tema 24 mad

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presentación Editorial MAD le facilita el presente tema muestra de sus nuevas ediciones de Temarios para la preparación de las oposiciones al Cuerpo de Maestros. Cada tema contiene: – Un índice sistemático. – Una introducción y una conclusión, tal como demandan los criterios de evaluación de los tribunales. – Un esquema para cada tema para que el opositor tenga una visión global del mismo y le ayude a su estudio y memorización. – Bibliografía actualizada teniendo en cuenta las últimas publicaciones relacionadas con la especialidad y, en relación con la legislación educativa, hemos tenido en cuenta los preceptos de la LOE que están conectados con cada tema. Todos los contenidos han sido elaborados por profesores expertos en la materia de cada especialidad y expertos también en la preparación de opositores a estas plazas, contando con un alto índice de aprobados.

©Editorial MAD, S.L. y Centro de Estudios Vector Quinta edición, octubre 2010. Depósito Legal: SE-6573-2010. Derechos de edición reservados a favor de EDITORIAL MAD, S.L. Prohibida la reproducción total o parcial sin permiso escrito del editor. IMPRESO EN ESPAÑA. Diseño Portada: EDITORIAL MAD, S.L. Edita: EDITORIAL MAD, S.L. P.E. Merka, c/ Merka Cuatro, 1-15. 41500 Alcalá de Guadaíra (Sevilla) Telf.: 902 452 900


24 Technological and Pedagogical Aspects of Using Audiovisual Materials (newspaper, TV, cassette player, video, etc.). The Computer as an Auxiliary Resource for Learning and Improving Foreign Languages




2. THE COMPUTER AS AN AUXILIARY RESOURCE FOR LEARNING AND IMPROVING FOREIGN LANGUAGES 2.1. ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) 2.2. Teaching English with computers 2.3. Internet options in the classroom 2.4. WebQuests 2.5. The computer as a resource for the teacher




Technological and Pedagogical Aspects of Using Audiovisual Materials

The great thing about a computer notebook is that no matter how much you stuff into it, it doesn’t get bigger or heavier.

Bill Gates.

Introduction As far as Spanish legislation is concerned, we can state that this topic is of great importance as ICT are mentioned in many parts of the new legislation. That is why it is important for the future teacher to update this topic constantly. We have tried to include the latest investigations concerning modern technologies, but it is nearly impossible to include everything. Media has always facilitated language learning. When children learn a first or second language, they grasp the meaning of words from the objects that surround them. In the same way, non–native speakers should make use of the here and now, or objects in the immediate learning environment. Media that lends itself to language learning generally falls into two categories: non– technical media and technical media. The table below shows how media may be classified. As far as the teaching learning process is concerned, this topic is relevant too because pupils usually feel much more motivated if technical aids are used. It is more interesting to follow a presentation on the digital board than only listening to the teacher. On the other hand, as motivation is one of the essential elements of the learning teaching process, teachers should be ready to use any of the new technologies so as to make the process more interesting.

1. Technological and pedagogical aspects of using audiovisual materials There are a lot of materials to be used in a classroom: NON–TECHNICAL Blackboards/whiteboards Magnet boards / flannelboards Flashcards/index cards Wall charts, posters, maps, scrolls Board games Mounted pictures/photos Cartoons/line drawings Objects/realia Pamphlets/brochures/flyers/menus Equipment operation manuals Puppets Newspapers/books/magazines

TECHNICAL Record player MP3-player CD player/recorder Radio Television Video player/recorder/DVD-player Telephone/teletrainer Overhead projector Filmstrip/film projector Opaque projector Slide projector Computer Language lab Computer lab Multimedia lab topic 24 5

