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TEMENOS Connector

User Guide

Information in this document is subject to change without notice. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without t he express written permission of TEMENOS Holdings NV. Copyright 2005 TEMENOS Holdings NV. All rights reserved.

Temenos Connector

Table of Contents

 Application Overview ........................................................................ ........................................................................................................................... ................................................... 3 Temenos Connector Server................................................................................................................. Server................................................................................................................. 3 Prerequisites ..................................................................... ................................................................................................................................ ............................................................... .... 3 OFS Setup................................................................................................................. Setup........................................................................................................................................ .......................4 4 Installing TCServer.jar and dependencies ..................................................................... ....................................................................................... ..................6 Environment Variables .............................................................................. ..................................................................................................................... .......................................7 Configuration of tcserver.xml .................................................................. ........................................................................................................... .........................................9 Custom Listeners .......................................................................... ........................................................................................................................... .................................................15 Message Formatters ............................................................................ ...................................................................................................................... ..........................................18 TCMonitor.......................................................................................................................................24 Telnet Daemon .............................................................................. ............................................................................................................................... .................................................25 Tracing functionality ............................................................................. ....................................................................................................................... ..........................................25 Troubleshooting ................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... .............................................................. ..25

Verification of OFS configuration ..................................................................................................25 Temenos Connector Client ................................................................................... ................................................................................................................ .............................28 Prerequisites and Compability Compability ...................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... .................28 Configuration : channels.xml..........................................................................................................28 Tracing Functionality Functionality ............................................................................ ...................................................................................................................... ..........................................30 Troubleshooting..............................................................................................................................30

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Introduction  Ap p li c ati o n Ov er erv v iew The Temenos Connector allows external programs to link into T24 via the OFS (Open Financial Service) module. The Temenos Connector consists of two elements: The java TCServer opens up T24 to external access via OFS. This can be done using many different channels, including MQSeries, TCP, SSL and RMI. The TCClient is an API which allows other client programs to connect with the TCServer (and therefore onto T24) using the same channels listed above. The TCClient API is available as a java version, as well as C++ offering a COM (Component Object Modelling) layout.

Temenos Te menos Connector Se Server rver Prerequisites T24 / TEMENOS GLOBUS The java TCServer has been developed on top of T24 for jBASE., but is also backwardly compatible with TEMENOS GLOBUS from G12.1 onwards, although TEMENOS GLOBUS releases prior to G13.1, will need the installation of some additional subroutines in order for the TCServer to run correctly. These subroutines are :





If unsure whether these subroutine are already deployed or not, type : $ jshow If the result is a full path to a library, this means that jBase can find this subroutine, otherwise, contact your Temenos Representative to get the latest versions.

Java version  A java Virtual Machine (JRE) version 1.3.0 or above should be installed. To test it, type : $ java –version. TEMENOS User Guide

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Platform The TCServer has been deployed and tested on the following platforms :

Windows 32








OFS Setup Create an OFS.SOURCE record as presented here :












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07 NOV 02 07:29








Please note that although the SOURCE.TYPE field is set to “TELNET”, the TCServer does not actually use telnet, this is merely to specify that we will have online (and not batch) data coming. To test that T24 is now ready to be accessed by the TCServer, at the jShell type: $ OFS.CONNECTION.MANAGER TCS  An alternative way is to ensure that the environment variable called OFS_SOURCE is set up to the value of the Record ID of the table OFS.SOURCE (in our example : “TCS”) $ export OFS_SOURCE=TCS (or “set OFS_SOURCE=TCS” for windows …) Then type:

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$ OFS.CONNECTION.MANAGER  A response like this should be expected: OFS VERSION 2.0 ? Type anything at the prompt: e.g. “hello world”. The answer should be: NO SIGN ON NAME SUPPLIED DURING SIGN ON PROCESS  Alternatively a real enquiry can be entered at the prompt : ENQUIRY.SELECT,,/, If the test is successful then the TCServer is ready to be deployed. To quit the test type: “exit”.

