Ten Sephiroth & Seven Chakras
Short Description
The Tree of Life The Ten Sephiroth & the Twelve Chakras and Sevenfold Nature of Iself Table of CONTENTS ...
Darcy John Bouchard, Bouchard, li Exŏu īle - The Ten Ten Sephiroth Sephiroth & the Twelve Twelve Chakras Chakras and Sevenfold Nature Nature of Iself
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Bouchard, li Exŏu īle - The Ten Ten Sephiroth Sephiroth & the Twelve Twelve Chakras Chakras and Sevenfold Nature Nature of Iself
Front Cover Illustration Illustration
God shows Adam and Eve the Tree o !ie in the Garden o Eden ! "er#an School "i#nette Tem$tation o Eve in the Garden o Eden %y the ser$ent %! $n the riht, Adam and Eve are are cast out o the Garden Garden o Eden %! $n the left, Tem$tation
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Darcy John Bouchard, Bouchard, li Exŏu īle - The Ten Ten Sephiroth Sephiroth & the Twelve Twelve Chakras Chakras and Sevenfold Nature Nature of Iself
The Tree of Life The Ten Ten Sephiroth & the Twelve Twelve Chakras and Sevenfold Nature of Iself
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Darcy John Bouchard, li Exŏu īle - The Ten Ten Sephiroth Sephiroth & the Twelve Twelve Chakras and Sevenfold Sevenfold Nature of Iself Iself
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Darcy John Bouchard, Bouchard, li Exŏu īle - The Ten Ten Sephiroth Sephiroth & the Twelve Twelve Chakras Chakras and Sevenfold Nature Nature of Iself
The Tree of Life The Ten Sephiroth and the Twelve Chakras and Sevenfold Nature of Iself
Table Table of CONTENTS
Part One The Ten Sephiroth
)n Introduction to the Ten Sephiroth %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%% * The Neative +eils +eils of istence %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%% * The .. Channels %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% / The Sephiroth %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%% 10 The Crown of Creation %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%% 10 The Three Intellectual Intellectual owers %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 10 2a3ath, the 4idden Sephirah %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 10 The )5yss %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%% 10 The 4iher #otive owers %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 10 ) Synopsis of the +eil of aroketh %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%% 11 The 6ower #otive owers %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% 11 hieh-Shekinah %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%% 11 ) Note on the 4e5rew )lpha5et %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%% 11 The 7our 8orlds 8orlds %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%% 1. The +eil +eil of aroketh %%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%% 1' The 2weller on the Threshold %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%% 1( 6iftin the +eil of aroketh9 The Nature of the 2weller %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%% 1: Part Two Two The Twelve Chakras
The Seven Chakras %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%% 1: ranic nery %%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%% 1; īs %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1? The Chakras of @atter %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%% 1? @uladhara Chakra ABase9 esod & The Foundational Cha'ra %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% 1? Swadhisthana Chakra ASacral9 4od-NetDach - The (exual And )rocreative Center %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%% 1/ @anipura Chakra ANavel or Solar leus9 Tiphareth - The (eat * )ower %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1/ The Connection Between @atter and Spirit %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1/ )nahata Chakra A4eart9 "evurah-4esed %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%% 1/ The Chakras of Spirit %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%% .0 +ishuddhi Chakra AThroat9 2a3ath - Awa'enin# Awa'enin# to the *$$osites %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%% .0 Bindu +isara +isara %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% .0 The Bindu 7luid %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%% .0 )Ena Chakra AThird ye!9 Binah-Choch#ah %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% .1 Sahasrara Chakra ACrown!9 In Eastern $hiloso$hies A'asha is deined as ether that contains material and s$iritual ener#y1 ener#y1
