Tenchijin Ryaku No Maki - Fundamentals of Ninjutsu

February 12, 2017 | Author: Kurt Tasche | Category: N/A
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The Tenchijin Ryaku No Maki contains the fundamentals of Ninjutsu, as set by 34th Generation Togakure Ryu Ninjutsu Grand...


Tenchijin Ryaku No Maki Principles of Heaven, Earth and Man Presented by:


Authentic Bujinkan Ninjutsu / Budo Taijutsu

Tenchijin Ryaku No Maki Principles of Heaven, Earth and Man

Shinden Kihon Gata A number of basic techniques from all nine Bujinkan Ryuha. They are recommended to be studied thoroughly. Most dojo use these techniques for Kyu grades. Ten Ryaku No Maki – The Principles of Heaven  Bujin Shoku to Seikatsu – Warrior food and lifestyle o Awaken at sunrise o Cold water rubdown o Cup of salt water o Walk for an hour to 2 ½ hours o 3 meals per day  bean curd  sesame  vegetables  buckwheat flour  small fish  unpolished rice  tofu o All natural foods. Avoid things cooked with fire. Avoid salt, sugar, caffeine and alcohol. o Retire as the evening sun sets o Flexibility exercises daily o Your heart must not anger. Anger breaks heart and mind balance. It makes one unable to see things and causes error in one’s impromptu judgement.  Junan Undo to Kokyuho – (Junan Taiso to Kokyuho) Stretching and breathing – foundation of all taijutsu. Practice daily. Spine straight, rotate big toe and ankle joints. o Ryutai Undo – Dragon Body exercise – 4 exercises to increase flexibility in muscles and tendons of legs and hips. Breathe deeply. Seated position.  Butterfly stretch  Bending forward at the hips, touch forehead to knees, touch toes.  Spread legs wide and bend forward at the hips  From seiza, lay all the way back to stretch the quads. o Kokyuho – Breathing methods  Shinkokyu San’aun – Deep breathing 3-Aum • Shomen Kokyuho – frontal breathing 8x – from seiza, open your shoulders and chest as you breathe in. Drop them as you breathe out. • Seiza Sayu Shinkokyu – straight-sitting left and right deep breathing – open and breathe in as you turn in each direction. Drop and breathe out as you turn back. Authentic Bujinkan Ninjutsu / Budo Taijutsu

Shinten Shinkokyu – extension deep breathing – from seated touching toes position, open arms and breathe in. Taihenjutsu – Art of moving the body – it is desirable that one grasp kaiten, nagashi and tobi, the three variations of taihenjutsu as one flow, the art of floating the body or Sanpen Ichiryu (thrice-changing mono-flow). o Zenpo Ukemi Gata to Ryusui – Forward breakfall form & flowing water  Zenpo Ukemi Zagata – kneeling forward breakfall  Zenpo Ukemi – From standing position – leg up  Sayu Yokonagashi Zenpo Ukemi – left/right sideways floating breakfall – straight drop down  Yoko Nagare – lateral flow – sideways extended leg body drop o Tare Nagare – dropping flow  Koho Ukemi – backward breakfalls o Kaiten – Rolling and turning  Zenpo Kaiten – forward rolling • Ryote – 2 handed • Katate – 1 handed • Mute – no hands • Natural applications  Sokuho Kaiten – sideways rolling  Koho Kaiten – backwards rolling • Ryote – 2 handed • Katate – 1 handed • Mute – no hands • Natural applications o Shiho Tenchi Tobi – 4 directional Heaven/Earth leaping  Zenpo Tobi – forwards  Sokuho Tobi – sideways, left and right  Koho Tobi – backwards  Tenchi Tobi – Jumping high with legs tucked o Kiten – handsprings o Kuten – flips o Kuhi – aerial leap Shiken-Gata Taihenjutsu – True Sword Body-changing Art (Muto Taihenjutsu Shoshinsha-gata – swordless body-moving beginning form) – practice Shinken Gata. Strive towards Sutemi (hurling the body) Taihenjutsu Muto Dori Gata – body-changing swordless taking form (basic sword evasion)  Hira no Kamae – flat posture  Ichimonji no Kamae – straight line posture  Jumonji no Kamae – cross posture Ukemi No Jutsu – Floating body art. Hatsumi writes that as both Ukemi no Jutsu and Ankoku Toshijutsu both give the feeling of of passing into the world of the mysterious, he grouped them together.