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There is no doubt that nowadays students are part of a society in which image and sound are more important than ever before. We are continuously surrounded by images. Thus it will be interesting to know which functions these images may have on TESL. Teachers should use visual displays (i.e. graphs, charts, photos) in the lessons and assignments to support the oral or written message. Visual / graphic organizers should be used before presenting a reading passage. The provision of additional contextual information in the form of a visual should make the comprehension task easier. There are numerous audio–visual aids that can be used in lessons. Among others, using audiovisual aids has the following advantages: a) They maintain a high level of interest and motivation in the lesson. b) It is easy to get students to use the language, especially at the beginning stages. c) Greater student participation is promoted. d) They can be used at all levels of learning. Another point of view to be kept in mind when talking about the pedagogical aspects of audiovisual materials is Howard Gardner’s concept of multiple intelligences. If we apply his general ideas to ESL, we can distinguish the following kinds of learners: Auditory Learners. Students with this style will be able to recall what they hear and will prefer oral instructions. They learn by listening and speaking. These students enjoy talking and interviewing. They are phonetic readers who enjoy oral reading, choral reading, and listening to recorded books. They learn best by: –

Interviewing, debating.

Participating on a panel.

Giving oral reports.

Participating in oral discussions of written material.

Visual Learners. Visual learners will be able to recall what they see and will prefer written instructions. These students are sight readers who enjoy reading silently. Better yet, present information to them with a video. They will learn by observing and enjoy working with: –

Computer graphic.

Maps, graphs, charts.




Graphic organizers.

Texts with a lot of pictures.

This group is the one which will take most advantage from audiovisual materials. 6 topic 24

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Tactile Learners. Students with this strength learn best by touching. They understand directions that they write and will best gain knowledge through manipulatives. They will learn best by: –


Playing board games.

Making models.

Following instructions to make something.

Kinaesthetic Learners. Kinaesthetic learners also learn by touching or manipulating objects. They need to involve their whole body in learning. Total Physical Response is a good ESL method for them. They remember material best if they act it out. These students learn best by: –

Playing games that involve their whole body.

Movement activities.

Making models.

Following instructions to make something.

Setting up experiments.

Global Learners. Global learners are spontaneous and intuitive. They do not like to be bored. Information needs to be presented in an interesting manner using attractive materials. Cooperative learning strategies and holistic reading methods work well with these learners. Global learners learn best through: –

Choral reading.

Recorded books.

Story writing.

Computer programmes.


Group activities.

Analytic Learners. Analytic learners plan and organize their work. They focus on details and are logical. They are phonetic readers and prefer to work individually on activity sheets. They learn best when:

Information is presented in sequential steps.

Lessons are structured and teacher–directed.

Goals are clear.

Requirements are spelled out. topic 24 7

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In the following these audiovisual aids are going to be analyzed:   1. Newspapers.   2. Television.   3. CD–players.   4. Video recorder/DVD-player.   5. Slides.   6. OHP.   7. Chalkboard.   8. Flannelboard.   9. Flipcharts. 10. Wallcharts. 11. Photographs. 12. Flashcards. 1. Newspapers Due to the fact that newspapers are written for native speakers, we should not use them before the last cycle of Primary Education as it could be demotivating for our pupils. Even then we will mainly use sections like entertainment or sports. In the past it was not always easy to find a foreign newspaper, but now we can use On–line newspapers which provide further opportunity to bring authentic English and current events into the classroom. There are sites for large papers like The Times or The Daily Telegraph, and most local newspapers also maintain web sites. It is necessary to do some advance research to see if the sites charge a user fee and how the information is organized. Then, teachers can set up activities as they would do with any reading unit. Another teaching resource is on–line ESL newspapers or newsletters. These publications, such as the ones from “The Guardian Weekly” available at http://www.onestopenglish.com/ (accessed 15/09/08) serve many purposes in a classroom. Like any newspaper, they provide information and reading activities. However, because they are written for ESL students, the writing tends to be at a more accessible level and there are sometimes support features such as vocabulary lists or grammar explanations. 2. Television When using TV in English lessons there may be some technical problems like moving from one classroom to another, too much light in the classroom or bad acoustic conditions. Once these have been overcome, we must be careful about which programme we choose as at least global comprehension of what students watch must be assured. Nevertheless, TV is an excellent resource for hearing and listening to English. The pictures help you understand what is being said. If you do not have access to English– language TV, you may be able to watch TV on Internet. 8 topic 24