Installi ng TCServer.jar and d ependencies The jar File and a Setup.sh (or Setup.bat), should be copied to any desired location and the script executed. Prompts will appear for the following information:

The path for the TCServer installation

The path to T24 (the xxx.run directory)

The path to the jBase version

The OFS.SOURCE record ID.

Note that this setup will only deploying files in the install directory, so special privileges to install it (apart from write access to this directory) will not be required. For Windows, there is no update to the registry, so to uninstall, simply delete the whole directory. However, if installing the NT Service (in the ./bin path), write access to the Registry will be required. The removeService.bat will remove any entry.

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Figure 1 - TCServer Inst allation p rogr am

Once installed, the two 2 files (TCServer.bat and TCServer.sh) will be present in the /bin directory and can be executed (.bat for windows, .sh for Unix/Linux) to start the server. On unix, the rights of this file, may need review.

Environment Variables The Environment Variables are listed in the environment.vars file located in the /conf directory. There are two different supported format for this file: The default one has the tags . Depending the platform, the values listed in or will be used. The second format contains only the “name-values” pair. This means that if necessary, the result of an “env” (unix) or “set” (win32) can be piped to this file.

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By default, this file contains “tags” like “, etc. These tags are substituted on the fly by the values specified in the tcserver.xml file. Even if the environment has been “piped”, this file can be edited and these special tags added, instead of having a “hardcoded” path.

Figure 2 - Default environment.vars file

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Configuration of t cserver.xml This file contains all the configuration parameters of the TCServer and is located in the ./conf directory. The

structure of this file looks like this :

Message formatters are used to format (change) the requests and/or the responses  Adapters define how to connect with T24. The link to the message formatters can be specified here. The listeners define the channel by which external programs connect to the TCServer (MQSeries, TCP, SSL etc.)

Initial settings

9500 9501 9502 120

MONITOR_PORT, TELNETD_PORT, DEBUGGER_PORT are TCP ports the TCServer will listen on. They are all optional.

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STACKEXPIRATION is the number of seconds a RESPONSE will stay in the internal queue before the server removes it; this can happen if the client application does not retrieve it. The encryption key will be described later in this document.



MESSAGEFORMATTERS are java classes used to format a request or a response. The classes can be listed here by giving them a specific ID. The TCServer will load the class, but will not activate them. There is no restriction on listing classes; they will not affect resource usage.


CRLFtoVM VMtoCRLF 5 1 30 /bnk/bnk.run /opt/jbc OFS.CONNECTION.MANAGER GCS environment.vars

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 ADAPTERS define the way the TCServer connects with T24Server. Multiple adapters can be specified, defined by the attribute “id” with different settings, they will only be activated if referenced by a listener

Tags OFSENTRY specifies which process will be used to communicate with T24Server. This should always be OFS.CONNECTION.MANAGER. OFSTIMEOUT specifies after how many seconds the TCServer will assume that something went wrong, and will stop waiting. A value of 0 means “wait forever”. MIN_SESSION is the number of initial processes. The TCServer will create new session if necessary up to MAX_SESSION. GLOBUSPATH, JBASEPATH, OFSENTRY and OFSSOURCE are the values entered during installation. These values will be used to “fork” a new OFS.CONNECTION.MANAGER process. These are these values which will replace the tags in environment.vars. ENVIRONMENT specifies which file contains the name-value pairs for the environment variables. The default value is “environment.vars”. REQUEST_FORMATTER and RESPONSE_FORMATTER are a link MESSAGEFORMATTERS section. At this point the required formatter is specified.




Listeners LISTENERS define the communication with the TCServer. The following types of listeners are supported :

raw-tcp A raw socket accepting anything, processing it as-is.


Used by the TCClient to communicate through a Socket.


Same as tcp, but using a secure socket.


Connect to an MQSeries Queue, process all messages found and “publish” the response in another MQQueue.