Infor#ation is stored in two pools, one in for# and one invisi5le, withi withinn 5oth 5oth our physical physical 5ody and our soul-lev soul-level el chakras chakras%% @ore @ore specific specifically ally,, transcendi transcendin n ti#e ti#e and space, space, e#otional e#otional infor#at infor#ation ion is stored within 5oth, our etheric heart and our physical heart% @ore-so, there are #ultiple chakras that link us to hiher levels of the conscio consciousn usness ess%% There There are three chakra chakrass a5o a5ove ve our heads heads the causa causal, l, soul soul and stell stellar ar atewa atewayy - all open up to the hiher hiher di#ensions% The soul or sky sky star !hakra floats a5out a foot a5ove our head% To locate the Stellar .ate(ay !hakra , stretch your ar#s up a5ove your head% I#aine a funnel funnel of liht with the lower lower openin Eust a5ove your finertips% This is the 5ase of the stellar stellar ateway% ateway% Net, place the heel of your hand at the top of your head with the finers pointin upward% The 5otto# of the soul star !hakra would 5e touchin your finertips% Now, place the heel of o f your hand at the center of the crown of your head with the finers restin on the curvature of your head, pointin toward your 5ack% The area where your your finers rest is the area where the center of the !ausal !hakra is located% located% The causal causal chakra chakra is the center that accepts the dosaes of liht which the upper two chakras deliver, and it assists in hiher activations of the crown, 5row, and throat chakras% The as!endin) heart !hakra and sa!red heart !hakra house the essence of 0niversal Copassion and 0niversal Love% They create a triad via an etheric link with the heart chakra% In the center of the 5ody 5etween the physical heart and throat, 5ehind the thy#us land, land, is your as!ending as!ending heart % In the center of the 5ody, slihtly 5ehind and slihtly 5elow the physical heart, is your sa!red heart % This so#eti#es so#eti#es is perceived perceived as an etheric cha#5er attached to the heart% ) holoraphic holoraphic proEection proEection of the link 5etween 5etween these three three centers centers is held in the su5tle enery enery field% This holora# is known known as the etheri! purpose is to facilitat facilitatee co##unicat co##unication ion via the lanuae of heart % Its purpose liht 5etween our personality, our soul, the niversal 4eart, and the niversal @ind% ) wonderful wonderful 5lendin of eneries takes place within the etheric heart, the 5lendin of true 2ivine 6ove and Co#passion with the enery fro# the lower centers and especially the 5ase chakra% To su##ariDe9 su##ariDe9 6et3s 6et3s think a5out it% If the 5ase chakra is where we store our funda#ental 5eliefs, and the etheric heart 5lends these everchanin 5eliefs with niversal 6ove and Co#passion, what are we creatin 8hen love and co#passion 5lend, a frebuency frebuency is for#ed that eneriDes our lower centers%%% and our funda#ental 5eliefs 5ein to awaken awaken to a profound knowin knowin that we can and we are creatin peace within our own 5ein, and ulti#ately the world%
(u%$ersonal Cha'ras
The arth Star is keeper of kar#a, holds all previous incarnation #e#ories, and is our access point to )ncestral wisdo# and inspiration Ai%e% Ai%e% the collective collective consciousnes consciousnesss of hu#anity hu#anity% % It is 5elieved 5elieved to coordinate the roundin cord! for one3s liht-5ody that leads to the center of the earth and when functionin properly in coordination with the first chakra Athe #uladhara chakra allows one to 5e rounded and centered Ai%e%, function effectively on the physical plane% The five subpersonal !hakras are nu#5ered fro# the nearest one to the 5ody, a few inches 5elow the feet, to the fifth one, two ar#s lenths 5elow the feet9 feet9
There is a chakra - the naval !hakra - Eust 5elow the navel, 5etween our sacral sacral and solar pleus chakras% chakras% But, the #ost i#portan i#portantt other chakra is the earth star !hakra , which is a%out 1: 1: c#% or 1. inches under our feet%%% and this anchors our etheric soul 5ody! into the livin #ultidi#e #ultidi#ensiona nsionall spirit spirit of @other @other arth% The earth star is where we
5n!arnation &oint Chakra Aa few inches 5elow the feet -
practical i#ple#entation i#ple#entation of the soul Eourney for the current life .' stylus
Darcy John Bouchard, li Exŏu īle - The Ten Ten Sephiroth Sephiroth & the Twelve Twelve Chakras and Sevenfold Sevenfold Nature of Iself Iself
5n!arnator Chakra Chakra Aa5out (0 c# 5elow the
feet - connection
interact interaction ion of the life within within the for#%%% the su5stance su5stance%%% %%% the flesh flesh #aterial which produces consciousness%!