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Here are some interesting free sites where you can watch TV programmes: BBC Breakfast with Frost http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/breakfast_with_frost/default.stm Interviews and News. BBC News http://news.bbc.co.uk News from all over the world. BBC Parliament http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/programmes/bbc_parliament/default.stm Listen live to British Parliament. Euro News http://www.euronews.net Watch videos concerning the most important daily news and current issues. Worldart Media TV http://worldart.com Programmes concerning arts, culture and music live. Comedy Central http://www.comedycentral.com Funny videos and episodes from comedies. On the other hand, TV commercials provide an ideal medium for teaching ESL students critical thinking skills in the listening class. Teachers, can use commercials in the classroom to teach students to be critical consumers (cross curricular issue) who can make thoughtful judgments about the products and services they see advertised. At the same time, teachers can also take advantage of the TV commercial format to introduce critical thinking skills such as sequencing, predicting, making associations, and seeing cause and effect. 3. CD–players CD–players are used to present listening learning materials to students. However, tape recorders are also wonderful props that help students become more playful with the learning process and involve them at a deeper level. Here are a few suggestions for using a MP3 or CD-player:

Have students record their conversations. The feedback involved is invaluable – and often more effective than simple teacher correction. Students are surprisingly quick to catch their own mistakes in pronunciation and grammar when listening to themselves.

Have students practice and prepare a presentation or dialogue for a tape recorder. Students preparing materials for a finished “project” tend to be very involved in that project. This involvement contributes to effective “long–term” learning. topic 24 9

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For the presentation CDs are important media especially for non–native teachers whose pronunciation is not perfect. Besides, it is important for the pupils to listen to different inputs as far as pronunciation is concerned. There is a lot of recorded material available nowadays, even to produce background noises like people washing up or clapping hands, but if none of them should be acceptable for our lesson plan, the teacher can prepare own CDs. 4. Video recorder/DVD-player The video recorder and tapes or DVD player and DVDs are now common teaching aids available in many schools, especially those located in urban areas. However, teachers often do not take full advantage of their usefulness for teaching and learning and this is usually because they do not plan sufficiently well and ahead of time to incorporate them in their lessons. This section discusses the advantages of using the video in the classroom and what you must do before, during and after viewing to ensure an effective lesson. A video / DVD can be used to: –

Generate interest and stimulate the students’ imagination.

Provide a common experience for all your students.

Offer a different approach to a topic.

Connect students to faraway places or to experiences unavailable in the classroom.

Demonstrate abstract ideas.

Stimulate the development of critical thinking skills.

Promote critical viewing skills and media awareness.

To ensure an effective lesson using the video /DVD and to encourage students to become active viewers the following guidelines should be followed: Before Viewing: Teachers have to preview the video/DVD to see if its content is appropriate for the lesson’s objectives, they should also review related print material, especially the teacher’s guide that may accompany the video/DVD. It should be decided whether the entire tape/ DVD or only relevant segments that illustrate the lesson’s objectives will be used. Items to be kept in mind when selecting the video/DVD: –

Select programmes that model language and provide settings and events that are familiar to the students’ real–life experiences.

Select video/DVD that provides background images for student reading.

Once the video/DVD has been chosen, the teacher should prepare the classroom environment and video/DVD equipment by: –

Making sure that s/he is familiar with the features on the TV set and video recorder/DVD player, especially the record, pause, review and memory functions. The teacher might want to delegate the job of operating the video recorder to responsible students.

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Using low light to increase the dramatic effect and brighter light to help eliminate distractions in order to enhance the learning experiences.

Planning one’s own position in such a way that it maximises the “facilitator” role. If teachers stand close to the TV monitor, they will find it easier to point to the screen and explain unfamiliar information.

Carry out previewing activities with your students by stimulating their pre–existing knowledge. For example a brainstorm task to elaborate a list of words related to the topic. During Viewing: The following advice should be followed: Use video as the jumping–off point for active learning. Use a short segment at a time and find segments that support your specific objectives. Control the pace and amount of information your students receive in any given viewing. Classify, analyse and discuss each segment thoroughly. After Viewing: Questions like the ones bellow can be asked. The lower the level is, the easier the questions will be. –

What is the message?

Who is the target audience?

How was the video made?

Why was it made in that way?

What is the context in which it was created?

