Tema 3 - Magister

November 4, 2018 | Author: vanesa_duque_3 | Category: Reading (Process), Linguistics, Semiotics, Psychology & Cognitive Science, Cognitive Science
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oposiciones primaria inglés...


Tema 3.DESARROLLO DE LAS DESTREZAS LINGÜÍSTICAS: COMP COMPRE RESI SIÓN ÓN Y EX EXPR PRES ESIÓ IÓN N ORAL ORAL,, COMP COMPRE RESI SIÓN ÓN Y EX EXPR PRES ESIÓ IÓN N ESCRITA.LA COMPETENCIA COMUNICATIVA EN INGLÉS. INTRODUCTION 1. THE SPOKEN WORD 1.1. Listening: the developent o! p"pils# $%ilit& to "nde'st$nd $nd 'espond to spo(en l$ng"$ge 1.1.1. Listening s(ills 1.1.). Pl$nning *onside'$tions 1.1.+. Listening $*tivities

1.). Spe$(ing: the developent o! p"pils# $%ilit& to *o"ni*$te in spee*h 1.).1. O'$l lesson st$ges $nd $*tivities

). WRITTEN WORD ).1. Re$ding: the developent o! p"pils# $%ilit& to 'e$d, "nde'st$nd $nd 'espond to -'itten l$ng"$ge ).1.1.  %$si* odel !o' the te$*hing o! the 'e*eptive s(ills ).1.). Re$ding $*tivities

).). W'iting: the developent o! p"pils# $%ilit& to *o"ni*$te in -'iting ).).1. W'iting $*tivities ).).). W'iting s(ills

+. INTE/RTIN/ THE SKILLS +.1. Re$son !o' integ'$ting the s(ills +.). Integ'$tion $dv$nt$ges 0. COUNICTI2E COPETENCE 3. 4I4LIO/RPH5 INTRODUCTION In order to use a language efectively we need to have a number o diferent abilities. We can identiy our major skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.  These major skills may be classied in two main ways: in relation to the medium and in relation to the activity o the speaker. !peaking and listening are related to language e"pressed through the aural medium and reading and writing are related to language e"pressed through the visual medium. I we make use o the activity o the speaker speaking and writing are active or productive skills while listening and reading are passive or receptive skills. It is very important to integrate these skills in our lessons so we will see when and how to do it. We also are going to study how enable our young pupils to learn them or efective communication and nally we are going to see a study o communicative competence in our educational system.

1.THE SPOKEN WORD 1.1. Listen Listening ing:: the the develo develope pent nt o! p"pils p"pils## $%ilit $%ilit& & to "nde's "nde'st$n t$nd d $nd 'espond to spo(en l$ng"$ge #istening is a hard work or our pupils so it is very important to bear in mind that the activities must must be purpos purposeu eull and inter interest esting ing to them. them. We must must also also consid consider er our pupils pupils$$ psycho psycholog logica icall characteristics.


Listening s( s(ills

 The our major skills can be subdivided into microskills. The The most important listening skills are: are: %& predicting '& e"tracting specic inormation (& getting the general picture )& inerring opinion and attitude *& +educing meaning rom the conte"t & recogni-ing discourse patterns ur job is to train our pupils in a number o microskills they will need or the understanding o  listening te"ts. This microskills can be divided in two types ollowing /armer 0%12(&: 3Type % skills, 0general understanding& which see the te"t as a whole 3Type '0specic understanding& are used or detailed comprehension o the te"t.

1.1. 1.1.) ).

Pl$nning ing *onsid side'$tions

4eore listening we have to consider a number o steps to take: %& 5hoose the listening '& 5heck that activities are suitable (& 6djust the level o di7culty o the activities i you need )& 5onsider the time and the space available *& Think about visual aids & +ecide the material needed 8& 9now the procedure you will adopt or the listening 2& ractise reading i you are going to read it aloud

1.1.+. Listening $*tivities #istening activities ollow three stages: 3re3listening 3While3listening 3ost3listening ;
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