Tendering and Bidding Process
Short Description
Tendering and Bidding Tendering Biddin g process process Bidding – NCB, ICB, tender documents, tender preparation and foating
Prepared and Presented by: Prof. Khem Dallakoti Institute of Engineering
Tender Tender is an oer in writing by the tenderer (the person who oers the tender) to execute some specied wor! or to supp"y some specied goods at certain rate#amount within a xed time $rame under certain conditions o$ agreement% This is the rst step in the $ormu"ation o$ contract%
Purpose of Bidding &unds pro'ided $or the proect imp"ementation sha"" be used on"y $or intended purpose% conomy and e*ciency sha"" be obser'ed – best 'a"ue $or its money% +"" e"igib"e bidders sha"" be gi'en eua" opportunity to compete% -e'e"opment o$ domestic contracting and manu$acturing industries sha"" be encouraged% There sha"" be transparency in a"" stage o$ the procurement process%
Bidding process . +-B The Internationa" Competiti'e Bidding (ICB) process inc"udes six main phases/ +d'ertisement and Notication, 0reparation and Issuing o$ the Bidding -ocument, Bid 0reparation and 1ubmission, Bid 2pening, Bid 'a"uation, and
Contract +ward
Advertisement and Notication
In'itation $or Bids (I&B) sha"" be ad'ertised in the +-B 3ebsite as we"" as in (i) a newspaper o$ genera" circu"ation in the borrower4s country (in at "east one ng"ish "anguage newspaper i$ a'ai"ab"e), or (ii) an internationa""y !nown and $ree"y accessib"e website in ng"ish%
+ copy o$ the I&B sha"" be submitted to +-B $or appro'a" and $or pub"ication in +-B website in accordance with the pro'isions o$ the nancing agreement%
&or "arge or specia"i5ed contracts, +-B may additiona""y reuire that the I&B be ad'ertised in we"".!nown technica" maga5ines or trade pub"ications, or in newspapers o$ wide internationa" circu"ation, in su*cient time to enab"e prospecti'e Bidders to prepare and submit Bids%
Preparing and Issuing a Bidding Document
The mp"oyer is responsib"e $or preparing and issuing the Bidding -ocument $or a specic contract%
The Bidding -ocument sha"" be prepared by the mp"oyer on the basis o$ the appropriate 1B- issued by +-B, as this is a mandatory reuirement $or contracts to be nanced by +-B%
The mp"oyer sha"" prepare the Bidding -ocument using the pub"ished 'ersion o$ the 1B- without suppressing or adding text to the sections o$ the document that must be used without modication, which are 1ection 6 (Instructions to Bidders) and 1ection 7 (8enera" Conditions o$ Contract)% +"" in$ormation and data particu"ar to each indi'idua" bidding process must be pro'ided by the mp"oyer in the $o""owing sections o$ the Bidding -ocument/
1ection 9 . Bid -ata 1heet
1ection : . 'a"uation and ;ua"ication Criteria
1ection < . Bidding &orms
1ection = . "igib"e Countries
1ection > . mp"oyer4s ?euirements
1ection @ . 0articu"ar Conditions o$ Contract
1ection A . Contract &orms
The mp"oyer sha"" a""ow Bidders su*cient time to study the Bidding -ocument, prepare comp"ete and responsi'e Bids, and submit their Bids%
Bid Preparation and Submission The Bidder is so"e"y responsib"e $or the preparation and submission o$ its Bid% -uring this stage, the mp"oyer sha""/
0rompt"y respond to reuests $or c"arications $rom Bidders and amend the Bidding -ocument as needed% +mend the Bidding -ocument on"y with prior appro'a" o$ +-B%
Bid 2pening
The mp"oyer is responsib"e $or the Bid 2pening, which is a critica" e'ent in the bidding process% The mp"oyer sha"" appoint experienced sta to conduct the Bid 2pening, as inappropriate procedures at Bid 2pening are usua""y irre'ersib"e and may reuire cance""ation o$ the bidding process with conseuent de"ays and waste o$ resources%