to ancestry, tri5e, clan% Subpersonal 1eadership 1eadership Chakra A5elow the feet at an ar#3s lenth H Ania, in contact with the fe#ale archetype% Earth Centering Centering Chakra A5elow the feet at an ar#3s lenth -
The The antahkarana is a 5ride 5etween personality soul and spirit that connects the lower #ind with the hiher #ind A#ind of the soul thus, it is a state of awareness! connectin the conscious #ind and personality to the Soul 1eality Lotus an and also th the a)na Soul, Ai%e% the I )# that I )# resence% resence% They onad, and the Ata or Iself Ai%e% also connect us to our true fa#ily of liht in the hiher consciousness planes, 5y which an individual is a5le to realiDe their soul3s profound love and and wisdo#% wisdo#% In this this way the the antahkarana is a communication conduit % It #akes #akes possi5le the realiDation realiDation of empathy and trans!ends all rational thought pro!esses within the lower-self Apersonality% The antahkara antahkarana na ives ives inspirati inspirational onal insiht into thins thins that the personality cannot fatho# on its own% )s such, it is the #ediu# used 5y the soul to co##unicate its love and purpose into the hu#an #ind% 4owever, 4owever, this rainbo( bridge Acollo:uial term or the antah'arana does not eist naturally naturally within the hu#an psyche% psyche% Instead, it #ust 5e conceived, desined, and constructed over ti#e%%% which is only #ade possi5le throuh various spiritual disciplines% This is a conscious process and only occurs in staes%
links to the archaic earth enery% enery% Earth Star Chakra Chakra A5elow the feet
at two ar#s3 lenths echane and relationship to the arth oddess% Sutrata
There There are two #aEor energy !hanneling stru!tures or "threads# threads# which which connect connect the " pure spirit # of the onad Ai%e% the hiher self of the soul, throuh the soul, with the #an or wo#an wo#an in incarnation% $ne is the sutrata ( the "silver thread of life# life # - which is anchored within the heart % The enery trans#itted trans#itted 5y the sutrat#a is that very very enery which which enlivens and ani#ates ani#ates all the ato#s ato#s of the physical physical 5ody% 5ody% It oriinates within the @onad and is reflected throuh the soul, 5ein transfied within the etheric heart centre at the riht-hand side of the 5ody% Thus, it is reflected throuh the physi!al heart and into the bloodstream , which, as you 'now, is the purifyin strea# which carries the energy of life to every part part of the the 5ody% 5ody% 8hile 8hile the lifeblood is pu#ped correctly throuh the 5ody and is kept free of poisons, the physical 5ody displays all its a5ility and accuracy of #ove#ent and epression epression%% So, too, the connectin connectin 5ody 5ody,, the astral-e# astral-e#otion otional al 5ody and the #ental 5ody are all dependent dependent on the Sutrat#a life thread for their eistence and correct function% There is another thread, called, indeed , the )ntahkarana% )ntahkarana% This thread in anchored in the centre of the head, h ead, and throuh these two threads the threefold epression - @onad, soul and physical-plane #an or wo#an live live their their lives% lives% These These two threads threads infor# infor# all of these these and, in a downward downw ard flow, flow, 5ride the aps 5etween, 5etween, first, first, @onad and soul, and secondly 5etween soul and its reflection, the #an or wo#an on the physical plane% ventually, a third thread is 5uilt 5y the livin person throuh the interacti interaction on of soul energy, and and eventually, monadi! energy , throuh the physical apparatus9 the "thread of !reativity !reativity %# These three threads wound wou nd toet toether her produc producee the 5ride 5ride 5etwe 5etween en the three level levelss of eistence%
There are three funda#ental parts Asu5structures to the antahkarana to 5e noted - each are used 5y the soul to influence a person3s life in a particular way% way% They are A as ollows9 The !ie Thread
This strand of the antahkarana etends fro# the soul Aand even 5eyond the soul to the personality% personality% It anchors itself in the heart !hakra , and is responsi5le for the downflow of the life force into the physical 5ody%! 5ody%! It is the spiritual enery that ives ani#ation to the #any 5ioloica 5ioloicall syste#s that sustain sustain the outer physical physical for#% The 5eatin of the heart and the luns are ulti#ately ulti#ately overned 5y this su5tle su5tle force force co#in co#in fro# fro# the soul via the life thread% thread% "iven "iven its essentia essentiall natu nature re,, this this thread thread can can 5e cons consid ider ered ed pri# pri#ar aryy% It is the only only su5structure of the antahkarana that is not in need of construction, for it naturally eists as a function of physical life and survival%
Antahkarana ( The 1ainbow / rid)e to the Sa!red