Will just forward the message from one queue to another one, without touching it at all


This is a type of listener which will allow any java developer to create his own.  A special section is dedicated to that type of listener later in this document.

These types of listener are defined in the attribute « type ». Each Listener must have a UNIQUE id (Name) and must have the attribute “active” set to “true” or “false”. Listener can be activated or deactivated using the Monitor or the telnet daemon.

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Example list eners in the above tcserver.xls


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G13101 4001

G13101 7002

G13101 myhost qm.test test.in ch.test 5 NO chlap-taubert qm.test test.out ch.test

G13101 qm.test test.in 5 NO qm.test test.out

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This is the most simple LISTENER possible. By defining such a listener, the TCServer will just listen to a Socket on the port and will forward to T24Server whatever it receives. A message ends with a CRLF. If such a Listener is used, one can just “telnet” the server by specifying the port. Eg : telnet localhost 4001. Note that this listener doesn’t implement a Telnet emulation, so maybe an echo will not be present. This listener type is useful for test purposes. This is NOT recommended to use it in a live environment. The ADAPTERID tag specifies what adapter should be used when a message comes to this listener.  All listeners have the same ADAPTERID tag, except mqseries-fwd.

Lis.2 The definition of the type « tcp » looks exactly the same as a “raw-tcp” channel type. However, it is not possible to communicate through a raw socket, as this kind of listener is expecting a specific binary format only the TCClient can generate and understand. This type of listener is the most common and can be used from any type of TCClient (java, COM, C++, . . .)

Mq.1  An MQ Queue is defined by four parameters :

MQHOST The MQHOST has the format [()]. Eg : LOCALHOST(1415). If no port is specified, the default 1414 will be used.




NBTHREAD defines how many threads should look at this queue. The CONSUMER defines where to publish the response. The TCServer will append the MQMD (Message descriptor) if any. This can deactivated by specifying NO. Mq.2 If MQSeries is deployed on the same machine than the TCServer, it is not necessary to specify the HOSTNAME and the CHANNEL. The TCServer will connect to MQSeries natively. N.B.The directory containing the library “libmqjbnd05.sl” (mqjbnd05.dll for windows) must be in the LIBPATH (SH_LIBPATH, LIB, …). Fwd The mqseries-fwd just forwards messages to another queue.

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 ATM This listener has a of type “custom” allowing it to define a java class which will act as a custom listener. This functionality is very useful for development of interfaces. Refer to the following section on creating custom listeners.

Custom List eners The key in creating custom listeners is to create a java class which extends the class com.Temenos.tocf.tcs.API.AbstractListener. This is in the tcserver.jar. There are the following methods:

public abstract void stopIt();

public abstract boolean isStopped();

public byte[] process(byte[] bRequest) {

public byte[] processAsync(byte[] bRequest, String sTag) {

public void messageReady(byte[] requestId, byte[] bResponse, String sTag){};

public void run();

stopIt() is called when the TCServer wants to stop the listener. isStopped() must return whether or not the listener is stopped. process() must be called to send a message to T24Server in a synchronous way. This method is

blocking and will return the response. processAsync() “posts” the message to T24Server. This method is non-blocking. The response will

come back by a call to the method messageReady(). The return value of processAsync() is the unique message ID and will be received again in the method messageReady(). The parameter sTag is “any” value (can be null). This value will be passed back unchanged to the messageReady() method. messageReady() will be automatically invoked whenever an asynchronous response is ready. (After

a processAsync(). getParam(String sTag) will return the contents of any custom tag in the block.