Authentic Bujinkan Ninjutsu / Budo Taijutsu

o Walking and wearing geta on ice to understand how to balance the body’s center of gravity o Gyaku-tachi Hoko – upside-down walking on hands in geta on ice o Taihenjutsu – body dropping techniques – reverse tenchi training o Running and leaping in geta on ice o Taijutsu and randori in geta on ice – breaking the opponent’s balance o Weapons training in geta on ice Ankoku Toshijutsu – Techniques of seeing in darkness (antiquated) o Seeing through darkness – bend toward the ground and try to see through the air o Katsugan – in Koppojutsu – the perceiving eye – when enemies attack in the dark, drop the hips completely, not trying to see the person but observe the movement of the air, throwing something in that direction to capture their attention. (ki-ten or ki turning, bringing about a turn) Kamae to Sono Kata – Postures and their forms o Taijutsu no Kamae – basic postures 1. Fudoza no Kamae – Immovable seat 2. Seiza no Kamae – kneeling posture 3. Shizen no kamae – natural receiving posture 4. Ichimonji no kamae – straight defensive posture 5. Doko no kamae – angry tiger defensive posture 6. Jumonji no kamae – cross offensive posture 7. Kosei no kamae – offensive posture 8. Hicho no kamae – flying bird posture 9. Hira no kamae – receiving posture 10. Hoko no kamae – encircling tiger receiving posture 11. Ihen no Kamae – extraordinary change posture 12. Ryuhyo no Kamae – draconic leopard posture 13. Ryuhyo Fusetsu no Kamae – draconic leopard wind and snow posture 14. Hi no Kamae – encircling posture Shoten no Jutsu – Art of ascending to Heaven (also art of the victorious turn) art of running up surfaces. Not only useful for running up trees, fences or walls, but can also be used to run up a human body. o Practicing running up a board at gradually increasing levels of incline until you can run up a 90-degree post. Ukenagashi – Blocking (parrying) – soke advises against speed in these actions that might lead to unnatural movement. Digest the idea of bunting body action. o Jodan Uke – ukemi (receiving form) against a punch o Gedan Nagashi – ukemi (receiving form) against a kick o Shinobi Sabaki – stealthy manipulation (walking form) taught orally Hiken Juroppo – Sixteen Secret Fists – Before listing the fists, Hatsumi discusses the methods in which to deliver the strikes as follows.  Atemi – striking the vulnerable areas of the body  Ateki – striking the spirit, not using a fist Authentic Bujinkan Ninjutsu / Budo Taijutsu

Kuki-ate – Air strike Tate no jutsu – art of striking from afar Fudo kanashibari – unmoving binding down Kyojitsu – ateki and atemi done together where one strikes alternatively mixing in truth and falsehood.  Gankken – stubborn or inexorable fist o Conditioning the fists – essential that beginners first correctly strike soft things, then semi-hard things and then hard objects. Practice harmonizing fist body striking methods where not extending the arm, one strikes with the fingers and body in accord. A method of conditioning the fists can be used where special secret medicines are applied.  Wrapping straw and cloth around a tree to help toughen the fists  Striking ice surfaces  Striking rocks with your fists  Toughening the forehead with suspended stones  Using walnuts to train free use of the shitanken o Types of Fists 1. Kikaku ken or Zu Tsuki – head strike 2. Shuki Ken – elbow strike 3. Fudo Ken or Kongo Ken – clenched fist or hammer strike 4. Kiten Ken (turning fist) or Shuto Ken – sword hand – Gyokko Ryu secret fist. 5. Shishin Ken – little finger 6. Shitan Ken – fingertips together a. Sanshitan Ken b. Gyokakuken – joined horns fist c. Shishitanken – quadruple support fist d. Shuken – beak fist e. Shanshitanken – triple finger end fist 7. Shako Ken – claw hand, fingertips and palm heel strike 8. Boshi ken or shito ken – thumb strike 9. Shikan ken – extended knuckles 10. Tai Ken – body, body hurling strikes 11. Koppo ken – thumb knuckle strike 12. Happa ken – open hand slap 13. Sokuyaku ken – sole or heel kick 14. Sokki ken – knee strike 15. Sokugyaku ken – toe strike 16. Ki ken – spirit fist, using power of mind or spirit Sanshin no Kata – The Five Forms – spirit of three hearts practice forms o Chi no Kata – Earth Influence – sanshitanken daho o Sui no Kata – Water Influence – omote kitenken daho o Ka no Kata – Fire Influence – ura kitenken uchi o Fu no Kata – Wind Influence – shitoken daho o Ku no Kata – Void Influence    