The mp"oyer, in obser'ance o$ best practices, sha""/ ◦
Conduct the Bid 2pening strict"y $o""owing the procedures as specied in the Instructions to Bidders $or a"" Bids recei'ed not "ater than the date and time o$ the bid submission dead"ine% The term Bid 2pening can be mis"eading because a Bid $or which a Bid 3ithdrawa" or Bid 1ubstitution notice was recei'ed on time sha"" not be opened, but returned unopened to the Bidder% The seuence in which Bids are hand"ed, opened, and recorded is crucia"% nsure that a"" Bids that were recei'ed on time are accounted $or, be$ore starting the Bid 2pening, as Bids that are not opened and read out at Bid 2pening sha"" not be considered $urther% Not reect any Bid at Bid 2pening, except $or "ate bids recei'ed a$ter the date and time o$ the bid submission dead"ine% Technica""y, "ate bids shou"d not reach the Bid 2pening, but in certain cases a Bidder may attempt to submit its bid at the Bid 2pening p"ace a$ter the dead"ine% xamine the Bids at Bid 2pening in accordance with the pro'isions o$ the Instructions to Bidders% The mp"oyer sha"", howe'er, 'eri$y at Bid 2pening the 'a"idity o$ the documentation such as 0ower o$ +ttorney or other acceptab"e eui'a"ent document as specied in the Instructions to Bidders conrming the 'a"idity o$ a bid modication, bid withdrawa", or bid substitution, because a withdrawn or substituted Bid sha"" not be opened and in conseuence not read out and, there$ore, not be considered by the mp"oyer% 1imi"ar"y, a bid modication sha"" be opened, read out, and recorded to modi$y a Bid tha t was recei'ed on time%
Bid Evaluation and Contract Award The mp"oyer is responsib"e $or bid e'a"uation and contract award% The mp"oyer sha"" appoint experienced sta to conduct the e'a"uation o$ the Bids% Dista!es committed at bid e'a"uation may "ater prompt comp"aints $rom Bidders, reuiring ree'a"uation o$ the Bids, with conseuent de"ays and waste o$ resources% The mp"oyer, in obser'ance o$ best practices, sha""/
Daintain the bid e'a"uation process strict"y condentia"% ?eect any attempts or pressures to distort the outcome o$ the e'a"uation, inc"uding $raud and corruption% 1trict"y app"y on"y and a"" o$ the e'a"uation and ua"ication criteria specied in the Bidding -ocument%
Tender Notice Tender Notice/ It is the in$ormation in'iting bids $rom competent and capab"e contractors and $orms a part o$ contract document% It shou"d be wide"y pub"ished in important newspapers% Tender notice is not an oer% It is an in$ormation pro'ided to a"" the prospecti'e bidders to submit theor oer
In'itation $or bid . +-B ( tender notice)
The In'itation $or Bids pro'ides in$ormation that enab"es potentia" Bidders to decide whether to participate% +part $rom the essentia" items "isted in the 1tandard Bidding -ocument, the In'itation $or Bids shou"d a"so indicate any important bid e'a"uation criteria, such as the app"ication o$ a margin o$ pre$erence in bid e'a"uation, or ua"ication criteria, i$ no preua"ication too! p"ace%
The In'itation $or Bids is not a part o$ the Bidding -ocument and there$ore it sha"" not be inc"uded in the Bidding -ocument%
The In'itation $or Bids sha"" be ad'ertised in the +-B 3ebsite, as we"" as in (i) a newspaper o$ genera" circu"ation in the borrower4s country, or (ii) an internationa""y !nown and $ree"y accessib"e website in ng"ish% + copy o$ the In'itation $or Bids sha"" be submitted to +-B $or appro'a" and $or pub"ication in the +-B 3ebsite in accordance with the pro'isions o$ the nancing agreement
&or "arge or specia"i5ed contracts, +-B may additiona""y reuire that the In'itation $or Bids be ad'ertised in we"".!nown technica" maga5ines or trade pub"ications, or in newspapers o$ wide internationa" circu"ation, in su*cient time to enab"e prospecti'e Bidders to prepare and submit Bids%