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run(). The class AbstractListener implements Runnable, and will create a new thread with the class

whenever it needs to be started. Here is the code of a simple Listener. In this instance, the listener does not, in fact, listen to anything, but simply sends in an asynchronous way, a message to T24Server every 5 sec. The responses are received via the messageReady() method: The same kind of sample, but using a synchronous communication :

import com.temenos.tocf.tcs.API.*; public





private boolean private boolean _bIsStopped = false;

public void messageReady(byte[] requestId, byte[] bResponse, String sTag) {

System.out.println("Received : " + new String(bResponse)); } public void run() {

String sRequest = “ENQUIRY.SELECT,,INPUTT/123456,%CURRENCY”; while (!_bStopIt) { byte[] bRequestID = super.processAsync(sRequest, null); try {

Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }  _bIsStopped = true; }

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AbstractListener =


Temenos Connector

import com.temenos.tocf.tcs.API.*; public class ListenerTest extends AbstractListener { private boolean _bStopIt = false ; private boolean _bIsStopped = false; public void run() {

String sRequest = “ENQUIRY.SELECT,,INPUTT/123456,%CURRENCY”; while!_bStopIt) { ( byte[] bResponse = super.process(sRequest.getBytes());

System.out.println("Received : " + new String(bResponse)); try {

Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }  _bIsStopped = true; } public void stopIt() {

In order that the TCServer can find the classes, they need to be deployed in the directory “ext”. For example, our previous sample (ListenerTest.class) needs to be located in:

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If the class had a package name (eg com.mycompany) it should be located in : /ext/ com/mycompany.

 Alternatively, if a jar file was made, it can be added in the classpath.

Message Form atters

Message Formatters are classes which can be locally written that will format any Request/Response before/after having send it to T24.  A message formatter can be very useful in charset conversion or interfaces. For example, it could be very useful to write a Custom Listener, and 2 Message Formatters (one for requests and one for responses) to make any type of online interface, e.g. ATM.  A “MessageFormatter” is a class extending com.temenos.formatter.Formatter. This class is in the jar “messageformatter.jar” Formatter has one abstract method : public abstract byte[] format(byte[] request, byte[] response);

If the formatter is a REQUEST formatter, response will be null. Whatever is returned back will replace the request. If the class is a RESPONSE formatter, both the original request and the response will be passed. The response will be replaced by whatever is returned back. Here is a sample class which will convert CRLF to VM (253) :

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package com.temenos.formatter;

import com.temenos.messageformatter.*; import java.io.*;

public class CRLFtoVM extends Formatter {

private static final byte CR = 13; private static final private static final byte VM = (byte) 253;





public byte[] format (byte[] request, byte[] response) { if (request != null) {

ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); int nRealLength = request.length; int nFakeLength = nRealLength - 1; int i = 0; while(i < nRealLength){ if ((request[i] == CR) && ((i < nFakeLength) && (request[i + 1] == LF))) {

 baos.write(VM); i++; } else {  baos.write(request[i]); } i++;

It is possible to determine the origin of the request and calling adapter. This can be done using the class Formatter (super…) : String sAdapter = super .getAdapterID(); String sListener = super .getListenerID(); It is also possible to retrieve the value of any custom parameter (Tags).

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com.temenos.formatter.TestFormatter Hello World

For the above definition, the value of the tag can be retrieved as follows : String sParam = super.getParam(“MYPARAM”); The call can also be cancelled, so that the request will not be sent to T24Server. In this case, if a RESPONSE formatter is defined, it will be invoked with a null response. However this response can be overridden by returning any chosen value from the method format(). super.setCancelCall(true);

In order that the TCServer can locate the classes, they need to be deployed in the directory “ext”. For example, the previous sample (CRLFtoVM.class) would need to be located in /ext/com/temenos/formatter (“com/temenos/formatter” being the package name). Alternatively, if a jar file was made, it can be added in the classpath. Multiple Formatters

It is possible to specify multiple formatters, by ‘chaining’ them using a comma separator in the specific ADAPTER like this :

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com.temenos.formatter.CP838TOUTF8 com.temenos.formatter.UTF8TOCP838