Authentic Bujinkan Ninjutsu / Budo Taijutsu

 Choshi Dori – rhythmic execution  Ku no Kumite Gata – void grappling form Kihon Happo – Eight Fundamental Methods o Koshi Kihon Sanpo – (Koshi Dai Ipp-dai Sanpo) Koshijutsu’s three fundamental ways  Ichimonji no Kata  Hicho no Kata  Jumonji no Kata o Torite Kihon Gata Go Ho – (Torite Gata Dai Ippo-dai Goho) Five Fundamental Hand Capture Forms  Omote Gyaku Dori • Torite Gata – against a punch  Ura Gyaku Dori • Hon Gyaku Dori • Ura Kote Gyaku Tonpo – flipping to avoid lock, kick to escape  Musha Dori (Udejime Ashiori Gata)  Oni Kudaki  Ganseki Nage Kyusho to Kiai – Vital Points and Spirit Gathering o Inner (Chugokui) and Outer Essence – destructive and healing o Goon no Kyu (canon of the five gates) o Tate – toppling through psycho-spiritual power o Fudo Kanashibari – Unmoving binding o Kiaijutsu Sanpo  Fierce “Here I go” Kiai  Teppeki no Kamae – Impregnable Fortress Posture  Muko-Issei – Fierce Tiger shout Koppojutsu Kinketsu Teisoku Kasho Meisho – Koppojutsu Vital Point Names o Ura-Kimon (Inner Demon Gate) – Space between 4th and 5th ribs, armpit below the nipples o Ryufu (Willow Wind) – The windpipe. o Rangiku (Tangled Chrysanthemum) – Temple area. o Kasumi (Mist) – Also temple area. o Hiryran (Flying Dragon Mle) – The eyeballs o Shishiran (Lion Mle) – the Solar Plexus o Suigetsu (Watery Moon) – also the Solar Plexus o Kosei (Tiger Force) – the Testicles o Suzu (Bell) – also the Testicles o Yugasumi (Evening Mist) – Hollow point behind the ear o Roka (Dew and Mist) – Point of the jaw directly below the ear o Ryumon (Dragon Gate) – Hollow point in bones of shoulder o Jujiro (Crossroads) – Frontal portion of shoulder bone o Jakkotsu (Feeble Bone) – Area above and below middle arm joint Authentic Bujinkan Ninjutsu / Budo Taijutsu