5. Slides The best slide projector to use in the classroom is one which holds a slide tray or carousel and has a long remote control extension cable to allow the teacher freer movement and to talk from the front of the class. Although the slide projector is not as flexible as the OHP (slides have to be carefully prepared in advance and there needs to be a partial blackout in the classroom), it has some definite advantages:

There is a change of pace and activity when the slide projector is used and this could arouse the interest of the students. The practical preparations of setting up the projector and blacking out the room cause an excitement that something different is going to happen.

The slides are easy to obtain and produce. Slides can be teacher–made or can be bought commercially.

They can be arranged and re–arranged into different sets for different uses.

They create an impact and transport the students beyond the confines of the classroom.

They can be shown at any speed. The teacher can, for example, hold a picture on the screen for some time to examine it in detail or to facilitate discussion among the students. topic 24 11

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Slides can be used in a variety of learning situations, from grammar–learning to story– telling. For example: –

A set of slides of beautiful scenes can be used to learn adjectives, verbs, practising comparatives and superlatives, practising invitations, acceptances and refusals.

A set of slides showing a sequence or process can be used, of course, to describe a process or sequence and the grammatical and vocabulary items related to the process or sequence. A reading passage or guided writing exercise could follow.

A single slide can be projected and exploited in exactly the same way as a wall chart or picture.

6. OHP (Overhead Projector) The overhead projector (OHP) is considered a versatile teaching aid because: –

It is vivid and interest–catching – it gives a bright image on the screen.

There is no need to blackout the room – the image is clear even in a bright room.

The teacher can face the students while providing and explaining information on the transparency.

The transparencies can be prepared ahead of time or written during the presentation stage.

The OHP is mobile –– it can be moved from room to room or from one part of the room to another part.

7. Chalkboard (formerly called blackboard) Although modern means will substitute the chalkboard because they are easier to handle and less time–consuming, the chalkboard can be used for the following: 1. To write down what students say (for example in brainstorm activities). 2. Stick pictures or flashcards on it. 3. Draw pictures. This can be done by students or the teacher. 4. Students work together to create their own poem/song. The teacher can act as the “scribe,” writing on the chalkboard as the students dictate. Students can then practise reading their own work. 5. By using chalkboard–style pictures the teacher can illustrate each context and make practice more meaningful and interesting. 6. During pair work, we can ask each pair to go to the chalkboard and write their sentences, so that the whole class has the opportunity to have all the sentences for further reference. 8. Flannelboard A flannelboard (and a magnetic board too) is simple and inexpensive to construct. It is easy to store and light to carry. It makes the teacher more mobile as it can be moved to 12 topic 24

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where students are sitting. Both can be used to provide a wide range of language practice for the students from language skills, forms or functions to grammar items. Children usually enjoy participating in flannelboard activities if materials appropriate to their mental maturity have been chosen. The flannelboard is a dynamic medium in that it provides a way of presenting ‘mobile’ situations and changes can be shown by adding or taking away figurines and flashcards. The figures can be made by the teacher him/herself for that s/he should choose a reasonably thick cardboard to ensure durability. The figures or objects should be cut out large enough to be seen by students at the back of the class. There should not be too much detail on them. It is a good idea to give them a clear coat of varnish to make them more lasting. You can make a collection of figurines from magazines, posters, newspapers, wrapping papers, etc. There is a variety of materials you can use: felt, woolen material, velvet, suede, blotting paper, sponge or any other material with natural adhesion. It is a good idea to build up sets or categories of figurines rather than try to prepare them for individual lessons or specific language items. Examples of sets of figurines: people in general, people doing things, occupations, food, household objects, places, animals, symbols logos. It is recommendable to store figurines in stiff, clear plastic envelopes (these can be bought), each clearly labelled with the contents. 9. Flipcharts These consist of a number of large sheets of paper, fixed to a support bar, easel or a display board by clamming or pinning them along their top edges so that they can be flipped backwards or forwards as required. 10. Wallcharts and charts Although charts and wall–charts are basically the same, they can be distinguished in two ways: –

Charts usually refer to displays on large sheets of paper or cloth that are designed to be shown to a class or group in the course of lesson. Wall–charts are displays that are pinned to a wall or bulletin board and are mainly intended for casual study outside the context of a formal lesson.