The Consciousness Thread
8hether we are talkin a5out the soul of a hu#an 5ein, that of a nation, or the soul of hu#anity as a whole - that which is sacred is also eternal% ach individual is really threefold9
This thread etends etends fro# the soul to the #ind #ind of the personality% personality% It enters enters throuh the !ro(n !hakra and is seated within the 5rain cavity in the reion of the pineal gland % Throuh it, an individual individual 5eins to reister the wisdo# of the soul! as it su5tly shapes thouhts within the #ind% nlike the life life thread, this this su5structure of the antahkarana antahkarana does not eist eist natura naturally lly%% Instea Instead, d, it #ust 5e 5uilt 5uilt throu throuhh #edit #editati ative ve practice, selfless selfless service 5eyond our own needs 5y #akin an altruistic contri5ution toward others, and the develop#ent of the a5stract #ind as a5stract thouht #akes it possi5le to see the 5roader Aand wiser truths underlyin outer events - hence, deeper principles overnin life and circu#st circu#stance ance are seen anew, and with with intuitiona intuitionall insiht insiht into spiritual understandin not realiDed 5efore% 8hen the first tenuous strands of this thread are in place, it indicates that an individual has stepped onto the Path of 1eturn - 5y which the consciousness of (hat is and (hat might be #radually 5eco#es known to the evolvin individual, who# can now spiritually develop Ai%e% realiDin deeper-and-deeper deeper-and-deeper eperiences eperiences of awareness% In other words, as you seek, as you aspire, you create 5efore you%
The onad, or /ivine Spark of .od , or or Universal Spiritual on the soul plane 'lame, which reflects the i#personal Iself on as the individualiDed hu#an soul or eo% The soul , a#ain, reflectin itself on the dense physical plane as #an or wo#an in incarnation - the process 5y which spirit involves itself in its polar opposite Ai%e% su5stance% 8hen 8h en the the spirit aspect ct and and the flesh material co#e spirit of life aspe toether, a third consciousness! aspect is 5orn% The descent fro# @onad to soul and fro# soul to personality has to 5e re-enacted in reverse reverse order% The threefold man - physical, astral and #ental - has to find his way 5ack 5y a process of at-one-#ent,! first with the soul and then, throuh the spiritual triad - the reflection of the @onad - with the @onad itself9 the threefold #onadic Bein% The return Eourney, or the process 5y which that return Eourney is #ade, is throuh the creation, radual evolve#ent, and 5uildin of the thread of consciousne consciousness%! ss%! It is the result of the antahkarana - the thread
The Creative Thread
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Darcy John Bouchard, Bouchard, li Exŏu īle - The Ten Ten Sephiroth Sephiroth & the Twelve Twelve Chakras Chakras and Sevenfold Nature Nature of Iself
ssentially, the !reative impulses of the soul travel alon this thread% It eventually seats itself in the throat !enter , which is the chakra that facilitates facilitates creative thouht and epression% This thread 5eins to for# after the consciousness consciousness thread has 5een partially 5uilt% 4owever, its its utiliDation A5y the soul is tenuous until the procreative passions of the lower-self have 5een 5een ta#ed% This suests that #uch of the creative creative enery of the sa!ral !hakra has 5een lifted to the throat throat center% 8hen the soul is a5le a5le to utiliD utiliDee this this thread thread,, it inspires inspires the #ind #ind with with innovative ideas that have the power to uplift%
our self created challenes and eplorations% In short, our soul petal develop#ent is our spiritual evolution% The Soul 1eality Lotus is continually workin to develop and refine the personalit personalityy structures structures it uses in incarnatio incarnation% n% This This is a #any#anylifeti#es endeavor, endeavor, often lastin throuh hundreds of e#5odi#ents% e#5odi#ents% )t so#e point wherein the Soul Feality 6otus has attained sufficient infusion within the personality structures, the a)na Soul, onad or also starts infusin the Soul Feality 6otus to a reater deree and Iself also therefore the personality structures, as well % lti#ately, lti#ately, at so#e point in the soul3 soul3ss Eourney Eourney the Soul Soul Fealit Fealityy 6otus 6otus will will dissol dissolve ve into into Aor I )# that I )# resence will 5e in direct "Oneness# and the Iself Aor incarnation within hu#an for#%
Soul 1eality Lotus