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Daimon (Greater Gate) – Area above and below shoulder jolints Asagasumi (Morning Mist) – Jaw area Hoshi (Star) – Armpits Kimon (Demon Gate) – Area above nipples Kinketsu (Forbidden Opening) – Breast bone Koshitosubo (Hip Bowl) – Middle of hip bone Koe (voice) – Hollow area of hip bones. Brings illness and suffering for seven days. Tenmon (Heavenly Gate) – Above and below the eye. The nose. Amado (Rain Doors) – Refers to the lymphatic glands of the neck and the whole area to the sides below the jaw. Jinchu (Man’s Center) – Directly below the nose. Happa (Eight Leaves) – A technique against both ears. Ryu-sode (Both Sleeves) – Also double ear slap Mento (Escape Door) – Also double ear slap. Menbu (Facial Area) – The face, forehead area. Dokkotsu (Single Bone) – Area of protruding bone, windpipe Gorin (Five Rings) – Right side of navel Getsui (Moonlight) – also right side of navel Gorin (Five Rings) – Left side of navel Inazuma (Lightning) – left side of navel Sai (Crush) – Inner thigh area Sakoku (Left Valley) – Also inner thigh area Ysai (Right Crush) – The right side Yukoku (Right Valley) – Also the right side Yaku (Press) – The calves Ryuka (Dragon Under) – Also the calves Matsukaze (Wind in the Pines) – Hollow areas of the throat, left and right Ittoki (One Time) – Also hollow areas of the throat, left and right Santo (Three Strikes) – Also hollow areas of the throat, left and right Murasame (Passing Rain) – Straight under the hollow point of the throat Seitaku (Starry Mud) – Hollow area of elbow joints Yuin (Right Passivity) – Below right eye Sain (Left Passivity) – Below left eye. Tento (Heaven Head) – Fontanel area of head. The hollow point Shinchu (Heart Center) – Front of chest Kakitsubo (Side Bowl) – Hollow area of armpits Kenkotsu (Hard Bone) – Four places on tenkotsu (heavenly bone) Shikotsu (Phalanx) – The crutch-like area of the thumb Butsumetsu (Buddha’s Passing) – Four places by third rib on both sides Kyokei (Strong Frontier) – The top of the five toes Hadome (Pallet) – One sun below the earlobes

Authentic Bujinkan Ninjutsu / Budo Taijutsu

Chi Ryaku no Maki – Earthly Strategy Book  Keri – Kicks o Sokuyakuken – ninja kick o Sokuyaku Ten no Keri (Heavenly Kick) – uses the sole (Ten Sokuyakuken) o Sokugyakuken Ten no Keri – Uses the toes o Sokugyakuken / Omote Sokugyakuken – turning the sole of the foot towards center, kick up high with the toes o Sokuyaku Suiteiken (Horizontal Fist) – Sharp kick straight out to inner thigh o Sokugyaku Sweeping Fist – sweeps to the side using the foot o Right Sokuyaku Left Tenken (Turning Fist) – Right stomp kick to left side. Train in Tenchijin or high, middle, low. Low becomes heel strike. o Sokuyaku Chiken (Ground fist) Heel kick out to side and to top of feet. Train Tenchijin o Sokuho Geri (Sideways Kick) – Stomping outwards, left and right o Naname Koho Tenchijin Geri (Diagonal rear heaven, earth, man kick) o Koken (Hook Fist) – Rear hook kick o Koho Geri (Back Kick) Use Sanshin Furi (three-heart swing) to maintain balance. o Kagi Koho Geri (Rear Hook Kick) Hooking upward into groin as opposed to around o Mawashi Geri (Roundhouse Kick) o Kumite – Practice of various combat kicking techniques  Hooking inward heel strike to outer thigh  Striking upward into thighs and calf of opponents kicking leg  Sokki Hentenken (Varying Turns Fist) • Kata-ashi Tobi Geri (One-leg leaping kick) • Ryashi Geri (Two-leg kick) • Ryoku Geri (Twin wing kick) Descending from a high point  Ice top Sokugyakuken – Crossing the tee of opponents toe step  Keri ni Taisuru Uke Kata – against kicks o Keri Kudaki (Kick Crusher) – Sweeping strikes to kicking legs to throw uke o Taihen (Body Movement) – Catching kick from either side with your arm or kicking up into leg on either side o Tsure-Yuki (Walk Along) – Scoop up opponent’s right kick from the outside with your arm as you kick out his base left leg with your left leg. Also train in Tsure-Yuki variations, punching the base leg or grabbing the base ankle to down. o Kyoto (Empty or off-guard takedown) – Evade outside the front kick, catching it from underneath with the right hand. Slip the left hand through to the inside and twist the leg close to your body, causing opponent to turn. Strike into the calf and drive knee to the ground.