1 1

The formatter “OFSML” is a special one, and does not require any definition in the tag. This formatter will convert OFSML to OFS for the request, and OFS to OFSML for the answer. The above example assumes that the class CP838TOUTF8.class and UTF8TOCP838.class are in the directory /ext/com/temenos/formatter/ and that the incoming message is encoded in CP838. Because the OFSML parser does not support this charset, the formatter chain in the ADAPTER must perform the following operations on the request and the response: 1. Convert the message into UTF8 2. Parse the message (assuming this is OFSML) 3. Convert it back in CP838 before sending it to T24Server. Example code for CP838TOUTF8 class:

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import public





public byte[] formabyte[] request, byte[] response) { t( if (response == null){ return format(request);

}else { return format(response); } } private byte[] format(byte[] orig){ try return new String(orig, "Cp838").getBytes("UTF-8");


 Alternatively the getParam() method can be used. Here is another sample MessageFormatter that formats the message from any charset to another:

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com.temenos.messageformatter.*; class 





public byte[] format(byte[] request, byte[] response) { if  (response == null){ return format(request);

}else{ return format(response);

} } private byte[] format(byte[] orig){

String sFrom = null; String sTo = null; byte[]




sFrom = super.getParam("CHARSET_IN"); sTo = super.getParam("CHARSET_OUT"); if (sFrom != null && !sFrom.equalsIgnoreCase("")){ if  (sTo != null && !sTo.equalsIgnoreCase("")){

 bResult = new String(orig, sFrom).getBytes(sTo); }else{  bResult = new String(orig, sFrom).getBytes(); } }else{ if  (sTo != null && !sTo.equalsIgnoreCase("")){


The definition of the formatter would look like this:

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com.temenos.formatter.CharsetConverter KSC5601 UTF-8


The TC Monitor is a monitoring tool allowing remote connection to any TCServer. It allows the user the stop the server, check the active channels, reset the statistics data etc. Multiple monitors can be run simultaneously. To run the TCMonitor, copy the tcmonitor.jar (which is in the lib directory of the installation path) to any desired location and start it with the script i n the install directory or type “java -jar tcmonitor.jar”. By default, the TCMonitor will try to connect to a server on « localhost », on port 9500. Connection to another server can be reached using the “File”, “Connection to …” menu options. The server is specified by :. The tcp.port element is optional. The port the TCServer is listening on can be changed using the tag in the tcserver.xml file. If the is not specified, the TCServer will simply not listen on any port.

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Telnet Daemon

The server can be managed via a telnet session using the correct port number. The port the TCServer is listening on can be changed using the tag in the jTCServer.xml file. If the is left unspecified, the TCServer will not start the telnet deamon. Eg : telnet localhost 9501 The result will look like this :

Tracing funct ionality

The TCServer uses the log4j tracing API. This API is well described on the log4j website (http://jakarta.apache.org/log4j). The configuration file used for the tracing of tcslog.properties (in the conf directory). During the deployment phase, using the “DEBUG” or “ALL” tracing level is recommended. Thereafter, the level should be set to “ERROR”.

Troubleshooting Verific ation of OFS confi guration Log onto the server and navigate to the jshell prompt.

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Type “OFS.CONNECTION.MANAGER TCS”, where “TCS” is the OFS.SOURCE record ID.  A message like “OFS VERSION 2.0” should be received, this confirms that OFS is active. Then type an enquiry in OFS format, e.g.: ENQUIRY.SELECT,,INPUTT,123456,CURRENCY-LIST If the enquiry results are displayed then the OFS configuration is correct.  Alternatively change the tcslog.properties file (in the conf directory) to redirect the tracing to the console (instead of a file) and to activate all tracing.

 And then restart the server, and an extensive set of messages will be received:

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Disregard the log4j warning messages and locate the lines highlighted above. If these are present it confirms that the TCServer is active and connecting to the T24Server.