The !hali!e receives only spiritual spiritual eneries, eneries, hiher hiher !hali!e of our soul receives bualit bua lities ies and insihts insihts of wisdo# wisdo#%% It has a spirit spiritual ual filter filter which which disreards disreards any neative neative or 5ase eneries, eneries, so nothin nothin is contained 5ut spiritual eneries eneries of love, wisdo#, and and 5eauty% This is then carried on throuh lifeti#es%%% each lifeti#e 5ein an opportunity to further receive and add to these spiritual eneries% Now, it is possi5le to receive al#ost nothin in a lifeti#e, if one is not sufficiently awake to love, wisdo# and 5eauty, or if one is si#ply enrossed in 5ase or neative eneries% Base energies are Eust physical and personal pleasure desires and eneries% Base eneries are not always always dysfunctional or har#ful, as are neative eneriesZ thouh they very often detract one3s consciousness fro# soul eperience and fro# hiher eperiences eperiences of 5eauty% 5eauty% But the 5ase eneries are not spiritually 5ad,3 they are #erely a lower enery than real love, 5eauty, insihts, and spiritually inspired creativity% Spiritual Spiritually ly #otivate #otivatedd actions actions and creativi creativity ty,, rather rather than 5ase or neative #otivated, #ake positive eneries for our soul chalice%
An Awa'enin# Awa'enin# o 2umanity
The antahkarana, and its relationship to the sacred, can 5e ea#ined in the contet of hu#anity hu#anity as a whole% 7ro# the esoteric perspective, hu#ani hu#anity ty is con consid sidere eredd a sinle sinle livin livin entity entity%% Just Just like like with with an individual, hu#anity has a personality and a soul, and even a 5uddin antahkarana% 8hen we consider hu#anity3s hu#anity3s buest for the sacred we are are really really talkin talkin a5o a5out ut its stru strule le to reali realiDe De its hiher hiher potent potential ial%% "radually hu#anity is awakenin to this potential, thouh it does so throu throuhh crisis crisis and conflic conflict% t% $ur species species is co#in co#in to realiD realiDee the interconnectedness of all all thins% "iven the sufferin we we are witnessin in our world today, it #ay 5e difficult to fatho# that hu#anity is awakenin to its own sacredness% It is buick 5eco#e increasinly i#portant for each of us to focus daily on our personal evolution and re#e#5er our purpose of bein) as powerful effect on well as our /ivine !reative po(er % 8e each have a powerful the reality that we live in - and as we evolve we are 5eco#in #oreand-#ore aware of our epansive epansive and li#itless li#itless nature% $ur 5odies are radually and continually interatin higher-fre"uen!y light rays , and as this happe happens ns our our soul-level !hakras are a(akening % This This is a necessary process as we are 5einnin to reconiDe that we we are each truly are powerful 2ivine 5eins, created not si#ply in the i#ae of "od 5ut also 5lessed with ifts of the creative power of 2ivine 6ove and 2ivine @ind% )s it is, a new spiritual awakenin is occurrin in hu#an culture, an awaken awakenin in 5rouht 5rouht a5o a5out ut 5y a critic critical al #ass #ass of indivi individua duals ls who eperience their lives as a spiritual unfoldin, a Eourney in which we are led forward 5y #ysterious coincidences% coincidences% The search for the sacred sacred is a soEourn unlike any other% Thouh it #ay #anifest in #any eternal eternal ways, it is funda#entally an inner Eourney leadin to the discovery of the soul deep within% within% et, et, there is a ap in consciousnes consciousnesss which prevents us fro# accurately sensin the uidance and wisdo# of the soul% "radually an individual 5eins to construct a 5ride to span this ap% This 5ride is called called antahkarana, and when it is fully developed, developed, enlih enlihten ten#en #entt is then sure% sure% ven ven so, when an indivi individua duall furthe further r develops develops hisher hisher inner 5ride, hu#anity hu#anity3s 3s antahkara antahkarana na is likewise likewise enhanced% as the part contri5utes to the evolution evolution of the whole% Such is the law of eistence%
$ur soul lotus is another aspect of our soul, like a 5losso#in lotus flower - each petal o which contains a particular aspect or buality of the 2ivine Self that was realiDed and contained 5y the eneries needed to develop develop and epand epand our lotus petals % This This lotus lotus then carries on throuh throuh lifeti#e lifeti#ess as our soul,! its petals 5ein the #ain bualities bualities of our soul, and each of these petal-bualities 5ein further developed and epanded like a radiant 5ody of liht within the cos#ic universe radiatin the eneries of spiritual consciousness, love, and the will-toood%! But there are also eneries of peace, har#ony, 5eauty, devotion, scientific and analytical thinkin, and the will to 5e creative, as well as #any other spiritual energies or "ualities , which can 5e accu#ulated and containe containedd within within our chalice% chalice% The floweri flowerin n of our lotus soul 5ein the spiritual epression we ive to the world of unactualiDed potential% The reat reat functi functiona onalit lityy in all of this is that that