Tenure of the Ego: a new perspective on health, spirituality, and schizophrenia (my "trip report" of the world)

December 13, 2018 | Author: person mcperson | Category: Reality, Consciousness, Mind, Spirituality, Truth
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this document is nearly complete but unedited. good enough for now, though! :)...


"Tenure of the Ego"--a new perspective on health, spirituality, and schizophrenia How do you think people are going to feel realizing that billions of years of evolution is currently being spearheaded by an army of 1 a single young adult! i can literally smell the smell the denial that swaths over everything it#s not that past philosophers have been wrong or that mankind is on the wrong track The problem is one of origins The origin of knowledge itself, in a way way $ince man has always sought comple% systems and solutions which employ &newness' he is misguiding himself towards an ever-increasing drive towards the perfection of certain systems never knowing the importance of where knowledge initially comes from The best e%ample of this today is the way in which we are trying to define what is(isn#t healthy for you )t#s in constant despair for any true definition because man thinks himself already full to his eyeballs with pure truth reasoned via science, but all the while not only is he missing the basic alchemical principal, he chooses to disregard the forethought brought upon our past by ancient peoples who we think are now merely &outdated' relics of knowledge )t#s hard to blame anyone specifically for the current failure but ) can assure you this*  the guiding hand in society is evil through and through Even people ) once considered my best friends fail to meet my scrutinous observations with any necessary respect +nd this is okay ) am fine working on my own and it#s it#s probably ust best that way way This way ) can disambiguate everything necessary to get me to my goal*which is not merely the reformation of knowledge towards truth but also the pure betterment of our proclivity for or against what we can deduce to be necessary courses of action and thought ecause current systems are, unironically, constantly at odds with themselves The psychedelic aspect of reality issomething which we must constantly refer to .E/0+2 .E/0+2 304 TH+T TH+T +5$4 E/05+) 5+63+6E 5+63+ 6E 7)T8 7)T8 +lso etymology of psychedelic9 :hy am ) saying this! )s it because ) think and advocate for the legality of psychedelics! no because true knowledge is implicit in all things and that includes yourself ) could not have gotten to where ) was without other people, and ) don#t mean via direct aid ;there is utterly none of thaty grandmother once said to me &it#s like your mind is always on fire' and it#s good for me to know that someone could actually see through to me that way way ecause, in that same fashion, you will grow to know that all ) have ever pursued is truth and mutual understanding +nd she is right*since ) was 1? my mind has been on fire looking for some things that are now entirely too simple ow, i#m in my early twenties and my mind is still on fire despite having found the key things of importance, but enough about me ) only want to say one thing about drugs before ) move onto the importance of spiritual understanding because ) strongly believe it#s it#s necessary to have our own priorities looked over over There are no drugs that are obectively and in all situations superior to any other other The problem with our

society, perhaps the very largest one of all if you are able to see past the veil of obliviousness and positivity, is that we actually ustify using morality our adherence towards certain processes of the mind which create(are central to culture There is absolutely no @uestion that weed should be legalized The problem that we have with it today is in two fronts ;and no otherscLenna-:ho +re :e!--httpsA((wwwyoutubecom(watch!vIgzuegu@yg e!-- httpsA((wwwyoutubecom(watch!vIgzuegu@yg :e don#t need war because scarcity will be eliminated, ideologies will be based upon felt e%perience instead of dogma, and it will be made clear what benefits all of us collectively benefits us individually ) mean, if you look at it harshly, there is some benefit to gain from being selfish, but is it really worth it! 8ou can#t ustify destroying the e%ternal world for a slightly easier life, which is all you would really get in this system ot to mention the obvious truth which is people make your life ETTEC, not worse ;once scarcity is eliminatedy brain even visualizes these comple% thought(psychic phenomenas and subtlety imprints reality as ) go through my daily life ) even feel pranas(energetic connections which e%ists without words This occupies almost the whole of my life, and ) am particularly in awe of how much ado there is about the simple fact that ) am, in fact, e%periencing sensory data that supports my positions on topics of health + lot of it is, in a sense, playful and open-minded There is not a lack of empathy ;there used to but ) fi%ed it with meds< but there is definitely a lack of communication which directly support my ideas it#s ust a constant flu% capacitor, of sorts, generating &boos' and &yays' depending on and constantly reactive to my spiritual situation Humanity has a cultureM )t ust doesn#t e%ist in the present moment of the world because we are ostracized by the very devices which elevated us to this platform of e%istence The problem is, though this may seem an obscure idea, an endless attachment to obectivity $ubectivity is somehow &lesser' This is utter fault, yet it seems almost ine%orable due to the current dogmas of science Every one life form that e%ists holds the imprint within it for the rest of the universe*that#s ust gravity it#s impossible for anything to have matter and not be attracted to other forms of matter matter +nd for whatever reason, we choose to believe that consciousness is not rooted in matter ecause of ideas like this, it is practically impossible for me to receive any sympathy for how important my ideas are in spite of many years of consistent empirical data 8et, it is consciousness that re@uires matter to have any base impetus any type of motion has an initial input which is based is conscious action and choice*choice being like a consistent pre-set or formula and action being the flow of energy passing through any given system This is actually the base theorem which ) base my ideas of game theory around, which ) will e%plain httpsA((wwwyoutubecom(watch!vIL>3tz5whbE 2EKE540EC$M 5ol it starts like this, and depending on your level of scrutiny, scrutiny, this will wear off over time 5et me e%plain  *your initial initial consciousness consciousness has has already formulated formulated a relay relay of how how it will e%ecute e%ecute commands, commands, allocate energy, energy, adust measures of perceptions, maintain inner levels of happiness(sadness, and so forth ut this formula is made in rather the same way water erodes rock, forming a path over use and time )n other words, through the means of the unconscious Gor me, things have completely changed $ee, ) am working with the primary principal in place of energy conservation :e are taught an absurd notion that we must use our energy for the pure sake of &burning calories' that is the primary fallacy here, and what it is is a disconnection from the real alchemy of consciousness and how we can deliberately mere the unconscious with our immediate awareness*a truly insurmountable task to some who are

completely awash in cultural tropes and its gross programming )n fact, this is the greatest problem in culture because what a calorie actually is is e%actly like a conceptual philosopher#s stone ;so long as you are the one who governs you, which may not be the case because oftentimes the body knows better
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