Java version

Type “java-version” at the jshell prompt. If the version is less than 1.3.1, then java cannot execute a binary in another directory than the current one. If this is the case an upgrade to the java VM is required. However, there is the possibility to copy the entire install directory (i.e. where TCServer.sh is in the xxx.run directory. Then duplicate (and rename) the script .profile (jProfile.bat), and add the java –jar \lib\TCServer.jar. OS390

On OS390, it is necessary to be in the xxx.run directory when starting the TCserver. This can be achieved by copying the TCServer.sh file in the xxx.run directory, and editting it to change the path to the tcserver.jar like this : “ java -jar /tcserver.jar”

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Temenos Connecto r Client Prerequisites and Compability •

The TCServer must be available and running.

 Active channels for use on the particular instance of TCServer/T24. There are several way to administer/query the TCServer for the available channels (Temenos Enterprise Console (TEC), JMX console (standalone), TELNET daemon, Console, etc) but the recommended place is the configuration file (./conf/tcserver.xml).

 A java Virtual Machine (JRE) version 1.3.0 or above should be installed. To test it, type “java –  version”. Note that some problems can occur depending the java VM and the platform. Please refer to the Temenos HelpDesk in order to be sure that there are no known problems with some specific VM.

The TCClient has been deployed and tested on the following platforms : Windows 32, AIX, HP-UX, Solaris, Linux, OS390, AS400, True64.

The TCClient has also been embedded into J2EE client applications such as Temenos Browser on the following containers: IBM WebSphere 5.0, Apache Tomcat 4.0.

The main configuration elements for the java TCClient are its configuration file (./conf/channels.xml ) and its logging facilities. They are all reside in the conf directory. For a programming reference please to the javadoc (./doc/index.html ) or the samples in the samples directory.

Configuration : channels.xml The  channels.xml . file contains all the configuration parameters of the TCClient and is located in the ./conf directory. The structure of this file looks like this :

. . . . . .

. . . ...

CHANNEL defines a channel available to the API for use from a TCConnection object instance.

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NAME defines the name that will be specified in the setChannelName() or open() methods of a TCConnection object instance. TIMEOUT defines the period (in seconds) that the channel will block for a specific action (typically a response).  ADAPTER and TYPE define (WebSphere MQ, TCP, SSL, etc). the channel type as well as the particular parameters for each channel. The following section shows a complete channels.xml and details the particular settings for each one of the supported channel types:

tcp.sample 120 tcp 5003 localhost

mq.sample 15 mqseries localhost(1414)

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TCP This channel type needs a port number and a hostname. These correspond to the values set on a particular Listener of the target TCServer. PORT:

The TCP port number.


The server hostname.

MQSERIES This channel type is split into two categories, the supplier (implied) and the consumer. The supplier part is where the client posts the requests and the consumer is where it reads responses. MQHOST:

The MQ connection name in the format hostname(mqListenerPort).


The MQ Queue Manager name.


The MQ Queue name.

MQCHANNEL: The MQ Channel name. REPLYQUEUEPARAMETERS: (consumer only) Defines the MQMD parameters of each request using the replyTo() methods of MQ so that the values of the MQ listener on the server side are overriden. So on the client side, the option is available to force the response on a different queue than the default specified on the server. Use one of (NONE, QUEUE, QMANAGER, ALL). Use this to implement MQ Clustering. If MQSeries is deployed on the same machine than the TCServer, it is not necessary to specify the HOSTNAME and the CHANNEL. The TCServer will connect to MQSeries natively. Ensure that the directory containing the library “libmqjbnd05.sl” (mqjbnd05.dll for windows) is in the LIBPATH (SH_LIBPATH, LIB, …).

Tracing Functionality

The TCClient uses the log4j tracing API. This API is well described on the log4j website (http://jakarta.apache.org/log4j). The configuration file used for the tracing is tcclientlog.properties (in the conf directory). During the deployment phase, using the “INFO” tracing level is recommended. Thereafter, the level should be set to “ERROR”. Troubleshooting

To verify the configuration of the TCClient, change the tcclientlog.properties file (in the conf directory) to redirect the tracing to the console (instead of a file) and to activate all tracing.

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