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Telephone Directory
A Project entitled “Telephone Directory” is used to maintain the phone numbers of many users in a system. In this system we can add the new entries, iew all the aailable entries, modify the specified record and delete a particular entry. !ere we maintain all of our data in a "#$ Acces file. %n that file only we can add new entry, modify entry and delete a particular entry.
&efore this Telephone Directory system users maintain there re'uired phone numbers in a boo(. There may be a chance to loss of boo(. It is a time consumin) process to identify a particular number.
In order to eliminate the drawbac(s of the e*istin) system, a system has been deeloped due to which the person need not spend much time in identify a phone number and instead database is built that ta(es care of eery transaction thereby reducin) the burden on customer.
The purpose of the system, which has been deeloped, is to allow an end user to interact with the Telephone Directory system which proides some basic features such as addin) new record information, modifyin), iewin) and deletin) entries. This will also sae a lot of time. Scope: ♦
+sers sae the phone numbers alon) with their names
"odify the names and phone numbers
Deletin) the contact numbers
iewin) all contact numbers one after another
&efore this Telephone Directory system users maintain there re'uired phone numbers in a boo(. There may be a chance to loss of boo(. It is a time consumin) process to identify a particular number. If the boo( is lost by us then we are lost the all contact numbers. Then once a)ain we are )atherin) those all persons details is ery difficult and some times it is not possible to )ather those all details. If some persons chan)es hisher contact number then chan)es old one is not possible in the boo(. It is time /onsumin) process. There is a chance to loss of data. Performance
of the system is low. is not possible. #earchin) for number is most difficult Deletin) contact is also not possible "odification
Propose# Syste"
In order to eliminate the drawbac(s of the e*istin) system, a system has been deeloped due to which the person need not spend much time in identify a phone number and instead database is built that ta(es care of eery transaction thereby reducin) the burden on customer. &y usin) this proposed system we can reduce the problems of e*istin) system In this proposed system we can modify the customers name and hisher contact number details, searchin), iewin) and deletin) contacts is also possible. #earchin) for contact number is ta(es less time.
0oals of ew #ystem 1. To reduce paper wor(. -. 2ill be readily aailable. 3. To aoid errors inherent in manual paper wor(. 4. To improe mana)ement of permanent and updated information i.e., 5. Databases by proidin) facilities to edit this information, manipulate it And finally retriee this information as efficiently as possible.
&'r#('re Re)uire"ents: Processor
Intel P$I based system
64"& to 51-"&
&'rD # is*
-70& to 870&
+ey Bo'r#
171 #tandard
#amsun) 19::
So,t('re Re)uire"ents:
L'n!u'!e Oper'tin!Syste" P'c*'!e
;-#D< 1.4.7 2indows T=8-777>P
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"s %ffice -773
+sin) isual paradism software for drawin) +"? dia)rams
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