these these a!!umulated spiritual energies are not lost throuh lifeti#es of the soul3s Eourney% These spiritual eneries, as accu#ulated fro# past lives and also fro# our present life, are then carried on to our i#ained net livesZ where we #ay have further opportunities to increase the eneries in our chalice% Thouh there is no uarantee uarantee or pre-planned pre-planned destiny that we we will accu#ulate #uch of anythin spiritual in our plausi5le! net life, 5ecause it depends on how receptive we are and how #uch spiritual effort we #ade in appreciatin this life (e are no( experien!ing % ach petal of our twelve(petal lotus is a develop#ent of one of the t(elve spiritual "ualities or essen!es, which are co#5inations of the the three rays% These These peta petals ls develo developp 5y the four elements and the receive vedd fro# fro# our Solar Lo)os, nutrients nutrients of spiritual spiritual energies energies as recei which radiates the universal eneries of 7ree 8ill to ower, 6ove and 6iht, and co#5inations co#5inations of these% these% et et also necessary to our soul petal develop#ent are the hiher eneries we develop 5y our own self-efforts in each lifeti#e - particularly 5y the eneries created 5y our sa!rifi!e our in!rease of !ons!iousness in life , and our of personality (ill , our relation to others and nature% nature% $ur soul petals petals are deepening love in relation also developed, in #eneral , 5y our life eperiences, #ost especially 5y
The Akashi! 1e!ords
! is one Akasha ASanskrit #eanin $rimary su%stance ! or aether ! of the cos#ic principles and is an eneretic plasmi! matter , creative in its physic physical al nature, nature, i##uta i##uta5le 5le in its hiher hiher principl principles% es% It is the buintessen buintessence ce of all possi5le for#s of enery enery,, #aterial #aterial,, psychic, psychic, or spiritualZ and contains within itself the er#s of universal creation, which sprout forth under the i#pulse of the 2ivine Spirit - a collection of mysti!al kno(ledge that is encoded Universal lore in the aether Ai%e% on a non-phys non-physica icall plane of eist eistenc ence% e% The The Akashi! 1e!ords, or memory of nature , are understood to have eisted since 5efore the .:
Darcy John Bouchard, li Exŏu īle - The Ten Ten Sephiroth Sephiroth & the Twelve Twelve Chakras and Sevenfold Sevenfold Nature of Iself Iself
5einnin of Creation - and all pheno#enal eperience Ae%%, hu#an, ani#al, ani#al, plant, #ineral, #ineral, etc% as well as transcendental knowlede is encoded therein the li5rary of all events and responses concernin all #eta-enhanced realities% The Akashi! 1e!ords , or " Book of 1ife 1ife ,# a di#ension of vi5rational records which can 5e ebuated to the universe3s super-co#puter syste#% It is this syste# that acts as the central storehouse of all infor#ation for every individual who has ever ever lived upon the earth% @ore than Eust a reservoir of events, the )kashic Fecords contain every deed, word, feelin, thouht, and intent that has ever occurred at any ti#e in the history history of the world% world% @uch #ore than si#ply si#ply a #e#ory storehouse, storehouse, however , these )kashic Fecords are interactive in that they have a tre#endous tre#endous influence influence upon our everyday lives, our relationshi relationships, ps, our feelins and 5elief syste#s, and the potential realities we draw toward us%
Part Three The Sevenfold Nature of Iself
The hu#an 5ein consists of Seven rinciples, divided into a 4iher Triad and a 6ower 6ower Guaternary% These seven principles or seven seven parts of our nature are the divine part, the spiritual part, the intellectual part, the passional part, the vital part, the astral part, and the physical part% The first three of these co#prise the 4iher Triad and they last forever, while the lower four last Eust for one lifeti#e and are new in each lifeti#e that we have% The Seven rinciples - alon with that of -ara and 1ein!arnation - are of the ut#ost i#portance to hu#anity% +he Spiritual +riad
pon ti#e and space is written the thouhts, the deeds, the activities of an entity - as in relationships to its environs, its hereditar hereditaryy influenc influenceZ eZ as directed directed - or Eud#ent Eud#ent drawn drawn 5y or accordin to what what the entity3s ideal is% 4ence, as it has 5een oft called, the record is "od3s 5ook of re#e#5ranceZ and each entity, each soul - as the activities of a sinle day of an entity in the #aterial world - either #akes sa#e ood or 5ad or indifferent, dependin dependin upon the entity3s entity3s applicat application ion of self towards that which is the ideal #anner for the use of ti#e, opportunity opportunity and the epr epres essi sion on of that that for for whic whichh each each soul soul ente enters rs a #ate #ateri rial al #anifestation% #anifestation% The interpretation interpretation then as drawn here is with with the desire and hope that, in openin this for the entity, the eperience #ay 5e one of helpfulness and hopefulness% dar Cayce, Feadin 1;:0-1