Authentic Bujinkan Ninjutsu / Budo Taijutsu

o Ashidori (Leg Hold) – Catching the kick behind your back and then taking the opponent down. o Keri no Taidori (Kick body-take) – Catching kick with your neck and shoulders and kicking opponent up into the air Ken no Tsu Kai Kata, Inashigata – Using the Fist and Inashigata (Deflty avoiding and upsetting. No mind, no meaning formulation) – The whole body is a fist. Striking quickly is not the exquisite skill, but, as passed down from of old, it is hitting the vital points from the shortest distance and striking with the body that is the hidden technique. One must first begin from correctly hitting the vital points. o Henkaken (varying fist) – changing up of strikes o Itami-Uchi (pain strike) o Tsukami-Dori (seizing take) o Itami-Osae or Itami-Dori (pain press) o Varying kicks o Kogeri Henka (small kick variations) o Ken-nagashi (floating the fist) also called Tedama-Dori (around-the-finger take) Aite to Kumu Koko Kogamae – Grappling attitude – grappling with the opponent is having constant contact with his fists and vital points. There may sometimes be the air of seizing or taking hold of each other, but it is necessary to engrave in one’s mind the unchanging aspects of the combat principle that, though not touching one’s body, the opponent may still be at grips with one. Tehodoki – hand escapes o Escape from a straight wrist grab by moving in with the elbow and sliding the hand in and out. o Ryote-Hodoki – Both wrists are grabbed. Bring your palms together and turn out, using the elbow to free. o Tehodoki-Dori (variations) – From straight grab, perform furikooshi(pendulum push) to his back side and take his elbow with your free hand. Take the same side knee with yours.  Oyagoroshi – Killing the thumb  Kogoroshi – killing the little finger  Take-ori – breaking bamboo • Omote Takeori • Ura Takeori  Oni-Kudaki – inside and outside demon crushing • Omote • Ura  Muso Dori – Warrior take  Ogyaku to Henka – Great reversal and variations Shime Waza – Strangling techniques o Hon Jime – basic choke o Gyaku Jime – reverse choke o Itami Jime – Painful choke Authentic Bujinkan Ninjutsu / Budo Taijutsu

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o Sankaku Jime – triangular choke o Do Jime – torso choke o Kubi Jime – neck strangle o Ryo ude Jime – two-arm strangle o Mimi Jime – ear strangle o Katate-Dori Kubi Jime – one-handed neck strangle o Kubi Ura Jime – rear neck strangle o Sei on Jime – sound-making strangle Koroshi Jime – killing strangle – essentially, escapes from bear hugs Nawanuke no Jutsu – Art of slipping bonds Jigoku, Gokuraku, Yume no Makura – Hell, Paradise, Dream Pillow o Ana-Otoshi (hole drop) o Jigoku-Otoshi (hell drop) o Gokuraku-Otoshi (paradise drop) Jigoku-Dori variation o Yume no Makura – grab uke’s wrist and lock out elbow as you sit back to drive his face into the ground. o Temakura – dream pillow Nage – throws o Ganseki Nage – Throwing the big rock o Ganseki Otoshi – Rock Drop o Ganseki Oshi – Rock Press o Ganseki Ori – Rock Press o Harai Koshi – Hip Sweep o Gyaku Harai Otoshi – Reverse hip sweep o Gyaku Nage – Reversal Throws o Taki Otoshi – Waterfall drop o Gyaku Taki Otoshi – Reverse Cataract Drop o Kubi Dori Taki Otoshi – Neck-hold Cataract Drop o Osoto Nage – great outside hook o Soto Nage – Elbow to face as you sweep leg to down. o Hiki Otoshi – Grabbing wrist and shoulder and pulling forward to down o Uchimata Uchigake – inside thigh hook o Hanei Goshi Nage (Haneage) – Snapping Hips Throw o Itami Nage – painful throw o Ryu Sui Iki – flowing water o Tomoe Nage – whirl throw o Tachi Nage – standing flow o Yoko Nagare – sideways flow o Temakura – hand pillow o Kuruma Nage – wheel throw o Kimon Nage – Demonic portal throw o Kiri Nage – Fog throw o Amado Nage – rain-door throw Authentic Bujinkan Ninjutsu / Budo Taijutsu