The material on charts are usually larger and easier to read than on wall–charts as the former has to be clearly distinguishable or legible at a distance whereas the latter can be studied at close quarters.

Both charts and wall–charts have a great advantage in that they can contain far more complicated and detailed information than transparencies or flipcharts. 11. Realia In the context of the ESL classroom, realia can be defined as a real object which has a purpose outside the ESL classroom and can be brought into the classroom.

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Realia can be in the form of: –

Written text or print taken from newspapers, magazines, books, the Internet which have not been written for the purpose of second language teaching and learning.

Audio–visual materials not produced for the purpose of second language teaching and learning.

Non–linguistic material such as stones, leaves, food products, clothes, etc.

The usage of realia has the following advantages: –

They connect students to the world outside the classroom.

They make language learning more relevant and meaningful.

They prepare students for post–classroom experience.

They motivate students to investigate and use L2 outside the classroom.

12. Photographs Photographs have layers of meaning and can be used in a number of ways depending on the context and the intent. They can, for instance be used to teach various tenses depending on the level of the ESL students. Here are some examples: –

Present tense.

What do you see in the photograph? What do you remember of the day? Who are the people in the photograph? Why do you like this photo?

Present Continuous.

What is happening in the photograph? What are the people doing? What are the people wearing? How are they feeling?

Simple Past.

Who took the picture? What happened? Why did you choose this particular photograph to write about? Why did you take this photograph?

Past Continuous.

What were the people doing?

13. Flashcards Flashcards have a lot of advantages over pictures drawn on the blackboard the teacher can prepare them beforehand and no time will be wasted by drawing them. Besides, flashcards can be used over and over again. You can classify them according to grammatical aspects or semantic ones. Nowadays there are thousands of flashcards which can be found on the Internet. At the end of this practical situation we will show you some websites. One important point of view to be kept in mind when using flashcards is that they should be big enough for the whole class to see. 14 topic 24

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Images are a very effective tool in teaching a language. There are countless ways to take advantage of images in the class and make ESL lessons more effective. –

Images help translate the meaning of words.

Images help teachers elicit target and grammar structures.

Images add colour to a lesson, and help keep students interested.

Images give context to the structures being taught.

Images motivate students to speak and write.

In general we can say that using pictures or flashcards has the following advantages: –

Initial motivation can be created easily and the students will be interested in what they are going to learn.

The teacher can create situations to role–play dialogues.

Structures can be practised by using communicative functions which are contextualised with the help of flashcards.

Vocabulary will be studied more easily with the help of adequate flashcards.

You can use pictures or flashcards for the contextualised practice of pronunciation with minimal pairs.

Flashcards can also be used to explain grammar, e.g. question formation. In this case, they will have words instead of pictures.

Prepositions or interrogative pronouns can also be shown and taught more easily.

As flashcards are an excellent medium for introducing, practising and revising vocabulary, we will describe some techniques, activities and games which can be used with almost any vocabulary set and which can be adapted for use with all levels.

2. The computer as an auxiliary resource for learning and improving foreign languages 2.1. ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) This term (USA: IT=Information Technologies) is generally applied to tele– communication, computer science and all means of interchange of messages, data, information and knowledge. In Europe since 1990 ICT also refers to audio–visual means and multimedia. As far as language learning is concerned, we can choose among the following technologic media:





CD. topic 24 15

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Television (ppv, digital, interactive).

Cinema / home–cinema.


Mobile phone.

PC (personal computer).

Many English departments, nevertheless, apply the following forms of ICT: –

Activities designed with the help of the programme (e.g. CLIC).

Educative programmes.


Record one’s own digital videos.

Activities designed by the programme Hot Potatoes.

Information Search in the Internet.