Atma & The (eventh (eventh Divine )art A +adiation o the A%solute Ata Aalso written atman A)t#a , आतम , आतमन, #eanin essence, %reath, soul is our essential nature and the hiher#ost part of our
5ein and supre#e part of our spiritual 5ein% It is pure ternal Spirit% It is the 4iher Self, the 2ivine Self, the Feal Self or True Self of the hu#an 5ein and it is literally one-and-the-sa#e in essence and identity as the Infi Infini nite te Supr Supre# e#ee Self Self%% This This is in accor accorda danc ncee with with the the funda#ental teachin of 0induismZ that our self Aas the at#an is the Supre#e Self% )t#an literally literally #eans #eans Iself%! It is the only one of the seven principles to which the unbualified ter# Self! #ay 5e applied% It is not an individual thin% There is no such thin as #y at#an! or your at#an%! The ternal Spirit is neither yours nor #ine and is not the separate separate individual individual possessio possessionn of anyon anyone% e% There There is neither neither #y at#an! nor your at#an! 5ut only the at#an, the one universal self of all% It is here that all is truly one% Thus, althouh there are are #any souls, there there is only one )t#an, )t#an, Ai%e% one Spirit Spirit,, one Self, Self, one Supre#e Supre#e lti#ate Feality9 Just as one and the same sun shines over every%ody
The )kashic Fecords contain the entire history of every soul since the dawn of Creation% Creation% These These records records connect each each one of us to one another% another% They contai containn the sti#ulus sti#ulus for every every ar!hetypal symbol or which has ever deeply deeply touche touchedd patter patterns ns of hu#an hu#an mythi! mythi! story story which 5ehavior and eperience% They have 5een the inspiration for drea#s and invention% invention% They draw draw us toward or repel us fro# one another% another% They #old and shape levels levels of hu#an conscious consciousness% ness% They are a portion of 2ivine @ind% They are the un5iased Eude and Eury that atte#pt to uide, educate, and transfor# every individual to 5eco#e the very 5est that she or he can 5e% They e#5ody an ever-chanin ever-chanin fluid array of possi5le futures that are called into potential as we hu#ans interact and learn fro# the data that has already 5een accu#ulated% The )kashic )kashic Fecords are always always chanin and epandin% epandin% )s our souls evolve over ti#e, so do our )kashic Fecords adEust to reflect our personal rowth and are in a continual state of refine#ent as we alin with our perfection and #anifest that perfection in our earthly lives% Therefore, we can look at the )kashic Fecords as an inter#ediary 5ody of all past, present, and future possi5ility, pro5a5ility, and eventuality% Throuh Throuh the# we can derive understandin understandin and direction direction as we open up within ourselves on our Eourney to 5eco#in our opti#al selves in the physical world% 8e are all part of a perfect cos#ic plan where everyone3s life has a purpose% ou ou are a 5ein of infinite worth and each one of us is a #icro-cos#os with all of the infor#ation and enery needed to recreate the entire universe% In order to fully realiDe this, you #ust e#5race true true freedo# and allow yourself to 5eco#e your own person% Now @ark9 ach person is held to account account after life and confronted3 with their personal )kashic record of what they have or have not done in life in a kar#ic sense% The idea is co#para5le to the Bi5lical " Book o r not the dead d ead are ad#itted of 1ife,# which is consulted to see whether or to heaven when each individual3s riht to unendin life co#es up for adEudication%
on this earth, so one and the same s$irit shines over and illumines every soul %
The olden key to understandin the universal oneness of divine allness! allness! and non-duality non-duality is contained contained within within the )t#an% )t#an% I a# the )t#an% ou ou are the )t#an% )t#an% The )t#an )t#an is the who and what which which we really are% It is our essential essential nature, nature, our True True Self, the the all-in-all%! all-in-all%! In fact, it is the one-and-only reality% reality% ea, ea, this 4iher Self never does anythin%%% nor is anythin ever done to the Iself%%% as there is nothin for Iness to do, ecept sim$ly to 5e,! and Iness 5e,! for I )# that I )#% Since Since the at#an at#an is litera literally lly 2ivini 2ivinity ty Iself, Iself, we should should alway alwayss re#e#5er that it never incarnates or reincarnates, nor is it ever affected 5y our kar#a or even 5y anythin whatsoever% whatsoever% It Eust si#ply is as I )# that I )#%! Buddhi & The (ixth ($iritual ($iritual )art The "ehicle o )ure niversal ($irit /uddhi is