Nage ni taisuku waza – Techniques against throws o First practice moving the center of gravity o Then delivering strikes while being thrown o Then, getting to one’s feet  Okyo (taking aback) – spreading the arm and dropping the hips to escape the throw. Thumbstrike to kidneys, strike head.  Zudori (head hold) – seizing the opponents head and twisting or pulling to down  Shomen-Dori (taking the face) – clawing, striking or grabbing to the face to fend off the throw  Atto (overbearing) – riding the throw and countering as you are thrown.  Tohi (capital flight) – Landing on your feet from a throw and grabbing the opponent’s hair or lapel to whip him around.  Metsubishi (ocular destruction) – attacking the eyes during a throw  Fuki (no avoiding) – drop between uke’s hips as he throws and counter throw  Ransetsu (snow storm) – grabbing uke’s sides and falling back between his legs to cause his face to hit the ground  Soto (clawing down) – from double lapel grab, grab uke’s neck and sit back, placing foot in his crotch to throw him over and behind you.  Sutemi Nage – Tomoe-Geri Kara Tawara-Mawashi (straw-bag turn from a whirl kick) As you sit back, place your foot in uke’s crotch to throw him over and behind you. In mid-throw, kick up with both feet as he falls.  Kuki Nage (air or formless energy throw) – sending the opponent flying without touching him in any way. Not a technique of throwing with the consciousness, but the exquisite, subtle skill of throwing unconsciously. Not something that has a conclusive form.

Jin Ryaku No Maki – Human Strategy Book  Kumi-Uchi – Close combat – varying all the techniques presented up to here in a single flow. Also, Kun-ryusui – naturally moving with the course of things like drifting clouds and flowing water. o Ashirau Ippo-Yonho – footwork techniques 1-4  Ashisabaki (energy footwork) – Taking uke’s right knee with your left leg as he punches  Ashisabaki 2 – Cross-stepping to sweep uke’s right foot out from under him as in shinobi-aruki.  Ashisabaki 3 – Wrapping your right leg around uke’s right as he punches and sitting back down on it to break.  Ashisabaki 4 – evading outside uke’s attack and hooking his right ankle with yours as you pull with the body to down. Authentic Bujinkan Ninjutsu / Budo Taijutsu

o Musan (vanishing like mist) – Uke right punches, take the wrist with your left hand, strike the face and twist under the arm and back around to strike the elbow and break. o Rakurai (thunder strike) – Block the right punch and shuto into neck. Apply omote gyaku as you step between uke’s legs and apply knee pressure to down. Use the elbow to strike into his ribs as you go down. o Chikusei (sound of bamboo reeds) – move outside the punch, grabbing the wrist with your right hand and striking into uke’s spine. Step in from here for a forward hip throw, throwing uke onto his head. Finish with a crushing stomp to the jaw. o Fudo (immovability) – Taking the punching fist and encircling behind uke, kick out his base leg and pull back to down. o Koku (empty space) – parry and shuto into punch. Uke follows with a stomp kick. Avoid to the outside and counter kick. Thumbstrike into ribs and break leg to finish. o Konpi? o Hito (flying topple) – finger strike into opponent’s shoulder bone to bring to his knees. Leap into a double foot stomp into his chest. Recover by rolling away. o Kappi (bracing leap) – right shuto strike into uke’s neck as he attacks, then shift into a left shuto, leaping away as you land the blow. o Gyakuryu ( reverse flow) – apply omote gyaku to a right hand punch. Uke attempts to kick, you counter. As he lands, he follows with a left hand punch. Deflect with your right elbow and follow with a shuto to the neck. Then finish the gyaku to down. o Kata-maki (single-hand convolution) – strike to the inside of right punch. Uke follows with the left. Trap under your right arm pit and strike with the same side with a thumb to the hip area to down. Lock out the arm with your knee in opponents neck. o Koyoku (defending and drawing up) – strike upward into uke’s right punch to open for your attack to his ribs. Swing under the left arm while holding onto the right wrist for a throw. o Renyo (imperial palanquin) – block/strike to the outside of the punch. Uke comes in with a stomp kick. Sweep the kick out and away. Uke then grabs your lapel. Execute a shuto to the neck and then grab his neck/shoulder/arm to pull forward and down. o Shiho-dori (four-way take) – Attempt oni-kudaki. Uke straightens his arm. Turn in for a throw, but uke resists again. Swing back out and apply pressure behind elbow to lock out the arm and break. o Kasasagi (magpie) – evade strike to the outside. As uke kicks, take his hand to where it is kicked by his own foot. Open up his ribs for a strike and then turn into uke, locking out his elbow, for a throw. o Ko (well sweep) – evade punch to inside. As uke kicks, maintain hold of the hand but evade outside the kick, catching it with your free arm and raising it and turning back to down the attacker. Authentic Bujinkan Ninjutsu / Budo Taijutsu