2.2. Teaching English with Computers Four of the main reasons why computers should be used in the English language classroom are the following: 1. Motivation. Pupils usually like using computers outside class and school to play games or surf the Internet. We can take advantage of this enthusiasm and focus it on the pupils’ learning process. 2. Neutral Assessment. English language exercises on–line can be a good solution for less advantaged students as they will be corrected or evaluated by a machine and not by the teacher or other classmates. This fact may motivate them to take risks and experiment with language during the learning process. 3. Communication. Nowadays computers are used as one of the major means of communication. The language teaching and learning should not leave this medium behind. 4. Attention to diversity. In big classes, there will always be pupils who learn at a different pace. By using computers, each student can use exercises which are adapted to his / her pace. Thus, individual learning features will be respected. Another point of view to be considered is the role of the teacher when using computers. First, the teacher must know the moment when computers are utilisable, but s/he must not become a slave to technology. To take advantage from using computers, the teacher must know the pupils’ strong and weak sides. In this way curricular adaptations can be developed, so that slow learners can gain better support. It is also important that the pedagogical demands should always be highlighted. On the other hand, the teacher’s technical training 16 topic 24

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gains importance. By using computers, pupils will be more responsible for their learning, but they should also be allowed to experiment. Computers may constitute a motivating factor in language teaching, above all, if the pupils are required to use a computer to answer the teacher’s questions. Teachers ought to get used to the idea that computers will be an essential teaching tool, so teaching will change in a positive direction, as blackboard and teacher–fronted approaches will be reduced. As far as teaching resources are concerned, one of the most obvious uses of a computer is to make worksheets. To do so, we can use simple programs or more complex ones, like Excel, if we want to prepare crosswords or board games like “Snakes and Ladders”. The computer can also be used to play DVDs. the advantage of DVDs over videocassettes is that you can choose whether or not to show subtitles, and also choose the language in which they can be viewed. In general, it seems to be best to watch with no subtitles first, to get a general impression, then with subtitles in the students’ mother tongue to get the gist, and finally with English subtitles to focus more clearly on form. Another variety of computers are Power–Point presentations as they are an excellent visual stimulus to facilitate language acquisition. You can use slides (of your own or from the Internet) and although it is a time–consuming preparation, it is worthwhile as you can use the same slides on more than one occasion. In a first step, the students will only see the slides, but after the presentation of the pictures, they will also find the vocabulary and structures in the Power–Point presentation.

2.3. Internet Options in the Classroom If there is only one computer in the classroom, you can download any page, print it and hand it out in the classroom or transfer it to an overhead transparency. (Be sure to get permission to do so from the author of the web site if it is copyrighted.) Another option is to save the page on your hard disk and then use it for later applications. With one computer in the classroom, you will find that the computer screen is too small to use for viewing by the whole class. A high resolution LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) player or panel gives very good resolutions although they are not cheap. There are a lot of ways you can supplement your programme planning with Internet resources. For example, in the shopping unit, you can use “Harrod’s online shopping” with descriptions, sizes and colours and the special e–mail order service. It usually works well to have two students for one computer, if there are more computers. Three students for each computer is less desirable, but can be satisfactory in some cases. Keep in mind that students need free access to Internet resources for research activities. Otherwise web pages can be downloaded and copied onto each computer. In general, there are some advantages of using Internet in the English language classroom. First of all, we should mention the authenticity of the source. It is usually quite difficult or expensive to get hold of English magazines, newspapers or radio programmes, but the Internet can substitute these to a certain extent. Secondly, say that on the Internet we can find nearly all the information we may need: encyclopedias, dictionaries or informative magazines. Last but not least, Internet is a communication tool and as such it will substitute traditional penfriends because communication is more direct and faster.

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Another option of using the Internet are MP3 files. They are used when neither the students nor the teacher have the song needed, for example, a song that refers to the topic “summer time”. You can use the Internet to search for the lyrics, download the song, and later you make a listening exercise for it.