the second hihest principle of #an3s constitution and is referred to as the Spiritual Soul! or er#anent 8itness,! the vehicle throuh which at#a Athe hihest principle radiates its its liht% There is nothin individual a5out the 5uddhi principle% )s with at#a, we cannot talk in ter#s ter#s of #y 5uddhi! 5uddhi! or your 5uddhi%! Contrary Contrary to popular opinion, the eneral eoteric definition 5uddhi is not the faculty or bualit bua lityy of intuit intuition ion and has nothin nothin to do with with the principl principlee of discri#i discri#inati nation on Aas in wise discri#in discri#inativ ativee intelli intellience ence and hihest hihest intellection% intellection% It has nothin to do with anythin ecept ecept servin as the vehicle for at#a, the the Self%! )s the at#a is an an entirely universal and .;
Darcy John Bouchard, Bouchard, li Exŏu īle - The Ten Ten Sephiroth Sephiroth & the Twelve Twelve Chakras Chakras and Sevenfold Nature Nature of Iself
undifferentiated 2ivine rinciple and not personal or individual in any way whatsoever, Eust the sa#e is true of the 5uddhi% The 5uddhi serves as a vehicle for the direct radiation of the liht of the at#an and that toether, in conEunction with each other, they are buick 5eco#e a monad % The "onad# A#eanin ultimate unit ! or $rimary unit ! ! is a ter# used to descri5e the conEunction of the two hihest principles of the hu#an constitution constitution H at#a and 5uddhi% There is nothin hiher than at#a, the hiher#ost and supre#e part of our spiritual 5ein% Because at#a is literally literally 2ivinity Iself, Iself, it has to have a vehicle throuh which to radiate radiate its liht to the individual individual soul% Buddhi is this vehicle and so the two in conEunction with each other are called the #onad% $ur individuality 5eins with the fifth principle - manas - which is the #ind principle, the thinker, the hu#an soul, the reincarnatin eo, the true I a# inso#uch as I a# that I think I a#! of our 5ein% 5 ein%
Spirituality and sensuality sensuality can never and will never #i% @anas, as the hu#an soul, stands riht in the #iddle 5etween the two and #ust #ake a choice 5etween 5etween the#% $ur pri#ary 5attleround in life life is that of the the #ind - which is the 5ride 5etwit our livin, 5reathin, copulatin flesh-5ody and our eternal epression of Iness - the transpersonal soul which identifies Iself within the #ortifyin flesh-eperience% +he 1o(er uaternary
7ama & The Fourth )assional )assional )art The (eat o Animal Desires Desires and )assions
, कम , -aa ASanskrit कम
which literally #eans desire,! is the desire principle of the hu#an 5ein when in physical incarnation, usually interpreted to reference love, in particular seual love or seual desire Ai%e% lust!% ra, the ?a, e#anc = =s>ra kar#ic cycle of death, re5irth and trans#iration of the soul9 She is ultimately the pri#ordial pri#ordial cos#ic cos#ic enery enery representi representin n the dyna#ic forces that are thouht to #ove throuh the entire universe - and it is this orm o 7ali that is worshi$$ed %y many $eo$le around the world, as she is stron#ly associated with %eauty and $ros$erity in such orms as !a'shmi, the 2indu #oddess o wealth, ortune and $ros$erity % But
In the teachins of +heosophy, the manas prin!iple is often called the "ego%# This is usin the ter# eo! eo! in its true and literal literal sense%%% #eanin the true Iself! of our 5ein% / It is the the manasi! entity , the individual hu#an soul, which sets the causes in #otion in each lifeti#e - throuh every thouht, word, and action - which have to have their correspondin kar#ic effects effects in this and su5sebuent lifeti#es% It is the #aker and the experien!er experien!er of karma % It has a dual nature - that of 4iher @anas and 6ower @anas% 8hen the #ind and consciousness are lifted, raised, and elevated towards hiher thins, spiritual thins, a5stract thins, intellectual thins, thins of oodness, truth, purity, love, co#passion, and 5eauty, it is then functionin as the 4iher @anas and risin ever closer towards the divine shinin liht of 5uddhi, the spiritual soul % 8hen the #ind #ind and consciousn consciousness ess are instead instead allowed to sink downwards towards the lower, separative, separative, selfish, and sensual thins of life, it is 6ower @anas, attachin itself to the principle of ka#a, the animal soul % @anas cannot o in 5oth directions directions at once% It can only either o up or dow down%% n%%%% up toward towardss spirit spiritual uality ity or dow downn toward towardss sensua sensuali lity ty%% /
she is also the spirit of ivin%%% and it is throuh ivin that one 5eins to 5rin an end to Eust the outer seekin of the senses - and one 5eins to #anifest the hiher for# of ka#a Apara% In hu#an 5ody
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