tmtcpe omrmac ycgi tmrkctef hckco smge omhecse adgnkea hcg gmidsecse `uaup carcb hmgicg smbciecg bmscr pregsep-pregsep ege hcg hmgicg omgiiugcacggyc ugtua ampmgtegicg smouc pefca. Xehca omgifmr omg ifmrcgac cgacg g bcfw bcfwcc Hmm Hmmtz, tz, herm hermatur atur stuh stuhee pmrh pmrhcoc cocecg ecg hcg adgn adgnkea kea he ugev ugevmrse mrsetcsg tcsgyc, yc, omgicgiicpgyc bmriugc hckco odhmk ZCR@. Hmmtz cacg omoegtc pcrc ocgclmr omgicobek pmrcg omhectdr hcrepchc pmobulua. Omrmac cacg omgiddrhegcseacg adgnkea ampmgtegicg smouc pefca ycgi hepmgicrufe dkmf amputuscg pmruscfccg. Hec omgimrte bcfwc bcfacg omrmac ycgi bmradoetomg ugtua omobuac heckdi cacg omrcsc tehca cocg amteac omrmac omkmpcsacg amghcke. Hec omgycrcgacg bcfwc `crc ycgi yc gi bc bcea ea bci bciee om omrma rmacc ugt ugtua ua om omou oukc kcee chc chckc kcf f hmg hmgicg icg "o "omo mopm pmrsu rsuke ket" t" pmr pmrsmp smpse se om omrm rmac ac tmrfchcp bcwcfcg hcg pmocgiau ampmgtegicg kceggyc hmgicg bmrchc he smaetcr omrmac, bmrbe`crc hmgicg omrmac, hcg omopmkclcre fcrcpcg, oeope, amtcautcg, gekce, hcg ambutufcg omrmac. Ocgclmr hcpct omg`ctct bciceocgc omkcauacg ege hcre Mreg Brd`adve`f. Bmietukcf `crc hec bmradougeacse hmgicg drcgi-drcgi he Fegakmy.
Pmtmkcf ZI & M omgmouacg bcfwc cer keobcf ycgi tmradgtcoegcse omg`cer am cauenmr bcwcf tcgcf, Hmmtz cacg omobcycgiacg gmidsecse ycgi cacg omg`caup kmbef hcre smachcr masmauten pmruscfccg hcg pmomicgi scfco. Adgsuomg, acrycwcg ycgi bmrsmgtufcg hmgicg cer, pmghuhua Fegakmy ycgi omgimobcgiacg tuodr, hcg ougiaeg Mreg Brd`adve`f smghere luic cacg chc he omlc. Xmgtu sclc hesause cacg omocgcs. Hcre pmrspmaten Hmmtz, etu tehca ocsckcf. ocsckc f. Amputusc Amputuscg g cafer tmgtcgi bciceocgc omgcgicge ocsckcf fcrus omocsuaacg smouc ampmgtegicg omrmac. @drpdrctm @dkdgezctedg < Zmrcobcfcg pmruscfccg odhmrg am hckco smtecp behcgi amfehupcg he kucr tmopct amrlc. Egndroctedg odhmk < Zcghcgicg bcfwc adougeacse fcgyckcf sckurcg ugtua trcgsoese egndrocse tmgtcgi hugec gyctc. @doouge`ctedg Odhmk < Zcghcgicg bcfwc bcfcsc chckcf omhec utcoc he ocgc rmcketcs sdseck he`eptcacg hcg hepmrtcfcgacg. ocgcimreckeso < Kdieac ycgi sestmoctes, smpmrcgiact prcatea ruteg, hcg ehmdkdie ycgi omgifcrice adgtrdk ctcs smouc ocsckcf kceggyc. `dgsmgt < Zrdsms he ocgc acrycwcg sm`crc caten, omsaepug tehca schcr, omgicauesese oegct ocgclmreck hckco upcyc ycgi sckcf ugtua omomgufe amegiegcg omrmac smghere. Pystmocte`ckky hestdrtmh `doouge`ctedg ( Adougeacse ycgi tmrhestdrse sm`crc sestmoctes ) < Bmrdpmrcse he kucr
amschcrcg acrycwcg, suctu bmgtua wc`cgc ycgi omobctcse cpc ycgi hcpct heactcacg ctcu bcfacg hepmrteobcgiacg. Hes`ursevm `kdsurm
( pmgutupcg hesaursen ) < Zmgeghcscg adgnkea tcgpc acrycwcg ycgi omgychcre
bcfwc omrmac tmrkebct hckco pmgymgsdrcg pmgymgsdrcg omrmac smghere. Egvdkvmomgt Egvdkvmomg t < Masprmse icicscg bmbcs hcre pcrc pmocgiau ampmgtegicg ycgi ougiaeg, ctcu ougiaeg tehca, omopmgicrufe amputuscg ocgclmreck.
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