2.4. WebQuests According to Philip Benz, a WebQuest is a constructive approach to learning by means of which students can accomplish far more real learning than in traditional learning situations. Therefore, good guidance and scaffolding must be provided. A WebQuest is an interactive task that involves pupils in searching the Internet for information which is related to a topic. The English language should be used for authentic real–life purposes while searching for the information needed to complete the task. In general, WebQuests are flexible tasks that can be made easier or more difficult according to the pupils’ abilities. Once students are used to working with WebQuests, we may ask them to develop their own WebQuest. Dudeney established four main points of view to carry out a good WebQuest: 1. Introductory Phase. The learners will know the theme, the key vocabulary and any concepts that will be necessary to deal with the tasks. 2. Explanatory Phase. The tasks will be explained clearly to the learners so that they can proceed successfully through the project. 3. Process Stage. The learners are guided through the activities and tasks using the resources which are usually presented in the form of Web links. At the end the learners are expected to present one or more products. 4. Evaluation Stage. This stage involves both, self–evaluation and teacher evaluation. There will also be time for feedback on language performance and final production. By using the Internet for a project, the students do not only use the English language to do things, but they also develop autonomous learning and creativity. Within this process one of the most interesting features is that pupils are in touch with authentic language. The teacher’s role during a WebQuest can mainly be described with the following terms: –

Facilitator. S/he provides the necessary language items.

Monitor. S/he always keeps an eye on the development of the tasks in general.

As to this role, the teacher should always keep a balance between helping students and letting them learn autonomously.

Evaluator. The teacher should evaluate the final result as well as the process. In the explanatory phase it should be clear for the students what they are expected to do and their outcomes should accomplish these guidelines.

In the following we are going to describe a WebQuest task about “The Swan’s Nest” by Hans Christian Andersen. By doing this WebQuest pupils are supposed to: –

Get more information about Hans Christian Andersen.

Learn more about swans and other animals.

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The Swan’s Nest by Hans Christian Andersen

Name: …

Date: …

Introduction: In the WebQuest you are going to read a story about a swan. You will find information about swans on the Internet and use this information to write a short description of a swan.

The WebQuest 1. Read the story “The Swan’s Nest” by Hans Christian Andersen: http://hca.gilead.org.il/swans_ne.html 2. Find the names of three more tales by Andersen: http://www. andersen.sdu.dk/titler/vis_e.html 3. Go to this page http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swan and answer the following questions about swans: a) What colour are swans usually? b) How many eggs do they usually lay? c) Where is the black swan from? 4. Go to this page https://www.davisfarmland.com/new-site/ funsound.html to find out about different animal sounds. 5. Go to the following page to look for a picture of a swan, http:// images.google.es/images?q=Animals+Pictures&hl=es&lr=&s a=N&tab=ii&oi=imagest. Once you found the picture, copy and paste it in a WORD file. 6. Now go to your WORD file, write the answers to question three in sentences, print the file together with the swan picture.

2.5. The computer as a resource for the teacher Computers cannot only be used in the classroom and together with the students, but the teachers themselves can benefit from this means. One of these usages could be a database to file resources. The resources should be filed according to fields, for example topics, functions, skills and structures. On the other hand, we can file all kind of worksheets according to the level/topic they will be used for. We can also keep teaching ideas in general to look for information when a new topic, function or grammatical structure is to be introduced. As to the Internet, teachers can use it to do language research, to get information about any topic and to clear up doubts about language usage.

topic 24 19

Editorial MAD ha diseñado un Servicio Exclusivo para apoyar a los opositores que han confiado en sus textos para la preparación de las pruebas de acceso al Cuerpo de Maestros. Este Servicio Exclusivo se presta únicamente a través de Internet. La página principal para acceder al mismo es www.oposicion-primaria.com En esta WEB, y durante 3 años desde su alta, los opositores encontrarán contenidos que apoyarán la preparación de las pruebas de la oposición. Entre otros, podrá encontrar: – Actualizaciones legislativas relacionadas con la oposición. – Currículos de cada Comunidad Autónoma. – Actualizaciones de los contenidos publicados en nuestros libros. Todo este asesoramiento, acceso a la información actualizada y actualizaciones normativas de las publicaciones se realizan a través de Internet y se facilita exclusivamente a aquellas personas registradas como adquirentes de nuestros libros (consulte condiciones en la web www.oposicion-primaria.com). Una ayuda personal y en exclusiva para aquéllos que se quieran preparar estas oposiciones con garantía de un buen material y el respaldo de una empresa con un plan de preparación completo.

EDITORIAL MAD, S.L. P.E. Merka, c/ Merka Cuatro, 1-15 41500 Alcalá de Guadaíra, Sevilla Tfno: 902 452 900 www.mad.es www.oposicion-primaria.com

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