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o Gyakko (reverse well sweep) – evade punch to outside and catch kick to the inside, turning in to down opponent and open for an elbow break. o Gyaku-otoshi (reverse drop variation) should the opponent spring up in the air after jerking the leg up, drop him straight onto his head. Joseigoshinjutsu – women’s self defense o Roto (falling wolf) – from a bear hug, striking back into the groin and then elbow to the ribs. o Hane-kujiki (wing-base wrench) – as opponent goes to grab, take his four fingers and spread two each, causing excruciating pain, and then reverse for a throw. o Ryu-Yoku (both wings) – take the right thumb and left little finger, cross his arrms as you turn and drop for a hachi-ji seoi throw. o Shinsen (divine scissoring) – opponent approaches, use both hands to strike into ribs, neck and ears. Ichi Tai Tasu – one vs. many – there are many techniques. Any number of people is fine. Shinken Shiroba-dome to Shiroha-dori – true sword naked blade stop and naked blade take Muto Dori Gata – swordless taking form o Sekiryoku (sole power) – leap in striking the solar plexus. o Koryo (scooping graze) o Chingan (wild goose sinks) o Hisaku (flying throttle) – from a knife strike, backfist into uke’s left temple area and shuto into neck. Leap up to strangle his mid-section with your legs, pulling uke over you. Take his ankles and kick into his chin to finish. o Fumo (wind start) – o Bakko (domination) – o Muko-Dori (opposing take) – o Shika-Ashi (deer’s feet) – o Shuriki (manual power) – o Akuken (checking fist) – o Gokuraku (paradise) – o Fudo (immovability) – Shiroha-Dome – from shizen, uke comes in with a diagonal sword cut. You step in to catch the handle in the bend of your elbow, twisting as you lock out uke’s arm and throw. Shiroha-Dori – Kiai-Kishi – spirit meeting – energy death o Ken Nagare – flowing strike Totekijutsu – throwing weapons art o Tsubute & Kurumi (projectiles and walnuts) o Ishi-Nage (stone throwing) o Yoko-Nage or Shuto-Nage (Side or sword-hand throw) o Shiko-Nage (lion-claw throw) o Senban-Nage Authentic Bujinkan Ninjutsu / Budo Taijutsu

o Senban zenog jiy-uchi (sharp plate front-back free striking) o Mestubishi o Ita or Hira Shuriken (Board or flat dirks) Kakushi-Buki – Hidden weapons o Shuko & Ashiko (hand and foot hooks) o Tekko (gauntlets) o Tekken (metal fists, brass knuckles) o Nekote (cat claws or Tsunoyubi horn fingers) o Te-no-naka (inside the hand pick) o Doku-Koteshi (poisoned figurine) Shinden Gokui – divinely transmitted inner essence

Authentic Bujinkan Ninjutsu / Budo Taijutsu

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