1amp"e o$ notice . +-B In'itation $or Bids Eser4s 8uide 0rocurement o$ 3or!s +-B 1tandard Bidding -ocument Standard ormat for Invitation for Bids Date !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "oan#$rant No! and Title !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Contract No! and Title !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Deadline for Submission of Bids %%%%%% insert closing date and time
6% The % % % % % insert name of Borrower or Recipient . . . . . has received1 nancing from the Asian -e'e"opment Ban! (+-B) towards the cost o$ % % % % % insert name of name of project . . . . .. 0art o$ this nancing wi"" be used $or payments under the contract9 named abo'e . Bidding is open to preua"ied: bidders $rom e"igib"e source countries o$ the +-B%< 9% The % % % % % insert name of Employer . . . . . (―the Employer‖ invites sealed !ids from preua"ied: e"igib"e bidders $or the construction and comp"etion o$ % % % % % insert !rief description of the "or#s and statement of the principal $%antities involved. . . . . (―the 3or!s)% :% To obtain $urther in$ormation and inspect the bidding documents, bidders shou"d contact/ % % % % % insert Employer&s o'ce . . . . . % % % % % postal address or street addres s) incl%de *ip code . . . . . % % % % % telephone n%m!er incl%ding co%ntry code. . . . . % % % % % email address. . . . . % % % % % fa+ no. . . . . % 3hen comparing Bids, +-B4s -omestic 0re$erence 1cheme wi"" be app"ied in accordance with the pro'isions stipu"ated in the Bidding -ocument 7%
in$ormation to be inc"uded in tender notice
Name o$ the +uthority pub"ishing the notice% &irst date o$ pub"ication
Brie$ description o$ the ob% -ate, time and p"ace where and when the tender document is a'ai"ab"e and to be submitted% Cost o$ tender document% Cost estimate (optiona") -ate, time and p"ace o$ opening bid% arnest money and security deposit amount% xpected date o$ acceptance o$ success$u" bids% etc%
arnest money or bid security
It is the amount o$ money deposited whi"e bidding as a guarantee o$ the partyFs wi""ingness o$ carrying out the wor! i$ awarded to him% ItFs amount genera""y ranges $rom 6G to :G% 9.:G o$ the 0roect cost is demanded as earnest money% This $und is re$unded to unsuccess$u" bidder% I$ a success$u" bidder $ai"s to carry on (sign) the contract, this amount is $or$eited%
Type o$ bidding National Competitive Bidding &NCB' International Competitive Bidding &ICB'(
National Competitive Bidding &NCB'
It is sometimes ca""ed as Hoca" Competiti'e Bidding% In this process a"" the e"igib"e bidders registered with 82N are in'ited to participate in bidding% tender notice is to be pub"ished in nationa" newspaper $or two consecuti'e days% tender notice sha"" a"so be pub"ished in proect o*ce, -istrict +dmin o*ce, --C o*ce, Hand re'enue o*ce, treasury contro""er o*ce and C+N o*ce%
International Competitive Bidding &ICB'(
I$ the amount o$ wor! is big and nationa"#domestic contractors cannot per$orm the ob, e"igib"e bidders are in'ited $rom a"" o'er the wor"d%
In genera" i$ the amount o$ wor! is greater than = crore ($or procurement o$ good) and greater than E16 mi""ion ($or procurement o$ wor!s) ICB process is $o""owed% In this process tender notice is pro'ided to dip"omatic missions wor!ing in the country%
ICB – agent In ICB the $oreign bidder sha"" $urnish the $o""owing in$ormation in the bid% 3hether the bidder is ha'ing a "oca" agent or not Name and address o$ the agent i$ any% Types o$ ser'ices being pro'ided by the agent% Currency and procedure o$ payment to the agent% 2ther agreement with the agent i$ any%
The end
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